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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/17 in all areas

  1. Looking at my in-progress maps like
    10 points
  2. New avatar, from something dumb. Tama doesn't understand complicated issues, like how to pronounce her own name.
    8 points
  3. i just realized that 'heck' is a combination of 'hell' and 'fuck'
    4 points
  4. Guest



    After restoring partial peace on earth, you make your way back home to find your family has been captured by terrorists. You go to the terrorists base to rescue your family. Before you even get in, the terrorists capture you. They tell you that you will not see your family again unless you make it through Mangle. If you don't make it through, they will kill your family.
    1 point
  5. Super turbo mega ultra bad edgy poem 2: I want to burn, I want to combust To escape these fellings of anger and lust Within me these flames scar and consume Until the dreaded moment these issues bloom To display to the world the beast I've become So cold, so angry, so lost and so very numb... Were it not for that bright smile I would've been dead all this while For it gives me purpose, a goal My beacon, my destination, my very soul Yet, all those moments I reached out my hand It just left me submerged, it doesn't understand I'm not swimming, I'm drowning in hell In misery, suffering, hatred and doubt as well My lungs are collapsed, I can't breathe The current is heavy, with a pull and a heave I'm dragged down into the dark murk With nought on my face but an accepting smirk This darkened crushing gloop will be my grave I really wish that I were more brave I'd let them know I'm trapped down here But the thought of them seeing this mess feeds my fear I'm a monster now, what would they think? I think It'd be best to remain in this vile drink.
    1 point
  6. Finally! Episode 2 of the playthrough of TNT: Revilution on air!
    1 point
  7. princetontiger

    too hot in NYC

    too hot in NYC
    1 point
  8. Zandronum Deathmatch Time! Join in: [Doomshack.org] DWANGO Rotation: 50 classic maps
    1 point
  9. Xyzzу

    You're awesome now!

    You're awesome now!
    1 point
  10. Does the source-port you're using affect your demon killing skillZ0rZ? The other day I was masochistic enough to try to replay map15: Industrial Zone in Cancer3D Risen3D and my ass kept getting kicked, despite having mouselook under my belt. Today I tried the same in Chocolate Doom and this time the ones who got their asses kixXx0rd were the demons. God bless fraggle. Does this happen to others as well?
    1 point
  11. Working on some maps for my teams collab. @UACDS
    1 point
  12. Ouch. Someone got a brand new Wolfenstein 3D big box (first CD-ROM version; NOT the 1998/2001 re-release) for AU $10, literally seconds before I could buy it.
    1 point
  13. Another mapset finished...TNT: Revilution complete!!!.
    1 point
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