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Share Your Sprites!
Chameeleoh and 11 others reacted to Captain red pants for a topic
The somewhat abusive relationship I have with Daggerfall has driven me to dream how I'd "fix" it with Gzdoom's engine and I eventually started slapping together some fantasy franken-sprites for a dream project I have neater the time, skill nor drive to make :P But I'll do my best. Anyways, Meet the gang: The Bandit Makes no alert sound. Has a throwing knife, but prefers to get in close with his short sword. Has an archer variant that likes to keep his distance... maybe one that throws old time-y grenades to. This guy's was pretty easy to make, so I might make a sprite sheet of him at least Orc LOOKS LIKE MEATS BACK ON THE MENU BOYS! What's a fantasy setting without the Green Gang? Slower then your highwayman, but quite a bit tougher, and tend to be in larger numbers. Variant with a sling-shot and a mount (maybe)! Again, not too hard to finish this guy except the face is a little annoying, and he might be a different shade of green. Knight/Living Armor Did that empty suit of armor just... move? Works as decoration for you extravagant castle, a devious trap or a brave hero! Basically, I'm a big fan of haunted suits of armor so I did my best to make one complete with 'pose' state This guy I actually have a working prototype for! Knight.7z He's pretty much a re skinned demon at this point, but the pose sprites are included. He's a little bit cutesy for what I wanted (I'm always shooting for that Dark fantasy/Hexen vibe, but after trying a few different collages, this one works as a Quake 1 style knight. Demon I wanted to make these bastards look mean again, and I think I did a good job. Tough. Likes fire. As to where you'd meet them: It's a bit early for judgment day, but a few mortals have taken to summoning them. Sometimes it's by all too curious scholars, sometimes by desperate villagers in lieu of a raids by brigands or pillaging armies, but most often as guardians deep within forsaken Dungeons. Ok, I actually have most of the sprite work done for this guy, just need to finish off the death sprites. I'll post it if theirs interest. The idea I had for his behavior was something like heretic's Minotaur: Lots of charging and fire, with some kind of flame aoe attack. Ogre "OI! LET ME SMASH YA ALREADY! I'M STARVING!" Big Gluttonous bastards. If orcs haven't requited them for their war parties, Ogres tend to make their way by either the classic bridge toll, or making 'deals' with farmers: all the live stock they can eat and they don't use their bones to make bread (a hollow threat, as they are too stupid to make bread out of bones or anything else. They usually just roast the farmers on a spit when they've run out of sheep). Unfortunately this one is probably the least likely to get a full sprite sheet let alone become an actual monster. Sure he looks badass imo, but I don't know how I would do more then one pose. If I do finish it, I'm not sure what to do other then make another big guy that wack you, maybe some kind of aoe on the wack? Maybe a fart attack like the Sumo from shadow warrior? Also I wish I could find something better then the Ettin's Mace. The dude clearly needs a big wooden club! Chimera Whether created by a God's curse or the deranged machinations of a mad wizard, this abominable splicing of lion, ram and serpent are valued among both the extremely wealthy and the highly magically gifted as powerful guard dogs as, in addition to being vicious fighters, the presence of three heads allows at least one head to be awake at all times. While it lacks the fire breath of legend, that's still a lions head with a roar that will strike fear into your heart at a distance and will rip your throat out up close. It's powerful hind goat legs can punt you through the air before, in combination with it's wings, leap apon you once more, and if you do manage to keep your distance, the serpent's head will spit venom for almost a mile. Thought I wanted him bigger in the beginning but kind of happy how this one turned out. It'd be a bit of hard work to finish this one but I could probably manage a sprite sheet. Coding his behaviors would be a different matter. I *think* the somewhat ambitious move set would be doable even in DECORATE, but it's beyond my abilities as it stands.12 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Arbys550 and 10 others reacted to KeaganDunn for a topic
11 points -
Reflections and Aspirations: MBF21 in 2024
Terraformer9x and 9 others reacted to Rayziik for a topic
As I've been working with the format, alongside @Napsalm for a lot of it too, I came up with a good number of things that may be useful. There's a good number that are just QoL changes for existing stuff, but then also quite a few new things that would be rather useful, I think. Here's the list, as it currently is: Thing Flags (Access via editor means that the flag can be toggled in the editor like AMBUSH or FRIENDLY is) REVERSEGRAV = Makes something gravitate to the ceiling instead of the floor NORESPAWN = Access via editor to make things not respawn in Nightmare difficult JUSTHIT = Access via editor to make things instantly attack on sight SHADOW = Access via editor to make things appear as specters (speedrunners hate him for this!!) CONTROL1/2/3/4 = Dummy flags in MBF21 flags to use for JumpIfFlagsSet (also get editor access?) FRIGHTENED = Inverts speed value so that they retreat from the player (or advance if speed is set negative) TELESTOMP = Thing can telefrag regardless of map slot or MAPINFO settings Thing Properties Heal group (new) Functions similar to projectile group, but with regards to raising monsters (things in same group can only be raised by another thing in the same group) Gib health (enable) Add property functionality Blood color (extension) Add the rest of the colors as definied via DSDACR Pickup Type (new) Allows creation of "new" items, likely handled as flags? Could combine effects of existing items, perhaps also cheats, also add new effects? Ex: Pickup type = INVULNERABILITY+MEGASPHERE+GIVEWEAPON5 This would create an item that gives an invulnerability, megasphere, and rocket launcher at the same time Other properties could be pulled from other ports or just added if sounds like a cool idea Ex: FLY = Grants flight for a limited time (don't forget to bind controls) FULLAMMO = Gives max ammo in all ammo types ALLWEAPONS = Gives all weapons HASTE = Grants 25% increased move speed/weapon swap speed for limited time QUADDAMAGE = Multiplies your damage output by 4 for a limited time Perhaps even finer control could be given via other new properties? Powerup time = 'int' interpreted as seconds for effects to last (default = 30) Damage amp = 'int' interpreted as % Speed amp = 'int' interpreted as % Ammo = 'int' amount of ammo granted by an item OR multiplier of base amount amount (Ex: clip gives 10, box gives 50, multiplier at 10 would give 100) Health = 'int' repurpose for items with special as HP given, add BONUSHEALTH flag for healing over 100 (or deh limit if changed) Armor = 'int' new property for items with special, gives armor %, add BONUSARMOR flag for armor above threshold (add new misc dehacked property for green armor threshold?) Protection amount = 'int' interpreted as %, amount of damage armor absorbs Potentially add generic strings to reference when an item is grabbed? "GOTGENERIC1 =", where the number in the string name is referenced via property Thing Codepointers A_Mushroom (extension) Add argument that lets you define the projectile type that is spawned Shift to RadiusDamage instead of Explode, add two arguments for Damage + Radius (default = 128) A_NoiseAlert (extension) Add argument that lets you select a sound to play when called Add argument that detemines whether the played sound is played at full volume or not A_Wander (new) Like the strife NPCs do, move around but don't attempt to approach or attack anything (enter melee/missile states) Add argument that specifies a thing number to return to/wander around? Add argument that specifies how far away until returning to previously specified thing? A_FastChase (new) Hexen's unique chase variant that the bosses use to strafe around and keep a distance from players A_SoundChase (new) Chase codepointer that also plays a sound at the same time, like Hoof or Metal does Potentially just add arguments to the other two pointers to specifiy a different sound? A_CustomComboAttack (new) A combination of projectile and melee attack, for ease of use mostly. Exclude melee range, just use actor property type (uint): Type (dehnum) of actor to spawn angle (fixed): Angle (degrees), relative to calling actor's angle pitch (fixed): Pitch (degrees), relative to calling actor's pitch hoffset (fixed): Horizontal spawn offset, relative to calling actor's angle voffset (fixed): Vertical spawn offset, relative to actor's default projectile fire height damagebase (uint): Base damage of attack; if not set, defaults to 3 damagedice (uint): Attack damage random multiplier; if not set, defaults to 8 sound (uint): Sound to play if attack hits A_Thrust (new) Gives momentum to a thing, moving it or changing it's trajectory by the specified amounts at specified angles Add argument for the amount of thrust Add argument for the horizontal angle relative to current angle Add argument for the vertical angle relative to current angle Counter codepointers (Number of counters per thing likely limited) AddToCounter (counter #, amount) Adds value to counter # RemoveFromCounter (counter #, amount) Removes value from counter # SetCounter (counter #, amount) Sets counter to # ResetCounter (counter #) Resets counter to 0 JumpCounter (counter #, value, compare type, frame) Jumps to a frame based on counter comparison Comparator Types 0 = counter < value 1 = counter ≤ value 2 = counter > value 3 = counter ≥ value 4 = counter = value 5 = counter ≠ value Projectiles Control over damage die (Use reaction time as the variable? Default is 8 for all things anyway) Create new thing property "Missile multiplier ="? Use reaction time as the variable since it does nothing on projectiles? STRIFEDAMAGE flag does 1-4 instead of 1-8 Sector Types Friction without Protection A friction floor variant that is negated by radsuit Bouncy sectors Either control via linedef, length determines scale of bounce versus momentum on impact Or simply act like any actor touching the sector floor has BOUNCY flag Damage to all things Damaging sector type but also damages monsters Heal sectors Gives HP back to the player while standing on, flash lowest pickup palette or radsuit palette on heal maybe? Variant that heals only monsters Variant that heals all things Linedef Types Flags Block Flying Monsters Block Projectiles Block Hitscans Wrap Mid-Textures Key Locked generalized line action specials Action Specials Exit linedefs (11, 51, 52, 124, 197, 198) Use tag to point exit to different maps (Ex: tag 24 causes exit to send player to map 24, tag 0 sends to UMAPINFO/MAPINFO defined next or secret next) Possibly add new exit types for this behavior instead Translucent Middle Texture (260) Use tag to define the level of translucency (1-99) Generalized Light Types Trigger types (Walk 1/R, Switch 1/R, Gunfire 1/R, Door 1/R) Model types (trigger/numeric) "Direction" types Increase/Decrease to (only happens if below/above target level) Increase/Decrease by (relative amount, go above/below max/min for better control) Target types (Highest adjacent, lowest adjacent, next adjacent, exact value) If possible, have a property to select specific light target levels (0, 16, 32, 48, etc.) Timer amounts for temporary light level increases/decreases? Add sector types? (flicker, glow, blink, none) Line Horizon Extends the flat in front of the line to infinity on the other side Currently zokumBSP can do this somehow? Noise Alert Functions as A_NoiseAlert, but triggered on a linedef Weapons and Weapon Codepointers New Slots tied to the existing slots, cycled into like SG/SSG and Fist/Chainsaw Slot numbering is gonna be a mess unfortuntely. Chainsaw is slot 7 and SSG is slot 8 for example, so a pistol secondary slot would be 9, chaingun 10, rocket launcher 11, etc. Potentially, add a property to weapons that specifies which slot they're accessed from instead of hardcoded assignments? Would then need to have selection be based on lowest slot number or add a 'priority value' property Alt-Fire Add "altfire frame =" and new input to trigger this state change from WeaponReady Alt-Flash Add "altflash frame =" that is called by A_AltFlash Reload Add "reload frame =" and new input to trigger this state change from WeaponReady Likely used in conjunction with the Counter codepointers below or as a third firing mode potentially A_Zoom Zoom in the player view when called Add argument to specify zoom multiplier amount A_WeaponProjectile (extension) Extra argument field to set range of autoaim (is this possible?) A_WeaponBulletAttack (extension) Extra argument field to define unique bulletpuffs for hitscan impacts Extra argument field to set range of autoaim (is this possible?) A_AltFlash (new) Displays the AltFlash frames over the weapon sprites like GunFlash does for the normal Flash frames A_Light (new) Customizable light function for weapon flashes. Zdoom ranges -20 to 20, to allow darkening or lightness, 1 = Light1, 2 = Light2 Counter codepointers (Number of counters per weapon likely limited) AddToCounter (counter #, amount) Adds value to counter # RemoveFromCounter (counter #, amount) Removes value from counter # SetCounter (counter #, amount) Sets counter to # ResetCounter (counter #) Resets counter to 0 JumpCounter (counter #, value, compare type, frame) Jumps to a frame based on counter comparison Comparator Types 0 = counter < value 1 = counter ≤ value 2 = counter > value 3 = counter ≥ value 4 = counter = value 5 = counter ≠ value Friendlies Decouple the MBF target logic from the MBF infighting behavior so that friendlies work better overall New MBF21 flag that enables the MBF infighting behavior for specific things instead? Better control for modding overall10 points -
[Release] Somnambulism
Demon of the Well and 8 others reacted to watto3699 for a topic
Hey lads, Happy to finally release my newest mod, Somnambulism. Somnambulism is a short survival horror map, set in a home nestled deep within the woods. You're awoken at an un-Godly hourly in the midst of a storm by the prospect of an intruder having broken in. This mod was made under the UDMF format for DOOM II and requires GZDoom to run. It features new textures, sprites, sounds and gameplay elements. This map was designed to run in the Doom Software Rendering mode. This option is found here: Options > Display Options > Rendering Mode (set to): "Doom Software Rendering". This mod makes use of AutoSaves. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wMw3hSd-JhGNrKDIzQa6_MM9Qf4WHjB5/view?usp=sharing Known Bugs: The only known issue is some flickering under specific 3D-Floors. If you are to find any other bugs or scripting errors, please let me know. I've QA'd as much as I possibly can, but something may have slipped passed me during the monotony. Screenshots (Spoilers):9 points -
Doom II Textures Tier List
Surreily and 8 others reacted to Weird Sandwich for a topic
I made a dumb thing, please enjoy. This was whipped up quickly based on an arbitrary combination of how useful they are in mapping and how nice they look. Some notes: - No step textures included because they messed with the formatting (They'd all be C tier anyway) - Textures in C are not bad! Just average. Only the ones in F I actually dislike. - No flats because it was already too long. - Icon of Sin textures are not the worst, they just defy normal ranking.9 points -
Doom 64 - An Overrated Masterpiece Of Coal
SovereignX9 and 8 others reacted to GermanPeter for a topic
It's always bothered me how many people praised Doom 64, even calling it the best of the classic Doom titles. Every time I heard that, I could only think to myself: "Really? Have we play the same game?" So I decided to take a nuanced look at the game and see if it still holds up today, or if there's not some blemishes that are often overlooked. Would love to hear what all the Doom 64 fans think of my review, genuinely curious!9 points -
Doom II Textures Tier List
Andromeda and 8 others reacted to valkiriforce for a topic
The metal texture set = topest-tierest-everest.9 points -
9 points
Reflections and Aspirations: MBF21 in 2024
Lizardcommando and 7 others reacted to dsda-dev for a topic
This is not an announcement of a new standard. MBF21 has been out for quite some time now and seen wide adoption, including half of the top 12 cacowards from 2023. While it was a big step forward from MBF, the standard was not meant to be the end, but rather to evolve over time alongside the community, and various developers and creators have discovered both strengths and weaknesses in the few years since its inception. This thread is a place to gather those ideas and critiques of the format that can be used to fuel potential future iterations. If you've run into blockers in your projects, or headaches working with the standard, or if you've got cool ideas that would enable new stuff, please share your thoughts below. It would also be helpful to know what works particularly well that should be preserved going forward. I (and Xaser if willing 😉) will collect and organize everything together if something formal takes shape in the coming year :^)8 points -
Doom II Textures Tier List
Weird Sandwich and 7 others reacted to Roofi for a topic
STEPTOP deserves the S-tier for me Because,8 points -
Doom II Textures Tier List
Weird Sandwich and 7 others reacted to Shepardus for a topic
Needs a WOOD5 tier.8 points -
Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]
yakfak and 7 others reacted to MathsDevil for a topic
First ever Max with Reality of an Episode, folks! Inferno No Damage UV Max in 36:53 Please record me on the DSDA as 'PJ Plays Doom'. Thanks. ep3_3653mreality.zip8 points -
7 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Xyzzу and 6 others reacted to Matt Eldrydge for a topic
Felt like giving Eraser a completely different aesthetic for one optional area. Still rather early, but I like the look of it so...here.7 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Rykzeon and 6 others reacted to Doom-X-Machina for a topic
7 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
Veeda Vidlak and 6 others reacted to ReaperAA for a topic
MAP20: Dominion by Dragonfly and Bri Here it comes, the finale of episode 4. And with it, the introduction of another custom enemy, the Duke of Hell. He is another bruiser variant whose durability is in between a hell knight and a baron. While his attack pattern is more advanced than those of HK/Barons, he is much more simpler and "traditional" than almost all of the other Eviternity 2's custom enemies. He fires 2 regular baron projectiles, followed by a burst of low/moderate damaging plasma bolts. As for the level itself, your main objective is to get the 3 skull keys from various areas inside and around the fortress, so that you can get access to the central courtyard. The courtyard has a platform at the center with the cyberdemon on it. You can either kill with plasma gun (if you find him annoying) or keep him alive for the courtyard fight. I tend to keep him alive. Once you do get all the keys and manage to access the courtyard, you will have to deal with some teleporting pinkies + nightmare demons inside the fortress, while a horde of Dukes of Hell soon arriving outside of the courtyard to start firing. The cyberdemon (if not killed) can help killing most of those guys via infight, while you can use RL to finish the rest of them. Once your way is open, you get a BFG (assuming you didn't already found the secret BFG) and some more cells and rockets. When you press the switch, some archviles, astral cacos and other Eviternity 2 foes will teleport at the exit portal. Cut loose with the BFG to finish them off. Overall I have to agree with most folks here that episode 4 in general and Map20 as the finale is much easier than the previous episode. Which is fine I think. It's a calm before the storm. Episode 5 and 6 have some spicy maps. MAP21: Numb by Dragonfly The name of episode "Hyperborean" should give you an idea that this is going to be winter themed. And with winter theme comes the judicious usage of snow particles, some slippery floors here and there, some nice ice'y midtextures on crates etc. Unlike Eviternity 1's episode 3, this does not take place in medieval castles. Rather it takes place in some gorgeous techbases. One more thing I noticed is that some metal textures have that "chrome sheen" on them, which I don't know how is done, but looks really cool. As for the map itself. It is a fairly mild affair for the most part. You can take 2 paths, each path give one key and you need both keys for the exit. The combat is fine with only a couple of mildly hairy situations involving astral mancubi, but otherwise no biggie. One thing more that I would like to point out is that you can see parts of Map22 near the exit of this map. You of course can't get there by ordinary means. But what if you noclip. You might find something *wink* ;) MAP22: Inclement by Bauul and Dragonfly Unlike Map18, Bauul wastes no time in throwing you straight into the fire with a hot start. You will probably spend a few minutes running around, trying to get a foothold. But once you do so, the rest of the map is kind of okay. Still a step up from map21, but much milder than maps 23 and 24. You get decent mount of plasma gun ammo in the map, so don't hesitate to use in hairy situations. Especially the fight triggered by getting to the yellow key. That fight can be made easier if you managed to obtain the secret BFG, but if you didn't, then plasma and RL should be able to get you through. Be on the lookout for secrets here, because not only are they very rewarding, but you also need to find certain hidden switches there to get access to the secret exit. MAP35: Parallel by Dragonfly As others have mentioned, this map is a bit like the TNT: Revilution's Map32: Duality, except done right. The dimension hopping part of Duality is neat, but the biggest issue it had was that you couldn't tell when you would get teleported to the other dimension. Here, you know you will go to the other dimension when you step on the purple texture. It also helps that the dimension hopping is much more seamless due to Boom's silent teleporting. The map is small/medium in size and the progression is very non-linear. You need to press 7 or 8-ish hexagon marble switches throughout the map that raise the steps of a bridge that leads to the exit, each switch involving some mild combat. On the combat end of the things, the map is fairly easy all things considered. The secrets are pretty easy to find and the combat is mostly on the mild side especially for a map this late in the wad. The hardest fight is probably the one in the heaven part involving 3 archviles and a couple astral cacos. If you have already obtained the perforator, then this fight is easy peasy.7 points -
WIP - DepthsOvHell.wad - My First WAD & Custom Music ^_^
fishy and 5 others reacted to Chameeleoh for a topic
HELLO! Excited to upload my first WAD EVER Still WIP! IWAD: Doom II Sourceport(s): Tested on GzDoom v4.11.3 Map #: Map01, Map02. Then Death Credits! Includes a Custom music! In Brutaldoom, some monsters don't show up unless brutaldoom vanilla monsters = YES Jump off in script. :D Crouching doesn't change much. so try it if you want Freelook is permitted. NO CUSTOM ASSETS/TEXTURES LEVEL DESIGN FOR THIS WAD -CHAMEELEOH CUSTOM MUSIC FOR THIS WAD -CHAMEELEOH GDRIVE LINK - UPDATED 02-03-24 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13jnxFuYFGie5hALQmANRPLMFZTdcf2iI?usp=drive_link Included in link DepthsOvHell.WAD Readme.txt UPDATE 01/28/24 Started work on another map! Went with a more balanced feel, less slaughter map. trying to work on more design of gameflow and also WINDOWS. lots of transparency play here. working on it when I can! Hope you enjoy Realizing that my first map will probably end up going somewhere at the middle or the end of the master WAD. Will still be trying to hone in the gameflow and difficulty of that map as well. Nothin special here, basic layouts and some fun surprises. but nothing ground breaking. really just trying to learn the software and have fun while doing it. This map is extremely hard. I haven't really balanced it for phone users on "Ultra Violence!" Difficulty. So if you're playing on anything other than WASD might be safer to lower your difficulty! Been inspired to get into mapping for doom! I dabble a little bit a few years back, never finished anything though. Decided to go all in this time! Gave myself mostly finished map for this weekend! Recently played MyHOUSE.WAD and it reignited my love for this game like no other. been playing it since I was 3 years old, 30 years ago. went to school for game design, but alas. haven't been able to make a career out of it. Playing SIGIL and watching John Romero design his levels on his youtube channel extra made me want to give it a go and see how far I could push myself. Good luck to you DOOMERS! =================================================== =================================================== SPOILER CURRENT 02-03-24 SCREENSHOTS SPOILER Jan 21, 2024 WALKTHROUGH - (Been alot of changes since this!)6 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
DJVCardMaster and 5 others reacted to cannonball for a topic
MAP22 - “Inclement” by Bauul, Dragonfly Well that is a rather rude welcome, easily one of the hottest starts in the wad but actually taking the map head on is the right thing to do, there are a few chainguns or SSGs and berserks placed nearby so clearly an aggressive strategy is encouraged. Once you have secured a foothold this map actually eases off the gas somewhat. Now there are a few more traps littered throughout this base, the yellow key has the outdoor and there is a strange fight for the plasma gun where you are handed an invulnerability, which lasted until the cyber was dead (not sure of the point of this fight). There is some dead air, most notably when you traverese underneath the exit area of the previous map (A nice touch but the easy platforming and light combat felt a little off here). The secret hunt wasn't too bad I guess, but it is easy to miss the switch that opens the secret exit as you can easily assume that your job is done when grabbing the BFG. This was better than the opener though and I guess this could be fun to play at full throttle all of the way through. MAP35 - “Parallel” by Dragonfly A nice idea and one that is executed fairly well. Now clearly the gimmick is displayed clearly, however some of the foundations of the map feel a little off. The switch hunt traversing various planes of existence looks cool and the map is short enough to make this work. However it is hard to not notice that this map feels a little undercooked and as such the gimmick could have been explored for interesting scenarios. There are also a couple of strange fights in here, the triple archvile seems to be deliberately cheesable by the silent teleporters and there is another stab in the dark annihilator placed in a cave. This is certainly a lot better than duality, but I can't help feeling that this map started out as an E4 candidate and then essentially got the gimmick shoe-horned in to justify its position outside of the regular roster. I will add that there was a sky tranfer issue in the heaven section where one sector didn't display the correct sky.6 points -
Doom 64 - An Overrated Masterpiece Of Coal
Agent Strange and 5 others reacted to Edward850 for a topic
Gee thanks I guess. :/6 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
DJVCardMaster and 5 others reacted to Celestin for a topic
MAP22: Inclement by Bauul and Dragonfly This was the toughest start in the wad so far and it's not up for debate. The arena is fairly interconnected and firing a shot triggers enemies all around. This include corporals that turned out to be a huge pain, their lightning fast projectiles made my health disappear. What I ended up doing was rushing for the SSG and just camp near the start, taking out nightmare demons, hell knights and revenants. When I ran out of ammo, I made a dash for more and slowly started to retake the place. Inclement's progression is on a more linear side. The red key is on top of a column in a pit, I grabbed it after clearing the starting area, though a more proficient player will likely get it earlier and unlock a plasma rifle as a reward. Red key unlocks a room that surprised me by dropping down into a hole and teleporting nightmare demons, two archviles and a cyberdemon into a tiny space. Sounds scary? Don't worry, there's an invuln and enough cells to survive this. Here you can unlock a nearby door and proceed to the next part, an icy cavern from the ending of Numb - I appreciate this bit of continuity. After dealing with a handful of surprise ambushes, you reach the blue key, which teleports two archviles into a particularly corpse-dense part of a map plus some astral arachnotrons. Nothing to see here, just fire rockets and move on to the final battle for the yellow key. I'd say this is the second hardest part of the map. You're in an exposed corridor that is assaulted by a lot of corporals, while astral arachnotrons and cacodemons fire at you from the side. Camping lead me nowhere, so I pushed through a crowd into a snowy plain and defended myself from there. You can leave now (after eliminating two astral mancubi behind the yellow door) or look for the secret exit. If I understand this correctly, you first need to find three secrets, each holding a switch - I got them all organically while playing. Together they lower barriers inside the fourth secret, it's hidden on a ledge in the caves, it isn't that hard to spot, but I only noticed it after I reached the regular exit and went searching for MAP35 access. There's a BFG inside, it would have helped with a final fight. It's not over, though, as pressing a switch here unlocks another cubby in the cave, this time with a button that opens the secret exit. The challenging start of Inclement was a kick I needed after a last couple of maps. MAP35: Parallel by Dragonfly It seems MAP20 was not the last time we've seen the medieval setting. The starting area looks like something that could fit right in the fourth episode - some caves, falling leaves, wooden houses and a large magenta patch on the ground. It teleports the player to hell, but stepping off of it returns them to the regular version of the map. It's a great idea for a gimmick map, where you need to use one dimension to reach an inaccessible place in another, but my favourite use case was the trio of archviles that appear in the hellish part of the map. There's no cover to block their attacks, right? Well, just leave a magenta-covered bridge and wait until they cast their spells. It was brilliant. The objective of the map is to find several switches that raise a staircase to the exit. It's more of a scavange hunt than a combat challenge this time, made easier if you go for the perforator ASAP. Even without it, you are well supplied and the opposition isn't particularly numerous. It's probably the easiest map in a while, especially when other secret stages are concerned. I guess it was intentional to not overwhelm the player who has to deal with a new mechanic - in the end, I don't mind a breather like this. I like the concept behind Parallel, it's a creative and well-executed idea, but at the same time, it feels like skimming through the possibilities. There's much more that could be done with it and I hope it will serve as an inspiration for someone else to expand it.6 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
Veeda Vidlak and 5 others reacted to DJVCardMaster for a topic
MAP22 - Inclement - Bauul & Dragonfly (100%K/I/S): This is one of those classic "hide your ass off where you can" type of maps, where near the start of the map you will be thrown into a site full of monsters and you will be constantly running from them, so you get to a safe spot. Safe spots are not present in this map right from the start, as its openness and its arena-focused layout will be making you constantly dodge bullets and fireballs from enemies. The best would be to make them infight and lure them into forming big stacks of monsters to kill them easily from different floor heights. Specially if you manage to get yourself some rockets. Once you remove from the main areas most of the enemies, progression will be easier. I'm not sure if the map is a keyhunt with different paths to choose or what, because there are some doors and switches that require you to get keys. Those could even be for the secret exit aswell. In the end, you will need the three keys and you will take the regular exit. Fights start getting more slaughterish and difficult. And considering the level's start, it's safe to say it is a really hard map, at least for me. I really dig the aesthetics here, blue textures give it a little bit of life in comparison to the previous map, but still focusing around the same overall looks. The way to access the secret exit is a little bit random, and I guess you will have to hit the 3 switches hidden in secret rooms to progress. This is the first time I had to check a playthrough to access the secret exit. Way better than the previous map, for sure, and I'm hoping for some improvement as the previous map has left me a bit tasteless MAP35 - Parallel - Dragonfly (99%K/87%I/50%S): Again, in a similar vein to MAP34, seems like a past episode did not finish. In this case, we are back to the fourth episode, with medieval landscapes anHOLY FUCK WHAT WAS THAT? MBF trickery at its best with those silent teleporting linedefs switching the entire place. Seems like the gimmick here will be swiching dimensions, as noted by the pink stuff that covers the floor. The idea seems to be that, in order to escape the map, you will need to raise the stairs step by step, by hitting switches in both dimensions. The hellish dimension has some nastier enemies and fights and most of the time you will be traversing through it to get goodies. The only way to stay inside this dimension is to step on the pink liquid or the pink stuff, once you stop stepping on it, you will be sent back to the normal dimension. You know, this map surprised me as it was shorter than I expected. Not only that, but I did expect some puzzles or smart stuff inside this map involving parallel dimensions, but this did not happen, sadly. In fact, the map kinda felt like a breather for you to get the perforator and fidget around it a little bit. Fights were not as interesting aswell. There is a third dimension that looks "heavenly", just like Eviternity's last chapter, but sadly Dragonfly did not expand the concept a little bit more. Fun map but I consider it lackluster in terms of its gimmick (Or maybe I'm getting too picky considering overall quality of the megawad so far). Order of preference:6 points -
i'd love this! I don't care about feeling badass or whatever so what fires my imagination is mappers using the achievements as a hint system, like... Beat this map without going through a teleporter Defeat three barons in melee (to let you know those sniping barons are accesible up close later) Get over two hundred monsters following you at once (to encourage the player to skip incidental kills until a bigger end-of-level battle has been unlocked) people can already record demos of themselves beating maps without saves so if that's all chevos were meant for it'd be a bit of a waste6 points
MAP22: Inclement. Played on DSDA v0.27.4, UV, PS. 273/273 K, 6/6 S, 6/6 I. Comp. time 32:12 That was easy. I mean, finding the secrets, didn't have to spend extra time anywhere, looking at automap, succumbing to IDDT or anything of the sort. It's funny, when I watched the Vytaan playthroughs afterwards, he had absolute no trouble in the last map, but had to spend a lot of time here; and for me it was vice-versa. Other than that, I feel the difficulty spike sting my guts here! Or at least the start, it was reeeeally hectic for quite a while until I could stop to catch my breath. I'm sure there is a clever way of handling the start; I ran around in slight panic, collecting supplies along with one berserk pack, and retreating to starting room, punching stuff and saving midfight without shame, even be a little scummy*... But, after the start it gets a bit easier, although I'm amazed I survived the onslaught triggered by picking the yellow key on the first go. --- or, I guess, I would have been amazed, but as I said, I had astonishingly no problems with the secrets, which meant finding the BFG just in time for that encounter, so I had it easy in that regard. On the last map I was feeling the episode theme was a riff on the original Eviternity snow episode, but this map, to me, felt more distinctive, an ice-blue frozen tech base. I love it. * MAP35: Parallel. Played on DSDA v0.27.4, UV, PS. 215/215 K, 2/2 S, 8/8 I. Comp. time 28:25 It's a bit like TNT: Revilutions dimension-hopping, advanced Wormhole map. I wasn't too fond of Revilution's corresponding map, but Parallel does the trick in a thoroughly enjoyable way! I guess the major difference is in Duality you didn't know where the teleports are and how you get back. Here it's laid bare, I think there is only one violet goo that doesn't grant exit right away. It's less confusing, and far less annoying. Parallel is surprisingly easy for such a late map! Writing this parapgraph a couple of hours after playing, I can't remember any hairy fights. I guess the fight when you enter the teleport-goo fountain was the hardest, that one I had to retry. And I guess the small heavenly arena was hard, too, I felt I did it first try thru sheer luck. Great riff on the Wormhole/Duality structure! I guess, in hindsight, upon posting this, there could have been more to be done with the gimmick. I wouldn't necessarily hope for anything overly convoluted, but something in the vein of Going Down's Wormhole-style level.6 points
people who recommend scythe as a beginner wad should be put into a catapult and be shot straight into a brick wall6 points
Cover art by Maria Kinnun New year, new Wadazine! It's been about 5 months since the last issue but here we are, back and better than ever with some good dooming content. While initially I had planned to make it a little more festive and xmas-themed, time and real-life (hardcore boss shit) got in the way of dooming, so we had to cut back some stuff and delay the premiere of this issue to give us ourselves some time to breath. We got some new faces and editors that are helping out with the betterment of the Wadazine, and it has been quite the joy to work along the team to get you guys this new issue out. To celebrate Doom 30th anniversary, we also jammed this issue with retro bonanza and some good ol' 90s beauty. Maximal Doom comes punching as a top 50 list of the best WADs of 1994, just the perfect read if you are one of those guys that are still stuck in the past (me) and prefer to relieve the good memories. As a companion piece, there's also the Why Play 90s WADs? article which is more or less a personal piece where I explain the subjective beauty of classical maps and why me and other people still enjoy playing them despite the huge ocean of modern content coming out daily. We also have a fun short story that through you into Martian chaos with Echoes of Damnation, as well as a fantastical piece on MBF for the source-port enthusiasts: Beyond Boom. And as you can expect, a ton of WAD reviews, with the main features including: Elegant Agony 64, Elementalism Phase One, GMOTA, Afternoon, Lost Civilization, Sekhemti, Terminal Stages of Nostalgia, and Corruption! And yes, more, more, more. Grab it: » » Wadazine #22 « « And you can also find us on: The Doomshack --» https://doomshack.org/wadazine/ Chris Hansen's DOOM page --» https://windward.dk/TDR/?page_id=991 Ryath's web digitaleidoscope --» https://www.digitaleidoscope.com/wadazine/ Special thanks to our graphic wizards: @Nikoxenos @TheEvilGrin @4MaTC And to our writers, contributors and helpers: @LadyMistDragon @Eric Claus @Immorpher @taufan99 @Gaia74 @Chris McAuley And to our hosts: @Doomkid @scwiba @Chris Hansen And special thanks to all the community for supporting us. And as usual, remember: » Join our Discord Server for the Doom Master Wadazine: https://discord.gg/Q2RKn4J The central HUB for everything and anything Wadazine related and Doom WADs! A great community to hang out with! » Contributions and help are always, always welcome! Especially regarding graphic design. » If you want to participate, either by writing an article or creating a review, PM me or join the Discord, you are most welcome! » Any questions, ask them and I'll try to answer them. » Leave a comment and share! » And have a good day, doomer! :D5 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
DJVCardMaster and 4 others reacted to DMPhobos for a topic
Another map of mine is next soon so i'll leave more dev comment about it... Map23 - Thaw whaT As i mentioned before when i joined the team i was offered the chance to pick multiple slots, the first one was for the meso episode, and the 2nd one was for the ice tech episode. Right after completing map07, i moved to work on stuff for other projects and as time went on the claim changed from a "claimed" to a "maybe claimed". Long story short, I ended up giving up this slot and it ended up being claimed by another mapper who unfortunately couldn't contribute to the project due to the approaching deadline (iirc this was during the last 6 months of development). Since the slot was free again, I asked if i could work on it again, and as a result Thaw exists. Unlike 07 there were more maps to reference for the episode. I had a start for how the beginning since 22 was already complete (24 was still far away from completion, but antares left a wip for the entrance to reference for the end of this map), once i started to draw the map i simply added more areas and expanded more rooms as i went along, focusing a bit more on the outside areas. For this map i wanted to make a more "traditional" base map with the layout twisting and turning around, but at the same time that was easy to navigate both for players and monsters, which encourages incidental combat. In order to do that, i applied one trick i do in a lot of my other maps, which is by "building areas in circles". Basically this means building areas towards one direction and along the way twisting that direction back to the start again, and then overlapping those circles with other circles outside and also building areas or mini circles inside of them. This is a great way to makes the map feel more interconnected and at some point i even had arrows drawn where i wanted the circles to lead to (you can tell that i built the map this way by looking at area where the yellow key is located, if you enter the building from any side and just move forward, you'll end up on the same area you started). The original plan was to name the map "Heat" and make it based around heating the base and melting ice to unlock progression, as i went along the way i did tried to implement the gimmick into regular progression, but i couldn't figure how to implement it in a way that wasn't obstructing the incidental combat, so it ended up being relegated to a few setpieces and at that point i realized such name wouldn't work at all, so i ended up naming it "Thaw" when the map was mostly complete. (Funny enough i've seen that the ice melting gimmick goes unnoticed a lot lol) As for gameplay, as i mentioned right from the start i built the layout around the idea of making it easy to navigate for both players and monsters, the result of this is that the gameplay for this map is based around incidental combat and players are free to approach it however they want. This also extends also to a few setpieces, the area where the "thawing" mechanics are introduced looks like a lockout fight... but it's not, you can get out if you want by pressing the switches quickly, or even cheese it by returning to the start (tho that wouldn't be fun heh), melting the ice for the blue key releases a horde of corporals, viles and flying monsters into the map, and you're free to approach it however you want. The only exception to this is the red key fight, which is based around melting the ice and revealing monsters. It can be defused easily by moving around prioritizing the nightmare demons to keep the space around. Finally the music... Usually when building the map i try to have a music track set for inspiration, but the map music was claimed by Tristan and he was busy either working on 26 or other music at the time. The stock doom 2 music for the map23 slot is this track, and while i don't dislike the track, i absolutely HATED testing the map and hearing those opening notes. It didn't took long until i had enough and i replaced the music with a silent midi and it stayed that way until the last few days of development. Tristan asked all of us for instructions and references for the music on the map slots he had claimed. The main reference i gave was "Dark Groove" from Jazz Jackrabbit 2 along with some really confusing instructions (sorry about that!). Time passed and it wasn't until the last weeks of development when Tristan showed us the track he wrote and it was a banger. I have said this multiple times, but this might be my favorite Eviternity 2 midi. During those last days of development Tristan just kept coming with banger after banger up until the final hours before release Since this map leans really hard into the incidental combat part with a lot of pressure from revs and hitscans all around to encourage players to keep moving, many people will not enjoy it, and it might wear out the patience of some players (which i've seen occur for some pople). Also this map is sandwiched between 2 really amazing maps (right between "Inclement" or "Parallel" which are both great maps and the amazing "Temeraire" which has one of the most memorable moments i've ever seen in Doom) so it is overshadowed. I'm really proud of this map tho, probably my favorite of all my contributions for Eviternity 2 Sorry for the long post, i thought i didn't had much to say about this map, but guess that wasn't the case heh5 points -
Doom 64 - An Overrated Masterpiece Of Coal
Duskztar and 4 others reacted to Li'l devil for a topic
I think Doom as a whole is overrated actually! Everything popular is! The only things that aren't overrated are obscure things only I and my friends know about!!5 points -
MAP01 but it's Hell
LordEntr0py and 4 others reacted to Dee Legit for a topic
Basically the title. Quick little map that recreates MAP01 from DOOM 2 with a more Hell aesthetic. >>>>MAP01 but it's hell.rar<<<< - Uses UDMF cause that's what I'm use to. - Has Difficulties but only tested on UV - Playtime is about what you'd expect from MAP01 Taking a break from some bigger projects to make something simple, also wanted to use only Doom 2's textures which I haven't done in a while. - Dee5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
ReaperAA and 4 others reacted to Cutman 999 for a topic
MAP21 - “Numb” by Dragonfly (Pistol start, used saves, 99% kills, 50% Items, 0% Secrets) We are again at the snowy places, this time mixing up the snow theme with techbase. Honestly I would've prefered avoiding techbases as much as possible, but is doom so it is inevitable, and at least it is mixed up a bit with the snowy things. From the start, which reminds me a lot of rush map 03 for some reason, let's you have very simple objectives, collect keys, unlock the exit, the end. Considering i'm an idiot and didn't see the ssg literally the front of the start, whatever path you choose doesn't really have ball breaking levels of difficulty or bullshit ambushes to punish you from that, and the first on the yellow key path was really enjoyable with low tier weaponry regardless, respectable enemy sizes from late in the megawad and despite being mostly low tiers, that makes it compensate for the (unintentional) lack of better weaponry. There's some tricky fights in this map that aren't hard, just like expected, not completely harmless, the exit with the astral cacos and the annihilator is the most obvious, the demons and their nightmare variants skateboarding in the ice physics also will almost kill you, and the most recognizable of the map: the 2 viles with the astral manc, which in the wrong approach can cause you a death, and by that i mean trying to make the manc infight the viles, since it will never happen, so don't try to make a mental flood like I did. Solid opener overall, sets a good mood going forward. 8/10 MAP22 - “Inclement” by Bauul, Dragonfly (Pistol start, Saveless 2 attemps, 100%K/I/S) OK THIS IS MY FAVORITE MAP IN THE WHOLE MEGAWAD! If previous maps from bauul didn't already have me in his previous attempts at this style of gameplay, surely, he kicked everything into a higher gear. I love incidental combat gauntlets, and by minute one it had me completely perplexed. Like certain mountain will say, basically the entire level is a big fight in basically the same arena, with progressively more stuff to test you might. From the word "go", never loses any sort of momentum, after you finish a horde, it comes another, and another, sometime appears a dynamic ambush that requires quick reaction, sometimes will get you and require you to stay in the back foot, sometimes is pure aggression and knowing how to deal with crowds. The secret exit on top of that is really intuitive, the switch concept isn't new but is effective, and considering it rewards you with a super weapon, is more than worth it, as the last ambush, while not being impossible or that ball busting, definitely you want to have that super weapon for the sheer intensity unleashed, and ist not like it completely simplifies the fight this time. The midi is pure energy, says something the map by design tells you, that being move forward and kill them all. Something with this amount of substance didn't need to have this level of polish of an actual professional product to be noted, but it has, so... 10/105 points -
5 points
Miscellaneous demos (part 5)
Dogmachine and 4 others reacted to Napsalm for a topic
https://dsdarchive.com/wads/sc - Pacifist 9.49 sc11p949.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/iamevil6 - Map 01 Pacifist 6.91 - iamevil601p691.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/iamevil6 - Map 01 NM Speed 6.94 - iamevil601n694.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/strnghld - Map 01 NM Speed 2.66 - strnghld01n266.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/crimnect - Map 01 NM Speed 9 .31 - crimnect01n931.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/hurry - Map 01 NoMo 1:06.69 - hurry01o10669.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/tguy2016 - E1M1 NM Speed 3.97 - tguy201611n397.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/tguy2016 - E1M1 NoMo 3.31 - tguy201611o331.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/funhaus - E1M1 NM 100S 11.94 - funhaus21s1194.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/dmdave - E1M1 NM Speed 6.37 - dmdave11n637.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/dmdave - E1M1 Pacifist 6.34 - dmdave11p634.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/church_pn - E1M7 NM Speed 9.83 - church_pn17n983.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/silblank - Map 01 NM Speed 3.60 - silblank01n360.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/rawakening - Map 01 Pacifist 9.94 - rawakening01p994.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/plinch3 - Map 25 UV Speed 27.17 - plinch325-2717.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/psxhellgate - Map 32 NM Speed 12.71 - psxhellgate32n1271.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/psxhellgate - Map 32 NoMo 10.43 - psxhellgate32o1043.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/hideout2 - Map 01 NM Speed 23.63 - hideout201n2363.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/2ndwatch - Map 01 NM 100S 31.94 2ndwatch01s3194.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/sfft - Map 01 NoMo 27.97 - sfft01o2797.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/dmring - E2M2 NM Speed 0.94 - dmring22n094.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/dmring - E2M2 Pacifist 0.94 - dmring22p094.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/ponte - Map 01 Pacifist 42.23 - ponte01p4223.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/helcave - Map 28 NM Speed 17.66 - helcave28n1766.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/zoo3 - Map 01 NM Speed 24.86 - zoo301n2486.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/zoo3 - Map 01 NoMo 24.57 - zoo301o2457.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/mem29min - Map 01 Pacifist 1.83 - mem29min01p183.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/yapper1 - Map 01 UV Speed 1:20.71 - yapper101-12071.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/bigdumb - Map 01 Pacifist 1.37 - bigdumb01p137.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/cheesee2 - E2M1 Pacifist 27.23 - cheesee221p2723.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/mjs-02 - Map 01 NM Speed 47.20 - mjs-0201n4720.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/2jdeath3 - Map 01 NoMo 51.57 - 2jdeath301o5157.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/outpost2 - Map 01 Pacifist 14.37 - outpost201p1437.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/halls3 - Map 01 NM Speed 34.71 - halls301n3471.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/iamevil3 - Map 01 Pacifist 4.29 - iamevil301p429.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/ultima6 - Map 01 NM 100S 23.97 - ultima601s2397.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/walker - Map 01 NM Speed 8.03 - walker01n803.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/dmwargam - E1M1 NM Speed 23.80 - dmwargam11n2380.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/tfc2 - Map 01 NM Speed 31.03 - tfc201n3103.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/psycho_alt - Map 01 Pacifist 3.80 - psycho_alt01p380.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/dmmay - E2M1 Pacifist 39.57 - dmmay21p3957.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/gum - E1M1 NM 100S 4.34 - gum11s434.zip5 points -
Reflections and Aspirations: MBF21 in 2024
ctwoafiveb and 4 others reacted to Doomy__Doom for a topic
A few map feature suggestions: Set/Remove forcefield on line with tag. Force field is pretty much the most ubiquitous form of Boom's 242, making it simpler to set up, removing control sectors from equation and not seeing giant untextured walls in the editor would be nice. NoiseAlert sector effect (upon entry and "automatic/periodic" versions). Random teleport linedef. It would look for all TP destinations in the tagged sector rather than just use the last placed. Use cases - simple to make efficient slaughter teleporters without "tag range" salad, random map behavior without Magnolia/Wormwood 5-style hacks (creative as they are). MonsterCloset sector effect - prevents any thing codepointer processing. Here's a wonderful mock-up as to why the last 3: Simpler and saner closet designs, easy swarm/random directions closets. Plus a way of pushing high monster count maps towards not following "wake up a billion monsters at the start" design. I like Helion's idea of simplified processing of AI in closets, but for demo compat and cross-port implementations I figure the most sane solution is to just explicitly tell the game "do not process AI here", as that's equivalent to current Boom/MBF21 mapper taking extra effort to wake up required closets per fight.5 points -
Bloodbath Babylon I - Into The Sandy City. Single map with explosive city-based combat!
DaRkWeZ and 4 others reacted to EduardoAndFriends for a topic
UPDATE: Beta update coming very soon. I've removed the poles from the centre of the platforms in the start area to make the platforming not so annoying. God only knows why I kept them there since I first created them. -_- Other than that, I'm going to call it DONE ENOUGH FOR NOW and I'm going to let it sit to await any further feedback for a bit as I have a new map that's going to be available this week. :)5 points -
MeWo Demos [-complevel 21]
DuckReconMajor and 4 others reacted to 4shockblast for a topic
Map 03 UV-Max in 1:45. Because this map ended up a bit too cooked still, I decided I'd just max it myself. :P Casual first exit. mewo03-145.zip5 points -
How important was Doom II?
Doomkid and 4 others reacted to Maximum Matt for a topic
If it wasn't for Doom II, Doom I would never be a prequel to it5 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
BMWAG65321 and 4 others reacted to Laocoön for a topic
5 points -
Leftovers from "Lost civilization 2, desolation": A forest Treehouse thingy (basically just an idea) Another farmlands That house on the farmlands A new map. I was sure not to make any more doom maps. But I still have some ideas.. Building maps is so time consuming I'm still quite sure nothing will be released.5 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
DJVCardMaster and 3 others reacted to TJG1289 for a topic
GZDoom/UV/Contiuous/Saves Write-ups from memory MAP22: Inclement - Bauul & Dragonfly Just a thing I forgot to mention before the last map, ep 5 was when I switched over to RC2, so these last 2 episodes' write-ups are based on my playthrough of that. Remember, I finished this WAD a while ago, and all these write-ups have mostly been from memory with the occasional playthrough watch on YouTube to remind myself of elements, since I don't really have the time to play the maps again atm. Anyway, the temperature may be cold, but this start is HOT. At least once you start blasting and everything in this area starts coming for you. Even on continuous this was a challenge, since it's not like I really brought over a lot of extra stuff from the last map. There's a ton of enemies here, and not really a lot of safe spaces, so you'll have to keep moving, but that will just send you into the path of other monsters. It's a ball buster, but it's really fun. This map is mostly an interconnected arena that has multiple paths to run around in, so there's many ways you can approach it. Progression itself is more linear in terms of key acquisition. The red key you can jump to pretty easily, though at first I wasn't sure if that was the intended method or if I was supposed to lower it somehow. Turns out, there's a switch on the back of that pillar that allows you to lower it. I guess either way works. Red key allows you to access the plasma rifle and one of the more constricted fights I've seen in a while, with 4 hell knights and a baron. Then you can go to another red door and take out a bunch of nightmare demons, an archie, and a cyb in another tight spot. Thankfully, there's an invul. Keep on trekking through to make it to the cavern section we saw at the end of MAP21. Small platforms open up to falls while dealing with the cacos, but there's teleporters down there, and I don't think it was damaging floor either. Cross it to find the blue key. This will spawn an archie outside tho, plus a few other nuisances. The path behind the blue door and beyond was unexpected. I wasn't expecting it to open up as much as it did. I expected something when grabbling the yellow key, and I thought it was just the enemies teleporting in, and not the new area that opens up with a bunch of hitscan and nightmare demons. Interesting combo there. The ending has a astral manc duo, and we're done! Kinda. Secret exit time! There's 3 switches around the map you need to hit to open up a secret teleporter to the BFG. I found all the switches before I even found the hidden tunnel with the teleporter. Once you grab the BFG and hit that switch, another cubby opens up in the MAP21 outro area that has a switch opening the secret exit, complete with a mini diorama showing it! Cute! Overall, this is a very solid map. It's fast paced and fun, the MIDI is also reflective of that. It's a nice challenge too. Bauul and Dragonfly together are a good team, given how much I liked this and MAP02. MAP 35: Parallel - Dragonfly My lateness in writing these means everyone else has already used the "TNT Revillution MAP32, but good" comparison. It's true tho. This map takes that map's dimension hopping gimmick, and retuned it in a way that makes sense and isn't frustrating. You see a magenta floor? That's the other dimension. Step off it to teleport back to this ep 4 reprise. It's way more intuitive and flows much better. The map itself, even with this gimmick, actually feels pretty standard to me. It's actually a pretty easy map, though there were a couple spots that killed me, and I kinda expected the dimension hopping to be a little more puzzley. Getting that secret megasphere ended up being a different way than I thought it would, for example. I also kinda wished we could go through the hellish version more, instead of being just set to the magenta path. Oh well. There's one magenta patch that sends you to a heavenly version of the map, which was a surprise. This fight inside definitely looked the toughest, but I didn't die to it. Did I already have the perforator at this point? Idr when you get it. I also don't know what the point of the heavenly area was. I was expecting some goodies for beating the fight, but I got nothing? Did it raise a section to the exit? That's my guess. Overall, it's a cool map, but I wished the gimmick was expanded upon from what was given to us. I think it's my least favorite secret map, but it's still like a B+ or something, so it's nowhere near bad. Definitely the best implementation of the dimension hopping trope I've seen in a non-UDMF map.4 points -
stop making fun of him, it's not his fault that he has problems kneeling down properly ):4 points
Unpopular Doom Opinions
p0n1at0wsk1 and 3 others reacted to Egg Boy for a topic
All the Doom games are good, none of them are bad.4 points -
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doom_Eternal I think you vastly underestimate the number of gamers who do not own PC's and whose only engagement with MyHouse was to watch a YouTuber play through the level.4 points
MeWo Demos [-complevel 21]
DuckReconMajor and 3 others reacted to Terrarienn for a topic
Map 02 UV-Max in 0:13 mewo02m-13.zip4 points -
You need to explain why STARTAN3 is not at the top4 points
I like RA in ways, but I utterly despise the 'Hardcore' feature and the way it encourages looking down on regular players, while disabling almost every quality of life improvement out there. Not to mention all the control freak nature some developers have, requiring you to modify your isos or pirate a US version of your game because they cant be bothered to support PAL or Japan versions. I already see that kind of attempted control in some Doom wads, I cant stand someone basically looking over my shoulder with a 'what are you up to in MY work?' leer and tampering with my settings with embedded settings. If this kind of system showed up in ports and it disabled all the quality of life stuff, like saving (just look at how much aggro pops up in 'is saving bad?' threads here), stat counters, rewind etc, I would refuse to use it on principle. We already have stuff like DSDA for competitive people to butt heads over whos the best 'legit' player, for any achievement system, I'd rather it all just be local stuff for the player to turn off or on at will and complete their own way, on their own terms. DSDA-Doom has internal level tables that track your scores, times, and even skill 5 runs, thats already a step in that direction.4 points
MAP22 - “Inclement” by Bauul, Dragonfly Deaths: 1 The switch you flipped last map lowers, showing you some foes with their backs turned. There's a shotgun in front of you, so you grab it, and use it. Pandemonium erupts. This is one of the spicier starts of the megawad up to this point, and it killed me the first time. I'm not actually sure how I survived the second time, but once you finally are able to catch a breath you pretty well have the map beat. The opening is by far the hardest part of this level when pistol starting. The only other fights worth noting are when two arch-viles teleport in and start resurrecting everything. They were using that monster-only teleport line and teleporting back and forth. It was kind of anxiety inducing. Eventually they knocked it off and then I knocked them out. The next is a big shin-dig when you grab the yellow key. It looks scary and I took quite a bit of damage, but I never felt like I was about to die. I took a lot more risks in this fight than I needed to really. There's also a fight with two arch-viles and a cyberdemon in a tiny room. You get an invulnerability sphere though so this fight is trivially easy and really more of a bore. I know it seems like I'm kind of down on this map, but it's still visually excellent and the open layout is great. I could play these types of maps every day and never get bored. I do feel like the megawad should be picking up at this point. I'm starting to get worried that we'll just hit a difficulty spike out of nowhere. The second best part of this map (the visuals being the best part) are the secrets. The secret exit is here, and I felt like unlocking both it and the secret BFG were well designed. I ended up finding everything on my own, but it did take a while. I love the little model of the secret exit that shows you what the switch does. I probably would have guessed it, but having that certainty is very nice. I haven't mentioned the music in a few maps, but that's because they are all good. I'm not a musical expert so it's hard to say more than that. MAP35 - “Parallel” by Dragonfly Deaths: 0 The gimmick for this secret level is essentially Wormhole (Or Duality), except here you touch some corrupted ground to shift you to hell-world. When you leave that corrupted ground you shift back. For the most part you'll be shifting between a normal medieval chateau to a hellish one. There's also a single hallowed room, although you're taken there by the same color corrupted ground. The gameplay has you finding a bunch of switches, each raising part of your stair to get out. You can find these is nearly any order, although there are a few restrictions. It's pretty much a standard Dragonfly map, which is fine by me, except parts of the level are in these other dimensions. It wasn't particularly difficult. The scariest part was when I was secret hunting at the end and woke up a astralcaco that I had somehow missed before. I ended up fighting it in a narrow hallway. I had plenty of health but no bullets for the perforator, so I still took huge amounts of damage. Speaking of secret hunting, I couldn't find the megasphere on my own. The fact that you had to teleport to it from a little hole in the ground made it more or less impossible for me to find it. I ended up just using UDB to figure it out. It's definitely possible to see the hole while you're playing the level, but if you're going back to look for it later it's going to be really hard to find. That's ok though, I don't expect to find them all. This is a very memorable level, but I was kind of hoping for more overlap between the different dimensions. It felt mostly like you just shift back and forth while travelling through a cave, hallway, or over a bridge, then shift back at the end. I really enjoyed this map, but my excitement over the gimmick faded the more I played. I think more could have been done with it. Near the beginning I was imagining a map with three overlapping dimensions, and having to find things in one dimension to manipulate another. I would have loved that, but maybe no one else would have. I also was expecting something way more difficult. As it is, this is the easiest secret map so far.4 points
4 points
What are some Sunder-like wads?
Berubaretto and 3 others reacted to Ravendesk for a topic
Abandon is pretty much inspired by Sunder. You can also check out Fractured Words, Flotsam, Entropy and maybe boscp.4 points -
[WIP] OZONIA 2 development thread - Boom Megawad
Lizardcommando and 3 others reacted to Deadwing for a topic
Some more pics, aside from the ones already posted in the screenshot thread! Things are shaping up well, the hub maps will be a bit different from the first Ozonia, but hopefully they will as enyoable. I'm also giving more focus to secrets to time: they will be more numerous and easier to find, although one or another still might be tougher. My goal with this is to encourage players to have a keen eye in the environment, reducing the chances to get lost nor having to spend way too much time to find the screts lol4 points -
Share Your Sprites!
Chameeleoh and 3 others reacted to Tsran908 for a topic
credit:id Software, Espi, Ebola,Eriance/Amuscaria hellstromarconfilrt.zip4 points