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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/17 in all areas

  1. I had an idea for a map that is intentionally poorly designed and unfinished, with a voiceover/text on screen by the author making excuses about the poor map design and unfinished sections, and complaining every time you survive his traps. "This door was supposed to lead to a giant epic arena where you fight 5 cyberdemons. Unfortunately I found it too hard, and I ran out of time. So uhh, yeah." *passage opens* "Go this way."
    6 points
  2. Today i started working on my VERY FIRST HERETIC MAP!!! (Its not my first doom engine map)
    4 points
  3. i have to ask, soo when is the Cyberdemon gonna audition for Twerk Team?
    4 points
  4. My cat woke me up this morning trying to give me a cat bath. She was licking my face and hair while simultaneously purring.
    3 points
  5. Xyzzу

    3 points
  6. So my megawad Illuminatus was rejected from /idgames due to the use of an unmodified resource named PS20A0. I'll have to get this fixed somehow.
    2 points
  7. Perhaps the NO1 reason why certain mods and/or games suck - but at least this is what I pull off my experience - is that they consume themselves into overexcessive storytelling. Even though some of those are actually neat, promising and stuff (including sorts of originality), many still suffer of the very clichés of "youngest prince of the three"-esque bullshit, you're facing alone against the entirety of this cruel, nasty world, everything and everyone wants you for dinner, yet, by some sheer luck, you end up being victorious, then the cast rolls celebrating your triumph. Hooray, how original. You may or may not waste your time reading 859 pages of .txt documentary attached to the launcher file, but regardless of dat, some unenjoyable, cringeworthy indie attempt it turns out to be anyways - about 99.8% sure. So never trust anything coming with Notepad files "weighing" several hundreds of megabytes, made out of mere sugarcoating in ASCII chars.
    2 points
  8. What's on my mind now? Let's see.....mapping, more mapping, Discord, uploading a couple of videos in YT, DW, more mapping, DW, Discord......more DW and mapping....
    2 points
  9. Project Moon Vomit. I like the ring to it.
    2 points
  10. Hey (St) Alfonzo ('s pancake breakfast), wanna duel some time this arvo/evening? Not only would I like to practice but I'd like to gauge battling you and battling @40oz when he shows up for his mandatory training. If you're interested just join us in IRC or something :)
    2 points
  11. Megalyth

    2 points
  12. SOSU

    Yay i am a junior member now :D

    Yay i am a junior member now :D
    1 point
  13. Catching up my transaction register, filled out a bunch of medical forms, and made a grocery list. Adulted hard today.
    1 point
  14. I'd like to thank @MysteriousHaruko and @CzechMate29200 for beta testing my Doom WAD Illuminatus. I'm currently in the process of tuning the things of the remaining maps I haven't tuned yet.
    1 point
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