Super turbo mega ultra bad edgy poem 2:
I want to burn, I want to combust
To escape these fellings of anger and lust
Within me these flames scar and consume
Until the dreaded moment these issues bloom
To display to the world the beast I've become
So cold, so angry, so lost and so very numb...
Were it not for that bright smile
I would've been dead all this while
For it gives me purpose, a goal
My beacon, my destination, my very soul
Yet, all those moments I reached out my hand
It just left me submerged, it doesn't understand
I'm not swimming, I'm drowning in hell
In misery, suffering, hatred and doubt as well
My lungs are collapsed, I can't breathe
The current is heavy, with a pull and a heave
I'm dragged down into the dark murk
With nought on my face but an accepting smirk
This darkened crushing gloop will be my grave
I really wish that I were more brave
I'd let them know I'm trapped down here
But the thought of them seeing this mess feeds my fear
I'm a monster now, what would they think?
I think It'd be best to remain in this vile drink.