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is blood actually as good as people think it is?
PasokonDeacon and 22 others reacted to Andromeda for a topic
It's decent I guess, I like the slight metallic taste but it's far from my favourite beverage.23 points -
Howdy, I'm new around here, this is the second Doom map that I've made thus far but it's my first public release. Game: Doom 2 - Singleplayer Format: Boom (-complevel 9) Tested with: DSDA-Doom 0.27.3 May not run with: Chocolate-Doom or anything that doesn't support Boom. Now I suppose I could tell you a bit about the map. As for the gameplay I wanted it to be challenging without being frustrating or annoying, do expect some traps that might require playing twice, I tried to place enough ammo and health for it to be completed even in a worst case scenario but I didn't want to include too much of either. Difficulty should be around Plutonia I think, enemy placement and progression are heavily inspired by modern community releases that I've been playing recently. I did everything with the CL2 format but I switched to Boom just for a visual setpiece that doesn't interfere with the gameplay and happens outside of the playable area hah. The only lore is that it takes place inside of a castle that is being corrupted by hell while an evil presence is following you around. Some -nomo screenshots: Download I hope you enjoy it! mapping is something that I've wanted to do for a very long time but it always felt intimidating so I'm glad that I managed to finish something, from now on I'll try my best to learn from others and hopefully improve along the way.17 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
stephyesterday and 13 others reacted to Bauul for a topic
A few notes on Map 33: Catalyst now most people are past it. We knew before release that this would be likely the most divisive map in the megawad, but one of the real benefits of having six secret slots is that we had room to try a variety of different gameplay and aesthetic approaches while keeping the main campaign (relatively) straightforward. Even so, Catalyst is probably the most extreme diversion from the rest of the gameplay, and so far the response to it seems to be either "this is the best map ever" or "I don't like this at all", with little in-between. But that's fine: given that a) it's an optional map and b) it's a pistol start (so IDCLEVing to the next map loses you nothing) we felt confident its inclusion wouldn't be too disruptive, and so far this seems to being borne out. My original plan for this level was much more mundane: I had the Map31 slot and set about making a grimy industrial tech-base, featuring things like sludge and conveyor belts. The more I built it, the more it became clear the conveyor belts were the most fun parts, so I started designing set-pieces around them. One of these set pieces became a kind of obstacle course on a conveyor, and ultimately I thought "why have all the filler when I can just do the most fun part?" and the concept for Catalyst was born. We quickly realized it wouldn't work in the first secret map slot, so we swapped it with Afterglow's Map33 position (without really knowing what Redshift would turn out to be). In a great irony, the eventual version of Redshit that shipped turned out to be remarkably similar to my original idea for Map31, so the final mapset includes essentially two results of the same vision. Catalyst I built over a period of about four months, and actually ended up running out of sidedefs by the end of the level (the relative simplicity of the ending scene is a result of this limitation). If you poke around the editor you'll see there's a lot of unaligned textures: this is deliberate to allow the sidedef compression to squeeze more sidedefs into the final wad. I always wanted the experience to be exacting on UV: I didn't anticipate anyone would be able to beat it on their first attempt (although YouTuber Brendondle proved me wrong!). Lower difficulties are much more forgiving, and as it's a pistol-start map this gave players the opportunity to more easily change difficulty without losing progress if they wanted. Ultimately I think it's quite fascinating how differently people handle the level. It's a very niche aspect of Doom's movement, and even within the Evi 2 team there was a huge variety of opinion on whether it was ballbustingly hard or actually quite accessible and fun. Either way, I'm glad we included it! Finally, a few people have hypothesized this was inspired by other games - usually I'll happily wear my influences on my sleave but in this case there was no inspiration other than "conveyors are fun" (although maybe I should go and play Battletoads to see what all the comparison is about!)14 points -
13 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
Dragonfly and 11 others reacted to antares031 for a topic
Like I briefly mentioned before, Prowler Imp was one of the earliest custom monsters ever designed for Eviternity II. After I finished playing Doom Eternal in early 2020, I thought that Prowler's "teleporting around" gimmick might be an interesting idea to be added to the classic doom. By using TNT1 invisible sprite and MBF's A_Spawn code pointer, I managed to simulate the Prowler's gimmick in complevel 11. It's actually an invisible monster, moving around really fast, and then becomes visible with teleportation visual effect and sound, whenever it attacks the target. Prowler Imp's attack pattern was pretty simple; shooting three cacodemon fireballs. But its premise was still there, as a glass cannon to surprise the player from nowhere. Before we migrated from complevel 11 to 21, there was a short period of development time with the brand-new DEHEXTRA extension, suggested by Xaser. While DEHEXTRA didn't provide new custom code pointers to work with, its extra dehacked resources, such as frames, things, and sprites, allowed me to put custom actors with no concern about dehacked resource management. With this new tool, not only I put lots of custom decorations (mainly tree & bush sprites, provided by ukiro), but also I re-designed Prowler Imp, with the new name "Veilimp". Once again, I quoted Amuscaria's amazing sprite work "Hellion" for our new monster. And I swapped its color to purple, in order to differentiate them from classic monsters visually. I also made their pre-fire delay longer than Prowler Imp, so the players could have more time to react from a sudden ambush. Veilimp also got new attack pattern, quite similar to the Astral Cacodemon's. MBF21 allowed me to make their attack pattern more interesting and reasonable, something like a projectile version of a single barrel shotgun. After that, while making the intro fight of veilimps in MAP15, Scotty suggested to let them have AoE attack, since their "teleportation ambush" movement could work really well with close-range AoE attack. Based on Scotty's idea, I brought the concept of adding short-range flamethrower attack, and Dragonfly provided all the necessary sprites to make this new pattern. Veilimp's flamethrower attack is actually a melee attack, like a revenant's punch. But thanks to MBF21's custom melee range, it will try to "punch" the target within 256 map-units range with its flamethrower.12 points -
Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]
Monsieur E and 11 others reacted to Orii for a topic
Plutonia Map15 UVMax in 1:59 Zip: pl15m159.zip Video: https://youtu.be/Hb3MNj3U4nM?si=f2HTy3SWn7Hexv7_12 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Guff dotD and 10 others reacted to Async Unicorn for a topic
11 points -
Share Your Sprites!
Lizardcommando and 10 others reacted to Sonik.o.fan for a topic
11 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Guff dotD and 9 others reacted to Async Unicorn for a topic
It's crazy, I launched UDB at 3-4 AM, now there's 5 PM on my clock and not only I'm not tired, I didn't close UDB even for a minute. That's the power of interesting hobby, I guess.10 points -
Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]
Monsieur E and 8 others reacted to kuckkuck for a topic
E1M6 UV-Max in 2:43.17 E1M6m-243.zip9 points -
Kreatura: New Doom2 episode: 8 maps available to play
nrofl and 7 others reacted to nicolas monti for a topic
Well, the idea is the following: 9 maps with only 30 textures and 15 flats plus the new sky, very restrictive, let's see how it goes. Textures employed: BIGDOOR1, BRNBIGC, BROWN1, BROWN144, BROWN96, BROWNWEL, COMP2, COMPOHSO, COMPTALL, COMPUTE1, CRATE2, CRATELIT, DOOR3, DOORBLU, DOORHI, DOORRED, DOORYEL, EXITDOOR, EXITSIGN, GRAY5, GRAYYALL, LITE96, LITEBLU3, METAL1, NUKEDGE1, PIPE2, SHAWN2, STONE2, SW1GRAY, TEKWALL1. Flats employed: CEIL3_1, CEIL3_4, CEIL3_5, CONS1_1, FLAT1_1, FLAT10, FLAT14, FLAT22, FLAT5, FLOOR0_2, FLOOR0_3, FLOOR5_1, FLOOR6_2, NUKAGE1, TLITE6_1 Map01-08 available: https://www.mediafire.com/file/mszr2evehjwsxka/wa08d.wad/file Map01: Fava genes Map02: Valvularia Map03: In vulnere lux Map04: Gare du nord Map05: Nimbus Map06: Ouranophoneus Map07: Bungalops Map08: Erkenta pyapyo8 points -
Naughty & Nice (30 MBF21 Doommas Maps!) (RC1)
rita remton and 7 others reacted to Death Bear for a topic
Celebrate Doommas with Pineapple Under the Sea Studios! 30 MBF21 Maps for Doom 2! RC1 Download HERE (Google Drive) Happy New Year, you filthy animals! I woke up from hibernation just long enough to ship you a late Doommas gift. Created from December 21st through the 24th of 2023, PUSS XXXIV brings you 30 Doommas maps split evenly into two episodes. Santa Bear asked mappers which list they wanted to be on, and the response was this lovely little megawad that we put together. We used the Enhanced Christmas Resource with a few extras to set the tone for our first ever MBF21-format event, and each map was made in 2 hours or less. Target Port is DSDA. "The Nice List" features more easy-going maps that heavily feature our cuddly bunny friends running amok as we slay demons. Perfect for those who want to enjoy a "chill" Christmas-themed wad. We've even got a bunny race in this episode! Probably the cutest thing I've ever played in Doom. "The Naughty List" provides some intense maps that are generally more "cooked". (Scionox said "Christmas Peaks" may be the hardest PUSS map he's made. That's saying something.) Some of these have difficulty settings, so if you can't handle the UV-heat, then consider dropping down. If micro-slaughter, slaughter, lots of Cyberdemons and Archviles, and combat puzzles are your jam, this is the episode for you. If not, you've been forewarned and I'm not responsible for your tears on stream come next December. They only fuel my rage for Doommas #5. With 20 contributing mappers, we made Pineapple Under the Sea's 4th Doommas celebration an enjoyable one. We mapped fast. I know I enjoyed drinking hot coffee and mapping. A lot of you probably won't get around to this until next season, but I'll be keeping an eye out as we get there. As always, we want to thank all of our playtesters for helping us catch and fix stuff. A few of you streamed this, and we really appreciate it! I hope you all enjoyed yourself along the way! As always, I want to thank the mappers and the event staff at Pineapple Under the Sea for all of your hard work in helping this get to the finish line quickly. A particular shoutout to Peccatum, who crafted us a lovely ENDOOM. Mappers, once again, please check over your work and be the eye-in-the-sky for me as we get ready for idgames release. Anyone out there deciding to play a Christmas wad in mid-January, please report any bugs you might find. If I missed your credit, I apologize...just let me know and I'll fix it. Here's the map and track list: There were a lot of great Christmas-themed wads this year, so enthusiasts of festive doom wads that didn't get around to playing everything will be eating good next year. We're not sure when we'll be back this year, but we've got more releases coming, first of which (I believe) will be this. Stay tuned!8 points -
is blood actually as good as people think it is?
PasokonDeacon and 7 others reacted to Kwisior for a topic
8 points -
Hard... diamond hard disagree. And Stephan Weyte gave a superior vocal performance than Jon St. Jon. Caleb is easily one of the most memorable FPS protagonists ever and and the soundtrack is great. I play on the easier difficulties generally on these games mainly due to using a controller on them and I don't have any issues with Blood's gameplay in comparison to the others. I'm aware how bullshit the hitscans get on higher difficulties but I honestly don't care that much. I think for me it is hard to pick a favourite but Blood is every bit at least as good as all the others. If someone called it the best FPS of the 90s I'd get it, but that said I would get almost any one of the big names except Half Life because I find Half Life boring. Oh and on the Bosses issue you can't name an FPS with good bosses, one has never existed.8 points
no, what goatlord (koko) had was an involuntary signature that he literally could not change. it wasn't a custom title. that's a pretty great example of the many, many instances of this website being toxic in the past. i remember seeing him say several times that he wasn't okay with it, but, of course, it was never reverted because "haha funny". look, i miss pre-2020 doomworld quite a bit too, as well as a lot of people from back then. there were threads full of chaotic arguing and shitposting, people like darknation and dew were around to consistently keep things interesting, and it had a much stronger culture that set it apart from the rest of the internet (even if it did take a lot of it from somethingawful). however, that doesn't mean any of us should lie to ourselves about it. it was absolutely much more toxic than it is now, especially towards so-called "weird" people. yeah, it was far more tolerant than other places online, even with fuckheads like tracer and phml. regardless of that, it was still a remnant of the early internet, and as such was still rather harsh at times. i definitely miss aspects of that seeing as how i myself grew up on forums, but it's for the best that it's different now.8 points
Not Even Remotely Fair (NERF) is a limit-removing complevel 2 Doom2 megawad made to be played on Nightmare difficulty. Link: DSDA page // idgames NERF maps are designed around getting 100% items as an additional challenge to NM100S. Items are deliberately placed to support that. If you are going for NM100S with all items, please add "100% items" comment to your demo and this comment will be present on the archive (the run will still be under NM100S category). Suggested demo prefix - nerf. Some demos to get things going: Map 01 NM100S in 0:25.46 (also 100% items) zip: nerf01s02546.zip video: https://youtu.be/PBNJuhjVbpA Map 02 NM100S in 0:29.63 (also 100% items) zip: nerf02s02963.zip video: https://youtu.be/RA4b1FlnmO0 Map 03 NM100S in 1:50.39 (also 100% items) zip: nerf03s15049.zip video: https://youtu.be/xOAPwVU8eTA Map 04 NM100S in 2:41.83 (also 100% items) zip: nerf04s24183.zip video: https://youtu.be/6kYSmRousnM Map 05 NM100S in 1:30.86 (also 100% items) zip: nerf05s13086.zip video: https://youtu.be/YXRPjhxBkak7 points
CLICK >>>HERE<<< to download the current build - 26/04 (33/36 maps) DEATH BY 1000 LINES (aka "The Ultimate 1000 Lines Community Project") will be a limit-removing 1000 line megawad project for The Ultimate Doom, with the goal of replacing all four episodes. We will be targeting CRISPY Doom primarily, though you are encouraged to test your map(s) across other ports such as DSDA-Doom, Woof!, GZDoom and so on to ensure maximum playability across ports. Although Crispy Doom does not support UMAPINFO, I will create a UMAPINFO lump for compatible ports. Everyone! The project is open to mappers of all skill levels. I'd class myself as kindof intermediate, on a good day ;) Beginners are welcome, as are veterans willing to chip in and lend their skills. Limit-removing is beginner friendly, and while the 1000 line limit does offer its own challenge in terms of design efficiency, I think it also offers a nice ceiling against scope creep. For simplicity's sake, I have decided to only use the stock Ultimate Doom textures for this project, with some crucial exceptions. Its my first community project, after all. This is part of the challenge, I know you people are creative, so get creative with those textures! Or play it safe, its your choice. When I was making a UD episode, I thought at times I'd limited myself too much with the base textures, but I did it. So can you! That said, I've decided to put a minor spin on the classic UD episode themes, two fairly straightforward, two a bit more unusual. Which brings us to.... E1: Phobos Nocturne - E1 with a night sky - its simple. Make some E1 style maps! Note that you don't have to use E1-exclusive textures if you don't want to, if that makes it easier, so STARTAN etc is optional here. You may use non-E1 enemies if you wish, though I suggest they are introduced around E1M5/E1M6. I have claimed E1M1 for this episode. This episode uses the sky from Scythe X. E2: Within the Abyss - Corrupted techbases in the void - Deimos has been swallowed into the void, and Hell's presence is subverting it. A pitch black wall texture and matching flat are included in the resource. Be spooky! E3: Infernal Abstraction - E3 style maps where you are encouraged to make liberal use of sky transfer, as Crispy Doom supports this. Wanna get WEIRD?!?! This is your episode! (note: sky transfer isn't obligatory, I just figured this would be more interesting than my original "subterranean" idea - you can still make an "underground hell" map if you wish to do so). Mappers for this episode may use any custom or stock texture for their sky. I've checked and this works on DSDA and Woof! at -complevel 3. E4: Judgement Day - techbase/buildings, corrupted earth - the demons have come to Earth. Time to kick 'em out! think E4 meets Doom II's city episode. I have claimed E4M1 for this episode. This episode uses a really cool city/hell sky I found on the ZDoom forums, created by the user Mr. Pencil, trimmed slightly by me. Your map must NOT exceed 1000 linedefs - this includes teleport closets, control sectors and whatever else. Your map should be limit-removing, -cl3. You may make a vanilla-friendly map if you wish, but the project as a whole is not aiming for vanilla compatibility. You can use any MIDI you like, custom or stock. Want to make one for your own map? Go ahead! You may claim up to TWO map slots for this project. Your map should be beatable in 15 minutes max (I will not be super stringent on this, just a guideline). Please implement co-op starts and difficulties in your maps. If you're unsure about difficulty, don't implement them and it can be refined later. Please balance your maps for pistol start, and if possible, continuous (this can be as simple as having some gear in your exit room for continuous players) Map order is not set in stone - we can be flexible with placement dependent on difficulty etc - we can have breather maps inbetween harder maps. Your map should include at least one secret, given the 1000 line limit I don't expect them to be complex, but you're welcome to make it so. If you wish to drop out of the project for any reason, please declare as such in this thread. You can collaborate with another mapper if you want! When you submit your map, please use the following template: GRAPHICS - I can't do graphic art to save my life. I know that a bunch of you can. If you would like to do a TITLEPIC, INTERPICs, or an ENDOOM, please make yourself known. PLAYTESTING - I will playtest every map that comes in. I'm just one person, though. Calling playtesters! Alternate points of view are highly encouraged. Finally... When its done (tm). That said, I'd like to be on path to having all most, if not all, submissions in within the next two months or so. This is flexible though, so please don't feel like you need to rush things. On the other hand, if you're confident you can get a map done within a matter of days, don't let me stop you. That's about all. If you're interested, sign up and I look forward to seeing what you've got! Download the resource pack >>>HERE<<<, and please let me know if something's not working with it. I think I've assembled it correctly.7 points
MAP16: Barbican by Dragonfly Episode 4, Bastion, takes us back in time to the middle ages. The surroundings feels like a combination of Eviternity's first and third episode, but set in autumn. You'll be moving through stone dungeons and libraries in search for all three keys. I'd say the difficulty is front-loaded, as once you fire a shot, a lot of monsters start closing in and it can get overwhelming without any proper weapons. Sort this out and the map is yours to explore. I started with heading towards a super shotgun, which released an archvile I had to kill with a chaingun. The rest went smoothely. You have a library with the yellow key, the initial combination of zombies, revenants and veilimps with a peripherial pain elemental was fun to take out, though the key itself only trigger a pair of astral arachnotrons. The red and blue key areas are rocket dumps with a lot of weaker monsters, with the best one being a cross-shaped room that gets saturated with imps. There's also a cyberdemon at one point, but I would cut him out, he feels a bit fillerish to me. From the yellow key library, you might have spotted a portal leading to the secret exit. The search for the way there didn't took long, there's a switch next to the SSG I've grabbed early. One more horde of pinkies and astral demons and with yellow, red and blue key I could exit to MAP34. MAP34: Freya by Bri The first secret map that isn't a techbase, Freya takes place is a beautiful green valley, with remnents of ancient structures around. It's another slow burner, starting with taking out veilimps and corporals. This map loves Eviternity II's custom monsters. I think astral mancubi gave me the most trouble with their powerful attacks and a ton of health, requiring two shots from the perforator. I've only found one in MAP32 at the very end and the one in MAP33 is rather useless if you pistol-start the maps, so it was fun to use it as much as I could - unlike in MAP31, bullets are rather scarce here. I started to have problems after I got the blue key - there's this tiny room with veilimps and an archvile, it's easy to lose a lot of health here. It's followed by a sea of imps, with bigger demons behind their backs. Astral mancubi returns here, there's one hiding behind the imps and three blocking your way to the red key. They are very annoying to kill, I ended up pumping rockets or plasma and running behind cover to wait for their attacks to end. The red key is guarded by an archvile and veilmps, at that point I've found a secret BFG, rushed the archvile and eliminated the rest. I really recommend getting the BFG for the completely insane ending: a giant horde of veilimps and two archviles behind their backs. I wouldn't try to beat this with only plasma. Freya is another solid map - solid in a context of Eviternity II, a wad full of consistently good maps. It speaks a lot about the overall quality of the project when even B-side levels display this much quality and polish.7 points
MAP16: Barbican. Played on DSDA v0.27.4, UV, PS. 278/278 K, 4/4 S, 5/7 I. Comp. time 27:17 A new episode, a new look. I like the theme, although it feels like we've seen it before, I guess on Eviternity 1, episode 1. It's cool, but doesn't get me excited right away. No matter, the map is fine, its encounters manageable, although the imp teleport trap had me retry a couple of times, mostly thanks to facerocketing while being hunted by archvile or two. The fight that ensues after grabbing the yellow key also felt fun; I might have panicked there, lost almost all my health, but had the enemies mostly kill each other. Almost felt that I should have retried that to see if it went differently, but oh well. One negative remark: the cyberdemon. It felt unnecessary, and I SSG'd it death. I guess a second playthrough of this one would be more fun, knowing that I could safely grab, for instance, the megasphere in the secret area leading to the secret exit. Or that I could safely use the plasma, having no need to preserve the cell for any big fight I totally expected to take place in the moat in front of the secret exit; only a couple of astral cacos there. * MAP34: Freya. Played on DSDA v0.27.4, UV, PS. 245/245 K, 4/4 S, 2/2 I. Comp. time 28:22 After Charge and Catalyst, I was expecting a secret map to be a very gimmicky affair. Freya is nothing of the sort, it actually plays like a completely casual map. Only the visual style is unique, like a combination of first three episodes with a colourful, garden of Eden -like flair. Completely casual... except possibly for the very final fight. I wouldn't call even that a gimmick fight, but it certainly had me chuckle when I saw dozens of purple imps emerge along with a couple of archies. Good thing I had found the BFG. Anyway, I sound unenthusiastic, but it's a really good map I would have liked to see in a regular roster -- although I suppose it doesn't fit into episode themes, so I'm glad we at least get it as a secret.7 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
Dragonfly and 6 others reacted to Veeda Vidlak for a topic
Map16 “Barbican” by Dragonfly Bookshelves! Chandeliers! Dungeons! The fourth episode starts with everyone’s favorite ye olde Medieval castle setting, delightfully detailed to this megawad’s impeccable standards. Dragonfly yet again shows himself to be the straight man in Eviternity II's rogues gallery, toning down the escalation at the end of Episode III with an engaging yet lower stress outing. Not that low stress though, we have a hot start which I would describe as Gusta-lite. A number of interconnected rooms all patrolled by small squads of dispersed low to mid-tiers, applying inescapable pressure until the player clears most of the initial area. While finding your footing you’ll no doubt notice the skull key switchboard in the starting hallway, indicating we’ve got three keys to hunt down. You’ll also no doubt notice the purple gateway resting out of reach to the southwest, yes, the episode’s secret map is accessed in the very first level. For the most part the remainder of the map does not have the energy of the opening minute, combat is either incidental or laid-back due to the abundance of cover and resources. The one exception is the cross-shaped room to the south, which assails us with imps and shotgunners at a steady rate followed by an archvile once the room reopens. We get a megasphere to start so its forgiving but still a nice test of RL aptitude in an enclosed space. Otherwise, the biggest concerns are the smattering of astral foes, like always they can 187 you in a heartbeat. The secret exit isn’t too hard to find, though it also requires the three keys to enter. The small scuffle triggered by lowering the megasphere isn’t hard but watch out for that sneaky annihilator released behind you. He tagged me for a ton of damage because I didn’t realize he was there. A casual opener and nice breather after the last three levels. My only criticism is that I found the cyberdemon a perfunctory grind and the sadist in me wonders if it would be more fun to have him gunning for you right at the start, placed at the other end of the entry hallway (anyone on board with this?) Map 34 “Freya” by Bri Oooo, what a pretty map. The secret maps have all been themed around a gameplay feature so far. First, we had a weapon map (perforator), then we had combat built around a unique mechanic (instakill electric floors), then we had a map imitating a different game entirely (Battletoads), and now we have a level built around a custom monster. Freya is a showcase of our new purple alien buddy’s capabilities, with most fights employing them in force. The perforator also makes its return and is a welcome tool when dealing with threats like astralcacos. Not to sound like a broken record but this map looks so good. It’s beautiful, the mix of sparkling water, brightness, greenery, and eviternity temple aesthetics meshing perfectly to give a feeling of paradise (which is a glamor according to the level intro). The textures are very similar to Episode 1 and I’m curious if this was initially slated to be the secret map of that section. Strengthening this suspicion is the opening text crawl, which matches the narration of the 1st Episode as well. As for combat, it’s not too harsh but there are a few stickier spots. The most notable one is the entire western part of the level started by hitting a blue key switch. A lot of it is grind but we start with a cramped vile skirmish followed by getting hemmed in by imps with various weapons platforms sniping at us. We have plenty of tools to handle this though, the secret perforator picks off the vile and snipers and the plasma given here will handle the imps. The other notable encounter is the finishing one, a big horde of purple people eaters backed by a pair of viles. The power weapons make mincemeat of this mess, BFG for the aliens and perforator for archie. I don't have anything else to say but I'll happily beat a dead horse with the visuals. Freya is just a gorgeous piece of doom art and it put me in a good mood to kill stuff in it.7 points -
what was doomworld like in the early 2000s and early 2010s?
LadyMistDragon and 6 others reacted to Mr. Freeze for a topic
This whole "Doomworld was an island of niceness among the rest of the internet" is making me feel like I'm taking crazy pills. I know DW's always been good in a lot of ways, but there is some serious historical revisionism at play here.7 points -
30 Sectors: A Community Project for Boom (Limit Removing) (Closed)
AnArchaicApparatus and 6 others reacted to stochastic for a topic
Alright, I finally finished up @Matt Eldrydge's map. Really happy with how it turned out! It's an interconnected series of slime-ridden libraries and abstract structures with nonlinear progression, hence we landed on the name "Slimewood Municipal Library". Matt of course built most of the map, while I added several sections (noted in blue in the screenshot) - I tried my best to keep my sections aesthetically consistent with his beautiful and unique architecture. I also handled the combat/enemy placement. While it's challenging at times with a few surprises, it's a pretty forgiving map overall, allowing you lots of room and freedom to work out each encounter. Despite its size, I've been able to UV-max it in around 15 minutes. That all being said, I know the original slot for this was Map09 - IMO I think this would work best in the second half of the wad. Matt and company, please let me know if y'all have any feedback - I'll be happy to fix/tweak anything, especially the combat - this is my first time designing combat for such a nonlinear map, so I want it to be fun! Thanks again for letting me finish this up, Matt. :) Learned a lot by working on this. Uses exactly 30 sectors, btw. 30Sectors-SML.zip Submission Details Map Title: Slimewood Municipal Library Map Slot: Previously Map09 (may need to be adjusted) MIDI Used: "Greenhouse" by Stewboy Map Authors: Matt Eldrydge and stochastic Difficulties Implemented: All Tested With: PrBoom-Plus, dsda-doom 0.26.2, GZDoom 4.6.1 Screenshots7 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
Cutman 999 and 6 others reacted to DJVCardMaster for a topic
Chapter 3: Bastion: MAP16 - Barbican - Dragonfly (100%K/I/S): The new episode gives us a throwback to the first episode of Eviternity I. With castles and meviedal landscapes. This time, more in daytime rather than nighttime. I really dig the aesthetics that overpopulate the entirety of this sequel though, everything gets eaten by lush environments and nice falling leaves, giving you that summer/autumn aesthetic. The best time of the year, as you abandon that disgusting heat, but you are not 10 degrees below zero yet. Still, there is some heat in Barbican, as combat here throws everything at you right from the bag. Hardest start yet, on par with MAP11. The map itself is one of those classic, circular-shaped maps, like a "key hunt in-between" type of maps, just like we have seen in the first Eviternity. The type of maps that I liked the most, most of the time, during my playthrough. You should know where to get your guns though, as you could be using your boomstick for tanky enemies for a while, and that's what happened to me. After you do certain tasks, you will trigger a cyberdemon that will spawn at the middle of the level (not sure if it spawns or it's just there), and will hunt you down around the entire map. You could use him to infight, or ignore it completely. I tried removing every enemy from plain sight before fighting him with my last bullets. Luckly I did not see him as a big threat, but you should always know where is he shooting you from. The map is perfect for a cyberdemon to roam like this, as he literally always has a window to shoot you from. After that, regular exit holds two annihilators. You will see the secret exit easily from the west courtyard that looks like Eviternity's MAP01. The way to access is by hitting a pretty hidden switch in a pretty random corner to open this area. There is a secret fight before the exit, and you will still need the three keys in order to escape. Before the exit you will see some astral cacos, which at this point, I do believe this is the Eviternity version of the "Arch-vile at the exit" cliché. Every single exit holds them, and I'm starting to hate them because of how difficult it is to dodge their attacks. Really enjoyable map. After playing this one, I've noticed that the mini-archviles have two different attack patterns, and not only one, how dumb. Still not a big threat, just annoying MAP34 - Freya - Bri (100%K/I/S): Luckly it was a shorter secret map than I thought it would be, considering how tough and long where the first two. Still, I think this was tough, if not the hardest map yet. Particularly because of its abuse of new monsters, giving you a great showcase of what's new on this installment. A beautiful ruin map that kinda says "Episode two was not over yet". Everything feels etheteal, from another heavenly world. It gives you nice "babylon" looks with all those buildings and plants tribing from every single wall. A beautiful landscape as it is usual for Eviternity 2's maps. I can't describe its progression as it felt a bit open, but at the same time it felt quite linear, maybe with some branching paths to give the player a little bit more alternatives. Most battles where fun, I've finally felt like those vile-lings were actually a threat, although not because of good reason, but because Bri decided to spam me with a bunch of them, in open places, making it obviously harder, but hey, every single Doom monster is painful to deal with in oversized packs, so that's cheating. I do think they are good in hallways where there is not a lot of room to dodge, though. Vile-ling spam was quite obvious at the end with that ridiculous amount of them before the exit portal, guarding it and two angry arch-vile papas trying to help their children massacre this Doomguy. Luckly, I've found both the BFG and the Perforator, so my last battle was easy to deal with. Order of preference: A secret level? This quick? We are not even starting Episode IV...7 points -
Whoops I accidentally posted before writing about the secret map :p MAP34: Freya by Bri Possibly the most "conventional" of all the 6 secret maps in Eviternity 2, but I don't mind it because Bri delivers another absolute eyecandy of a map (yes I get it that praising the visuals of Eviternity 2's map is becoming a very common theme, but still). The natural scenery around the ruined old temple/castle/medievial whatever place, is really great followed by a touch of... Fallen Leaves (*ahem ahem*, I'll see myself out). Also I mentioned in map15 writeup that Veil-imps will play a very prominent role later on. Well this map is one of those situations. Very judicious usage of veil-imps right from the start and you will especially have to deal with 2 dozen+ veil-imps + 2 archvile trap at the end of the map (easy if you obtained the secret perforator and/or the secret BFG). Other than that, the rest of the mostly mild in combat with the exception for the part where you press the blue key switch that reveals an archvile, 2 veil-imps and a few pinkies in a small area. And then when you deal with that, only to be greeted by an astral mancubus, astral arachnotrons and a good deal of other enemies. If you managed to obtain the secret perforator before all this, then you should be fine. Which brings me to another thing I realized that the location of the secret yellow skull key was changed between RC2 and RC5. In RC2, it wasn't hard to obtain per se, but was kind of easy to miss which, while not needed for main progression, is necessary to obtain the Perforator from the secret.7 points
okay, okay, put down the knives, torches, high heels, and ball stretchers. before you decide to shove your entire leg up my asshole, hear me out. while blood's atmosphere, visual design, and music are all undeniably fantastic...i feel like the gameplay falls short of being anywhere near as good as those aspects. a lot of the enemies are tanky as fuck, the hitscanners are genuinely aggravating (and i say that as someone who uses the shit out of hitscanners in their doom maps), the amount of swinging doors compared to something like duke3d really brings out the worst aspects of the build engine, it has not one but TWO tiny hard to hit enemies, and the gargoyles are just...eugh. i know that it's known as a hard game, but the difficulty feels much more along the lines of "irritating bullshit" than it does "challenge that you can overcome". also, before you tell me that i just need to "get good", keep in mind that i really don't feel the same way about a lot of the more challenging doom mapsets; even the ones like speed of doom's poison ivy, a map people love to bitch and moan about, i feel are nowhere near as annoying as blood can be. even though they're mean, the enemies themselves are still fun to fight against and feel fair. blood doesn't have that going for it unfortunately, and even when the level design is great it can get dragged down quite a bit by the fact that the fundamentals just aren't there. now, i do still enjoy blood despite its flaws. it's just that i don't think that it stacks up against its contemporaries as well as a lot of people say it does, and i certainly wouldn't call it one of the best 90s fps games. it's a decent game, just very flawed. great atmosphere can only get you so far when your gameplay just isn't the best. you can go ahead and brutalize me now6 points
Treasure Chest Series, Vol. 4 & 5 (RC1) (cl-9 UMAPINFO)
Andromeda and 5 others reacted to Death Bear for a topic
Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping Presents: Treasure Chest Series! We're back again, baby! This is an ongoing quarterly project inspired by the original idea that @Steve88 had for PUSS in 2020, which was to create a dropbox for speedmaps that could be submitted on @BluePineapple72's discord server, then compiled for the masses. As we have grown beyond this original vision, I thought it would be awesome to come full circle in our second year to do something like this. So, this is not replacing our mainline series of monthly events, but is a Discord-exclusive, lowkey, speedmapping for speedmapping’s sake event where we make maps quickly then share it with the community. These are speedmaps made in 3 hours or less, compiled in order of submission, with a Credits map at the end. No themes or gimmicks, this time...(well, kinda.) If you're interested in participating in future installments, come join us at the Pineapple Under the Sea Discord, where all the wet fruit-inspired magic happens. I present to you Volume 4 and 5, covering Quarter 3 and 4 of 2023. We've now had our first full calendar year of submissions! Huzzah! Two maps (Ode to Casali and Son of Orgazmo) were made for PUSS XXX: Quick and Dirty but exceeded the time limit. Format: Boom-compatible (cl-9), uses UMAPINFO Tested with: DSDA-DOOM 0.27+, GZDOOM 4.11+ Maps: Volume 4 is 7 Maps, Volume 5 is 5 Maps Custom Assets: There are a number of custom textures. See .txt file for credits. Difficulties/Multiplayer: Various Download: Volume 4 (Google Drive) Volume 5 (Google Drive) MAP + TRACK LIST: Ordered chronologically by submission, with credits maps created by Death Bear. Vol. 4 Vol. 5 It is an honor getting to lead this ongoing series, play through, and compile everyone's work. Other than unseen bugs, we're good to go! We have our first Volume of 2024 running already, and we've opened it up to Doom 1 maps, as well. A few stragglers from our already 67-map D-30 are making their way there, as well. See you again soon! --- PUSS Treasure Chest Series Vol. 1 (Quarter 4, 2022) (Thread) (idgames) Vol. 2 (Quarter 1, 2023) (Thread) (idgames) Vol. 3 (Quarter 2, 2023) (idgames)6 points -
You must choose between all WADs before or after 2010.
Bobby :D and 5 others reacted to baja blast rd. for a topic
After 2010 and it's not particularly close. The quantity and stylistic diversity of the last decade makes this very easy for me even without increased mapping ability being factored in. Recent years even beat the older years out when it comes to the number of good oldschool mapsets. (There's a chart I've seen passed around, but # of wads uploaded to idgames is not a good measure of quantity of maps.) The "after" cutoff date I'd take is probably quite a bit after 2010, even if I have to leave some more all-time favorites behind. That's because "Do more of my all-time favorites come before Year or after Year?" isn't the real question. It's more like "Would I expect to find more wads on that level before Year or after Year?" which takes into account what we haven't played. As another hypothetical, I'd also take the single year 2023 over all of 1994-2007.6 points -
Edit: Forgot to post my thoughts on episode 3 as a whole... Episode 3 Thoughts I have to admit that brutalism isn't my favorite style. So it shouldn't come as any surprise that this my least liked theme in the wad so far (as of having played part of E4). The parts that weren't brutalism felt like Episode 1 again to an extent, which I don't mind because it looks so good. The big exception here is MAP15, which pivots to a sort of "industrial wasteland" theme. I kind of wish we could have gotten an episode that leans into that esthetic more. We did finally start feeling the difficulty ramp up in the latter half of the episode, which I'm glad to see. I might end up wishing someone would turn down the heat in another episode or so though. MAP16 - “Barbican” by Dragonfly Deaths: 2 The opening of this map is pretty brutal. There are chaingunners all over the place who will wake up when you fire the first shot, and will seek you out and find you at the worst possible time. Twice when starting this map I ended up backing into a chaingunner trying to avoid something else, and got obliterated. The third time I specifically sought out all of the chaingunners to kill them all, and just ignored everything else. That seemed to do the trick. The rest of the map isn't nearly as difficult, and in fact is the easiest map we've had since maybe MAP12. There was a couple times I was close to death but survived. There's plenty of health around though, including a secret megasphere and soulsphere. The lock-in fight with the non-secret megasphere was probably the most memorable fight in the map. I ended up just standing on one of the teleporter exits and blasted everything with rockets. A little cheesy, but it mostly worked. Eventually I had to dodge something and then imps blocked my way back to my spot, but by then the lock-in had ended and I could just go outside. Almost everything else is incidental combat. There is one point where a bunch of fodder warps in on some water, but that was pretty easy to just go up the stairs and kill everything. The cyberdemon was kind of annoying, because it wasn't actually dangerous but took a bit to kill. At least I had found the secret plasma rifle already so it wasn't that bad. I ended up trying to conserve some plasma for what I thought might be one more fight, but it turns out I needn't have bothered. When I started playing this map, I didn't know it had a secret exit. Luckily you can see it through an opening, and I was able to find it anyway. This map doesn't make you work too hard to find the secret exit, which is a good thing since this is the second secret exit in three maps. The music is good, and the level looks great too. I really like this theme. It reminds me of the first episode of Eviternity, which was one of my favorite in terms of theme. I know the wood look is sometimes overdone in Doom, but I still like it. I had some good fun in this map. MAP34 - “Freya” by Bri Deaths: 1 This is a beautiful romp in a map that seems to use a fusion of multiple episode themes. We have the mesoamerican textures combined with caves, ice, green forests, and even some of the hallowed textures. On top of that is an orange sky that gives the whole thing an otherworldly feel. There are some arched doorways done entirely through small sectors. The result is quite captivating and unique. The combat mostly comes in the form of incidental combat. There are a few lock-in fights but they aren't generally too difficult. My only death came at the very end with the vile-imp hode and arch-vile duo when I got zapped. I wasn't expecting a horde like that and couldn't get to the arch-viles to take them out. The second time I just used the BFG and Perforator to make short work of the everything before they could scatter. Besides that fight, the area before the red key gave me some trouble, but wasn't quite able to kill me. I just ran around with 3% health for a good couple minutes at one point. I got all of the secrets before the end of the map, but I didn't get the Perforator until right before the final fight. I got to shoot a couple arch-viles with it and that's about it. I'm really hoping another map has one at the beginning like MAP31 did. I'm being repetitive, but the music is good here too. Like it is in every map.6 points
Post your Doom textures!
97th Century Fox and 5 others reacted to Oxyde for a topic
6 points -
what was doomworld like in the early 2000s and early 2010s?
PasokonDeacon and 5 others reacted to TheMagicMushroomMan for a topic
Besides that, what exactly did Goatloard do that was "something incredible, or unbelievably stupid"? As far as I know he was known for making posts that were either a little eccentric or for "shower thoughts". In fact, I've yet to see any evidence that the "forum retard" whose thread and aforementioned title lead to the implementation of custom titles to begin with did anything incredible or unbelievably stupid. Well, they did create chocorenderlimits, so I guess incredible things were awarded with the same kinds of titles as unbelievably stupid things. Now, I have no problems with Doomworld now and I highly doubt I would have had personal problems with it back then. But why not be honest and just admit that the titles were bestowed upon people not because they were genuises/dumbasses, but because they were simply easy targets? Why defend what is basically a different forum entirely when you can just say "some of the mods back then were assholes", which seems a bit more honest. It's not like it's insulting to any of the current staff. It's also not true that you couldn't insult people's sexuality/culture/interests. Anyone who has browsed through old threads knows this. Using Steve's own example: I custom-searched the word "furries" with results even up until 2016, not just 2000-2010. On the first page of results, you can clearly see users calling furries "autistic" "weird" "retarded" and a post targeting trans people. Again, as Doomkid said, that's the way the internet was and posts like that were mild compared to the rest of the internet at large. But to suggest that this was some sort of squeaky-clean utopia of kindness where only the biggest imbeciles were made fun and nobody got targeted because of who they were/what they liked, is demonstrable as false, and the demonstration consists of nothing more than clicking the search button.6 points -
MAP15: Rubicon by Scotty I see some people saying that this map is not as good as the previous map. And while it's probably not as visually striking or as challenging (with one exception of course) as the previous map, it still looks and plays good. I especially like how in contrast to the rest of the episode (which had brutalistic architecture but also vibrant lush greenery), this map is in some dirty wasteland with much Now, I am not very familiar with Scotty's works. His only two other maps I have played are Criticality (I played it when it was selected for DWIronman challenge some 3-ish years ago and never completed it) and his only map in 1000 Lines 3. I can see some similarity here with those 2 maps, mainly in terms of aesthetics, but also in terms of how some fights are exclusive to secrets and how those fights are set up. One particular fight is the secret crusher fight, which kind of reminds me of the secret crusher fight in his 1000 Lines 3 map. Except this one is much harder. This is the hardest fight in the map and probably in the entire wad up till this point (Map14 is overall a bit harder than this map, but this one fight of Map15 is harder than any of the fights on Map14 imho). It's why (if doing a saveless UV-max run) I like to do it early by getting there with SR50 strategy, so not only am I done with it quick, but also get an early BFG and a rocket launcher. As for the fight itself, it involves fighting in an arena involving 4 crushers in a series and throwing in cacodemons, hell knights, barons and nightmare demons at you in this tight space. My current best strategy is to initially stay in the safe zone between the 2nd and 3rd crushers and start firing rockets at cacodemons and hell knights. When barons and nightmare demons arrive and get near you, switch to BFG and push towards the corner teleports and grab the cells there and then finish of the rest of the enemies before finally pressing the switches (as hitting the corner switches will release annihilators on opposite side) There is another secret fight that takes place on damaging floors and explosive barrels spread throughout. The battle is short, consisting of plenty of fodder enemies like corporals and imps, followed by revenants and finally an archvile. This fight is one of the rare situations where I actually find myself doing better with the plasma gun rather than the BFG. Though, I still switch back to BFG once the archvile reveals himself. The rest of the main fights are somewhat tricky but nothing too hard. If you know what you are doing, you should be fine. Also the map gives plenty of cell ammo, so don't be reluctant when using it. There are really only 5 fights in this map and 2 of those are secret fights. One last thing to mention about this map is that it introduces another new custom enemy called Veil-imps. These look like purple miniature archviles that move really really fast and go invisible when doing so (giving the effect that they teleport around) and they have two different attacks, one is a spread of low damage projectiles while the other is a short-range flame burst which does pretty good damage. Thankfully, their attack is very well choreographed and they have only 100 health which means that a single SSG shot will take them down with ease. Chaingun also works fairly well against them. They don't play a major role in Map15 though and they only start playing a major role from next episode onwards. MAP16: Barbican by Dragonfly Episode 4 harkens back to the medieval era/castle style aesthetics of Episode 1 of original Eviternity which gives a warm and fuzzy feeling. As far as this map is concerned, it's not a big map, but definitely a very non-linear one where you can explore various different parts of the map however you want. Early on, you might have a rough time with not having much resources. But once you establish a foothold, this map is pretty easy all things considered. The only fight that comes anywhere near being spicy is the one where you are locked with imps teleporting once you grab a megasphere, followed by an archvile. The cyberdemon in this map is kind of a chum, who is only there to waste some ammo but is otherwise harmless :p Be on the lookout for secrets, because the secret exit is on this map, the very first map of this episode.6 points
Easily after 2010, the amount of great stuff in the last few years is crazy, imo.6 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
Veeda Vidlak and 4 others reacted to Cutman 999 for a topic
MAP15 - “Rubicon” by Scotty (Pistol start, used saves, 99% kills/80% items/60% secrets) Another level that wildly kicked my balls extremely fucking hard. Looking at the author, is no wonder. Even the first fights can catch you off-guard in so many levels, and if you were playing this in an absent-minded way as I did at the moment of writing this, it can turn into a very messy blind playthrough. Definitively this map benefits a lot on foreknowledge, because the results are not always so apparent, and guessing wrong can get your dick turned into a pretzel. Making that rocket launcher a secret you can access like 60% into the map is pure goddamn evil, probably it was made this way to make dealing with long range monsters more difficult. Talking about another thing, I like that purple archvile I'm not sure at all what its name is, moving just by teleporting makes it similar to a shitty enemy in doom 3, just that a lot better sense it can do stuff as soon as it teleports, and making it extremely high damage, but really fragile, balances it a lot. I want to see the potential of this monster with the regular vile, it seems they have a really, really good synergy together, at least on paper. About the secret fights, the yellow key one you can turn it into dust with the bfg, simplifying it a lot and making not so easy to get killed, the other in the crusher room is a big motherfucker, since you need to know previously you need to flip the switches and technically, not engage with the fight in order to win it, which is again like i said at the beginning, not intuitive. Aldo my overview of this map sounds a bit negative, i enjoy the spike in difficulty and I think it could have been a lot more ball busting, so at least you can say it was balanced for the project, and it was placed in the right slot to do so. 7/105 points -
Post your Doom textures!
Aeddes666 and 4 others reacted to AshtralFiend for a topic
I'm making the final adjustments to a big map that uses these textures. It will probably be released between this and next month :) Feel free to use any of the textures. I'm planning to maybe add some more in the future and make an "official vaporware texture pack"5 points -
Sorry for the late update. By the way, the list now contains rough information on engine requirements. If you notice any errors, please let me know!5 points
^This. All of my favorite stuff (like Eviternity 1/2, Valiant, Ancient Aliens, Heartland, Sunlust, Faithless, TNT Revilution/Devilution, Resurgence etc) are post-2010 I think Plutonia 2, Alien Vendetta and maybe Scythe 2 are the only pre-2010 megawads that come anywhere close to my top favorite stuff.5 points
TAS (tool-assisted) demos: part 2
almostmatt1 and 4 others reacted to xit-vono for a topic
doom e2m6 uv max in 1:59 https://youtu.be/tp3Gio17Uc0 e2m6x159.zip5 points -
GZDoom/UV/Contiuous/Saves Write-ups from memory MAP16: Barbican - Dragonfly Idk why, but ep 4 is the one that I remembered the least before I started seeing playthroughs of it on YouTube. Kinda weird since there's some good maps and cool moments in it, but I just struggled to remember almost everything about it (except the secret map). I couldn't even remember the episode's theme at first, which is basically Eviternity 1's ep 1 but in autumn and with more realistic-ish locations. The ep starts with a standard Dragonfly special, a pretty non-linear map where you get the 3 keys in any order and then you can exit. The start here is surprisingly tough. You'll wake things up all across the map very easily here given the multiple paths to go, and considering you'll want some guns, this will be inevitable. Thankfully, there's multiples of each gun around (I think I saw 3 SSGs for example), so you can kinda stick to one path to try to lessen the amount of demons that are aware of your presence. The yellow key is right around the corner from the start, but that room has veilimps, and will also eventually have astral spiders, so that will be tough without some bigger guns (you do get the SSG with the key at least). The blue key spawns a ton of enemies in the water, but that's just rocket feed. The red key spawns a cyb back up in the main corridor. Find the hidden plasma by the rocket/megapshere/imp fight to make that cyb less annoying to take out. That fight I just mentioned is one of a few tough encounters that aren't caused from getting a key. There's a big zombie/rev wave at the northeast, and getting the SSG by the switch that opens the path to the secret exit unleashes chaingunners, both caco types, and an archie. Oh yeah, it's only the first map of the ep and the secret exit is already here! That path features a demon family/annihilator fight for a megasphere, and a few astral cacos once you use the 3 keys to really open the path to the secret exit. Overall, this is a tough opening map, but still quite fun. The medieval look and thematic MIDI works well for the map's atmosphere and sets up the episode nicely. MAP34: Freya - Bri If you were to ask me what I thought the most beautiful map in Doom history was 1 month and 7 days ago, I would have responded with Culture Shock from Ancient Aliens. This just might beat it. Holy cow is this map GORGEOUS. Easily my favorite map in the WAD in terms of visuals alone. The natural scenery and its colors just wowed me right from the start. If Bri wants to make his next stand-alone ep release with this theme, I would be ecstatic. I also understand it would take a long time given the amount of detailing this one map alone has, but still. There's just so many spots in this map where you can stop and just take in the sights. From the opening cavern, to the courtyard with the fountain, to the vista that you can't get to but is just as big as the playable area of the map itself. It's all jaw dropping. Now, a pretty map is good and all, but it still needs to be fun. Thankfully it is. While this secret map doesn't really have a gimmick like the others did, there's still some tough encounters to go through. Depending on which way you go for the blue key, you may not have the rocket launcher as you take on the astral cacos and veil imps that appear. Getting said rocket launcher from the other direction isn't easy given the revs and astral manc in the area in addition to all the other chaff. And lowering the wall to reveal the fountain area also reveals a ton of monsters that want to kill you. The ambushes are intense and monster variety is great. The 2 power weapons are secret. The BFG is behind a waterfall in the fountain area. The perforator is in a secret within a secret. When you find the mega armor secret, you'll find a switch that needs the yellow key. When I originally played this, the yellow key wasn't exactly hidden, but it was extremely easy to miss. The only reason I found it was because I accidentally walked off a ledge and landed on top of it. It was originally up on a ledge overlooking the hub area, near where you would need to drop down to find that soul sphere secret. In newer RCs though, the yellow key was moved down to that little water tunnel area you need to go through if you fall trying to platform. Heck, the SSG is down here too, so you'll probably drop down just to get that. The switch that lowers the bars that allow you to get back up also lower the key. I don't really think I like this change, as it's now extremely easy to find the key, making the secret within a secret seem unnecessary. At least with its original location it made finding the key worth it, as now you'll just have the key by the time you find the secret. Only real gripe with the map tho. The map ends similarly to Bri's MAP08; back at the start and hitting a switch to reveal the exit. This time, you get a flood of veilimps backed by 2 archies. Perforate the crap out of them, and we're done. Overall, an absolutely beautiful map that is also quite spicy! A top 5 map in the WAD for me.4 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
Veeda Vidlak and 3 others reacted to cannonball for a topic
MAP16 - “Barbican” by Dragonfly A nice opener with a rather unnecessary cyberdemon, the issue being that I triggered the trap involving it last and I never saw the cyber again once I went for the exit. The rest of the map is a solid three key hunt, now I think I lucked out because I stumbled upon the secret exit very quickly. There are some nice fights dotted around but you are given power up for most of them, so nothing too taxing. Overall a solid opener, though I couldn't be bothered to get 100% kills here because of the wandering cyberdemon. Onwards to paradise... MAP34 - “Freya” by Bri Well by luck I found the perforator really quickly. This is a very colourful and lush environment that is a lot more liberal with the Eviternity 2 exclusive monsters. As such this plays at times like a mix of Bri's first entry in this set mixed with a more Plutonia-esque deployment of monsters, as such the new monsters can be deviously placed, not only that but there are plenty of turret monsters, usually revenants. The final fight I must confess to cheesing quite badly because out in the open I struggled to avoid getting hit numerous times. There are a medkit by the platform where the switch to open the exit resides, because of the design of the platform you can technically tucked yourself in there are reduce the number of directions the monsters can attack you from, this worked first time. Overall this was probably on par with Bri's other map, there is a lot of solid work here, though at times it felt a little crude and harsh. Also after a few secret maps that felt very out there, this just felt like a map that didn't fit into the other episodes, that said I felt the same about Map31 in that regard.4 points -
4 points
It's a good game that does not play nice, so you shouldn't play nice either. Use TNT to hit enemies around corners as your default strategy. Also, the Death Wish mapset remains the best BUILD game of all time, and it looks like it will become even bestester in the future, hopefully sometime this year.4 points
[1/31/2024] Doom Delta v3.0.1! (new weapon... AND MORE!)
Chameeleoh and 3 others reacted to DrPyspy for a topic
A new version of Doom Delta has been released! v3.0, to be exact! That's right! The third chapter! Check out this nifty trailer: If you want to jump right in, mosey on down to the webzone and grab a slice of that Doom Delta-shaped pie. The mapping kit has also been updated to include an editor number for the Grenade Launcher!4 points -
Post your Doom textures!
NeilForshaw and 3 others reacted to ShallowB for a topic
Very excited for this! Seems like most synth/vaporwave wads I've seen never get finished.4 points -
You must choose between all WADs before or after 2010.
Budoka and 3 others reacted to "JL" was too short for a topic
After, and it isn't close. There's just too much amazing stuff that's been released. It does cut out a few classic releases that I remember fondly, but it doesn't even keep me from playing plenty of classic-feeling mapsets if I feel like it; so much of the best vanilla and limit-removing content that the community has ever seen has been released since 2010! It's a similar question to whether you'd rather play only the classic games of the 80s and 90s for which you may have nostalgia, vs. being able to enjoy today's thriving indie game scene. Again, it shouldn't be close—the fact that choosing modern games means you can't play literal, I don't know, Super Metroid is massively outshadowed by the wealth of modern games (including many retro-styled ones) with more coming out all the time.4 points -
You must choose between all WADs before or after 2010.
Chopper and 3 others reacted to BeetBeardTheBrave for a topic
I only started playing Doom in late 2021, and most of the stuff I've enjoyed playing has been post-BTSX, and therefore Post-2010. Mapping (to me) felt like it matured and became more fun/skill-focused(as opposed to spectacle/experimentation focused), while the detailing quality continued to improve in this time. Plus there has been just so much dynamite that has come out since then (the entirety of Skillsaw's work, to name a subset that I like). And there are many sets that hearken back to the days of old, and pay respect to it, so it feels like you can have your cake and eat it too.4 points -
What does a visitor in your home to annoy you?
rita remton and 3 others reacted to Snaxalotl for a topic
They wanted to leave and that's not allowed.4 points -
What a great surprise for the upcoming Snow Day. Thanks for running such a fun event! I learned a lot about Speedmapping, especially how quickly an hour can pass in visual mode.4 points
Doom Pictures Thread 2023
Chameeleoh and 3 others reacted to NeilForshaw for a topic
Still working on my map for "Doom 2 In City Only". It's surprising how adding a little bit of shadow to structures just makes them come alive. Going to do this on more. Link to project below.4 points -
4 points