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Hi all. There are recent official efforts underway to get Doomworld into a more stable and maintainable shape. I can't give a a timeline yet on when everything will be ready, as I don't want to overpromise, but I hope the knowledge that the issues are being seriously looked at will help ease some minds. The top priority is getting the forum software and database moved to a more reliable setup (I imagine many of you have noticed the recent site outages), as that's the foundation underlying the whole thing, and these individual issues will be able to be dealt with once that new foundation is in place. Apologies for the delay on this, we're aware it's long overdue. Regarding the doomworld.com domain situation that was described in that post from Linguica, the worst-case "sky is falling" scenario there would be relocating to another domain name, not the loss of the site data itself. That would of course still be far from ideal, so we're doing what we can to get things straightened out to avoid that scenario as well.30 points
Bloodbath Babylon II - Savage Garden. Single map in a deadly, verdant oasis!
Armolitskiy and 26 others reacted to EduardoAndFriends for a topic
Howdy doody, Doom World folks! This is Savage Garden, a linear set of fights set in a lush, overgrown demonic park featuring the same elements of splatter found in Bloodbath Babylon I but with a bit more oomph. IMPORTANT INFO: IWAD: Doom II Comp Level: 9 (Boom) Sourceport(s): Tested on GzDoom v4.11.3 and DSDA v0.27.4 NO JUMPING OR CROUCHING. NAUGHTY! DON'T DO IT! Mouselook is all good, I won't tell. Map #: Map01. (Map02 is a THANKS that stops you stumbling into Underhalls) Let green torches be your guide. Green = go! DOWNLOAD HERE: (Beta 4 - 19/03/2024) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2ykx3cqh4or552ov3p5pm/BBB02-Beta04.zip?rlkey=5iqcbyuw2pna6bj5oox2rqdrd&dl=1 This is the second map in what is planned to be a series of maps set in this lush Babylonian environment, the first map being "Into The Sandy City", which you can find here: I had the idea of making these maps not link together to provide myself with more creative freedom, but I've now found the first map leading directly into this one, so ... I guess things will link up eventually? I'll make that call when I've finished all the maps, I suppose. The Story (same as part one): The UAC (yeah, those guys) are up to their tricks again. UAC archaeologists established a dig on the site of an ancient Babylonian city, at the heart of which once sat the fabled Tower of Babel. These wicked scientists discovered a manuscript, the reading of which lead to the possession of the supplied armed forces and with a grinding that shook the earth, stones and turrets pushed their way through the bedrock of ages. When the dust cleared, where previously there stood a parched desert, now stands a lush oasis bristling with greenery, cool water, and humming with life. Demonic life. The haunted city has been reborn. Our hero was unceremoniously called in from his well earned shore leave for another mission. Penetrate the city. Kill all in sight. Get to the Tower. And bury it under the sand once again. New stuff! Sexy new barrel sprites I cobbled together: Sexy new plasma gun sound and sprites (gotta go with green). Sound courtesy of Eviternity II. Extra weak lost souls (you're welcome, as they tend to travel in packs). Weak cyberdemon too. He now comes in blueberry flavour. Obligatory EduardoAndFriends FastPistol (TM). Lots of explosions! Yet ANOTHER yummy stewboy MIDI, Neighbouring Tribes. Love it so much. CREDITS: A massive THANKS to @Biodegradable and Tim Doherty for getting stuck in and giving the map a play for me. Cheers, blokes! Textures courtesy of the hugely talented Ukiro by way of OTEX (imbedded in the WAD for future map usage, hence the WAD's size) and Insane_Gazebo by way of Sunder. All appropriate credits will be addressed when it's ready for an idgames upload. Plasma sound and foliage sprites from Eviternity II. Appropriate credit will be addressed same as above. Barrel from Hexen which I fudged around with. Music: map music by stewboy and title and intermission tune by Jimmy Paddock. Blue cyber graphics from Fractured Worlds. I think that's it. Will add more if I've forgotten anything. PICS: As always, any and all feedback is much appreciated. Updates will come when needed, so keep your eyes peeled for 'em. Hope you have fun. :)27 points -
DSDA Doom vs GZDoom?
Urien el Marrón and 13 others reacted to Ravendesk for a topic
Many gimmicky vanilla/boom/mbf wads have parts that are broken in gzdoom, because gzdoom doesn't emulate these engines 100% accurately, and when a wad is using engine quirks for certain creative elements, gz starts to have problems with them. Despite the fact that many mappers go out of their way to make things still work in gz as well, it's not always possible. So it's better to play non-udmf wads in dsda than in gz, because dsda guarantees they work as intended. For pure vanilla stuff you might also want to use chocolate doom instead.14 points -
Did you miss me? https://github.com/GooberMan/rum-and-raisin-doom/releases/tag/rum-and-raisin-doom-0.3.1-pre.5 Shortlist of user-facing features: 1:1 square pixels! FOV slider! Reduced memory consumption because I killed colormap-expanded textures! Sigil 2 maps sit in the correct episode number! Improved fuzz for pinkies! So something I've been wanting to do since I had to grok the math completely for Rise of the Triad was implement square pixels. And while I was there, an FOV slider is fairly trivial. Short story: there's a table in the Doom renderer called yslope that I didn't understand for a while. It looked like a screen space algorithm, but the bit shifts were throwing me off. Eventually I realised it was actually doing a trigonometric calculation: the tan value of the viewpoint angle at that Y screen coordinate. Armed with that knowledge, you need to do two things: change the pixel height the algorithm uses depending on if you're going old school or 1:1; and calculate the perspective values correctly for your updated FOV instead of the original 74 degree vertical FOV. Let me tell you, that was a ton less painful than updating ROTT's codebase. All I had to do was change that one area where the values were calculated and everything worked fine. Carmack's renderer was absolutely way more sophisticated in every way once he went 32-bit. Anyway. That's not even the thing in this update that requires the most explanation. Just why did I kill the colormap-expanded textures? Weren't they one of the things that made the renderer go fast? Well, yes. Back when I started this entire thing. It was a pretty substantial speed bump back then and totally worth doing. But now I'm working on other features for the renderer that require colormap lookups to be a thing. So I decided to be empirical about it. You know what I found? Using colormap lookups increased render times by a grand total of 3-4%. That's it. With my test spot on Planisphere 2, that was the difference between 8.6 and 8.9 milliseconds. More than acceptable for what it's doing under the hood. tl;dr - Rum and Raisin's renderer is now 100% Boom, MBF, and MBF21 compatible. Which by default makes this the fastest software renderer for those standards. Of course, the game code isn't there yet. But the rendering support is in. Translucency was easy. Transfer skies took a good bit of rejigging a few things to make work properly. Transfer heights, well, now that there is the reason colormap support came back. And then trying to understand transfer heights based on all the documentation, well, that's like trying to pull out rusty nails with your mouth immediately after you've had every tooth extracted and without stitches. Would you believe I changed nothing in the core rendering loop to support transfer heights? I realised that I could actually implement it as a function of the interpolator. My renderer operates on instanced data of sectors instead of the sectors themselves. So all I needed to do was cook the correct values at frame presentation time. It always defaults to rendering in real space; if the viewpoint is in ceiling space then cook values for that; else if viewpoint is in underwater space then cook values for that. And everything just works, 100% accurate to Boom. HOMs work as intended, as does painting over them with upper and lower textures. No branching anywhere else, just set the renderer up with data and turn on all your threads and bam now you've got a lighting fast Rum and Raisin renderer that will handle Eviternity 2 just fine. None of this is really testable by anyone right now. So don't get exited. This is still only a limit-removing port. Even if the code can do more, you just plain can't load up Boom maps in it. You will be disappointed if you try. But hey, I heard you kids like FOV sliders and let me tell you 90 degree FOV is a really good FOV to play Doom at.11 points
MAP24: Temeraire by antares031 If Eviternity is my favourite megawad of all time, Struggle is a close second. The high-speed run and gun gameplay of that wad just clicked with me in a way few did, so I was excited to see what Antares brought here. The start is pure Struggle - small boxes of health an ammo placed everywhere and enough enemies that discourage camping. You need to be constantly on the move, trying not to run dry and fending off the initial threats. I'm amazed such pacing was achieved without slashing the carrying capacity of ammo, because I associated Struggle's gameplay style with that change. This should also grant you the blue and yellow keys, the latter is used to unlock a nearby base. The combat here is more of the same, an interconnected place where your two biggest worries are running out of ammo and triggering too many monsters in search of said ammo. Once you lower the red key, Temeraire shifts kicks into higher gear. You need three skull keys to exit, each involves surviving a tough arena. I started with the red skull. It's a crate warehouse that is already lined with corpses, so you can guess it's going to be a massacre. The place gradually releases more and more monsters, including two astral mancubi, a lot of nightmare demons and various flyers. It's a complete chaos, where the best way to survive is to just run around with a plasma rifle and hope for the best. The yellow skull is a lobby of some sort that starts with a cyberdemon and several archviles, only to add revenants, veilimps and another cyberdemon. I don't think it's that bad, I've beaten it on my second attempt, in both cases most of the viles ended up infighting cyberdemons, who also took a beating. Anyway, when you pick up the key, turn left, find a gap between crates and press one behind the blue armor. A teleporter here will lead you to the BFG (which you want for the final fight) and an awesome view of the battleship (a callback to Struggle's MAP17?). Blue skull was the last, a lot of imps, some hell knights and an astral mancubus. I've made this fight easier as I had a BFG at that point and managed to find a nearby secret that lets you eliminate an ambush of veilimps and archviles. If you haven't seen the battleship, you can take a good look after passing through the six-key-locked door. I expected an epic finale on her deck, instead I was teleported into a pier with a metric fuckton of cyberdemons and promptly died. This is where a BFG helps a lot, you need to quickly kill the one that is the closest, avoid rockets and teleport to the deck of HMS Temeraire. A quick search under a rocket barrage lead me to a big button laballed "Fire" - a salvo destroyed all the cyberdemons and ripped a giant hole in a side of a hill that revealed the exit. It's a moment that I'll likely never forget. Eviternity II isn't over yet, but I'm confident Temeraire is going to be one of the best maps. It's a giant adventure with challenge and character, all relised with the best visuals of the episode.10 points
MAP24: Temeraire. Played on DSDA v0.27.4, UV, PS. 586/586 K, 6/6 S, 14/17 I. Comp. time 70:31 Now there is the difficulty spike that I was expecting! The very start reminds me of Sunlust, at least in such a way that the player spawns with enemies their backs turned on them, waiting until the player triggers them or runs in their line of sight. Not only that, the first enemies we see is a revenant and an archvile. This time, surviving the beginning is not the end of it. There are some difficult fights ahead. I especially struggled with the blue skull key onslaught even though I had found the secret BFG earlier! I admit, I saved midfight right there, when I had survived surprisingly long and found a transitory safe spot in the little room. I also had trouble with the final two secrets, had to IDDT them: the soul sphere near the beginning, and the soul sphere on a teleportable balcony. Once again the ways to access them aren't far away, but I was already over an hour in (not counting reloads), I was getting exhausted. We see glimpses of a gigantic destroyer along the way. I wasn't sure if it was just a beautiful backdrop, but boy, oh boy... when we get there... I'm sure blind single-segmenters will appreciate that encounter. Such a memorable ending for such a memorable map.10 points
DSDA Doom vs GZDoom?
Urien el Marrón and 9 others reacted to Devalaous for a topic
DSDA is probably going to end up the second most-used port and for good reason. It's got great UMAPINFO support that frees a lot of older ZDoom-only stuff, rewinding, an onscreen minimap, built-in stat tracking and record keeping for EVERY wad you play, an its also got good controller support. DSDA and GZDoom are what I'd recommend to anyone new to the community, with Woof and Eternity as additional options10 points -
MAP23: Thaw by DMPhobos Another DMPhobos map, another adventure. This map, like the previous map, also has a hot start. Though the start is a bit milder this time around. As with Map07 (DMPhobos' other map), this map is quite open and you can pretty much explore all the outer areas of the map at your leisure. The difference is that the incidental combat has much more bite to it than map07. Still, not too hard with a good careful approach and a keen eye for secrets. The tough parts are the ones involving the parts where you press red switches to "Thaw" the frozen chambers to reveal enemies from them. The one we before grabbing the blue key isn't too hard (though it is followed by astral cacos and archviles spawning, resurrecting the nearby corporals which happen to be excellent RL fodder and help recover armor). The one after the blue key, however has a ton of nasties ready to chew you once you liquify the frozen chambers. Nightmare demons, revenants, Dukes of Hell and also Annihilators. Once you get red key, you have to deal with some more astral cacos and then one final fight before finally exiting the map. MAP24: Temeraire by antares031 Here comes another one of the big boys of Eviternity 2. If any of you thought Map23 was tough, well boy do I have news. Antares is veteran at this point, having already made tons of maps, including his own megawad "Struggle: Antaresian Legacy" and this map shows. There is a lot to talk about this map. Firstly, the name of the map is similar to Firmaire (Map14 of Eviternity 1, also by antares). And sure enough, the start of the map with it incidental combat in ice-cavernous areas feels a big similar. Except this map is much tougher. If you are pistol starting, you will find it hard to get a foothold in the map (if you try to fighting in the starting area, eventually more enemies arrive and they will wear you down). My strategy for the start is to immediately dash to the right path, cross the imps and a mancubus, drop down to get the SSG and go to the small area where there is soul sphere on a pillar. I think it is the safest place to try to start gaining territory. Once you get a footing, you objective is to get the 3 keycards around the cavernous and outdoor icy areas. You need the blue key to gain access to the portal to the yellow key, which allows you to enter the techbase-y building and then you need the red key to access the 3 "arena fight" areas, two inside the building and one in the cavernous area. Now the incidental combat inside the building isn't too bad or anything, but each of those arena fights are quite nasty. Each of those fights will earn you a skull key. I'll refer to each of them as follows: 4 seasons fight (the one that gives yellow skull key) central courtyard fight (the one that gives blue skull key) crates area fight (the one that gives red skull key) I would recommend you to go do the 4 seasons fight first. It might be the hardest of the 3 fights, but once you are done with this area, you can get a view of the other side (North side) of the map. You get a view of not only the docking area, but also a slight view of the big battleship. The namesake HMS Temeraire. You will see more of it a bit later. And more importantly, doing this fight first means that you can get the secret BFG (from squeezing past the wooden crates), which will make the other 2 fights easier. The central courtyard fight is probably the easiest of the 3, especially if you discover a secret near the red door, denoted by a dead nightmare demon on a blood pool, which provides rocket ammo and allows you to safely kill the veilimps and an archvile which would otherwise have been a part of the cental courtyard fight. The crates area fight is also tough, but with BFG in hand, you can get through the tricky moments of that fight without too much issue. Once all that is done. You can go through the 6-key door and finally get a glorious full view of the HMS Temeraire before going to the teleport having to fight a cyberdemon blocking access to getting on the ship, while his buddies from back firing rockets at you. Once you kill that one cyberdemon and go through the portal, you enter the ship and now you can climb up the ship to press the switch which.... .... FIRE the cannons at those cyberdemons and kills them. WTH!!!! Amazing finish to the final part of the map.10 points
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Love Shovel and 9 others reacted to yakfak for a topic
10 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Mike_C and 8 others reacted to TheHambourgeois for a topic
9 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
ReaperAA and 8 others reacted to DJVCardMaster for a topic
MAP24 - Temeraire - Antares031 (100%K/76%I/33%S): Holy fuck. This map. First of all, second map in a row that I can clearly recognize its author. It was Antares all this time, and I have to say quite confidently, he is my favourite project contributor, all his maps are great, all his maps stand out, and that's why I can clearly recognize his complex, ultra-interconnected layouts. Remember Eviternity MAP14? This is the same, but instead of castles in snow, you will have beautiful tech-bases in snow. Snow and cavern-like environments which I dig really much. That's the main thing that made me recognize the author, as the map behaved similarly to that one of his works in the previous installment. The Rocky/snowy landscapes made me feel like playing through the recently launched Snow Wave wad (Which I made a map for, I'd suggest you to check it out ;)). The thing is that, HOLY CRAP, is there a single bit of space to breathe in this level? I don't think so. At least for the first minutes. The map divides itself in two sections, the snowy caves and the techbase. Both sections have different keys to grab, you will have to get all 6 of them in order to exit. And damn, you won't believe how much did I suffer to get through this one... Even worse punishment than yesterday's map... Beautiful, great layout, but I'm starting to struggle so much each map that I play. I feel like the last episode will be pure pain. Luckly I'm in time (writing this review the 16th, so it is actually a time capsule, if we survived an apocalypse by the 24th, hello, survivor:)). When you think this beast of a map is over (Full of great squirmishes each time you get a skull-key). The map gives you a glimpse of something BIG, and I mean THE BIGGEST THING MADE IN DOOM. The Magnum Opus of Doomcute. A massive ship, whose name is HMS Temeraire (Temeraire being the name of the map itself). Good choice for a name, that's for sure. And damn, I can't believe there is so fucking much detail put into it. I can't believe, this is peak Doomcute. -"Hey Marvin, this is me, remember that old Doomworld post talking about the best Doomcute ship you were looking for? Have a look at this." Here is the best ship ever made in Doom, and possibly in every single game, ever. You know why? These days, people just use Blender 3D and model them with polygons, even AI's could manage to do those that easily. In this case, this ship was made with love, care, effort, blood and tears. 10/10 ship. BUT THAT'S NOT ALL. You see it, and you get teleported into one of the most stupidly great setpieces in Doom mapping. A wall full of cyberdemons that will make you think for a moment you are playing through a kid's first map. No, it's part of the build-up. Try to by-pass the "cyberdemon captain" to get the teleport inside yes!, you guessed it, the ship itself. Are you telling me you can get up there? that it's not only modeled for decoration but also because you can roam around there?... ...Yes, indeed it is. The setpiece is not over, a "Fire!" sign near the switch indicates that you will see something awesome, something you won't forget... A fucking mountain guarded by Cyberdemons gets blown up by the ship in real-time in the fucking Doom engine. This is great, best map of the megawad, period. Order of preference:9 points -
The Lost Levels for Doom II (TLLD2)
Xeebleton and 7 others reacted to United VirusX for a topic
Earlier last year I played through and completed the "Doom 64 for Doom II" wad released back in 2018 for the first time and loved it so much it inspired me to recreate the Lost Levels made by Samuel Villarreal (Kaiser) that where released in the 2020 remaster of Doom 64, They are made with vanilla assets and I'm attempting my very best to make the maps compatible with Vanilla Doom/Chocolate Doom. My goal for this project is to make it on par with the quality of "Doom 64 for Doom II". There will be some assets taken from "D64D2" and there will be new music made by NewHouse. here's some footage I've made of the project as is atm. Map01: Plant Ops running in DSDA-Doom Map01: Plant Ops running in Choco-Doom Preview of Map02: Evil Sacrifice running in Choco-Doom8 points -
Here's the first in what will be a series of videos on wads that I enjoy and why you might enjoy them as well, starting with one of my favourite wads, Eden by rd:8 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
ReaperAA and 7 others reacted to cannonball for a topic
MAP24 - “Temeraire” by antares031 This is quite a map to review, but I will state that my secret hunting for this map gets a straight F right off the bat, so as such every fight had to be done with plasma and rockets. To be honest I get the feeling that I might have got the better experience for this because the big fights are all very doable. In fact the crate and four seasons fights I beat on the first attempt and the latter I had left over power ups. The final blue skull fight did kill me a few times. I will agree with the above, the incidental combat was not executed as well as for example the previous map and I did hit a few snags in the earlier sections of the map, in fact I will say that the layout and the fact that mid tiers can strike from many angles will lead to a higher pelt percentage that the standout fights. That isn't to say the the incidental combat wasn't fun, it was, but I think it has been done better (For instance the previous map). However I do appreciate the more liberal use of archviles in this map, they have been used fairly sparingly throughout this set with astral cacos being the biggest nuisance in my view. Now the big fights come in a structure sequence of rising stakes and chaos and I think all of the fights were done very well and were varied enough to feel distinct, this map in particular felt like the first to really bite the player, in compensation the distribution of health and armour was perhaps a little too liberal. So that's it, right, well there is that moment that should take a separate paragraph.... So the great thing about seeing map sets being used to push source ports or port behaviour are those moments where you see something truly novel or amazing and you go and say "Well, this was awesome.", Think the archvile carousel in Sunlust, the opening subway sequence in Heartland. This final part of this map really fits into this category. You go through a teleporter next to the biggest and most detailed sector ship you have ever seen and suddenly you are faced with a literal hill of cyberdemons, only the one in front of the next teleporter you can kill, funilly enough this was another fight beaten first attempt and actually this was easy to do, even with just the plasma gun, simply circle the platform at a rate where the rockets from the hill will consistently missing and keep hosing the one at the front, now through the teleporter and wish granted, you are on the ship, duck behind a nearby wall and you see steps, climb these and you see a switch with the word "Fire", can it be? What the heck is this? You hit the switch, suddenly a trailed of explores travel towards the hill and boom, everything is dead and there is a charred hole revealed to where the exit is. This is possibly the greatest cinematic set piece conceived, possibly in all PWads in all formats. The technical know-how to execute this flawlessly is a sight to behold and huge pay-off for the previous half an hour of game time. Overall, I prefer both Map11 and Map14, but I cannot state how impressive parts of this map are and how potentially inspirational this could be to players and mappers stumbling upon this. This map is the best advertisement MBF21 could get and is a stand out map in a mapset full of high quality maps.8 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
ReaperAA and 7 others reacted to Cutman 999 for a topic
MAP35 - “Parallel” by Dragonfly (Pistol start, [technically] saveless, 99% kills, 87% Items, 50% Secrets) You remember the weird map 32 of TNTR? Well this is that, just a lot better executed. The good thing of dragonfly knowing to use visual signifiers to communicate changes into the parallel dimensions, with the use of that weird purple floor, is that is not that abrupt compared to just put a triple linedef to lend you into the other dimension and screw you, at least this time just getting outside of those purple textures will lend you into the regular dimension, so any factor that could be seen as annoying is out of the picture. Possibly this is also one of the easiest maps in the wad, since there's a lot of soulspheres lying around to patch any mortal wounds, and many combat sections end quickly. Considering the last map was an absolute banger, I can see why for pacing purposes they chose to make this more of a breather even in UV, but the thing that is more questionable is the perforator being in the middle of the map, making easy to dismantle any combat section that may seem difficult, especially the archvile sequence in the end of the map. Despite that, good execution of the gimmick and good departure for those who found the secret exit. Midi is also one of my favorites in the wad, reminds me a lot of "inhabitants". 8/10 MAP23 - “Thaw” by DMPhobos (Pistol start, used saves, 99% kills, 33% items, 0% secrets) Only in doom you hear beautiful music on top of all the demon killing and absorbing atmosphere. Another of those maps where the focus is mostly in incidental combat, this time with a more open-ended progression, like map07 from the same author. I think the later slot suited DMPhobos a lot more, since he can get a lot more nuts with the enemy count and composition of terrifying ambushes, and he delivers. Same positives apply in this map like they did in map07, Phobos never lets the momentum hinder in any second, escalating his ambushes to points your reaction needs to be on top capacity to fulfill, the red switch ones especially requiring this kind of thinking, and are satisfying to dismantle for this reason. The layout also contributes to the experience, being really explorable and full of nooks and crannies, even if I didn't find any secret for being terrible at it, being this intuitive to not only navigate, but to also explore and have fun just finding more things to kill and kill, is a plus. Very good effort, fits its slot like a globe and probably is plenty replayable. 9/10 MAP24 - “Temeraire” by antares031 (Pistol start, used saves, 100% kills, 64% items, 33% secrets) Ok, I'm impressed... Impressed and shocked by the sheer intensity, polish and technical marble of this map. Probably the midi being this short, calm and repetitive is the only problem it has, since it clashes with probably one of the wildest rides a AAA megawad has seen. From beginning onward is just savagery, possibly all the maps from the episode have in common is just how good they manage incidental combat, and this map is not the esception, just busting you with enemies whenever it can, with many surprises like the veilimp jumpscare, the beginning section, and more. After the incidental stuff, you need to scout for the skullkeys to exit, those bringing you to ambushes, which i see as thematically fitting, since the key hunt was incidental, and the skull hunt now being representative of ambushes, is a curious parallel generated by gameplay progression. These ambushes are definitely the high point of the map, the first one is more easy but still can destroy you if the final vile and annihilator touch you once or twice, the second has practically 3 megaspheres and is a tsunami of basically everything in the map but the astral arachno, being commanded by 2 cyberdemon generals, the final fight is the best one, demanding crowd control once the revs arrive, and as more stuff appear, you need to readjust your positioning to not face rocket yourself, the rocket launcher despite the seemingly limited space, becomes the key to victory, sense is the only weapon at your disposal now that can eliminate the dangers quickly. Top tier fight. And there's MORE, like a bullet hell streaming section revolving 50 cyberdemons, and after that, you get teleported into A GODDAMN BATTLESHIP... IN DOOM! and you just press a switch, and a sequence worthy of duke3d kills the cyberdemons... WOW!!! Some may agree this is the best map in the megawad, I can't dispute that, is just that i prefer a bit 22 sense is more on the style i like, but still, godtier map. Bien hecho antarino xdxdxdxd 10/108 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Track Federal and 7 others reacted to Async Unicorn for a topic
Entrance area to warehouse in my "Techbase Shiver" (You press switch in guard area, which open main gate)8 points -
Share Your Sprites!
Gothic and 7 others reacted to Sonik.o.fan for a topic
8 points -
DSDA-Doom and Woof both have extremely faithful software renderers (just turn down the resolution to Chocolate levels if you want the extra crunchy visuals). The indexed lighting used in DSDA-Doom's hardware render is also very similar to the software renderer, though it's not perfect and has issues with some esoteric tricks like not rendering HOMs properly. Anyway, to directly answer OP's questions: We'll go with "usually", because there's always some weird esoteric case that nobody can think about. Generally speaking it only makes a huge difference if you're playing something on the extreme end of map size/monster count, or if you're playing on old hardware. Yes to limit-removing. Mods, depends. The kind of mods you're looking at will have to be vanilla/limit-removing/boom/mbf/mb21 and must NOT conflict heavily with modifications that any of the PWADs you try to play make to the game, but that 2nd part is the same for GZDoom. Smooth Doom (MBF21 edition) and Minicharge are gameplay mods that would work in DSDA-Doom, for example. edit: I realized that calling MBF21 Smooth Doom a gameplay mod isn't really accurate (it plays basically the same to vanilla gameplay), but it's still a good example of a mod that works in DSDA-Doom.8 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
BMWAG65321 and 7 others reacted to volleyvalley for a topic
8 points -
I'm the person who initially suggested the reviews thread over in WAD Discussion and I think retrospectively it was a poor idea, because it's really not a good substitute for an actual catalog of proper pages corresponding to individual WADs themselves. I dunno. I was never around for /newstuff so I won't pretend like I have any idea what it was like, but the lack of a functioning review page for new WADs is getting to be really painful. I have things that I would like to write about but not in a capacity where I want to make a Whole New Thread About The Thing in WAD Discussion, and making a habit of bumping too many old release threads to drop a review in them would be.... unfair to the actual new releases, which already don't last very long on the front page of WAD Releases as is. I think it is getting harder to keep up with the New Cool Things You Might Like. It would be really nice to be leave reviews and be able to neatly look through them on this section of someone's profile as opposed to keeping a yearly spreadsheet, or a notepad txt document, or filtering through your entire post history, but obviously we can't do that with newer things. The Cacowards simply cannot cover everything, the output is too high.8 points
Shovelware fun from Classic fond #8 disc
Andromeda and 6 others reacted to bobstremglav for a topic
When I was very young my dad had a friend. At one day friend for forgotten reason gave me a lot of Classic fond (russian serie of pirate collections of DOS and Windows game) discs. Since now I can't reach that friend, these discs are kinda mine. Now I can play them very enough... Blood 2, Screamer (racing game, lol), maybe some other stuff I revealed from this serie. Hovewer, disc 8 has bunch of Doom 2 and Heretic levels It seems like main source of games for company were american BBSes and guys from there, so I suppose they just downloaded bunch of levels, not copying existing compilations. There not really many of them, either because of storage limit or because they wanted to add only somewhat good stuff (something they told on one of later cds) Doom 2 archive is fat to the point of 50 mbs, Heretic archive takes 8 mbs. I publish them on dropbox There also seems... Descent levels? uh. Another cd has Duke Nukem 3D and Quake levels. Here are dropbox uploads (first is Heretic, last is Doom 2). https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/enxic9mrb0cyot2eeavyk/HERETLVL.ZIP?rlkey=3r5jsnsr32cw83jnm8r17xuwy&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/f0yze8zcjkxi6s3u8bhav/DOOM2LVL.ZIP?rlkey=u20yr80idplgdlt84j5g3op9k&dl=0 I'm not so familiar with cloud storages, so if something not working or there better options - introduce me to that Here screenshots from disc itself. I have yet to find these levels by myself.7 points -
Share Your Sprites!
Lizardcommando and 6 others reacted to Craneo for a topic
7 points -
Hello guys, I'm excited to release my first single-player map for Doom 2! The Outpost 13 is a huge reference to The Thing, the 1982 John Carpenter movie. Boom compatible. Tested with GZDoom, PRBoom, and DSDA. Difficulties are supported, but UV brings the true experience. Approximately 15 minutes of gameplay. It's also my debut as a music composer. Please turn up the music for the best immersive experience. Special thanks to Helm and quakis for their support, playtesting and feedback. It would not be that easy and fun without you, pals. I've recently created a Discord server if you'd like to keep track of my Doom stuff. Or you can follow me on Twitter. P.S. I am aware of the outside windows' visual glitch. Unfortunately, I was not able to fix that. Download v OP13.zip6 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
ReaperAA and 5 others reacted to cannonball for a topic
MAP25 - “Boreas” by Dragonfly This one feels like a bit of a tech demo for the Necromenace, the start is a simple SSG shootout with some imps before entering a small arena, you will first face this new monster on its own and then again a second time later. The death of the first Necromenace hails the arrival of fodder and some revenants/hellknights, now at this point you are wondering what the fuss is about because this map is potentially one of the easiest of the wad, however the Necromenace's second arrival shows that like the archvile, he can resurrect stuff, which turns this second wave into a bigger challenge, though most of the damage I took was chip damage from hitscanners that got continuously resurrected. Once this is over the exit opens up with one archvile and some demons, not too tough as long as you don't spend your ammo during the earlier fights. I was quite close to declaring this as the worst map in the set because it is just a very short arena map, however the new monster justifies its existence and actually creates a reasonably interesting set piece. Add the this some other context then this is probably pitched reasonably well, though I feel that this could have been made tougher given the mapslot and during of the map. Overall not too bad.6 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
ReaperAA and 5 others reacted to Azure_Horror for a topic
I had fallen behind yet again. I think it would be best to speak about the Battleship In The Room ASAP. Map 24 - “Temeraire” by @antares031 UV, pistol start, saves 1) Playthrough 1 When I was playing Eviternity II rc1 in 2023, I played Episode 5 on continuous. Even with Perforator Gun at hand, Temeraire was a difficult map. But also a fun one! 2) Playthrough 2 Today I replayed the map from a pistol start. And the map felt notably less enjoyable than on my previous playthrough. I was constantly running out of ammo, while all kinds of Astral Cacodemons, NM Demons and Vileimps were getting in my way. It was extremely frustrating: when I needed close combat weapons, I was forced to rely on rockets. As a result, I constantly ran out of rockets for rocked-focused situations... I did manage to complete the map, but the gameplay felt kinda clunky during all that... 3) Map Highlights: The map has four major setpieces: 1) Yellow Skull Key fight: a big arena with all kinds of crafty monsters, including vileimps, 2 cybers and quite a number of archviles. This is a really fun battle, IMO: the combination of different monsters is able to threaten the player all over the arena, despite the arena itself being quite big. Also, this is the only fight in Eviternity Duology, which combines cyberdemons, astral cacos, and more traditional Doom midtiers. 2) Red Skull Key fight: lots of different monster types, all appearing in a small storage room. As long as the player can run around the arena, the monsters keep distracting each other. So the winning strat feels very boring from both Spectacle and Doom Fight perspective: just focus on running around until you win. Of course, some monster will get in your, so you better to have a Plasma Rifle or BFG at the ready. An Archvile, Pain Eles, and Astral Cacos can be really nasty in this cramped arena. Still, in the end the fight strategy is very straightforward. And thus this battle feels kinda forgettable for a setpiece of its caliber... 3) Blue Skull Key Fight: this is a real whirlwind of different monsters! Memorizing monster waves and timings required multiple tries. But in the end, finding effective movement patterns and optimizing rocket launcher DPS was very fun here. And unlike RSK fight, most monsters ususally try to chase the Doomguy instead of fighting among themselves... 4) HMS Temeraire Setpiece: HMS Temeraire is a battleship. It is huge (because battleship). It is also quite detailed. A doomcute large-scale battleship is real sight to behold... But it is more than eye-candy: the final battle finds the player facing against a crowd of ~50 cyberdemons! At first, this appears as a completete overkill. But the fight is quite winnable: with correct approach, it is possible to dodge all the rockets, and dispactch the closest cyberdemon. After that, the player can teleport onto the battleship itself. After that Doomguy is able to fire the Battleship Cannons! Those cannons will annihilate all the cyberdemons, and the explosion will also leave a huge crater, with the exit inside! What a spectacular way to finish a FPS map! 4) Incidental combat and smaller setpieces: On this map, incidental combat is quite deadly, but also somewhat boring. Ditto for the smaller arena battles (Keycard fights). In the end, smaller fights distracted me from the main fights of the map, while also eating through my resources. Usually, I tend to like the smaller battles on @antares031's maps. But not on Temeraire. I think that Alpha Scropii Supercluster from Antaresian Reliqaury is a superior take on the concept of Huge Adventure Map with Epic Grand Battles and Fun Smaller Encounters... 5) Conclusion, and alternative gameplay strategy for playthrough 3: I have my reservations about Temeraire. Yet still, it is a really great map nonetheless. Moreover, Temeraire can also be played like Fire and Ice from Scythe: avoiding annoying battles is a valid approach here. Such strategy helped me to minimize boring combats and reach the most fun setpieces ASAP. So I found the map quite enjoyable after the third playtrough. Temeraire is not my most favorite map of Eviternity II, but it is still a really, really good level. And the battleship sequence is arguably one of the most epic moments in Doom pWADs, period!6 points -
¿existen mods de the amazing digital circus?
Stupid Bunny and 5 others reacted to Cutman 999 for a topic
Guen preguntas idioteces en un foro de doom6 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Love Shovel and 5 others reacted to Craneo for a topic
6 points -
[RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!
S3M_XM and 5 others reacted to MoiraHeart for a topic
Eviternity 2 1.0 for Mordeth award6 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Scorcher and 5 others reacted to elborbahquarama for a topic
6 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
ReaperAA and 4 others reacted to Veeda Vidlak for a topic
Map24 “Temeraire” by Seongbae Park (antares031) Oh, hell yes. Antares’s presence foretells a good time as anyone who played Struggle could tell you. His lone solo entry, Temeraire, is a sequel to Eviternity’s Frimaire (map14) and improves on an already stellar design to give us one of the banner maps of Eviternity II. Right off the bat rocket that archvile and execute whatever plan you have to make a foothold. You... can stand your ground in the opening area but ammo is tight, and you’d better be a crack shot with the rocket launcher to fend off nm demons, astralcacos, and a pain elemental among other foes. There is an SSG on the ice roughly due east of the starting block and you’ll want that ASAP, it’s crucial for fending off the early rush. Once able to breathe you’ll no doubt notice the obvious parallels with Frimaire. You might also recall that Frimaire had harrowing arena combat and Antares ups the ante for Eviternity II. While the rest of the incidental combat is resting heart rate, none of the three skull key arenas are anywhere near gimmes. Arena fights, we get some damn good ones so put your game face on. We can do them in any order (I think) but the yellow skull one has a secret BFG so I’d recommend that one first. It’s similar to one of Frimaire’s fights, a big circular thunderdome, except this time the starting enemies are a cyberdemon and archviles. You really want to kill those viles quick because after a few seconds the room starts to fill up and you’ll have all sorts of nonsense to deal with (including sniping astralmancs and another cyber). The blue skull key arena (north in the techbase) is actually shown ahead of time, you can see the key and ultimately teleport to it. We get a lock-in fight against waves of various foes, PEs, nm demons, astralcacos, revs, imps, hell-knights… It’s perfectly manageable with the BFG and likely still fine without. You can weaken this one beforehand as well with a nifty secret not far from the red door. Then we have the red skull key arena, which I think is the hardest. It’s an… intimate crate warehouse to the east that constantly floods the place with monsters. Unlike the other two, there is very little room to dodge all the astral projectiles, rev missiles, and nightmare demons clogging everything up. Walk in here with a fully stocked BFG or get ready to gitgud, not much else to say. Now that we have all six keys, take the teleporter and… oop, rip blind run. So here we have a headliner moment of the wad… a cyberdemon blocking a teleporter and his 59 cyberbuddies on the elevated rocks behind him. Running into a deluge of rockets was not the winning strategy but upon getting back here (and saving this time) I found that moving in an erratic oval pattern forward and back wasn’t getting me hit. Upon removing the roadblock, teleport onto Her Majesty’s battleship of supreme awesomeness (holy shit Antares) and make your way up to the fire switch which MOTHERFUCKING BLOWS THEM ALL TO THE SEVENTH CIRCLE OF HELL, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!? What a jaw-dropper. Best moment of the wad. Oh and did I mention this battleship looks phenomenal? Good luck to Jody “Kill-Crazy” Russell on sinking this thing. Yeah… no hyberbole. This map is incredible. Absolutely incredible. Its incidental combat is good, its arena combat is good, its ending is unforgettable, and its classic Antares design is of the highest standard. The crown jewel of what’s looking like the strongest overall episode at the moment.5 points -
Wanted to be somewhere cozy today.5 points
MAP25: Boreas by Dragonfly After descending down an elevator and eliminating a three-way imp ambush, you end up inside a small arena. Pressing two switches reveals the boss of the chapter: necromenece is a sorcerer (taken from Heretic, I believe) that throws teal projectiles or summon ghosts. It seems there are two variants of his minions, one harrasses you, other ressurects dead monsters. He's somewhat tanky, but I recommend against using plasma or rockets and just kill him with a super shotgun. This is because once he's dead, a the place gets rather crowded with new enemies, ending with another necromenece. This is where cells come in handy, as once he arrives, a lot of monsters start getting revived. The final obstacle is an archvile guarded by pinkies, hope you have rockets left to dispatch him quickly. Boreas took me a couple of attempts, several times I've killed the second necromenace and caught a revenant missile or did something equally careless. I can already see how the new enemy is going to cause trouble, acting as another priority target to look out for. As for the map itself, it's a decent ending to an episode. Only one chapter to go. Voting time, here's a varied collection of episodes from the recent years. +++ Squonker 3, Pagodia, Tetanus +++ 10x10, Heartland, Sigil 2 +++ Atmospheric Extinction, What Lies Beneath, Lunar Laceration5 points
GZDoom/UV/Contiuous/Saves Write-ups from memory MAP24: Temeraire - antares031 You know a WAD is good if antares has a map in it. Struggle is one of may favorite WADs ever, so ever since I played that I've always kept my eye out for new antares maps. That was part of the reason I was so excited for the first Eviternity when it dropped! Tho for the longest time I thought he was responsible for MAP15 in that. Oops. It was actually MAP14. And this map is a sequel to that map. What do you know, a sequel map in a sequel WAD. First off, this is the case for this to be the hardest map in the WAD. It's definitely the hardest opening, cause as soon as you fire, the whole outdoor area of monsters will be coming for you. And there's a lot of them. Some of them are archies. Good luck pistol-starters! I had a hard enough time as it is continuous! This outdoor area is the part that's most reminiscent of Frimaire, as the caves here look straight out of that map. But unlike that map, we have a techbase looming over everything. This map is the only one in the WAD that needs all 6 keys to exit. You go for the keycards first, with several of them guarded outside. My favorite natural landscape of the map is in the southeast with the blue key, as you exit the cave into a small canyon that has a gorgeous view out to the cold water. It shouldn't need to be stated that this is another amazing looking map in a WAD filled of them, but this is an antares map. Dude is known for his extremely detailed and pretty maps. You need the blue key to get the yellow key, and that in turn leads you into the base. The base has a good chunk of incidental combat, but its true highlights are the skull key fights. While I wouldn't say getting the keycards was easy, the skull keys are a lot tougher. The yellow skull fight takes place in a courtyard with different seasonal trees. Very nice for an indoor arena, but don't let the setting fool you. You'll be swarmed by veilimps, archies, cybs, nightmare demons, revs, imps, astral cacos, pain elementals, etc. It's one of the toughest fights in the WAD for sure, but you can find a hidden BFG after it, so I would recommend doing this fight first (it's in the northwest part of the map). The red skull is outside of the base back in the cave, and it's in a giant arena of crates. The BFG works really well with this wave-based fight, but I know I didn't find that secret until after I beat the map, so unless I found a BFG in maps 35 or 23, I was just plasmaing everything. Idr, tho I do remember dying a few times. The blue skull fight keeps everything in tight quarters as waves of monsters teleport in. It's another toughie that I did manage to beat first try! Barely. The door that needs all 6 keys is right here, so head through it do an unloading bay with one of the most impressive thing you'll see in Doom: a full-fledged warship! The HMS Temeraire is docked right outside, and she's a beaut! I can't imagine how long that must have taken to make. There's so many lines! Once you're done marveling at the boat, jump into the teleporter to face 60+ cybs at once. I'm not kidding. In one of the most surprising moments in the entire WAD, you get thrown onto a platform that's in view of the most cybs I've seen at once in a WAD that's made by people who actually know what they are doing and didn't just open UDB for the first time. One of these cybs is stationed on the platform with you, while the other 60 are on the hillside raining rockets down on you. You may panic, and that's totally understandable. Just take out the BFG or perforator and quickly take out the cyb on the platform, while going around the rectangular platform so you don't get hit. As soon as cybie is dead, jump in the teleporter to board the ship! Quickly climb up the front of the ship so you don't get hit by rockets and hit the switch that says "fire" next to it. The warship's cannons will fire, all 60+ cybs will die, and the hillside will be blown to smithereens! This is without a doubt, the most memorable moment of the entire WAD. A working warship in Doom. Further proof antares is one of the GOATs, seriously. Once the dust has settled, you can climb through the giant hole the cannons have left to find the exit. Overall, this might be my 2nd favorite map in the WAD behind MAP32. Tough as nails, incredible looking, and with a surprisingly soothing MIDI. And of course, one of the best endings to a map I have seen.5 points
5 points
Yes, it's HMS.5 points
akshchually it's HMS, there's a union jack on one of the guns although either way it's still cool as shit5 points
DSDA Doom vs GZDoom?
Lippeth and 4 others reacted to No-Man Baugh for a topic
I do kinda have beef with Chocolate Doom for it's setup launcher being far more permissive than Vanilla, namely in letting me bind the scroll wheel which wasn't even assignable in the vanilla (all you could do with mouse bindings was reassign the 3 preexisting actions- shoot, strafe, and forward -beween the 3 mouse buttons) I get that even for a port that aims for authenticity above all else; limiting mouse button binds is a pretty insane ask for any modern software. But in my eyes having to go into Doom's config and set b_speed to an arbitrary number to 28 or 32 in order to achieve shiftless running or run an entirelly seperate application just to disable the vertical mouse movement are a huge part of the vanilla experience. and having some of those QoL features handed to you feel like you're being lied to if you haven't already played the original DOS executables. They're nice if you only mainline that hardcore kind of authenticity, but for educational purposes I still feel like it was good for me to play Doom.exe even under dos-box But I mostly just play Nugget Doom anyways, both it and it's mother port Woof are what I recommend 110% if you just want a faithful software renderer but still want some really really good QoL features and the ability to play Boom and MBF/21 maps5 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Love Shovel and 4 others reacted to Major Arlene for a topic
I got inspired by GERARD.WAD. coming soon.5 points -
[RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!
DreadWanderer and 4 others reacted to Dragonfly for a topic
Sorry to say but I have no idea when the final release will be ready; I need a break. It'll be done when it's done. 😅5 points -
Doom 64 - An Overrated Masterpiece Of Coal
TheMagicMushroomMan and 4 others reacted to Edward850 for a topic
If you keep having to explain this to everyone, then your title has failed to adequately convey the satire. What you have is indistinguishable from intentional clickbait.5 points -
NoSp3 Demos [-complevel 21]
Betelgeuse and 4 others reacted to Brainfreezzzzz for a topic
Map 01 UV-MAX in 3:12 - nosp301m312.zip Map 02 UV-MAX in 3:07 - nosp302m307.zip Map 03 UV-MAX in 9:56 - nosp303m956.zip Map 04 UV-MAX in 6:57 - nosp304m657.zip Map 05 UV-MAX in 12:01 - nosp305m1201.zip Map 06 UV-MAX in 8:36 - nosp306m836.zip Map 07 UV-MAX in 13:43 - nosp307m1343.zip Map 08 UV-MAX in 4:56 - nosp308m456.zip Map 09 UV-MAX in 10:08 - nosp309m1008.zip Map 10 UV-MAX in 11:28 - nosp310m1128.zip Map 11 UV-MAX in 8:41 - nosp311m841.zip Map 12 UV-MAX in 1:37 - nosp312m137.zip Map 13 UV-MAX in 12:03 - nosp313m1203.zip Map 14 UV-MAX in 3:40 - nosp314m340.zip Map 15 UV-MAX in 3:57 - nosp315m357.zip Map 16 UV-MAX in 7:23 - nosp316m723.zip Map 17 UV-MAX in 16:19 - nosp317m1619.zip Map 18 UV-MAX in 11:23 - nosp318m1123.zip Map 19 UV-MAX in 10:15 - nosp319m1015.zip Map 20 UV-MAX in 11:24 - nosp320m1124.zip Map 21 UV-MAX in 11:19 - nosp321m1119.zip Map 22 UV-MAX in 1:02 - nosp322m102.zip Map 23 [TAS] UV-MAX in 8:33 - nosp323x833.zip Map 24 UV-MAX in 11:47 - nosp324m1147.zip Map 25 UV-MAX in 6:17 - nosp325m617.zip Map 26 UV-MAX in 1:22 - nosp326m122.zip Map 27 UV-MAX in 4:41 - nosp327m441.zip Map 28 UV-MAX in 32:19 - nosp328m3219.zip Map 29 UV-MAX in 10:05 - nosp329m1005.zip Map 31 UV-MAX in 8:26 - nosp331m826.zip Map 32 UV-MAX in 6:06 - nosp332m606.zip Watch playlist on YT here5 points -
5 points
Do you ever wish Doom could support more complex geometry?
inkoalawetrust and 3 others reacted to DeetOpianSky for a topic
GZDOOM/UDMF format allows the creation of room over room, mirrors and much more complex geometry (including use of 3D models and voxel renderings of the sprites via the Voxel DOOM mods. A large amount of games have been released (some published by 3D Realms/Apogee) using the GZDOOM engine. Age of Hell, Selaco, etc. A great tutorial on creating complex geometry is available on Youtube by Bridgeburner. Bridgeburner's yt tutorial on slopes and arches, including a 3D Dome.4 points -
Endless Random /idgames WAD Adventures #077
LadyMistDragon and 3 others reacted to brick for a topic
Brick | 2 wads | 13 maps Adventure | 5 wads | 16 maps Ironrun (2014) by Simone Lombardi. 5 SP maps for Doom II maybe in ZDoom. I'm not sure if the maps really need ZDoom but it's the only port that Simone mentioned testing in. They're all small and pretty short maps, and they do get better. MAP02 is a switch hunt that's not terribly interesting, there's not even much hunting or exploring as all the doors are in the starting area, opened in strict order by switches that are each immediately past one of the doors. MAP02 has a spiderdemon to SSG down while under invulnerability. MAP03 starts showing promise, with slightly more elaborate level design and a couple of interesting encounters. MAP04 is the most expansive, again with a couple of good fights, and an interesting infighting setup with the cybers and spiders; I had to mop up the cybers with BFG and invulnerabiltiy at the end, but running past the bridge in panic as they all wake up, then hearing the spiders die one at a time while going through the map was pretty entertaining. MAP05 bugged out on me, I somehow managed to get past the bars leading to the yellow key without knowing there's a switch to lower them, which caused some head-scratching when I couldn't figure out the way back. Otherwise it's the best and most elaborate map, still short but it look nice and the fights are set up well, particularly the surprise all the way at the end. Health seems to be a bit too rare, this and the general layout and size gave me speedmap vibes. I can't argue with the flaws others have mentioned but there are worse coffee break wads and it has some fun ideas, especially in the later maps. SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation #12 (2004) by Various. 8 SP maps for Doom II in Boom. And speaking of speedmaps. The theme seemed really interesting, and I'm happy to agree that it was executed really well! Some of the other SBSPDs I've played were just bizarre with the theme clearly being turned into a joke, but here it's taken pretty seriously and leads to some nice architecture and texture usage, often impressive considering the strict time limit. The mappers clearly had different ideas when reading the theme, so it's fun to see variety between a flooded underground base, a complex taken over by vines and trees, or old buildings falling apart and surrounded by flora. Most of the maps are very short but convey the theme well. My favourite was MAP08, not just because it was the most detailed (really hard to believe this was only 100 minutes!) and with the most elaborate gameplay, but also because it is executed so well and even manages to throw a couple of surprises at you. I think some of the maps have serious health deprivation, and MAP05 might be pretty ammo starved with all these knights, but playing continuous alleviated most of the issues. I'm echoing ICID and Walter, this is pretty good!4 points -
Unpopular Doom Opinions
Sneezy McGlassFace and 3 others reacted to baja blast rd. for a topic
Bolded especially is unsubstantiated and not an accurate description of anything. Someone who pays close attention wouldn't fixate on a "flood of megawads" because the episode-length release is the dominant form these days; "boring" is very subjective; many/most vanilla mappacks are not interchangeable (I would never mistake El Viaje for Tetanus for Deadliest Demolition) and the past several years have exploded with conceptual variety and projects that have interesting hooks to them and that treat Doom as something to be heavily modded, which you can do even without GZDoom. The oldschool very vanilla-flavored wads are just one of a dozen+ different schools of mapping these days, and even within that ecosystem there's new ideas being tried, like the story-based community project Solar Struggle. Usually when people are inspired by existing work, they pick eclectic influences (I've seen work riffing on Ozonia in development, and that's been out for two years) rather than things that have been done a "hundred times." As a mapper myself, I'm actually kind of overwhelmed by how good people have become at "creative concept" and I've been trying to think of how I can keep up with all the lessons from all of that. Would not be the case if people were only doing the same old things over and over. Your observations about what people are releasing these days read with a lack of resolution and perspective, the way they do when someone has "checked out" of paying attention to anything that's not their particular niche. In fairness, that's common because there's so much to keep track of, but it's still the same old mistake.4 points -
Share Your Sprites!
CravenCoyote and 3 others reacted to Craneo for a topic
4 points