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The Vast Silence is a Doom 64-themed episode for Doom 2 designed for limit removing source ports made by various members of Doomer Boards, lead by me, matador. >>>DOWNLOAD HERE (RC3)<<< Old versions: Screenshots: MAPLIST: Previous Projects:47 points
"Table for 2 please" UV-Max demo pack, Map01-Map29, Map31 & Map32 If anything looks copy-pasted in the text file and is actually wrong, it's because it is, please let me know. sc_max.zip23 points
What do you think of midnight
Deleted User bye and 18 others reacted to myolden for a topic
Your point about the The Marvels just doesn't pan out in your favor. The Marvels didn't bomb at the box office because "women don't like nerd stuff", it's because Marvel fatigue has hit hard after Endgame and an as of yet directionless phase 4 has made people less interested in MCU stuff. If box office numbers of female-led Marvel movies were reflective of how interested in nerd culture women in general are, I would counter with the box office returns of Captain Marvel in 2019 which made over a billion dollars. But even then your foundation falls apart because men can and do watch movies starring women all of the time. Just because the main character is a woman doesn't mean only women would be interested. So your whole point is kind of nonsensical. The very end of your post is kind of telling, too. You seem to be under the impression that "woke" things in media are being "forced" on people, and that people are "offended" when their "demands" aren't met. But that really isn't the case, dude. Most people aren't knee deep in the culture wars and straight up don't give a shit if there are women/gay people/minorities/trans people in their movies, and there isn't some kind of "woke" lobby that throws a tantrum any time something doesn't cater to them. If anything I would say the reverse is true: any time something you deem "woke" comes out people like you throw a massive fit about it because it doesn't cater to your delicate sensibilities.19 points -
DOOM: Final Desolation
Innochka and 17 others reacted to Cacodoomonic for a topic
DOOM: Final Desolation is now available for download. This is a 100% vanilla 8 level DOOM wad, dedicated to my beloved late doggie Layla and my beloved late mother, both of which loved DOOM, and often used to watch me playing it. They both passed away, my dog on August 3rd 2023 and my mother September 27th 2023. This game is dedicated to them both and may their memory live on forever in this mod. The wad is an 8 level chapter starring Joan Dark as she fights against the forces of Hell as it invades the UAC bases and gradually takes over. A powerful demon, code-named only DESOLATION, has risen from the depths of Hell and brought with it an army of darkness that is utterly relentless. DoomGuy isn't around. Nobody is around except the demonically possessed corpses of former fellow UAC military... so it's up to Joan Dark to deal with this on her own. This game is the emotional symbolic representation of how it feels to lose all you love. Gradually, reality crumbles. Hell seeps through. Until all that is left is your Final Desolation. LEVELS 1. Electric Funeral 2. Screamin' 'n' Bleedin'. 3. Mourner's Lament 4. The Price You Pay 5. Somewhere In Nowhere 6. Well Of Souls 7. When Heaven Comes Down 8. Eulogy Of Melinda & Layla 9. Final Desolation MONSTERS 1. Zombieman 2. Shotgun Guy 3. Chaingunner 3. Imp 4. Demon 5. Spectre 5. Cacodemon 6. Pain Elemental 7. Lost Soul 8. Revenant 9. Hellknight 10. Baron Of Hell 11. Arachnotron 12. Mancubus 13. Archvile 14. Rotten Zombie 15. Cyberdemon 16. Spider Mastermind 17. DESOLATION Weapons All weapons are the same as those found in DOOM II but with altered sprites to a certain extent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD NEWEST RELEASE: DOOM - Final Desolation ULTIMATE! The Ultimate Edition of Final Desolation is exactly what it sounds like. The definitive version of the game. The package includes all previous limit-removing vanilla builds, all previous limit-removing classic builds, and most importantly - the ultimate build, which is a PK3 version that utilises all the features of GZDOOM, including coloured lighting, a high CD quality dark ambient soundtrack, brightmaps and new secret levels designed to really test your skill! This is the ultimate (and final) version of DOOM: Final Desolation and is truly the only version you will ever need. Comes bundled with a modified version of GZDOOM (which is required for Ultimate to work) and CrispyDoom for the previous builds. Ultimate has a heavily altered final boss fight on MAP08 making it unique from the vanilla builds. ULTIMATE has two secret levels: MAP09 - Into The Fire MAP10 - The Ritual There is also a secret 11th level which cannot be reached by normal means. MAP11 - Shrine ULTIMATE has new monsters: Nightmare Spectre Nightmare Imp Nightmare Caco Tech-Pinky Cherub But, for the vanilla version fans… If you liked the vanilla version but were not happy with the monster infighting changes, nerfed Revenants and Lost Souls etc, then SuperVanilla 1.4 included in this package is for you! The Revenants and Lost Souls are as dangerous and as annoying as they were originally and species can no longer in-fight with their own kind. Just how classic Doom always liked it. You can download DOOM: Final Desolation Ultimate from the following links: MY WEBSITE: https://cacodoomonic.website3.me/downloads MODDB: https://www.moddb.com/mods/final-desolation/downloads/doom-final-desolation-ultimate DROPBOX: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1n3pk544f3sb0d5jwqubt/DOOM-Final-Desolation-Ultimate.zip MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/f081k3f8mz0c3im/DOOM+-+Final+Desolation+Ultimate.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous Release: VERSION 1.3 Link 1: MODDB: Final Desolation 1.3 file Link 2: Cacodoomonic's Website: Final Desolation 1.3 file Download this version for the best experience. All levels completely beatable without any cheats. Comes bundled with CRISPYDOOM, the source-port I recommend for the best limit-removing vanilla experience. 1.3 CLASSIC version Link 1: MODDB: Final Desolation 1.3 (classic) file This is exactly the same as 1.3 except all extra assets are created only by myself or ID Software. Nothing in this version was created by the DOOM modding community except for myself and ID Software. Ultimate Desolation: ???? - IT IS HERE NOW. LINK ABOVE. OLDER VERSIONS You can download older (and far more broken versions) of the game from the links below. MODDB: https://www.moddb.com/mods/final-desolation (version 1) map05 unbeatable without cheats. Multiple graphical glitches and bugs. MODDB: https://www.moddb.com/mods/final-desolation/downloads/final-desolation-12 (version 1.2) fixes several problems from version 1. Map05 still unbeatable. NEW THINGS Monsters can infight with each other, including their own species. SCREENSHOTS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// If you notice anything wrong that needs fixing, please let me know and I'll repair it. I playtested it a few times but it is easy to miss things. Let me know if I missed anything. This download comes bundled with Freedoom1 and Freedoom2, GZDOOM 10 and DOSBOX for easy access. Thanks to everyone that helped in my help threads for getting around a few VANILLA limitations. Enjoy!18 points -
Hello kind sir or madam I am reaching out to you for your business proposal in the Doom modding. I am a Saudi Royal and my family has many generations of wealth to be having shared. I have read many big thick heavy and large books in American language. Please send me US 500.000$ USD and I will refer you to Notional Royal Bank of Canada (Canada) who can send the money to me for approval of funds received. Once money have been received in the form of digital funds such as iTunes or Steam gift card you will receive email with full instructions on receiving your doom maps. Please go to local store and buy iTunes or Steam gift cardsend the funds as soon as possible. and GOD bless12 points
Why do people hate TNT Evilution so much?
PasokonDeacon and 11 others reacted to PsychEyeball for a topic
I thought I wasn't a huge TNT fan when I clicked this, but the bullet list of complaints brought up to TNT feels so unfair and such that it actually made me rethink my stance on it enough to say "You know what? TNT was all right." Must have been that my skills at Doom have improved a lot ever since, but I have way more tolerance for the little things TNT do that don't sit with me well. But otherwise, TNT had a kicking soundtrack (a shame it was not all original compositions), a consistent enough theming for the experience to feel like a complete adventure and not just a hodge podge collection of maps and while some maps are definitive low points (Redemption, Habitat, Quarry, Baron's Den), almost every other map have a little something to stick in your mind, either in gimmick form or world building. You remember Wormhole's world bending, Stronghold's hitscanner hell, the eerily empty crater, the believable factory setting of Shipping/Respawning, the hellish bridge leading to that underground temple in Ballistyx and a bunch of other things I didn't name. It's fair to criticize TNT for some things but I feel like certain comments like these... Are just missing the point entirely. You mean to tell us a Boom map made in 2014 outshines a 1996 map made during a time level editors were held together by glue and eldritch energy? I'm shocked. I'd say TNT is a grower. I was left with zero impression on my first playthrough of it back when I was a kid, but I feel time has been somewhat more charitable to TNT than a bunch of other WADs. Being a Team TNT product, it has a certain hustle that warrants respect.12 points -
Let's Create the most Atrocious WAD Ever!
Pegleg and 11 others reacted to esselfortium for a topic
Let's not do a thread about shitting on other community members' creations, thank you.12 points -
12 points
Some modders happily take commissions, but those are typically for individual custom assets, like a music track or a sprite set, not a full-on mod. Some larger mods or modders may have Patreons set up, but it's not hugely common. Outside of those circumstances, the answer is usually a polite but firm "no thank you" - people generally make mods to distract themselves from their crappy underpaying jobs, not to give themselves a second crappy underpaying job atop the first!11 points
Yeah, if I'm going to be putting my free time into making someone else's project to someone else's specifications on someone else's schedule, they would have to be paying me a lot more than a couple hundred a month to make it worth the time and stress. If there's a Doom project you want to see happen, I would recommend learning the skills to create it yourself.10 points
This is a project I started work on during NaNoWADMo 2023, and was intentionally meant to feel like an amateur home-cooked thing. This was in the hopes that it'd make the project easier to work on (seemingly less pressure and all), but it still took a while because it turns out that burn-out still exists when you have fun! It features a few pieces of photo-sourced graphics (some of which see more use than others), with all pictures being taken by yours truly (Also some other new graphics that aren't that). The music is all essentially randomly chosen from bitmidi.org based on what I was able to find and recognize, and features things like Can-Can, Gimme Gimme Gimme, and Money Money Money. There will be occasional mandatory fake walls and the like, but they've all got hints of some kind. If they still tick you off, I hope you can still find something about this that makes you smile! You can find a download here! (/idgames) A silly story is included in the text file. Not mandatory reading, but please do :) This works in Chocolate Doom, but I currently haven't tested it on DOOM.EXE (Don't have DOSBox handy, and I'll just keep finding something more to delay this thing), but it SHOULD work in vanilla if you load the dehacked. Please report if it doesn't. With the release of the second version, this project has received accommodation for the vanilla executable. It should by all accounts work as intended.9 points
Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]
DGuy and 8 others reacted to Bainshie-Doom for a topic
Episode 1, UVMAX in 17:37 (-12s) ep1m-1737.zip So after ZeroMaster rerouted some of the Ep1 route, I had to give getting the record back a shot. Was more difficult than expected, with a lot of retrying E1M1 over and over before a run could start. Might look at Ep2 next E1M1: 0:34 +0 Not a great time, the absolute maximum I'll accept to start a run. Last Imp tanking two shots and the first area was a mess. Best time is 4 seconds faster than this. E1M2: 1:42 -5 (-5) Average time for me, the first area was good (With only the imp not going down the elevator being annoying), maze was sloppy but ended with an ok time. Best time was 6 seconds faster than that. E1M3: 2:38 -4 (-9) Very good time, fast first area led me to a good time here. Best time was about 2 seconds faster E1M9: 1:48 +4 (-6) This was a good time, although slower than the previous record's (ZM's E1M9 was insanely fast) Got stuck a bit on the blue key area, but only had one pinkie stuck not too far away at the end. Being ahead of the record after this map is a good sign. E1M4: 1:54 -6 (-12) Where are start gaining serious time. This is actually not the best time due to the zombieman refusing to walk in the right area, losing me about 4-5 seconds as I wait for them then have to detour, and losing another second due to the barrel not exploding. Still gain some time here however as I don't grab the ammo box which is way faster. Fastest time was about 7-10 seconds better than this. E1M5: 2:11 -11 (-23) Had a good switch room, setting me up for every good time here. Trying to manage ammo for the later levels. Fastest time is a good 7 seconds than this. E1M6: 3:12 +2 (-21) Had a TERRIBLE start, with the shotgunner refusing to walk into position, and some unlucky shotgun blasts, and made up for it with a faster more aggressive last room (Can be more aggressive if I don't accidentally trigger the second pinkie). Fastest time a good 5 seconds faster. E1M7: 2:44 +4 (-17) I can't match ZM's speed on the last two levels, so the entire process is just trying to reduce the damage. I lose time here from bad movement, bad barrels and less infighting. Best time is 6 seconds faster than this. E1M8: 54 +5 (-12) Nerves are a thing here, although I nearly get trapped (Which has only happened to me once before), messing up the positions. Pinkies at the start aren't helpful and lose me another 1-2 seconds. Managed to hit the final trick for a +5 time. The best time is 7 seconds faster than that.9 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: 10x10, Heartland, Sigil II
Cutman 999 and 8 others reacted to RHhe82 for a topic
MAP05: No more zoomer girls. Played on DSDA v0.27.4, UV, PS. 520/520 K, 1/1 S, 54/54 I. Comp. time 18:31 The difficulty curve sure doesn't take downward turns or even plateau. Even thinking about this one on saveless is unpleasant. The first room is doable, but even the first key chamber that's flooded by imps and cacos was difficult for me. The first cyberdemon chamber was doable, I tricked cybie to infight all of the hell nobles by poking a single imp, making it shoot the cybie so it wakes up, and after that trick the cybie to shoot at hell nobles. Once the ammo corridor is opened, the battle is won... except there's another cyber, and the space is not great for two-shotting it (with the secret BFG I happened to find. Good thing I suspected the gargoyle faces). And there is the end fight. I admit: I midfight-saved. I think I even rewinded at one point. That was hectic, and to think I could have missed the BFG... Despite my scummy behavior, I think this and the last map difficulty-wise lie in the zone I'd love to replay later on and try to manage them without midfight saves, with more confidence. These map are so concise, that it wouldn't even feel like a big deal to replay them. Great map, but I'm hoping we're not approaching a point where I have to lower difficulty D:9 points -
hey, doomworld. i bet you're wondering how i got h— it was a dark and stormy night. no it wasn't. upon that fateful morn—too ostentatious, run it back. up the stone steps i climbed—fuck, that's a song lyric. ok. i (incidentally, and finally) got properly stuck into DOOM on its 30th after intermittent mucking about thru the years; let's say fate had a hand here, and i gotta tell you, i've really been suckin it down. from the day i booted up DOOM '93 in late december (after a splurge on the nintendo eshop xmas sale), it's been a daily thing. i banged through doom, doom 2, and the master levels in short-dose order: consider me absolutely, without a doubt, head over shotgun doom-pilled. now i find myself down to clown with some wads 'n mods, having been gracefully assisted in general by my new pal @esselfortium. i was indeed even guided by her vis-à-vis setting up dsda and such on my crusty, aging laptop. please don't ask her about the millions of questions i asked regarding DOOM; she just might tell you. after lurking this place a bit, scenting a general air of welcoming and good vibes, for the most part, i figured i may as well sign up. here i am. DOOM really is something special: no mere historical curio, nor an archaic dry run which led to newer and better things; it is The Thing, the alpha and omega and so on, the ur-text. when i play it, i see not just the entire lineage of first-person shooters arcing and exploding up out of it, but games, period, perhaps all of them: i see the future, and knowing now what an unearthly, impossible, succulent outgrowth has spawned from this thing, i'm glad i can coexist with, and play around in that future, created and set to blow so long ago. a real depth-charge kinda thing. so: hello. DOOM is dope as fuck.8 points
Introducing Red, Dead, & Ready, the first in my vanilla hell-themed series of maps rife with challenge. Although very short, this map is quite brutal. Hell-themed maps are quite common in terms of custom maps, with some deviating from the bog-standard hellfire and brimstone, but this series intends to act as a follow-up to the previous tech-base series. Saves are recommended. Around 4 Days Typical Playtime: 3 - 5 Minutes Ports Tested: Chocolate Doom (No crashes or hitches on my end...) Crispy Doom Download8 points
Map05: No More Zoomer Girls Firstly, I will mention that this map managed to kill me quite a few times and thus I had to make use of saves. Though I did manage to beat this map saveless as well after practicing, because the maps are short enough As for what this map is like, it start you off in a small-ish room with plenty of enemies facing away from you and by giving you and SSG immediately and a plasma gun just a few steps ahead. Don't fight them here, just grab the plasma and rush for the stairs and hold your ground, but don't grab the yellow skull key until you killed the enemies as grabbing it will release 3 or 4 cacodemons. Also don't waste ammo killing the archviles in cages as pressing the yellow skull switch will activate crusher to kill them. Once out of that room, you enter a circular room that acts as the central hub area of the map with red, blue and yellow doors on each side. The yellow door leads you to a tight U-shaped arena where you get to use plasma gun against cacos and horde of imps. I try to focus down cacos first and when imps get too close, I rush towards the other side, grab the soulsphere and then kill the remaining imps/cacos. Not too hard, but you will loose a lot of health here, so I recommend to go here with almost 200/200 health/armor beforehand. Once you get the blue key and go for the blue door, you will be lead to an encounter where you have a cyberdemon in a cage on one side, a pack of hell nobles on the other side and there are 4 "pockets/ hiding spots", each having an archvile as watcher to prevent camping. All of them have their backs towards towards you. This looks like a very impossible looking fight, but it really isn't. This fight requires pacifist strategy. Touch one of the barons to alert him and make him shoot the cyberdemon. Once cyberdemon is awake, make him shoot some barons, hide in the safe spot near the cyberdemon until he kills them, rinse and repeat until all hell nobles are dead. Then go to the closet where hell nobles where, and some cacodemons + a pain elemental are unleashed. Make cyberdemon infight them in same way, until you can get past the cacos+PE and press the switch on the opposite side. This switch crushes the cyberdemon and the archviles. Now you can finally start firing again and finish of the stragglers. That switch also opens a door that has tons of ammo and another door holding a cyberdemon that you can plasma to death.... or find a secret switch in that ammo area that reveals a secret BFG in one of those archviles hiding spots. That BFG will prove to be very useful in the final fight in the hub area, where you will have to fight hundreds of imps, supported by revenants, cyberdemon and even a couple of archviles and PEs. You can kind of partically cheeze the final fight by going for the 4 timed switches that open the key doors again and then hide in the blue door area to use the RL and infighting cyberdemon to finish off the horde. Cheeky, but I am not ashamed of doing so after I died so many times to this fight on my first playthrough when I hadn't even discovered the BFG. Overall, a tough map, but still doable for me in single-segment. Don't know how long that will last.8 points
Contract work can often cost more per hour than an hourly employee. An hourly job usually provides facilities, equipment, training, and benefits. As a contractor or free-lance worker I would get none of that. I would be responsible for maintaining a space to work in, a working computer, my own physical health, etc. Also I would have probably spent many hours learning the relevant skills required for the job without being paid. All of that gets factored in to the hourly rate for a contractor. You should be prepared to pay a bare minimum of $25 per hour for this kind of work. Some people will accept less than that for their own reasons, maybe they are an amateur trying to get their name on something, desperate for money, living in a country where $20 USD goes a long way, or just really want to work on the project. Most of us work on on our own mods for free because we want to, and contribute time when we can. And when life requires us to focus on other things it gets pushed to the side. Working for someone else, especially when getting paid, means a bigger obligation to spend time on it which is more stressful. I wouldn't work for anyone who didn't have a very clear plan where I could actually calculate an estimate of the hours needed to complete tasks. One time I offered to help with a Hexen project that looked interesting to me... next thing I know the person was trying to order me around, expecting me to have played through the maps they had within a short time, and basically treating me like I was "on the clock." And I was working FOR FREE. Needless to say, I quit before wasting any more time on it. So just keep in mind that people will also be considering your leadership and project management skills in addition to the compensation you offer.8 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: 10x10, Heartland, Sigil II
Cutman 999 and 7 others reacted to DJVCardMaster for a topic
MAP05 - No More Zoomer Girls (100%K/I/S): This map has some No Rest for the Living vibes going, isn't it? This is a hub-like map, its structure is pretty simple, although I feel a bit confused as there is an area that requires the yellow key, and it's right at the start. Being the starting area locked by the yellow key. Hub maps tend to be like this, progression is lineal and give you the illusion of free choice. At the end, the main hub gets filled with a ton of monsters, in the biggest slaughterfest yet in 10 x 10. Several tries to finish this one, luckly I got the secret BFG, the first one in our playthrough. You will start recognizing that, most fights are staged in a way that, you have some time to think on how to tackle them, feeling more like combat puzzles, as someone mentioned previously, for example, the Cyberdemon fight at the red key area, where, yet again, all enemies are giving you their backs. The strategy is simple, awake the barons by touching them, make them infight with the cyber, don't shoot a bullet, and repeat. This battle was ten times easier than it looks following this strategy. The best is not to make noise, our you won't be able to hide on the sides because of the archviles, so proceed with care. There is a switch behind the barons that activate the crushers that kill every caged enemy in the room. Then there are fights like the one I've mentioned in the hub area, where you have to pray and survive as much as possible. Tough squirmish, for sure. Not sure how Decino can finish through these maps saveless and make it look easy. Order of Preference: Time to lower the difficulty if you can, (I won't, for the moment)8 points -
MAP05: No More Zoomer Girls MAP05 is a bit of a step back with its visuals - LunchLunch chose a selection of tan textures (bricks, metal sheets, stone and those tentacle-like flesh) and while there is a lot of thought being put into shapes and details, it just doesn't grab me as much as Library did. No More Zoomer Girls has a clear hub structure - three fight for the keys followed by the finale in the central arena. You start with a super shotgun, standing behind the monsters' backs. It was surprisingly tough, what helped was dashing forward through a crowd, getting the yellow key and a supercharge and camping there, defending from a three-way assault. Also, ignore the archviles, they are here to discourage hiding in the corners, but get crushed when they aren't useful anymore. LunchLunch employs this trick a lot and I find it very kind of his, as I don't need to waste time on cleanup. The blue key room killed me a fair number of times, as it quickly gets flooded with imps, with cacodemons taking space and archvile forcing you to move around. At least that was the theory, I hid in the cubby with a key, sprayed plasma and hoped he didn't harm me too much. While he did zap me once, this room is rather generous with health, so I could just tank a hit. As for the red key, I feel like I was lucky there, it was the only fight of the map where I didn't die. It's a small room with hell knights, archviles placed in a way you can't camp in the corners and a cyberdemon turret. Somehow I managed to run past the monsters, hide in the room with a switch and, again, camp there. This locked out the cyberdemon and turned on the crushers that kill him and the viles, while I eliminated the remaining enemies. Also, check lion switches in the nearby corridor, one is partially lit, pressing it unlocks a BFG, which you want for the final fight. Once you open the red door in the hub, you are greeted by a cyberdemon in your face, while hundreds of imps (no exaggeration) start pouring in. The BFG is a great tool if you get stuck, but you'll be mostly firing rockets at the crowds. At one point, archviles and pain elementals appear, but I find them to be a minor annoyance, with imps being the main threat. I'm not sure if that was a luck or I accidentally figured out the trick, but running around the outer edge of the map, firing rockets at the targets in front of me and occasionally clearing out the roadblocks was successful. This way, most of the monsters tend to stay in the centre, making them an easy target once new imps stopped appearing. It's a hectic fight and a reminder that 10x10 isn't getting any easier.8 points
D5DA4ever Team Speed Demo Competition ( Jan 26th - Feb 4th)
NuruTheDoomer and 7 others reacted to Andrea Rovenski for a topic
PURPLE TEAM: 231 YELLOW TEAM: 146 ORANGE TEAM: 75 Hope everyone had fun, i certainly did! if theres any comments on the format that can be improved before next time now would be a great time to post it!8 points -
“The above avatar is fighting you, how screwed are you?” has been closed.
Stupid Bunny and 7 others reacted to esselfortium for a topic
8 points -
Looking forward to DBP69's theme.7 points
My two cents here as someone who has done doom modding for money: If this guy is on his own working on a mod and has some account where you can throw money at him at your own discretion as a thank you or donation, sure that's pretty nice, you're a good lad for helping. On the flip side, if this is work you're asking someone to do: I'd be pretty insulted with $100 a month for 3 - 6 months of work. Since, here's the thing, it's work. Assuming I contributed 10 hours a week for this job, that'd be a "generous" $2.50 an hour, so working any harder than that would be even less pay. On top, I've got other things in my life to worry about, which includes a job that actually pays my bills. Those 10 hours would not be guaranteed. The only time I'd personally be okay with that sort of funding for work is if it was a one time job that I wouldn't spend more than a day or two on, and even then that might be something I'd do for free if it took less than a day to make happen. However, at the end of it all, it comes down to the preferences of who you're asking to work for you. If this guy is cool with $100, that's their business entirely. It's just a safe bet anyone here who knows what their work is worth will also know how steep that price tag is.7 points
these are all pretty dam good maps7 points
Eviternity demos [-complevel 11]
GarrettChan and 5 others reacted to j4rio for a topic
map 3 tyson 5:35 map 4 tyson 8:13 map 6 tyson 4:09 map 7 tyson 5:35 map 8 tyson 5:40 map 10 tyson 9:05 evit03t535.zip evit04t813.zip evit06t409.zip evit07t535.zip evit08t540.zip evit10t905.zip6 points -
Scythe demos [-complevel 2]
El Juancho and 5 others reacted to 4shockblast for a topic
Damn, that's a lot of index loss. Well, anyway, map 28 UV-Max in 0:29.74. :^) sc28-2974.zip6 points -
Plutonia - SEVERED (3 map wad)
DaRkWeZ and 5 others reacted to GreenAnime for a topic
This is my first ever miniwad (is that a thing)finished that took me like 3-4 weeks to make. Maps are short, fast-paced and plutonia styled. I'm a noob casual doomer and some parts especially the key arenas tore my sorry ass apart, so just a little foot note for players. Map previews: MAP01 - Python MAP02 - Cobra MAP03 - Iron Maiden Compatibility: Boom doom 2 IWAD: Plutonia Experiment Credits: Aztec gods - JamesPaddocks Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/gsnme9otrzcqfus/SEVERED.wad/file6 points -
I have a beautiful daughter who I can honestly say is the light of my life.6 points
E3M8 from a pistol start was an interesting challenge back in the day for folks who hadn't built up any skill at playing FPS games (i.e. everyone, 'cause they were so novel). You've got to manage limited resources, use infighting, and move around the central pillar as cover (which is tricky when you haven't mastered the art of moving around in first person). That said, the key phrase there is "from a pistol start". Neither of Doom's big boss monster maps (E2M8 and E3M8) have aged well, but at least the cyber is much more difficult for a brand-new player to just end the fight immediately with the BFG. That's a skill that takes practice -- not so much with the spidey, where you can drunkenly stumble forward with the trigger held down and come out victorious every time. :P6 points
Work is work is work. Everyone has their own dreams and aspirations they want to make flesh, and if they're gonna be asked to put aside their free time to beaver away on someone else's dreams and aspirations they aren't enormously passionate about, they better make it worth their while. Also: Paying someone that isn't Disney money for stuff relating to a Disney-owned property sounds like a very good way to get both of you in a lot of trouble.6 points
DBP64: The Vast Silence
Emperor S P O O N and 5 others reacted to Craneo for a topic
You have no idea how happy it makes me seeing my stuff used on a DBP.6 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Desfar and 5 others reacted to TheHambourgeois for a topic
6 points -
it's a lot more interesting to try and place a mastermind in a map than to fight it usually. Danne's maps in Sunlust generally use them well I feel, specifically the one by the red skull key in Map18 (UV), both masterminds in map27 (UV). Masterminds are tough to place (to make them engaging and effective) because they: a) have the biggest radius of any of the enemies so it's mandatory that they are in a medium or large or XL room b) in open spaces with no cover are OP if the player is in close range more than any other enemy c) in tight spaces (for instance a room that is barely big enough to fit one) can be completely abused if there's cover d) their super large hitbox and doom's collision cause her to get paralyzed more easily than any other monster, so if she starts infighting with other monsters (which she is extremely prone to) then it's common for her to get paralyzed So the mastermind kind of has issues in a lot of common scenarios, I think it's really difficult to make a room and fight and then decide to throw a mastermind in without the mastermind either completely destroying the player or being a complete afterthought. The mastermind does have some upside though: 1. Capable of insane DPS (which a lot of other monsters lack) 2. Lots of health 3. More versatile as an area of denial archetype than most other monsters (basically only possible due to 1. and 2.) 3a. Along with the archvile, the only "moving area of denial" monster due to its LoS based attack (low tier hitscanners don't count as "moving area of denial" monsters because they have so little HP that basically anything can kill them almost instantly) 4. Not used often compared to some other monsters so it's always cool to see one in my opinion 5. Large sprite which is also cool to indicate it's a boss monster 5a. The death animation is one of my favorites 6. Immune to splash damage I think the best way I've seen to use the mastermind is to use it as a turret in open spaces (works well with slaughter) and monsterblockline it off so enemies can't melee-abuse and paralyze her. You can extract more value out of her insane DPS if you design the area so that monsters and the player can/have to approach close to her, where that autoshotgun just tears every single base-game character into mince meat, even cybers. With dehacked, you can also modify the mastermind to be more flexible by decreasing her size, because IIRC the sprite is actually larger than the actual radius. This both allows for more flexibility with different map geometry and also makes her a little less prone to paralysis.6 points
[/idgames] WANG - Vanilla Megawad - Released!
Dogmachine and 4 others reacted to Decay for a topic
Download WANG The proletariat of the MXU Discord were hard at work for a few days to bring 32 maps of 1990s FUN. Featuring: 100% Vanilla compatibility! Inconsistent map sizes! Single player and Multiplayer compatibility! Symmetrical arenas! Obligatory spam maps! Iwad remixes! Lazy Imports! And many, many more! (Not including pistol starts) This was not at all inspired by Dwango or recent mapsets inspired by Dwango. It is primarily a DM wad with SP and Coop compatibility, so if you play it SP first and wonder what's up that's why it is the way it is. Some maps doubled the play arena to be SP specific, others did not. Great for quick Maxes if you like that. The Wang team is: @Argent Agent, @HeavenWraith @Razgriz @Synami and myself. ~FEEDBACK WELCOME AND APPRECIATED~ Screenshots: Download5 points -
Hi! This is a vanilla-compatible four map mini WAD titled "The Mystery of Mount Fang". After enjoying your "vacation", you're hired by an anonymous benefactor to go hiking in Mount Fang, a huge mountain located in Hell. Your mission: To gather information and clues about about a long extinct civilisation that apparently worshipped a guardian spirit taking on the appearance of a huge shark. But you have a suspicion that the thing who hired you knows more about this place than they let on... Complevel: 2 IWAD: Doom II Source ports tested with: Chocolate Doom, Crispy Doom Map format: Vanilla (Playable in vanilla, may be some visual bugs) All of the maps are designed with adventure in mind, with a gradual ramp up in difficulty peaking in MAP03 and winding down in MAP04. All of the maps focus on a gimmick, such as MAP02 having puzzle solving elements and MAP03 having big fights. The below ZIP file contains both the WAD and its accompanying DEH file, which gives the maps their names when you bring up the automap. MountFang.zip Have fun! And let me know if something comes up. Music credits (all from the Plutonia MIDI Pack): Final Release Notes: Screenshots:5 points
Frantik DM 3: MAP25: 'Plutonium Nightmare': I've finished the final map of the acid/nukage-themed episode! This is a very large plutonium production plant. It has a 'working' set of reactors that move their 'control rods' via perpetually moving platforms. 15/32 maps finished so far. I'm going to be starting either the hell, nature, or electricity-themed episode next! It's nice to be close to halfway done already! :)5 points
What do you think of midnight
Denzel20 and 4 others reacted to No-Man Baugh for a topic
I love the midnight! While I haven't been seeing it nearly as often after getting my new job and waking and sleeping more standard hours, I still love going out on walks or just screwing around when noone else is awake5 points -
Scythe demos [-complevel 2]
Andrea Rovenski and 4 others reacted to Kinetic for a topic
Map32. The least fun was probably Map25 or Map275 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: 10x10, Heartland, Sigil II
stephyesterday and 4 others reacted to Insaneprophet for a topic
Map 05: no more zoomer girls This one transends "combat puzzles" into "slaughter combat puzzles" territory while still retaining an air of "do-ability." The atmosphere comes off as a standard Doom castle with its sandstone brickwork mixed with metal framing and central hub surrounded by key wings layout. A classic design and one I dont think anyone in the doom community will ever get truely sick of. Plan on dieing at least once, most likely more, in every single section except for possibly the opening and dont be afraid to drop a save after every fight because I cant see how anyone could single segment something like this blind. Fear not though because with just a little bit of knowledge all fights are completable, perhaps not easily, but definately completable without any need for save-scumming. The maps one secret was my saving grace for the finale as it was what initially created enough space for me to enventually pull out the rocket launcher and not eat rockets for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Because I cant play map 6 till tomorrow I think I will give a go at trying to beat this puppy saveless, knowing its tricks I think I can do it, and if I cant I'll just beat this puppy with a rolled up newspaper.5 points -
This is actually how it normally is already, without blockmap trolling you can consistently kill a mastermind in 1 bfg shot (works in gzdoom for instance), but in ports that use the blockmap it almost always takes 2 shots.5 points
She's the brains she don't need to be the muscle 😋5 points
What you're describing sounds perfectly ethical and reasonable on paper, but I think the idea just leaves a sour taste in a lot of people's mouths. After years and years and years of Doom mods being made, including numerous with "whole new game" amounts of assets with zero financial incentive to do so, it's reasonable to ask "why get money involved now?".. Beyond all that, I have never once seen a thread about people having "paid positions" as modders that was even remotely realistic. They're usually either offering the equivalent of 5 cents an hour, plainly lacking any clear vision beyond "can u make Batman mod for me", or obviously written by an 11 year old... Or, most often, all of the above. I'm trying to think of what a proposal that isn't completely absurd would look like.. "Hey Doomworld - I have 5 grand to spend on this mod I want made (already a baffling concept..) and I'm going to pay 5 of you $1,000 each to make some assets for me: One of you will make 5 maps, one of you will create all the sprites for 3 enemies... and by the way, you'll be working at well below minimum wage, but think of the PASSION and FUN in making a whole new game.." It just sounds insane no matter how I try to slice it, particularly for the person funding it. Is this all being done with the understanding that there will be zero financial returns? I have spent that much on things purely for pleasure, but.. those things existed, lol. Imagine spending the money and not being a huge fan of the maps? Who cops that loss? Surely the mapper isn't expected to keep at it til one of their layouts is "approved". If a team organically comes together with a mutual passion, that is totally different. In that scenario though, the vision is what is fuelling the creation, not the promise of a small sum of money that could be made at an actual job in a matter of a few shifts.. I'm not trying to be wholly negative about the very prospect, because I think it could happen in a realistic and reasonable way, theoretically.. but these threads are usually just pie in the sky and overtly silly on the face of it.4 points
Port DSDADoom 0.27.4 Difficulty: UV 100% kills 100% items 100% secrets 10x10 Map03- Salvia A map with a low resting heartrate, doesn't mean it won't kill you! I enjoy the F A C E . S P I R A L in the first room! and the *Gimp*erdemon is dumb fun. Definitely still hell, but a little less hellish than Lockjaw... save for the faces -Doomguy on teleporter closets I also am THE cyber handler of all time! Video Here:4 points
D5DA4ever Team Speed Demo Competition ( Jan 26th - Feb 4th)
NuruTheDoomer and 3 others reacted to 4shockblast for a topic
GG everyone, tbh I didn't expect to have too much time for this, but I guess I did quite a few demos. :^) Funny how many slots are still missing in the tables, though, including many totally trivial runs, I guess 138 maps is just too many, heh. Regarding the format, maybe giving equal points to nomos as other runs is a bit too easy to encourage demo spam, but perhaps demo spam isn't a bad thing anyway. :P4 points -
I think the issue here is that y'all are looking at an old thing through a current lens instead of through the lens that this was new at the time. You can't fairly compare an original work to a rehashing of the original; nobody had made the idea a concrete thing to inspire others to later refine yet. E2m9 is also an infighting fest and we all know infighting solutions to combat puzzles in 2024 is old news... but these were made likely before both of you were born lol and at the time, they were really innovative and interesting. Pistol starting e3m8 takes some small level of game knowledge that e2m8 doesn't, as e2m8 comes down to shoot the siegecow until it dies, which btw, can also be seen as tedious in 2024, along with any level from the iwads. Totally dismissing e3m8 as tedious just makes you sound willfully ignorant.4 points
DBP64, and its Doom 64. A match made in hell.4 points