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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/24 in all areas

  1. Rest in peace to a legend. Fuck this year already.
    12 points
  2. 12 points
  3. What is the DWmegawad Club? This is a place where we settle down, have a cup of tea (or drink of your choice) and take a month to play through a megawad on our own, together! Any keen observations, criticisms, or frustrated ranting about it goes here in the discussion. As long as you want to say something about what you've played, feel free to speak your mind. Can I join? Sure. The only rule is that you have to play at least some of the levels in our monthly megawad to contribute, but you're generally encouraged to finish the whole thing, even if you've played it before. What levels am I allowed to post about? Whatever day of the month it is, is the upper limit for the map you can post on. So if it’s the 6th, you may discuss up to MAP06. Do I have to post an entry every day? Nope, not at all. This is only for our more enthusiastic members. As long as you play through it with us you’re part of the club. When do we vote on the next month’s megawad? Voting begins on the 25th of the current month. Remember to add one “+++” before your vote to make it easier to count. For example: +++ Ultimate Doom Note that you can vote for up to three separate nominations in a single month, and every wad must contain at least three maps each. The winning nomination must receive at least four votes for a thread to be made. Ties will be decided by RNG. ---------- >>>DOWNLOAD THE 10x10 PROJECT HERE<<< >>>DOWNLOAD HEARTLAND HERE<< >>>DOWNLOAD SIGIL II HERE<< LunchLunch, skillsaw, and John Romero—our unholy, February trifecta! Our first experiment is The 10x10 Project by LunchLunch, a mapset that essentially limits every map to 10 flats and 10 textures. Afterwards is Heartland by skillsaw, a partial conversion for the Eternity Engine that has plenty of shiny new weapons and nasty monsters up its sleeve. Last is Sigil II by John Romero, which needs no introduction. 10x10 starts on 2/01, Heartlands starts on 2/12, and Sigil 2 starts on 2/20. Maplist for the 10x10 Project: MAP01 - “Ten by Ten” MAP02 - “Lockjaw” MAP03 - “Salvia” MAP04 - “Hey! This Is Library” MAP05 - “No More Zoomer Girls” MAP06 - “Sad Bastard” MAP07 - “The Zzul Method” MAP08 - “Cocoa Puffs Breath” MAP09 - “Abuse Me, Darling” MAP10 - “lunchlunchlunchlunch” MAP11 - “No Exit, It’s Over” MAP31 - “The Anna Dream” Maplist for Heartland: MAP01 - “Subway Sandwich” MAP02 - “Bruce R. & Son Construction Co.” MAP03 - “Reservoir Dog” MAP04 - “Routine Flaring and Flailing” MAP05 - “Titan of Industry” MAP06 - “Get Shafted” MAP07 - “The Beating Heart” MAP08 - “Arrhythmia” Maplist for SIGIL II: E6M1 - “Cursed Darkness” E6M2 - “Violent Hatred” E6M3 - “Twilight Desolation” E6M4 - “Fragments of Sanity” E6M5 - “Wrathful Reckoning” E6M6 - “Vengeance Unleashed” E6M7 - “Descent into Terror” E6M8 - “Abyss of Despair” E6M9 - “Shattered Homecoming” BONUS CONTENT Doomwiki: The 10x10 Project | Heartland | SIGIL II DSDA: The 10x10 Project | Heartland SIGIL II’s website Dean of Doom: Sigil II -------- OLD THREADS
    11 points
  4. A collaboration between a friend and me. The original idea and the layout of the map is his, but the rest of the actual map is mine. It's titled Arms Shortage.
    9 points
  5. RjY

    Weird demos

    Oh this is a good one. Thank you very much for saving the demo. The ghost revenant started as thing 365. But it is not technically a ghost in the usual sense. A ghost has positive health and the flags of a normal monster, but zero height, so you cannot hit it except by splash damage (or being at exactly the right height to shoot its feet, but I digress). This revenant, on the other hand, is still technically a corpse. It has -31 health and the corpse flag. It can go over dropoffs, but is neither solid nor shootable -- you could not have damaged it no matter how many rockets you fired. On tic 8123 (3:52+03) a charging lost soul slams into an archvile (thing 406). Naturally, the archvile takes damage. But this time, the collision wakes it up. (On the second attempt, funnily enough, it already hit it once before.) An awakened, chasing archvile, before it does anything else, checks around itself for corpses to resurrect. This one finds two dead revenants on the other side of the wall next to it. However, neither have enough room to be resurrected, so they are left alone. The archvile gets on with the business of incinerating the hapless lost soul. It is important to emphasise that the revenant is not revived by the usual mechanisms of an archvile resurrection. The archvile's corpse search finds the dead revenant, and runs a test to see if there is room for it, if it were resurrected. This fails, but since it uses the usual movement and position checking code, it changes the value of a variable that is still in use by the currently-in-progress moving actor (that is, the lost soul) to refer instead to the revenant. So instead of the lost soul being returned to spawn state having hit something, it is the revenant corpse. It gets up instantly, without a resurrection animation or most of the properties a live monster is expected to have being reset. Technically still dead, non-solid, and totally indestructible. [ For source divers: in PIT_CheckThing, P_DamageMobj has called P_CheckPosition re-entrantly, causing tmthing to change to point to the revenant. The abridged call chain goes something like P_CheckPosition(lostsoul) -> PIT_CheckThing -> P_DamageMobj -> P_SetMobjState -> A_VileCheck -> PIT_VileCheck -> P_CheckPosition(revenant). "This is the strife we get into for using global variables", as cph observed. ]
    8 points
  6. Resuming Atomic development, at least for now the aesthetics will lean towards the Doom/Doom 2 vision of hell so a touch of technological influence amidst the Hellscape. This section of the mapset will involve traversing a hellish Citadel rather than jumping from map to map via teleporters etc. First stop, scaling the outer wall (Still very much work in progress but this at least shows the vertical scale for this map nicely).
    8 points
  7. It looks like that I can never join the club for only month at a time, it's at least two months. But 10x10 and Heartland are all wads I've been meaning to play (among so many others, though) for quite some time, so how could I resist... Although, I'll probably skip Sigil 2, because I already played it. I'll join only at the final day to sum up some of my thoughts on it. The top post is still unwritten, but I'm assuming we start with 10x10, so here goes. * MAP01: Ten by Ten. Played on DSDA v0.27.4, UV, PS. 200/200 K, 3/3 S, 69/69 I. Comp. time 12:31 Actually I started 10x10 when it was released, but I think I only played the first map. I liked it then, but I guess something else came by at the time, and I could never return to MAP02. And yes, I still like the first map very much. It's a slick grey techbase and just goes to show that you don't need that many materials to craft a map that looks unrestricted. You might never know something is up, if Lunchlunch didn't present this particular map's cuisine. Map itself is, I guess, on the easier side. At least I remember it being far harder, especially the blue key area. Granted, I think I had a bit of luck with the pinkies behaving, so that the archies couldn't aim at me, but still. The secrets were also not that obtuse; I didn't remember them from my first time around, at least I don't think so. The SS troopers guarding the secrets feel funny, I don't know why; usually I'd consider them glaring inconsistencies or just plain stupid, but I guess the wad somehow feels just the right amount light-hearted for them to fit here... also they fit this particular map's visual motif, the blue carpets. (The music also a plays a part in setting the mood; to me, it resembles Going Down soundtrack, like some sort of distant cousin of GD music). I loved the zombieman slaughter scene; It's silly, but it's funny. I knew the blur sphere would be far more useful here than somewhere where I ended up wasting it. At the end I had 198/200 kills. Went back and found a blue armor, which would have been useful much sooner. After that I found out you had to pick up the chainsaw to unleash the final caco D: * MAP02: Lockjaw. Played on DSDA v0.27.4, UV, PS. 61/61 K, 3/3 S, 55/55 I. Comp. time 13:43 Indeed, I hadn't played this one before. I wonder if I ever tried it, if I was somehow scared away from it... I don't remember. In any case another great choice of stock textures used in a map, that's noticeably harder than the last one. Berserk at the start always makes me fear of ammo starvation. That's not the case here, but better to punch out the first batches of enemies. This plan backfired a bit in the blue key area, with one of the revenants hitting me once with an intense damage roll. The hardest bit here must be either the cramped-quarters foursome with archviles, or the battle for the red key. I'm voting for the three archviles, even though it's a short encounter; I managed it only by killing first of the archies, panic-hitting the two switches and Just Leaving™. It still left me less-than-stellar health/armor situation, making the big room fight more hairier than it should have been. Good stuff! Speaking of stock textures: 10x10 seems to be a great example of a modern wad not needing custom textures. At least I assume they are absent here. OTEX and 32x24 and others sure can make maps look and feel fresh, I have absolutely nothing against them; but if someone thinks they are required for a 2020s WAD to be worth anything, then look no further than 10x10 (or wads such as Arrival).
    8 points
  8. Made a tiny keep in E1M1. Doomguy for scale. Edit: Well uhh... I ignored the ants and their tiny castle for a while and it seems like they've been colonizing when I wasn't looking...
    8 points
  9. Here we go again. .WAD: https://www.moddb.com/games/doom/addons/sigil-ii-midi-ost-remake
    7 points
  10. MAP02: Lockjaw - Fully Maxed (100% kills, 100% items, 100% secrets) ohh boy, haha. this is already a bit nastier. TASTEFULLY nasty, mind you, so I still really enjoyed this one. I thought the first manc was gonna be a big issue until I got the backpack secret from a silly schutzstaffel. The low monster count lulls you into a bit of a false sense of security, bet each one is carefully placed to be a pain in the ass. The triple-archvile pole-dance routine in particular was really rough on me, those fuckers would NOT flinch. Excellent texture usage as per usual, and as most have said already, it's not quite as inspired as the previous map, what with all the flesh-hell content already made for doom countless times over, but still extremely clean and visually cohesive. I await tomorrow's next ass-kicking with open arms : )
    7 points
  11. Wish you made good threads
    7 points
  12. 10X10.wad - The 10x10 Project - LunchLunch: This is a short mapset of ten maps, made in a really short time span (8 months) by LunchLunch, showcasing his amazing vanilla texture usage. The restrictions are simple, only ten textures and ten flats are going to be used at each map, in addition some extra textures are allowed to be used for making doors and light sources, aswell as key indicators. At first I thought this was a community project, as that would have been a great idea for that, but LunchLunch decided that he will make everything by himself, demonstrating that he is quite a beast of a mapper. Maps are mid to hard in difficulty, and mid in length. The idea is to showcase the power of using only ten textures and ten flats, and also to demonstrate the power of the vanilla textures, which they don't deserve the love those should get. MAP01 - Ten by Ten (100%K/98%I/66%S): Right from the start you will get overwhelmed by the amount of detail a man can place in a single map with only 10 textures and 10 flats, LunchLunch certainly has some talent for this. Not only because the map looks really nice (the looks give me mid 2000 vibes), but it also plays really well, giving you the impression of "first map of the set" but without falling into the "easy first map" category. Already giving us a hint that, 10x10 is not a mapset of easy maps, and you will see this later. Again I loved the attention to detail and the layout given here. Sweet starter map. MAP02 - Lockjaw (100%K/I/S): Again, maps will start getting harder and harder. This one is short and simple, but setpieces here will start showing you no mercy. I had a difficult time with this one. Specially on the blue key room, for some reason. After beating it I felt stupid. The map shows a totally different environment with the texture choice here, already a hellish landscape in map two. I feel like the combination of wood and flesh textures are one of the safest choices to make a map, as those are quite complex themselves to make a really nice looking map without overusing textures. That vertical wood texture trims it all and it's great. Nice map, but I prefer the first one over this. (UV - Playthrough/DSDA Doom) Order of Preference:
    7 points
  13. 7 points
  14. Yeah I'll jump on this one. All three of these wads have been on my backlog, so here's an excuse to actually play them! I play on Nugget Doom on UV, pistol-starting each level. I try to only allow myself a single save with each map, but I'll break this rule if things get out of my pay-grade, which will probably happen with 10x10; I've watched the Dean of Doom on this one so I know what to expect and it gets a tad hot. I'll give it my best shot, though. MAP01: Ten by Ten - Fully Maxed (102% kills, 100% items, 100% secrets) What a beautiful start. Map 1 really hits home on the concept of the wad- the way lunchlunch takes advantage of the 10 texture and 10 flat limit is really stunning. Every wall and floor is incredibly detailed, but not noisy enough to make traversal confusing. The way secrets and alternate paths are tucked between wall details and greebling is wonderful, looking for every monster felt like hunting for extra secrets. The stair fight filled with a metric ton of zombiemen was great but i would have loved to blast through it with a rocket launcher. Knowing what comes after, though, I understand why that wasn't given to the player. :p The archvile pinky fight is so so good. I'm very easily swayed by archvile setpiece fights, and while this one isn't too tough, it's for sure a fun shock the first time around. By this point the areas with windows to the "outside" start opening up, which I think are the most stunning parts of the map; they give you a glimpse of the distorted world outside the techbase, showing you that there's no escape, as the world out there is just as much grim concrete and metal as it is in here. Wonderful first map.
    7 points
  15. Woof!, -cl 9, pistol-start with saves The 10x10 Project was a wad I was intrigued by after I saw MtPain27 covering it (hence it's not a blind playthrough, though I know mostly the maps' atmosphere, rather than any specific encounters). It's a mapset I had on my backburner since, so I'm glad it was chosen for February. I've played some maps by LunchLunch, mostly from DBPs, and enjoyed most of them. I have really high expectations with this one. MAP01: Ten by Ten Every map in 10x10 uses two sets of stock textures and flats: essential that are shared between levels (doors, switches, teleporters etc. - you can check them if you no-clip out of the starting room and go east) and 10 unique to each map. In case of Ten by Ten, they consist of gray walls, computer panels and blue circuitry. What we end up with is a rather cramped techbase. The place is very detailed, but also completely abstract if you think about its purpose. Like, there's a room at the end where you can take a look outside and see this bizzaire place under the unnatural blue sky. Like really, what is this place? The knocking midi adds to the uneasy atmosphere. Despite this being an opening map, Ten by Ten isn't afraid to put the player in some hairy situations. The super shotgun trap is a wake-up call, a small room that sets loose an archvile with several pinkies as meatshields. The fight for the blue key was the standout moment of the map, as you need to avoid the gaze of two archviles standing on a balcony and being chased by pinkies at the same time. You can take cover in the alcoves on the sides, but the skybox here damages you, so it's better to limit your time camping there. By contrast, that horde of zombies that protect the yellow key is a fun display of excess without being harmful. Also, the secrets for some reason hold Nazis inside. It's one of the quirks of 10x10 you just need to get along with. Solid opener that presents what 10x10 is going to be, demonstrating the project's philosophy and setting the expectation for the difficulty. MAP02: Lockjaw The dominating colours are red of blood and pink of flesh, accented by wood. Kinda reminds me of LunchLunch's map from Skulltiverse, that one also went heavy into body horror, but Lockjaw feels more like a corrupted building than intestines of a living being. Compared to MAP01, Lockjaw is more deliberate with resources and enemies. It's one of those maps that are calibrated to give you just enough ammo and health to make it to the end. It favours quality over quantity, with mid-tiers that pose a challenge, especially in the early parts. The room with cacodemons and a pain elemental was surprisingly tricky, there's a side corridor here that you can use to outrun the monsters, but it's in a full view of a pair of mancubi. Then you reach a round room with a column in the middle. It should be obvious what comes next - archviles. Three get released one by one, if you are confident with an SSG, you should make it without a loss of health. The first time I've tried, I wasn't quick enough and had to fight two at one. They dropped my health to 13%, so despite surviving this, the next fight killed me quickly. I reloaded a save, killed the viles without getting hit and I've also found a secret supercharge - a switch was cleverly hidded within some tech textures. The final fight contains an archvile that is the top priority, elevated projectile-tossers and some trash on the ground that takes up space. Kill the vile first, run for the rocket launcher and start eliminating threats - the fight should be over in no time. Overall, a tougher map that the previous one, it killed me a couple of times, but manageable. I prefer the gameplay style of Ten by Ten, however Lockjaw is by no means a bad map.
    7 points
  16. 10x10 by lunchlunch (dsda doom, uv) Map 01: ten by ten A short tech base starting level that plays fast paced and loose but is really all about how visually stunning it is. Intriquately detailed despite its self imposed limitations, Im almost surprised by the shear variety of ways these textures can be put to use. Whats created is a very cool slick futuristic style. Fairly easy difficulty wise but it is map one and does try to throw some heavier demons at you with some revs, viles and even a manc. My favorite part was easily picking up the chain gun, that shits just fun! Map 02: lockjaw This map is decidedly meaner than the first even though theres about a quarter of the enemies. A little trap heavier and boasting tougher opposition the fights are still on the easy side, they just try harder to wreak your day faster. The high light was a small room that lets vile after vile out intending you to kill each before the next emerges and you become overwhelmed. Again though, the texture work is the center piece and this ones theme had me believing I was in the torture chambers beneath Vlad The Impaillers midevil castle.
    7 points
  17. I ended up playing a second map today, though I forgot to set the difficulty before level warping in order to pistol start and only realised halfway through the recording =/ Maybe I should have taken a nap I was planning to instead... MAP02 - "Lockjaw" QuestZDoom, HMP, blind, pistol start, saves The map feels very similar to the first one, despite the visuals being completely different. Not sure if it's just lunchlunch's general style, or if the wad is going to evolve into something way different in time. As it is I felt like playing a twisted version of the first techbase, rebuilt with wood, meat and skin. I'm not complaining. The progression feels pretty good in both, and at any rate the specific encounters are completely different. Playing on HMP on accident, the difficulty drop was significant. It wasn't boring, but I think I can take more punishment. We'll see if I'll be saying the same thing by the end of the wad. And I found all the secrets this time! Diet sunder you say? *gulp* But I did survive Mapping at Warpspeed in VR somehow already. I think I'll manage.
    6 points
  18. I play Doom because it's the most boring game I know
    6 points
  19. Ultra violence 100% kills/secrets, Pistol-start, Using saves Played on DSDA Doom v0.27.5 -complevel 9 Map 1: Ten by Ten - 13:21 And so commences my third playthrough of this amazing wad. The first map isn't too challenging, but it's pretty much perfect from a technical standpoint. Despite it only using the 10 textures/flats shown at the beginning and so called "universal textures" (which can be seen by noclipping to it in this map), it looks better than most techbasey maps I've played. There's also a point in the map where you can see the skybox, which is just the blue wire-grid texture (idk what it's actually called) used extensively in the map. Pretty cool. Two combat encounters I really dig in this map are the big wave of zombiemen right after the red door, and the demon/archvile fight right after the yellow door. The latter of which is a creative if fairly easy space management fight. I don't really get idea behind the wolfenstein guys hiding in the secret sectors, maybe a reference to something or just a funny gag. If I had to nitpick one thing about this map I don't really like it was having to SB shotgun a few mid tier enemies, though it's not an issue if you find the secret berserk (or remember to check the lift to a super shotgun at the very beginning of the map...). Also, enjoy the laid back difficulty while it lasts, some of the later maps get pretty tricky. * Side note, this WAD also uses fast lifts a lot (i.e a much lower delay on a lift reaching the bottom and going up) which I love and wish it was more common. Difficulty: 2/15
    6 points
  20. apichatpong


    Sorry if it was already posted... and sorry, it's in french. By the way, Le Monde is the most known and respected french newspaper (FWIW) https://www.lemonde.fr/pixels/article/2023/12/10/doom-et-myhouse-wad-retour-sur-un-mystere-fait-maison_6205058_4408996.html
    6 points
  21. I mentioned it before but to anyone who hasn’t seen the movie Action Jackson, I highly recommend it. It’s one of Carl Weather’s films where he was the lead role and he kicks major ass. It has a lot of cast members from both Commando and Predator in it as well, has some really memorable one liners, and is just overall a lot of fun.
    5 points
  22. Damn! I didn't expect the news. Surprisingly I'm feeling the loss. He was a memorable 'Apollo Creed' in Rocky 1-2-3-4. Then there was his role in Predator 1, of course. There's a scene in that movie in which Carl Weathers and Arnold Schwarzenegger manly clasp their hands and show their biceps. This is has to be one of the most iconic brofists in cinema. About that famous scene, Carl Weathers stated in an interview that he tried to find a way to look good in front of Arny, who was one hell of a bodybuilder back then. How can you make your muscles look good when you have in front of you a world champion who's been pumping iron for years? He finally found a trick: he decided to put a short sleeve shirt which was too small for his size, so that his biceps looked bulging. Rest in Peace Stormy (this was his nickname when he played football).
    5 points
  23. Mad man playing diet sunder in VR, mad respect m8.
    5 points
  24. Hell yeah! I've been waiting on Sigil II hoping it will be featured soon, so of course I'm gonna jump in. I haven't played Doom much for a while and I've been meaning to finish my Going Down and Claustrophobia 1024 playthroughs, but I guess I'm doing this now. We'll see if I can keep up for a change... MAP01 - "Ten by Ten" QuestZDoom, UV, blind, saves What does the name mean again? Texture limits? No idea what you're talking about. This looks like a normal map to me. This was a fun little map. Best part was the first arch vile fight. I'm a big fan of design where you gain a new weapon just before it comes in very handy. Another example is the staircase with a throng of zombies, welcome fodder for the newly acquired chaingun. I just wished the map gave you a rocket lancher at that point instead, though maybe it's in one of the secrets of which I didn't find a single one. Speaking of rocket launcher, it subverts this trend by immediately flooding the room with pinkies which I found hilarious, thought the fight itself felt like it lacked bite, despite my abysmal movement. Maybe I got lucky. ...and I'm already running late, since I'm just about spent for the day. I'll try for maps 2 and 3 tomorrow and then perhaps try building up a buffer.
    5 points
  25. I don't understand the reasoning for excluding several of the suggestions here (aliens tc, satchap, etc.) -- its fine to put disclaimers next to em (e.g. "this wad is pretty old" or "this one is mega-hard"), so people know what they're getting into, but they absolutely fall under the "horror-ish" umbrella. Let folks pick their own favorites rather than pre-emptively DQ something notable. Sorta related: it may also be worth separating wads into "action oriented" and "survival horror ish" categories, just to manage expectations a bit. That's somewhat biased I guess since one of dead.air's quirks is that it's a fast paced actionfest with a horror aesthetic, which occasionally throws folks off if they're only interested in the spooks. A bunch of the other mentions are in the same category too.
    5 points
  26. Wow, the new video menu is great! The possibility to define a maximum resolution and choose if it is handled as dynamic or static res is great. So everyone should get his/her dream-resolution. A masterpiece for resolution-fetishists :) On my 4k TV i can now set a max res of 1920x1000 (500%) and the picture is far more stable as it can not change anymore to too high resolutions my PC can not handle stable. Same on my AMD notebook with 2560x1600/120Hz display. Here i set 1920x1000 too and the resolution changes (with voxel models) from sometimes really rare 600p in movement (and so not really noticeable) as lowest resolution to max 1000p. That is great! In every case the framerate is rockstable at the given framelimit. For me the dynamic res and all options in the video menu are now perfect. Thank you for your efforts. My favorite BOOM/MBF port has done a great step forward.
    5 points
  27. We have an update! Massive thanks to violentlycar on Discord for figuring out what was causing the DSDA-Doom crash, I fixed it up and now version 1.1 is ready! Also thanks to @General Rainbow Bacon and @Xenaero for doing some pre-beta testing for me, y'all are an absolute godsend. I didn't mention y'all in the initial post, so I'm doing it here. :P
    5 points
  28. The MENAGERIE A thread for uploading finished sprite sheets for perusal and use by the community. This thread is meant as a compliment to "Share Your Sprites", as a place where those searching for pixel art to use in their mods can more easily search through the finished work available, as well as a place for franken-spriters, pixel hackers, and real proper "artists" to keep their completed spritesheets in one place. Below you'll find my work that I consider complete and ready for others to use. I'd encourage other artists to upload their finished spritesheets here too. I'm using a format that includes credits, usage status (does it contain/is it based on commercial works?), and permissions - although it should be assumed that anything posted here is available to use with proper accreditation. (if you don't want it used by others, don't post it here!) You don't have to follow my format, but try to include credits at a minimum. This top post will probably contain some more context or rules or guidelines or w/e, but for now I'd just like to post my stuff and have anyone else interested to join me in doing so. Once the mods, posters, and users have had a chance to take a look, I'm sure the best way of doing things will become apparent. I'll edit this post to reflect that later. The only thing I would ask is that we try to keep this thread for posting finished spritesheets first and foremost. Don't post works in progress, concepts, or other incomplete stuff - just finished sprite sheets. This thread is for works that can be implemented into a wad "as is". Keep compliments to reactions ( etc...), and don't offer critique - the "Share Your Sprites" thread is the proper place for that stuff. Double-posting here and in "Share Your Sprites" is fine, as they serve different functions. DO NOT REQUEST COMMISSIONS (everyone kinda hates those posts anyhow, send a private msg instead) For now posts about how best to organize this thread are a-okay and encouraged. Feel free to msg me if you prefer. Hope y'all find this thread useful! Now, scroll down and enter... The MENAGERIE!
    4 points
  29. Been working on this for a bit. It uses a lot of triangular sectors, and hand edited vertex heights, to create a fairly cool looking map. Granted, this does not look like the Doom I remember, but its neat to see it anyway. Storyline will be something pertaining to an earth invasion. I don't know how long it'll take me to finish this thing, because the gameplay aspect of it is really tough to get correct. Heres a few screenies. I did not make the tree sprites, they are from https://pixabay.com/ . I did edit the size and color, and added a little detail to the trunks.
    4 points
  30. Please allow me to present to you one of my latest new compositions. It's called "Bohemian Galop" (no relation to the Queen song), and it's up on YouTube as an audio/"scrolling score" post. I wrote it as an entry to the 2024 Southeast Horn Workshop's Horn Composition Competition, which ended on February 1st, 2024. I didn't come in First Place or as the Honorable Mention, I'm sorry to say, but I'm still happy with my composition, which incidentally is for a French Horn sextet. Here's the post. If you'd like to perform it, send me a DM and I'll get back in touch with you about getting you a copy of the score and parts. Thanks for watching/listening!
    4 points
  31. Cascade

    Share Your Sprites!

    Freedoom saw (free to use just credit))
    4 points
  32. RIP to a legend. You not only made my adolesence, but my father's.
    4 points
  33. GreenAnime

    Disease (DOOM 2)

    I really like the TEKGREN textures so started messing with it. The map's theme is green and mean, green visuals and mean difficulty. I just started mapping this year and this is my carefully aligned textures I've ever had, so criticisms would be highly appreciated. Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/v6ofpurwq4nwwap/DIS.rar/file
    4 points
  34. What a convenient selection! I can play along until halfway into the month, so I was hoping for a multi-wad Club like this. I only discovered LunchLunch when we played Ad Mortem back in 2022 but enjoyed both maps back then (especially Checkmate) and 10x10 has been on my radar since. I love Heartland but it's not been that long since I played it, and much as I loved Sigil the sequel left me a bit cold. Doing this with GZDoom, Boom strict compat, software, HNTR, blind, continuous with saves. MAP01: Ten By Ten An excellent opener, not too large but still substantial, not too difficult but still fun. The very start sets the stage for the wad's gimmick, showcasing the 10 textures and 10 flats that will be used in the map. It's a testament to the careful use of such a limited selection that I very quickly forgot the limitation because everything looked so good and consistent, if I didn't know better and someone tried to convince me that there's no limit and these were just the best choices I wouldn't bat an eyelid. This is a techbase and a very good looking one, despite the predominance of greys the colour scheme still feels soothing thanks to the blues, and the detailing is very nice. I don't know if it's the way the textures are aligned or just the way they are put side by side, but there's a richness to the visuals that I didn't feel should be possible after just seeing the 10 textures side by side at the beginning. Difficulty balancing is beautiful, the map is relatively easy on HNTR despite fielding over a hundred enemies. Very promising start. MAP02: Lockjaw We're in a more hellish look now, with bones and wood and blood dominating; no more cool blues, everything is an angry red here. The map is smaller and I think easier, though with some fun secrets to hunt, and watching the area open up after using locked switches is entertaining. I want to comment on the use of the SS, now that's obvious they will only (and always?) be found in secrets, it feels a bit odd but I guess it's a humorous use that LunchLunch likes, I remember them being used similarly in Ad Mortem's Norwich Lane.
    4 points
  35. MAP03: Salvia Okay, warm-up is over, 10x10 starts getting hard. Salvia (a type of herb - I don't see how this relates to another corrupted building) starts hostile, placing revenants, chaingunners and pain elemental in a starting room. This took me a couple of attempts and is easily the most difficult section of the map. This is because the rest of the map lets you arm yourself properly, so you can deal with the key fights. First one I've completed was the yellow skull one. You have a rather small room with two barons, two archviles are running around below your line of sight and there are also some peripherial imps. Nothing spectacular here and the viles are awkward to kill. Don't worry, the rest of the map is much better. The red key is a narrow loop that sends pairs of hell knights and spectres to surround you, while crowds of imps fire from the sides. With SSG as the only viable weapon, this one can get tense, as you try to eliminate threats advancing from two sides without taking too much damage. Then there is the yellow key room. It starts with just some spectres and imps, until you press a switch and the place transforms. Hell nobles and revenants appear on the sides, severely limiting your movement in an already cramped room, while a cyberdemon appears in the centre. Quick question: why is he wearing leather pants? This seem to be the only altered sprite in the wad, so it looks a bit out of place. This is also a tough setpiece, with too many opportunities to catch a rocket or get within a splash damage range. There's a plasma rifle here, so choose wisely whether you want to spend your limited cell supply to eliminate the cyberdemon first or to cut through the obstacles and have more room to breathe. The final fight for the red key is a kitchen sink of an arena with a number of mid-tiers and a cyberdemon for a good measure. It wasn't that bad, I killed the archvile watcher first, then started running, provoking monsters to infight and eliminating whatever stood in my way. Soon all that was left was the cyberdemon and he was no match for a fat stack of cells. I just like this map, it flows really well, with telegraphed setpieces connected by incidental combat. The visuals are fine, with wood, skulls and gargoyles as the main textures used - it all gives me mid-Plutonia vibes, an association strenghten by the music choice. That's probably the easiest way to get my approval, but even discounting this, it's a strong map with a healthy dose of challenge.
    4 points
  36. Why not play through sunder and find out for yourself. Your opinions will always differ in some way from others so asking other people may turn out to be unreliable. Also, much of sunder is excellent so you’d probably enjoy it.
    4 points
  37. Year 2 Month 10 Day 12 I play until I die or intentionally stop. I don't comment the wad where I died/stopped. [1] DBM Random Map by Demmon Break Master (2011) Behind this random map hides an anxiety-inducing and detailed vanilla-compatible bunkers, mostly populated by zombies but not only. It uses the music "Suspense" from Doom 1 and it matches with the suspenseful atmosphere caused by the moody lighting and the cramped environnements. After reading the idgames' comments, I expected a really ruder experience but it's eventually the kind of map which accomodates with my gameplay style because a steady approach is way more rewarded than actuall skill. Those zombies and more specifically chaingunners can deal a lot of damage if run and gun but they prove to be inefficient if you go step by step. The second aspect which captivated me were the visuals, which are elaborated regarding vanilla limits. The occasional doom cutes such as bedrooms and dining room strenghtens the feeling to explore a haunted place. Needless to say that the music from E1M5 is always a banger in those types of maps. I really love the cloud red sky by the way, but as the screens witness, most of the map takes place underground. Overall, this type of horror-oriented map with very moderate difficulty was really addictive, although I would have liked it to have been longer. Grade : A- (16/20) [2] InHell.WAD by Peter J. Gizzi (1994) A small (and crappy) Ultimate Doom map I already played in Month 9 Day 05 (3 April 2022). Here's what I said : "This map doesn't look like anything tangible except that the layout forms the word "DEU" which may stand for Doom Editing Utilities. It's hideous by the way, we're dealing with a pure 1994 map. Despite its 30 monsters, this map took me at least 5 minutes because of its unnecessarily obscure progression where you have to shoot on a wall to discover a passage, where you have to press on a precise texture to lower a sector or press on a switch in a large featureless dark room. The author has integrated a music composed by Satriani, but it only confirms the idea of a weird and clumsy map. This map has no artistic value, even as a shovelware. Grade : D-" I played Prboom+ this time in order to kill the 33 enemies and find the 2 secrets. This level managed to confuse me again despite its tiny size. I still confirm the old review. The music is the only map's "strong point". Grade : D- (4/20) I tried to take a soulsphere in a large cage from Pent-A-Gon but the floor lowered and and left me at the mercy of 7 cyberdemons.
    4 points
  38. Chameeleoh


    Nice article haha. Google chrome translated it for me. Its so cool to see how far this map and doom are still reaching long after their creation
    4 points
  39. Mini Duel Tournament on Playstation DOOM (using link-cable)
    4 points
  40. Very well, then. Please allow me to present to you one of my latest new compositions. It's called "Bohemian Galop" (no relation to the Queen song), and it's up on YouTube as an audio/"scrolling score" post. I wrote it as an entry to the 2024 Southeast Horn Workshop's Horn Composition Competition, which ended on February 1st, 2024. I didn't come in First Place or as the Honorable Mention, I'm sorry to say, but I'm still happy with my composition, which incidentally is for a French Horn sextet. Here's the post. If you'd like to perform it, send me a DM and I'll get back in touch with you about getting you a copy of the score and parts. Thanks for watching/listening!
    4 points
  41. Hey, just saw this! Looks like you covered everything Murdoch, right down to the differences in labels and why. Definitely looks to me like a case of someone, somewhere along the line chucking $5 shareware discs in with the mail order box and manual to make money. Without discs, that box and manual are worth maybe 100-200 bucks, depending on who wants them. The discs may fetch a little more, and this box could have contained 1.1 or 1.2, red or blue label, or in some cases other labels that aren't as cool but are still ""official"" in that they were being sold by distributors with an actual connection to/deal with id. The thread MagicMushroomMan linked is full of useful examples. I've seen official mail order floppies in black, baby blue, regular blue, and red so far. It's a real hodgepodge on the mail order front. (Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 were much more uniform!)
    4 points
  42. Naarok0fkor

    Share Your Sprites!

    Ok. UDB is f$#^% with my pistol-replacement-aka-assault rifle. It work well when playing but it doesn't use my mods for the pistol during editing. Hope this will help ward-off the bug...
    4 points
  43. Imo the cause and effect suggested here is way too strong, and it mostly doesn't work that way either. Some version of this thread has been active and running for most of the past decade. The pre-2020 years, which had lots more "good threads," had both the Confessional Booth (which was still in Doom General and used for that type of posting) and a different Unpopular Opinion thread running at the same time. So threads like this don't absorb good discussion. Nearly all posts in this thread are drive-by posts that exist because there's this thread and would not be started as standalone threads. (People like my posts in this thread and despite those being higher-effort, there are exactly zero of them that I would have started as standalone threads.) Pretty much all of the degrading in "good discussion" is a mix of a lot of discussion moving off to Discord servers, and a lot of new forum sign-ups who don't post well. Forums have become more of a hub for sharing wads and surface-level activity. When I want to have conversations about interesting topics, it's mostly in different Discord servers or even private channels, which seems to be true for a lot of people. The issue with this thread is more that it creates (additional) bad posting that would not exist without it and just lets people post badly without consequence.
    4 points
  44. Map13 is underway. Technohorror outpost...
    4 points
  45. Currently trying to turn Hitlers mech suit from Wolf3D into some sort of UAC security robot, not sure how to colour these red parts. Directional sprites taken from Wolfenstein 3D TC. I'm wondering if it looks better default or with edit based on minigun pickup sprite:
    4 points
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