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Spyro map update: HMP is going to be a microslaughter affair, with UV potentially bei
MrGlide and 5 others reacted to Dragonfly for a status update
Spyro map update: HMP is going to be a microslaughter affair, with UV potentially being much nuttier. This map is designed for HMP, currently. I will be making Skills 1/2 much, much more different to the main map. I hope to make it an entirely different experience altogether where even the route you take around the map is different. Regardless, I just did a 'final playtest' of HMP - 8% health... What a close call!6 points -
If you can't handle me at my Doom II MAP24, you don't deserve me at my Plutonia MAP32
baja blast rd. and 2 others reacted to Jayextee for a status update
If you can't handle me at my Doom II MAP24, you don't deserve me at my Plutonia MAP32.3 points -
Does anyone know what the first Community Project was?
Doomkid and one other reacted to everennui for a status update
Does anyone know what the first Community Project was?2 points -
I'm looking to get better at 'hard' maps. Both playing them and making them. By getti
Doomkid and one other reacted to Dragonfly for a status update
I'm looking to get better at 'hard' maps. Both playing them and making them. By getting better at playing them I'll be better at making them, naturally. Can people please advise me how to 'git gud'? What did the likes of @rdwpa, @Demon of the Well, @Bloodite Krypto etc etc etc do to improve their skill? I feel a starting point would be for me to beat the final doom IWADs a few times over on UV, and maybe play Sunder/Sunlust on easier difficulties?2 points -
My youngest brother Christopher dancing Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson.
Ledillman and one other reacted to Gerardo194 for a status update
My youngest brother Christopher dancing Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson.2 points -
Yesterday I was playing 2016 DOOM on an XBox and my friends were talking about the or
KVELLER reacted to ImpMan11203 for a status update
Yesterday I was playing 2016 DOOM on an XBox and my friends were talking about the original Doom. I decided to play the music from E1M1 - Hangar. When they heard it they asked me "What's that?". Jesus, I need new friends1 point -
I just plain hate dust. I got a new keyboard a few months back, and now the thing is bathed in dust behind my keys. If only if I didn't live in such an old, dusty house.1 point
4 friends playing the original version of the game that we all met in. Great way to celebrate turning 27 today.1 point
Do you guys also have a lot of dog shit in parks in your country? :\1 point
Spent the whole day catching up the previous edits because my old HDD were dead. this
Nine Inch Heels reacted to R1ck for a status update
Spent the whole day catching up the previous edits because my old HDD were dead. this one going to take some time. bottom is overhauled.1 point -
Just qualified. All rounds on target.
BigDickBzzrak reacted to Tracer for a status update
Just qualified. All rounds on target.1 point -
Gun Free Zones deter criminals from committing gun related crime in certain areas the
DoctorGenesis reacted to Tracer for a status update
Gun Free Zones deter criminals from committing gun related crime in certain areas the same way that drug laws deter drug dealers from selling drugs. Oh wait...criminals don't concern themselves with laws. Whoops. Before it is stated...no, drug laws should not be done away with because "people will do them anyway." I have heard that counter argument and it is not the same in my eyes, because selling drugs is protecting nobody while a law abiding gun owner who is concealing a firearm for personal protection is hurting nobody except whoever is intending to kill or severely injure somebody. When faced with imminent death at the hands of a weapon wielding maniac...I would rather rely on myself than the response time of a police officer.1 point -
Super turbo mega ultra bad edgy poem 2: I want to burn, I want to combust To escape t
Xyzzу reacted to mrthejoshmon for a status update
Super turbo mega ultra bad edgy poem 2: I want to burn, I want to combust To escape these fellings of anger and lust Within me these flames scar and consume Until the dreaded moment these issues bloom To display to the world the beast I've become So cold, so angry, so lost and so very numb... Were it not for that bright smile I would've been dead all this while For it gives me purpose, a goal My beacon, my destination, my very soul Yet, all those moments I reached out my hand It just left me submerged, it doesn't understand I'm not swimming, I'm drowning in hell In misery, suffering, hatred and doubt as well My lungs are collapsed, I can't breathe The current is heavy, with a pull and a heave I'm dragged down into the dark murk With nought on my face but an accepting smirk This darkened crushing gloop will be my grave I really wish that I were more brave I'd let them know I'm trapped down here But the thought of them seeing this mess feeds my fear I'm a monster now, what would they think? I think It'd be best to remain in this vile drink.1 point -
I hate it when Youtube video suggestions spoil parts of movies or TV shows.1 point
Some horrible Doom pickup lines. You must be an archvile because you really light a f
Demon of the Well reacted to baja blast rd. for a status update
Some horrible Doom pickup lines. You must be an archvile because you really light a fire in me. Damn baby, you're thiccer than a closet full of cyberdemons! I don't have a chainsaw but I think I found my meat!!!!!! I'll be your former human trooper, want to see my pea shooter? Babe are you flagged secret, because I've been looking for you all my life! Is your name Eternal Doom, because I could get lost in you forever. You must be a Ribbiks map, because damn you are tight. Did you just spam your BFG? Because I can feel you tracing the outline of my heart. Roses are red, violets are blue, like a mastermind on an imp, I'm stuck on you.1 point -
We've seen things that flip maps upside down, but being able to navigate Doom maps up
ImpMan11203 reacted to SaladBadger for a status update
We've seen things that flip maps upside down, but being able to navigate Doom maps upside down with 6DOF controls is quite a trippy experience1 point -
Nothing ruins a Friday quicker than waking up and realizing that it's only Wednesday.1 point
How have the last 4-5 years been?
Doomkid reacted to Kid Airbag for a status update
How have the last 4-5 years been?1 point