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  1. *gets two maps in, emits a prolonged sigh and closes the game* For pity's sake. RonLivingston is (STILL) a serial plagiarist.
    33 points
  2. 26 points
  3. OH THIS THING! Boy do i ever have receipts for this~! I forgot they were a thing until like a week before the results went live. Whole thing was just a trainwreck, really poorly put together, no real transparency, wholly dependent on AI generation, and that's just scratching the surface. OFC people constantly called them out for a lot of this, including how their discord was at one point, moderated by a very vocal bigot. really setting the tone here lol Or calling out the accessive amount of AI content being used. Which Hakros would respond by throwing a fit! which.. boy that ended up being a running theme lol. There were many examples of nominated mapsets with multiple members that were only attributed to project leads. Sets like Tetanus, What Lies Beneath, and Lunacy, were listed with no real hint of anyone else who contributed. this isn't even all of them. In an even funnier error: Hell Yeah! wasn't even attributed to PUSS lmao. @Yugiboy85 even had to keep pestering Hakros about it because they wanted to make sure Squonker Team was properly credited. Hakros responded by berating someone who contributed to a nominated mapset for their awards. very classy lol. @Major Arlene even had to point out how the Write-up for Break//Point// incorrectly states it contains Dehacked when it very clearly doesn't lmao. Not only could they not be bothered to write for their award show, they couldn't even be bothered to look over what the AI wrote! People very quickly got wind that this whole thing was a grift done out of spite and understandably wanted their names off it. Arlene had asked, multiple times even, and ofc they didn't comply. @Foxhead also asked to have their project:Foxtex removed, and to qoute him, "They begged me to keep it" which is... so sad. Foxhead had enough and just gave up on it. Ofc calling them out resulted in them getting blocked because Hakros is if nothing else: Consistent lol Hakros would ofc throw a very public tantrum over this, and in a perfect analogy for this whole mess: couldn't be bothered to check if he had tagged the right person!! Maybe the funniest thing, was you could see Hakros, throughout the months constantly @ ing @Bridgeburner56 ** IN HIS OWN REPLYS**. you can't make this shit up! OFC because Bridgeburner publicly called out what a sham the Doom Awards was, say it with me: he got blocked lmao. big shock there. It was so transparent that they badly wanted big names in the community to vouch for them, constantly tagging nominee's for Best Content Creator.. even when it didn't make any sense, like when they just.. randomly tagged Civvie and some other people on a random announcement post. There was just.. no effort put into this. the saddest thing, was that both the "Best Rookie Creator" and "Best Rookie Map" only had **one* nominee... the same nominee actually: Mr Hypnos and their debut map Octate respectably. The fact they just couldn't think of more people to include in one of the richest years in doom's history is.. so sad. Especially when the Caco's went above and beyond to talk about fresh-faced mappers. There is even more about the whole thing that was just a mess, but this is just a sampling of it. So the lesson to take away here: maybe don't make an award show out of spite. You might end up realizing it's way too much work and just give up on it.
    26 points
  4. episode 1 uv-max in 17:49 yt: https://youtu.be/ykIhK_HjVjg ep1m1749.zip
    23 points
  5. brullov

    [Release] Outpost 13

    Hello guys, I'm excited to release my first single-player map for Doom 2! The Outpost 13 is a huge reference to The Thing, the 1982 John Carpenter movie. Boom compatible. Tested with GZDoom, PRBoom, and DSDA. Difficulties are supported, but UV brings the true experience. Approximately 15 minutes of gameplay. It's also my debut as a music composer. Please turn up the music for the best immersive experience. Special thanks to Helm and quakis for their support, playtesting and feedback. It would not be that easy and fun without you, pals. I've recently created a Discord server if you'd like to keep track of my Doom stuff. Or you can follow me on Twitter. P.S. I am aware of the outside windows' visual glitch. Unfortunately, I was not able to fix that. Download v OP13.zip
    20 points
  6. Hi. I for one admit to hogging all the Cacowards for myself and fuck you for asking. In seriousness - the goal of my tweets was not to "take down" the Doom Awards, I absolutely was not expecting the series of tweets that's been linked a few times in this thread now to blow up the way it did, when it did. I was made aware of this project when Agent Strange first tweeted about this way back on May 5 - I immediately became suspicious when it was linked to the ZDF drama - whatever you feel about that, ZDF has never had a thing to do with the Cacowards or Doomworld. But hey, whatever. Maybe a project started out of spite may for once actually not turn out to be complete crap. But as can be quickly found in all the evidence posted, the effort was not put in to make it something good. I'm trying not to repost everything that I posted to Twitter about the topic but I want to emphasize that the Cacowards team members do this work, for free, on top of full time jobs most or all of the time. Many bilingual people have learned to get past their language barriers to create wonderful reviews. And it is hard. fucking. work. And you have to be committed. I found over time I could not commit to the quality that the Cacowards needed at that time and stepped down. And amazing writers have come in my place, I could not think of a better team to lead it now. It feels hollow to have words that an AI generated sent to me and the expectation for me to accept that gracefully and with open arms was silly. As I would feel it would be for most creators (but I can't speak for everyone, of course). Someone had asked "why don't you accept the recognition? you should be grateful!" and the truth is I don't need that. I have a community I feel at home with, I like the things I make, I am happy, and I am safe. It may have been something I wanted for myself when I was younger and less secure in my work but it's not something I want or need now. My advice is, in the words of Emily Artful: do what you love, and fuck the rest. Accolades are wonderful but do not let them be what define you. EDIT FOR IMPORTANT CONTEXT: Agent Strange who is mentioned in this post is not involved in the Doom Awards, he was simply trying to help get eyeballs on it at the time at the request of I guess Hakros. He's a pillar of the Doom community on Twitter and has since disavowed this entire thing as well. He's wonderful and I'm sorry for not clarifying that. Second edit: Emily Artful got that from Little Miss Sunshine, my bad for wrong attributions (she attributes it correctly)
    19 points
  7. RC3 has been uploaded! Please update your copy of Eviternity II. RC3 fixes several issues, from softflocks and other major changes, to the most insignificant of misalignments. For information of all amends, see below list.
    17 points
  8. This isn't AT anyone in particular, but just something I feel needs to be said. There's a real undertone of pity to this whole thing, and I think it needs to be reiterated that most people have gotten recognition envy at some point. It's a natural part of the creative experience and just being part of a community in general. When people get lost in it though or have unaddressed shit in their personal lives, it gets pathological and everyone's worse off for it...like with this whole thing. It's always really uncomfortable to see grown adults acting like literal children. A better effort could come about someday that isn't just a bad-faith grab at clout and attention, and I really hope someone manages it, but until then I think this type of behavior is to be expected. Additional Doom community awards could potentially do a lot of good, but they have to have focus and the right intentions behind them. Lots of people smelt this coming from miles away and it gave off real bad vibes from the start. There's a necessity to understand pro-social behaviors and having humility and a genuine interest in growing as a creative person that is sorely lacking from the Doom Awards and people that pull the woe is me routine during each Cacoward season. That's not being mean-spirited, elitist or cynical. We see it every year. Grow up, check your ego, put your nose to the grindstone and hone your craft in humble silence while trying to actually be a better creative and a better person. You might get a Caco that way, you might not, but doing it JUST to get one will ensure you never do, and some people are in such scary denial about all of that. It's not just about you, it's about the journey and the friends and support you make along the way. Pat your fellow Doomers on the back, learn from them and be a part of the community's growth. Stop trying to get your slice of the cake and STOP with the pathologically antisocial behavior. THAT's why this undertaking failed, not because people wanted it to.
    17 points
  9. I disagree, a good amount of gay sex could make me actually care about NuDoom for once
    16 points
  10. They were even too lazy to edit out the little floating crypto-coins on the homepage. :^P
    16 points
  11. People often underestimate just how much time, effort, and skill go into making the Cacowards what it is. This whole ordeal is a fine example of what happens if you half-ass it.
    15 points
  12. Hello there, this is my first time publishing something i've been working on for quite a while and mostly for my own. COLD ERA - a project started by me in 2020 when i had COVID and while thinking i might die i thought: "Well, if i'll die then with doing something i love - mapping." And then it has begun, i finished first map pretty fast: only 1 week it took me, even though i wasn't in rush. Huge inspiration i mostly took from my very first speedmapping constest i've participated in that had winter theme, not christmas tho. Also since i haven't seen that much just wintery maps without overly being christmas (which i completely don't mind by the way) it gave me even more boost to making something like this myself, i had plenty time to spare during my COVID staying at home all day. Of course after a month i was felt better to finally return to my job and even during COVID i didn't suffer at all, nothing critical. Although after returning to job i had really hard time spending same amount of energy to maps as i did before and especially it was mostly connected to that time when i had such passion for mapping during COVID pandemic. So as a result, like many of my previous personal projects - it was frozen and kept for better times. * More about the project: Fairly big and cold adventure with 5 unique maps with their own themes, usually in 'Run-and-gun' type of gameplay. Maps have a lot of open places with dozens of monsters to kill, have at least 3-4 optional paths and, well, a bunch of views to look at :^) Each map taking mostly 30 mins to complete on blind playthroughs with exception being the 'wad opener' map. Maps trying to catch best things about winter maps getting the player in different locations with different gameplay and mood. * I felt bad letting this project down especially how well it started and of course i had to do something with this, but wasn't sure when it will be a proper time for me to spread my word about it. And so it happened that i had really lucky opportunity to use it as a FDA (First Demo Attempt) map that was accepted by @Dantosking (Also known as Dant3) for being a part of 30th Doom Anniversary - Russian Doomcon. Take a massive feedback from players in live contest and also organising Live FDA for the first time myself? Hell yeah, brother! Even though during this constest i felt really tired - it was still a joy, something i had when i started this project. Talking about 'comeback', heh. As all tournaments, this Live FDA had cash prizes sponsored by me. From all 17 participants only 7 made they way to the leader board and 4 players that had best time in UV-Speed category won. As a mapper i must say, i had quite a laugh watching people walking around the map since even this 'wad opener' is fairly easy to complete and speedrun: it's not easy to navigate through with a lot of optional stuff and paths that connects to other places where you have already been. Time limit of 15 mins also gave pressure to players but what do you know: when the cash prize on a table - it's double or nothing ;^) After such experience i've decided publish at least this map from FDA as a demo of that mapset that i kept for so long. After FDA contest people even asked if they can play it after Doomcon and it would be pretty bad from me if i'd not post it somewhere and especially after positive feedback from them which makes me happy. INFO: * Map Name: Frozen Hideout. * Author: Man With a Gun (MWG) * IWAD: Doom 2 * Level replacement: MAP01 * Music: "Stage Select" from Mega Man 8 (remix) * Texturepack: Whitemare's texture pack. * Format: Boom (complevel 9) * Tested with: Prboom plus, Zandronum. * Difficulty Settings: All implemented. * Build Time: 1 week. * Multiplayer/Deathmatch: Not yet. * Other: DeHacked file for changing the automap name. COLDSHOTS: DOWNLOAD: Here! Extra stuff:
    14 points
  13. Frost is a 4 level set based around snow, ice, and old creaky castles. Heavily inspired by Maskim Xul and the works of Eternal DOWNLOAD: Here Jumping/crouching: No Freelook: Yes Difficulty Settings: yes Co-op: yes Deathmatch: WIP Tested on DSDA doom 0.27.4 Known Bugs: Framerate drops during the final fight Resources used: Status bar, flame textures, and Dark imps from Eternal's Hellground Weapons and other custom enemies, SFX, and objects from Ad Mortem (I had to fix the mace textures so that you can actually see the thing.) Snow Fall code from B L E A K. Bell texture that you will never see in Map 3 from Maskim Xul. Most Textures are From Gothic texture pack, CC4 textures for the snow, and the Dark base texture pack for flooring. Map 1 - Hidden Coven (an intro level/combat puzzle) Map 2 - Frost (The main event focused around puzzles, wicked combat, and exploration) Map 3 - The end (a stopper map with a cool church) Map 31 - B e g o t t e n D r e a m (a joke map that has no exit because it's supposed to kill you!) Screenshots
    14 points
  14. Like many people have mentioned before, it's always welcome to see some more community-made contents to review & retrospect mapsets, gameplay mods, and other community-made creations. Since it was the 30th anniversary of Doom, it would be so nice to get an additional awarding ceremony to celebrate this special moment, letting people know about more Doom mods, mapsets, and megawads to cherish from this special year. Too bad that what we saw from Doom Awards was something completely different than Cacowards. Frankly, Doom Awards was one of the biggest disappointments from this year. What makes Doom Awards worse is that their attitude to the public. Many people made vaild criticisms toward Doom Awards, mostly about their AI-generated contents with no efforts. Some of AI-generated pictures even made them worse than the original pictures, because they just let the AI to upscale the images and never reviewed them for quality check. It actually gave me a better result by increasing the size of a picture from Paint, instead of using their AI upscaler. Not to mention that those reviews were not written by people, but generated by ChatGPT, making them to be filled with mediocre words and even false informations. This issue would've been resolved, if there's a minimum amount of effort to check the quality of generated words. But it looked like they actually didn't pay attention to the winners, and just let the AI do the whole thing and called it a day. Their response against those criticisms was just ignoring all of them, blocking people who gave them helpful opinions on Twitter, showing their poor public relation skills. If they don't want to listen to people, then fine. People won't listen to them as well. I learned that Doom Awards was actually born from the hatred toward the Cacowards. Ironically, this Doom Awards made Cacowards even more stand out than before, letting people to appreciate more elaborate, hand-written articles with actual love and passion to Doom, rather than just lazily pumped-out AI-generated words and photos without soul. If this was their original intention somehow, despite their anger against the Cacowards, then it was indeed "a great success", like they mentioned on Twitter.
    14 points
  15. Mini rant about this since I saw my name pop-up. Oh, brother. OH, BROTHER. Let me tell you a story about the Doom Awards. For my part, I took everything they told me about what they were doing at face value. "New Doom community? Sounds good to me. Don't know why you're using drama involving the ZDoom forums as justification for starting this but okay." It was only after I had given them a shoutout that I thought to myself, "I should look into this more. Something seems fishy." Checked the website, read their lauded Transparency Statement, found the connection to the Boomers Dimension Discord, and then joined the Doom Awards Discord itself. All while this was happening, I had the Doom Awards Twitter account (aka Hakros) DMing about their beef with Major Arlene. I very promptly told them, "Hey, that's between the two of you. I don't want to know about it, I don't need to know about it." After that, I took a cursory glance at the Doom Awards Discord and found some posts that looked pretty bad at out of context. By that point, I was starting to realize that a good portion of the people running this thing were not native English speakers. I spent the first half of my life growing up overseas and from that I know that a lot can get lost in translation. Different languages, different cultures, different worldviews, all that coalescing into what I believe was a repurposed Discord that used to be used for a couple of friends to joke around in. That set off some alarms in my brain. I told folks to check out this cool new thing and there's some questionable stuff just floating there out in the open. If this thing becomes popular, then the chances of this stuff getting out there is only going to grow exponentially. So, with all of that in mind, I decided to ask for clarification on the posts that I saw. What followed, was a rollercoaster of smack coming from one the Discord's moderators. "Oh, Agent Strange. You're just some content creator who likes to play God and you're going to try to cancel us like you did with Sgt Mark. You ruined his career. Blah, blah, blah. Cancel culture is cringe and so are you. Long live Freedom of Speech!" That stream of word vomit went back and forth for two or so hours while I tried to politely inquiry about what I had seen. Eventually, I spoke with Hakros about it. He explained that they're Spanish speakers and that it's all just jokes and nothing to take seriously. I knew better by this point but decided to just leave it at that. I thanked Hakros for "explaining", left the server, briefly mentioned their beef to Major Arlene in private, and washed my hands of the whole affair. They were right in that I had unfairly repeated a lot of the stuff that Sgt. Mark was infamous for back in the day. That was wrong of me, and I realized that back in August 2021 when I spoke with Mark directly and buried the hatchet with him. I did not want to go through something like that again with these Doom Awards folks and after the verbal thrashing that I received from this moderator; I wanted nothing to do with this situation period. I didn't want to expose or "cancel" them. I just wanted to move on. If the Doom Awards was truly as toxic as I thought, then I don't need to get on a high horse and inform people of that, they can reach that conclusion on their own. Fast forward to now and that seems to be what's happening. I've heard that some people who were involved with the Doom Awards at the beginning are no longer associated with it. I haven't verified that, but I just remembered one of the names that were involved and deleted a tweet that highlighted some their content to be on the safe side. I am responsible for the community, for lack of a better term, that I cultivate on social media and it's up to me to make sure that it remains a safe place for EVERYONE to participate in. I did take screenshots of my time in the Doom Awards Discord but I don't want to go full Sherlock Holmes/Hbomberguy on this unless it becomes absolutely necessary. I would prefer that this be the final nail in the coffin that was my very brief endorsement of that goober website.
    13 points
  16. In the danger of coming off as an unwanted ad, the Wadazine has had similar features in the past as a companion piece to the Cacoawards. And as it has been mentioned; it is an excruciatingly challenging endeavor that takes a lot, lot of time. From the gathering of the judges, to the selection process, the playtesting, the reviewing, the rankings and/or critiques, and of course, the presentation of it. It has been probably the hardest thing I've done with the Wadazine but it is something I do wish to keep expanding and improving. Meanwhile, to just relegate the entire task to a Chatbot and do the entire thing for you as if it was your school homework, well, that's fucking lazy and dishonest. I initially was optimistic for these new Doom Awards and their community-vote type of system for something that could work well while trying to be its own thing, but at the best of my ignorance, the entire thing was a fiasco since day one, and I didn't realize it until the very last moment when the AI shit came down and they reacted in the absolute worst way possible. Should be noted that they straight up delete and censor anyone that does not 100% agree with their views. My twitter thread had at least 10 different answers from different persons, but because they were comments under a post by the DA twitter account, they were all soon deleted. They tried to ''expose me'' by sharing our private DMs, as if that somehow would make them look better? They even plastered the Wadazine logo on top of the screenshot. They really thought they had something, somehow.
    13 points
  17. You were told by numerous people six years ago that this kind of behaviour was unacceptable. And do not act like this plagiarism was something that happened to you, this was something you actively engaged in for years while knowing that it wasn't the right thing to do. Your continued existence on these forums hinged upon your answer to Jimmy's comment and it seems clear to me that your only regret in all this was that you got caught. Thank you for the work you did in compiling that evidence @Jimmy.
    12 points
  18. makes sense that the only one who likes witchaven is a literal troglodyte
    11 points
  19. My map for 200 Line Christmas
    10 points
  20. I feel somewhat subconscious while making this
    10 points
  21. I've just finished working on my first map for Doom 2. Can't wait to read your feedback.
    10 points
  22. Christmas is coming to town! Yet in this town the demons (and evil gnomes!?) decided to invite themselves in for some fun, so of course doomguy has to kill them all, especially the ones that invaded his own home! IWAD: DOOM II Map: Map01 Compatibility: Limit-removing Co-op: Yes Difficulties: Yes Sky: Me MIDI: Title music from Earthbound, map midi is "Lone wanderer" by AD_79 Deathmatch: Yes, whole separate DM area outside the map for you and your buddies Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/m2dpdu068vq14kc/redxmas.zip/file Screenshots (Main map): Screenshots (DM area): Resources: DOOMXMAS enchanced, COMMTEX, Realistic Texture Pack, GHOSTTEX, 32-in-24, Realm667. (All sprites/textures used belong to their original creators) Replacers (Most of these has no effects on the eneme except for the pinky and arachnotron): Pinky is replaces with a axe welding zombieman from realm667 (Faster but less health, has PSX doom sounds (Sprite by Xim I believe)) Arachnotron now rocks the chaingun spider sprite from realm667 and is much more dangerous (Sprite by Captain Toenail) Chainsaw is now a gatling super-shotgun which uses the Auto Canon sprite from realm667 (Sprite by Martinez2098) DOOMXMAS enhanced resources used for some enemies, wanted to keep it jolly in some ways Fist/plasma projectiles/sprites are replaced with the ones from DOOMXMAS enhanced
    9 points
  23. chaos chaos aah
    9 points
  24. Took quite a while, but this evening I finally completed the WAD with the exception of Map36 (which, from the short 5 minute peek I took at it, seems so massive and intimidating in scale that it will require its own dedicated session). Many disjointed thoughts: One of the best things I've ever played. Thanks a ton to everyone involved for putting together such a carefully crafted work. evit2-maribo.zip - Here's full casual UV playthroughs (-dsdademo, v0.27.5) for every map except 36, sorted by RC version.
    9 points
  25. I mostly just remember looking at their website when it was first announced, being confused about certain things like "why is the main content CSS called shop-area" and "why do the links do weird javascript redirect things instead of just going to the proper page", doing some digging and figuring out they basically just used a $20 "eSports and Gaming NFT Template" site design with some graphics swapped out. Just a lot of very strange decisions on every level. I hope someone else can take the lessons learned from this endeavor and apply them to another awards showcase that's a bit more handcrafted with love. (I also hope more people take this as a cue to do their own write-ups of mods they like! You don't need to wait until the end of the year to sing the praises of ur fav, tell us all about it in the here and now!) I hadn't seen this one before, I don't think! "The Cacowards have been kidnapped by someone who hasn't been involved with them since 2021 and someone who hasn't been involved with them ever" is certainly a take someone could have. I would love to see more modding scenes follow the Cacowards' lead! Quake's scene in particular just constantly bats it out of the park with map jams left right and center, a frankly absurd quality ratio. Someone there needs to sing its praises to a wider world! I'd also love to see a more video-oriented take on a game modding/hobbyist gamedev celebration, but I'm also realistic about why it hasn't happened yet: Video production and live broadcast are whole different crafts from writing a weird little webazine. I don't want to speak for anyone else, but getting blindsided by some newcomer sprinting out of nowhere with an absolutely dominant showcase of the craft is one of my favorite parts of the whole endeavor. Just a road to glory, paved with pleasant surprises.
    9 points
  26. Given that the Doomawards was created essentially in bad faith (Anger at being snubbed in the cacowards), it isn't a surprise to me to see this flop badly. There is definitely scope for another awards ceremony from another group of people, but they need to share the same passion and work ethic as those who volunteer to write up the cacowards, it cannot be like the "Well, I'm going to make my own awards ceremony, with blackjack and hookers"approach (Futurama reference), because like in said reference, the person in charge has seemed to lose complete interest to the point where the write ups were essentially made by a computer.
    8 points
  27. Lina

    Share Your Sprites!

    Brainbot, beep boop. Edited Duke Cycloid with brainiac head (shrunk/edited arachno) from an earlier sprite I made. Use freely with credit. Inspired
    8 points
  28. Well, this has been all over social media, so it makes sense to explain this... rather peculiar occurrence to forumgoers who don't happen to have looked much at the Hellsite formerly known as Twitter. In essence, a new awards ceremony was announced some months ago, and while I was very skeptical of some of the methods utilized (such as direct voting) I was actually somewhat happy about it because I do think having more reviews and more ceremonies to celebrate the community's accomplishments is a good thing. The team behind it appears to be called Boomers Dimension, and is (or was?) at least partially affiliated with the Bloom total conversion, but the main guy running the show now is @hakros, as some of the previous admins left the server after its initial announcement. The elephant in the room is indeed the fact that the writeups turned out to be almost entirely generated by ChatGPT. As a result, they come off as extremely hollow and devoid of any substance, to the point that a lot of the reviews feel like they could be referring to just about any wad or game ever made. For example this is how one of the boss encounters is described: "It features a new boss encounter that tests players' skills to the limit, set in a moody, atmospheric environment with highly detailed structures." For whatever reason, the Doom Awards twitter account and website have expressed great contempt towards certain community members, including the ones they have awarded, resulting in a lot of the Doom Awards winners being blocked by the Doom Awards twitter account. Some people have also asked to have their work taken out of the site, but hakros has refused to do so. Like I said earlier, I personally highly welcome new reviews and reviewers as ever since the days of /newstuff it's been one of the principal ways to let people know what's good in the community. But unfortunately what little expectations I personally had for these were drowned in a sea of AI generated streams of consciousness.
    8 points
  29. As a POG (Person of God), Doom's gore makes me nauseous! But then I imagine I'm destroying Pr*testants and it becomes a lot easier to stomach! SHARE IF YOU AGREE
    7 points
  30. I for one am appalled at the pure amount of sex, drug use and violence on display at all times during an average run of Episode 1 by John Carmack. This might have been the norm at the time (1989) but frankly we as a society have moved past such degrading foul behavior. It's well known that people who play video games with this sort of content have consistently gone on to perform these types of behaviors themselves, and I'm going to bring this up at the next PTA meeting (I am on the board)
    7 points
  31. They are going to make imp encounter canon just because of this post.
    7 points
  32. The second map of my new DM project w/ @Endless - this isn't done yet. I still have to connect the floors better in a few places. It looks like a very simple layout, but it is super vertical - so there's a lot more space than it looks. This map is 4 floors tall in some places. It's been a challenge to connect all the floors in usable ways, but I think I'm getting there. I'll post more in the 'what are you working on' thread, once I'm done. :)
    7 points
  33. I was really briefly in their server around may, there were so much hate boner for doomworld and zdoom forums and some community members. I have some logs saved, but I decided to leave it be. From the start I knew it will fail, because so much anger, hate and trying to show how they are better than cacowards and rest of people. At some point you as the person need to think if it's really worthy spend so much time and energy on people you dislike and focus on what's important. Of course, everything aged like milk, including promotional tweets from Agent Strange or how they are.
    7 points
  34. Damn I run the Cacowards? I wish someone had told me, I would've given myself many many Baubles of Office. Oh well, it'll have to wait till next year.
    7 points
  35. Having fun with Zandronum (sorta) (still needs dynamic lighting and thing placement but it's 99% accurate to the original)
    7 points
  36. THIS IS THE DEV THREAD FOR THIS EVENT FROM DECEMBER 2023 RELEASE THREAD IS HERE: Naughty & Nice --- Event OP: PUSS XXXIV: Naughty & Nice Merry Doommas, you filthy animals! Here we go again, ONE LAST TIME before our long winter’s nap. With Mappin’ Round the Doommas Tree, we knocked out a 45-map wad in just a few days. We’re back to do that again with Doommas #4. I've been at this mapping thing now since December of 2020 when I submitted the lovely Deck the Underhalls to PUSS IV...and MY, how many snowflakes have fallen since then. Now here I am, spreading the Doommas cheer of mapping really fast and making some fun stuff to play. Come join me! Now, Santa Bear needs you to ask yourself…which list are on? iWAD: Doom 2 Format: MBF21 [MBF21: Doom 2 (Doom format)] Target Port: DSDA Build Time: 2 Hours (just quick and dirty!) (No infinite detailing timer) Multiplayer: (4) Co-op starts implemented Difficulties: Not required but stick to the List gimmick. Custom MIDIs and Skies Required! (There are skies and MIDIs in the resource that you can use). MIDIs should be Festive...or icy/ snowy-feeling. Resource: PUSS34RES.ZIP (Google Drive) We've upgraded! If you haven't checked out the WONDERFUL enhanced work @Arsinikk and company have developed, check here! I also added a few additional textures, mostly some snowy stuff, some red marble, and a few odds and ends, including a gingerbread texture/ flat I made for [redacted]. We gonna get festive up in here! The ZIP also includes the music files from the Enhanced Pack. Also, while I'll have you here, I don't usually spend time in these posts advertising other people's projects, but 200 Line Christmas is still running through Christmas Eve! Also, they have some really cool custom weapons and clever uses for the pack! Go make a map! There's still time! Secrets: Include at least one. It’s your time to decide which list you’re on! (I will be splitting these up into different episodes). Any given map submission needs to be one or the other. You can make more than one map, and they can be on different lists, if you so desire. Tell me what list you're submitting for, but if you made me a naughty map and put it under "nice", I will move it over...you rascal. Naughty List mappers ain’t worried about getting coal in their stockings…they’ll just use it to fuel the fires of their rage as they watch you fall victim to their sadism. Harder maps, challenging combat puzzles, slaughter…these all apply here. You like making difficult maps with the time you have? Go for it, here. If I can’t beat it in testing, I’ll find someone who can prove it’s beatable. Also, pick at least (1) of these 4 gimmicks: A Bone Closet in a Trick Door! (Hide some revenants in a monster closet and scare us!) Five Archviles! (No More, No Less) Four Cyberdemons! (No More, No Less) Seven Brainy Spiders! (No More, No Less) Nice List mappers make chill maps for Doommas. They keep the numbers low, the combat casual, the resources plentiful, and the playtime on the shorter side. No monster maps and walking simulators are acceptable here, as well as up to maybe a medium level of combat. Also, pick at least (1) of these 4 gimmicks: Some Doommas Doomcute! 11 Mall Santas! A Snowy Cave or Canyon Use the bunnies from the pack! They don’t block and are pacifist. They just chase you around and are so cute! Maps are due in the Discord Channel or on this thread by December 24th when I wake up to compile, which will be about 9:00 am CST. I want to have the compilation out ON December 24th. Make sure you have a name for your map and your music choice before submitting. For submissions, please post in this format: Map Name: [ X ] Author: [ X ] Music: [ Song + Author ] Format: [ X ] Build Time: [ X ] Co-op Starts: [Y/N] Difficulty Settings: [Y/N] Which List Are You On? [ Naughty / Nice ] Gimmicks: [ x ] Comments: [Insert all your Santa Bear lore here. Canon only.] Screenshots: [x] We only need the .wad file of your map. Compiling your submission with the resources is unnecessary for this event. Your mapping time can be nonconsecutive. You may collaborate with another mapper. The time limit is the same for your team as it is for everyone else, split between you however you like. Your timer will only go down when you are mapping or playtesting. Speedmaps will be under the honor rule. Neither you nor I can prove if a map went over the time limit or not, but trained eyes can see what is and is not a speedmap. If you cheat, people will notice. Any time in Slade used to give a midi is outside of your mapping time. I would recommend spending some time looking over the texture pack before you begin mapping, so that you don’t waste time scrolling. Map Submission Limit: There is no cap to how many maps you can submit to this event. Once your time is up, if you haven’t beaten your map, please spend time to verify that your level is beatable, and to make sure co-op starts are included. AFTER YOUR TIME LIMIT IS UP: As a general rule, I'm comfortable with you going back into your wad and picking at its bones to make sure everything is neat and tidy. Minor texture changes, bug fixing, and thing placement overhaul are fine by me. Excluding special cases, I do not want you building new rooms/sectors after you've already submitted a map to me. The time limit isn't to challenge you to make a map quickly, it's to light a fire under your ass to create something truly cool with a deadline. PUSS is still a speedmapping series, so maps won't be perfect cacoward level masterpieces, but I would still like for mappers to spend the time polishing maps they have sent to me. Fixes: Any bug fixing/map changes are due to me 1 week after I upload the final playthrough video of the last submission. I will not fix or edit your map without permission, but if you ghost us after submitting a map, I reserve the right to make necessary functional fixes ONLY (soft locks, missing starts, broken tags, etc.) so the map can be played and completed, or to reject the map. By submitting, you're agreeing to this. Of course, we'd prefer you take responsibility for your own work, and I will make multiple attempts to contact you first and give a reasonable amount of wait time. If your map is broken and you refuse to make any NECESSARY fixes so it is compatible with the target port and is beatable, then it is subject to rejection. Just remember, we're here to HELP YOU, so don't be discouraged.
    6 points
  37. 6 points
  38. Submissions are closed! I’ll have a beta out later tonight. RC1 will see the map order scrambled about. I have released a pre release on my discord that has up to MAP38. edit: This list is slightly inaccurate as I kissed a submission from NiGHTS108 that’ll be in map41’s slot
    6 points
  39. E1M8 is ready, as the whole episode, some final testing and straight to Idgames https://www.mediafire.com/file/2r8wt458buc1vxz/silurian09.wad/file
    6 points
  40. E1M3 UV-Max 2:15.37 E1M3m-215.zip
    6 points
  41. More than everything that's already been said here, I tried giving a chance to the Twitch Stream of the Doom Awards on the debut of the ceremony. From the mere 15 minutes I spent there, I saw that the stream was done on a flat background with no actual list of the winners, the streamer (who I assume was hakros?) flatly reads the AI-generated articles with zero enthusiasm in his voice, all while Discord is blaring at the background with the chat spamming him to turn down the volume. Anyone in the chat complaining about the AI articles would have their comment deleted, and then if you ask why your comment was deleted, you get kicked off the stream. He couldn't even be bothered presenting his own award ceremony in a way that would make it engaging and fun. And that's just sad. Joining the Cacowards team really made me understand just how difficult and thought-out the whole process is. Seeing someone attempt to half-ass this job with AI garbage is just upsetting. If you want to write for a wad that you enjoy, do it yourself. AI can't replicate soul.
    5 points
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