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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/17 in all areas

  1. Megalyth

    7 points
  2. It's so pleasant to listen outside sounds. Only me, barking dogs somewhere, wind and full darkness around me. Also, after few months I would like to put my new map in forum for criticism, but I'm not sure yet. Heh.
    4 points
  3. The "games must be gamey" mindset is getting old. That Carmack quote was how many years ago? We have a very serious problem, of course - "videogames" has "games" in it. But maybe instead of forcing all interactive media into the constraints of an old term, we should come up with a new one? Like, I dunno, "interactive media"?
    3 points
  4. Played through a Quake map called Ceremonial Circles last night and OMGWTFBBQ WAS IT AWESOME. I really liked the monster traps in it, some of which actually made me jump out of my chair. The brushwork and layout were also just superb. https://www.quaddicted.com/reviews/czg03.html Maybe I'll record a playthrough of it later once I re-record some of my SoTNR playthrough footage.
    2 points
  5. Just sent off the first complete draft of my Ph.D. dissertation. Basically the grad school equivalent of a one-person 32-map megawad.
    2 points
  6. You know what I like about Saturdays? That's the only day of the week where goofing off is absolutely mandatory. Time to kick back and let the good times roll!
    2 points
  7. It frustrates me how some people on the Doom FB groups can't do even the simplest things. It's like they expect everything to be just plug-and-play.
    2 points
  8. It's 2017 and Butt Sex E3 still hasn't been released.
    2 points
  9. My cat woke me up this morning trying to give me a cat bath. She was licking my face and hair while simultaneously purring.
    2 points
  10. Xyzzу

    2 points
  11. I'm in a weird spot where I believe demo compatibility is one of the more vital things for the Doom community since so many demos have been made over the years, and as a result PRBoom+, EE, and Chocolate Doom are all really important ports. But I'm also at the belief that not literally every port needs to play back vanilla demos with 100% accuracy (or at all). But you have to have some that do so, so those old demos don't become inaccessible wastes of bits.
    1 point
  12. Apparently I forgot the part where Plutonia 2 has some reeeeeal fucking long maps...
    1 point
  13. Do some of you like KLK (Kill La Kill)? Do some of you like the titular character (Ryuko matoi)? Do some of you like the fish avatars? Welp, here is all these things at once. Do whatever you want with this heh. I found it wondering in my imgur account and never really used it.
    1 point
  14. Perhaps the NO1 reason why certain mods and/or games suck - but at least this is what I pull off my experience - is that they consume themselves into overexcessive storytelling. Even though some of those are actually neat, promising and stuff (including sorts of originality), many still suffer of the very clichés of "youngest prince of the three"-esque bullshit, you're facing alone against the entirety of this cruel, nasty world, everything and everyone wants you for dinner, yet, by some sheer luck, you end up being victorious, then the cast rolls celebrating your triumph. Hooray, how original. You may or may not waste your time reading 859 pages of .txt documentary attached to the launcher file, but regardless of dat, some unenjoyable, cringeworthy indie attempt it turns out to be anyways - about 99.8% sure. So never trust anything coming with Notepad files "weighing" several hundreds of megabytes, made out of mere sugarcoating in ASCII chars.
    1 point
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