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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/24 in all areas

  1. Doomguy is off to fight in the biggest event in galactic history, Super Doom TV! Every eyeball on every creature on every planet will be tuned to broadcast-compliant screens everywhere to see him plow through 25 sectors of high definition carnage. Google Drive Dropbox Super Doom TV is a 25 map megawad where each map was given an arena title from the SNES classic Super Smash T.V. as a prompt for mappers to work from. It's a limit removing, complevel 2, widescreen wad that's targeting, and tested on, DSDA using Otex textures by @ukiro Original Dev Thread - Thanks to everyone that contributed! 01 Smash 'Em - @Andrea Rovenski 02 In a Vacuum Darkly - Lorcav 03 Orbit Station - @DynamiteKaitorn 04 Multiversal - @Eon Toad 05 Turtles Nearby - @RiviTheWarlock 06 Walls of Pain - @jazzmaster9 07 Blood Tide - Lorcav 08 Keep Away - Lorcav 09 Powerup My Heart - @digithead100 10 Tyrant Time Traveler - @JacaCaca 11 These Are Fast - @Shawn 12 Power Crowd - Lorcav 13 Bonus Prizes - @Moustachio 14 Watch Your Step - @RED77 15 Studio Scramble - @Ar_e_en 16 No Dice - @MFG38 17 Fortress of The Horned Beast - @EagerBeaver 18 Rock It Man - @EagerBeaver 19 Bloodsport - @Treehouseminis 20 Witness Total Carnage - @Endless 21 Liquid Heat - @Emperor S P O O N 22 Moment of Truth - @digithead100 23 Death at 632.8 nm - @signaturereverie 24 Credits 31 Grave Squatter - @Emperor S P O O N 32 Splatterpunk Junction - Lorcav Title Screen - Sabrewulf's Mansion from Killer Instinct Intermisiion - Cenktrich from Front Mission: Gun Hazard End Screen - King DeDeDE from Kirby Superstar MAP01 - MMZ4 MAP02 - Skull Rock from Crash Team Racing MAP03 - Planet 2-3 - Jazz Jackrabbit MAP04 - Asteroid Dance part 1 from the Tyrian MAP05 - MK64 Rainbow Road MAP06 - Core by Stewboy MAP07 - Stage 3-3 from Kishin Douji Zenki MAP08 - Burnout 2 Track 15 MAP09 - Find my eyes by Petter 'Thyrbse' Mårtensen MAP10 - Atcoty from Heretic MAP11 - Accelerator by AD_79 MAP12 - Report 4 from Ghost Sweeper Mikami MAP13 - The Hard Corps by KCLaz MAP14 - Clear Your Vision by Isotype MAP15 - Arena 1 from Super Smash TV MAP16 - Intermission from Cringe by Mark Klem MAP17 - Radio by Frank Klepacki (Command & Conquer OST) MAP18 - Spectral Cybernetics by @Jimmy MAP19 - FFPS Midnight Motorist, Tristan Clark MAP20 - Catalyst by Psyrus MAP21 - A Vast Unknown by Emperor S P O O N MAP22 - Torso Liquify by Emperor S P O O N MAP23 - Rotted Roots by @Jimmy MAP24 - Sabrewulf's Mansion from Killer Instinct MAP31 - Call of the Phrygian by Emperor S P O O N MAP32 - Supervillains from Maximum Carnage
    24 points
  2. map 29 tyson in 2:58:33 evit29t17833.zip
    17 points
  3. "The night is on my mind. The sun will still shine, but the night is on my mind." This gloomy seaside resort is the last map for Austrian Avian Association: Post-Mortem to be visually completed apart from object placement. About three to four weeks combined of work, and it isn't even the largest map under my name. Soon...
    14 points
  4. Some outdoor pics. An empire of sand.
    14 points
  5. The first room of the final map in my 32-level megawad
    13 points
  6. MAP01 UV Max in 1:10 - sk01m110.zip - video MAP02 UV Max in 1:08 - sk02m108.zip - video MAP03 UV Max in 1:28 - sk03m128.zip - video MAP04 UV Max in 2:30 - sk04m230.zip - video MAP05 UV Max in 2:16 - sk05m216.zip - video MAP06 UV Max in 2:57 - sk06m257.zip - video MAP07 UV Max in 2:48 - sk07m248.zip - video MAP08 UV Max in 3:56 - sk08m356.zip - video MAP09 UV Max in 2:24 - sk09m224.zip - video MAP10 UV Max in 2:48 - sk10m248.zip - video MAP11 UV Max in 2:43 - sk11m243.zip - video MAP12 UV Max in 3:20 - sk12m320.zip - video MAP13 UV Max in 0:59 - sk13m059.zip - video MAP14 UV Max in 3:37 - sk14m337.zip - video MAP15 UV Max in 3:06 - sk15m306.zip - video MAP16 UV Max in 1:47 - sk16m147.zip - video MAP17 UV Max in 3:14 - sk17m314.zip - video MAP18 UV Max in 3:32 - sk18m332.zip - video MAP19 UV Max in 5:28 - sk19m528.zip - video MAP20 UV Max in 3:42 - sk20m342.zip - video
    10 points
  7. More of my minimalist-style art is on my IG page.
    9 points
  8. Frantik DM 3: MAP 20: Lethal Lockdown: That large prison level is finished! :D
    9 points
  9. Crumpets 2 Map 02 UV-MAX in 2:57 - cr202m257.zip Map 03 UV-MAX in 4:24 - cr203m424.zip Map 04 UV-MAX in 5:31 - cr204m531.zip Map 05 UV-MAX in 5:14 - cr205m514.zip Map 06 UV-MAX in 7:44 - cr206m744.zip Map 07 UV-MAX in 15:07 - cr207m1507.zip Map 07 Pacifist in 0:53 - cr207p53.zip Watch playlist here
    7 points
  10. AconyX

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    Been fully concentrated only this project alone and step aside from any ongoing projects, as I couldn't finish them in time or just losing any motivation on those. E1M1 E1M2 E1M3 E1M4 E1M5 E1M6 E1M7 E1M8 E1M9
    7 points
  11. Thankfully, my coursework is finished so I am able to dedicate more of my time towards working on maps. I've been working hard on MAP08; there is still plenty to do, but thankfully much of the layout is complete. Here is some of what I have been working on as of late!
    6 points
  12. *mud has entered the chat* ww5 map32 uv-speed in 13.77 ww532-1377.zip video:
    6 points
  13. Misty

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    He just went for a nap, no need to worry.
    6 points
  14. 6 points
  15. Noiser

    Post your Doom textures!

    Here's a wall that uses fireblu colors: It tiles horizontally, 256x128, palleted EDIT: Dark version h tillable, 128x128
    5 points
  16. Hey. I didn't want you to be waiting on this stuff, so I went ahead and sourced the music for their maps: MAP23 (Dreamer by eltiolavara9) - Streets of Rage 2 OST, song name "Dreamer", midi sequenced by Johnnyz, originally composed by Yuzo Koshiro - MAP49 (Flipside by Xyber) - "Day of Mourning" by Stuart Rynn, Possibly composed for "Resurgence" -
    5 points
  17. Map Name: Homewrecker Mappers: senpaigru,SirPootis,Yagacaw Midi: The White Stripes-There's No Home for You Here midi rendition Difficulties: Y Multiplayer Starts: Y Notes: This was originally part of another project for DWD that was almost scrapped and then brought into the original build of Menage A Troi but due to the size of the previous map we decided to build this out as it's own map that takes place directly after Mengae A Troi. Download: RC3.1 Updated to 3.1
    5 points
  18. I restarted Map15 today. It used to be a long bridge over a lava lake. Now, it starts with a radioactive sewer...
    5 points
  19. So around 2018/2019 I was working on a vanilla wad that got abandoned for various reasons, mostly lack of free time. Trying to light a fire under my ass to finish this bad boy. Vanilla compatible, no difficulties implemented currently. Design focus was on avoiding orthogonal architecture and making sure to actually use artifacts as this was one of my first forays into Heretic mapping. Now that I have condemned mostly under my belt might as well polish this up. >>>Click here to get SWAMP.WAD[RC2]<<< Maps: e1m1 - The Swamp e1m9 - The Underworld e1m7 - Arbuda e1m8 - Duat (New from 2024!!!) progression uses a forced secret exit, do not idclev or whatever the heretic equivalent is not looking it up sorry Screenie: swamp.zip
    4 points
  20. Newsflash! Version 2.0 now on IDGAMES. Version 2.0 is out with considerable changes to the map! ===== Overall Description ===== Yet another vanilla map for those who enjoy the old classic look and feel. The map is mid-sized for a vanilla port, with a playtime of about 15 to 20 minutes. It features one key and eight secrets (none really needed to win the level). The available weapons are the CS-P-SG-SSG-MG-RL. The final arena can be quite hard at first, but the resources are there, and some exploration is instrumental to success. In the last arena, the teleports are more than just for mobility, they will be frequent life savers, use them often! And finally, use the SAVE feature, the UV level can be fairly hard! Note: From v2.0 on, a new weapon can be found at a secret area. It's not needed to win, but may be of help, or just for fun. ===== Release Description ===== This release is based on v1.2 (unreleased), so I grouped all topics here: Small textures/sectors/deco/lighting rework. One brand new and large secret area dedicated to the Wolfenstein lovers (tip: a visit to the restroom may be more rewarding than it seems at first). Even a few more bogeys and traps added. Download link on IDGAMES is here. ===== Archive ===== Download link for 1.1 is here. Download link for 1.0 is here. Here are the screenshots taken from 1.0.
    4 points
  21. Map16 is ready. I just need to finish another couple of maps, textures & maybe a monster sprite to upload on ModDB...
    4 points
  22. This looks awesome, another one for the backlog 😄
    4 points
  23. Dark Pulse

    My first wad: Kyiv

    WADs letting you be Batman, Sailor Moon, kill Bill Gates, and so on are allowed here, too. Topical as this might be as I type it, things like this are nothing new to Doom and have been around for decades.
    4 points
  24. Two more maps incoming! Map name: Hot Coffee Mappers: NecrumWarrior + Death Bear MIDI: Imaginarium by Stewboy Difficulties: Unfinished Multiplayer/DM starts: Co-op starts Download: Dropbox Notes: Two coffee lovers lovingly make a love-letter to coffee. Screenshots: Map name: Matrimony Mappers: Raith138 + NecrumWarrior MIDI: Gaslight by Crunchynut44 Difficulties: Yes Multiplayer/DM starts: Co-op starts Download: Dropbox Notes: Originally we were going to do a cathedral, but the resources didn't seem right for it. So now it's more of a church. Screenshots:
    4 points
  25. I love it so far. I hadn't been keeping up with things lately as I've been pretty busy with work and other interests lately, so I'm still playing RC1. Here's part 1 of my playthrough!
    4 points
  26. Righto, one last update before I throw this into Incoming! Still need music credits from @eltiolavara9 and @Xybear, would very much appreciate getting those in the next 24 hours.
    4 points
  27. There's a new file up in my series of concert band / wind ensemble arrangements of Anton Bruckner's Symphony No. 6 in A Major. The new one is an arrangement of the 3rd Movement. It's up on SoundCloud here: 3rd Mvt.: https://on.soundcloud.com/KfNNM If you missed either of the first two movements of the arrangement series, here are their links as well: 1st Mvt.: https://on.soundcloud.com/dv8sk 2nd Mvt.: https://on.soundcloud.com/D64Mi Please let me know what you think after listening to them. Thank you!
    4 points
  28. Doom e3m3 UV max in 1:03 https://youtu.be/84qufhNMN2o e3m3x103.zip
    4 points
  29. Download Originally this began as part of the DW Dating Simulator project, but due to my map requiring jump for progression I decided to release it standalone. The map combines platforming gameplay with some puzzle elements alongside combat. Exploration is rewarded as there are many secrets and alternative paths towards the exit (some hidden behind secrets), intending to stimulate multiple playthroughs (inspired by Resident Evil). Will you be able to make it to the hidden Palace of Desires unscathed? The demons are also lurking and waiting.. Tested with: DSDA Doom & Gzdoom Recommended port: Preferably Gzdoom, but will also run on DSDA Doom. Just make shure to have mouselook and jump on. Important note: Jumping and Freelook required. Coop starts and monsters: Included. Difficulty levels: Included. Resources: Textures from Makkon, Otex and PUSS XXIV. Only textures, no custom sprites (see txt. file for full credits). Releasedate: 14th February. Screenshots:
    3 points
  30. Since I'm new here and this community is something I've been wanting to be part of for a long time, I thought I'd post some of my work. While this is not my first wad it's the one I've polished the most lately. Really tried to bugfix, balance and whatnot. Basically the idea came to me when I listened to "Waterworld" by Bobby Prince; to design a map around viaducts, sewers, waterways etc and make bright and colourful, while being a fun and engaging map. Plutonia's textures worked perfectly for this. I'm also somewhat of a secret nut, so there'll be plenty of those. This is a long and somewhat difficult map with focus on Plutonia-style gameplay. Save often! Uses the MAP06 slot. Hit me up with some feedback :) Download: Waterways.zip Screenshots:
    3 points
  31. This is going to be a bit of a silly discussion, but it's one that I do want to have. If the moderation team of Doomworld finds this thread inappropriate, feel free to delete it. With that being said, I want to talk about what I consider a personal pet peeve and something that can extend itself into the legitimate issues of transphobia and general bigotry; the trend of artists, particularly those of an erotic nature, to draw obvious and unquestionably feminine figures and label them as being assigned males at birth, or generally as "boys" or whatever. I want to say this and have this be made clear: without medical intervention, 99.999% of those of the biologically male population will have a noticably and unquestionably male figure. Their shoulders will extend broadly, and although their waist may be slim and toned, they will have thinner hips and upper legs than those of the biologically female population. That's just the reality of the effects of puberty on the human body. So why then is it accepted to draw unquestionably female figures, and then label them as biologically male/assigned male at birth? I legitimately believe with all of my heart that this is not a beneficial trend, but rather one that harms all parties involved. For example, to those whom actively identify as a "femboy" of some sort (Like the person writing this) it establishes an unrealistic body standard. Femboys are feminine males; not biological males otheriwse indistinguishable from biological females. We will inevitably be taller than women, and have masculine features to our body. That is an inherent reality that we deal with, and we strive with. It's not healthy for us to culturally have an idea that we must be as womanly as possible ingrained within us. As for trans women, I believe this harms them the most. For most of these depictions of a feminine figure, the only people whom meet the criteria established by these figures whom were assigned male at birth are indeed trans women. I don't believe it's wise to depict what is essentially a woman, and is seen in the real world through trans women, and then refer to it as a "boy". I'd say it's outright harmful and borderline transphobic, as it deters people from recognizing women as, well, women. Including trans women.
    3 points
  32. MAP07: The Beating Heart 99% kills, 0/1 secret A much-welcome change in scenery, now to a mostly red and black demonic castle. Great entrance as we descend, getting to look over the whole thing before we scale it. We also finally get to use the berserk axe, which is fun. After that, back to the more standard fare, with your choice of which order to tackle three keys in. I went yellow-blue-red, and was a bit tired out by the end of the yellow one. Thankfully blue and red are much shorter. I chuckled when presented with a literal beating heart, which turns out to be sort of an IoS type boss fight - gotta climb vertically, damage the heart, it lowers and spawns in a bunch more stuff before rising back into vulnerable position again. I do think it's overall better than the IoS, because the teleports aren't random, and the mechanism isn't quite so finicky. As @Celestin mentions, I think what really makes things different here is actually the player's arsenal - both cell weapon (plasma/flamethrower and BFG/cluster bombs) hurt the player a lot, so they can't use them to escape a crowd, or push into one safely. That strategy is often the solution for navigating big fights like these in Doom, so the new weapons require a different approach. I often found myself firing only one cluster shot then quickly running in circles until I was able to open up another safe line of attack from which to fire from afar, and relying on the dual SMGs to cut through any stragglers that got in my way. In that sense, the pinkie demons are actually some of the most threatening enemies here, since they'll always try to beeline onto your position. Overall, a decently fun set of maps. Not quite my favorite theme or designs, and a little long in parts, but it definitely succeeds in showing off the Eternity engine.
    3 points
  33. I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder...
    3 points
  34. Hey excited that this has a full release now! But map19 is made by me, Treehouseminis , Idk who Treehugger is.... :P
    3 points
  35. I recommend having your wall and building have different "tops" to reinforce the sky illusion. It tends to become obvious it's a fake sky when everything's the same height. E.g.
    3 points
  36. 3 points
  37. The Esoteric Formula Couldn't resist doing some demos after finishing this set MAP03 UV Max in 3:09 efor03m309.zip Video: https://youtu.be/8LiR0ShvUG0 MAP04 UV Max in 3:12 efor04m312.zip Video: https://youtu.be/hdfC-EfVQSU MAP11 UV Max in 3:10 efor11m310.zip Video: https://youtu.be/Y5tVrG8rcEI MAP14 UV Speed in 2:17 efor14-217.zip Video: https://youtu.be/igNm0Mmirz4
    3 points
  38. Sunday with a flu... started to look at all the maps from this one (hope it's OK). Did it on HMP. Map 01 to 14 Map 01 : great opening map ! Got all K/I/S no ammo starvation ! Map 04 : Another impressive and clever one ! Got all I/S, missed one kill (mancubus thing 269 woke up but didn’t teleport)(must be a gzdoom thing) no ammo starvation. Map 08 : Gonna have to try it again. Didn't managed well my ammo or found lately some important goodies (rocket launcher, berserk). Very labyrinthic and clever. On the route i followed it felt a bit tysonish and quite difficult sometimes (the HK, BH and Revenants on cramped spaces). Had to cheat sometimes. Everything is killable, got all items and secrets. Ammo starvation but surely due to personal bad choices (and skill issues). Maybe some more details to be even better but as it is it's a very good one ! Death exit didn’t worked for me on gzdoom. Map 09 : Considerably easier, more straightforward, than last map (except for last fight maybe). Couldn’t reach the berserk so, missed one secret and one item. All kills. Felt a bit strange between map 08 and 10 on the size level. Map 10 : Quick and intense, GREAT one ! All K/I/S. Generous on ammo and health (and since I’m no doomgod at all, appreciated). All rooms had their own vibes ! Map 13 : Tough one but great one ! All K/I/S, some ammo starvation sometimes but I guess it’s mostly me not shooting well or less easily thinking of infighting in cramped places… the room with BFG and X archviles is especially difficult (but some other rooms are also). Didn’t got the thing with the boxes of rockets on the rocket launcher area… couldn’t reach it, thought I found a way but it lead to a non-related secret. Map 14 : Is really something ! Really really hard and punishing ! So many unexpected damaging floors, some real hard encounters… had to cheat in the end. Some strange stuffs I encountered on prboom+ : A candle floating (image 1) Some items over items (images 2 and 3) After the ssg area fight, used the elevator, did the platforming and fall down without being able to reach again the ssg area and the elevator (but writing this and after « finishing » the map, not sure it’s necessary, maybe using the thin fleshy stairs to come back to the beginning and turning left do the job…) Some monsters didn’t wake up (image 4) Fell stuck in there while walking again through the map (image 5) Didn’t manage to kill all the monsters, it happens that three cacos were « stuck » behind the small pool with damaging water (the one with the plasma gun) and due to some things blocking the angle, were difficult to kill. (image 6, behind the walls) By the way, all these things placed in the middle of platform to make you fall, it’s sadism ! ;) Once again it’s from a very casual player point of view, maybe veterans will feel easier in this HARD but GREAT map (and forget the thing about the womb, the curves made me think about this sunlust map but the overall feeling is very different. Got a bit tired by map 14 but will try later to be more precise on the sectors mentionned above...
    3 points
  39. Got stuck into maps 01 and 02 (vids scheduled for 20th and 21st respectively) and I’m like a pig in very high quality muck. Love it, guys, bloody love it. plenty of breathless lock-ins and tight scrabbles so far. Bring on the rest! Y’all should be very proud of your work, this is some sexy stuff. 😇
    3 points
  40. ohhhhh i think i know whats happening . in this particular map all the monster closets are made with conveyor belts and im pretty sure that gzdoom handles them differently from Everyone Else . and i havent tested on gzdoom because i generally dont use it like at all out of personal preference so im gonna have to come back and look through ife anythings broken there
    3 points
  41. I've done, like, three maps (not counting the secret one that is still in development) for this project and I'm definitely not happy that project lead seemingly forgot about the project since he hasn't appeared on forums from last year's November. I'll try to contact him and ask about the project.
    3 points
  42. Those settings should still be available in woof.cfg, with the prefixes comp_ and emu_.
    3 points
  43. Chillax MAP 21 UV-MAX [TAS] in 1:19:46 Chillax21MAP11946.zip
    3 points
  44. Map 05 Stroller in 2:39 lv05str239.zip https://youtu.be/EBz3INBH5tI Finally :)
    3 points
  45. Just having a good time with my bone buddy.
    3 points
  46. I think my lawyers have been stringing me along and taking me for a ride. It's been nearly seven months since I signed the contract with them and nothing seems to be happening thus far. After various attempts to contact them which went unanswered, they told me in early December that they were finalizing the draft of my complaint and filing it in January. I've made several attempts to contact them since early January and have yet to hear a thing. My emails and phone calls go unreturned. I have no idea what's going on, if anything is being done at all. After everything that was done to me and how my life was ruined to the extent of a lifetime of intellectual property being permanently lost, the only thing that could possibly happen that would be even worse is for me to never get justice, for the people who did this to never be held accountable and for me to never get any compensation or restitution for any of it. For my life to remain the way they left it, in ruins, and for me to have no path forward. Better to have simply been killed than to be left like this, in a complete and total limbo between a past that was erased and a future that is being kept from beginning. I feel like I'm neither dead nor alive, as if I were still in jail, everything suspended until when? When?
    3 points
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