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  1. I think You Should Marble is collection of 10 Marble Themed maps with different color combinations and themes. Most of the variations are done with marble, Though in the later maps I started to use different stuff. I did get a little tired of restricting most stuff to marble textures. Slaughter, Combat puzzle game play. HMP and UV. I hope each map feels unique. There are different combat styles throughout but for the most part I like big rooms and weird architecture. Not every map has every weapon. Forced pistol starts(thanks mbf21). Later maps can get kinda tough, especially map08 isnt too kinda on UV blind runs. With the mood the music brings I hope its fun and fast paced set for people to play. Ill also be honest and say Map01 is more of a speed map but I got a lot more ambitious as I worked on the wad and kind of grew into a style so to speak. With UMAPINFO there is a secret exit end of map03. (or use idclev Idc) Map07 uses '666' and '667' triggers so please don't skip killing mancubi otherwise you will get soft locked. Features : 1000 Health Green Cybers (mastermind replacement) Infinite Rocket Launcher (chainsaw replacement) Tested mostly with DSDA with MBF21. Any Limit removing port that supports MBF21 and UMAPINFO should work but let me know of any Bugs of course. Drop Box RC3 -Credits- Dragonly for the very quick HUD edit Enator18 for dehacked help Otex 32x24intex Doomgappy Muumi Mechadon Skies Map / Track list : Screens
    18 points
  2. Thanks everyone for playing! I want to put this into writing somewhere, and this thread feels as good as any: I don't think you need to compare Eviternity II to other megawads, or even to its predecessor. Not saying you can't, of course, but they are different things and playing one doesn't exclude another. A comparison across all of megawad-dom would make more sense in a contect with more constraints: What's the best wad for a Doom newcomer? What's the top recommendation for someone looking for novel takes on Doom's game loop? What is best suited for someone that can only play an hour or two per week? etc etc. As much as I appreciate the flattering comments here, I also want to say that I very sincerely hope that Eviternity II doesn't poison the well for megawads or cause other mappers to feel like their efforts are inadequate. Doom is a million different things, and they don't need to compete with oneanother. I personally want to make something a lot more modest and scrappy next time, because holy hell was this stressful. I don't think I want to give up 1.5 months of salary just to work on a wad anytime soon again.
    17 points
  3. Yeah, people definitely used to be more set in their ways about what Doom music could be. When BTSX first came out in the early 2010s, someone on here described its soundtrack as "Mexican soap opera music" and asked if the composers were in a competition to see "who could be the most homosexual"(???). Nowadays it seems more accepted to have a variety of sounds and moods in a WAD soundtrack instead of just cheesy general-midi representations of "rawr rawr rip and tear ur guts" etc.
    14 points
  4. Science & Industry is a collection of challenging maps requiring the player to understand and utilize both science and industry to complete. IWAD: Doom2 Complevel: 9 (Boom) Source port: dsda-doom (recommended) gzdoom (tested) Rules: No freelook, no jumping, no crouching, pistol starts Maps: map01 to map13 DOWNLOAD: https://shamblessoftware.co.uk/science/science-rc3.zip This is a rather unusual set of levels I have been working on for a while. They're definitely for the more experienced doom players, as there are strong slaughter elements throughout the wad, but overall it is not a difficult wad when utilizing science and industry fully. Each level is quite short, in the five to ten minute range, but may pose quite a ridiculous challenge initially. Due to the esoteric nature of these levels, I kindly request that bug reports (outside of cosmetic ones) are spoiler tagged. Screenshots inside the spoiler: Edit: RC2 - Updates to map02, map03, map07, map11 and map12. Edit: RC3 - Updates to map03, map10, and map12. Also
    11 points
  5. Quin

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    Been working on a vanilla-compatible hell-themed map...
    10 points
  6. As I've stated a fair few times in a fair few places - at least give me a break first, jeez. 😂 Truth be told, I'm not likely to revisit the Eviternity name to be honest. I don't want to pigeonhole myself into a single series for the rest of my life, there's more ideas and concepts I'd want to explore... Also many, many other hobbies I've been neglecting that I'd want to go and do instead of draw lines all day! :P
    10 points
  7. A more modern one of these that I'm actually not crazy about is using key-track textures to indicate that something leads to a key, not that it's locked. In once instance I remember getting stuck for like ten minutes on a level because a normal, unlocked switch was trimmed with a key texture the exact same way a locked switch would be - but the switch was actually necessary to LOWER the key. Confusing design language!
    9 points
  8. I realise this is a pretty small hill to die on but calling these videos "running doom on [x]" is just insulting. Vast majority of these run Doom somewhere off to the side, and use [x] just to render the screen. Many people work really hard to get the actual code running on Atari ST or 286 or all sorts of devices, and then people come with their pregnancy testers and notepad.exe and what not, and steal the spotlight. I'm not saying it's easy to interface with bacterial cells but they're NOT running Doom. They could "run" Crysis just the same.
    9 points
  9. It's mostly done with textures to create that "ilusion". Inspiration from Culture Shock by lupinx of Ancient Aliens :P ex: Then you need a floor texture of the exactly same color, and since this is pure red, you'll also need lighting at 255 at least in the places with the "fog"
    9 points
  10. fellas is it gay to like music
    9 points
  11. Doom is a colorful, pixelated game with cartoony graphics and cartoony sound effects. There is nothing particularly scary or realistic about most Doom maps, and certainly not about Doom's monsters or gameplay. Hell, one of the most popular and widely-used monsters in the game was specifically designed to make you laugh when it kills you (paraphrasing Romero about the revenant's poses and sound effects), and then there are the swarms of smiling floating meatballs, etc. People who insist that classic Doom needs to be treated as if it's grim and serious are weird, and I will continue to laugh at their very serious complaints about what kinds of music get used for maps.
    8 points
  12. Overall thoughts; It is fair to say that a sequel to Eviternity was on most peoples wishlists, a wad that many considered to be the greatest wad of all time. I must confess that I was never in that crowd, sure it was good but I think I gelled with some other wads more than the original. However I will say here now that I consider Eviternity 2 to be one of the greatest megwads ever made and a fantastic advert for both the expanded OTEX texture pack (Public release pending) and MBF21. At its core the level and combat design is rock solid with maps ranging from good all the way through to potentially legendary status. The themes are varied and never outstay their welcome and the poetic lore that flows through this wad seems so natural. In terms of the episodes; 1st - I think the downfall of Heaven was an excellent setting to start this one, especially after the novel setting in the last episode of Eviternity. I loved Tristan's reprise of Elysium, the sombre aftermath of your previous campaign. It was the perfect tone setter and the following maps flows smoothly and offered engaging combat whilst keeping the difficulty on the easy side. The final map was the highlight of this episode. 2nd - This episode I considered to be the weakest, but only just, there were some very good maps in here and a mix of mapping styles (Bri and An_Mutt with more of a dungeon crawler aspect compared to the more open offerings of the other mappers), I will say that this episode housed the best secret map of the set, so a touch of redemption here. 3rd - The Brutalist episode is the one that could easily end up being bland, but I consider it to be the strongest of the lot, there are two outstanding maps and the rest fill in the gaps perfectly, as I said during this playthrough, but I don't know whether it was deliberate to start the episode in the lush colourful outdoor environment and end it in a bleak, poisonned concrete wasteland, but that adds a lot to the sense of journey in this one. 4th - Whilst this episode didn't have any blockbuster maps, this episode felt the most consistently good, this also housed in my opinion Dragonfly's best map. I think the autumn/historical setting was a great counter to the concrete jungle of the previous episode. 5th - This one started a little low-key (I was expecting the maps to kick on a little bit), but there was a great pay off in both Maps23 and 24 and the boss map was ironically the best in the set (ironic in the sense that the layout was the simplest of the entire set). 6th - A bit of a strange one and I have to question whether the pacing and difficulty was right for this episode, that said the four maps up to the final boss were all of high quality and never outstayed their welcome. Overall, this is a must play for anyone who loves Doom, and a great present to celebrate the 30th birthday of a fantastic game. I think the difficulty plateaus a little too much and the last episode could have been a little tougher overall. The final boss was considerably better than the boss of the first megawad. Overall Score - 4.5/5 Favourite maps - Map11 (the best technically), Map14 (A wonderful map to just wander around in), Map24 (One of the greatest cinematic moments ever). Essentially there were all A+ maps. Honorable mentions - Map01, 05, 15, 18, 19, 20, 23, 29 and 32, like above all of these are grade A maps, which should reflect how positive I feel about this. I am on holiday for a chunk of next month so consider me out of next months campaign.
    8 points
  13. MAP37 - Credits - Dragonfly: Nice credits map, it has an easter egg, I won't tell you how to get it, but congrats on the release and congrats to both Bauul and Ukiro in particular, now you two have a bigger responsibility in hands! Eviternity II - Dragonfly et al.: The sequel to one of the better wads of the decade surpasses it by every single aspect. Length, gameplay, visuals, music, beastiary, and overall care for every single detail that Eviternity I has. There is one aspect that Eviternity I has over the second one: its difficulty, not implying though, this is bad nor good. But I've felt that, the first installment was clearly harder than the second one, or at least it takes less time to kick in with its difficulty. Eviternity II comes with 6 new episodes, and now, thanks to UMAPINFO, it comes with a secret level in each episode, making the adventure bigger and more interesting, adding more replay value to it. There isn't a single bad map that I could despise, and several of them where great. Something that is difficult to find even in good megawads. The amount of detail most maps have is top notch and feels every single one of them took quite some time to finish, just if like we where talking about a "production game" rather than a mod. Not only a new set of episodes, but also a new set of textures made by Ukiro, which, is a really important part of the Eviternity project as a whole, as the coat of paint this mapset has, is given by awesome texture work, giving the mapset the personality it has. The new beastiary gives Eviternity II even more life, as it manages to create a new set of possible encounters and squirmishes against enemies, moving outside from the basic setpieces you could create with regular Doom II monsters, which is a nice breath of fresh air. Although I would say, most monsters are "repaints" of the original ones, with different, more complex attacks than their regular counter-parts, at the end they serve their purpose well. The first Eviternity had some of them, but Eviternity II opened the gates for even more painful enemies to deal with, apart of changing a bit of the behaviour some of the existent ones had in the previous entry. My favourite new mob is the Duke of Hell, because I'm a fan of green stuff. Their attack is well balanced, tries to differ a bit from regular hell nobles, and it's not a pain in the ass to deal with the instagibbing annihilators that can totally screw your run without you even noticing them. They also have a pain chance that prevents them from doing their final attack. Cool enemies, and luckly, not over used. I'm not a good music reviewer myself, I did not think that it standed out as much, but it is fine by me. I think it was a tad better than in the first Eviternity (specially because the entire song list is new in comparison), but I feel like remembering Eviternity I's tracks a little bit more than II's. Don't get me wrong tho', final boss' music was fantastic, but hey, I think that's a little bit more of personal taste. Still I'll recognize there is an amazing work from the usual musicians of the Doom community, as always, giving more life to Doom projects such as this. The entire mapset was a great to play, and I would totally replay it some other time, personally the best mapset ever, just because of the work it was put into it, overall superior than Eviternity I and all of the Skillsaw wads separately, which are some of the best aswell. The experience can be played as if we were talking about a new game, a +10-hour experience you will not regret. So far, Doom community did not exceed, nor reach, this level of quality in a 32-MAP (37-MAP in this case) wad. Best maps: MAP36 - One of the most astonishing work in a single level ever found in a megawad. Great showcase of the hellish/aetherial textures by Ukiro himself, amazing linedef work overall. MAP24 - Fantastic just because of the setpieces at the end, without it, it would serve as a great regular map, but it bought me because of the warfare against the cyberdemons, because of that and also because I'm a fan of Antares' work. MAP14 - Beautiful playground, the best regular map out there, great fights, great ways to open the secret exit for you, and fantastic visuals, in their terms, it is the best looking map, for sure. It feels entirely like a map by itself, separated from the rest of the work. Least favourite maps: MAP31 - I did not find this map amusing, just a showcase of the new weapon that can instagib monsters, it was longer than it should, being so early in the mapset, it bored me a bit. MAP25 - A simple boss fight, again, it's difficult for a boss map to spark something on me. Cool showcase of the new boss monster though. MAP33 - Totally something that you should play at least once, but I leave replays for speedrunners and people that want those "gaming medals" hanging at their necks, talking about those single-segment players. Score: 93/100 (Excellent) Thanks to Dragonfly, Ukiro and every mapper/musician that has contributed to this amazing project. Amazing work, and keep it coming, let's see if someone can surpass this even more in the future.
    8 points
  14. MAP29: Maelstrom by Dragonfly The name sends flashbacks to me about a certain Sunlust map with the same name. Thankfully, as Eviternity 2 is not a challenge wad, this map is nowhere near as hard as the other Maelstrom. I think Celestin made a good point about Map27, 28 and 29 feeling kind of same-ish. I think it is because of their visuals, their overall difficulty and their style of progression. Though I do think Map29 somewhat differentiates itself from the other two by having an optional objective of doing fights to open the secret exit. In Map29, you need 3 keys to to exit the map, each key has a fight associated with it. One has you fighting 2 cyberdemons, the other has you fighting a horde of cacos (regular, astral and even nightmare) + some pinkies. The third has you traverse dark narrow passage with spectres and Dukes and then ultimately fight horde of revenants, hell knights and cacos when you get to the top. Getting to the secret secret does not require any key at all. Instead, you need to complete 2 fights, each involving a necromance and some hell nobles. The west side fight is not too hard since there are only a few hell knights and a few dukes firing acting as turrets while you fight the necromenace. The north-east side fight however can be a bit tricky, as there are a good deal of hell knights and imps assisting the necromenace and you can easily get blocked because real-state is precious. Still with good footing and and using plasma to gun down the necro, you should be able to do this in at most a few attempts. A fairly solid map, but it doesn't really give that "penultimate map" feel. And that's because... MAP36: Kenosis by ukiro ...This map is here to serve the real penultimate map role. Given that this map is made by ukiro, and the name Kenosis has rhyming suffix with Anagnorisis, I was kind of expecting a sequel of sorts to that map. Well I was both right and wrong about the assumption. While the scale and detailing is similar, the actual gameplay is much different. Anagnorisis is like 90+% incidental combat, whereas Kenosis is 100% setpiece based. The atmosphere of the map gave me heavy Mordor vibes where we have to travel through molten rocky paths to get to different buildings, each holding a fight for use and we get rewarded with either a weapon or a key. There are essentially 10 fights in the map. Now I won't go into details regarding each fight, but I will say that I especially liked the blue key fight where we get to raise/lower the cyberdemon platform to do some infighting for us. I also like the 1024 lost souls area fight, the archviles overseeing the maze fight and the final fight, where we get to see the spectacle of roughly 2000 dead zombiemen bodies getting launched from the windows of the cathedral before the Necromenaces and archviles arrive to start resurrecting them and we get the perforator for this. On other hand, I didn't care much about the SSG fight (kind of grindy) and the archviles in cages fight area. But thankfully most of the fights are at the very least somewhat enjoyable. Overall, its a pretty solid map and I definitely prefer it over Anagnorisis, but its long length means that it will be a long while before I decide to revisit this map. MAP30: Cosmology by antares031 and Dragonfly While I didn't hate the boss fight in the original Eviternity, I did find the last part of that fight somewhat irritating. This boss fight however I loved from start to end. Hell this might be favorite boss fight in any Doom wad I have ever played (this even includes UDMF/GZDoom exclusive stuff). Firstly, the boss' spritework and the soundtrack of this map, combined with the visuals is just something to behold. Like the boss in first eviternity, this boss "The Origin" is multistaged. It has 3 stages and each stage has 8500/8000/7500 health respectively (for a combined total of 24000 health). Each successive stage has the boss using more vicious attacks. The 1st stage has him using a variety of attacks, many involving the similar type of projectiles that are used by the astral mancubi's purple attack and those used by nightmare cacos. Since he has splash damage immunity, I don't use rocket launcher here. Plasma is good, but I like to reserve it for 2nd and 3rd stages. I can handle the 1st stage with just SSG without taking much damage, so I do that. Once you deal with the 1st stage, he will teleport away and a horde of astral cacodemons will start flooding in. Try not to get infinite height'ed by them and circle strafe them and you should be fine. Then press the next button to start the next stage. The 2nd stage involves him getting more aggressive with his speed, his attacks and he also starts manipulating the environment (parts of the arena lower to reveal damaging floor at different intervals) like he is Korax or something lol. Once you deal with the 2nd stage, he will teleport away and a horde of nighhtmare cacodemons will arrive to try to ruin your day. Again, try not to get infinite height'ed by them and and this time, be more careful with circle strafing. Once you kill them, press the next button to start the final stage. In the last stage, he will start teleporting like veilimps and he will also use more attacks like a BFG attack and also occasionally use the turrets around the pillars to start firing at you, making it pretty hard to avoid taking damage, so I hope you saved those healing items and are fast enough to take him. Once he dies, he gives off a big explosion and you see some souls circling around him and moving up, letting you know that this is finally over. It is finally done, you have beaten Eviternity 2. This is easily my favorite map30 of any Doom wad now. I will write my final review of Eviternity 2 tomorrow.
    8 points
  15. Map36 “Kenosis” by Ukiro Oh where to begin. Kenosis is the colossal penultimate challenge of Eviternity II, its outer area alone one of the most incredible feats of mapmaking I can think of. The compare/contrast with Anagnorisis is interesting because while its clearly reminiscent of it, there's quite a bit of design difference. Anagnorisis was a monstrous, interconnected compound dominated by incidental combat, overwhelming the player with its size and complexity. Kenosis is based around arena combat and sets the player around a ginormous heptagram to complete a circuit leading to a cross-shaped cathedral in the center. Progression is straightforward and there are no secrets (I am ok with this, it cuts like an hour off of secret and enemy hunting I had to do in Anagnorisis). Well let's get moving and... Wow this place looks impressive. It’s also hitting my framerate a bit so hopefully that doesn’t show up at an inopportune moment (it didn’t). The opening archvile dance gives a good idea of what we’re in for, their cubbyholes are constantly opening and closing in a circular pattern and we need to hit some switches and bail before we get attritioned out. It’s very much a warmup so you’re in for a rough time if this place is causing problems. I went to the westernmost point first and was given an SSG to battle hordes of astralcacos, nightmare demons, revenants, and elevated annihilators. Fun! Also easy, just circle the outer area and nothing ever hits you. Next, I head south into a small fortification to get the RL and find myself surrounded by hundreds of lost souls (with an invul). I’m feeling an in joke here, although the joke is clearly on me because this epic skull slaughter knocked a mighty eight enemies off the monster count. Only 2662 to go! And then some number fewer because a bunch of veilimps harassed me on the way out. Pretty dangerous actually, they managed to hand me an L the first time (Side note: don’t come here first, the SSG was important). Let’s try going east, this large brick blood dungeon thing looks neighborly. I guess it is from a certain point of view, we get to play hide and seek with archies to a crowd of adoring corporals. Good thing I have the rocket launcher and not just the wimpy chaingun given here. I’ll hit these switches and… gah! What is with all the lost souls in this level!? Look at this madlad inflating a monster count of 2777. At least I lowered it by more than single digits this time. So I head north and… vile purrs, great. Oh never mind, they’re caged in little pillars that move up and down, that’s not a problem. Maybe it would be if I was less well armed but the pain elementals, imps, and caged archviles pose no threat with my current arsenal. Neither do the revenants and mancs in the next step. The final wave with the astralcacos is harder, but there’s plenty of space. Just don’t fall in the little crevasse and everything will be fine. Next, I’ll head due west to the northwestern section, which is a neat little platforming puzzle with a problematic cyber and a number of astralmancs and astralarachnos. You need to raise cybie’s podium and slip past him to advance (distracting him with the lightshow bros can help). It’s clever but I wish I didn’t have to reset the platform to climb back up when doing the last section. Don’t fall I guess? There’s plenty of megaspheres in case you take a rocket… and don’t try to kill the cyber, he respawns so it’s a waste of ammo. And for the final section we’ve got a little circular arena to the southeast featuring a cyberdemon and a crusher that goes around like a wheel. I like this one, the pace is just right not to be a pain and you get a plasma to hose him down in a reasonable amount of time. The dukes afterwards are a threat so duck into one of their closets quickly to avoid shenanigans. And now with the heptagram done, lets go see what’s in this impressive looking cross-shaped cathedral in the middle. What a beauty. Except this mar on the mosaic in front, that looks amiss. Anyway, we’ve got more arenas at the cross points so let's go kill more demons. The two edges are pretty similar though I definitely found the east one scarier. It’s a lot more hectic and hard hitting with all the astralcacos compared to the slower paced one to the west. Then we have the fleshy pit to the south that reminds me of an encounter in Slaughterfest2012 of all things. It was for a blue key and had a row of archviles in the center that would immolate me unless I stayed glued to the wall they were standing on. Might have been map24. This one is much easier, I just killed them all with the rocket launcher before hitting any of the switches. Made the rest of the fight stress free. By the way the inverted cross sequence transforming the cathedral into a corpse filled death pit is metal as fuck. And yes, now we get the big finale, which is yet another highlight moment of the wad. Hitting the now accessible upper switch gives a perforator and a gnarly transformation sequence in which the cross on the far side inverts, the windows blow out into swirly bloody portals, and nearly 2000 zombiemen corpses get spewed onto the floor. What is this for? Why the final battle against a bunch of viles and necromenaces of course! I love this fight, the perforator is perfect for this encounter, carving through revived cannon fodder and one-shotting viles from a quarter mile away. Focus on archviles first and necromenaces (necromenaci?) second, big time custom boss or not the vile will always be the bigger threat. And that's Kenosis, a magnificent beast of a magnum opus. Wait... is this his magnum opus? Or is, ya know, Anagnorisis Ukiro's magnum opus (yes he made both). Can someone have two magnum opuses? Whatever, this map is everything I wanted to see for a sendoff to Evi II's secret levels. Grandiose and jaw-dropping in scale and aptitude. As for difficulty? Well, not too bad actually. None of the arenas are unfair and you're given plenty of resources to overcome mistakes (would you believe me if I said all but one of my deaths was to falling off the rocks between sections like an idiot?) I think the rocket launcher skull parade followed by veilimp ambush is the hardest encounter, though what order you approach them in makes a big difference. Awesome, one more to go which I will have tomorrow before the month is out.
    8 points
  16. Another 2 maps, one done, one being finalized :)
    8 points
  17. I live again, here are some Wolf3d inspired bosses. (Rudi Jager and Anatomically Accurate Hans Grosse)
    7 points
  18. By the end of the century, sexual intercourse (look it up) will consist of using your own sperm cells to play DOOM inside your partner's ovaries while a cat's anus executes the game's code. This is nothing but a gimmicky way to get clicks from "nerds" who don't understand that the game isn't actually running on the gut bacteria/pregnancy test/fecal matter, knowing the nerds/totally knowledgeable journalists will inevitably run around spreading The Word of the Miracle in order to bring more clicks to whatever website originally posted the story (or their own). They could use the same gut bacteria to play an ultra-low resolution episode of The Sopranos, and the only difference is that the reaction you'd get from fans of The Sopranos is probably somewhere along the lines of "wow, don't these people ever get laid?". I like DOOM too but stuff like this is about as interesting to me as a hobo trying to sell a piece of toast with the Virgin Mary burned into the bread. If the gut bacteria were being used to display an image of something you (not you personally) didn't have a personal attachment to, you wouldn't care. But if it's DOOM, it's both a meme and an incredible technological milestone that must be brought up 80,000 times in the future as "proof" that DOOM can "run" on anything. This party trick has gotten really old.
    7 points
  19. Been doing more detailing on my Doom 2 In City map. Yet more times where adding a bit of shadow really livens up buildings.
    7 points
  20. Some glove removals.
    6 points
  21. Why is everyone throwing skillsaw in the comparison pile? This association / review standard makes no sense... 😅
    6 points
  22. Pretty sure he's talking about this: Not exactly a 0-height sector, but something you don't really see in vanilla Doom often.
    6 points
  23. Not a direct comparison, but a "comparison" in quality, even though I'm not the biggest fan of AA or Valiant, those are for me, personally one of the best mapsets for today standards.
    5 points
  24. The original Doom is such a gumbo mishmash of influences, aesthetics and art sources that it's a little foolhardy and history revisionist to say it is definitively ONE! aesthetic genre. The original soundtrack is clearly riffing on hard rock, blues, metal, classical, and 80s John Carpenterish film scores. Having said that, there is a unifying emotional thread of darkness, danger, tension and intensity. I think when people complain about the dissonance of colorful, platformery modern megawad music, what they're really sensing is the base game's gritty tone clashing with the more whimsical tone of the custom-made elements. And I feel that too, honestly, even if the music on its own is fantastic!
    5 points
  25. A Side Map 69 Nomo in 1:19.60. (Rewind4ever by Dubzzz) Gotta keep up my tradition of recording a nomo of the rewind map. :^) B Side Map 19 UV-Speed in 0:08.86. (Descent 2 by Ravendesk) I actually forgot I recorded this demo earlier and put the folder with it in my recycle bin, lol. d5da4a69o119.zip d5da4b19-886.zip
    5 points
  26. MAP30 - “Cosmology” by Dragonfly Deaths: 0 Wow. I figured we'd get a boss battle, but this is the best doom boss battle I've ever played. Better than Eviternity 1's boss, that's for sure. Although to be fair, this isn't a high bar to clear. I managed to kill it the first time, and it was super fun. I spent a lot of time at the beginning of each phase just trying to figure out his patterns before going on the attack. Everything was well telegraphed, although not everything was easily dodged. There was plenty of health and ammo around. In fact, there might have been just a bit too much. It felt very forgiving. I'm not sure that's a bad thing though, since Doom bosses are best a bit too easy than too hard. The between phase battles weren't that interesting though. There's so much room you can just circle strafe for a long time and eventually kill them all. I wouldn't remove it since this might be the only time I've had to deal with nightmare cacos that didn't grate on me, possibly due to them being far enough away that the sound didn't bother me. End of Episode Thoughts I have to admit this is my least favorite episode, but I still enjoyed it a lot. The whole episode had an oppressive feel, and most of the levels were dark. It finally had the difficulty I've been looking for as well! It's having to compete with the splendor of the other episodes. I suspect part of it may be megawad fatigue too. It hit me really bad around the time I played MAP29, but it was there beforehand. MAP37 - “Credits” by Dragonfly Deaths: 0 I normally wouldn't comment on a credits map, but this one is so very well done. Each episode gets its own little slice, and a teleporter takes you to a room with a display for each map. I mainly wanted to point out how when you walk up to one of the map displays, it changes the music! We have here a jukebox map. I love it. I used to have a joke in my original write-up about having died five times here. That was before I found out that there is in fact a secret fight on this map. It was pretty enjoyable, but I figured I should be honest about my deaths in that case. Final Thoughts Wow, what a ride! This may be my new favorite megawad. I haven't played some of the other greats, so it's easier for me to say that. (I REALLY need to get around to playing Ancient Aliens and Sunlust!) But I'll be surprised if this wad doesn't hold up to those. I really liked Eviternity 1, and when I played it I was blown away by everything. I wasn't expecting to also be blown away by the sequel, since I've played plenty more wads since then, but here we are. I want to thank ukiro for these amazing textures. I don't make maps (yet), but I love seeing such high quality textures in maps, and knowing these will be available to inspire and spawn whole new megawads after this is exciting! The trees are just gorgeous too. I do wish we had other colors of the wall torches though. Maybe next time. The music is also great. There are many songs in here where I ended up firing up dsda-doom just to listen to them while I did other things. I won't say every one of them was my favorite, but there wasn't a bad track in the whole wad. I'm hoping I get to hear some of them again in future projects, if that's actually allowed. I also love how this wad has introduced me to some new (to me!) mappers whose work I'm going to have to check out. Baaul, DMPhobos, and Aurelius are on the top of that list. I knew about antares' work before this, but Struggle is another megawad that I haven't gotten around to yet. So many maps to play, so little time! And finally I love the technical achievements of this megawad the most I think. The rain and snow effects are top-notch, and something that I've only seen done well in GZDoom before now. I thought they must be GZDoom-only when I started playing. Then you have the ending sequences of Temeraire and Kenosis that are jaw-dropping. There's so much that showcases MBF21 and DSDHacked. I hope it inspires others to develop for this standard. Dragonfly's map are definitely similar in design. It became really obvious toward the end, but the thing is I like his maps. All of them were good to great. I think it's one of my favorite designs anyway, so that helped Eviternity II become my favorite wad. My biggest problem is that I feel like one month wasn't quite long enough for me to properly enjoy this wad. It has 36 levels, and some of them are pretty big. Trying to compress that into 30 days with limited free time is hard. But that's a problem with the megawad club format, not Eviternity II. It will probably be another few to several months before I play another wad with the club. We'll see what comes up! Favorite Maps 1. MAP14 - “Equanimity” by Aurelius 2. MAP24 - “Temeraire” by antares031 3. MAP23 - “Thaw” by DMPhobos 4. MAP07 - “Sovereign” by DMPhobos 5. MAP32 - “Charge” by Tristan Clark, Guardsoul Most Memorable Maps 1. MAP24 - “Temeraire” by antares031 2. MAP26 - “Myriad” by Tristan Clark, Guardsoul, Dragonfly 3. MAP36 - “Kenosis” by ukiro 4. MAP14 - “Equanimity” by Aurelius 5. MAP32 - “Charge” by Tristan Clark, Guardsoul Hardest Maps 1. MAP36 - “Kenosis” by ukiro 2. MAP26 - “Myriad” by Tristan Clark, Guardsoul, Dragonfly 3. MAP24 - “Temeraire” by antares031 4. MAP27 - “Emypreal” by DMPhobos, Dragonfly 5. MAP15 - “Rubicon” by Scotty
    5 points
  27. Hey friends, just dropping in to say I'm still here, I'll be updating the main archive soon but I was hoping to get the last two slots filled or at least placeholder'd. @mr-around has been in contact... @Azuris I haven't heard from you, please let me know if you're still working on it! @taufan99 and @Pegleg I think are the main incomplete maps but I could be forgetting some as its been a while since I did any testing.
    5 points
  28. yakfak

    How does Doom sound to you?

    doubling back for health pick-ups is incredibly metal and deserves an exhausting djikadunn dunndjika soundtrack imo doomguy staring out a window to a wailing 150bpm dual guitar solo over Em C D Em Em C D B7 absolutely cinches teh mood, ambient music could never capture this emotion edit: maybe that it's that the player can't hope to live up to a metal soundtrack? putting a fast midi in a doom wad where you fire the SSG is like sonic 2 level design - it wants you to go fast but it's actually impossible
    5 points
  29. Today, Freedoom 0.13.0 was released. It has a lot of new stuff, so make sure to check it out. You can download it on the official Freedoom page: https://freedoom.github.io/ Happy new release, Freedoom! Some screenshots:
    4 points
  30. The Japanese Doom II CD for Windows 95 released by Imagineer includes an "appendix" folder that contains many additional files: Deathmatch and single player levels, editors and Japanese translations of some documents. The most interesting thing, however, seems to be the Deathmatch levels folder: it contains a series of Japanese maps which are not on the idgames archive (except for Goruzig2.wad.) I couldn't find any information on these levels and I don't know if they've been shared yet so I thought I'd post them here. In the zip archive below you can find the Japanese levels and a single player level called AUMW4Y02.WAD by M.T. All the other wads included on the CD seem to already be on idgames or other cds. I hope these files are useful to you. Enjoy! Japanese Wads (Japanes Doom II CD).zip P.S. There are monsters in the levels, so I think they can be played in single player too.
    4 points
  31. i can't believe that a spaceballs reference could be anything other than the utmost epitome of seriousness
    4 points
  32. Not only did I take the picture, I also created all of the props and costumes!
    4 points
  33. Doom originally had much more focus on elaborate light sectors, but during testing their testers ignored it completely. So they stopped adding these kinds of effects. You still see a few of them here and there, but they are not nearly as widespread as they could have been if their testers had paid more attention to what maps looked like. You see a few of these texture tricks here and there to avoid bad tiling and still have a nice bottom trim. Had their testers been more into the architecture and visual look of the game, it might have looked a lot better. Id really upped their game in Quake when it came to light levels and other visuals. Another thing I always found lacking in Doom was that Wolfenstein 3D and Quake both have support for patrolling monsters, but in Doom it's all static. I think they missed out on adding both tension and atmosphere by not having this feature. It's one of those things they could have added in Doom 2. Edit: It was a while ago I learned of this, but I have never really pondered what the games could have looked like had they focused more on looks. Even Sandy can make some stunning areas, but if the goal was to make things that play well, doesn't have to look good, I can understand why his maps often ended up like they did. Take Doom 2 map10, each area is more or less color coded.
    4 points
  34. Here is a Grungo wad, it is Entryway But Nuked Me figure it take place in alternate universe where USA's solution to the demons were just nuking themselves, Doom Spent year in bunker and gets word that the demons are still there and must kill them all in the map, some stuff doesn't work and is in ruins Tell me your thoughts, and do you think this make good community project idea? Download Screenshots:
    4 points
  35. Fun little romp, don't have many notes on gameplay, since it is pretty straightforward. I liked the twist at the end, though, where you gotta go through the secret :) Detailing was nice and jagged, everything was all messed up and stuff. The thing about this map is that Doom 2 is a video game that was released in 1994 and Entryway is the first map that players will see, just thought I'd provide context for those that didn't get the many subtle references this map makes to Entryway.
    4 points
  36. I am way too tired and possibly misreading this, but comments seem to suggest this is simulated, not legitimate. Even if this could be done, the picture quality will make you think you're trying to play an Atari 2600 after waking up from being blackout drunk and sustaining a concussion from trying to fight a lamp post.
    4 points
  37. MAP04 ready for testing! https://www.mediafire.com/file/6d5dnwxypmncprm/wa04.wad/file
    4 points
  38. MAP36 - “Kenosis” by ukiro Well we all knew what was coming, a massive map where the combat is contained within separate structures arranged around a heptagram. The fights within map map vary from being rather slow and some awesome encounters. Unfortunately I went for the SSG island first, now imagine having to slow roll the astralcacos/nightmare demons and revenants, this wasn't overly fun and I was fearing the worst at this point, things didn't get better in the next room where you get the rocket launcher, a point blank archvile and 3 more on lifts that again require slow killing or leaving and hopeing you don't get zapped, finally you can lower the lifts once to climb to a switch and then a second time to access the outside area with the rocket launcher, now finally I can have some fun.... The next area I went to was the chaingun frenzy, luckily I had carry-over rockets from the previous fight, so the archviles wer not an issue, after this you can go unusually nuts with the chaingun, pretty easy and quite fun to play around with. This also gives you the yellow key, following this ws the first highlight, the plasma gun area with the rotating crusher circle that starts off with a cyberdemon and some mancubi before revealing some Dukes of Hell where you need to duck in and out of the central room, great stuff. The next fight for me was the red key room, not much to say, the fight is a little on the silly side but the most difficult bit was the archviles and revenants in the corners that were awkward to kill. After grabbing the red key you face a awkward and tense standoff around the perimeter with some veiled imps that can easily catch you off guard, especially as rockets are you only source of ammo aside from a few shells dotted in the cubby holes. The final room is a line of sight hell mixed with a platform you need to steadily rise to gain access the the plasma gun and exit with the blue key, this one isn't too bad but it would be nicer if the cyberdemon killing floor was more obvious as I killed the first before the final jump. So now we can enter the sanctuary, There are three initial fights, one of which is harder than the others in my opinion, the section with the large set of stairs was the hardest as you need to be quick to beat the wall of revenants on each pass whilst slowly whittling everything down, the fight on the opposite side is easy and beatable in one attempt. The last section in the flesh pit was another highlight, a maze with a central column of archviles that restrict your movement, the initial hell knights are easy but things get tougher as you hit the switches, luckily each switch has a megasphere to help you out. I don't know whether this was intentional but some of the archviles did escape and had to be dispatched (It was like two or three with severely depleted health). Now the final fight is open, I simply rushed past the annihilators and proceeded on the the perforator fight, now that was something else, the build up and reveal is a piece of artistic horror and I was surprised how well balanced this fight was, I was fearing that the archviles would be too numerous and as such could result in a quick death but actually things played out very well, downing the final necromenace reveals one last wave of archviles, a pair of masterminds and a cyberdemon by the exit jump. This was an exhausting map, now I believe the map is more open ended that I first envisaged and as such probably brought some of the more painful moments on myself. That said some fights here were better than others with some real spectacular moments, I will say that I wasn't overly wowed by the visuals (I think this was more personal taste, I think it is more the grey sky here than anything else), the map has some very large periods of traversing the quiet outdoor area. I do wonder whether the map could have been squashed a little bit whilst keeping the various wings intact. At least getting 100% kills shouldn't be too much of a bother this time as the fights are self contained and as such missing something is quite difficult. I don't think this will rank in my favourite maps, but this wad is worth more for having this, just like Ukiro's map in Eviternity. A solid challenge and I think there are elements for everyone in this one. MAP30 - “Cosmology” by Dragonfly I have never been a big fan of one or one boss fights in Doom, purely because Doom relies quite a bit on facing multiple threats. However I will say that the boss itself isn't too bad, though the third wave can get very hairy given the boss can move around like the Veiled imp. There is quite a bit of variety in the attacks, which means you need to be aware and able to counter in the right manner to avoid being hit. I think the first wave is a little too easy and the final wave can quickly ruin you, even when on full alert. I will however say that the bits between the boss fights isn't that great. In fact it is a little tedious to slowly grind ground astral cacodemons and then the nightmare variety after part 2. They don't pose much of a threat if you are on the move so this felt like prolonging the fight without any payoff. In the end this was certainly better than the final map of Eviternity, and the boss itself is pretty well done and the arena looks great. However I don't think this can stop this from being close to the bottom of the pile, though I will say this is nowhere near the D/F grade range. MAP37 - “Credits” by Dragonfly A nice place to relax after the last couple of maps, though you are stuck here unless you can find some hidden switches to reveal a cute but deadly fight and the final text/end screens. Full overall review tomorrow....
    4 points
  39. GZDoom/UV/Contiuous/Saves Write-ups from memory MAP30: Cosmology - Dragonfly and antares031 It's time for the final boss! Like Eviternity 1, we get a brand new boss monster to deal with. Now, it seems like a lot of people didn't really care for Ev 1's final boss. I honestly didn't mind it at all. I think dealing with the monsters in the arena was more annoying. This boss is more focused than that one, as you only have to deal with other monsters in-between phases, and just have a one-on-one fight while the boss is active. The boss, named The Origin, looks like a cross between an astral caco, an angel, and the final boss of Kirby 64 (seriously). The animation of this monster is fantastic! It has so many frames as it opens its wings, I was shocked. Now, I'll fully admit that I don't think I really experienced this boss the way the authors intended. Mainly since I had a pre-nerf GZDoom perforator. I perforated the crap out of it in the first phase, pretty much ending that phase instantly. I decided to not do that for the second phase, just to see how long it would take with conventional weapons. It took much longer, so for the third phase I perforated the crap out of it again, ending the fight almost instantly, and missing a lot of the attacks during that phase. So in retrospect, I kinda wished I didn't perforate it. Hooray for replaying maps! First off, this thing has a lot of different attacks. You can usually tell what it's going to do via color, but for the most part just moving will avoid anything it throws at you. Though I think the blue projectiles will home in on you. It also does an archvile blast, that it follow with 2 green projectiles that act like the purple astral manc ones, meaning, you should run backwards to avoid that while still being in cover. It's a really clever attack and a good counter! After dealing with the first phase, a wall lowers with a metric crap-ton of astral cacos, with a tower also unleashing a horde of them as well. If you have the perforator and don't want to make the boss trivial, I would save it for the cacos. Hit the switch behind the wall to start phase 2, which also changes the sky box to that rainy one from Eviternity 1 MAP29's MAP01 section, IIRC. Now The Origin is faster and its attacks are more powerful. Each attack has been buffed with more speed and projectiles. It also added a new attack that will lower sections of the floor into damaging lava, so when you see that start to happen, just focus on not falling in and not on firing at the boss. Once this phase is done, another wall lowers, this time with nightmare cacos. Same with another towerfull of them. Since these things are so fast, I would recommend using the SSG or chaingun/perforator on them since it's easy to miss them with rockets or plasma. For the 3rd and final phase, the skybox once again changes to a green static, and The Origin is pissed. It's super fast now, it can teleport like a veilimp, and its attacks are even more buffed. It's added a few, including a plasma blast with a wide spread that's hard to avoid if you don't find cover. It also will fire a BFG ball at you, which is just what you want to see during a third phase of a long boss fight. It will also summon Afriest Turrets from Struggle to rain holy hell on you throughout the entire arena. Antares loves those turrets it seems, or at least the sprite! With enough ammo, this thing will go down eventually. There's a fair amount of health, armor, rockets, and cells around the arena, plus each lowered wall gives a mega sphere and all ammo types, so as long as you don't get caught in a barrage of projectiles, there should be enough health to last the 3 phases. Overall, this is probably the best non-UDMF boss fight I've played! The increasing intensity of the phases makes this a good challenge. Antares designed the boss very well, and definitely learned from the weaknesses of not only the original Eviternity's final boss, but the final boss of Struggle which was not a fun fight. The Origin isn't a spammy monster much, at least initially, so it's much more fun to fight. The arena itself is incredibly cool looking, and almost feels like a cross between both episode 6s of the two Eviternity, plus a little bit of the end of Struggle. And Tristan's OST for this song is incredibly epic and fitting for a final showdown! This WAD stuck the landing very well! MAP37: Credits - Dragonfly After all of that, why not relax and reminisce about the WAD we just finished? This credit map is a hub with an area for each episode. Head into a teleporter to find a room with 6 pictures for the episode you're in. Approach a picture, and that map's MIDI will start playing. It's a cool touch! It's a very lovely credit map. It doesn't seem like there's anything else here, but if you're playing with a status bar or whatever that shows the kill/item/secret count, you'll notice there's an item... Overall, a very nice little credit map! FINAL THOUGHTS I think it is safe to say this WAD is fantastic. It took OTEX and the original's extended bestiary, and expanded on them to create an excellent sequel. There's not a single bad map in here, which is impressive. While this was a Dragonfly-lead project, there were many other mappers and musicians involved, and they all brought their A-games to this. The new additions to the Eviternity crew brought some fresh ideas to the sequel, while the veterans just refined what they did before. MBF21 allowed the mappers to add in new elements to these map, which just added to the creativity and refinement shown throughout. Every map is a visual stunner, and every MIDI fits its map extremely well. In the Doomworld Community Top WADs of All Time thread, I have the original as my #2 WAD of all time (tied with Going Down in points given, but it was definitely #2). I think this is easily better than the original Eviternity in almost every aspect. Now the question for me is, does this beat Ancient Aliens, my longtime #1 WAD? Is this now my favorite WAD of all time? It's hard to say, since this is so new and fresh, I haven't had as much time with it compare to the almost 8 years with AA. And the AA aesthetic and color palate are still my favorite visual style in PWADs. This could change at any time, but right now, I will say that Eviternity 2 is my new favorite WAD of all time. It's the most high-quality WAD I've played. It's highly refined and polished. It's more polished than a good amount of actual games you shell out money for. You can tell this was a project that took 5 years to make. A lot of love went into making it, and it shows. The maps are fun and gorgeous. It's a fantastic showcase for MBF21 and what it can do. It also has my favorite OST since AA. AA still might have this one beat in that department, but the OST here is a very, very close second. It has what are for sure my favorite MIDIs by both Tristan and Jimmy on it. Everything about this WAD is top-notch, and the crew should absolutely be proud of what they made. You know how the Quake remasters got new campaigns for them? I know the Doom Unity ports get updated with custom WADs periodically, but this WAD feels like those Quake campaigns to me. It's something that just shows how far this game has come in 30 years, and how we are nowhere near running out of ideas for it. It's old, yet modern at the same time. That may be the Doom scene in general now, but this is the WAD that exemplifies that the most. Top 5 maps: MAP32, my new favorite map MAP24 MAP14 MAP34 MAP11
    4 points
  40. MAP30 - “Cosmology” by Dragonfly (Pistol start, saveless, 100% Kills, Not sure% Items, 100% secrets Let's finish business, instead of another taxing omega slaughtermap like kenosis is, eviternity 2 just makes you fight another boss monster. Usually, I think bosses like the icon of sin or just simple ultra buffed enemies... Suck, mostly because of how limited dehacked was (and yes, I'm not counting decorate, a thing only exclusive to gzdoom mods) making the bosses repetitive or downright boring. I think this map actually made a good job with its final boss, the only bad part of this map is the astral caco ambushes are complete filler, other than that, the origin, a biblically accurate angle with many attack patterns similar to the astral mancubus and a shitload of hp, is an actual interesting boss to face, with multiple faces that increases in complexity and adds a flavorful amount of new attacks, like making most of the floor 10 damage lava, or even summon a bfg ball to smack the player with. And best thing of all, unlike eviternity map30 or most of the bad character action game bosses, the difficulty doesn't come from dealing with random enemies while the boss withers you apart, you actually have to pay attention to its greatly animated telegraphs and color cues to beat him. Great stuff, a good way to close the megawad, and godtier ending text. 8/10 MAP37 - “Credits” by Dragonfly A hub of all the episodes where you can see the map authors in front of the beautiful screencaps present in the intermission screen and can hear the music stepping in a line in front of the map title. If there is a weird ultra secret ending from this, make me know. N/A/10 Final Thoughts As expected, this megawad is really, really good, is not only good as expected, but surpasses expectations on how it manages dehextra and mbf21, making for technical feats that even in 2024, can make a doomer's jaw drop to the underground. Definitely this level of technical superiority carries around the whole megawad, and it's the true showcase of the wide potential of mbf21 as a whole. As for maps, they're like I said in some post, consistent, and polished. Some may feel a bit out of place in the megawad like map 15 and even the masterwork that is map24, other may have some small aspects that I don't enjoy, but that's mostly because they are the maps that you would recognize the author styles the most, and in a megawad constructed as cohesively as this, is not a bad thing, at least shows this has some soul. Best maps in the set are definitely map 14, 22, 23, 24, 11, 12 and 17, at least from my perspective, since these are the kind of maps, I actually like the most, especially map22. The thing is, if this surpasses other top tier megawads like ancient aliens or the btsx episodes, is debatable. It surely surpasses some of the first eviternity in some aspects, although I prefer some maps there because they still compare well to this megawad, and personally I like this better than the btsx episodes, but still skillsaw's work I consider it peak dooming from the perspective of managing the best polish, on top of very substantiative gameplay. It was a pleasure wasting some free time into tackling and finishing this megawad, let's see what new standards this fantastic product sets on the future.
    4 points
  41. MAP37: Credits by Dragonfly A credits map, displaying each map, their authors and composers that created the midis. Conclusions Well, this was one hell of a ride. Eviternity II is the work of the Doom community at its peak. Few megawads present this level of quality, with even the weaker maps feeling like a lot of care and attention was put into them. It's just I don't always enjoy their gameplay style. Like its predecessor, the wad uses a variety of visual themes, so boredom won't be an issue. At least with how the map looks, as hub-based map design is used here a lot and when several levels of this type are placed one after another, it can get a bit repetitive. Like I've said earlier, it's more of an issue with the level order, rather than maps itself. One other thing Eviternity II should be recognised for is the use of the latest editing features. I was amazed seeing the particle effects (like rain or falling leaves) in action, it brings an additional flair to the maps. The new monsters, however, are a mixed bag in my opinion. They mostly follow the Eviternity 1 route of adding tougher, faster and stronger variants of existing enemies. It's not that they don't do their job, but out of them veilimp was the only one I enjoyed fighting. Still, the extended bestiary add a lot of variety to combat. Then there is the perforator. I could use it only a handful of times, but when I did it was so much fun to rip through crowds. I understand the decision to limit it almost exclusively to secret stages and it's my fault for pistol-starting each map, but I just wish I could get my hands on it a bit more often. I feel like Eviternity II was designed for continuous play, but I'd say pistol-starting is still viable. As for the difficulty of the wad, I'd say it comparable to the first Eviternity, so if you've had experience with modern maps, UV should be a fair challenge. Now, as for the episodes themselves, Withered was a great introduction to the megawad. It remixes the theme from Eviternity's ending chapter, brings back its exclusive monsters, before introducing the new ones. If you manage to find a secret exit, you can also play around with the perforator, MAP31 was so much fun thanks to building a level around this very weapon. Sanctuary was probably the most varied chapter when it comes to visuals, switching between abandoned ruins to temples in their prime. It also features Charge as a secret map, which is easily the greatest adventure I've experienced in a while. Episode 3, Petrified, was easily my favourite part of the whole wad. I dig the combination of concrete and nature, Equanimity was an impressive sandbox to play with and Rubicon provided a great challenge Eviternity II was so far lacking. When it comes to Bastion, it felt a bit forgettable. This is the point where Dragonfly's mapping formula became noticible, which together with a very consistent artstyle meant few things stood out. An exception was the ending of Liberation's map, the dimention-hopping was a creative idea. Hyperborean felt very uneven. It starts with a third Dragonfly map in a row and the secret stage's gimmick felt underused. However, Temeraire is a magnificent work of mapping and the rest of the chapter provided enjoyable difficulty. As for Celestial, it started very strong with a creative Myriad, but then throws three similiar maps that I have trouble differentiating. That being said, it returns to the form with ukiro's masterpiece and the finale turned Eviternity's boss into a fun encounter. One question remains: is this wad better than the original Eviternity? I think it is. Eviternity II has some obvious standouts, with maps like Temeraire and Charge being among the best Doom levels I've ever played. The overall mapping quality is very high, I don't think there's a single map where the quality dips below "solid". Yes, this includes MAP33, which I see as an acquired taste that just isn't mine. It's an outstanding evolution of a blockbuster megawad concept, one that takes you on a journey through varied places, presents memorable setpieces and remains accessible to an average Doom player. I think my only complaint is the size. 36 maps, many of which tend to run past 30 minutes of playtime, is a lot, so you'll be here for a while. Not that it wasn't a time well spent, just be aware it's a rather involved project to see front to end. TOP 5 maps: MAP32: Charge by Tristan Clark and Guardsoul MAP24: Temeraire by antares031 MAP14: Equanimity by Aurelius MAP15: Rubicon by Scotty MAP26: Myriad by Tristan Clark, Guardsoul and Dragonfly
    4 points
  42. TNT hate is not a new phenomenon by any means -- folks have been mixed about it for as long as I've been in the community (read: about 3 metric forevers). If anything, nowadays you'll see a lot more supporters of maps that used to be universally panned (e.g. Habitat, Metal, the O'Brien maps). It's pretty dang cool that so many folks are able and willing to pick out the good parts (and often craft cool new maps using said ideas) rather than just say "lol it sux" and move on.
    4 points
  43. It should be the aural equivalent of Hulk Hogan with a boner wrestling Thanos on top of a volcano while nukes fly overhead as Russian mobsters kill each other with monster trucks and helicopters. Either that or it should sound gay, same difference.
    4 points
  44. https://dsdarchive.com/wads/t_dunn02 MAP01 UV Max in 45.20 t_dunn0201-4520.zip MAP02 UV Max in 2:12.71 t_dunn0202-21271.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/ticktock MAP01 UV Max in 24.74 ticktock01-2474.zip MAP02 UV Max in 51.46 ticktock02-5146.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/twzone2_1999 MAP01 UV Max in 56.80 twzone201-5680.zip
    3 points
  45. YIKES!! Here it is, as promised, Walpurgis 0.99!! Get it from MEGA Here Or this GoogleDrive Mirror Yep, it's been six months this time, I suppose (assuming you don't count 0.98A). The latter half of 2023 was, well, let's call it challenging. Work was super busy, as I had several important projects there to keep on top of, as well as training new staff. And then, my grandfather had a very rough patch where he couldn't move out of bed due to vasculitus and was almost killed because he got COVID from a routine hospital visit AND they refused to give him anti-virals to help him cope. Maintaining a solid work effort on Walp was basically impossible some weeks; and I also couldn't decide on various effects and fire modes and ending doing loads of superfluous spriting that wasn't even used in the end. So yeah... challenging... That said, we made it! And we've nearly reached my final vision of where I wanted Walp to be. There's just 1.0 to come, which I will release on Walpurgisnacht this year (i.e. 1st of May), come hell or high water. Here's the Changelog: [0.99] 'The Dryad Dimension' -------------------- 31/01/2024 +New!: The Crusader gets his alternate in-slot (3) weapon, Heavensever! Heavensever is an Arming Sword with dimensional powers, which excels in long range sniping whilst also being a strong melee option. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##[Primary Fire]## swings the sword in a smooth slashing combo. This is the Crusaders most damaging melee weapon, but it does have somewhat less range than the spear, of course. It's mana-free by default. >>> Upgrading the Primary makes the swings more damaging and faster. >>> Mutating the Primary blesses the blade, making it cause an eruption of holy power whenever you swing for point-blank AoE. It costs mana. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##[Secondary Fire]## causes a dimensional severing split, generally hitting a target in your vision. It is incredibly strong vs. distant single foes. >>> Upgrading the Secondary makes it a double-X-slash for more power. >>> Mutating the Secondary causes it to instead create a roaring column of Dimensional energy, with less direct power, but good AoE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##[Tertiary Fire]## causes a portal to appear. Whenever you use one of the other fire modes, the portal launches a phantom sword at an enemy it can reach, that detonates. It can fire 4 times before dissipating. >>> Upgrading the Tertiary makes you purely summon a large fusilade of phantom blades instead, which immediately fire off, causing havoc. >>> Mutating the Tertiary allows you to hold a portal in front of you whilst you hold the fire button, absorbing projectiles. If you let go, the portal drops, blocking projectiles that hit it in the same way. If you make a second portal whilst the first is active, the two will spin to face each other, and fire lasers rapidly between them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ By default, this will spawn randomly along with the Firestorm Font, but you can disable either of them in the Walpurgis Options if preferred. +New!: The Druid gets her alternate in-slot (3), The Dryad Transformation! The Dryad gets a staff and has several plant attacks that favour closer ranges and give powerful crowd control. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##[Primary Fire]## grows a wad of dangerous spiked brambles on the staff, which are then flung in front of you in a shotgun-like blast. It is quite short-ranged, but tears through enemies quite strongly. >>> Upgrading the Primary makes the brambles deal more damage, and their range is also increased. >>> Mutating the Primary instead makes you transform your hands into the Fists of a Treant. The fists create shockwaves of force and natural power in a short-range in front. They are very good at stunning foes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##[Secondary Fire]## makes you fire off several seed pods. They bounce around, up to a close-medium range, preferring to bounce towards foes. After a few seconds, or after touching a target, they very rapidly burrow into the ground and grow at hyperspeed, turning into a deadly spiked beanstalks that impale enemies. >>> Upgrading the Secondary turns the Beanstalks into Bloodstalks, which also detonate the corpses of foes they kill. >>> Mutating instead makes the seeds burrow far deeper, to unleash volcanoes that vomit magma everywhere! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##[Tertiary Fire]## grows a spitting plant in front of you. It spits globs of acid at nearby targets, and after several shots, erupts into venomous gas (this is the old Flechette effect, the Flechette is changed). >>> Upgrading the Tertiary makes the spitter plant gain extra tendrils that whip at nearby foes. It also spits twice the acid for its life. >>> Mutating the Tertiary means you no longer grow the Spitter Plant. Instead, you grow a giant mushroom. This mushroom constantly grows other dangerous mushrooms nearby, quite rapidly. If monsters step on them, they explode into spores that rot flesh, or which shrink foes temporarily. You can run over and kick shrunk foes for high damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ By default, this will spawn randomly along with the Hebiko Sceptre, but you can disable either of them in the Walpurgis Options if preferred. +New!: The Heresiarch (Hexen Boss) has been given the full makeover treatment to match the other already updated Hexen Bosses. He no longer has that ever frustrating (very long) invulnerability phase, but has instead been made considerably more dangerous and aggressive, including lightning blasts, rapidfire fireballs, and bouncing explosives, as well as gaining some appropriate voice lines. +New!: The Death Wyvern (Hexen Boss) also had some improvements. Notably, he now fires magma blasts and is more agile than before. He may get a couple more tweaks in the future. +New!: The Druid's Flechette is changed. The old effect is now part of the Dryad Transformation (see above). Instead, Druid Flechettes contain terrible swarms of flesh-eating locusts, that quickly eat enemies alive. As a result, they're now more similar to other classes flechette's in providing (albeit unconventional) AoE damage like usable grenades. +New!: New Elite: Swamp Thing. Spawns instead of Stalker Spitters in Hexen. It is a bruiser with lots of HP that fires off barrages of acid globs if it can see you, making it hard to ignore. +New!: New Elite: Warlock of D'Sparil. Spawns instead of Disciple of D'Sparil. A master of necromancy, he acts similar to a Doom Pain Elemental, except that he unleashes ghosts which have low HP and have a limited duration. However, the ghosts are much more aggressive than Lost Souls, so he becomes a huge priority target among other Heretic Disciples! +New!: Myrmidon finally gets a correct and new player sprite (with the Axe) rather than using the standard Hexen Fighter and his generic sword. +New!: Satyr and Satyr Gladiator finally get a Burning Death Animation. +New!: Added another +1-3 Taunts for each character. +Tweak: Spider Mastermind has vastly refactored hitboxes. Now, in Walp, hitting the legs of the Spidey will do neglible damage: be sure to aim up a bit to hit the brain. As a result of this change, attacks which are floor based are unlikely to do very much. This is adds quite a bit of challenge to fighting one of them (especially given their already super upgraded Minigun in Walpurgis and its intimidating suppression fire). +Tweak: Druid no longer holds her Baselards in a reverse grip when you're idle, uses an extra new sprite with a normal forwards grip. +Tweak: Crusader Charge Attack (Mace Upgrade) code rewritten using the Werewolf Lunge punch code, which is much newer and more reliable, so it shouldn't randomly turn you around or miss anymore. +Tweak: Although they never show up in game, starter weapons were given pickup sprites anyways for those people that use weapon-wheel mods. They were actually made for the helpcards a while ago; I just forgot to add them seperately for this purpose. +Tweak: Craneo's slightly reshaded Werewolf arms added. +Tweak: Corruption Cards Support updated to 5.5 version. +Tweak: Slight re-shuffle of the title-map to use new assets. +Tweak: Some Doom Monsters that used generic demon SFX now have their own. +Tweak: Pnakotic Manuscripts tweaked to work with the newly added weapons. +Tweak: DoomEd Numbers for weapons refactored to include all the new stuff. +Balance: Myrmidon Bardiche animation tweaked so it feels slightly smoother. +Balance: Myrmidon Bardiche Necromancy Circle now also always summons a pair of ghosts in the basic fire. The upgraded Fire now summons five ghosts instead of three. +Balance: Crusader Firestorm Tertiary Mutation Firewall now lasts 5x longer so it's actually useful. It also deals around 15% more damage to any monsters who walk through it. +Balance: Magister Vis Blasts damage reduced by 20%, also applies to upgrade. Close range blasts damage is 5% less. Upgrade Force Cage unaffected. +Balance: Magister Fulgur Cloud Orbiters now cost +2 mana and cannot be stacked. However, they now also hover higher for a better shot solution, and don't get in the way of your sight as much. +Balance: Druid's Turul (Bird) nerfed slightly again; the birds projectiles had a 20% chance to do double damage before, which has now been removed. +Balance: Druid's Hebiko Sceptre Primary Mutation Acid Spray now travels quite a bit further (around 70%) making it a more viable option, and giving it a niche of controlling crowds of lower-HP enemies. +Balance: Mana drops have been tightened and shuffled around a bit for Doom and Heretic as usually you had just a little bit too much to spare. +Balance: In Hexen, Upgrade Items now have a high chance to spawn instead of Porkulators. In recompense, Dark Servants are now available again. Overall, this should give more upgrades in general than before (previously, you only got MAX 6 in total in the base Hexen iWad, assuming you found all the secrets, which was a little low). +Fixed: Heretic Mummies were not affected by the Bardiche's Corpse Explosion due to some missing code. Fixed. +Fixed: The 'Pick 1' spawner for the Myrmidon Slot 3 malfunctioned due to a wrong pointer in the code. Fixed. +Fixed: Archviles couldn't raise monsters from the dead sometimes. Fixed. +Fixed: Magisters sprite showed up with a Blue Robe in mirrors/chase cam. Fixed. +Fixed: Hexen Bishops spell firing noise was played globally. Fixed. +Fixed: Hexen Bishops now always check if they can see a player instead of firing at walls randomly because it thinks a player is there. Fixed. +Fixed: Hexen Cardinals (Bishop Elite) no longer randomly teleport around to dodge if the player can't be seen. Fixed. +Fixed: Druid Wolf Transform had a slight jitter on the last frame. Fixed. +Fixed: If transformed into Wolf Mode as Druid, your player model would be stuck as Werewolf forever if seen in a mirror, even if de-transformed. Fixed. +Fixed: Decorative Hexen rock was replaced by a Geomancy sprite accidently. Fixed. +Fixed: Druid was accidently made immune to some monster gas in Hexen. Fixed. +Fixed: Whenever Druid did a leap attack in Warg Mode, she would let out a Pain noise and red flash despite taking no damage. This has been fixed now. +Fixed: There was no mana-check if you looped the Mutated Secondary Fire of the Magisters Lapis Flos, so it fired forever if you held the button down even without mana. Fixed.
    3 points
  46. Counting out the built-in test map, the mod appears to add 16 levels - 6 of them being GZDoom ports of PSX Doom maps, as well as 10 deathmatch maps. (I can't believe I actually downloaded Brutal Doom just to answer this question...)
    3 points
  47. Just got done playing the wad and I can safely say that the yellow key in E1M8 is extremely easily missable to the point that it seems reasonable that a lot of people would think they hit a softlock after falling out the window to get outside the building. Other than that though, a pretty fun little episode overall, with a neat balance of amateurish and sophisticated touches to its design, almost as if someone played through Doomsday of UAC and was immediately inspired to turn it into a full episode.
    3 points
  48. 3 points
  49. that's not true in the slightest. stewboy's compositions used to be somewhat controversial back when he was starting out cuz they didn't sound like rock or metal, and had much more in common with tracker music
    3 points
  50. Overusedd - You Suck by Lee Jackson. Bonus points if it's in a map that is WAY too long for its length.
    3 points
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