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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/23 in all areas

  1. Thought I better post a little update on where I am for this thread! (It's been a very long time since Map20 after all.) Map has been sitting on about 59k -> 60k lines for probably quite a few months right now. I've been super distracted by a bunch of other stuff, especially texture making (mostly for the Age of Hell demo and the Divine Frequency demo), though mapping energy has been a fair bit lower this year than usual. (Though I did get a death match map for Culling Strike done.) Stuff left to do, currently is: - About 5 fights left to finish (as well as finishing detailing their areas) - Need to make a bunch of textures and do some OTEX recolours - Need to repaint the mural art - Need to give the midi composer more time - it's going to be a VERY long midi! - Will probably need to go back and cull some lines as well given how close I am to the line limit - Testing will probably take at least two weeks or so as usual Just need to get focused and do a good bunch of line drawing :) How long will it take? I'm not good at estimating my mapping speed right now so I'm just gonna say 'hopefully soon!' The attached shot is just from the central area again, as I didn't want to give too much away but also though I better post something!
    26 points
  2. That sounds amazing, Star Wars is such an underrated franchise. Hopefully we get to play as *insert Star Wars character that only 0.5% of non-virgins are aware of* for more than five minutes. I can't wait to spend $10 on a Doomguy skin for Baby Yoda. Maybe even some Marvel skins, who wouldn't want to see Mando with Hulk shorts on? I'd drop at least $5 for that. Already have some money saved up so I can get Cap America's shield as a charm on my gun. Damn, I haven't been this excited since they killed Joel in The Last of Us Remake Part II.
    24 points
  3. No. =============== Anyways, here's two new OST releases from my end today, and when they're put side by side like this it's almost comical how different they are, heh.
    20 points
  4. RELEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >-------------------------------------------------------------------< Hi fai here Welcome to DOOMIUMII A Community project where we seek the purest element of DOOM ! If your are new to this project (i.e. didn't participated in DOOMIUM 1's developement), this project aim for a map that are Short, Straight Forward, and with Frantic Action, or what I called last year "explosive gameplay" in any case, here's the rules: also btw here's the first Doomium: All maps submitted must in Boom: Doom2 format Use only OTEX or Vanilla TEX, Preferably OTEX (all bundle together in DMIUM2_RES.wad provided below) Each map's play time, whether a blind playthrough or not, must not exceed 10~15 min of gameplay Your map should be somewhat related to the episodes' theme (see below) Each episodes need a level containing secret exit Each map need to start and end in a teleporter (NOTE: THIS TIME YOU CAN USE WHATEVER TEXTURE YOU WANT FOR THE FRAME OF THE TELEPORTER, IT DOES NOT HAS TO BE STEP4 & FLAT20) Each map's difficulty should be in line with your map's position in the episode Overall difficulty should be somewhere between Eviternity & Ancient Alien, not soul crushing, but still challenging Each person can sign up for 2 maps, but you can submit more than that if we have a drop-out and there's no new participants Each episode finale needs to end in death exit Each level should be pistol startable Multiplayer/Co-op not required, and I do not guarantee It'll work properly in release OTHER THINGS TO POINT OUT: To join this project you need a basic knowledge of Doom Mapping, and the ability to take criticism and accept rejection If you want to quit please do announce it, and please do not just disappear and shadow out Please do post progress on the thread at least once a month, to let us know you're still with us. Please follow this thread if you're in this project, we have people that just forgot our project's existense last time. Do not make project members' and my life harder. Please engage conversations in this thread And yes we are using UMAPINFO EPISODE I : ASSIDUOUS INDUSTRAL, FACTORIES, AND MACHINARIES MAP01 - @fai1025 ✓ MAP02 - @Li'l devil ✓ MAP03 - @EagerBeaver +secret ✓ MAP04 - @Beubeu ✓ MAP05 - @EagerBeaver ✓ SECRET - @knifeworld ✓ EPISODE II : THALASSOPHOBIA WATER, AQUEDUCTS, AND BRUTALISM MAP06 - @MFG38 ✓ MAP07 - @Gothic ✓ MAP08 - @DankMetal & @JackDBS +secret ✓ MAP09 - @stochastic ✓ MAP10 - @Beubeu ✓ SECRET - @JackDBS ✓ EPISODE III : SUFFOCATION UNDERGROUND, CAVES, AND MINES MAP11 - @SilverMiner ✓ MAP12 - @stochastic ✓ MAP13 - @Raith138 ✓ MAP14 - @knifeworld ✓ MAP15 - @stochastic ✓ SECRET - @Raith138 & @Heretic926 ✓ EPISODE IV : GALVANIC TECHBASES, ELETRICITY, AND LIGHTS MAP16 - @Raith138 ✓ MAP17 - @stochastic +secret ✓ MAP18 - @Sneezy McGlassFace ✓ MAP19 - @DoctorNuriel ✓ MAP20 - @Bochnik Chleba ✓ SECRET - @fai1025 ✓ EPISODE V : TREACHEROUS MOUNTAIN, NATURE, AND VILLAGE MAP21 - @Logamuffin ✓ MAP22 - @Gothic ✓ MAP23 - @Steve D +secret ✓ MAP24 - FOREVER EMPTY DUE TO SHADOW QUIT, WILL BE SKIPPED (amost like our tradition lol) MAP25 - @Kuro_mahoh ✓ SECRET - @MoiraHeart ✓ EPISODE VI : FRAGMENTS VOID, SPACE, AND FRAGMENTS OF REALITIES MAP26 - @Raith138 ✓ MAP27 - @dmh094 ✓ MAP28 - @JacaCaca +secret ✓ MAP29 - @Pottus & @stochastic ✓ MAP30 - @JackDBS ✓ SECRET - @Super Mighty G ✓ CREDIT - @fai1025 36/36 MAP DONE!!!! PRE-RELEASE 0.4.1 DISCORD SERVER (PLEASE JOIN, BUILD WILL BE POSTED THERE MORE FREQUENTLY) https://discord.gg/P3V4qTA33Q THANKS FOR THE CONTRIBUTION :) HAVE FUN MAPPING, MENTION ME IN THE THREAD FOR CLARIFICATION - Fai
    13 points
  5. Santa Claus is back, and he's even more deranged than ever. Merry Shitmas, ya filthy animals! To commemorate the holiday season, and to celebrate the tireless work of my next-of-kin, here is another new single map for GZDoom, done for @Baratus's birthday using their and Skelegant's custom weapons mod Broadsword Jim, a modifier that puts you in the metallic, armored shoes of Jim, a sword-headed wielder of both medieval and modern weaponry. While vacationing in Hyper-Siberia, he suddenly finds himself on a mission to stop Santa from blowing up the world, and to save Christmas from a very unfestive fate. What's that? You've never played Broadsword Jim before? Go sort that out!!! ----- Download "BroadXmas" (21.4MB): GZDoom 4.11.0+ required. Only tested in this port/build. Dropbox Mirror This map requires Broadsword Jim 3.4 (which is included in the ZIP) to be loaded alongside it. Load order is: gzdoom.exe -file baBroadswordJim_v343.wad BroadXmas.pk3 Software renderer NOT supported - hardware renderer REQUIRED. Dynamic lights encouraged but not required. Please load lights.pk3 as well if you wish to use them. ----- Name: Broadsword Jim Saves Christmas Map Format: UDMF Ports Tested: GZDoom 4.11.0 only. IWAD: doom2.wad Maps: MAP01 Music: See credits Gameplay: Single-play only Difficulty Settings: None Multiplayer Placement: None Build Time: 12 days, give or take Textures: Adventures of Square textures (plus edits) Requirements: Jumping, crouching, freelook Screenshots: ----- FAQs: Q: Why'd you make Santa evil?? A: This map is in a few ways a spiritual successor to the "Merry Shitmas!" map I made for TurboCharged Arcade: The Sequel Episode, in which you also kill Santa because reasons. Some inspiration has also been taken from Winter's Fury, both in terms of the wintery Doom bestiary, and of how I present the story in this map. Q: Why all the pop-up messages and cutscenes? A: As with my previous releases Saint Alfonzo's Darkbase and Gloombase, this map features an objectives system (which is optional to view) and cutscenes (which are skippable). Autosaves are also provided at key junctures. Q: I'm not used to the weapons! A: Not technically a question, but: hit F1 to read the help screens - they tell you how the weapon set works. Remember that each weapon has an altfire, and portable items are provided, too. And in case you run out of ammo, your sword-head is your best friend, and is actually incredibly powerful. There are also some secret weapons to find. Q: Why use Adventures of Square textures, but include stock Doom monsters? A: Because the cartoony textures fit the weaponset's equally cartoony looks well, imo. We're in Jim's world, not necessarily in the Doom universe! Q: Does the above mean we're gonna be seeing Adventures of Square E3 soon??? A: lol no
    12 points
  6. Try playing it as it is and you will appreciate what's on display a lot more.
    12 points
  7. Don't you feel the need to make something like this when you like so much a piece of media sometimes? When someone mentions the topic of “best doom 2/Sandy Petersen levels”, I always go on a tangent about The Spirit World, so I'm writing this post to express everything I love about this map. This level doesn't need an introduction, it has already left a big impression on some doomers. Go to any playthrough of this level, or to some reupload of Getting too Tense, and you will see a handful of people commenting things like “This is my favorite level!”, “One of the best maps of doom 2” “I really like the song”, etc. I'm one of them. According to Sandy Petersen, this map was based on a dungeon made by his son, and it shows! There are nonsensical things on this level. The layout is freaking weird, the use of textures is a bit… funky, to say the least. It looks like something out of the mind of a kid, and that's something I will always appreciate about Sandy's level design: this childlike imagination that you can feel throughout all of his levels (maybe excluding the ones made by Tom Hall). It's one of my favorite depictions of hell so far. This weird, warping dimension that challenges our perception of reality and appears to have a mind of its own. Those fleshy rooms, that spinal cord hall, and some of the enemies rising from some guts and intestines, gives me the impression that this level is, somehow, alive. This also translates into the gameplay of the map. Why is there a lava throne that lowers a lift to have access to 2 skull switches? I don't know, I guess that's a tradition in Hell! There are other moments like this in the level, but they are not so overly weird that it makes the experience frustrating. It also seems like Sandy wanted to take some risks with the enemy placement, too. This is the only official level with 2 Spider Demons, and near the end, you will fight against TWO archviles with little to no cover. Sure, this is nothing compared to today's standards, and Sandy gives you a good amount of invulnerability spheres, but i guess that, for its time, this was one of the scariest and most tense moments in doom. And I can't talk about this level without mentioning the song that accompanies it, Getting Too Tense. Clearly inspired by Gustav Holst's “Mars Song”, this is one of the most atmospheric doom tracks ever, it really feels that you are near the end of your journey, and hell is throwing everything that it has at you. One of my favorite tracks in all of doom, honestly. I know that Sandy gets a lot of mockery for doing some of the most infamous levels in both doom 1 and 2, but let's be honest, neither Romero or McGee could ever make something as visceral, raw, and experimental as “The Spirit World”. What do you think about this level? Do you like it, hate it, ordon't care about his existence? Is there any level that makes you feel this way? I would be more than interested in reading your comments! Thanks to @DoomGappyfor helping me out writing this.
    11 points
  8. Biodegradable

    Happy Chrimbo, guys!

    Happy Chrimbo, guys!
    11 points
  9. RC5 has been uploaded! Sorry for once again letting some relatively serious issues creep in via RC3 that went unchecked in RC4. We, the team, UV-MAXed the entire WAD as a collective today, with any luck that's the end of any serious issues. Either way, this is where Eviternity II will likely rest until we have the coop patch prepared. In the meantime, have yourselves a wonderful xmas break! Download now! --- EVITERNITY II RC5 CHANGELOG:
    10 points
  10. ShallowB

    Share Your Sprites!

    I've been really unsatisfied with the quality of some of the frankensprites I've been making, not to mention how long they take. So like a fucking idiot I went and learned Blender. Here's the results of about three days of effort. Still pretty rough, but I'm pretty chuffed with this as the first thing I've ever modeled, rigged, and rendered. And this is straight out of Blender without any cleanup or anything! Pretty sure this is gonna be a game changer with just a little more work. EDIT: Okay, I tinkered with the export settings and the model a little and now he's looking much nicer, and comes out scaled almost perfectly for Doom. Still have to adjust things a little because I think Blender's lighting is screwing with Doom's palette a bit, and the texture could really use some work. Not to mention I've clearly got his helmet all wrong, or at least it looks wrong after scaling. Here is a screenshot of the raw model in Blender: Pretty basic, but it's about all I'm capable of at the moment. Luckily that's about all you need for sprites this small!
    9 points
  11. t.v.

    ENDOOM Appreciation Thread

    My latest creation is now included in Eviternity II RC5 :-)
    9 points
  12. Episode 7: Thy Chex Consumed is finished, and with this rc1 is here. I've done a lot of playtesting of the whole thing so it should be very close to the final version. Hope people enjoy! Here's a video.
    8 points
  13. Yesterday I came up with a way to do diagonal lighting/shadows that simply uses a special midtexture, and a few very thin sectors for flat bleeding purposes, instead of 5000 tiny sectors. Here's the proof of concept WAD: litslope.zip
    8 points
  14. Alright. Submissions are closed! Thanks for everyone who participated. I'm working on getting this out pretty quick. See you in a little while.
    8 points
  15. Lina

    Post your Doom textures!

    Re-did the 512x256 waterfall to make it crisper, it was overdefined in dark values and too smushed in light ones. Feel free to use with credit. https://www.mediafire.com/file/w3mxjz3g5ue89pn/Crisiper_fall.wad/file Also, here are some samples of a near-comprehensive Makkon re-paletting and editing I've been chipping away at. They're meant for a custom palette, but you can use them if you'd like.
    8 points
  16. A single vanilla map for Doom II that is blue. Nothing more, nothing less. Info: Screens: ••• Download link again for people who will looking for downloading link below screenshots: Found a bug? PM me.
    7 points
  17. ruh roh raggy, this thread is gonna ignite okay. could you post all of the original spanish reviews to prove that? it'd make all of us look like assholes for calling you a lazy hack, so there's no reason not to do so
    7 points
  18. "Grin." The person is grinning when they say it. Not sure about its history, though.
    7 points
  19. "The Dark Spire of Chasm"
    7 points
  20. E1M9 UV-Max 2:03.77 E1M9m-203.zip
    7 points
  21. A train level inspired by Build Engine vehicle levels (see Blood E1M3) and The Polar Express (movie). Some Context: You may recognize this map if you've watched @sandwedge's YouTube streams, or have been watching @LVENdead's YouTube Channel about sometime last year. Yes, this is that same map. No, it was never released until now. Here's how that happened: About more than a year ago, many of us in Civvie 11's public discord server decided to do another wad together after The Civvie 11 Massacre. Suffice to say many of us wanted to get our hands dirty with Doom Builder again, but this time with a holiday theme and a bit more of a challenging map format than UDMF. We set a deadline for release of Christmas 2022 with the target Complevel of 9 (Boom), and got to work. We dubbed the project "Civvie's XMAS Electroshock", although it had gone through some other titles before then that I can't seem to recall. I finished my map up pretty quickly and got some others to playtest it as well (That was where LVENdead and Sandwedge came into the picture). Things were looking up for the project. Come December of 2022, and the wad was getting pretty close to done with still some hurdles to jump over: We needed a finale map, a custom boss (Mecha-Santa), and a whole lot of playtesting. But this is where many of us lost a lot of steam for the project. Christmas passes by, and not much was accomplished. We set another deadline for the following Christmas, but by this point the project was steadily losing motivation. Even I wasn't immune to it. Months pass by, and the wad is pretty much abandoned. No one was to blame for it falling through. That's just how it goes sometimes. I may have silently left the project, but it didn't leave me. The thought of my map steadily gathering dust crossed my mind every time I opened up UDB. The growing eyes of judgement passed its gaze upon me every time I opened up my Doom wad projects folder. November of this year hits, and I'm carefully guiding the development and release of my latest horror map, The Parasite of Good Will, and I look through my many Doom wad project folders and I couldn't help but stare at the folder containing the XMAS map. Figuring I'd have the best opportunity to release it now, and with the permission of the original Project Lead, I chose to clean up the map for a release. Sadly, I am not able to release all of the other maps that were made for the project. Even if I remembered where I had them, I really don't have the motivation to clean up all of the maps made for it. In addition, I wouldn't know who to credit who for the maps and I'd be sorely face-palming myself for just putting them out there without mentioning the map authors. Thankfully, the map itself isn't all of what you'll be seeing here. With permission from the person who made the Mecha-Santa sprites, @SkeletronMK666, I'll be leaving those Mecha-Santa sprites in a folder within the dropbox link. I'll also include some other unused/unfinished content that didn't make the final cut. These you are free to use so long as you properly give credit to those who made them. I'm a little sorry that I didn't do much more to help finish the project itself, but at least now I can be happy knowing something survived until the very end and that you all can get to play even a small portion of it. Screenshots: Wad Info: - Singleplayer - Complevel 9 (Boom) - IWAD: Doom 2 Tested Source Ports: - DSDA-Doom 0.26.2 (Recommended) - PrBoom+ 2.6.2 - Eternity 4.02.00 - ZDoom 2.8.1 - GZDoom 4.10.00 Now available through Idgames Archive!: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/themes/xmas/frstexps Dropbox Download: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/2c7tbcjsw85wu83lc95o4/h?rlkey=iabz8s0f51gvi4z4dgekhwc8v&amp;dl=0 Let me know if there are any issues with the Dropbox link. Thank you all, and Happy Holidays!
    6 points
  22. Happy Holidays, everyone! Cold Front D2ALL UV-Speed TAS in 3:39 cfallx339.zip
    6 points
  23. 6 points
  24. I'd prefer if id Software focused on their own IPs, specifically ones whose names begin with the letter Q
    6 points
  25. h2h-xmas Map01 Stroller in 0:38 xm01str038.zip Map18 Stroller in 0:15 xm18str015.zip Map32 Stroller in 0:22 xm32str022.zip
    6 points
  26. Jinxie

    [beta -cl21] Nakano

    Nakano is a single (hopefully) challenging slaughter map for the Doom 2 IWAD with cl21 compatibility & tested with dsda-doom featuring grindy fights and at times difficult platforming. Difficulties aren't implemented, this is so far a UV-only map. This is a beta release of my first map that is set to undergo further playtesting in particular when it comes to the final fight and will hopefully scratch a similar itch to works of IG and Killer5. The reason for a beta release is that I won't be able to post during end of new year celebrations and it was rather important to me to release something for the 30th anniversary of Doom. Further changes to the map may take place during January. You'll find the WAD here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dv51xt4hgdhk2wah98boe/nakano_beta.rar?rlkey=4on5mp2r1hyxqn4sg2xi01qy1&amp;dl=0 Screenshots:
    6 points
  27. MERRY CHRISTMAS 2023! Latest version: Zoon-tex [v3.0] on Dropbox (19MB) v3.0 is a BIG update (totalling 5,874 textures and 1,208 flats!) that integrates the tech textures from the Zoon-tech offshoot pack seamlessly into the original, improves some colors, and adds a ton of switches.
    5 points
  28. Off the top of my head I don’t know the exact thing that causes the error(s) in that specific level. But we as developers don’t have the time to chase that either; bugs reported for ports and versions that we clearly state aren’t compatible won’t be addressed, it’s as simple as that. Now if you somehow get the same behavior in 0.27.5, we’d be very eager to hear it.
    5 points
  29. @Somie1998 : You could at least try to play the megawad the way they intended a few times before asking for this. They put so much effort into this wad that it's kinda rude to ask for this right out of the gate. It's like asking for more seasonings for your meal that someone spent hours preparing before even trying what they made first. All of you that keep asking for this need to be a little more thankful you get free content like this at all.
    5 points
  30. ShallowB

    Share Your Sprites!

    No that's my new original character Boobguy
    5 points
  31. certified Brazil moment
    5 points
    5 points
  33. map 31 tyson 45:04 evit31t4504.zip
    5 points
  34. 5 points
  35. MAP25-MAP30 MAP25: Feeder's Digest by LunchLunch MAP26: Beyond Life by DFF MAP27: Last Ruin by Muuni MAP28: Void Hydroproccessing II by Rivi the Warlock MAP29: World's End by 7Soul MAP30: An Eye for an Eye by ViolentBeetle Conclusions Skulltiverse is a megawad that was on my backburner for a while, so I'm glad I finally got around to play it. I don't think I had this much fun playing Doom for a while, it is a very varied set, both in terms of visual and gameplay style. I mentioned there's a number of maps that rely on "let's lock the player in an arena and flood it with imps" trick, but at the same time, there's also room for grand slaugher, adventure maps and several gimmick levels to break the monotony. Ironic when the bulk of the maps boils down to getting the blue skull and returning to the start. Despite this, the wad displays a consistent quality, which I attribute to both the talent of individual contributors and project leader's vision. I could nit-pick about individual maps (and I did that in my write-ups), but as for the wad as a whole, I don't see any obvious flaws with the project. It has a good difficulty curve, steadily escalating until you reach MAP28, which will test your skill (I don't know how it plays on lower difficulties, but on UV it's brutal). This is something I greatly appreciate, since I took a break from modern wads and wanted to acclimate back to their challenge level. Also, most maps are on the shorter end, with only a handful exceeding 20 minutes of in-game time. This, combined with diversity of map, pushes you forward, always curious what the next map is going to be. In the end, this is a great megawad and I strongly recommend it to any fan of community works. Top 5 maps (haven't brought it up for a while, but there are so many great levels in Skulltiverse that deserve recognition): MAP15: A Crack in the Skull by El Inferno MAP26: Beyond Life by DFF MAP28: Void Hydroproccessing II by Rivi the Warlock MAP14: Sanctuary of Horae by Shawny MAP25: Feeder's Digest by LunchLunch
    5 points
  36. Download Release Candidate 5 from Dropbox (RC5 - 24/12/23 Build - "The Night Before Chickenmas") Download link in OP too. ===RC4 -> RC5 CHANGES=== MAP03: Baron of Hell near the end stuck in Multiplayer. MAP06: Conveyor-driven monster closet near the end modified to be a standard noise-activated one due to teleport bugs in multiplayer MAP09: Initial activation lines for Red/Blue fights less cheeseable (Firedust + TheShep + Professor Bloom found this) MAP10: Fixed clouds not scrolling under outdoor feature in north (Found by Not Jabba) MAP11: Tried to make the off-screen monster closets more teleporty by significantly widening them. They have always been a bit funny. (I'll continue adjusting their shape) MAP13: Enemies on top of each other in the final monster closet. MAP14: offscreen monster closets too narrow for final cloud of cacos, widened. MAP14: Additional multiplayer monsters added to closet (that space was there for a reason) MAP32: Enlarged All Off-screen Monster Closets (they didn't feel like spending today) MAP33: Fixed 3/4 of imps not spawning in after picking up RED/BLU key for the first time.
    5 points
  37. Map Name: Krampus Keep Author: NecrumWarrior Music: Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy by Tchaikovsky Format: MBF21 Build Time: 1 hour 54 minutes + some balancing to make it winnable Co-op Starts: Y Difficulty Settings: N Which List Are You On: Naughty >:) Gimmicks: A Bone Closet in a Trick Door!, Five Archviles!, Four Cyberdemons! Download: Dropbox Comments: You woke up on Christmas morning expecting presents and candy, but you have been a naughty little Doomguy this year, so Krampus has taken you away for punishment in his keep! This is the most developed slaughter map I have made so far and I think it came out pretty good. Screenshots:
    5 points
  38. Map Name: Usagi Pass Author: HiMyNameisChair Music: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas by Hugh Martin and Ralph Blane Format: MBF21 Build Time: 2 hours Co-op Starts: Yes Difficulty Settings: Yes Which List Are You On?: Nice Gimmicks: BUNNIES~! Comments: A comfy moonlit pass where girlies and Non-binary cuties might go on walks and... h-hold hands... maybe even.. kiss~! U///U. Named after the many, many bunnies native to the valley. This was my first ever successful speedmap. I spent 2 hours silently screaming and flailing about, but I'm happy with how it turned out. Usagi Pass v1.7z
    5 points
  39. Map Name: Bunny Race Author: Blexor Music: "Ripple Field 2" from Kirby's Dream Land 3 Format: MBF21 Build Time: 1:50 Co-op Starts: Y Difficulty Settings: N/A Which List Are You On?: Nice as heck Gimmicks: B U N S Comments: Ok so the music is technically from a water level but close enough I say. It's a race! With bunnies! Fire the starting gun at the switch to get those little guys moving, then guide them through the course all the way to the finish line. Or don't! See if I care! Download: n&n_race_v1.zip Screenshots:
    5 points
  40. 12 Lines of Christmas Map01 UV-Max in 16.91 12lxmas01m1691.zip UV-Speed d2all in 1:01 12lxmasall-101.zip Xmaschill Map01 Pacifist in 15.80 xch01p1580.zip
    5 points
  41. This is MAP03 of 'Arrowless DM' - a small 6 map DM pack I'm making w/ @Endless. 'Arrowless' is a combination of our 2 usernames - we're thinking of eventually making this a small series of WADs, but right now - this will only be a 6 pack. This map is based around BFG possession and defence. You 'drop' out of the hole in the top of the first screenshot, and the second screenshot is the top of that dropzone. MAP03 - MIDNIGHT DROPZONE :)
    5 points
  42. Christmas mapping at it`s best!!! I made great progress in Map16 in the ending rooms...
    4 points
  43. map10 max in 6:54 map11 max in 7:13 map12 max in 6:15 1x110m654.zip 1x111m713.zip 1x112m615.zip
    4 points
  44. Scythe Map 30 NM100 in 1:25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ll1tKWb1jgM sc30s125.zip
    4 points
  45. Because I'm a generous bear, and I need to finish up my stuff for this event, I'm going to give people an additional 3 hours until submissions close...so 12pm, CST. If you have anything you're trying to finish, lmk now, if you can. I've already been compiling and working on the umapinfo and such.
    4 points
  46. Yesterday's prompt was draw something what starts with letter e and I decided go with eggplants:
    4 points
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