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[RC3] 1K1K - A COMPACT Community Project for Doom 2
Higo Doragon and 16 others reacted to Yop for a topic
It is with the greatest pleasure that I can say that 1K1K a community project I started back in August 2023 is finally here! This is a separate post for convenience, and a huge thank you to all who participated! - The Original Post can be found here if anyone is curious about how it progressed - Link to the OG Thread/Post - Breakdown - Ideal compatibility is Limit Removing Tested to load fine with DSDA with minimal issue 33 Maps that are all a 1000x1000 -> 1024x1024 area Check Info+Credits-1k1k.txt for the proper credits and additional information - Warnings - Map 31 and 33 use engine quirks that may make them unplayable on certain ports. Map 29 is a fully fledged boom map, softlocks on -cl2, but trust me it's so good. - Story - Doomguy is called to a mysterious house after the events of Doom 2, the residents insist he visit as they have a demon problem. The house is no ordinary house, it's a mansion of sorts with strange rooms that seem to lead to various small enclosed spaces that Doomguy's auto-map register as 1000x1000 he must investigate the various "Rooms" of the house being 33 in total and clear out the demons to satisfy its mysterious residents. - Screenshots - - Download RC3 - Download RC3 Here [Fixed a whole lot] LET ME KNOW OF ANY ISSUES SO I CAN FIX EM!!! SO HAPPY TO FINALLY GET THIS OUT17 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
HiMyNameIsChair and 16 others reacted to antares031 for a topic
Since the beginning of my doom mapping history, the number one rule I've been following is "Having fun with doom mapping.". And the easiest way to follow this rule I found was "Making something I want to see & play.". That's why lots of doom levels I've made, such as Penitência and Alpha Scorpii Supercluster, share the similar styles with my preferences; non-linear, adventurous, hectic but managable slaughtermap-like setpieces, and so on. This might make the levels kinda repetitive in terms of gameplay, with just a change of scenery in each level. But as long as I'm satisfied with the result, I can accept that. After all, I had lots of fun with making my doom levels. There's one thing I wanted to try in doom mapping for more than a decade, and that was designing a full-scale battleship. I was into the online game called "NavyFIELD" back then, and that game featured various naval warships, including giant battleships from WW2 era. It wasn't Doom, but I already made a full-scale battleship for Counter-Strike: Source 17 years ago with Hammer Editor. But that was more like a simple playground with only developer textures, since it was designed to be featured in a zombie mode server for fun. There's also a miniature of Iowa-class battleship "USS Illinois" in the MAP17 of Struggle. I still wanted to design a battleship in Doom, but I wasn't confident enough to create a full-scale one, so I decided to put a miniature one instead. When the development of Eviternity 2 started, I wanted to make a sequel to Frimaire, the MAP14 of Eviternity. So I decided to grab a slot from the fifth episode with "Icetech" theme. And why not create a full-scale battleship this time, since it would be really cool to put something really memorable in the sequel to Eviternity. Not to mention that it's finally time to do something I wanted to achieve for a long time with enough confidence, and Eviternity 2 was a perfect opportunity to do this. So the premise of MAP24 was settled; A sequel to Frimaire with some recognizable elements + A winter naval techbase, featuring a full-scale battleship. Throughout the level, you can find the similarities between those two levels. One notable thing is the cavernous area in the southeast, and the other one is the red skull key fight. The appearance of RSK fight arena might be quite different than the previous one, but the concept of the arena is still pretty the same; Monsters are keep spawning in, controlled by the timed voodoo doll script, while central turrets & perimeter turrets are keep giving pressure to the player, and the fight ends with the same reward at the center. The techbase part was originally planned as more like a naval shipyard, but I decided to make a conventional techbase, in order to keep up with the concept of the episode. But I didn't forget to design a giant dock to put a big ship. Choosing the model of the battleship was pretty easy. Among lots of battleships from WW2 era, british battleship's design was ideal for doom mapping. The shape of their boxy superstructure was simpler than the other nations' complex superstructures (notably Iowa-class and Bismarck-class), reducing the amount of required midtextures and workloads. British battleships also had simpler bow & stern designs, so I didn't have to consider about angled bow and curved stern. On top of that, there was one british battleship called "HMS Temeraire", one of Lion-class battleships in the late 1930s. Since the name "Temeraire" rhymed with "Frimaire", it was a perfect name for this level. Two models were chosen as references; "Lion I" from NavyFIELD for the ship's overall design, and "HMS Thunderer" from World of Warships for deck props and details. I also used the line drawing of Lion-class battleship to match the scale, with the premise of "64 map-units is equivalent to 1.5 meters.". And why not give some modernizations, such as missile launchers and CIWS, to this never-built battleship, with the concept of "What if HMS Temeraire served long enough to receive modernizations, like Iowa-class battleships in real life?". The pennant number "36" and the crest at her bridge were originally intended & designed for the actual HMS Temeraire in real life. Of course, the highlight of this level is the giant firework. I started making this ship as just a decoration at the very beginning, like "MS #NIGHTMARE" from Alien Vendetta. But since MBF21 was in my hands, I decided to make this memorable decoration even more memorable. We have massive 16-inch guns, so why not shoot these guns to a bunch of cyberdemons??? Like how you shoot BFG10K in Doom Eternal, and it was such an impressive scene. I designed a small setpiece to surprise the player, featuring tens of custom cyberdemons for this specific sequence. And then I wrote dehacked codes and designed a voodoo script to execute the sequence I was planning. Finally, I quoted explosion effects from Pyromania! Pro by VCE, a well-known source materials for various explosion effects from the mid 90s. It took me a little bit more than a month to finish the ship and the sequence, and it was totally worthy. Here's the video of the work-in-progress version of the sequence. From the numerous twitch livestreams and youtube playthrough videos, many people pointed out that the final setpiece was way too unkind to blind run players. While it was my intention to shock the player with such an unexpected surprise, I agree that it's still too cruel to the blind run players. So I decided to change the design of the final setpiece for the upcoming RC6, making it more blind-run friendly, by giving a moment to inspect the entire arena, before the player decides to call down the thunder. Not only the cyberdemons are facing the opposite direction, but also the layout of the arena now supports more horizontal space to dodge the rockets. Not to mention that now it's much easier to enter the teleporter, without being hit by random rockets. Here's the screenshots for comparison: The background music of this level I originally chose was actually Arctic Voyage by Tristan Clark. I thought this 16-minutes-long winter-themed soundtrack would be perfect for this level. But the problem is that the MIDI was already 5 years old, while the majority of soundtracks were freshly written for this megawad, making notable differences in the MIDI's style. I eventually switched the music to more recent one, Journey to the Other Side by the same maestro, since it also fit really nicely with the winter theme. Besides, I didn't want to request a new soundtrack for MAP24 to Tristan, since there was already too much workloads with mapping and music writing.17 points -
Alternate-timeline successor to Doom 2 - which WAD are you picking?
Captain Ventris and 10 others reacted to Jimmy for a topic
Let's visit a parallel universe for a sec. Picture this: Final Doom was never released. Doom 3, as we know it, does not exist, even in the planning stages. All has gone quiet on the id Software front (for now). All the same, the online Doom modding community is still thriving pretty well. People are still making myhouses, quick custom levels, and short episodes using both Doom 1 and 2. One day, they take it upon themselves to release a "successor" to Doom 2. It's not necessarily Doom 3, nor is it Final Doom. Notice it's not "sequel" - that word, to me, carries certain connotations. In this hypothetical, the community is honestly pretty lax about making the story "logically" follow the events of Doom 2, and are just going for something cool and stylish that people outside the modding community wouldn't have seen from the Doom engine yet. Additionally, we're not necessarily in 1994 right now. So, of the multitudes of levelsets we now have today - even considering the ones released as late as 2024 - which do you think is the most like what would've been done with this goal in mind? For summary, consider the jump up in quality on this scale: Doom 1 -> Doom 2 -> ??? I've compiled a list of possible candidates, but I'm keen to hear more thoughts. (Don't take my categories as being the only ones available!) Truly Vanilla Doom 2 the Way Id Did - Various - This pack is undoubtedly what folks wanting to emulate Doom 2 right down to its core would've done. You could still call it a "spiritual successor" in this theoretical trilogy of releases, even if nothing crazy-new is being done in the maps themselves. The Classics Memento Mori - Various - A 32-level set that treads old ground, with some occasional surprises. Requiem - Various - More creative flair in this one, making it ideal for showcasing what the Doom engine could truly do, and how to put the player through their paces. Alien Vendetta - Various - Certainly would've qualified as a "successor" if framed that way. It's got mountains of aggression and jaw-dropping scenery. The leap in quality between Doom 2 and this would've blown the socks off people. Episodic Revisit No End In Sight - naturaltvventy, Xaser & Lutz - The community could have chosen to retread the old ground of a Doom 1 episodic-format levelset. The "Fifth Episode" Doom: The Lost Episode - Xaser - A concatenation of officially-sanctioned ideas with some pretty zanily off-the-wall original ideas. Even though it's only a handful of maps versus the other megawads on this list, I still think it could count. ZDoom-enriched Doom Resurrection - Tommie Quick - Community ports would surely still be available, allowing modders more freedom to tell stories and build narratives and unusual setpieces within the engine. Doom Resurrection does this pretty well. Bigger and Badder The Ultimate Doom 2 - Gardevoir and Guardsoul - Okay, it's not finished - but the spirit is very much there. Perhaps all the community wanted to do was reimagine Doom 2's levels as more grand, sweeping adventures! The Grandiose Back to Saturn X - esselfortium, et al. - Even though E3 is still to come, I'm not ruling this out, given my scenario allows all the time in the world for projects to be developed and completed. On the whole, this trilogy's a surefire candidate. Eviternity - Dragonfly, et al. - As "high-budget" a release as I think I'm willing to go - anything more and I'm not convinced you could call it something that logically follows on in Doom 2's spirit. But this one's a 32-level opus, burgeoning with modern creativity and artistic flair. It definitely counts.11 points -
[RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!
paranoidroid and 10 others reacted to Tristan for a topic
Last batch of MIDIs are up on youtube, this just leaves the map30 track...11 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
DJVCardMaster and 7 others reacted to Veeda Vidlak for a topic
Map25 “Boreas” by Dragonfly Boss fight! Boreas starts with a slow descent into the heart of this corrupted ice fortress. Dragonfly doesn’t waste time; we get a brief skirmish with some imps before being taken to the main event, an isolated oval platform with two switches on the raised sides and the equivalent of a megasphere plus some medkits for health. Upon triggering both switches the steel box in the center lowers to reveal… The Heresiarch! He’s a bulky fellow that takes some time to kill and attacks by shooting ghosts at you (is… this a Daikatana reference?) Getting hit directly by his Casper projector hurts quite a bit and the ectoplasmic enemies drain your health if they touch you. They don’t linger around for long, but they love to swallow your rockets, so treat them similarly to lost souls in that regard. After downing him a small army shows up. Nothing fancy, but you’ll likely take damage from hitscanners doing hitscanner things. But wait! Just as we’re finishing up another heresiarch appears and displays his real power… necromancy. All these enemies are repeatedly resurrected in his presence and it does not take a lick of his concentration, he’s still spewing out phantoms. It’s not backbreakingly hard but the attrition will kill you, go after him aggressively. The RL, which was risky with him alone, is now probably just a bad choice so stick with the SSG. And don’t let your guard down after its over, a vile and some pinkies approach from the exit area and will gank you if unprepared. Um… actually, you know what, ignore me. Despite playing twice I straight up didn’t notice I had a plasma… just… use that I’m sure it works better. Anyway, as far as boss maps go, I liked this one quite a bit. The enemy is rather unique, and the battle flow was done excellently. Facing the heresiarch alone (with only minor difficulty), then facing what appears to just be a common teleport arena, and finally having a rematch where our new foe shows what he can REALLY do is great gameplay-based storytelling. And the whole time it felt like I was playing Doom and not fighting a gimmick boss. Kudos.8 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
ReaperAA and 7 others reacted to DJVCardMaster for a topic
MAP25 - Boreas - Dragonfly (100%K/I/S): Hey, a short boss map, needed those after so many long ones. Thanks Dragonfly. You will get introduced to a new monster: Your average D'Sparil clone. At first, you will think he does nothing, and yes, he does not do that much, those ghosts that he throws are not much for you at this point. So you will kill him easily and start thinking it is actually lame. Then monsters start appearing, and he appears again after you killed some of them, and you see that, yes, he revives the fuck out of everyone that dies instantly. Making him an annoying pest that only creates a horde to defend himself, just like a pollitician, so having to get a space to shot him will be a test of patience. Disgusting. I've underappreciated you a lot at first, mister. Nice boss-fight, I won't mind, I kinda needed a break, but if I actually have to rate it as a regular map, it will rank low. Order of preference:8 points -
8 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
DJVCardMaster and 6 others reacted to ReaperAA for a topic
MAP25: Boreas by Dragonfly A fairly short map that serves as a boss fight episode closure map and as an introduction to another new enemy. The new enemy in question is the Necromenace. He has recolored skin of Hexen's Heresiarch and sits at 2800 health (just 200 shy from a SMM) and has splash damage immunity, meaning RL is probably not the best weapon to use against him. But there's another reason why I won't advise RL and it's that he fires ghosts (which seem have limited lifespan) that have low health, but can nonetheless cause you to face rocket. You will first fight a Necromenace alone in a small/medium size arena and you might think to yourself, he isn't that threatening. His ghost attacks only do tickle damage and his fast projectile does about as much damage as a baron fireball I think. But once you kill him, a gang of varied enemies will teleport. Nothing too threatening. But after around a minute, another Necromenace will teleport and now you will really get to see the true potential of this enemy. His ghosts can revive enemies. Killing him quickly is extremely vital to not get overwhelmed. It's why I don't recommend to use plasma at all until the 2nd Necromenace arrives. I would recommend to kill the 1st Necromenace with just the SSG. Once you manage to kill the 2nd Necromenace, your path to the exit will open. And an archvile will teleport alongside demons. If you spared some rockets, you can finish them off without a problem and go to the exit. The map isn't the strongest map of Eviternity 2 by any means, but it's serves its purpose well and it's short length works well after Temeraire being a pretty big map. As for thoughts on Episode 5, on my first playthrough, I considered it the overall weakest episode of Eviternity 2 by a small margin (through still very good). But now on my 2nd walkthrough and also doing some maps in single segments, I think this might be my 2nd favorite episode in the wad now (after episode 3). The maps are really cool (pun may be intended :p) and the incidental combat is the strongest of all the other episodes I feel.7 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
DJVCardMaster and 6 others reacted to Dragonfly for a topic
Necromenace. 👍7 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Mike_C and 6 others reacted to TheHambourgeois for a topic
7 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
BMWAG65321 and 5 others reacted to NeilForshaw for a topic
Working more on my Doom 2 in city only (link below). Made the bridges "proper" and also experimenting with making the land blend into the void a bit better. For6 points -
Share Your Sprites!
Chameeleoh and 5 others reacted to Desfar for a topic
6 points -
I live in Australia. The handheld conventional firearm is a fictional device invented to act as a plot element in 1950s noir thrillers because choreographed fistfights were getting too expensive and eating up too much screentime, and the idea of the magic wands of fantasy appearing in an otherwise-contemporary setting had yet to catch on. It is impossible for anything smaller than a mounted aircraft turret to be "unrealistic" or "inaccurately depicted" by definition, because they do not exist in the real world of flesh and man.6 points
Wanted to be somewhere cozy today.6 points
Share Your Sprites!
Gothic and 5 others reacted to Sonik.o.fan for a topic
6 points -
The Lost Levels for Doom II (TLLD2)
Xeebleton and 4 others reacted to United VirusX for a topic
Earlier last year I played through and completed the "Doom 64 for Doom II" wad released back in 2018 for the first time and loved it so much it inspired me to recreate the Lost Levels made by Samuel Villarreal (Kaiser) that where released in the 2020 remaster of Doom 64, They are made with vanilla assets and I'm attempting my very best to make the maps compatible with Vanilla Doom/Chocolate Doom. My goal for this project is to make it on par with the quality of "Doom 64 for Doom II". There will be some assets taken from "D64D2" and there will be new music made by NewHouse. here's some footage I've made of the project as is atm. Map01: Plant Ops running in DSDA-Doom Map01: Plant Ops running in Choco-Doom Preview of Map02: Evil Sacrifice running in Choco-Doom5 points -
MAP26: Myriad by Tristan Clark, Guardsoul and Dragonfly I didn't know what to expect from an episode named "Celestial". I know it means "heavenly", but we've already visited Heaven in the first chapter. Turns out, it's a voidscape under a starry sky. I guess it makes some sense, as in "celestial bodies". Myriad starts among rocks and teal liquid, it's an unnerving part, no small part thanks to its creepy soundtrack. As if this place is just wrong and you were never supposed to be here. Pressing a switch in the caves opens a wall to reveal a giant arena, meticulously crafted and awe-inspiring. There are guns and ammo placed on invisible pillars, so you'd expect a slaughter (considering 1200+ monsters), but not yet. First you need to clear six distinct challenge rooms, where you have to face some more unorthodox tasks. So I started with one labelled "Conceal". You have a corridor with archviles on both sides and covers travelling forward. The goal is to manage their line of sight until you reach the end. Also, there are corporals at the end of the corridor, I've killed them just to have one less thing to worry. "Destroy" came second, it's a series of floating islands, where the route is blocked by cyberdemons. Thank God I've finally learnt how to two-shot them, as you are given a BFG and just enough ammo. "Endure" was an interesting one, your health gets reduced to 1% (thanks to a combination of explosions and death exit) and you have to deal with three waves of imps and zombies, the last one adds crushers and a chaingunner that blocks the exit. "Evade" was probably the easiest one - a huge room, monsters everywhere and you, standing on top of a column. The goal here is to not die before the exit teleporter lowers, but if you just run in circles, you should barely get hit. It's the only part of the map I've completed on my first attempt. Then came "Silence". I'd call this one a stealth mission. This section is filled with a new enemy type, a nightmare cacodemon. Essentially, a quicker, tougher and stronger version of astral caco. You don't want to wake them up. After a few tries, I understood what to do. If you stand inside sectors that have a skybox as a floor, they won't hear your shots. I thought I had this figured out - repeat this two times and a lift raises, shoot another switch (this time without a skybox to muffle your sounds) and run through the open doors. It's not done yet, that was just a tutorial. The next part drops you into a huge cavern with roaming spectres and later nightmare demons, who do a great job blocking your way. The task is the same, search the place for switches and figure out a way to shoot them without waking up the black cacodemons. This wasn't that hard, but the ending, where a nightmare caco jumps at you, pushing you towards the teleporter, was totally unexpected. "Silence" was a tense challenge and probably my favourite of all six. The last part is "Passage", a grid with a pulsating light that shows you the way (think Last Call, but it teleports you to the start, instead of telefragging). I've noticed a path behind the start, it granted me the first secret of the map. Put a pin on this, I'll return to secrets later. Anyway, this would have been a breeze, if it wasn't for a cyberdemon that appears at the opposite end. Unless you have a photographic memory (I don't), you'll need to stop after several tiles and wait for the guiding light. This makes you a sitting duck, waiting for enemy rockets. Luckily, it was more scare than threat and I cleared this one out. So, six challenges done, don't worry about the monsters you've left behind, they all got killed. Now you can press a switch that unlocks the exit and deal with 500 enemies that appear in the arena. Most will kill one another, just make laps around the place, clear obstacles with your BFG and eliminate the stragglers - in my case, nightmare cacodemons. Now, since there are 7 secrets, 6 challenge rooms and I've already found one in "Passage", I figured the others are in other rooms and they unlock the final one. So I went searching and indeed, found them - each one lowers a torch that should open a giant door near the arena. Except for some reason one torch wasn't triggered and I had no idea if the map broke or I missed something. So I consulted the editor and it turns out, I was indeed missing something. It was the one in "Passage", the first one I've found. There was a shootable switch by the platform that was marked as a secret. I just stepped on the platform, triggered the secret and thought that was all I needed to do. After shooting the switch, the last torch lowered and well, it was not something I expected. The teleporter took me to a ship, docked by a green island. A quick search lead me to the perforator, the first one outside the secret levels. I appreciate hordes of imps that appear here, it was a perfect wind-down after a long map. Myriad is another awesome map, a giant and creative adventure that's hard to forget. It's probably up there with Equanimity when it comes to more unusual challenges and the arena fight was an exciting setpiece.5 points
hello my first map this is doomers5 points
Phew.. apologies for falling behind. Work and school have been extremely busy this week. Anyway: Ultra violence 100% kills/secrets, Pistol start, Using saves Played on DSDA Doom v0.27.5 -complevel 21 Map 19: Spellbound - 16:04 A step back in difficulty from the previous two maps, Spellbound is a.. spellbinding.. jaunt through a village and it's natural outskirts. The buildings and running and gunning through the town are a pretty unique feel for a doom wad, and both the town and the natural scenery are well-complemented by each other thanks to both OTEX 2 and their thoughtful placement. There isn't too much to say about this one combat-wise, but I like the trap near the end with the two arch-viles followed by a swarm of imps and barons. The annihilator in the secret megasphere room is definitely this maps deadliest encounter though. He got me multiple times, admittedly. Having the plasma gun makes a few fights too easy though, the blue key fight for example would have been more fun if I was forced to do it with an SSG. Having said that, I can in a way appreciate the step back in intensity in favor of visuals, especially anticipating a couple tough maps in episode 5. Difficulty: 5/15 Map 20: Dominion - 19:33 The capstone map of episode 4 is once again a fair bit tamer than the last episodes finale. The Duke of hell gets introduced here, he's a bit tougher than a hell knight but weaker than a baron. I like him; it's fun to weave in between his projectiles and cut him down with super shotgun or bfg. Funnily enough "Duke of Hell" was also my placeholder name for him before I found that was actually what he's called. The action for most of the map is not very eventful aside from a rush of like 12-14 revenants. That was pretty cool. The final battle more than sticks the landing, though. A rush of nightmare demons and sniping hell dukes followed by an avalanche of bullsh*t when you get the BFG. Very cathartic fight and makes up for most of the map being pretty boring on the action side of things. But again, theres plenty of exploration and secret hunting to be had here if that's your thing. Episode four is definitely a bit easier than episode three on the whole, and while part of me was a bit disappointed at that fact I think the greater emphasis on visuals and exploration are done well enough to not leave too sour a taste. Difficulty: 5/15 Map 21: Numb - 13:48 The start of episode 5 brings back the snow/icy visuals of episode 3 of Eviternity 1, but this time with more tech base than grand wood and stone architecture. Episode 5 so far is very much like the weather near me right now.. :). About Numb though, I'm not too sure about it. It's got some fun gameplay and I really dig the chilled out midi, but the ice physics annoy me and the episodic pacing kinda bores me too. The fight with the annihilator particularly is really dangerous and annoying because of the ice. You're rewarded with a bunch of zombiemen getting gibbed with the rocket launcher afterwards though so I can't complain too much. I do really enjoy the revenant super shotgun battle at the end of the first of either path as well. The ending though is pretty grating with like 4 astral cacos, an annihilator, and several nightmare demons in a pretty cramped area. Overall it's a fairly transitional map but a good visual tone-setter and a fine starting map. Difficulty: 5/155 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
DJVCardMaster and 4 others reacted to RHhe82 for a topic
MAP25: Boreas. Played on DSDA v0.27.4, UV, PS. 88/88 K, 0/0 S, 1/1 I. Comp. time 10:29 Only 88 monsters? This is gonna be breather? More importantly, an episode ender, so perhaps one big showdown? Well, yes. It's a short map, and it introduces one new enemy - possibly the last aside from a probable final boss? - which I'm gonna call Heresiarch until the clubbers give me its official name. The enemy is cool, but... this map rubbed me the wrong way despite being short. Not the Heresiarch, although it does revive enemies like an archie, which was part of the problem: the supplies aren't that plentiful, the medikits are used fast, and that's a bummer when black robed bastard revives hitscanners. But the worst thing is that the edges of the small arena are wonky, I would very easily get stuck in a fence, especially when trying to grab some of the few medikits. After numerous midfight saves and luck, the second wave of Heresiarch dies... and of course an archvile appears, when I'm already low on ammo and health. Okay, a skill issue, to be sure, but ugh. Sorry. Not my favourite. Although to be fair, I might have been exhausted by Temeraire when I played this, so there's that. (Upon posting this a couple of days later: watching Vytaan playthrough and thinking about it, I played poorly, and that sadly affected my impression of the map).5 points -
What are you currently reading?
Aaron Blain and 4 others reacted to aloysiusfreeman for a topic
5 points -
5 points
A thread for my artwork.
OnionTaco22 and 3 others reacted to StalkerBlade for a topic
I've spent a lot of time out of my years drawing and painting. When it comes to actually sharing my artwork, I've been a bit of a hermit about doing that for a long time. I tend to hoard a lot of my own art, which is kind of a bad habit if you're like me and would like to do art for a living someday... I'll be using this thread as a sort of dumping ground for the art I create. You may or may not like the things I draw, which is perfectly fine. I do generally like just seeing what someone thinks when they see my art, so don't be afraid to let me know what you think. I usually do artwork of personal characters of mine: Or just one offs: I also do some Doom every now and then: A lot of my art is also usually inspired by metal music or themes, if that's something you might be into.4 points -
Hello guys, I'm excited to release my first single-player map for Doom 2! The Outpost 13 is a huge reference to The Thing, the 1982 John Carpenter movie. Boom compatible. Tested with GZDoom, PRBoom, and DSDA. Difficulties are supported, but UV brings the true experience. Approximately 15 minutes of gameplay. It's also my debut as a music composer. Please turn up the music for the best immersive experience. Special thanks to Helm and quakis for their support, playtesting and feedback. It would not be that easy and fun without you, pals. I've recently created a Discord server if you'd like to keep track of my Doom stuff. Or you can follow me on Twitter. P.S. I am aware of the outside windows' visual glitch. Unfortunately, I was not able to fix that. Download v OP13.zip4 points
Bloodbath Babylon II - Savage Garden. Single map in a deadly, verdant oasis!
Armolitskiy and 3 others reacted to EduardoAndFriends for a topic
Howdy doody, Doom World folks! This is Savage Garden, a linear set of fights set in a lush, overgrown demonic park featuring the same elements of splatter found in Bloodbath Babylon I but with a bit more oomph. IMPORTANT INFO: IWAD: Doom II Comp Level: 9 (Boom) Sourceport(s): Tested on GzDoom v4.11.3 and DSDA v0.27.4 NO JUMPING OR CROUCHING. NAUGHTY! DON'T DO IT! Mouselook is all good, I won't tell. Map #: Map01. (Map02 is a THANKS that stops you stumbling into Underhalls) Let green torches be your guide. Green = go! DOWNLOAD HERE: (Beta 4 - 19/03/2024) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2ykx3cqh4or552ov3p5pm/BBB02-Beta04.zip?rlkey=5iqcbyuw2pna6bj5oox2rqdrd&dl=1 This is the second map in what is planned to be a series of maps set in this lush Babylonian environment, the first map being "Into The Sandy City", which you can find here: I had the idea of making these maps not link together to provide myself with more creative freedom, but I've now found the first map leading directly into this one, so ... I guess things will link up eventually? I'll make that call when I've finished all the maps, I suppose. The Story (same as part one): The UAC (yeah, those guys) are up to their tricks again. UAC archaeologists established a dig on the site of an ancient Babylonian city, at the heart of which once sat the fabled Tower of Babel. These wicked scientists discovered a manuscript, the reading of which lead to the possession of the supplied armed forces and with a grinding that shook the earth, stones and turrets pushed their way through the bedrock of ages. When the dust cleared, where previously there stood a parched desert, now stands a lush oasis bristling with greenery, cool water, and humming with life. Demonic life. The haunted city has been reborn. Our hero was unceremoniously called in from his well earned shore leave for another mission. Penetrate the city. Kill all in sight. Get to the Tower. And bury it under the sand once again. New stuff! Sexy new barrel sprites I cobbled together: Sexy new plasma gun sound and sprites (gotta go with green). Sound courtesy of Eviternity II. Extra weak lost souls (you're welcome, as they tend to travel in packs). Weak cyberdemon too. He now comes in blueberry flavour. Obligatory EduardoAndFriends FastPistol (TM). Lots of explosions! Yet ANOTHER yummy stewboy MIDI, Neighbouring Tribes. Love it so much. CREDITS: A massive THANKS to @Biodegradable and Tim Doherty for getting stuck in and giving the map a play for me. Cheers, blokes! Textures courtesy of the hugely talented Ukiro by way of OTEX (imbedded in the WAD for future map usage, hence the WAD's size) and Insane_Gazebo by way of Sunder. All appropriate credits will be addressed when it's ready for an idgames upload. Plasma sound and foliage sprites from Eviternity II. Appropriate credit will be addressed same as above. Barrel from Hexen which I fudged around with. Music: map music by stewboy and title and intermission tune by Jimmy Paddock. Blue cyber graphics from Fractured Worlds. I think that's it. Will add more if I've forgotten anything. PICS: As always, any and all feedback is much appreciated. Updates will come when needed, so keep your eyes peeled for 'em. Hope you have fun. :)4 points -
[UDMF] [Heretic] Blue Straggler - A highly detailed blue-themed map
Koff3Katt and 3 others reacted to TheEvilGrin for a topic
---------------- BLUE STRAGGLER ----------------- Information : Iwad : any Heretic Iwad Content : one map (E1M1), new decorations Music : 'Iron Lick' by Tristan Clark (from the Raven Midi Pack) Build Time / Editors : 6 months on and off, using UDB and Slade for the sprite recolors Difficulty settings : not implemented (on a scale from Entryway to God Machine, somewhere around the Wayfarer's latest maps) Textures used : Baker's Legacy, the Medieval Texture Pack Credits : playtesting by @Lemonlytical Screenshots : --------------------- DOWNLOAD -------------------- Any feedback is appreciated ! Thanks in advance for playing ! blue_str_v2.zip4 points -
Cover art by Maria Kinnun New year, new Wadazine! It's been about 5 months since the last issue but here we are, back and better than ever with some good dooming content. While initially I had planned to make it a little more festive and xmas-themed, time and real-life (hardcore boss shit) got in the way of dooming, so we had to cut back some stuff and delay the premiere of this issue to give us ourselves some time to breath. We got some new faces and editors that are helping out with the betterment of the Wadazine, and it has been quite the joy to work along the team to get you guys this new issue out. To celebrate Doom 30th anniversary, we also jammed this issue with retro bonanza and some good ol' 90s beauty. Maximal Doom comes punching as a top 50 list of the best WADs of 1994, just the perfect read if you are one of those guys that are still stuck in the past (me) and prefer to relieve the good memories. As a companion piece, there's also the Why Play 90s WADs? article which is more or less a personal piece where I explain the subjective beauty of classical maps and why me and other people still enjoy playing them despite the huge ocean of modern content coming out daily. We also have a fun short story that through you into Martian chaos with Echoes of Damnation, as well as a fantastical piece on MBF for the source-port enthusiasts: Beyond Boom. And as you can expect, a ton of WAD reviews, with the main features including: Elegant Agony 64, Elementalism Phase One, GMOTA, Afternoon, Lost Civilization, Sekhemti, Terminal Stages of Nostalgia, and Corruption! And yes, more, more, more. Grab it: » » Wadazine #22 « « And you can also find us on: The Doomshack --» https://doomshack.org/wadazine/ Chris Hansen's DOOM page --» https://windward.dk/TDR/?page_id=991 Ryath's web digitaleidoscope --» https://www.digitaleidoscope.com/wadazine/ Special thanks to our graphic wizards: @Nikoxenos @TheEvilGrin @4MaTC And to our writers, contributors and helpers: @LadyMistDragon @Eric Claus @Immorpher @taufan99 @Gaia74 @Chris McAuley And to our hosts: @Doomkid @scwiba @Chris Hansen And special thanks to all the community for supporting us. And as usual, remember: » Join our Discord Server for the Doom Master Wadazine: https://discord.gg/Q2RKn4J The central HUB for everything and anything Wadazine related and Doom WADs! A great community to hang out with! » Contributions and help are always, always welcome! Especially regarding graphic design. » If you want to participate, either by writing an article or creating a review, PM me or join the Discord, you are most welcome! » Any questions, ask them and I'll try to answer them. » Leave a comment and share! » And have a good day, doomer! :D4 points
combining Umapinfo and Zmapinfo
LoatharMDPhD and 3 others reacted to Dark Pulse for a question
Shouldn't even really be necessary. If GZDoom finds a ZMAPINFO, it will read that, and ignore any other MAPINFO-type lumps. Basically, ZMAPINFO will be read by GZDoom, and the UMAPINFO will thus be ignored. Other ports, meanwhile, will have no idea what to do with ZMAPINFO, and will thus read the UMAPINFO. So it should "simply work."4 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
ReaperAA and 3 others reacted to Cutman 999 for a topic
I will not be posting here next month since i'm gonna be unavailable for most of it, but i still have my chance to vote so: +++ 10x10/Sigil2 Giving diet sunder a vote again for the people interested in it I've seen, sigil 2 is obvious, to see what the consensus are in the romero episode that came out almost at the same time as this month's wad, because I'm very mixed on what its quality is and It would be interesting at least to read some opinions here. MAP25 - “Boreas” by Dragonfly (Pistol start, saveless, 100%K/I/S) This map is so weird. It starts with an imp setpiece that funny enough, reminds me of something I did in my first attempts of mapping, it only lacked to have extra 500 enemies, and it would been the same. Then you fight a boss monster named necromancer, I think, which is basically a super buffed pain elemental skinned as a raven software enemy, with a cyberdemon 3 wave attack, and the souls he spawns can resurrect dead monsters off the distance. In a megawad where the most far it went with custom enemies was just "cacodemon with mancubus attack pattern" and "2 varieties of hell nobles but with an extra pinch of chili powder", this sounds ridiculously stacked. After you beat him, other 60 enemies spawn in the arena, and then another necromancer appears, this time with a big pile of corpses to resurrect over and over again. I have to be honest, I don't like when the treat is more the enemies that he resurrects, giving you very little space to move in a relatively small arena, than the boss itself, is a trope from character action games that undermines what he can actually do. A cool demonstration for showing what he can do in regular combat, I suppose, but as a part of a boss level seems a bit lame. After that just be careful or a surprise archvile with his personal army of pinkies would murder you, if not you are joever with the level. Probably my least favorite of these episode enders, it offers the least over the previous 4, even the episode 2 one had a more interesting introduction of its custom monster, not trying to overstay it's welcome with the same just that you just have to deal with more stuff at the same time, letting the astral mancs as just turrets communicated that they are a treat as individuals as well as turrets very efficiently, it wasn't reiterative like in this case that is just repeating the same but with respawning enemies. Best episode of the wad, but with the worst ender. 5/104 points -
Doom 2 In City Only - Community Project [All Slots Claimed]
senpaigru and 3 others reacted to NeilForshaw for a topic
Working more on my Doom 2 in city only (link below). Made the bridges "proper" and also experimenting with making the land blend into the void a bit better. 4 points -
I've been really busy this week. Hoping to get back to mapping this weekend, I've got
Walter confetti and 3 others reacted to Arrowhead for a status update
I've been really busy this week. Hoping to get back to mapping this weekend, I've got some big ideas for the 'nature' episode of Frantik DM 3. So far I know there will be a park level, a cavern level, maybe some kind of island level, maybe a forest / jungle level, and maybe a level set in a desert... I'll be starting mapping Saturday - got a major mapping itch after not touching the editor for a week... Oh yeah, before I forget, I'll try to get out the few remaining single maps I didn't publish in 2023 soon. :)4 points -
GZDoom/UV/Contiuous/Saves Write-ups from memory MAP25: Boreas - Dragonfly I saw the kill count and immediately assumed we were in for a short one. Wouldn't be the first MAP25 in an Eviternity WAD to be short! Unlike the previous WAD's MAP25, this one is a straight-up boss fight! After dealing with a wave of imps, we go outside to face another new enemy, the necromenace. This Heresiarch reskin didn't seem too bad at first. His main plasma attack is pretty easy to dodge, and the ghosts he shoots out didn't really seem to do much damage even though they followed me around and made using rockets not the ideal method to take him out. No big deal, he was dead quickly. Then a wave of normal enemies came in, so I started dealing with them, and by the time I got a lot of them dead, ANOTHER necromenance showed up. Did not expect that. Also did not expect those ghosts he fires to resurrect dead enemies. Great, a tankier archie, just what we needed! Guess I should have figured given the "necro" in its name. Upon seeing this I decided to stop playing nice and pulled out the perforator to end this quickly. And to kill the archie that shows up at the exit too. Necromenaces don't get deployed very often in the rest of the WAD, but they are high priority when surrounded by other enemies. Overall, a short and sweet map to end the ep on. Good showcase of the new monster. Onto the final ep! I don't think I'll be voting for anything for next month, as I didn't have time to replay this for this month, and I do want to focus on FFVII Remake so I can play the new one when it comes out at the end of the month (of course after I finish making the map for Embryo that's due on the 15th, but I plan on hopefully getting that done this weekend).4 points
4 points
I don't know, as I remember it the staff-written reviews phased out and then, some time later, the community review center was implemented. Meaning it already had a large backlog from the beginning. That said, it did get longer and longer, I remember just before it got shut down completely it was like 3 years out. My strategy would be to just start from today and consider the backlog a loss, maybe people who got missed and would still like a review could make a special request, but so many submissions from the past 5 years are just not that critical to review especially if the author is not active anymore or if the mod got even a small amount of recognition already. The point of /newstuff was to review what was just released and keep up with it, not to catalogue years of WADs. I think if we were able to start with a clean slate then it would be plausible to keep up with submissions, especially if it is restricted to /idgames uploads just like before. If indeed those have slowed down by way of WIP/casual project threads becoming more common, the workload shouldn't be too insane.4 points
Rusty Drill - A Scythe Themed Community Project (Slots Filled?) New Beta Available (4/11/24)
Heretic926 and 3 others reacted to A2Rob for a topic
Hello, just stopping by to say that this project isn't dead. I've been busy with other personal projects at the moment, but once those are all sorted, I have a plan on getting Rusty Drill to a somewhat finished state moving ahead. Stay tuned.4 points -
Share Your Sprites!
horselessheadsman and 3 others reacted to Taw Tu'lki for a topic
4 points -
Share Your Sprites!
Love Shovel and 3 others reacted to Taw Tu'lki for a topic
Doomguy is crying with bloody tears4 points -
4 points
you included mm1 and requiem but not mm2? smh jimmy, smh...so ashamed. anyways, i'm gonna go with something a lot of people likely aren't gonna think of: strain. strain straight up touted itself as a successor to doom 2. from its description: it was also a pretty massive project that had shitloads of people working on it and playtesting it, bigger than anyone had seen up to that point afaik. it includes all sorts of neat things like custom enemies, loads of custom textures, new music...stuff that would've wowed people back in 1997. it, alongside requiem, was a sort of culmination of all the prior years of doom modding, with several big names of the 90s having worked on it. now, whether it still holds up, ehhhhh. but that's besides the point - it very much was something that nobody had seen before, and for its time it was pretty damn impressive.4 points
Do you care about unrealistic/inaccurate guns?
ChopBlock223 and 3 others reacted to Murdoch for a topic
I grew up around guns, but I absolutely positively could not give less of a shit. I don't play games for realism. I only have three things I care about for weapons. 1. Does it look and sound awesome? 2. Is it fun to use? 3. Does it reliably murder my enemies?4 points -
Reflections and Aspirations: MBF21 in 2024
ctwoafiveb and 3 others reacted to ReaperAA for a topic
One thing I would definitely like to see is support for negative damage. Quoting myself from a thread I made last year.4 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
ReaperAA and 3 others reacted to Veeda Vidlak for a topic
Map24 “Temeraire” by Seongbae Park (antares031) Oh, hell yes. Antares’s presence foretells a good time as anyone who played Struggle could tell you. His lone solo entry, Temeraire, is a sequel to Eviternity’s Frimaire (map14) and improves on an already stellar design to give us one of the banner maps of Eviternity II. Right off the bat rocket that archvile and execute whatever plan you have to make a foothold. You... can stand your ground in the opening area but ammo is tight, and you’d better be a crack shot with the rocket launcher to fend off nm demons, astralcacos, and a pain elemental among other foes. There is an SSG on the ice roughly due east of the starting block and you’ll want that ASAP, it’s crucial for fending off the early rush. Once able to breathe you’ll no doubt notice the obvious parallels with Frimaire. You might also recall that Frimaire had harrowing arena combat and Antares ups the ante for Eviternity II. While the rest of the incidental combat is resting heart rate, none of the three skull key arenas are anywhere near gimmes. Arena fights, we get some damn good ones so put your game face on. We can do them in any order (I think) but the yellow skull one has a secret BFG so I’d recommend that one first. It’s similar to one of Frimaire’s fights, a big circular thunderdome, except this time the starting enemies are a cyberdemon and archviles. You really want to kill those viles quick because after a few seconds the room starts to fill up and you’ll have all sorts of nonsense to deal with (including sniping astralmancs and another cyber). The blue skull key arena (north in the techbase) is actually shown ahead of time, you can see the key and ultimately teleport to it. We get a lock-in fight against waves of various foes, PEs, nm demons, astralcacos, revs, imps, hell-knights… It’s perfectly manageable with the BFG and likely still fine without. You can weaken this one beforehand as well with a nifty secret not far from the red door. Then we have the red skull key arena, which I think is the hardest. It’s an… intimate crate warehouse to the east that constantly floods the place with monsters. Unlike the other two, there is very little room to dodge all the astral projectiles, rev missiles, and nightmare demons clogging everything up. Walk in here with a fully stocked BFG or get ready to gitgud, not much else to say. Now that we have all six keys, take the teleporter and… oop, rip blind run. So here we have a headliner moment of the wad… a cyberdemon blocking a teleporter and his 59 cyberbuddies on the elevated rocks behind him. Running into a deluge of rockets was not the winning strategy but upon getting back here (and saving this time) I found that moving in an erratic oval pattern forward and back wasn’t getting me hit. Upon removing the roadblock, teleport onto Her Majesty’s battleship of supreme awesomeness (holy shit Antares) and make your way up to the fire switch which MOTHERFUCKING BLOWS THEM ALL TO THE SEVENTH CIRCLE OF HELL, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!? What a jaw-dropper. Best moment of the wad. Oh and did I mention this battleship looks phenomenal? Good luck to Jody “Kill-Crazy” Russell on sinking this thing. Yeah… no hyberbole. This map is incredible. Absolutely incredible. Its incidental combat is good, its arena combat is good, its ending is unforgettable, and its classic Antares design is of the highest standard. The crown jewel of what’s looking like the strongest overall episode at the moment.4 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II
Azure_Horror and 3 others reacted to Ralgor for a topic
MAP24 - “Temeraire” by antares031 Deaths: 16 Holy moly, we have here a real barn-burner of a map. The not-technically-hot start is one of the toughest yet, although I think MAP22 might edge it out. Like that map, stuff keeps filtering in, and any attempt to move forward will wake up more enemies and have them find you at the most inopportune times. I died only once though, but on the second attempt I came really close to dying multiple times. It took quite a while for things to cool down so I could begin figuring out the progression of this map. Unlike any other map in this wad, this one has six keys. And there's a door that needs all six. That means six fights that start out pretty sedate and end on two near-slaughter lock-in fights. The key card fights aren't that bad. I survived the blue and yellow ones easily, and died once on the red keycard fight. Mostly because I was in a hurry and was trying to be fancy. At this point I was thinking this map wasn't too hard. Then I started on the skull keys. I died once on the blue skull key fight, though I'm not entirely sure how I didn't die the second time. It was close. Nearly half of my deaths came from the yellow skull key fight. I blame bad health management. There's plenty of health and ammo here, I'm just bad at knowing when to grab it. I probably died around 6 times here, at least three from arch-viles, and at least two more times due to random rockets from the cyberdemons. This also happens to be one of my favorite fights in the whole wad up to this point. The next skull key fight was much easier, as I only died once. That's partially due to the secret BFG I found though after completing that previous fight. Once you have all of the keys, you can open the door and board the Temeraire. I have no clue how antares pulled this off, but it's the most absolutely breathtaking bit of "doomcute" I've seen in a map. Can a term like "doomcute" apply to something this massive and well realized? Honestly, the best part about that "BFG" secret is being able to see the ship from a good angle. Anyway, teleporting to the ship actually takes you to the bow of it, and sixty cyberdemons are in front of you and begin firing rockets. You have to kill the front cyberdemon and run through the teleporter to actually board the ship. Then man the firing controls and use the ship to blast them all back to hell. It's probably the best ending of a map I've ever seen. I'm in awe. It did kill me around 6 times though total. I actually survived the first time quite a while but wasn't sure what I was actually supposed to do. I obviously couldn't kill them all myself. I think after the second death I figured out what I was supposed to do, and it took me a few tries to not eat a rocket while doing it. After killing the cyberdemons, I stupidy walked the plank and hit the water, dying instantly. I didn't even mind because the ending was so awesome I wanted to see it again anyway. All of the secrets are well done. I only needed assistance from UDB on a single secret, that one being the shootable switch that opens up the non-shiny door to the outside. I knew this must be a secret, and I saw the differently colored alcove, but it didn't occur to me to look next to it. I used UDB to confirm that yes, this IS a secret, so I kept at it and eventually found the switch. Before I looked it up in UDB I had pretty well convinced myself it must not be a secret, but that was a mistake. The rest I found on my own, and they were all well designed. The music track for this level was excellent. It really stood out to me. I can't decide whether this one or MAP14 is my favorite map of the wad. I'm going to go for a tie for now. I REALLY liked the puzzles in MAP14, but then there's that massive ship. I just don't know. But well done. I really need to play Struggle soon! MAP25 - “Boreas” by Dragonfly Deaths: 1 This is a small boss map, with a new boss! Oddly enough though the hardest part of this map seems to be not looking at the architecture while you slowly get lowered into an inescapable pit. I have to admit I laughed at myself for that. The second attempt at the map was my first attempt at the boss, and I killed him. I wouldn't say I did it easily, but it wasn't that hard either. It was a really good boss fight though. It's so rare to see good boss or mini-boss monsters in Doom, and so that's the highlight of the map. It is a recolor of the Hexen boss called the Heresiarch. I am kind of glad this wasn't super difficult. Bosses tend to be hit and miss, and are more likely to miss if they are too awfully difficult. The previous and next maps are hard enough we needed the breather anyway. The music for this boss battle was good. It has plenty of energy. Episode Thoughts I like the episode's theme, but it's not my favorite in the wad. The maps however are some of the best in the wad. MAP23 and MAP24 are two of my top 5 maps in this wad so far, and the others were pretty good too. The effects used were great too. The reflective surfaces really stood out, and the snow was great. Seeing it work in DSDA-Doom was pretty nice too, even though I've been using GZDoom for this playthrough. We also have finally started to get some bite to the wad. I'm really looking forward to the last episode! Addendum: I really want to hear from @antares031 how you went about making that ship. That had to have been a project all on its own. That is, if you have time and the inclination to write something about it. :)4 points -
Since I didn't see it anywhere, and it's just come up in another topic: support for railguns, and fast projectiles that don't risk passing through walls (like Hexen's Mage's wand). One thing I've also been thinking: It would be really nice if ports could adopt TX_START/TX_END from ZDoom and finally not have to worry about TEXTUREx and PNAMES lumps. This isn't exactly in spec for a new mapping format, but it could be an addition made to any port that ends up supporting a new MBF2x standard.4 points
Hi all. There are recent official efforts underway to get Doomworld into a more stable and maintainable shape. I can't give a a timeline yet on when everything will be ready, as I don't want to overpromise, but I hope the knowledge that the issues are being seriously looked at will help ease some minds. The top priority is getting the forum software and database moved to a more reliable setup (I imagine many of you have noticed the recent site outages), as that's the foundation underlying the whole thing, and these individual issues will be able to be dealt with once that new foundation is in place. Apologies for the delay on this, we're aware it's long overdue. Regarding the doomworld.com domain situation that was described in that post from Linguica, the worst-case "sky is falling" scenario there would be relocating to another domain name, not the loss of the site data itself. That would of course still be far from ideal, so we're doing what we can to get things straightened out to avoid that scenario as well.4 points
DOOM: Damnation Episode 2 UV Max in 36:14 ddamne2-3614.zip3 points
Abscission Demos [-complevel 2]
Maribo and 2 others reacted to Andrea Rovenski for a topic
map03 max 1:30.20 https://youtu.be/XxuXO2Arc2E ab03-13020.zip3 points -
Share Your Sprites!
CravenCoyote and 2 others reacted to Craneo for a topic
3 points