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I did a couple of things.
BigDickBzzrak and 5 others reacted to Man of Doom for a status update
I did a couple of things.6 points -
Dig the namechange. Can't read it without hearing a little dash of spanish guitar in
Dragonfly and 2 others reacted to Demon of the Well for a status update
Dig the namechange. Can't read it without hearing a little dash of spanish guitar in my head.3 points -
3 points
Did you want to try out @Dragonfly 's awesome new map as seen here? Here's your chanc
Argent Agent and 2 others reacted to Decay for a status update
Did you want to try out @Dragonfly's awesome new map as seen here? Here's your chance, it's time for some Progressive Duels with @Fonze and others. Other maps received facelifts and reconstructive surgery as well, check out the solid work done by the team. Hook yourself up with zandronum's latest beta build if IDE/DE won't automatically install for you, found here, Windows only and put it in your "testing" subfolder without unzipping it. Server: [TSPG] Progressive Duel: zds:// points -
YES! Retrieved the file from my hard drive. Can't wait to continue work on Abhorrence!2 points
I wonder that after doing the blind LP of BTSX, I'll record Joy of Mapping 1 and 2, t
Tango and one other reacted to leodoom85 for a status update
I wonder that after doing the blind LP of BTSX, I'll record Joy of Mapping 1 and 2, then record BTSX ep.22 points -
A fun treat worth giving a whirl for lovers of oldschool map sets, probably not too interesting for those looking for highly detailed maps and landscapes choc full of custom textures. Texturing reminds me very much of the techbase maps in the iwads and generally retains that "quality wad from 1995" feel the whole way through. The level design features a few too many cramped hallways for my liking, but this is only an issue in certain areas as there's a good mix of large rooms and outdoor areas as well. Unfortunately it can get repetitive as the wad doesn't really deviate from the E1 techbase theme all the way up until map21, unless you find the two particularly enjoyable secret maps. Level aesthetics remain interesting enough for those who still love the 90's feel but will probably not be enough for those seeking something new or innovative. The music consists strictly of tracks from Doom1 and Doom2. Enhances that 90's feel, but a part of me would have enjoyed custom music instead, although I understand that it can be hard to find music from other sources that fits well with Doom so it's not really an issue. If you're like me and still enjoying this after map04, you're probably not the type of player who minds reuse of iwad content anyway. I can't comment on compatibility as I tested this in ZDoom, but I can't imagine anything here realistically needs more than Boom compat to work properly. Regarding difficulty, I found I had an abundance of ammo and health throughout the entire wad, more or less. This is the one area the wad let me down - Some of the later maps require you to focus a bit, but overall this is not for those seeking any kind skill tester or hardcore challenge. Difficulty rarely goes above anything that Doom1 throws at you, despite this mapset (obviously) featuring Doom2 monsters. It looks like Aquarius199 made this entire mapset himself which is impressive in it's own right. I know from experience how difficult it is to make one-man megawads - My largest mapset is 21 maps and that took what felt like an eternity to make, so a full pack of 32 must have been pretty damn intensive. As far as multiplayer goes, this would probably be too cramped for co-op unless you enable the "players can pass through eachother" DMflag. If you like OS stuff and aren't bored of the 90s Doom feel, I urge you to give this one a spin. It even features and ENDOOM screen, I thought that was a really cute touch that put the bow on a nice oldschool package. If you're looking for something with fancy, brand spankin' new visuals such as Ancient Aliens, BTSX, Stardate etc etc, you're not going to find it here. I'd give this wad a 3/5 overall, mainly because I would have liked something that asked more of me as a player on the UV difficulty, but I have to bump it up to a 4 for all that effort coming from one Doomer alone. Well done.2 points
Hell Medley (original: Pekelna vsehochut)
Philnemba gave a reaction for a file
1 point -
I am around 70% done with my heretic map :D1 point
I'm a cork on the ocean Floatin over the ragin sea how deep is the ocean how deep is
MrGlide reacted to Moustachio for a status update
I'm a cork on the ocean Floatin over the ragin sea how deep is the ocean how deep is the ocean1 point -
Today, I played Hexen Deathkings of the Dark Citadel again and I was at the 3rd hub,
42PercentHealth reacted to ShoDemo for a status update
Today, I played Hexen Deathkings of the Dark Citadel again and I was at the 3rd hub, going from portal to portal, not knowing where it would lead me. Then I beat the final boss and I didn't expect that I finished the game. I mean, the boss was the 3 anti-heroes and by the time I reached them, I had around 10 Kraters of Might, 6 Dark Servants, some Mystic Urns that I never used once and a whole lot of other things. Things I liked in the expansion: The compressed Hexen gameplay. The 3 hubs contained in this expansion are exploration at its finest. Especially in the 1st hub, you get 4 keys from the starting map and you can go wherever you like. Playing as the Fighter. I never had any trouble with ammo and Timon's Axe is an awesome weapon. Also, the Death Wyverns were easily killed with the Hammer of Retribution. I threw around 5 hammers to each Wyvern and they died. I even killed a Wyvern in 20 seconds or less, by landing every shot on him. The 2nd hub. It somehow reminded me of the 2nd hub from Hexen and that was my favourite (it was a very immersive hub, that seemed to have a very realistic setting). Maybe it is because it had some outdoor areas in the first map. And the gameplay in that hub flowed really nicely. I found Yorick's skulls pretty easily and when I visited the Graveyard area, it was cool fighting Dark Bishops and Reivers with the Hammer. Plus, the Graveyard had some inside jokes probably, because when I pressed the tomb stones the game played some messages on the screen. The expansion seemed more interactive to me than the original game. I entered 3 tombs iiirc and I got messages played on the screen whenever I did something. It was great seeing in Eric's tomb the words "Come in peace!" and "You defiled Eric's tomb. Prepare to die!". Or when I placed cogs in the 3rd hub, the game said "A staircase has been raised in X map." I don't know how I feel about the game giving tips that ease out the exploration though. On the one hand, it is appreciated, but on the other, I feel like it detracts from the "A door has been opened somewhere" spirit of the original game. The spawning system is improved. Long gone are the days when you cleared a hub and you had to fight boring Ettins that spawned once in a while, somewhere inside the map. Now you can also fight your favourite Dark Bishops (at least they are my favourite enemies in the game), Afrits and the fan-favourite Slaughtaurs (Timon's Axe made killing those guys somewhat interesting for me, although they can still be annoying with the shield). The 3rd hub's starting map. I went inside the room and I started killing for a while (+10 for satisfaction). It felt nice using my various weapons on every enemy spawned in that room. There could have been placed less random monster teleporters in the water areas, but that didn't bother me much. The 3rd hub's item searching. You had to find 4 cogs and 3 keys, while going through the various portals, which was enjoyable in my opinion. Things I disliked in the expansion: The Stalkers. Those are in my opinion the most annoying enemies in Hexen. I didn't see any Slaughtaurs swimming underwater (that would have been a nightmare). But I saw many Stalkers in this expansion. For the love of God, why did they put so many??? Couldn't they use more Wendigos or Green Chaos Serpents instead (there were more Brown Serpents)??? Every time I entered a liquid area, I held Mouse 1 with Timon's Axe and I spastically swang my mouse left and right, hoping to kill them, without them doing much damage to me. The amount of potions I saved up during each hub went mostly to healing after a Stalker attack (ok, I healed in other occasions too, but I used too many potions on Stalkers, especially in the Hub 1's Sump). Heressiarch. Couldn't they have used something else??? Did they have to use the Heressiarch 2 more times. I know, I said in a previous post of mine that I loved his design, but I don't want to meet him everywhere. I hope he won't be in Hexen 2 (don't spoil it for me, I will figure it out once I start that game and I will be angry if I see him again). The only thing they did right in my opinion with him, is the first encounter and they immediately screwed up by placing him in a small room (more on that later). Final boss. This was anticlimactic. When I entered the portal room leading to the arena, I guessed it would be a mini encounter or a secret map, not the final boss. I wanted to enter the room via a bigger door, so that I knew that this was the end. Or they could have created some overpowered reincarnation of Korax (mostly slightly updated attacks) for the final encounter. As I already said, the 3 anti-heroes are ok, but not if I have a trillion Dark Servants with me. The game gave me at least 4 Dark Servants that I used on Heressiarch (in the two battles), 3 for the anti-heroes and 3-4 that were left unused from before. That is a lot and it takes away the fun from the game! The 2nd secret map. It is the only secret map I discovered by myself (first one I looked a wiki and third I didn't bother). And what do I get? Randomised button press simulator and with each button pressed you get a free 20 or so enemies to drain your health and resources more. Yey! Seriously, this map is annoying! But in its defense, it was nice what they did will all the class weapons being visible there. I saw the Cleric's stuff in that map and I thought my game was broken at first, but I searched it and it turned out that it was the map's gimmick. Things that didn't work right: When I entered Eric's tomb, I intentionally fired in there to see what the punishment for defiling the tomb would be. It said that I would die, so I quit the room and nothing happened. If I had stayed in the room, it would probably have killed me instantly (I saw it on a video on youtube). So, does anyone know how that trap works? Heressiarch encounters: I returned from a portal to Hub 2's starting map and when I enter the "arena", I hear a door opening. I turn around and my eye catches a figure running towards me from an upper level (where you had to place the Heart jewel to exit Hub 2). I think to myself: "Was this Heressiarch?". And then I see him teleporting next to me. There I panicked. I exited the room, in order to make a plan and I noticed that he can't exit that room, due to being too wide. So, I threw in two Dark Servants to distract him and I axed him once in a while. He died and that's it. I give it to the guys at Raven that they made the encounter unexpected. I go inside a room in Hub 3 and get up the stairs. Then, I hear a familiar noise. I look and what do I see? My good friend Heressiarch down the stairs. Here I was angry for seeing him again ("won't this bastard die and leave us alone?", I thought). So, I threw 2 Dark Servants again and this time I used the Quietus, Hammer of Retribution and flechettes combo (they are grenades with the warrior, which helped in quite a few occasions). Then, he died once again, like he deserved. Final thoughts: Deathkings was a very fun expansion to play and believe it or not, I can't decide whether I like this or Hexen the most. Both had their highlights. Next time I write here, it will probably be about Hexen 2. And @42PercentHealth, I did as you told me with the Wyverns in Hub 1 (I saw your spoiler after I beat the first hub). With them dead, I saw the high areas of the map being unlocked and they had tons of ammo, which was very rewarding (thankfully, only one Wyvern died after 2 minutes, because I couldn't hit it easily from the ground with the Hammer). And I never used the Wings of Wrath (I must have had a few of those by the end).1 point -
Well scraping the Tyson only map I was trying to make for DMP2017 because I didn't like what I was making. I think I'll just do a simple E1 theme map instead because I'm in the mood to make one of those :)1 point
1 point
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Doomzone mentioned in The DOOM Report.
Nems reacted to silentzorah for a status update
Doomzone mentioned in The DOOM Report.1 point -
I'm about to go back college early next morning, so you'll most likely see much less
BigDickBzzrak reacted to Xyzzу for a status update
I'm about to go back college early next morning, so you'll most likely see much less of me around here now. Just in case, stay safe everyone!1 point