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Welcome to Doomworld Dating Simulator! The loveliest MBF21 community project around, going right up until Valentine's! Originated from tales told in only the most prestigious corners of the Doom community, the depths of some Doom Discord server, inspired by a hypothetical idea formulated partially by myself and Maribo, I bring you a flowery, wonderful community project, Doomworld Dating Simulator! Now, you might say we already have numerous Valentine's themed wads over the last few years, and you'll be right, however the existence of those other wads won't detract from this, cuz I've brought you a twist. As the big gimmick for this community project in brilliant simulacrum of Valentine's Day itself, I ask you to partner up with at least one other person for your maps, as this project will not be accepting any maps made by only one person! (That's where the "Dating Simulator" part of the name comes from!) So, if you've got some good mapping partners, now's the time to embrace the love, in Doom form! RESOURCE (Edited version of the resource from PUSS XXIV: Lover's Quarrel with Peccatum's permission. Thanks man!) https://drive.usercontent.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1v_PoTe2WpZGroKUHM4cFIBuGreH_v9ZF&export=download Credits: RULES - As mentioned, every map needs at least two people working on it. (Not only two though, you can have as many as you want!) - Deadline is the 12th 19th of February, hopefully giving me two days to compile and release the wad by Valentine's, though I'm willing to extend this if people just can't finish maps in time. - Mapping is for complevel 21, or MBF21, you don't need to use MBF21 features but obviously nothing like UDMF. - There's no specific way I want you all to collab! One does gameplay and one does detailing? A hub made by one person and areas stretching out made by other people? All fine by me! - No individual mapper restrictions for this, although I'll only allow you to collab with a specific person twice, and if you make a map with more than two people, that counts as one collaboration with everyone involved. - Make sure to add difficulties and multiplayer/DM starts. (If you don't, I will.) - Don't ask for specific slots, your map's content will speak for itself and we'll order them based on difficulty as the project evolves. If you need MAP07 specials, there's ways to make that work on DSDA's UMAPINFO anyway though, which is what we're targeting. - Please do not ask me to add custom monsters to the wad through Decohack. Nothing against it, I'd just rather keep this project pretty nice and simple and also that I'm not confident enough in Decohack to know how to make it work. - PLEASE test your map on DSDA-Doom first. 10 Lines was a rather finicky project in general, so I'll forgive some stumbles there, but please for the love of god make sure your map works on DSDA-Doom perfectly. - For the map names, try to have something at least a little erotic or raunchy. Not a hard rule or anything, I won't mind any old name, but it would be pretty cool if you did that. That also applies to your MIDI choice and map theming actually. Again I won't mind anything, but something romantic in nature to embrace Valentine's would be neat. - Obviously this can't really be measured but try to have every mapper in your map at least do something significant? I'm just saying, no getting someone to place one linedef and saying your map was made by two people please. - If you're riding solo, I insist, make an open call for a Valentine's! Maybe you'll make a friend or even a lover along the way! SUBMISSION FORMAT Map name: ___ Mappers: ___ + ___ MIDI: ___ Difficulties: Y/N Multiplayer/DM starts: Y/N Download: ___ Notes (optional): ___ MAP LIST https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dSRlWupktcMijlW6UmLBrlglsh3g598K/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=117574821254450562814&rtpof=true&sd=true DISCORD SERVER Furthermore, if you'd like the more conversational aura encouraged by this project to accompany your mapping journey, please see the Discord server I set up for this project! I'd encourage joining to meet new people you can metaphorically date, especially if you don't have anyone in mind! https://discord.gg/gPWjaQRycW32 points
NOVA IV, MBF21 compatible project for beginners (slots filled)
PasokonDeacon and 31 others reacted to dobu gabu maru for a topic
Oh heyyyyy well this is a surprise I didn't expect! You should've PM'd me about this, as I had a couple of tips in mind before the thread was organized: - The first is not to slot mappers by map. Authors can choose episode themes to sign up for and whatnot, but with a disparate group like this you do not want to leave it up to individual mappers to fill specific slots—that falls under management's duty (ie you & the playtesters). That way you can avoid having two sloggy maps placed back to back. To that end I would also not put a strict limit on the # of maps in an episode—just let people map for the themes they're interested in, and form the episodes around the amount of contributions you get. - The second thing—and something that's especially important for this project, seeing as folks are flocking to it like ants at a picnic—is that you need to prioritize amateur mappers. NiGHTS is an established mapper with their own Doomwiki page, Andrea already has a map in NOVA 2, MFG38 has made a literal megawad—you should be vetting these people and denying them if they ask to join! NOVA was designed specifically for mappers that are wet behind the ears: folks that may have done some dabbling but have never been a part of a megawad that goes through its own alpha/beta/RC phases. If intermediate mappers want to join they should look for open slots elsewhere; NOVA should be for folks that have released ~5 maps maximum. Although I guess it wouldn't be NOVA without a vet or two photobombing the project out of nowhere. - The third is that you wanna encourage mappers to also be playtesters. If it was me I would've made it mandatory for any mapper to also provide feedback on like, two additional maps that get submitted to the project. Folks should be encouraged to communicate & collaborate as much as they create, especially in a project like this. When you're new to Doom mapping, good feedback can be as valuable as finding water in a desert. - cannonball made a great point that amateur musicians should be equally encouraged to participate (no solo OSTs this time Cammy!!!) and Xaser stressing that you want to add new dehacked enemies before the project starts is spot-on. I got a couple other reservations but I'm not the one running the project :P I wish all new mappers that sign up the best of luck & to try and enjoy themselves. Don't go into this expecting to make your magnum opus or win accolades—just start with a cool idea or urge to map and see where it goes from there. And to obake—it's a looooong and winding road to the final release, so I hope you're a patient fellow.32 points -
Share Your Sprites!
Lizardcommando and 16 others reacted to Blue Phoenix for a topic
17 points -
can't even fix this fucking bug on slade
inkoalawetrust and 13 others reacted to Edward850 for a topic
Well that saves me an evening, thanks!14 points -
NOVA IV, MBF21 compatible project for beginners (slots filled)
Guff dotD and 12 others reacted to dobu gabu maru for a topic
Oh yeah, didn't mean to single-out NiGHTS in particular, just needed some more examples from the first page of folks I would be hesitant to add (wasn't Misty also on there?) In retrospect, I think NiGHTS does count as a new mapper, it's just that I saw their 2023 output and thought "okay, they're clearly cooking, I doubt they need what NOVA provides." I'm out of touch with the up-and-coming community so I'm sure there are more authors I could've given the stink eye at. I sympathize with this but NOVA isn't just about helping mappers improve—it's an exclusive space for mappers that haven't even figured out what they like to make. I think what you're looking for is a workshopping project where people give active feedback on each others' maps, which is a cool idea but it's not this idea. No matter what you may think of your output over the past decade and a half, you have tread well past the point of being a new mapper. (Of course, with all that said, if obake lets you into the project, that's their call to make. They're the project lead, not me.) Very not true! Lots of folks can be players/playtesters/lurkers for a considerable amount of time before they finally dip their toes into mapping. I was there before, I'm sure hundreds of others have been too. Like rd. pointed out, most of the III contributors were indeed new at the time, and II's excuse is that it was a disorganized mess that was torn between debuting new mappers and showing off what the NOVA I alums could do. In my opinion, the spirit of the project is and always should be about aiding and showcasing new mappers. The moment NOVA becomes just another community project that allows anyone to sign up is the moment it loses its integrity. At that point you may as well turn it into an ecchified gacha game where you're trying to pull blurry jpegs of doomworld authors in their speedos. No problem. Sorry if any of this is too pushy; like with the Doomworld Megawad Club, I'm very attached to NOVA as a concept because I know its going to be the enduring "thing" I leave to the community. Scotty handled it well and I'm hopeful you will too.13 points -
Weapon modders be looking at the chainsaw like: Serious answer: I really wanna like it, but as shipped it's just a jankier chaingun. I never feel the need to put one in my maps cause it doesn't fulfill any role that some other weapon doesn't already do better (zerk wins, sorry D: ). BUT If you make a map balanced intentionally around the chainsaw, hell yeah that sounds like fun. My response above stems from the fact that most maps just aren't. Yet :P -- fun gameplay gimmicks are good. Make it happen. :D12 points
Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]
Monsieur E and 11 others reacted to Orii for a topic
TNT Map24 UVMax in 1:33 Zip: ev24m133.zip Video: https://youtu.be/rNv5DR3kpyU?si=2hZBXzyP30XgHsBB TNT Map30 UVMax in 2:01 Zip: ev30m201.zip Video: https://youtu.be/8IXdQge0Q1k?si=bmLDyxnMV9d-jcOH12 points -
Do not install Windows 10 KB5034441 Update!
MrFlibble and 11 others reacted to Stupid Bunny for a topic
Way ahead of you12 points -
chainsaw appreciation thread
Moustachio and 11 others reacted to baja blast rd. for a topic
fuck yeah I was hoping for the "I practice chainsawing barons" poll option I only ever want to chainsaw monsters that are inappropriate to chainsaw though...pinkies I'll skip12 points -
Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]
Monsieur E and 10 others reacted to Kinetic for a topic
E1M5 UV-Max in 2:04.17 e1m5m204.zip11 points -
NOVA IV, MBF21 compatible project for beginners (slots filled)
Guff dotD and 10 others reacted to baja blast rd. for a topic
Nova II was the one exception. Those Nova III authors were not experienced at the time they started working for it, which is the only fair way to look at that.11 points -
[Deathmatch Megawad] FRONGO : The Realms of Deathmatch (Boom)
DaRkWeZ and 9 others reacted to MannerKing for a topic
Welcome one and all to this here Deathmatch megawad! FRONGO : The Realms of Deathmatch is a 32-map Deathmatch megawad created through the collaborative effort of two best friends, MannerKing and Burktross. This wad was started in 2020 and was worked on off-and-on since then. We got the idea to create FRONGO when we and another friend of ours were playing the DWANGO wads for the first time. We thought those wads were such a blast that we should make our own megawad inspired by the DWANGO wads. The name FRONGO comes from the name of our clan combined with the -ngo part of DWANGO. 32 Maps of Deathmatch goodness await you and your friends, I hope you all enjoy this wad! ============================== DETAILS: ! I WILL EVENTUALLY UPLOAD FRONGO TO IDGAMES AND OTHER SITES BUT I WANT TO MAKE SURE THE WAD IS IN ITS FINAL FORM BEFORE I DO SO. ! FRONGO was created in the Boom: Doom2(Doom format) using Ultimate Doom Builder. There are 32 maps in total starting with MAP01 and ending with MAP32. All the maps with the exception of MAP31 are original levels. MAP31 is an edited version of DWANGO5.wad's bestdml1 #14 map. If I recall, all we really did was add some health pickups and shotguns. Custom content such as music and textures have been credited to the best of our ability in the credits.txt file. I managed to credit most of the music but there are some songs that we just simply forgot the names of. If anyone can remember a song that I did not credit then be sure to tell me so I can add it to the credits.txt file. In terms of specific settings or rules, I tested FRONGO with Odamex, ZDaemon, and Zandronum with no issue. The only thing I would say is that jumping and crouching should not be allowed as the maps were not made with those features in mind. ============================== Screenshots: DOWNLOAD LINK(S): DOOMWORLD: frongo.zip IDGAMES: HERE DOOM.DOGSOFT.NET: TBA DOOMSHACK: HERE UPDATE NOTES: I hope you all enjoy the wad, and be sure to leave feedback below!10 points -
Under The Mire (Boom, 10 Maps) – Update v1.1
PasokonDeacon and 9 others reacted to rhydim for a topic
Hello! This is a set of 10 maps for single player that includes original resources, a new weapon patch, a set of textures and music. Still working on the difficulty. Hope you like it and any feedback would be appreciated. Description Title: Under The Mire File: undertm.zip IWAD: Doom 2 Port: Boom compatible source ports. Tested with GZDoom 4.11.3, PrBoom 2.6.2 (complevel 9), dsda-doom v0.26.2 Map#: 01-10, 31 Setting: Vanilla (mouselook optional but not necessary, no jumping, no crouching). Made for pistol start (can be played continuously as well). Game mode: Designed for single player, Coop (player starts only with little changes). Includes: New graphics, Dehacked weapons, new music. Play info Screenshots Videos Download v1.1 (last) – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s31u4R3cSgHQRW9fXnLNIMc4xEHMwIvU/view?usp=sharing v1.0 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IgxfRhxoYAQKz89nn12i76c2s8AUctDC/view?usp=sharing Changes Update v1.1 - Reduced difficulty in early levels with fewer monsters and more power-ups. Added more details and secrets to most maps. Changed weapons placement in MAP02, 03, 04 and 09 to make it faster to start the level. Additional info10 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2023
Chameeleoh and 9 others reacted to yakfak for a topic
latest tthing. it looks sort of like an acorn dipped in a beaker i don't know why this doesn't VPO but it might be something to do with that deal i made with the devil working with a linedef limit and trying to make long-ish playground maps under that restraint is kinda fun nothing i've made in this style is particularly beautiful... the map lines are probably more pleasing than the actual state of it lol10 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
BMWAG65321 and 8 others reacted to Arrowhead for a topic
I've been learning hub levels today. I'm going to be making a hub map for my 182 (soon, maybe 214) deathmatch duel / FFA compilation. Areas will be divided into themes - fire, ice, nukage/waste facilities, heckbases, techbases, castles, caverns, etc. Here's 1 of 17 of the entrances to my 'forge / furnace' styled levels. Obviously this will take a very long time - thankfully all the mapping for the individual maps is already done. Texturing is all in super early stages still. Lots of little UDMF things, and MAPINFO things I want to learn to make things look better, too. :)9 points -
my shitty wad
LuciferSam86 and 8 others reacted to Maribo for a topic
Because people would rather continue to dogpile on it even after it has been determined to be a low effort shitpost, instead of reporting it, I'd suppose. Thread had zero reports, for the record. @ OP: Hope you had fun mapping. It can be quite fun to make silly speedmaps with ridiculous premises, but you'll get a much better reception if you present it earnestly and without the self-deprecation.9 points -
Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]
Monsieur E and 7 others reacted to Kinetic for a topic
Plutonia Map14 UV-Max in 2:02 pl14m202.zip8 points -
As far as map slots, I said in the initial post that slots are up to be reorganized for balance. I totally agree that map order is super important; that's why I also specified no map 07 specials, because the order of the maps is likely to change. As far as prioritizing new mappers, I totally agree! It is something I should have thought of more. With that said, the more experienced mappers with map slots can contribute to Megiddo instead, since Megiddo has always been more established mappers as far as I can tell. This opens up more maps to newcomers. I will absolutely encourage playtesting, and as far as the dehacked enemies go, the two are in the works specifically for the secret maps and nothing else (one is not really even an enemy, just a decoration.) Thanks for your invaluable feedback, and for helping the Nova series get its footing. Without your guidance there wouldn't even be a Nova IV to begin with! :)8 points
NOVA IV, MBF21 compatible project for beginners (slots filled)
Cutman 999 and 7 others reacted to akolai for a topic
8 points -
can't even fix this fucking bug on slade
inkoalawetrust and 7 others reacted to roadworx for a topic
ugh, a terry wad in 2024. it's probably for the best that it doesn't work then8 points -
Spacial Doom Released !! All info needed is below as is the download link. GL HF SPACIAL DOOM ========== Title : Spacial Doom Filename : SpacialDoom_RC1 Author : SpacialKatana Game : Doom 2 Game iwad : PLUTONIA - Run the game using PLUTONIA.wad Maps : 1 - 32 Style : Slaughter/Hardcore Build software : Doom Builder 2 / Slade3 Sourceport : gzdoom 4.7.1 No difficulties set; use ITYTD etc for easier gameplay. Freelook is HIGHLY recommended for all maps. NO jumping [Forced by MAPINFO] NO crouching [Forced by MAPINFO] A 32 map megawad of slaughter/hardcore style maps. Each map is designed to be played from pistol start. There's no real story or continuity, it's simply a collection of 32 maps I've made. Maps vary in length from 5 minute wonders to 1 hour+ magnum opus's. Currently authoring extra maps. You can get it here:- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1174wftG8dJEfvXPE0baBAJg2AtVF1szE/view?usp=sharing Map List ====== 1 The Grand Archives 2 The Pit of Despair 3 Code Red 4 Mastermind Control Centre 5 Experimental Facility 6 Guardians Of The Nebula 7 Against The Tide 8 Swarmed 9 Demons' Ark 10 Marble Madness 11 Marble madness II 12 Aracnorb Invasion 13 Maw Of Chaos 14 Monument Of Kings 15 Marble Madness III 16 Base Icks 17 Blood Caldera 18 Circular Hatred 19 Short Sharp Shock 20 Marble Madness IV 21 Chamber Of Terror 22 Hell's Key 23 KiloCaco Halls 24 3546 Ways To Die 25 Baseline Terror 26 Mish Mash Mosh Pit 27 Vile Intentions 28 Bloodpits Of Damnation 29 Sanctum Of Souls 30 The Inner Circle Of Hell Secret maps:- 31 Loveletter To The Casalis [reachable from map 15] 32 Tabernacle Of The Blood Witch Maps 3,4,16 and 25 are old maps (from circa 2000) Additional Credits to : DavidRaven (Human Zombie Pack) DavidRaven (Damage Spheres) Yuraofthehairfan,MagicWazard,Dreadopp,MagicWazard & Graf Zahl (Arachnorb Queen) Screenshots from various levels:-7 points
I think that's because NOVA III had a development cycle of 3 years. I'm not sure if those mappers were as much experienced all the way back in 2016 when signups were made.7 points
chainsaw appreciation thread
Denzel20 and 6 others reacted to Daytime Waitress for a topic
Ludwig van was a chump - this here is what a symphony sounds like.7 points -
chainsaw appreciation thread
Moustachio and 6 others reacted to yakfak for a topic
7 points -
can't even fix this fucking bug on slade
CblBOPOTKA and 6 others reacted to RataUnderground for a topic
This is news to me. A troll asking the community to help him troll.7 points -
Ultra violence 100% kills/secrets, Pistol-start, Using saves Played on DSDA Doom v0.27.5 -complevel 21 Map 11: Titan - 15:22 The beginning of my favorite episode so far in Ev2. Titan lays one of the toughest fights of the map on you at the very beginning. All you're equipped with is a rocket launcher and you'll face quite a few demons and nightmare demons along with revenants and even two arch-viles later. Face-rocket potential is high but you'll need to still clear things quickly or risk getting overwhelmed. I love it, and the rest of the map keeps up the high standard of combat. There is a bit more incidental combat outside before dropping down into the large central structure. The fights both before and after obtaining the red key are similarly fun fights as the opening one that lean on the rocket launcher. The latter of which I died on during my second clear of the map. The map concludes with a couple of fairly tricky encounters, the first of which involving revenants and a host of Ev2 exclusives. The second surprises you with an astral mancubus and four astral arachnos just as you're about to exit. The custom monsters along with their placement work really well together here. The map looks every bit as good as it plays too - the outdoor sections are lush and colorful and the indoors is attractive too, me being a big fan of brutalist architecture. The contrast between the two is done exceptionally well. Once again, Titan's action measures in the same percentile as it's looks, and that's definitely no easy feat. Excellent map, and my second favorite so far behind map 32. Difficulty: 6/15 Map 12: Collapse - 12:52 Continuing the sleek brutalist look, Collapse is fairly chill for the first three quarters of it's runtime. You'll be shotgunning and chaingunning low to mid-tier enemies in fairly close quarters trying to hunt down three silver skull levers, all guarded by an annihilator. Once you've activated said levers and acquire the rocket launcher, you'd better be ready for s**t to go down. The final fight features three sniping cyberdemons and a horde of imps and demons. You'll have to chew through over 200 enemies while avoiding cyber fire, thankfully you'll have plenty of cover and escape options. Once the fight is done you can telefrag the cyberdemons but you'll have to kill two mancubi and an archvile to reach the teleporter that allows you to do that (while still under rocket fire). Good stuff. I also really dig the secrets in this map, they felt really clever and rewarding to find compared to some other maps in this set. Difficulty: 5/157 points
Grungo have idea... about corridor 7 , and Grungo will tell it Grungo is fascinated by the game, albeit a game that is poorly made, it does seem ambitious, especially with the Wolfenstein 3D engine. It had ideas such as forcefields, ammo dispensers, medikit stations, and even health chambers. Me want to make a reboot of it, remake it in GZDoom, new sprites, and mechanics and new textures that are more pleasing to the eye but have the Corridor 7 feel. Add lore and maybe new enemies. Me even came up with new weapons are lore too!, Like different aliens, or mutant zombie soldiers, and a name and backstory for our protagonist. First off the game would start off the same, the levels would be more or less modeled off their DOS counterpart but with doom/build engine type structures, like elevated floor and shaped buildings and outside areas. The story would still be the same but more grounded, and with environmental storytelling and ally NPCs to aid you. It would be like Half Life Opposing Force meets Doom. So here is how weapons would work (In Grungo's vision) And all weapons would be based on the look on the original weapon designs but heavily designed to look pretty. Also, there will be more ammo types such as: Bullets, M24 C.A.W. Grenades, Phosphorus Coated .44 Magnum Rounds, 12 Gauge Shotgun Shells, Alien Cell Ammo, Heavy Plasma Cartridges. 1 - Taser, the taser in the OG game was more like a slow firing infinite ammo pistol, in my reboot vision, it will a melee weapon that acts like a stun baton. It doesn't do too much damage but it is useful if you run dry on ammunition. 2 - Scoped Desert Eagle, based on the Deagle looking firearm from the game's cover art, it is chambered in special .44 Magnum rounds. It deals a punch of damage and with the Alt-fire, you can look down the scope, which is infared by the way. The infared night vision scope is useful for looking out for traps naked to the visible eye but the zoom in makes it tiresome to look out for traps. It holds 8 rounds before a reload. 3. M24 C.A.W. (Close Assault Weapon) is a assault rifle that fires fast like no tomorrow. It is chambered in .223 rifle cartridges in a 30 round magazine and has a fire rate of 5 rounds per second. It is a ideal weapon for suppressing enemies but runs out of ammo quick due to the high fire-rate, It is recommended to fire in bursts. Other than that, it has a built in Grenade launcher that can be activated using Alt-fire. 4. Ithaca Stakeout Shotgun, A advanced model of a Stakeout, it comes with a built in choke and a tube that can fit 6 whole rounds. It is a close and personal defense weapon that does considerable amounts of damage, and due to it's choke, can even be used at medium range. Beware, some enemies can fire shots in between pumping and it is not a good weapon to use at far range. In general, this is pretty much a traditional boomer shooter shotgun rather than the original game's random hacked together tech-i-mo-logical logic 5. M-343 Mini-gun, The Mini-gun is a special weapon used by heavy gunners in the military and can interchange ammo types. It fires bullets with a triangular shaped gatling barrel inside of a metal outer coat to protect the gatling barrel. Primary fire of this weapon uses the .223 rounds in a box magazine of 100 rounds to fire a large amount of bullets. however despite it's higher fire-rate, it's more inaccurate than the C.A.W. and is not great at farther ranges. However it can switch from .223 rounds, to .44 magnum rounds from your desert eagle if you press Alt-fire. alternate gun mode makes the gun hold a 50 round case of magnum rounds but doesn't fire as fast as the primary (kinda fires slow (but slightly faster) as the original minigun from Corridor 7) The magnum firemode is also a bit more inaccurate than the desert eagle but does significant damage. 6. Alien Dual-Blaster, one of the first alien weapons, it uses alien cells and fires projectile beams similar to the quake 2 nailgun. It fires fast and does a decent amount of damage, but it's Alt-fire shoots a charged shot that can penetrate foes, similar to a "Railgun" although the charged shot is pricy, as it uses more cells than normal. Still it is a decent automatic weapon that is a good replacement for the M24, albeit not as fast. It can hold 50 rounds before reloading 7. Plasma Cannon, a topic secret weapon being designed in Corridor 7, Scientists managed to make a "Rocket Launcher" without rockets, and now some Aliens have stolen some prototypes to use for their own., it takes Heavy Plasma Cartridges and fires explosive plasma bolts. It is essentially a rocket launcher. Although here is the kicker, it's power is adjustable by 3 levels "Default, High, Spicy" Default shoots a regular explosive bolt, High shoots a faster and most damaging Bolt with a bigger radius, Spicy takes a second to fire up, and fires a even deadly faster blast but it damages the user because of the shocks. plus you might kill yourself in close spaces so it's used only in the more dire situations from a safe distance. By pressing alt fire, you can increase it's power and if you wanna go back to default, just keep pressing Alt-fire to the original fire-mode. It can hold 9 Shots before reloading. 8. Alien Assault Cannon, another Alien weapon, with twice more barrels than the last, this weapon has the highest fire-rate in the game and shoots 2 rounds at a time and fires a total of 20 shots per second. It is the most fastest gun in concept but can burn thru ammo faster than a cheetah on crack. It is ussualy held by bosses or high value target troopers. It is good for killing fodder faster and taking on Aliens that can't be put down easy. Really advise to fire in bursts unless you want to here nothing but "Click Click" It can hold 200 power units before reloading. 9. Disintegrator, the gun of all guns, designed deep in the labs of Corridor 7, it acts kinda like a camera, as it fires loads and loads of gamma radiation practically disintegrating anything that is unfortunate enough to face it. It takes Heavy Plasma Cartridges, using a whopping 9 units of power in one shot before reloading, essentially having you reload every time you fire your weapon. It is pretty much the "BFG 9000" of the game, but also the most costly as reloading it takes a few seconds and it is easy to screw up a shot and miss if you are not careful. 10. Landmines, advanced landmines that can be thrown on the floor or on walls. pretty simple really. Whenever a enemy approaches one, they blow up and explode. Alt-fire changes mine mode to remote bombs, so you can place multiple mines and wait for the enemy to walk into your trap. Anyways, that is grungo's ideas. the Game will also have notable areas and goals, such as starting up generators, launching rockets, destroying enemy bases, traversing dimensions, and ececetera, pretty ambitious but what do you think? Edit: Also maybe the Entire OST could be remade too6 points
I'm willing to give up my slot for this project for the newbie or least known person who wants to shine. My only regret that I didn't join 3rd iteration of Nova when Scotty invited me, wasn't feeling that my maps would be up to standard of the project, but now time passed, I gained more experiences, even if sometimes I suffer from impostor syndrome.6 points
@NiGHTS108 on behalf of @myolden and the rest of the many many people over at Pineapple Under the Sea Studios and beyond that worked on the resource pack, we wish you and everyone involved lots of inspiration and romance for this project! Glad to see it being used this season. Fun suggestion for this project: one of the gimmicks in PUSS: Lover's Quarrel was that people had to ask others in public in the thread if they wanted to be their Valentine. Might be nice to do that here as well :)6 points
NOVA IV, MBF21 compatible project for beginners (slots filled)
Nimiauredhel and 5 others reacted to SSGmaster for a topic
What about people who registered before but haven't made anything yet?6 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
ReaperAA and 5 others reacted to Cutman 999 for a topic
MAP10 - “Incinerate” by Dragonfly (Pistol start, [technically] saveless, 96% kills/80% items/33% secrets) Just an arena where you kill many demons to end the episode, just like many other eviternity episode closers. This in particular introduces the astral mancubus, which has at least 3 attacking options telegraphed by the eye color before it shoots, the bouncing projectiles surprised me and i didn't even knew what was at first. I think does a way better job of showcasing the monster compared to the astral arachno, by making him the only monster to face before opening the big arena. The fight in the central arena dissembles itself by infighting mostly, the imps will do a very good job suppressing your space while randomly, the astral mancubi try to snipe you, you would expect the cyber to be more threatening, but no, only when you are on top of the stairs where the mancs are, he can actually shoot you. After that, a red key door opens to the exit, and you need to just kill like 2 cacos and a last astral manc. Tbh, ist not a bad closer, but compared to the monumental stuff we saw in the episode, it lacks a little something, especially considering this is probably the least interesting map so far layout wise, being symmetrical and all. Other than that, decent map and good new monster. 6/106 points -
Sleeping on windows ME6 points
MAP12: Collapse. Played on DSDA v0.27.4, UV, PS. 359/359 K, 3/3 S, 2/2 I. Comp. time 19:13 This one's more like an arena fight - and somehow I had far easier time with it than with Titan; although the beginning, when I'd just scramble and bump into enemy hordes, I'm amazed I didn't die there. Instead my deaths were caused by incidental annihilators. Anyway, the map is fine and all at first; at this point it's a bit painful to try and come up with something special to say, I'm bound to sound indifferent even when I'm thoroughly enjoying myself... but I love the onslaught that ensues once the arena is opened up and you press the final switch that brings in the army. I'm not sure what opens the blue glitter teleporters, and I'm sad I wasted ammo on the cybers even when I knew there had to be a way to telefrag them. Nevertheless, loved the end fight, and loved the fact that once again we have a shorter map. With Eviternity II, I expect the maps are going to get longer the further in we go, as was the case with Eviternity I, so shorter maps are much welcome for me. At first I didn't realize, but the soundtrack sounded really familiar, and yes indeed. I'm not tired of Astral Dreadnought (the version in Valiant, not the one in Plutonia 2), but I like the homage here and state the obvious opinion that reusing well-known tracks in a project like this would have been a bad choice. And, if I haven't said it already, the soundtrack in Eviternity II is fantastic.6 points
NOVA IV, MBF21 compatible project for beginners (slots filled)
stephyesterday and 5 others reacted to cannonball for a topic
Well given the interest in this wad, I am glad to have someone who has had the experience of compiling a wad of several hundred maps 😄 Well the good news is that hopefully some more ground work will get done over the coming weeks to get a grasp of the scale of this project. I will say right here that the objective from my part will be to try to get people to build and improve as the process goes along, yes I fully expect some rough entries but there isn’t any reason to say that they won’t be there come the final release as long as people are willing to learn and grow over the coming months.6 points -
NOVA IV, MBF21 compatible project for beginners (slots filled)
PasokonDeacon and 5 others reacted to jmac for a topic
Plenty of us have been on the forums for far longer than that, while still being complete newcomers to mapping.6 points -
NOVA IV, MBF21 compatible project for beginners (slots filled)
ctwoafiveb and 5 others reacted to FletcherHonoroma for a topic
@MFG38 Irrespective of their quality - you've a sizeable amount of levels to your name as well a good degree of notability within the community. The point which @dobu gabu maru makes is that the Nova format ought to be a platform for completely beginner mappers to make a name for themselves and be noticed when they otherwise might not have the chance. It is, after all, suggested in the very name of the wad, and although the Nova series indeed has a history of mappers who do no fit that bill appearing, the overall point dobu gobu maru is making is valid.6 points -
my shitty wad
Andromeda and 5 others reacted to "JL" was too short for a topic
As a joke, I didn't download or play your WAD. I hope you enjoyed my joke.6 points -
Do not install Windows 10 KB5034441 Update!
Toxisploder and 5 others reacted to Individualised for a topic
There's a typo in your thread title; I think you meant to say "Do not install Windows 10!".6 points -
NOVA IV, MBF21 compatible project for beginners (slots filled)
CrazedCleric and 4 others reacted to obake for a topic
Welcome to Nova IV! I have been given permission from Scotty to be the head of this new project. If you are a new or intermediate mapper (or midi maker) looking to get your name out there, and improve your skills, then this project is for you. The project is MBF21 compatible, and uses OTEX for textures (no stock textures allowed). Up to two maps per mapper. While the goal is to get 32 maps, if the project ends up with less than that, than that is okay. The idea is quality rather than quantity. The episodes (and their skies) are: Episode 1 (maps 1-8): Heaven under Construction (uses OSKY45) Celestial areas under construction. Like the building of the Tower of Babylon. Episode 2 (maps 9-15): Electric Swamp (uses OSKY13) Swamp and tech-base aesthetics Episode 3 (maps 16-22): Haunted (uses OSKY29) Spooky settings Episode 4 (maps 23-30): Frozen Hell (uses OSKY43) Hell frozen over Episode 5 (maps 31-32): Party! (uses OSKY46) Let’s celebrate :) Some of the basic rules: NO Icon of Sin stuff. Map orders may change after time to ensure more gradual difficulty curve, though there will still be a breather map or two in the later episodes. Difficulty settings will be implemented. No taking map 30, as is that is going to be Megiddo IV, where I and a few other mappers will collaborate. Also no using the map 07 specials, just to keep things easier. Also, absolutely NO copyrighted music, even in MIDI form! I don’t want videos and streams of the project getting taken down. Maps must end up of a certain quality to make the final cut. HOWEVER, this should not dissuade you from sending in your maps, even if you are a beginner! My team and I are here to guide you in your progress. Thanks to Huntingr2d2, we have a Dehacked monster for the secret levels. For those who want to join the Discord, DM me. Overall, let’s have a fun and wholesome time making maps! The deadline for submitting is Jan 1, 2025. After that, we will take what we have and compile it. Map slots: Episode 1 1. DoctorNuriel 2. DeafPixel 3. Mancubian_candidate 4. Andrea Rovenski 5. DankMetal 6. OniriA 7. HiMyNameisChair 8. SpaceCat_2001 Episode 2 9. Amiga Angel 10. Beubeu 11. Somniac 12. EagerBeaver 13. Stephyesterday 14. Pancrasio 15. EPICALLL Episode 5 31. Hebonky 32. Brendondle Episode 3 16. Jmac 17. Stochastic 18. MtPain27 19. MiniMedals 20. Alephany 21. Bochnik Chleba 22. Demonic Meatball Episode 4 23. HiRon 24. Russin 25. JackDBS 26. Monsieur E 27. Vanilla+Unicorn 28. DoomGappy 29. Novaseer 30. Megiddo IV (Obake, Tartlman, Nights108, MFG38, and DJVCardMaster)5 points -
Astral Abstraction - An Atmospheric Total Conversion
Broadsword Jim and 4 others reacted to The Final Event for a topic
-DON'T run any mods alongside Astral. It replaces everything, any type of mod will break it -Comp level default -Requires GZDoom 3.6.x or newer -Requires Dynamic lights, models and 3D floors to be on -Requires Hardware rendering -Requires jumping and mouselook to be on Astral Abstraction is an atmospheric 5 episode total conversion that aims to advance the formula of Doom's gameplay, bringing it more in line with the modern entries in the series. The vertical aspect of gameplay is expanded and more fleshed out, and the pace of gameplay is faster. October 8th, 2050. An unforseen threat has infiltrated Earth. The official channels of defence are letting us down and you decide to take matters into your own hands. Find the source. Astral Abstraction adds some new mechanics https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YKS104fnkwKhPdKRzk722tX4ACvVtkPP/view?usp=sharing5 points -
Impulse: A set of speed maps for Doom II (Updated May 28th with 7 new maps)
DoctorNuriel and 4 others reacted to Sesamia for a topic
Update May 28th, 2024: Released 7 more maps (MAP07-MAP13) About a year ago, I got interested in speed mapping and I tried my hand at a one hour speed map. It was barely a map and since then I've been wanting to practice. Impulse is a collection of speed maps (currently thirteen maps) that I worked on when I was short on time, but still interested in doing something. Originally my goal was to make maps in 1-3 hours, though I extended that out to four hours after getting carried away with playtesting. I intend to add more maps to this WAD in batches of 5+ maps. Each map was made for & tested with pistol starts, but they've been arranged with continuous play in mind and that's how I recommend the WAD to be played. Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qpG4UwwPMikOmO51-x3YaZ6JOI5eVgnO/view?usp=sharing Play Information: Title: "Impulse" Map Format: Doom (limit removing) IWAD: DOOM2.WAD -complevel 2 Single player only Jumping & Crouching are not recommended and may break parts of the map Difficulty settings have been hastily implemented May not run on: -DOS Doom (untested) -Chocolate Doom (untested) Should run fine on: -GZDoom (primarily tested with this) -DSDA Doom (also primarily tested with this for quality assurance) -Anything that isn't DOS Doom & Chocolate Doom Included Maps & Music Tracks: Additional Credits: Thanks to Eradrop for his sky textures (found here: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/93446) Thanks to @ryiron, @thelamp, and @Suitepee for playtesting! Known Bugs & Issues (to be addressed and fixed for the final release): Finally, some screenshots: Release 1 Release 25 points -
A dear THANK YOU to the doom community
RataUnderground and 4 others reacted to The Bug for a topic
Hello, I am making this post as a way to thank this community and the way it shaped me and my future hobbies almost 4 years later. I was only 11 years old when I made this account, asking for help and posting my silly mods I made using Decorate and Photoshop. Going back - I'm so glad I started my modding journey here. The support, friendliness and general warthm of this community gave me lots of motivation to go further with mods, which makes it even more sad knowing how I treated the community back (being young, immature and all). I started making mods for other games (old Need for Speed games), I improved my photoshop skills, learned to 3d model and really without the support this community gave me - I would have given up a long time ago... So from the bottom of my heart - THANK YOU. You are an amazing community and I appreciate everything you people do to help:)5 points -
Do not install Windows 10 KB5034441 Update!
SleepyVelvet and 4 others reacted to june gloom for a topic
The short version is that kb5034441 has to do with something called BitLocker (which most users don't even have.) The error is in Microsoft trying to install a new recovery image to fix a vulnerability in BitLocker that's too big for the actual partition that Windows sets aside for recovery images, even on a fresh install of Windows 10. Their solution is to have users manually increase the partition size, which even seasoned IT pros are hesitant to do. For added comedy, a coding mistake means that when the update errors out, it shows a generic error message and not the specific error message about disk space that it's supposed to show. Just an absolute shitshow all around. I did reboot my machine and nothing happened. You're probably fine.5 points -
chainsaw appreciation thread
Stupid Bunny and 4 others reacted to Clippy for a topic
Since it's extremely topic appropriate I hope it's okay to share my chainsaw only map I made some time ago haha5 points -
MAP12: Collapse by Dragonfly The visuals remind me of Valiant's early maps, just set during the day. It's a similiar combination of concrete and grass. The start of Collapse didn't wow me, there's a lot of small fights against zombies, demons and occasional mid-tiers. Well, I completely missed how I was setting a stage for a truly spectacular fight. Anyway, there are three switches that can be activated in any order you wish, each causes some of the walls to lower (or should I say, Collapse?). When you press a revealed switch, the map gets real. Three cyberdemons appear on concrete pillars around the map, while a ton of imps teleports in. Rocket launcher works great to eliminate the crowds, while super shotgun is quickly clears path. It's a brisk fight and tense one, it's easy to get blocked or catch a rocket. Don't bother with the cyberdemons, you'll telefrag them at the end, after one final wall and an obligatory archvile. My opinion about Collapse improved a lot while playing, it's a relatively quick map with a highly entertaining setpiece.5 points
chainsaw appreciation thread
Moustachio and 4 others reacted to Billa for a topic
i love using the chainsaw It's interesting both to play casually and to use in a TAS, the way it spins your view and locks your movement for a tic is really weird lol. I would love to see a d5da-type map using the chainsaw mechanics but honestly I don't know what that would entail, maybe chainsawing a barrel during a jump to change direction in mid-air? Also it has a purple pixel on the firing frames which makes me smile every time I look down at it5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
DJVCardMaster and 4 others reacted to Veeda Vidlak for a topic
Map11 “Titan” by Guardsoul So HERE’S the difficulty bump I was expecting in map09. Guardsoul throws us into the fire right away with a big RL showdown against a large chunk of the enemy count (I clocked numbers at 135 both times). The fight is a timed lowering wall arena that qualifies as both a hot start and one of the harder encounters we’ve had. That said, I find it reasonably forgiving of mistakes thanks to the soulsphere, blue armor, and excess of rockets and medkits. I facerocketed off a nightmare demon for about 120 damage and it didn’t sink the blind run. But our work is just getting started. We push north and, yeah… I’m going to parrot the earlier mention of Halo with the verdant cliffs, abundant water, tall imposing grey structure, and geometric shapes. If it wasn’t cloudy, I’m sure I’d see the other side of the ringworld arching over across the sky. The visual theme offers some nice contrast between the initial bright natural beauty and the desolate metal and stone making up the second part of the map. The uplifting midi is excellent and fits the pace but I'm curious what thoughts are on the drop down into the bowels of the ominous structure being another opportunity to do a music switch. As for combat in the second half, it continues to be designed around the rocket launcher and at this point I’d call this an RL theme map. Even after finding another good weapon (plasma) I believe the RL remains the best option except perhaps for the final fight. Given that, I found the pit drop trap a short way in to be quite rude, though I actually had the chaingun out to snipe at imps so… maybe Guardsoul is just a genius at predicting player behavior. Regarding structure, we get several closed-in or arena-based skirmishes that are more demanding than the episode 1 and 2 fare, requiring the player to act and move quickly or suffer catastrophic recoil damage. This map was a fair bit easier the second time because I knew where to aim my rockets the instant I hit a button. All in all, Titan is a strong map, raising the bar combatwise with its well-designed encounters. It contends with map05 for best regular rotation map for me so far and gets episode three off to a terrific start.5 points -
Do not install Windows 10 KB5034441 Update!
Pancrasio and 4 others reacted to ChaseC7527 for a topic
7 > ^5 points -
my shitty wad
Deleted User bye and 4 others reacted to OniriA for a topic
This wad feels sad for you calling it shitty and putting it out in the public. It was never prepared for that. Wads have feelings too. #StopWadAbuseNow5 points