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  1. Bdubzzz

    D5DA4 Final release

    Dubzzz's 5 Minute Design Assembly 4ever ! So the doom speedrunning discord community has brought to you 138 maps this time. (69 maps in each wad, nice.) If you aren't familiar with D5DA it's a speedmapping project where the idea is to make a map in 5 minutes. You have extra time after to make bugfixes/changes so it's probably more like a 15 minute map. The wad is intended for ports that support UMAPINFO and is boom format ( complevel 9 ). Just a warning that a lot of the maps are difficult/require speedrunning tricks and there are no difficulty settings since who has time for that in 5 mins... Good luck have fun. Special thanks to Keyboard Doomer as he used scripts to quickly compile the wad this time instead of me manually doing everything... :) Download the wad: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ASx_J-ELtieqfP9-RKFzkQprgb0tFnOi/view?usp=sharing Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QXgPmVi
    32 points
  2. this chart is a mixture of trauma, observational comedy and hope for the future don't take it too seriously!!! actually I wanted to start a "what is music FOR" thread on doomworld to talk about tone and selection, to talk about how demoralizing and exhausting midi metal can be and to talk about the old trend of maps where you spend an eon SSGing guys in a tech complex to powerful dramatic music... but you know nothing dramatic is going to happen, and either groovier or creepier music would've fit so much better - it helps you through the slog! maps like that where dramatic stuff DOES happen are exempt eg. Tough Skin River ...music can make or break a map for me in lots of ways and stuff that just sounds Big or Badass can ruin the feeling if it's not warranted imo i'm not any kind of synaesthete and i don't think the music needs to "match" the sky or whatever - it's more about player comfort? please no sustained and undue pressure on the eardrums! harmonic dissonance is beautiful but thematic dissonance kills the narrative
    20 points
  3. map 32 tyson in 4:04:00 evit32t24400.zip
    16 points
  4. Sonik.o.fan

    Share Your Sprites!

    Full sheet https://imgur.com/mSkDGL8 Ingame test Hknight_green_red_mugshot.zip EDIT: added some Doom 2016 sounds to replace Doomguy voice should work on every source port, since it's just a simple sprite reskin and sound edit Hknight_red_green_mugshot2.zip
    15 points
  5. Most people who really love Doom agree that the bestiary is one of the best and most unique in any FPS game. They're such a well designed roster that even after 30 years, people still haven't gotten bored designing and playing encounters with them. I think that the reason why Doom's enemies stand out so much is that the player has very limited movement which forces you to wrestle directly with the demons for space. In Doom, you can't jump over enemies, you cannot dash away from them, it's scary to use the rocket launcher in cramped situations, and the enemies have giant hitboxes which block exits. When millions of pinkies, hell-knights and imps start teleporting into a slaughter map, you cannot ignore them. You have to deal with them right now lest they disperse and claim all of your available territory. Territory you need if you want to escape an archvile's zap. This necessitates the use of tactics like monster herding, infighting, and deep-rocketing. This is what makes Doom's combat interesting at both the micro and macro level, from Sigil to Sunlust. You are constantly scared of running out of room, which in most other FPS games isn't often a problem.
    14 points
  6. When I'm writing music for Doom maps, I usually just want something that will coordinate well with the mood set by the map's aesthetic and pacing, and I usually want to try avoiding repeating myself too much within the track itself because its function as looping bgm means it's inherently going to have a sort of verse-chorus structure forced onto it just from the repetitions. I like bgm where you can pick out new hooks on your fifth time hearing it that you might not have noticed the first time around. And I generally like revolving around a certain mood instead of sticking too strictly to it, to keep things interesting and make it feel like there's more nuance and depth. Maps that feel like a journey deserve music that also feels like you're on a journey (alternately, a corny midi cover of something by Journey) So anyway, I'm of course on team "edited midi with ruined loop point and pitch bend range".
    14 points
  7. This is probably one of the most unique bridges I've ever seen in Doom. What you see here is just a lower wall texture. Very ingenious for 1994. From ROT_E2M1
    14 points
  8. I tried playing the first level of the first wad, but it was really stupid so I uninstalled the game. Thanks for nothing!
    10 points
  9. MAP14 - “Equanimity” by Aurelius Okay this map is really something else. You fly towards the centre of the map and from there you are free to explore the majority of it. Your objective is the find three switches that turn the grey liquid pipes into gold that all trace back to the exit area, this is a really clever way of doing progression because once you complete the objectives you have an easy way of getting to the exit by following the pipes. Now the visuals, well this is one of the best looking mpas I have ever seen and takes the strengths of the brutalist theme and marries them with elements from the heaven episode of Eviternity. Within the cold heart of the brutalist scene you have this palace of enlightenment that is a really joy to explore. Now each switch requires you to go through a series of tricky fights, every one of these hits the spot nicely and at this point I am completely sold on this being one of the best maps I have ever experienced, but then to unlock the secret exit, you have three separate puzzles/minigames to unlock the three skull keys you need to lower the portal in the centre of the map. The barrel one was pretty easy to do, the 9 block puzzle I managed eventually, however I got frustrated by the picture puzzle and given limited time I simply decided to skip this one. However that it definitely a me problem. Overall this is truly a masterpiece of a map, it surpasses everything else both visually and from a gameplay perspective. Aurelius, you have truly outdone yourself. MAP33 - “Catalyst” by Bauul On one hand I want to hate this, but actually I can see this being doable with practice eventually, getting acquainted to the soft handedness required to navigate the obstacles in front of you. Overall this is a pretty controversial map to throw at the player, but it is a secret map, it is truly one of a kind for the doom engine and in the end it adds an extra layer to a megawad that is probably going to be one of the most memorable releases of all time.
    8 points
  10. MAP14 - Equanimity - Henry "Aurelius" Koivula (100%K/57%I/60%S): Beautiful. One of the greatest maps, the best one so far, and I don't think it can be topped that much. Uff, there are so many things to talk about it. The map itself is a playground with brutalist visuals that are just pleasing to the doomer's eye. Visually striking, and challenging. My best advice is to mow down every single enemy in the main yard before you proceed doing any tasks. You will notice at the middle of the playground that you will need 3 keys, although those are secret, and are not required for the main exit. If you see carefully, you will notice that the regular exit, which is near the start of the level, is being holded by 3 flows of black liquid. In order to open it, you will need to make the three flows activate, this means, find the three fights, hit the three switches, and exit. But first lets hold on. There isn't any single mistery on how to access the secret level, but the mistery lies in the way you need to get the keys. You will have to solve three puzzles, each containing a key. One of them is a "Dance Dance Revolution" platform that let's you move a barrel (not sure how it's fucking done). Make it get through the exit and you will have your first key. The next one, is your classic 2d-image slide puzzle, quite convoluted since to move each piece, you will have to hit the switch that faces the side in which, the only square that can move, will move (Again not fucking sure how it's done but it blows my mind so hard). Find the secret image and get the key. The last one, you will need to lower every single of those 9 squares to the ground, by using switches that, following a given pattern, will move those up. When each square is fully raised, it will instantly lower to the ground, but you will have to work your way out so you move every single one of them to the floor, considering every one of them are at different heights. This was the hardest, but I've got it easily by randomly hitting switches. Getting all the keys will reveal a portal at the fountain in the middle of the map, that teleports you to the secret exit portal. It also gives you a BFG so you can go back to the main level and finish the rest of the fights. The fights themselves were a real pain to deal with, mostly in tight spaces, and only one of them gives you cells to use your BFG, so use it wisely. There is a lot more to talk about this, but I don't want to write an entire book, I think it is going to become one of the landmarks of Doom mapping from now on, because the level itself really tries to be "THAT MAP" from "that wad". Again my PSX nostalgia strikes back with this one, but I think it is because I've felt like playing Spyro the Dragon, doing random puzzle tasks to get my reward, and then doing the main task. Also you know, portals and stuff. This one is iconic, for sure, if you are not going to play Eviternity II (big mistake, so far), at least play through this map by itself. MAP33 - Catalyst - Bauul (100%K/I/S): Well, there is a reason not a single sane person likes Battletoads and only replays the first level of it. Hilarious "temple-run" map, with nice visuals, but that's it, a series of lasers with tight gaps in-between that will let you squeeze through at high speeds with difficulty. You could slow down a bit, but you shouldn't, as the map will punish you with a Barrels O' Fun trap (Feature only available in harder difficulties), a bomb constantly exploding from behind you, that will get you if you are slow. Remember when I said we will see those insta-gibing lasers again at MAP31? Well, here they are, and I don't want to see them again, honestly. I hated Catalyst, but it still deserves a proper playthrough just because it's a gem of Doom mapping at this point. Painful, but at least I've got a Perforator and a BFG only for the episode finale for my troubles, was it worth? Peak Doom mapping. Order of preference: I love when megawads throw me not only one, but two iconic maps at the same time, in this case for quite different reasons.
    8 points
  11. Ultra violence 100% kills/secrets, Pistol-start, Using saves Played on DSDA Doom v0.27.5 -complevel 21 Map 13: Colossicus - 15:57 Fairly routine map by Ev2s high standards. Last time I'll mention this, but the continuity between this map and Collapse is neat and appreciated. Colossicus starts with a tense battle in a large hallway consisting of revenants, hell knights, cacodemons, and astral cacos. After that's done and you destroy a bunch of former corporals with rockets you have a choice of two paths that branch off to the left and right, neither particularly more or less difficult than the other. There's a cool fight with a ton of revenants, imps, and ev2 exclusives on the right path. I also like the astral mancubus fight and the water pit fight on the left path. There's a few too many imps and revenants up super high where they can't really harm you. Kind of annoying for 100% kill-heads. The most dangerous part of the level for me is the final encounter, with like 6 astral cacos. Ugh. I'm probably not going to remember this map exists in a month or so, but Colossicus builds momentum nicely and has a handful of decent encounters. Besides, if this is what qualifies for filler in your megawad I'd say you're doing pretty well. Difficulty: 5/15 Map 14: Equanimity - 45:29 (yeah..) Equanimity is quite a bit more open ended than the previous map, and undoubtedly Ev2's sternest challenge yet. There's the main hub of the map, which has a lot of roaming monsters and the SSG/rocket launcher. Branching off from the hub are three combat arenas that you'll finish to unlock the regular exit, and three puzzles that unlock keys that will lower the teleporter to the secret exit. The former three of which host several of the deadliest fights in the wad so far. Much like map 11, many of them come down to space management and being careful with the rocket launcher. I recommend tracking down the secret backpack for them too, it's a major quality of life bump. I enjoy this map a ton until everything's dead and the puzzle solving starts. I like the yellow key puzzle in which you have to guide a barrel across conveyer belts to other side, but the other two really aren't my cup of tea. I've always disliked sliding block puzzles (in Doom and otherwise) and the raising and lowering 3x3 grid felt like I just kinda hit switches until it solved itself. Some folks will definitely enjoy them, but for me personally I didn't bother with the secret exit on my first two clears and had a lot more fun with the map overall. Difficulty: 7/15 Map 33: Catalyst - 3:24 Hooo boy, they did the Turbo Tunnels in Doom. What's scarier, is that this map is a bit harder than level 3 of Battletoads. Catalyst has no (killable) monsters in it, just a little over 3 minutes of movement-based challenges. A and D (or whatever your strafe left/right keybinds are) are the only buttons you'll need here. It's a pretty cool change of pace and objectively well designed but this map is sadly beyond my skill and patience level to try and do in one segment. In my first clear of this map back in RC1, I died several hundred times trying to complete it. It didn't take me nearly as long yesterday (but still died quite a few times), so I'm not sure if the map was changed between RC1 and 5 or I just got better at platforming. Either way, I reckon this will be one of the harder Ev2 maps to demo. If you do manage to complete it, continuous players get rewarded with a BFG and perforator for map 15 which is cool (especially after the last map taunted you with a BFG at the end). I also have to shout out the MIDI, which is high-energy and awesome. I probably wouldn't have stuck it out on my RC1 clear if not for it. Difficulty: 11/15
    8 points
  12. Bdubzzz

    D5DA4 Final release

    We even got special guest mappers this time like Xaser, Dragonfly and Decino so wow make sure you don't miss out on playing this masterpiece!
    8 points
  13. MAP14: Equanimity. Played on DSDA v0.27.4, UV, PS. 413/413 K, 5/5 S, 6/7 I. Comp. time 70:10 I had some frame rate issues in Charge, but oh boy did this bring my craptop to its knees. It's a gorgeous map, and almost feels like a thematic continuation of episode 1. The frame rate issues made me a little sour, although I can't blame the mapper Aurelius for crafting such a beautiful locale. I guess it's these very issues that made me miserable for incidental combat, namely the corporals sniping you amidst the bushes. The set encounters are great, I love transforming arena trope. But the most astounding thing here are the puzzles! How on earth the moving squares image puzzle was even made with Doom engine? Funny thing; I missed a switch in one the set encounters, and was totally lost on how to finish the map without entering the secret map. I didn't even realize the golden/oily streams were significant. Also a sad thing, found the backpack secret last :( Another grade A map here, but we're barely halfway there - if the mappers keep on topping each other in grandeur, my laptop can't handle them D: * MAP33: Catalyst. Played on DSDA v0.27.4, UV, PS. 2/2 K, 0/0 S, 0/0 I. Comp. time DNF (yet) I put this one on hold for the time being. I love the concept, I too played Skyroads as a kid, and it's (once again) astounding just what you can do with the engine. I think got around halfway mark here, not exactly sure; to the part where there are laser gates and liquid murder goo. Anyway, that where I also found out what I suspected all along; there's a timer and you're dead when the explosions reach you. This makes me feel very conflicted: I love the map, love the ingenuity, yet I hate "Run from it" mechanics so much that makes me want to put this on hold. [On the next day:] MAP33: Catalyst. Played on DSDA v0.27.4, HNTR (damn straight), PS. 2/2 K, 0/0 S, 0/0 I. Comp. time 4:20 (unintentional) I read Bauul's post on the release thread; it turned out there is no kill switch timer on lower difficulties, so I figured I should be able to do it that way and not feel defeated :P So yeah, Catalyst is a perfect example of a map that's perfect for a secret slot (or, I could also see a wad where each map is a track using these very mechanics, maybe with an added damageless archvile jump mechanic of sort. I'm not sure what to say here. Much like Scythe's Run from it, I never want to play this map again; but unlike Scythe's Run from it, Catalyst is piece of (Doom) art and I can't help but stand in awe of ingenuity of this community and Bauul.
    8 points
  14. Spacial Doom Released !! All info needed is below as is the download link. GL HF SPACIAL DOOM ========== Title : Spacial Doom Filename : SpacialDoom_RC1 Author : SpacialKatana Game : Doom 2 Game iwad : PLUTONIA - Run the game using PLUTONIA.wad Maps : 1 - 32 Style : Slaughter/Hardcore Build software : Doom Builder 2 / Slade3 Sourceport : gzdoom 4.7.1 No difficulties set; use ITYTD etc for easier gameplay. Freelook is HIGHLY recommended for all maps. NO jumping [Forced by MAPINFO] NO crouching [Forced by MAPINFO] A 32 map megawad of slaughter/hardcore style maps. Each map is designed to be played from pistol start. There's no real story or continuity, it's simply a collection of 32 maps I've made. Maps vary in length from 5 minute wonders to 1 hour+ magnum opus's. Currently authoring extra maps. You can get it here:- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1174wftG8dJEfvXPE0baBAJg2AtVF1szE/view?usp=sharing Map List ====== 1 The Grand Archives 2 The Pit of Despair 3 Code Red 4 Mastermind Control Centre 5 Experimental Facility 6 Guardians Of The Nebula 7 Against The Tide 8 Swarmed 9 Demons' Ark 10 Marble Madness 11 Marble madness II 12 Aracnorb Invasion 13 Maw Of Chaos 14 Monument Of Kings 15 Marble Madness III 16 Base Icks 17 Blood Caldera 18 Circular Hatred 19 Short Sharp Shock 20 Marble Madness IV 21 Chamber Of Terror 22 Hell's Key 23 KiloCaco Halls 24 3546 Ways To Die 25 Baseline Terror 26 Mish Mash Mosh Pit 27 Vile Intentions 28 Bloodpits Of Damnation 29 Sanctum Of Souls 30 The Inner Circle Of Hell Secret maps:- 31 Loveletter To The Casalis [reachable from map 15] 32 Tabernacle Of The Blood Witch Maps 3,4,16 and 25 are old maps (from circa 2000) Additional Credits to : DavidRaven (Human Zombie Pack) DavidRaven (Damage Spheres) Yuraofthehairfan,MagicWazard,Dreadopp,MagicWazard & Graf Zahl (Arachnorb Queen) Screenshots from various levels:-
    7 points
  15. GZDoom/UV/Contiuous/Saves Write-ups from memory MAP14: Equanimity - Aurelius This was one of the maps I was most excited to get to. Aurelius has a few of the most interesting maps I've ever played under his belt. His gigantic collab map with Kaito, Ar Luminae is one of the biggest and most grand maps I've ever played. I spent like 4 hours on it and only got halfway through. I got stuck at a part that seems to have gotten a little easier since I played it, so I'll have to go back and finally finish it, cause what I played was great. Despite its size, it flowed very well, looked incredible, and used Supercharge very well. His other memorable map is from 1K Lines 2, as that was a straight-up puzzle map. That was another one that was impressive on multiple levels, from it puzzly nature to how its elements were implemented. So I was very excited to see what he would do in this WAD, and it turns out, he kinda did both of those maps here. First off, this is easily one of the best looking maps in the WAD, and that's saying something given the visual quality of the WAD so far. It's like a mix of this episode and Eviternity 1's episode 6. Lots of the heavenly textures mix in with the brutalist/nature theme here. The linework is insanely impressive, providing really cool designs in the floor and ceilings. The general architecture and detailing is just amazing! Pair it with the understated MIDI here, and the map just has this sense of being a location with a past glory that is no more. You kinda feel a little sad wandering around it, seeing it overrun with demons. Combat is pretty tough throughout, even the incidental stuff. Most of the map takes place in a giant outdoor area, and most of the enemies in it will be alerted to you as soon as you fire your gun. So as you explore, you'll keep running into monsters who have been advancing toward your location, or you'll get shot at by a few snipers. I actually hit low health pretty quickly in my first playthrough just because monsters just kept showing up! You really need to explore to find health and ammo, and not stay put to try to have everything come to you. The main gist of this map is similar to previous maps like maps 3 and 9. Go off to 3 side areas and complete their challenges. Doing so will open the exit. These are some of the hardest fights in the WAD so far. I ended up doing them in what I would say was hardest to easiest. First was the area to the south with multi-stage ambushes in a small compound. It's the one you teleport into after killing a baron. Lots of deaths here, especially with the first fight since there were 2 archies and an astral manc to worry about. The rest of the inside wasn't as bad, but there were a lot of tight encounters that make using rockets dangerous. The next one is off to the east and starts with a teleport ambush in a courtyard before moving inside for a major multi-stage ambush that ends with an imp fiesta with 2 astral spiders. That also got me a few times, but the sides with revs have some power ups if you need them. The final one is at the north west, and that's just a simple single teleport ambush that has lots of room to move. Do all that, and you can exit. But what's with that area in the center of the map that needs the keys? Here's where the 1K Lines 2 map comes in. In order to get the keys, you have to complete a few puzzles! These puzzles can be tricky, and some might find them annoying, but I'm just impressed they're made in Doom. The first one I did is one where you step on arrows to guide a barrel on a track. There's a slight delay in when the barrel will change direction, so it takes a minute to get the feel down, but once you do, this is the easiest of the 3. The next one tasks you with getting a series of blocks to disappear, with 4 switches that show which blocks they will change. Each use will move those blocks up a notch, until they go back down. IDK if there's a good way to do this that isn't trial and error, but with enough switches hit, I got them all down. The last one is a sliding tile puzzle. This took a few reloads, but it doesn't take that many moves from the outset to complete. I still don't know how this one was done. I tried looking at it in UDB and didn't understand what I was seeing. With all 3 keys, you can use the teleporter in the center to take you to the secret exit with a BFG to boot! I guess I should have done this first, since that BFG is about to be taken away from me. Oh well, still a nice reward for people who don't want to do map 33. Overall, this is an insanely impressive map on pretty much every front. Amazing visuals, somber atmosphere, tough fights, and inventive puzzles. A true tour-de-force! MAP33: Catalyst - Bauul Judging from the intermission text and the fact there was only 2 enemies, I kinda had a feeling what was going on here. And I was right. This map is all about movement. You're stuck on a conveyor belt, trying to escape an exploding building, while trying to avoid insta-death lasers and gold liquid. This is the map I died the most to in my playthrough, but I wasn't frustrated by it. I saved every time I got a break, and just kept at at. The 3rd to last passage got the most, when lasers and thin rails were combined. Getting to the end nabs you the perforator (and now the BFG too), so it's worth it for continuous players! Overall, I really like this type of map. It's pretty unique. You don't get to appreciate the visuals while playing, but man this map looks good! And Jimmy's MIDI is one of his best.
    7 points
  16. Map33 “Catalyst” by Bauul The idclev text lied to us, because Catalyst is inarguably a racing map. No enemies (that we fight anyway), no exploration, and the level does most of the movement for you. The club seems to be universal in their thoughts on this map and I’m certainly not going to break from the consensus. I’ve never played Battletoads or anything similar and unsurprisingly I’m not good at this sort of gameplay. So we start with a switch the sends us on a fast-moving conveyer belt and massive explosions pursue us like we’re in an action movie. Our job is to dodge laser fences and balance on thin platforms while being pushed forward, failing to do either even once is an instakill. There is some strategy, if you press forward during the downtime between sections you can put a little distance between you and the fireball. This gives some leeway to briefly press the back key in the more troublesome areas, slightly easing the difficulty when it’s needed most. And… yeah, I’m save scumming. I don’t want to spend hours memorizing patterns via trial and error. It wouldn’t matter anyway; I have no chance at beating the map saveless. The most backbreaking aspect of Catalyst is its length, there are I think nine sections of track to navigate through. I could suffer through any individual component with enough practice, but I will never, ever be able to single-segment something like this from start to finish, good luck to Dr. Strange finding the universe that happens. In all honesty I have no complaints, the map looks good, has intense gameplay, and succeeds at what it’s trying to do. If anything, it’s a testament to the boundless potential Doom provides to those with imagination. Catalyst is strong design in a genre baseline Doom has absolutely nothing to do with. I won’t be playing it again though.
    7 points
  17. Screen effects for active powerups in my project. Ring of Protection: Orb of Chaos: Elixir of Felicius: Menelkir's Nectar: Ring of Concealment: Flame Shield: Tome of Power: (You are poisoned):
    7 points
  18. IMPORTANT INFO: IWAD: Doom II Sourceport(s): Tested on GzDoom 4.11.0 Jumping and/or crouching is not required to complete the map but IS required if you want to 100% secrets. Mouselook not required, but recommended. Map: NMAP01 Textures used: OTEX & Doom 3 Converted Textures ** Custom content is included and integrated into the WAD to such an extent that I don't think any mods aside from very lightweight UI mods may work with it. Sorry! ** Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Qq5W1ya2qintWEwe_EwkqKELplMwZSJv/view?usp=drive_link This map is essentially just a framework I needed to test out my personal modifications to the Doom 2 gameplay mechanics, enemy roster, arsenal and so forth. I wanted to make a gameplay mod I could export to many different storylines and environments without having to invent the wheel again and again (Because apparently I refuse to simply play Doom 2 in its vanilla state. I've been too spoiled by modern FPS unfortunately, despite growing up with Doom). The custom content is built on SmoothDoom Brightmaps edition and editted with Slade. Credits in the pk3. Note though, the enemy roster and arsenal is a WIP for now, so not everything has been changed as of yet, and everything is subject to change with future releases. I intend to use this framework in all subsequent map releases. Story: Something something, UAC demon invasion on Mars D: Features: The baby smooth interpolated sprites of SmoothDoom New enemy behaviours and/or mechanics and/or statistics New or altered weapons (4 weapons available in this version) Rebalanced health and damage for player and enemies both Difficulty modes are included but functions a bit differently from what you may be used to: health and armor is scarcer but provide more resources per item. Armor absorbs more damage and is thus more effective and therefore important to have. Enemy spawns and enemy types are unchanged with difficulty to maintain the same tactical approach to every encounter. Pics:
    6 points
  19. kmc

    Notable 2023 demos

    Better late than never. 2023 was a really solid year for Doom speedruns, so I'm sure I forgot many incredible demos. I'll try to avoid repeating any that have already been said. Various MAP30 Archvile spawn RNG manipulation runs by @4shockblast It is rare to see this level of manipulation done outside of TAS, so it was cool to see 4shock knock all these out in a short amount of time. Alien Vendetta MAP30 Tyson in 1:11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWevFMYLs-Q Alien Vendetta MAP30 UV-Max in 0:51 https://dsdarchive.com/wads/av?level=Map+30 TVR! MAP30 Tyson in 0:39 https://dsdarchive.com/wads/tvr?level=Map+30 TVR! MAP30 Pacifist in 0:33 https://dsdarchive.com/wads/tvr?level=Map+30 Alien Vendetta MAP29 UV-Max in 4:05 by @Kinetic Classic run which has seen maxes from the likes of Radek Pecka, TimeOfDeath, Tatsurd-cacocaco, and Looper. Also Kinetic somehow did this one on the side during the Bingo Competition? https://dsdarchive.com/wads/av?level=Map+29 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDcif8CaFiY 4Kvo UV-Speed D2ALL TAS in 1:01 by @almostmatt1 104 glides (and a bunch of other tricks too) done in just over a minute. Very satisfying and entertaining watch. https://dsdarchive.com/wads/4kvo?level=Movies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBzdcWtAe8I Valiant MAP14 Pacifist in 4:04 by @Terrarienn Probably the hardest Valiant map to do on pacifist due to the claustrophobic kamikaze encounter at the end, which occurs after 2+ minutes of RNG bullshit with hitscanners, barrels, and cl11 infighting. Thanks to Terrarienn getting this I had to do MAP10 😡 https://dsdarchive.com/wads/valiant?level=Map+14 4Kvo MAP10 UV-Speed in 1:58 by @Bredd Just as easily could have picked 4Kvo MAP17 here (or btnx 15 which was already mentioned), Bredd apparently went on a gliding rampage after Bingo week. https://dsdarchive.com/wads/4kvo?level=Map+10 Cydonia MAP05 NoMo in 0:37 by @kvothesixstring Super long rocket death slide that seems like it shouldn't be possible (extra distance due to not losing momentum while sliding on the edge of the exit platform, but even then). I believe Kvo even went on to do this trick in a still unreleased movie run. https://dsdarchive.com/wads/cydonia?level=Map+05 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxqmHV3MeSI Personal Picks: Speed of Doom MAP30 Pacifist in 2:38 Bucket list trick of mine to finish an icon map with an out of bounds clipping monster projectile. Bonus points for the projectile wrapping around the whole map. https://dsdarchive.com/wads/sodfinal?level=Map+30 Killing Adventure MAP30 UV-Max in 1:22 https://dsdarchive.com/wads/killadve?level=Map+30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BKBxJNJ2lk Silly demo, but for a while I didn't think max was possible. Turns out you just need a healthy dose of RNG.
    6 points
  20. Okay, with that latest round of feedback, bugfixes, and the final CWILV, here's a release candidate! Hopefully the next version will be final and I can submit to idgames! https://www.doomworld.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=281076 I think I fixed all of @Ar_e_en's issues this time. Thanks for the note about monster heights on Qaverns and Qorridors, I've been trying to fix that failed lift for ages and just could not figure out what's wrong. It actually works now. I also added in coop starts on all maps that were missing them, and fixed a softlock on MAP29 that occurred if you jumped down from the secret BFG before opening the nearby door.
    6 points
  21. @MtPain27 An after class coffee in Doom Builder, you and I? How about it?
    6 points
  22. Download Release Candidate 8 from Dropbox (RC8 - 14/1/24 Build - "Plucking Bugs, Still") MAP13: A little more signposting to point the player to the office that raises the bridge PS: Meanor discovered it is possible to SR50 to the area the bridge leads to. I'll leave it in since the game seems to account for it without issue. MAP21: Fixed supershotguns at the start (what an oversight) Have confirmed it's possible to rocket-jump yourself into where the Yellow Key is. Addressed with more block lines. Multiplayer cacodemons on the bridge between the landing area and science station moved. (I couldn't find a way to get them to rise to meet me.) More rockets here and there earlier in Multiplayer to break the slog. MAP26: Fixed lava teleports - the destinations were multiplayer only for silly reasons. MAP27: Sound prop fixed to fix penultimate encounter by not ruining the surprise of dozens of explodey dudes. MAP29: Found the cause for the imps teleporting into the yellow area during the final fight. SWITCHES: Following switch pairs removed (They're part of AA-Tex, perhaps from LupinxKassman's update to the textures, but not used in HC since it's based off the 2020 version of AA-TEX.) P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture SW1MEGA/SW2MEGA P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture SW1GOTH/SW2GOTH P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture SW1STRTL/SW2STRTL P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture SW1STRPU/SW2STRPU P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture SW1STRMG/SW2STRMG P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture SW1STROG/SW2STROG P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture SW1STRRD/SW2STRRD P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture SW1STRGN/SW2STRGN P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture SW1STRBL/SW2STRBL COMMNTRY: See for yourself. Once again and always, I thank you all for your feedback and support in this chicken flavoured journey.
    6 points
  23. In the interest of snow I made this for crispy using a 256-256 scrolling texture action 48 lol
    6 points
  24. This is AWESOME! For those who haven't received it yet, or haven't ordered it, Sigil 2 comes with the autograph on the back UNDER the shrink wrap. How awesome is that? I'll NEVER be able to sell them of course. These will be with me till the day I die.
    5 points
  25. Today I made a 'secret map' for my megawad. It's called 'Loveletter To The Casalis'. Why you might ask? Well, it has the exact number of Chaingunners, Revenants, Archviles and Cyberdemons that appear in Plutonia all in one map. Yes it is fr*ggin' bonkers [had to save scum, but it is doable]. It's likely the last map I'll make and publish for Doom so I wanted to go out on a high:D
    5 points
  26. Eternity Engine technodemo map progress (https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2756672)
    5 points
  27. I have Completely Fuck Up The Intended Gameplay installed and for some reason the gameplay is completely fucked up? Why is the map like this?
    5 points
  28. Hello, I am making this post as a way to thank this community and the way it shaped me and my future hobbies almost 4 years later. I was only 11 years old when I made this account, asking for help and posting my silly mods I made using Decorate and Photoshop. Going back - I'm so glad I started my modding journey here. The support, friendliness and general warthm of this community gave me lots of motivation to go further with mods, which makes it even more sad knowing how I treated the community back (being young, immature and all). I started making mods for other games (old Need for Speed games), I improved my photoshop skills, learned to 3d model and really without the support this community gave me - I would have given up a long time ago... So from the bottom of my heart - THANK YOU. You are an amazing community and I appreciate everything you people do to help:)
    4 points
  29. Very good post. I've seen people absolutely seethe about the existence of infinitely tall monsters and such, but you've written out very well why I disagree.
    4 points
  30. Some new images from 2 new layouts that I've made for @spwnSH4Rk and I's new joint project: Things are going pretty well so far! We're working at a brisk pace. :)
    4 points
  31. user76828904

    Cursed Doom Images

    Graphic design is my passion.
    4 points
  32. Yeah, I'll make a new thread that's clean and organized with nice screenshots for the release.
    4 points
  33. 29 is kind of in this weird spot of being just barely undoable and lacking maybe just a few nudges to tip the scales. That dehacked caco spam cave, if considered in a vacuum, can be almost entirely pistolled out if you save up every available pre-placed bullet throughout the map. You could actually do that through the sheer power of attempt hurling. Basically everything can be taken out without bullets, but the main issues are obviously those 5 cyberdemons spread throughout the first few rooms. The first two can be sort of taken out by random chance - first waking up just one carefully from stairs and waiting until it's coupled with all those hell knights, prompting it to shoot and praying it dies off quickly. The second one should then join leftovers and ideally get as damaged as possible, at worst leading to situation where it has to be punched out with basic fist. The third one is a non-factor most of the time - just run behind him, wait until it's surrounded by accompanied revs and shoot a single bullet at him to prevent him from retaliating against the angered rev mob. The next pair of cybers are, however, an issue. Given that they are rigidly stuck on a small platform and with only limited amount of monsters they can infight (including the rev and caco groups from previous room), there's very little influence that can be exerted here. There's about 1 in 10 chance that one randomly dies off, which is the ideal case scenario (most common occurrence being that I have to spend about 200 bullets to take one out). There is actually a convoluted and risky method possible to take out the other surviving cyber once the first one is taken out. It involves a stationary revenant on a small platform close to the starting location. As you jump onto the "air bridge" that transports you to the second island far above, you mash sr50 into the air to the right of your direction and, if done correctly, should stop you mid-air with clear view for the revenant to shoot a homing missile at you. This missile has to follow you through next 3 rooms up to that leftover cyberdemon. This is extremely risky, but probably necessary. From the moment the projectile connects with cyberdemon, you have about 10 seconds to get the cyberdemon stuck on the leftmost part of his allocated platform. Thanks to wonderfully coded -cl11, after about 10 seconds pass, he'll lose interest in that revenant and shoot you instead. Besides this, there is very little more to the map. The last room should be doable on its own, sections with massive demon spam can be carefully handled, the spectre mass in the dehacked cave can even be cheesed by rushing to the rightmost alcove where you can punch them but they can't even bite you. I could probably do it using maybe 2-3 stitched segments with no other TAS features, but on its own it's a little too luck-demanding sucker. If somebody figured out a way to get out of last room with 400 bullets back to the section with dehacked cacos, that could be just enough to suffice.
    4 points
  34. 0 lol backlogs and to-play lists encourage superficial skim-like playthroughs, going through the motions just to tick off a checklist, and quantity over quality, and I'm pretty suspicious of them
    4 points
  35. I use Linux for networking/sys admin and ever since that point my love life has been terrible. Women who were all over me moments prior immediately recoil in disgust when they see my tux bedsheets with the big arch poster over the bed. Then they get all creeped out when I tell them I'll take them back to my and give them sudo access
    4 points
  36. Title: La Risa de los Necios (beta 1) Author: RED77 UMAPINFO included: No. All difficulty settings: No (right now is intended as UV, but can change for future versions) Editor used: Ultimate Doom Builder. + SLADE Tested with: Dsda DOOM Midi used: Tu Eres su Seguridad - Hermetica Slot: MAP04 HCP_MAP04_LA_RISA_DE_LOS_NECIOS_POR_RED77 BETA.rar
    4 points
  37. What doesn't it have to do with it? You're running a mod that completely changes Doom's core gameplay loop, and acting surprised when a map designed for the vanilla game doesn't play nice with it. A link to DSDADoom's download area is on Eviternity II's website. Pretty hard to miss.
    4 points
  38. I propose we expand the alphabet purely to include the tier of "The Mucus Flow MIDI in a map that is not The Mucus Flow"
    4 points
  39. We'll be lucky to get a half inch of frozen precipitation in the next few days here in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. And people will complain. Hell, it damn near killed me a few years ago. I stepped out on the back patio to check something and hit a patch of unmelted ice. SLIPWHAMFACEPLANT!!! Got a concussion from falling face forward. Broke my glasses. Hurt myself bad, and I was all alone at the time with no one to hear me. I had to crawl through the house to get to my cell phone in order to call 911 and get an ambulance to take me to a hospital. Yeah, ice? Me and it are old friends. NOT.
    4 points
  40. Phoenyx

    D5DA4 Final release

    Gaming time
    4 points
  41. https://www.moddb.com/games/doom-64/downloads/doom64-reloaded-01-09-2023/#8697855 New update. Changes listed in the read me file
    4 points
  42. Map14 “Equanimity” by Henry Koivula (Aurelius) Aurelius, one of the most brilliant technical mappers of all time, brings us Episode III’s epic in Equanimity. Thematically similar to Sovereign, the stakes are raised with a bump in difficulty… this is the hardest entry yet. We are literally launched into the fray upon loading, which is great continuity with Colossicus. Just like in Sovereign, the vast outer area we start in contains a substantial garrison, with an emphasis on hitscanners and pellet gunners. Unlike Sovereign, the forested/Brutalist/Halo design conceals enemies much better than the Mesoamerican architecture and it can be difficult to tell where you’re getting hit from. Once you’re not getting peppered take a look around because, wow is this place impressive. Aurelius’s brutalist structures look both imposing and regal, which is not a word I usually associate with that style. This guy’s map design is always stellar, and a good example here is how he very subtly gives directions with the three channels leading to the statue in front of the exit. They need to be filled with golden fluid and if any aren’t then that’s an arena the channel will take you to. So combat, we’ve got three arenas to do if we want to leave (regular exit anyway), northwest, south, and east. I consider the northwest one the easiest, which pits us against a bunch of hell knights backed by cacos, sniper mancs, and a pair of astralcacos. Space isn’t abundant but the sides being connected gives a lot of leeway and you should be able to quickly establish a circling route. The south arena (which we teleport to) gives a mega upon entry, which goes a long way towards outlasting the various scrimmages we have to grind through. It really helps to have the BFG for the revenants, and the side section with the pinkies and vile right beforehand. Then we have the east area, which I consider the hardest. Several waves of enemies are engaged between two areas with the second one being pretty challenging. It’s another time-release battle but this time with less room and the final group swarms you with imps while two astral arachnos let loose at the far side. My deathless streak ended here to a barrage of plasma fire and man do not underestimate their dps, I had pretty high health and armor and died in like a nanosecond. But wait! There’s more! Puzzles! To visit our next secret map (and get a BFG to help with the arenas), we must solve three small puzzles to get the skull keys. One is to the west (requires two skirmishes) and features nine squares and four switches that manipulate pillars on the squares. My blind run I did it in like 30 seconds out of sheer luck, second playthrough it took me a fair bit longer. I don’t know the proper mathematical approach, but intuition works well enough. The second is up some pillars to the northeast and involves guiding a barrel along a short track using arrow buttons. This one’s fun, and there’s a slight input delay that adds a layer of trickiness. Lastly, down southeast we have a nine-square sliding puzzle that must be matched with the angel image on the door. I remember this from Runescape of all things, get the top row first then work from left to right. Yeah, I can do treasure trails. I’ve been a huge fan of Aurelius ever since I played Ephemeral in 1000 Lines 2, and as expected we get a terrific outing here. Equanimity is currently the banner map of the third episode, and a great contribution from a very skilled artist. Even those who don’t like puzzles don’t need to worry, they’re entirely optional. Sandbox play, arenas, puzzles, visuals... there's something for everyone.
    4 points
  43. MAP14 - “Equanimity” by Aurelius Deaths: I lost count. A lot? At least a dozen, but probably more like 20. Holy. Shit. This level is open, non-linear, has brilliant combat and puzzles, and is gorgeous. It's not just my favorite map of Eviternity II so far, it may be my favorite map I've ever played. The map begins much like MAP07 in that you're in a large area with lots of enemies running around. This level does a much better job at having those enemies actually be dangerous. Not only did stuff tend to just appear where I didn't expect it, but some enemies were cleverly hidden in the greenery. Others had a nice perch to shoot at me from. It was wonderfully chaotic. There was plenty of health around so that I didn't feel like the chip damage I was taking was a big deal. I still recognized my need to reduce damage taken, but not to such an extent that it became stressful. Once you get your bearings, you have two quests to go on. The main exit can be activated by flipping three switches at the end of three challenges. These challenges were actually challenging. I died quite a bit in this map. Hell I may have died more in this map than in the rest of the wad up to this point combined. I never felt like any of them were unfair. I also never felt like the mapper was being mean either. The other quest has you solving three puzzles. I have no idea what technical black magic was used to create these puzzles, but they were inventive. I was able to solve all three without a huge amount of trouble, but I did have to stop and think about two of them. The barrel puzzle was just about learning the timing, so it was the easiest. I also found the other two non-puzzle secrets. They would have been useful had I found them before killing everything, but oh well. Also, don't hesitate to take the secret teleport immediately once you get the three keys, and grab the BFG. I didn't do that until everything was dead, so I didn't use it at all. I absolutely love this map! The only thing I'm not totally sold on is the music with it. It was very relaxing while solving the puzzles but kind of clashed with the high energy set-pieces. It's not a bad song though, just didn't quite fit for me. After this map I pretty well immediately went to Aurelius' doomwiki page and started adding things to my long backlog. MAP33 - “Catalyst” by Bauul Deaths: Uuuuuugh. I got to the end in 3:36 on the stats screen, but probably half of an hour of attempts, with saves between each section. I won't say this map isn't well made. There's nothing technically wrong with it. But I hate it. Hate. It. If you wanted to get an emotional reaction out of me, you got it. It almost feels like a personal fuck you to me. (I know it's not, I'm just explaining how I feel about it.) I'm getting emotional whiplash after loving the previous map. This isn't a slight on Bauul. No one could create a map like this and get me to like it. I'm always going to hate it. I also don't feel like it belongs in this map set. At this point I'm hoping that this map doesn't reduce my opinion of the whole wad. Maybe it's just a skill issue, but I just really don't like this type of gameplay. I used to play Battletoads when I was a kid. And I remember the third level, whose back half was much like this map. That game is notorious, but that section of level is MUCH easier than this map. Edit: I do have to say that anyone that can beat this saveless has my respect.
    4 points
  44. Eternity Engine technodemo map progress (https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2756671)
    4 points
  45. Alternate variations of crates. And some other misc textures.
    4 points
  46. Might and Magic Hydra sucks. I wanted to clean it up but I wound up having the rebuild it from the foundation. Concept as a replacement for a Boss, either Cyberdeem or SpiderMasterMom. Probably my most ambitious project yet, and it will be a real challenge to code the way I want it to work (independent heads w melee and ranged attacks that can be "killed" and "regenerated") but its been a fun ride so far. Still a long way away from something that can be implemented into a wad, but I wanted to share progress so far. Feel free to use the parts for any other projects you may be up to - at this point there's none of the original left so just credit me if you could. I'll upload anything useable with proper rotations once it's ready. As usual I'm just using flat colours with shading, if anyone might want to help with texture, or eventualy coding , or anything else - thoughts or suggestions included - do let me know. Feedback is always valuable.
    4 points
  47. Agent Strange

    Cursed Doom Images

    Template if anyone wants to mess around with it. https://imgur.com/a/Tzbb1hQ
    4 points
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