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Compet-n (COMPET-N) was the first database site for Doom demos, and a vital part of the classic community. But in recent years it had slowly fallen idle while the Doom Speed Demo Archive grew to become the center of the speedrunning universe, especially after its 2019 relaunch. So it wasn't a huge shock when @fx02 announced late 2021 to close his site by July 2022. Due to community requests, pointing out its historical value and its use for Compet-n record tables on the Doom Wiki, this was later extended by a year, and the site was archived to the Wayback Machine. Behind the scenes there were some brief talks about migrating and keeping the site alive, but this only kicked into gear after May 2023, when an (ultimately unrelated) incident forced fx02 to shut down the site early. It eventually resurfaced in October, but incompletely, and will soon redirect to the new host. Meanwhile, fx02 accepted my offer to host the site at Gamers.org, and after receiving code tree and database dump, I worked on it for a few weeks during July/August. A lot of tweaks were needed to make the site run on current PHP/MySQL versions, along with a fresh install of the latest phpBB forums, and I ran out of time for this project until the past few weeks. And now, after more testing and bug fixing (including some long-standing ones that apparently had flown under the radar for years), Compet-n and other Doom Croatia (doom.com.hr) content are operational on this new host: https://compet-n.gamers.org/ In a way, it comes full circle, as during its very early days Compet-n was a subdirectory in the idgames archive for some time, before leaving to do its own thing. Now it returns to the Gamers.org nest, which makes sense as keeping old games archives alive, even if mothballed, is our main purpose. (Note that the host is just a VM on one of our physical servers, so if it's hammered it's likely to be sluggish.) Thank you very much to @fx02 for making the database and entire website available for us to continue this historically valuable corner of the DOOM community universe.22 points
Not Jabba's Not the Cacowards Review Corner (rd reviews The Iron Forge)
Helm and 13 others reacted to baja blast rd. for a topic
Heaven Stroll by @Roofi Heaven Stroll, along with RJD's Nensha, cannonball's Night on Doom Mountain, and Albatross's Beware of Falling Angels, are what I considered the best standalone maps from the 2022 cycle that didn't make the award tier (Silver and higher), based on what I had played at the time. Although honestly HMs were becoming awards even in 2022, and Nensha was featured in the 22 for '22. Roofi, whether it's works like "Ventose" (Deadly Standards 3 e3m4) or his 180mpv and Mayhem 2020 contributions, has stood out to me as one of the most imaginative working authors. It's not quite the Dobu Gabu Maru or Mouldy sort of creativity the word 'imaginative' might most evoke these days, which is characterized by this hyperdensity and hyperactivity of ideas -- a relentlessly rich layering of events and microdetails and backstories. It's more in the category of authors like Muumi or Xaser, which is a broader-strokes style characterized more by having unusually cool themes, settings, architectural constructs, and visual setpieces -- which are then supported by good smaller-scale designs and subtleties. Like Muumi and Xaser, I get the sense that Roofi draws on a lot of "real world" references for his ideas -- and even maps like "Ventose" that are far from realistic in their worldbuilding appear to be so creatively rich as to draw heavily from a mix of art or fiction or even daydreams. Heaven Stroll, in depicting a small out of the way mountain resort (I think? lol) with a central lodge, is a meeting point of that design style and a thematic area he explored in a few of his very first Doom maps, which is a naturalistic woods theme with Doom's stock textures that reminds me a lot of a certain niche of early '00s slaughtermaps that includes Hell Revealed 2 and Kama Sutra. Heaven Stroll is presented as a very humbly scaled, cozily themed map, belonging to a style that would not be out of place in even the '90s -- it even vaguely resembles a myhouse.wad ;) -- but it has very deftly crafted architecture and polished texturing and a general seasonedness to the design that not very many authors had in their creative toolkits back in the earliest days of pwads. Roofi in particular is fond of using arch-like runs of foliage or other overhanging features, which loop over paths and interrupt lines of sight, in the process slicing up planes into richer scenes that change depending on where you're standing. There is a reason arches are so common in the visual arts. One of my favorite aesthetic things that Heaven Stroll does is grounding the early-'00s trope of STEPTOP-textured false-3D bridges -- which charming as it could be, could also look out of place or like an "advanced feature for its own sake" affectation -- in a basis of pseudorealistic design that suddenly has it making perfect sense visually. It looks totally natural to be able to stand on the awning of a cabin en route to a key. They are also used to let you navigate the second floor of the lodge, which crisscrosses over the first floor at one point. Heaven Stroll is a very brief map but is loaded with cool little design moves like that. Another of my favorite is how the central house has many doors with blue key strips but there's not a blue key to be found in the whole map. Instead, the blue key strips simply explain why you can't open certain purely decorative doors, but here's the thing: at least until you realize they are inert, they draw more attention to those doors existing (when you might otherwise tune them out as set dressing), and get you thinking about the supposed rooms on the other side, which can't actually exist because of Doom engine limitations but are now strongly implied, which helps make the house feel even more 3D than it is. That might not have been the consciously thought-out plan, but I've always felt "intentionality" unnecessary for subtleties like that to matter in criticism, because happy accidents are very much a thing and everyone's interpretation of every work is different. There's a lot of good Doomcute, and what I find interesting about it is that much of the Doomcute is very lo-fi, like indoor shrubs being rendered as blocky columns rather than anything more fine-tuned. That, combined with the frequent recurrences of it, causes much of the Doomcute to play more of a role in core theme-building than serving as those one-off concentrated bursts of detail, but there's also powerlines and a pool table and a sawmill, so it goes both ways. The inner house also has this secret wardrobe, which I'll let speak for itself. Heaven Stroll isn't the pure leisure map that the idyllic visuals and Nirvana cover MIDI might have you expecting, but it is also not very difficult or combat-oriented. One little amusing touch about it is how the initial turret enemies tend to occupy positions that look like fortifications, which has the campy and charming effect of making the lodge look like a zealously guarded military base. This meshes with setpieces that definitely make me think of Hell Revealed 2, with the way the tight interior spaces end up filling up with several hell nobles or revenants (with vile guardians). That isn't a lot, but it ends up reading as very "slaughtery" thanks to how snug these spaces are -- and as a result the combat evokes that early '00s era of slaughter, while going even further than Kama Sutra to ground it in pseudorealism. Almost every encounter ties into the aesthetic somehow, or draws attention to some architectural feature, often through slightly comical enemy placements. All in all, Heaven Stroll is a very good map, and it's supposedly a one-off from an aborted mapset. If there are maps in that project that are even half as interesting as this one, I would personally love to see that continued, but I'm not making any demands. :)14 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2023
komojo and 10 others reacted to ShiroiAkuma51 for a topic
11 points -
Get the WAD: from Doomshack from Idgames So, a bunch of Polish doomers have been lured by @Ordon to a Polish Discord server to create a bunch of maps with an end-goal to bundle them together into a Polish community single-player map pack. We've been working on this for over a year now (or two), and today, on May 21st, 2024, we're pleased to announce the public release! The mapping requirements for this pack were simple: stick to Boom complevel 9 and use the CC4 texture pack. This got us a total variety of 14 maps, that I compiled with a weapon progression in mind. Pierogis are included if you reach MAP07. Play Info Port: A Boom-compatible complevel 9 with UMAPINFO IWAD: Doom 2 Maps: MAP01 - MAP14 Game mode: Single-Player Cooperative: 2-4 player starts; untested Deathmatch: No Tested in: Doom Retro 5.0.7, DSDA-Doom, PrBoom+ 2.6.66, Nugget Doom 2.2.1, Nugget Doom 2.3.1 Release Trailer Screenshots Map Roster Our Discord https://discord.gg/bb5Cae5N - Polish DOOM Community10 points
DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]
Human Being and 8 others reacted to stan1234 for a topic
Map 01 NM-Speed in 5.40 lv01n005.zip9 points -
opinions on pineapple on pizza?
Dusty_Rhodes and 7 others reacted to Kinsie for a topic
Why do people give a shit, either way? If it's your own pizza, just ask the place to exclude it. If it's a communal thing like an office party, just pick it off your slice. It's not like an open-heart surgery thing.8 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
volleyvalley and 7 others reacted to Silvertopaz for a topic
8 points -
8 points
I like pineapple on pizza. The citrus-like flavor goes well with the tomato and cheese, much like lime goes with mexican and lemon goes with seafood.7 points
Doom 2 Minor Sprite Fixing Project - v2.0 Release (updated 11/28/22)
El Juancho and 6 others reacted to Revenant100 for a topic
I appreciate the suggestions. In order to keep the number of compatibility patches I need to continue maintaining over time reasonable, I do limit the scope of what necessitates a compatibility patch in the first place. For the most part, this means the project in question is large enough to warrant the endeavor. As of now, all of the compatibility patches available are (or are planned to be) megawads in size (or close to it) with one exception. Dimension of the Boomed only consists of six real maps, but I created a compatibility patch at the time with the notion that these Quake-styled assets could serve as the base resources for future similar Quake-styled projects, hence the patch may have use beyond just this one PWAD. Were I posed with the same choice today, though, I would have to give the prospect some serious consideration. And therein lies the issue with the Nirvana projects you've mentioned. Breathless and Entropy are both single-level PWADs, and while they're undoubtedly grand in scale, they realistically don't meet the threshold for compatibility patches. Fractured Worlds, having eight real levels, is just on the cusp of what I would consider justifying the ongoing support of a compatibility patch, but there's one other factor at play here. Many of the overriding sprites included in Fractured Worlds are outright graphical edits of the original monster sprites, albeit mostly recolors. This means that I would have to manually redo the relevant sprite fixes on these edited sprites, and in some cases, it would necessitate accurately recreating the original color palette translations first, thus putting even more of the burden on me. Unfortunately, I can't commit to the creation and the ongoing support and maintenance of sprite fix compatibility patches for these particular PWADs. I don't want to end this on a down note, so I'll say this in regards to any and all future projects: I encourage map authors to integrate these sprite fixes of their own volition. For everyone else, perhaps feel free to inform said map authors of the open availability of such sprite fixes and that you would like to see them integrated into their projects. It by no means has to just be me to ensure sprite fix compatibility. As I've said from day one, this project is an open resource for use by the entire community. I've long provided the resources tailored for modders to make this a simple task, which several out there have already taken advantage of, and it requires no more work than what would already be needed to modify the original IWAD artwork. In the end, these sprite fixes have been around for quite some time and won't be going anywhere, the greater awareness of and their adoption rate will only continue to increase, and the development of the project isn't going to end any time soon. (And by the by, happy 11th anniversary to the Minor Sprite Fixing Project!)7 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Fonze and 6 others reacted to ViolentBeetle for a topic
Pulled an all-nighter, made a map layout. We've got: Blood plazas (with nonsensical window arrangment): Blood sewers: Hexagonal bloodfalls where I used stair builder tool backwards, but it's fine: Giant hunk of meet (Also blood): Why is the building bleeding? Why wouldn't the building bleed? Meat cube:7 points -
1 Flat, 1 Texture - A Doom II map
DuckReconMajor and 5 others reacted to randomsounds01 for a topic
So after seeing maps like Wood5Flat5, I decided to make my own with RROCK12 as the flat and BSTONE3 as the texture. I also included the F_SKY flat and SW1BROWN for a switch texture. Made for Boom format, tested using DSDA-Doom on complevel 9 for Doom II. There is also a start of a MAP02, using BRICK7 and FLAT1_1. one texture one flat.zip (Feedback appreciated) Screenshots:6 points -
Chthonian Carnage
knifeworld and 5 others reacted to Veylinator for a topic
6 points -
Last level of Jolly DM. Going for something weird. :)
Geniraul and 5 others reacted to Arrowhead for a status update
Last level of Jolly DM. Going for something weird. :)6 points -
Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6hzys0ha6od18me/Levels_from_an_Old_Harddrive.zip/file __________________________________________________________________________________ I've come across something fairly interesting. Recently I was contacted by @Grizzly Old B - he had mentioned to me that he had recently re-discovered an old hard-drive he originally used in the late 90s. On this hard-drive were a variety of Doom WADs. This includes the following WADs: bluehell.wad - 1 level death2.wad - 1 level episo-4.wad - 9 levels episo-5.wad - 9 levels gather.wad - 4 levels level-1.wad - 1 level level-2.wad - 1 level level-3.wad - 1 level level-4.wad - 1 level level-5.wad - 1 level level-6.wad - 1 level level-7.wad - 1 level level-8.wad - 1 level marten8.wad - 1 level quadro.wad - 1 level shrine.wad - 1 level temple.wad - 1 level I didn't know much about the files included in the folder, so I reached out to @thestarrover. This ended up being very helpful - I was given information on a large amount of the above WADs. Some of the WADs are unrecognized as of right now. This includes: 'bluehell.wad', 'level-1' - 'level-8', 'marten8.wad', 'temple.wad' and 'quadro.wad'. thestarrover gave me lots of information. I've included some of the details we do know about the WADs below: "EPISO-4.wad and EPISO-5.WAD are Doom 2 conversions of the well-known wad compilations EPISODE4.WAD and EPISODE5.WAD, also released as EP4B.WAD and EP5A.WAD (EP4C.WAD is a fixed version or EP4B .WAD)." "gather.wad is the old version of The Final Gathering by Daniel "Stormin" Norman. In the /idgames an updated and fixed version is available." "shrine.wad is another wad by Daniel "Stormin" Norman, The Shrine of the Warriors." Levels 1-8 could very well be known under other names elsewhere - the same goes for the other unknown levels. I decided to include everything in this download, even WADs that were possibly already on the archive, like 'gather.wad' - it's possible some of these unknowns are earlier versions of other WADs, too. Something cool that thestarrover speculated was that 'death2.wad' could possibly be by John Jankowski. It is mentioned by name in his ebola.wad readme file. If anyone else knows anything about any of these files, please reach out to me, or post in this thread. ___________________________________ Along w/ this folder of obscure WAD files, Grizzly also sent me a 1996 WAD made by him back in the day. This is actually quite an entertaining little map - I've decided to make a Wadarcheology review for it. I am not going to include the file here now, but I'll post it here on Sunday or Monday - alongside the written review. The map is called 'fraggles.wad' - I'll likely make my reviews the same way as I have prior - a short written segment, w/ an attached gameplay video. Hope everyone has been well, it's been quite a while since I've been posting here - as to whether I'm 'coming back' to regular Wadarcheology reviews, that remains to be seen. I may make the occasional one, whenever I find something cool like this! :)6 points
opinions on pineapple on pizza?
Dusty_Rhodes and 5 others reacted to Li'l devil for a topic
Pineapple on pizza may be subjectively okay taste-wise, but one needs to remember that many people need to hate something (since accepting that all tastes are valid is boring), so pineapple was popularly chosen as the ingredient to direct hate towards.6 points -
opinions on pineapple on pizza?
rebeldoomer and 5 others reacted to MFG38 for a topic
Pineapple belongs on pizza. This is not up for debate.6 points -
Post your Heretic/Hexen textures and decorations!
NecrumWarrior and 5 others reacted to Not Jabba for a topic
Hey all, here is the texture library with all the stuff I've made/edited. I'll also put it in the OP and keep it updated there. [Link removed because I don't want to maintain it in this post, see OP]6 points -
Jolly DM - MAP02 - 'ARCTIC AMBUSH' The 2nd level of my 3 map Christmas DM pack. I decided to call this pack 'Jolly DM'. One more map to finish! :)6 points
Doomcute thread
Novaseer and 5 others reacted to horselessheadsman for a topic
from Entryway 2.0 by Amaruψ6 points -
Thought this was fun to shwlare5 points
https://www.theguardian.com/games/2023/dec/08/doom-at-30-what-it-means-by-the-people-who-made-it Apols if this has already been posted elsewhere on the forums. I did a search, but not a very thorough one.5 points
opinions on pineapple on pizza?
Lizardcommando and 4 others reacted to Mr. Freeze for a topic
It's great. I will NOT be canceled for this!5 points -
What actually happened to Daisy, Doomguys pet bunny?
Andromeda and 4 others reacted to Grain of Salt for a topic
The weird ramifications of E4 retconning that rabbit to being "your pet rabbit daisy": You have a pet rabbit on Earth despite living longterm on Phobos. The demons somehow found out this rabbit is your rabbit. The demons located your rabbit. The demons specifically killed your rabbit and placed its corpse near where the exit from E3M8 would spit you out, just to be mean. The demons knew you would beat the spider mastermind and their main concern was how to mess with you afterwards.5 points -
Three Decades of DOOM (Documentary)
SilverHurling and 3 others reacted to Dantosking for a topic
Three Decades of DOOM - a documentary cycle video about DOOM-community in its different time periods. Most "YouTube" videoclips are touching the DOOM franchise itself, and it's developers, but they practically do not shed the light on the contribution to it made by it's fans. Three Decades of DOOM fills this gap. The first episode is describing the significant events from 1994 to 1996. - Why Aliens TC still remains the most often mentioned project? What influence did DWANGO service have on the games, and the multiplayer in particular back then? How did the players organize team matches, using only Deathmatch by default? The forgotten persons, their maps/levels and events in Three Decades of DOOM! The preliminary showcase of the introductory video will be held on December 9-th in St. Petersburg, at the Russian DoomCon event. The video will be released on YouTube in the end of this year's December. Its English version will be ready in the beginning of 2024 Donate - https://www.donationalerts.com/r/legacyz VK - https://vk.com/legacyz Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/legacy_z_team/4 points -
Russian Doomcon - The 30th Anniversary of DOOM
4MaTC and 3 others reacted to Dantosking for a topic
I don't know how many people from Russia and other CIS countries visit this forum. Anyway my team LegacyZ gonna throw a party: What?: Crazy DOOM LAN-party When?: December 9, 12:00 AM Where?: Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Konyushennaya Ploshad 2B. Museum of Soviet Game Machines At 10th of December 2023 we will be hosting Russian Doomcon - a large Lan-Party dedicated to Doom universe at St. Petersburg. Large variety of tounraments and multiplayer sessions wil be held during the event. Attendees might play retro consoles provided by Retro Tech Squad too. We also invited guitarist GearX2 who plays music from various video games, including doom. Donate: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/legacyz Details of the event will also appear in our VK group Main stream will be here for everyone! Tournaments: -LegacyZ Duel Tournament 1 on 1 [ZDaemon] -MS-DOS Classic FFA Tournament [Vanilla Doom] Competition: -First Demo Attempt [Map: ???].4 points -
They put me in Doom (the Super Shotgunner).
Kuro_mahoh and 3 others reacted to DoomGappy for a status update
They put me in Doom (the Super Shotgunner).4 points -
Post your Doom textures!
Denzel20 and 3 others reacted to randomsounds01 for a topic
4 points -
Some more progress: Do these lights I made w/ 3D floors look okay? Hoping to have thi
Geniraul and 3 others reacted to Arrowhead for a status update
Some more progress: Do these lights I made w/ 3D floors look okay? Hoping to have this done by the end of the weekend. :)4 points -
The Old Bean Factory
TJG1289 and 3 others reacted to EduardoAndFriends for a topic
Apologies for the boop on this old post, but I just had to boop. I had an amazing time playing, which is hopefully evident in the video. Really hope more stuff of this ilk is forthcoming! If not, I'll be happy to just replay this and Slime City and count myself lucky. Brilliant. That Pulp Fiction / The Simpsons style prepper arsenal with shooting range basement was really satisfying to access once I'd worked out the payphone puzzle. 10 beans out of 10.4 points -
MAP 08: RESEARCH LAB (Woof!, -complevel 2, -pistolstart, UV w/ saves) omg Tricks and Traps reference!!!!!111!! A rather meh map for me tbh. The only fights that stood out to me was the yellow key fight w/ the influx of rapidly teleporting in monsters, which takes me sorta back to the time I replayed Going Down this year, what w/ the fight being sorta chaotic but ultimately easy enough to be dealt w/ monster infighting. The other fight that I thought was pretty gud was the final one w/ cybercheeks and his merry band of not barons w/ the slowly rising red floor. What I did to handle this fight is that I didn't do jack shit and let them go worldstar on each other. And could you actually believe it when I say that the cyberdemon lost? He got taken out by the few remaining hell knights + the arachnotrons when I reached the top. The mastermind used here was also pretty meh, just shoot at em w/ plasma and then push against the wall of the platform that it's on when it fires. Overall, an ok map that gives you more than enough ammo to deal with the fights you'll face. I also wanted to note that gyatt DAMN does the midi in this map really have that DKC feel to it. I wonder if the secret maps midis will take on some inspiration from the bonus room themes of the same games.4 points
Map 08 : "Research Lab" The original Research Lab is not more than a low-cost recreation of "Tricks and Traps" concept with a duller layout and a lot less memorable and exciting combats. However, I feel that Cammy's improvements are quite noticeable, not least in the music, which is both mysterious and energetic. Listening to it, I feel as if I'm playing a level of Donkey Kong Country 2. The style may have nothing to do with it, but the instrumental reminded me of that game. There's a much more adventurous and dangerous tone, which I really appreciate. Bigger fights are better choreographed and more explosive without being a lot more difficult. The progression makes also more sense as the combat against the cyber concludes the level and isn't at the middle anymore. Map 08 is my personal favourite map in the anniversary edition so far. I think Cammy managed to give this map its identity, mostly thanks to the brilliant custom music. Grade : C+ (11/20) - old version Grade : B+ (14,5/20) - new version4 points
Map06: rick taylor dons the terror mask and ventures inside to save his girlfriend haha get it So this was the last map I finished before this thread was started and an updated version was released. When I first played the '96 version, I felt it was one of the better maps for the first few minutes, but then I got unbelievably frustrated trying to work out how to reach that outdoor area. It turned out to largely be my fault though, since the switch I wanted was "protected" by some health bonuses, and I'm very strict about when I collect those. If my health is below 95 or too close to 200, forget it. By the time I had the "right" amount of health to collect them, I'd forgotten about them entirely. Okay I just double checked the original to see if I really remembered what had happened and it turns out the switch in question wasn't really relevant to the outdoor area but still it was something to do with somehow forgetting that room existed. So the first time I played the anniversary version, I thought "oh sweet it's clips in front of the switch this time, this is surely just one of those maps like what Jim Flynn might've made where once you know what it's asking of you it's fine" but then I found myself reliving my frustration anyway, because now a super obvious secret from the '96 version had been made not so obvious, and it also happened to hold the key to the outdoor area. But yeah this time around I was much more "this is just one of those maps like what Jim Flynn might've made where once you know what it's asking of you it's fine". Once you know, you know, you know?4 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Realm of Chaos 25th Anniversary Edition
Ralgor and 3 others reacted to cannonball for a topic
MAP08 - “Research Lab” by Slava Pestov Before; Now; A bit of a mixed bag, I guess that fits with the structure and individual challenge element of this one. The blue key area is pretty forgettable and the red key borders on tedium. That said the yellow key fights are pretty solid, the nukage drop offering probably the biggest challenge, especially as I had to bait the archvile to attack the mancubus and use the mancubus to weaken the archvile. The fight for the key is good clean fun, not difficult but chewing through fodder like that is always going to make your day better. The final area will surprise the unaware, though despite the monster compositions this isn't too hard to beat. Overall this has a rather quirky but chilled feeling to it, made more so by Cammy's midi, in the end I found this to be a pretty entertaining romp and probably one of the better maps so far.4 points -
What are the longst Doom and Doom 2 levels to beat?
Andromeda and 3 others reacted to Andrea Rovenski for a topic
take a look at the DSDA records for uv max, here's a link for the full table view: https://dsdarchive.com/wads/doom2/table_view?category=UV+Max4 points -
MAP08: (UV, PS, Saveless) Hmm, the opening room looks like Tricks and Traps, and indeed the map has many callbacks to the original map. The rooms on the side are kinda filler, but the take on the Cyber-Baron room was much more entertaining than the original. It was fun making U-shapes around the room and instigating infighting. The SMM was kind of an dissapointment.4 points
The age old "should pineapple be on pizza" question has become a meme and cliche. Well the best answer is: Depends on the authenticity and style of the Pizza. Where Pineapples are inappropriate: Classic Italian, wood oven baked pizza with a focus on the dough's texture and gourmet but limited toppings. E.g. buffalo cheese, moist margherita sauce, and a thin crust, sprinkled with oregano and some basil. When done right, you will clearly taste the sauce, cheese and herbs within the soft crusty warm bread. Adding Pineapple would just interrupt the perfect harmony of flavors. Where Pineapples are appropriate: General fast food style. Often the sauce isn't noticeable and the cheese serves more of a cool stringy effect than flavor. The toppings are plentiful and often very meaty and cheesy that makes the pizza quite salty. This is when Pineapple is a good addition to the pizza, as the moist sweet flavor hit helps balance the otherwise dominating salty, thick flavors and texture.4 points
PUSS XXXIII: DIE ROWDY [ December Speedmapping ]
Naarok0fkor and 3 others reacted to Weird Sandwich for a topic
Map Name: Executive Disfunction Author: WeirdSandwich Music: "Savager" by Jimmy Build Time: 4 hours Co-op Starts: Yes Difficulty Settings: Yes Comments: More executive offices! Download: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fgdqtz7ctb9k2erkp5wbi/exec.wad?rlkey=dx8fp9jo88tdwgp6hn5pif26q&dl=0 Screenshots:4 points -
What actually happened to Daisy, Doomguys pet bunny?
rebeldoomer and 3 others reacted to Individualised for a topic
Doomguy sent too many emails to the wrong address?4 points -
MAP 07: DEATHSTAY (Woof!, -complevel 2, -pistolstart, UV w/ saves) Ay, I think I've seen a screenshot of this somewhere before! Overall, not a shabby map. The intro and split pathways towards the big circular room where you fight the cacodemons and the square room w/ the mancubus caged in the center were no big deal. However, once I got down to the lower level w/ the slim hallway I got jumpscared by the revenants once I killed the final mancubus lmao. I'm surprised I didn't wind up harming myself shooting the rocket launcher down a cramped hall and ate a face rocket. The end was meh but I tried to make it more interesting by only killing the arachnotrons w/ their own medicine and raining plasma on all 5 of them.4 points
Frank Zappa's Death 30th Anniversary
OceanMadman and 3 others reacted to TheMagicMushroomMan for a topic
4 points -
Favorite Doom YouTuber?
Artyoman and 3 others reacted to TheMagicMushroomMan for a topic
+1 for Midnight! If not for him, I would have never learned about Marilyn Manson's secret wad about Columbine that made it into Doom 2 undetected and inspired Eric Harris to design Moonman, which is still used by NASA to kill children in Uruguay.4 points -
Miscellaneous demos (part 5)
Searcher and 2 others reacted to Andrea Rovenski for a topic
CLOUDED.WAD (2023) https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/clouded respawn 7:32 https://youtu.be/FELAzmoM3Vc cloudedr732.zip3 points -
If someone asked me, "What is Doomcute?", I would show them this screenshot as an illustration.3 points
Ah the yearly tradition of photoshopping a santa hat onto your profile picture3 points
Doomworld Members' Sketchbook
CrispyMarble and 2 others reacted to Dasha W. Frost for a topic
3 points -
Clouded Eyes UV-Speed 0:16 clouded01-016.zip UV-Fast 7:00 clouded01f70077.zip UV-Max 7:23 clouded01m723.zip NM-Speed 0:14 clouded01n1457.zip NoMo 0:14 clouded01o1437.zip Pacifist 3:20 clouded01p320.zip Respawn 7:36 clouded01r736.zip Stroller 4:53 clouded01str453.zip3 points
3 points