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  1. Definitely nothing untoward going on. Subverter is a single map for Doom 2. MBF21 REQUIRED. Tested in dsda-doom 0.24.2. Should also work fine in any port that supports MBF21 and UMAPINFO. EDIT: Map no longer breaks in GZDoom, but please use DSDA-Doom for best experience. A first playthrough should take 7–10 minutes; it's not possible to get lost. Difficulties Implemented: No (you'll be fine) Co-op: Don't you dare Resource used: cc4-tex Download: subverter_rc2.zip
    29 points
  2. Almistice (obvious pun intended) is a ten map vanilla episode that tries to celebrate the influence of one of the greatest mappers of the 00s. The wad was started during a period of uncertainty before the Rusty Drill project was created. As such I vowed to finish this off to 10 maps (2 sets of 5 maps each culminating in a death exit on the final map of the set, the first five are space base and the second five take a darker/gothic theme, think a weird cult group with access to tech theme, crudely like Europa3.wad). I will refrain from stating this is fully vanilla purely because I don't have a huge amount of confidence in regards to getting the dehacked right (The maps themselves are fine).The maps start out easy but escalate beyond the half way point, only one map has a three figure kill count and in that one the monsters tend to be dispatched fairly swiftly. Download - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/cedvz4tiuq3t3x0hdksus/AlmisticeRC1.zip?rlkey=5vnp9melc79yauk2gv7ucvf9w&dl=0 Screenshots Changes; Knife (credit - aeea7835 (Also used in Ray Mohawk)) - Quite simply makes the melee a little more useful, especially with the berzerk (Which shouldn't be hard to find in most maps) Hellknight - Replaced by the dark imp (Credit - Carnevil) - Lower health, but quicker and sturdier than a normal imp. The pistol, shotgun and chaingun also have a bit of a speed increase to make them a little more useful. Other credits Esselfortium for the extra textures used (Taken from 32in24-15tex) Maplist Map01 - Transporter (Midi - Prism by Stewboy) Map02 - Launchpad (Midi - Cybernetic by Psyrus) Map03 - Cavedwellers (Midi - Patterns by Psyrus) Map04 - Ambergris (Midi - Corner Club by Stewboy) Map05 - Come Undone (Midi - Basement by Stewboy) Map06 - Run From Evil (Midi - Arrhyhmia by James Paddock) Map07 - Firefighter (Midi - Don't Stop bleeding by Lippeth) Map08 - Occultism (Midi - Terro Firma by Lippeth) Map09 - Granite (Midi - Plummeting by Bucket) Map10 - Lords of the Night (Midi - Heartbeat by Stewboy) Map11 - [Still to be made] I hope people enjoy this, the only testing was by yours truly, though this was meant to be more casual than my other releases.
    28 points
  3. A new version of Go to sleep with 2 new levels and remade first level Go to sleep is for Doom II (doom2.wad/freedoom2.wad) and contain 3 levels where your only objective is to go to sleep at any costs. This is my second wad, so expect something fancier than the first version but not too fancy. Playtime should be around 15 minutes I think. Download: gotosleep2.zip I hope y'all enjoy it :) PS: If you find any unknown glitch(s)/problem(s) or how to fix the known bug(s): please comment about it, it would be very useful.
    20 points
  4. I'm glad a thread about whether or not it is practical to require the entirety of DOSBox as a dependency for a source port has reached its logical conclusion of discussing Microsoft's BitLocker policies.
    12 points
  5. BTSX is a fantastic mapset for someone who cares about little nuances of craft. Just in this one scene that I randomly opened up, there's this cool-looking tower that is taller than its surroundings (back view is on right). Big fan of these little light insets and the way the brick facade tapers off to that black metal inset below it (left). And the blue light insets in the middle of this texture. The way you see this distant building you get to later in the back of this scene. (Also neat little light inset, the way it looks like it's 'part' of the brown bar at the bottom and rising up into the beige bars.) This whole asymmetrical opening and the way it's framed by the rectangular metal chunks that border the longer bars to either side of it. And this is just a mundane scene in the context of BTSX, not one of its standouts. This is not really 'detailed'-ness of course, this is mostly just skilled texturing and architecture. I find a lot of individualism in the different maps here because at this level of granularity it is far from 'samey' and there's plenty to pick apart. And yet it does still feel like you're in a cohesive world, so you get the best of both worlds. But take these from map11. That feels like Ed Cripps and I would not expect any other map around these to look similar. Stylistically, map08 and map12 are way different. I've noticed that some people don't pay attention to this; they play a map like D2ISO map01 and all they have to say about the aesthetics is "brown lol." But I've found it a wad where it's enjoyable to savor those craft nuances, and if you do that, the maps can feel pretty different. So, yeah, I don't really agree with the common sameyness criticism, and only notice it if I decide to shut out a bunch of what I notice.
    10 points
  6. Water Temple of Tefnut - DoomExhumed (WIP) A Metroidvania combining the best of the console and the PC versions of Powerslave/Exhumed and Doom in the mix.
    10 points
  7. This is my first attempt at speedmaping Doom2, Boom Name: Colonoscopy Author: Doom Wads Build time: 4 hours Playtime: 3-5 min. Tested with: DSDA, GZDoom Story: Doomguy currently works as a proctologist and performs colonoscopies on people, since all demons on Mars and Earth have been destroyed, but he does it in a very interesting way. In the old days he stole a shrinking device in the UAC and now sneaks into people's rectums himself, shrinking to a few centimeters, destroying helminths and other parasites by presenting them as former enemies. DOWNLOAD Screens:
    9 points
  8. IoS. It gets stronger the longer it stays on Earth. Thankfully most people use Android these days.
    9 points
  9. Just a practice session to test out some ideas I have for a larger room later. Slowly updating this room from my previous post. This time I've been trying out the Light_Fade scripts to give it more atmosphere.
    8 points
  10. A view of one of the new maps. We have 13 planned. In increasing order of disrepair. Both literally and thematically. This one occurs very near the crater left by the missile that killed this city. Expect things to be very, very dicey. We probably won't be done this month or the next. We still have a lot to do. But it's coming. This halloween I will dressing up as a better mapper.
    7 points
  11. Supplice Episode 2 is out now!
    7 points
  12. A lot of you are probably familiar with this set from Ettingrinder's pack -- or if you aren't, you should be! These are the kinds of textures that show you how much more powerful your mapmaking gets when you're working with great texture sets instead of just good ones. The originals by Ettingrider are jade and red, but here are some other color themes. (More in spoiler) (More in spoiler)
    7 points
  13. idklol: all attacks, both from player weapons and from monsters, are randomly replaced by other weapon/monster attacks. idaho: replaces the mugshot with a picture of a potato. ideaguy: does nothing
    7 points
  14. jazzmaster9


    The Erik Alm style has never been replicated Ever. If it does it will ruin Scythe 1 and 2 forever and lost its appeal with the influx of maps trying to copy it.
    6 points
  15. Alternatively, this posts an idiotic DW thread with an unfeasible idea the poster expects someone else to implement.
    5 points
  16. MARVIN.WAD by Hillary Clinton (?) , December 1994 DOOM 2, MAP01 Regardless of whether the name of the map author is real or a joke, Marvin.wad is a really interesting level, fun to play and, at least the first time you play it, difficult. The map is non-linear and getting the keys, especially the yellow key, requires a lot of exploration and caution as teleporters play an important role. Some areas can be reached via shortcuts, but these are well hidden by false walls not flagged as secrets. What makes the gameplay difficult is that from the beginning you have to face particularly strong monsters with only the shotgun and even if you find the rocket launcher, you are in a small area and you must use it with caution. The SSG and the plasma gun are only available once in a hidden area and not finding them makes things complicated, considering that you will often have to face very strong enemies and various ambushes. Finding the plasma gun, in particular, can be quite dangerous. Luckily the automap helps .... The map is large and quite varied in design: narrow areas rich in detail, where the combat is more intense, alternate with larger areas where the number of enemies is reduced and the level of detail is lower. What makes the level difficult are not only the enemies but also some environments... and the switches. Some are necessary to continue, others instead reserve ....surprises. The keys to find are only the yellow and blue ones. Note that there are two blue keys: one is in plain sight at the end of the map, the other is hidden and, if found earlier than the other one, it can be used to gain access in advance to a certain area where useful weapons are stored. Even though I'm not a particularly skilled player and I died several times, I really liked the map. In my opinion, both combat and exploration are well combined. Screenshots Download MARVIN.ZIP MYSTERY.WAD by Larry Parry, November 1994 DOOOM 2, MAP01 Similar in gameplay, but much smaller is Larry Perry's Mystery.wad. To proceed in the level, a certain strategy is required, given the fact that the shotgun is hidden, the plasma gun is available only after having explored a specific area and the two megaspheres and other objects can only be reached via some secret passages which are not flagged as such and not visible on the automap. Having to face, in a sequence based on the chosen path, a Hell Knight, a chaingunner, a Pain Elemental and an Arch-vile, makes it mandatory to find at least the shotgun and choose the least dangerous path in order to be able to face the strongest monsters when you are better equipped. There is also one thing to keep in mind: there is an area where you have to be quick to get out, otherwise you get stuck and have to start the level again.The final fight is quite intense. The design isn't very interesting honestly, apart from a beautiful throne on which the yellow key is placed, but I wanted to review it mostly for its rather particular gameplay, even if I am aware that many people might not like it. The level was conceived as the first in a series, but I have no info about the others. Although it is mentioned in the text files, there is no demo in the zip. Screenshots Download MYSTERY.ZIP
    5 points
  17. IDCHITTYCHITTYBANGBANG: all cars in the game can now fly. Edit: if someone else reacts to this please use the partial invisible so I can have one reaction with each ball it'd be so awesome. Edit 2: thank you, Captain POLAND. Very awesome.
    5 points
  18. Sounds like something ive found to be common amongst all collectors and hobbyists. Ive termed it "Endless Hours Of Pointless Enjoyment." I first noticed it as a child when I could spend unlimited amounts of time organizing my toys by type, then making mental lists of stuff i wanted or "needed." Then as a teen I made countless catalouges of my comic book collection, what issues I had and read, what issues I still was missing, what comic stores had back issues and of what series.. etc etc. As an older teen I found myself spending as much time thinking about my heavy metal music collection as I spent listening to it. Now, yes, I too have multiple folders trying to orginize my doom wad collection into some sembalence of sanity. Ah the endless hours of pointless enjoyment to be had with our different interests. 😀
    5 points
  19. IDARKNESS - fulldark IDSPECTORISE - every "thing" partially invisible IDSUCKIT - displays the super-secret picture of John Romero passed out drunk and naked on the ID office couch one night after an epic party, taken by Dave Taylor IDCASHMAN - money flies out of Doomguy everywhere when you press the spacebar
    5 points
  20. I guess it runs Chocolate Doom source port? ;)
    5 points
  21. Someone in an AOL chat room in the mid 90's insisted there was a cheat code to activate "Breakfast Mode". He gave us a ridiculously long cheat code, starting with id, and of course I tried it. It didn't work so I just assumed I'd written it down incorrectly and I always wondered what "Breakfast Mode" might include. Ahh, to be young again...
    5 points
  22. So I don't know if anyone remembers the HD sprites thread that Thief666 made years (if not a decade) ago? Well today I had the idea of using the HD Caco sprites from that project and adapt them into Doom 64's style, I claim no credit as all I did was downscale it, recolor it and edit some frames (including the death frames)
    5 points
  23. Hi! This is my first megawad. Enjoy! =========================================================================== Title : WARRIOR Filename : warrior.WAD Advanced engine needed : Yes (vanilla Doom often crushed with VPO; levels tested with Doom95 under Windows 7/10) Primary purpose : Single play ONLY (no start points for players 2-4) Author : Ilya N. Pashchenko Email Address : pashchenko.mail@gmail.com Misc. Author Info : Doom series fan Description : This is megawad (32 levels) with common story for all its levels. : You are the warrior who fights and passes all levels step by step, combat after combat. : Every next level starts where you've finished the previous. : : Read "The Story So Far" section below. It's useful before playing. Additional Credits to : Creators of Doom, Doom Builder and all who will play this wad =========================================================================== * Information * Game : DOOM2 Map # : Map 01-32 (including secret levels) Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Dehacked/BEX Patch : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : A lot of time... I was in no hurry Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2.1.2 Known Bugs : Tell me, I'll fix May Not Run With : Because of limits, in many places of some levels vanilla Doom will crush with VPO (visiplane overflow) errors. So use more modern port (I play with Doom95). * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. * Where to get this WAD * If you read this text, you have this wad )) * The Story So Far * You are the warrior who has to find his way to victory fighting a lot of combats. Like the original Doom 2, your path will pass sequentially through three worlds - The World of Warriors, Your Own City, and The Hell. You will notice it when the sky changes. The titles of levels are (with short comments): THE WORLD OF WARRIORS: (This is a fantasy world where deserts, mountains and caves are combined with castles, technological stations and military training grounds). 01 - I WILL HUNT (Humanity has established its first outpost in this world, but something went wrong...) 02 - DUEL (Your fortress against the monster's fortress.) 03 - MUSEUM (All types of monsters are collected here, but you are the only visitor to this museum.) 04 - HELL HALL (That museum has a very unpleasant dungeon.) 05 - WALK-N-KILL (You are back on the surface, but the desert and mountains around are very inhospitable.) 06 - THE CUBE (Have you watched the famous science fiction movie "The Cube"? Now you find yourself in the role of its main character.) 07 - POLYGON (The most famous warriors fought at this military training ground. Now it's your turn.) 08 - THE CASTLE OF DEADS (The winner of the battle at the training ground will receive a visit to the castle of the dead inhabitants of this world, but you will not be able to rest here.) 09 - GREEBES (This strange location is full of giant mushrooms, and each of them is deadly dangerous.) 10 - DARK NRG (This high-tech station feeds this entire world with dark energy. Turn it off.) 11 - PANDEMONIA (This is the main fortress of the owners of this world, and only after defeating them all you can return home.) YOUR OWN CITY: (Return to the Earth is not a war finish...) 12 - LEAVE SPIDER ALIVE (Your hometown is also overrun by monsters - start cleaning it up and listen to the advice in the title...) 13 - PAIN CITY (The monorail station and technical buildings with monsters are not the most difficult thing here. What about the falling sky?) 14 - CYBERDEMON SYSTEMS (The "Cyberdyne Systems" helped to create the terminators. The "Cyberdemon Systems" produces its worst model - T-666. Stop this factory!) 15 - CHAINA TOWN (A lot of cyberdemons and ammo for chaingun only? Welcome to Chaina Town!) 16 - THE PLASMA HOTEL (Unlike the Plaza Hotel, your stay at this hotel will be unsuccessful if you do not have a plasma gun.) 17 - ROCKET LUNCHER (You flew away from the hotel, but a shot from a rocket launcher interrupted your flight. Grab more rockets and go have your bloody lunch.) 18 - HIDDEN YARDS (Your own city has districts that you should avoid visiting.) 19 - ARMY BASE (Will the walls of an old military base be able to withstand several waves of monster attacks?) 20 - SUBWAY (The threat to the city comes from underground - go to the subway to find its source.) THE HELL: (Hellish locations are where you find the source of invasion.) 21 - DIE HARD (You are in hell, and it is not so easy to get even to the gates of hell.) 22 - FIND YOUR WAY (There are two ways to go through the iron dungeons of hell - choose yours.) 23 - STYX (Until now, only dead souls crossed this river. That's why a living warrior is not welcome here.) 24 - DOUBLE TRIP (Like some level of the "Serious Sam: Second Encounter" game, this level is worth playing through twice.) 25 - VOLCANO (Having escaped from the hellish fortress, you will descend into the underworld, and then climb the volcano.) 26 - SEWERS (Hell is also a civilization, and it has waste. But poison and radiation are not the main dangers in the hellish sewers.) 27 - LOWER PALACE (You have reached the bottom of the Lower Hell Palace. Find the entrance to it and clear the hellish dungeons of monsters.) 28 - MIDDLE PALACE (The walls and floors of the Middle Hell Palace are red with blood. But with your visit there will bring more blood!) 29 - UPPER PALACE (The beauty of the Upper Hell Palace is no less than its danger. But not for you.) 30 - FINAL BATTLE (You have found the source of the hellish invasion - stop it by winning the final battle!) SECRET LEVELS: 31 - HIDDEN LABS (These laboratories study the characteristics and combat tactics of monsters. And in each room the experiments become more and more dangerous!) 32 - REACTOR (Stop the laboratories work - deprive them of energy by turning off the reactor.) Features of levels and useful notes: * You go through the levels sequentially - every next level starts where you've finished the previous. * Almost all levels contain all weapons and all monsters and all keys and the computer map (excluding some levels). * All levels include their titles inside - on the wall or on the floor (at the start place or in the secret area or somewhere else...) * You really can pass through all levels without cheat codes on UV difficulty. Even more, you can play any level starting with pistol only. It's real. Explore the places and think about your tactics. * Doom is not just running, but also thinking. Explore your environment, find secrets - it gives you more powerful weapon earlier. * Although the levels are large, saving and loading of game works everywhere. * If Yo Like This Wad * You can donate me any sum to PayPal ( pashchenko.mail@gmail.com ) Enjoy! Download >>> warrior.zip
    4 points
  24. Hey, i've decided making a small map during my only day off on this week, 3 hour limit sounds pretty nice for me :^) Idea poped up randomly, i was just hanging out in voice chat and after taking about bunch of stuff like mapping and speedmapping we wanted to make a small session with some speedmaps, no real rules - just do it quickly and dirty! This map made pretty much at the same time when we started the whole thing, not sure if it's should be a set or a megawad but i'm posting this bad boi anyway ;^) Also, I did one small speedmap during my birthday but didn't post it much anywhere because wasn't planning doing it and i don't think i will now, at least this map will be out, so no worries mr. @Clippy :v Info: Screenshots: Download: Fixed mapname Have some fun, i guess :v
    4 points
  25. I've been playing Literalism lately, and while it's very good overall, it's clear that a number of maps weren't tested to see if various combat situations, traps, etc., could be exploited. By that I mean things like getting out of a lock-in fight that's meant to have a door close behind you, picking up items without triggering traps, etc. It, and other maps I've played/playtested recently, got me thinking that sometimes I feel "bad" for doing it this way, mostly out of sympathy for the mapper, but other times it's nice to feel like you got one over on a map that's doing it's best to kill you. How do other people feel about this? Are there any maps designed so that you're meant to cheese them this way and avoid what seems like a very difficult fight? Also if you're a mapper, and someone finds an exploit like that, how much do you care? Is it a flaw that needs to be fixed, or a reward that you'll leave for the cautious player? If you're looking to avoid this kind of thing in your own maps, try escaping from any kind of trap you put in. There are too many situations to cover all the possibilities, but one mistake I see a lot is not realizing that if you have a high sector that drops down onto a floor, you can trigger a linedef action on the linedef of the higher sector by walking over it without actually going so far as to fall down.
    4 points
  26. Well, the level progression in Episode 4 has always perplexed me on how it isn't consistent with its difficulty. How certain early maps are extremely painstaking and then some later are... relatively easy for some reason. If you were to reorganize them in a more progressive order, what would be your level order? Mine would be: 1 - Unruly Evil - (its relative simplicity in comparison to the maps that precede it makes it rather silly to be the 4th map of the episode.) 2 - Fear - (this bears no merits to be a secret level whatsoever.) 3 - Sever the Wicked - (this retains the same slot as the original, because of its simplicity and a minor difficulty spike that it'll have after Fear.) 4 - And Hell Followed - (progression wise, this one fits properly after Sever the Wicked. Again, due to its open nature compared to the other cramped ones.) 5 - They Will Repent - (I initially wanted it as the 6th map, but it's... boring as heck.) 6 - Hell Beneath - (now this feels like a proper map, given that you'll have more weapons to deal with the absurd amount of barons here.) 7 - Against Thee Wickedly - (this is a perfect penultimate map. The Cyberdemon fight before the Mastermind is perfect.) 8 - Unto the Cruel - (This is a boss level, so it'll stay where it is. Although, if I had to make a change, I'll swap Cyberdemon and Mastermind between map 7 and 8.) 9 - Perfect Hatred - (This suits much better as a secret level due to all the weird gimmicks that it has.)
    4 points
  27. I want to make a guide about less obvious editing techniques that can be used in vanilla-friendly way (So no voodoo dolls, no scripts). I don't want to cover odd bug uses like mikoportals. I'm creating this topic looking for suggestions of what can be reasonably used by new mappers interested in vanilla/limit-removing mapping So far my ideas are Switches behind locks, including the fact that you don't need to hide entire switch out of sight Disabling/enabling an action by moving control sectors around (AKA "How do I make switch only pressable after it raised from the floor) As an extension, using walkable triggers to perform an action after you walk away from the switch, after pressing multiple switches
    4 points
  28. Thanks, i didn't really felt like submitting this map but Clippy wanted me doing it, so i just drop it here. I wasn't expecting so much comments under this wad so that's interesting :v
    4 points
  29. That's mostly because mappers tend to chuck a secret in rather haphazardly because they think it's fun and don't think about the (design) consequences. Say, putting some ammo into a destroyable crate. But that means that once your players find out they can get some ammo from that one particular crate, they will proceed to try and break every other crate they will encounter from there on out, even if that ammo crate was meant as a one-off secret.
    4 points
  30. IDMILKERS requires a command line before it works in-game -iamoldenoughtolookatthis Effect: Causes monsters to grow gravity defying mammaries which then lactate uncontrollably and the monster is forced into a constant pain state as if being crushed and all the player's weapons are taken away but you gain the ability to use both hands as well as your mouth and the effect is the same as Hexen's Serpent Staff in melee range. I'll see myself out.
    4 points
  31. BIG UPDATE The early game is finished and only needs to be more tested. The mid game is near completion with two levels waiting to be closed off. Currently I'm working on details and remained few sections. So let's say Early to Mid game is 80% finished. The late game is what needs more work. I'm more than halfway through the penultimate level but yet need to create the final level. Here are some development screens in chronological order. The first level is the canyon and is pretty beginner friendly but does contain secrets and additional challenge (introducing specific mechanic) that will be helpful for remainder of the game. The second level kicks the action in the gear with the perilous areas and fields of blood. As always, if the challenge is too hard, all you need is to explore more. In between the battles and exploration there is village that you're passing through, and it contains much of details what I hear is now called "Doom Cute". These barrels are the clue of the next level. The village is rich in water which it drains from below, and it just happens that you must go through it to reach your goal. The Waterway level (also shown in last update) begins with a cave, evolves into the underground water stream to the suspicious pumping station and ultimately escalates with the large cavern battle. It will be tough but you're ultimately rewarded with the next level which is something completely different. It is a tech base (fun fact: the very first level I started actually) with some really strange stuff going on. Not what you're expecting from a usual tech base. These demons are not just mindless monsters rampaging around (although there's plenty of that too), there is something else going on... (What the hell is even that!?) After all that crazyness you're treated with the two levels that are more classic and standard which you can play right now (links above) Bad Cargo and Underbase. Here somewhere are also two secret levels that you can discover (Spoilers in post above if you wish to be spoiled) and now I will share various screens of some of the remaining levels. Yeah, I just HAD TO create the maze section, sorry. Not your typical prison Monster closets are must, duh! YOU CAME TO THE WRONG NEGHBOURHOOD Alright that's it! I'll save a bit more for later. There's still work to be done after all. I hope you'll be looking forward to it as I am :) #MarkaNsDoom
    4 points
  32. IDIOT: Intermittent Object Teleportation. At irregular intervals, all Things will teleport to a random location on the map. This includes all items, monsters, players, and even decorations.
    4 points
  33. the megawad i've been working on will have a tribute.. to a certain someone for map 20
    4 points
  34. IDK - I don't know :-(
    4 points
  35. That enemy is programmed to shoot the camera in the beginning cut scene, but if you summon him in the game he just stands there wating for the camera to appear. if you kill him he just disappears. He also has no states his sprites are the same.
    3 points
  36. I have a nice love/hate relantionship with this megawad, in one hand no one would say this wad isn't a technical marble and the soundtrack is such a great, varied collection of some of the best midis i've heard for a videogame period. On the other, i personally didn't like the mapping style, since i'm a bitchass saveless pistol starter, maps that drag more than 20 minutes without good combat don't attract me, and from my first playtrough i remember a lot of maps, even early ones, dragging for a long time, usually having bullshit ambushes that made me have to repeat the entire map from scratch. I dropped it in map12 and not returned to it until now, with some achievements on my belt already, have gotten more familiarized with the kind of ambushes it presents. Also, for curiosity i started to play it in chocolate doom, and in this new playthrough i go through from the very beginning, and i'll like to say, i change a lot of opinions on this wad, and actually had a lot of fun with it. The thing that i appreciate now more is consistency, the original iwads are everything but consistent in quality and level progression, and many pwads from the 90's and early odds also present those kinds of issues, heck, i will even say alien vendetta and the original scythe have this in common. Btsx on the other hand, is so micropolished in visual style and gameplay to the point it maintains a sort of polished feel that is very appreciated by me. I heard some complaints of that polished nature ruining individual mappers styles, but i don't get it, some maps are more cramped and linear, others more opened and exploratory, most focus more in incidental/set combat than others. Even the aesthetics vary a little depending on the color palette of the rooms and lightning, map6 doesn't look at all like map7 for example, even of the theme is techbase, map7 is way more opened, with mineshafts and big open areas, map6 meanwhile is more indoors with more restrained rooms. That and usual layouts make you kind of recognize which map is which, not that different from iwad levels, take into account they have very similar themes and is not that in someone's mind it blends together with themselves. The maps are a lot more easy to follow than i remembered, with many of them knowing how to guide you from arena to arena in a very obviously linear way, with noticeable changes in elevation and cues to guide you trough, even the big maps are way easier to navigate compared to the abomination that is downtown, industrial zone, or mt.erebus. Combat in certain maps is snappy and constantly coming, compensating the long run times with kind of brutal ambushes that are not hard to dismantle, but can catch any unfamiliar scrub out of guard. In maps like 14, this is what carries the map completely, since is ambush followed by ambush, creating a nice flow to the map, in others like map6 it actually makes the map being blown out. Is so-so in my opinion, if it does more than just putting imps and pinkies lazily with some bullshit midtier or hitscanner, i think is fine by me, and outside of the stretch of maps 9-12, i think it goes in a good direction regarding combat. I'd like to say more but i need to stop procrastinating and rest a bit, sorry if there isn't any visual shit accompanying the post but i'm lazy, i'm around map 15 btw, it was so long since replaying something changed my opinion drastically.
    3 points
  37. 1 Monster MAP10 UV Fast in 16:04.00 1Monster10UVFAST.zip
    3 points
  38. Sure, but in the context of Doom soundtracks they all use standard instruments anyway. I thought that any change to a nonexistent instrument would just default to the first instrument (piano)? It would be nice though if it would just switch banks, allowing you to line up your custom instruments with the closest default one. I just feel like any time I've had a problem with instrument selecting, it turns into Oops All Pianos
    3 points
  39. My tip when you find something overly complicated or difficult is to try to do smaller pieces of it on their own. If replacing a cybruiser with a baron all at once is too complicated, try maybe replacing one frame of the baron with a cybruiser frame and then try it in-game to confirm that you've done that (yes that'll look weird on its own but you're not done). I'm assuming you're planning on using a rocket attack, so try giving the baron a rocket attack without any other behavior changes (again, yes that'll look weird on its own but you're not done). Keep learning little subskills like that until they all feel easy and you'll be able to soon do the whole thing, and not just for this monster but for other replacements too. Anything that is complicated is made of simple building blocks, so how it often works is you spend more time than expected learning very basic skills, even to the point where it feels like you're not making much progress -- but then you get the hang of it and the rest of it takes way less time than expected.
    3 points
  40. Map 26: Hopeless It took eighteen maps, but the “it moves” section is an interesting use of the jumppads. It makes good use of the scale of the world for what you have to observe to move forward, doesn’t give the pads incredibly tight timing and movement thresholds, and adds to the vastness of the world by making you feel so small amongst such long distances being traveled. Plus it led to a pretty good multi-staged fight. Even the environments are starting to stick out. Seeing the rudimentary classroom, assumed to be absolved by this dimension, was entirely unexpected and a bit grim in a way the wad hadn’t tackled up to that point. I’m also finding myself to be better acquainted with the maps that give longer periods of time to let the atmosphere drip in before starting to put hitscanners behind rocks and stuff, and the buildup to that first Mastermind was good for that.
    3 points
  41. Map 2 Category: 1 Kills: 33/59 Died to a cyber's rocket, grrrr dwironman-unwelcome-darth_wiader-cat1.zip
    3 points
  42. There have been false positives about the updater for a long time. They come and go, who knows why. My guess is that it's because the updater has the ability to download files off the internet (without which is would be useless, of course).
    3 points
  43. High School Photography Class. Pennsylvania 2005. screaming eagle pose from Morpheus a la the [Matrix] Olympus OM-1 Agfafilm 100-ISO BW. 50mm
    3 points
  44. Some new screenshots from my WIP project.
    3 points
  45. You'll get a lot of wisdom about this if you learn to learn from maps. You can easily get a thorough forum post worth of advice from every secret you choose to study. And all advice is specific to the type of map you're trying to make, so knowing the exact context will help even more. For example "make secrets truly optional" only applies if you want to make a map that is broadly enjoyable to a wide range of players. Mappers who care about specific niches often ignore that one. Context-less advice won't always be useful to you and sometimes you won't be able to tell, lacking that context. Here's a small example. Speed of Doom map02 leads off with this small cache of goodies. For some background this map is a mysterious, atmospheric cave map. The point of the secret is not just the resources it provides, but the way it fleshes out the world of the map; it and many other secrets and little chambers secreted through this map buildings a feeling that the environment is a lot richer than what you can literally access. But yes it's also fun to gather that small cache of tiny pickups, kind of like loot you're stumbling across. To this effect, that little dark pit in the secret that you can't enter isn't just a throwaway; it reinforces that feeling of "more to this"-ness. The light fixture also suggests that this might be either a human-excavated chamber or something useful for nefarious purposes or idk...the implication of it is enough. The secret is not hard to find if you're attentive (but not trivial, because there's no guarantee you'll look at the detailing in the opening area), and since it's also early in the map, if you find it it helps nudge you in the direction of poking around corners of the map in search of more, possibly similar secrets over your playthrough of this map and upcoming ones. I could probably keep going, ideas like the green ceiling lip, the exact size of the hole, the detailedness of the surrounding area, and more, in relation to how easy/hard it is to notice. "In plain sight" secrets are a cool concept. Take everything I just said there and you're going to find a secret with a completely different ideology in every way in some other map. Learn from it. Go learn from several other secrets that are different. Do that over several maps in different sets and you'll have a more sophisticated internal model of what secrets can be used for. Different authors are clever at different focuses. If I wanted to improve at hiding secrets via various mechanisms, I'd analytically play a few Nicolas Monti maps (not that I'd want to be quite as obscure as he can be sometimes, but you don't have to set out to imitate someone to learn a bunch from them). Another thing I'd add is that when you're doing analysis for learning, author intent doesn't really matter. Like, the light fixture in that above secret might just be a random light fixture, but the point is the effect on me as a player. Whether Darkwave intended that or not, it had a specific effect on me and I can take the concept and learn from it and use it in my own maps; it's just that simple. tl;dr: be a Nerd.
    3 points
  46. I would say there are only two real "requirements", if such a thing can be said to exist. Signpost them in some way. Misaligned or incorrect textures, lighting or lighting effects, sound cues (commonly an opening door or descending lift), hint decorations, map arrows, etc. are all common methods. Make them truly optional. Make sure the map is beatable within reason with 0 secrets found; it's OK if secrets make the map easier but not if they contain minimum health or ammo, and secrets should absolutely never contain keys or required switches for progression. The rest are methods to make them more fun or engaging, which are covered in other threads.
    3 points
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