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24 points
Share Your Sprites!
Love Shovel and 15 others reacted to Cascade for a topic
16 points -
The Dean of Doom series (companion thread)
SilentD00mer and 10 others reacted to MundyC for a topic
Sigil II's here!11 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
MarketAnarchy and 8 others reacted to Arrowhead for a topic
Frantik DM 3: MAP29: Medieval Methods: The 4th map of the hell episode is complete. This is a bit of a besieged castle type thing! Siege towers: Battering ram w/ battered wall: The castle's facade: Atop the walls + catapults: View from outside the play-area: 26/32 levels complete. :D9 points -
Share Your Sprites!
Captain red pants and 8 others reacted to Tsran908 for a topic
credit to go:id Software, Midway,LittleWhiteMouse, Jimmy, Jimmy91, Logan McCloud, Zdude,Craneo spiborg.zip9 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Xyzzу and 8 others reacted to mrthejoshmon for a topic
Experimenting with both ZDoom features and Heretic: Early days right now.9 points -
Well I do believe we’ve met the deadline! Thank you all for mapping, seems even just an extra week for the project bore a lot of fruit! Thank you all for mapping, I believe there might be a few things to take care of before RC1, but I could throw together an “RC0” very quickly after playing, again, thanks!8 points
Hydra progress... Got a few rotations done, but only feel like going through the bother of giffing the 1's. In case anyone is wondering, teeth and eyes are cyan cause I plan on replacing them bnut haven't figured out what I want to do with them yet. Teeth will probably just be some gradient shading, eyes I might do different colours for each head, something more dynamic than a flat 00ffff anyhow.8 points
[/idgames] WANG - Vanilla Megawad - Released!
BMWAG65321 and 7 others reacted to Decay for a topic
Idgames link is here! Either play with yourself or with others, Wang does not discriminate with full sp, coop, and PvP compatibility. Looking forward to seeing some demos and PvP matches!8 points -
Does anyone else kinda hate RNG in Doom?
Moustachio and 6 others reacted to Maribo for a topic
When you play this game from the angle of optimization, efficiency, speed -- whatever term you prefer that more or less boils down to "getting good", it's not the monster damage RNG that starts to get to you. The behavior of the blockmap, in conjunction with the damage RNG of your own weapons, is what hurts much more. Every time you shoot an imp with the regular shotgun and it survives, you probably lost a pellet to blockmap, spread, or just rolled low. Every time you don't single punch an imp, you rolled low. Fat fuck mancubus/arachnotron decides to park on top of a blockmap line, your SSG blast voids half of its pellets. Things like this happen all the time and once you start seeing them, it's impossible to unsee them, and many instances of imperfection in your play (on a micro level like this, I mean) can actually be chalked up to the game being painfully jank. Will it kill your run potential when you're speedrunning? Probably not, but it eats at you. It's so ugly, getting a 7-punch revenant, voiding an SSG blast on a point-blank target, imps that just won't die, chaingunners that survive and immediately tax you 50%+ health in retaliation. You watch everything back and you notice it even more than when you were actively playing. There's also cases like rd mentioned: Cyberdemon needs to infight, decides to try out long-term pacifism. The inverse as well: Turret Archvile decides you're actually playing on Nightmare and constantly re-targets you over and over. You wake up a big pack of revenants on the wrong tic and just made your life much harder because they'll all shoot homing at you 75% of the time.7 points -
what do you think these three do together in their freetime?
Dusty_Rhodes and 5 others reacted to dasho for a topic
Idle state6 points -
Can't get server up
Redneckerz and 5 others reacted to Edward850 for a topic
I implore you to please read what I am saying. And to read the thing I linked to you! There is nothing actually wrong going on here, look at the message at the bottom of screen that says Waiting for players -> 1/2. It is waiting for a player! GZDoom expects all players to be present before the game actually starts! That is what that screen is showing you, it is waiting for player 2 to join! It is not a public server, you need to coordinate with a friend for them to join the game! It is not designed to run from doomseeker! Please, I beg you, please actually read what I am saying, I am running out of ways to explain this to you.6 points -
I'm very sensitive to input lag so I've wanted to improve mouse (and gamepad) controls for a while now. The input lag reduction method in Woof can be traced back to an earlier, similar concept in Odamex. So I have to thank @hobomaster22 for that early work and also for challenging other source ports to do better.6 points
Demos for miscellaneous Ribbiks maps
Kinetic and 5 others reacted to Brainfreezzzzz for a topic
Crumpets 2 D2ALL UV-MAX in 41:36 - cr2allm4136.zip Watch it here6 points -
Does anyone else kinda hate RNG in Doom?
Ravendesk and 5 others reacted to baja blast rd. for a topic
Following up on the subject, I enjoy most forms of RNG for reasons Kinetic said ('read and react' gameplay is fun) and also because good strategy involves hedging against RNG. I'm using this example (again) simply because I have a convenient clip of it, but SWTW map02 has this encounter where 70%+ of the time, the turret cyber will fire for you and an infight-centered strategy will go as planned. (Everything here is about casual play rather than a maxrun.) Sometimes, though, the cyber refuses to fire for seconds on end and you'll get killed by the incoming mob of hell knights. A lot of people might consider this a badly designed RNG fight because of that, because their "good strategy" gets screwed -- but hovering around and hoping for the cyber to fire isn't really all that good of a strategy here. Instead what you can do to hedge against RNG is melee-bait the HKs into a loop, which keeps them in place and gives you pretty much as long as you want to get the cyb to fire.6 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
NeilForshaw and 5 others reacted to Wo0p for a topic
Heat, humidity, dangerous animals... and now Nazis. I hate the jungle. (Caution Nazi iconography)6 points -
Alright, here's @Moustachio and I's map (just before midnight our time)! Map name: "Oasis of Aphrodite" Mappers: Moustachio & stochastic MIDI: "Love Theme" MIDI by Vangelis (from Bladerunner) - Note: this midi has some weird artifacts at certain points when played from the windows MIDI device Difficulties: Implemented (though the need for future balancing is likely) Multiplayer/DM starts: Yes/Yes Download: Google Drive Notes: A moonlit stroll through the oasis and gardens of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, beauty, and procreation. Be sure to stop and smell the flowers; take a load off and bathe in the pools of love juice - just don't be late for the wedding. Screenshots:6 points
6 points
The Imp Zone Game Club Community Pack [25-maps, cl2]
Andromeda and 4 others reacted to InTraining for a topic
WELCOME to the IMP ZONE GAME CLUB COMMUNITY PACK >>>DOWNLOAD HERE<<< The Something Awful video game sub-subforum IMP ZONE (no relation to the 1994 WAD (or is there?!?)) hosts a regular Game Club every month. In October 2023, I ran a community project for a big group of first-time mappers to flex their designing muscles and put together some DOOM levels. This community pack is the result - all levels here were made in just 3 weeks in October 2023, and most entries were by total newcomers (myself excluded). Some participants had never even played Doom before! The creativity on display is quite remarkable, especially considering the time restraint and lack of practice. This pack includes 25 levels by 17 authors. They run the gamut of modes and genres: vanilla action, puzzle maps, a weirdly high amount of specific video game parodies, slaughter, huge adventures, tower climbs, hubs & spokes, and more misaligned textures than you can shake a boomstick at. It is a fun peek into the mind of freshly-minted mappers with no inhibitions. I hope you all enjoy this collection of rough and wild maps. All 25 levels were tested in cl2 - there are a variety of visual bugs I need to clean up for the authors, but please share any issues you stumble on. I'd like to drop this on the idgames archive when all the bugs are quashed! Additional Credits: Sub-Actuality for running the Imp Zone Game Club week in and week out. The Kins for making our TITLEPIC. P-Mack for providing the INTERPIC. All the Gamers who rose up and made their voices heard in this excellent pack. Everybody around the globe who upkeep MIDI libraries. Screenshots from selected levels included below! Full level list & MIDI list included here. RC1 Changelog >>>DOWNLOAD HERE<<<5 points -
Your favorite first level from the first four games?
Moustachio and 4 others reacted to _memyself for a topic
I'm willing to stretch the definition a little. The first level for an episode I feel like should count for this list. Here's my personal ranking: (Also, these are based off my experience, usually on "hurt me plenty" difficulty) 1. TNT: Yeah, I choose TNT for #1, and I don't exactly know why? It's not too much, 1 secret, and 36 monsters. But maybe I just like the simple levels. Also, beserk pack. 2. E4M1: This one is a nice challenge, took me a while. It's not too special, but it works as the first level of the "extra levels." 3. Doom 2: Not special, but I like it. I like how open it feels, the secrets, and the secrets' rewards. It's just a good level. 4. E3M1: I love the athstetic of this one, it's very beuatiful. And I can excuse the cacodemon, it's episode 3, you should be used to them by now. Simple, short, sweet. Just like cereal. 5. E2M1: This one... is tricky personally. I like it, but it's, kind of, boring. I don't know. It's a fine challenge though, I'll give it that. 6. E1M1: If E2M1 is boring, this level is the equivalent of watching paint dry. I just don't care for episode one personally. And this level doesn't help matters. 7. Plutonia: >:( I would love to hear your rankings and opinions on these classics!5 points -
MXU discord wad demos
El Juancho and 4 others reacted to Decay for a topic
This thread is for wads made by the associates of the MXU Discord. There will be more wads so here's a thread for them. Wads: Wang (thread for complaints here) [-complevel 2] Wang is CL2. waXX-0000 Interlude (thread here) [-complevel 2] - inXX-0000 (not choco compat (probably not crispy either)) The wads are short and the maps shorter. Lots of quick max runs with a couple thoughtful ones. Plenty of index bait to be had. Initial submissions from All pacifist runs for wang.wad map01 wa01p007.zip map02 wa02p003.zip map03 wa03p004.zip map04 wa04p007.zip map05 wa05p002.zip map06 wa06p001.zip map07 wa07p010.zip map08 wa08p006.zip map09 wa09p003.zip map10 wa10p004.zip5 points -
Who's your favourite female character in video games?
bartekmil and 4 others reacted to ChaseC7527 for a topic
the hookers in gta sa5 points -
MAP08: Arrythmia A looping corridor in a void, devoid of monsters. Follow the sound of the beating heart until you die, completing the episode. Conclusions I don't usually enjoy wads that are built around very advanced source ports, as they often add stuff that I find distracting from the core Doom experience. Heartland lacks the features I don't like (chiefly cutscenes and mandatory freelook) and what it brings, it feels like an evolution of the game's gameplay. New monsters and weapons is something we've seen before and a greater emphasis on verticality feels subtle. My impressions after the first maps was that this feels a bit like how Doom would have looked like if it was made two or three years later, with a more capable engine and more realistic texture set. However, I doubt such hypothetical game would have followed Heartland's combat style. I mostly recgonise Skillsaw from his work on Valiant, a megawad that often went for fast action with a large bodycount, but without the difficulty associated with slaughter wads. I refer to this style as "blockbuster wad", as it aims for a spectacle with broad appeal. Heartland follows this route, especially from MAP03 onward, with the first two maps being more of a demonstration of what Eternity Engine is capable of. One more thing to comment on is the soundtrack, which is probably my sole criticism of the wad. It's not that stewboy's midis are bad, but they arcadey nature felt somewhat out of place in a grimy, industrial environment. They would have worked fine in Valiant, but I feel a more realistic setting would benefit from something more ambient. In any case, I don't see this as a dealbreaker, more like a nitpick to complain about. If you've liked Valiant, no doubt you'll find a lot to enjoy here. I know I did, even when I had to deal with less than ideal performance and a bit of portal-related jank (monsters disappearing from certain angles, or one part where I could see my back). No top 3 this time, as the overall quality is very consistant and the wad lacks obvious standouts. MAP04 is the only one I wasn't totally on board with, but that's more due to me overlooking a crucial weapon that's right in the open - I bet on replay it would have been so much better.5 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
LoatharMDPhD and 4 others reacted to Creator for a topic
5 points -
Overboard Demos [-complevel 9]
SAV88 and 4 others reacted to Andrea Rovenski for a topic
map02 max 1:53 https://youtu.be/HN-TfTKWDoc ob02-153.zip map05 max 2:36 https://youtu.be/iu7x8ZxazJw ob05-236.zip5 points -
When translated from doom design language to English, this imps means "fuck you, pacifist runners".5 points
Here is a Map that @Sneezy McGlassFace and @LVENdead and I worked on! Map Name: Sealed with a Kill Mappers: BeetBeard, Sneezy McGlassFace, and LVENDead Midi: Dancing Snakes by Stuboy Difficulties: All 3 implemented Multiplayer starts: Yes. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M_7HdoPNvlRDUWTmj49hZd0o9R0HePYb/view?usp=sharing Sneezy did layout design, Beetbeard did thing placement, and LVENdead did detailing. Enjoy!5 points
KUIPER - PrBooM+ Limit-Removing Wad
Jimmy and 4 others reacted to Argent Agent for a topic
Thankfully, my coursework is finished so I am able to dedicate more of my time towards working on maps. I've been working hard on MAP08; there is still plenty to do, but thankfully much of the layout is complete. Here is some of what I have been working on as of late!5 points -
"The night is on my mind. The sun will still shine, but the night is on my mind." This gloomy seaside resort is the last map for Austrian Avian Association: Post-Mortem to be visually completed apart from object placement. About three to four weeks combined of work, and it isn't even the largest map under my name. Soon...5 points
He just went for a nap, no need to worry.5 points
Been fully concentrated only this project alone and step aside from any ongoing projects, as I couldn't finish them in time or just losing any motivation on those. E1M1 E1M2 E1M3 E1M4 E1M5 E1M6 E1M7 E1M8 E1M95 points
Who's your favourite female character in video games?
Wavy and 3 others reacted to Doominator2 for a topic
4 points -
DBP37: AUGER;ZENITH MAP02 UV max in 2:02.80 dbp3702-20280.zip https://youtu.be/-LMqBby4rtw4 points
Endless Random /idgames WAD Adventures #079
Sena and 3 others reacted to LadyMistDragon for a topic
Mentzer7.WAD - For Doom 2 (1995) by David J. Hill (Crispy Doom) So much crap that could be unpacked there but I can't be bothered with that right now. Anyway... David J. Hill stands out to me as the designer of the notorious Map 08: Donnybrook (hmm, Americans won't know that term most likely) from Icarus: Alien Vanguard. This map here was designed as a deathmatch map initially with monsters getting put down later. It's got quite a lot of inspired detail though and is small enough that it's hard to get bored. Computer banks are cool, or the closet with the megarmor or the cool semi-circle linedef surrounding the Cacodemon...with SHAWN but I mean this is made by an Icarus designer, give 'em a pass! Either way, this is a cool map and much better than most things I've played by TiC mappers of this calibre. ldoom mapping contest (2008) by Various (Crispy Doom) This little Czech-based project seems to have been only uploaded in 2010 and was led by none other than Kama Sutra co-designer Method! Plutonia 2 contributor Pipicz who's probably best known for his megawad Bloodstain, also contributes a map, along with a ton of people that are basically no-names and newcomers. Basically, it's kind of a speedmapping project with Quake II textures, though not with entirely Quake II thematics. The shotgun is replaced and has a more beefy, realistic sound but the sprite replacements are, well, someone's picture of what badassery is. And to be fair, those Pain Elementals and Lost Souls have some rather intimidating designs. But it's probably the sound effects for the most part which impressed me the most. Listening to the Barons and seeing them expire were probably the best aspects of this. Although it should be said the sprites all complement the aesthetic rather well. That being said, it was determined that there wasn't enough time for this after the first couple of maps so let's just talk about what was played! Map 01: Boy, we're sure left wanting for ammo, eh? This particular map follows a certain Kama Sutra convention of withholding powerful weapons until thing get too repetitive and difficult to hold back. Unfortunately, you can forget about a Super Shotgun for this map, which wouldn't be so bad if the fight around the last key was a) a little smaller and b) a little too cramped to promote the ideal amount of infighting. And that stupid Chasm ledge can go jump off a well, you know. Map 02: Ammo is still rather tight, but it's better and secrets will actually help more than a degree. The outdoor canyon at the beginning is pretty cool. Ending wave of Revenants could be more inspired I suppose, but it ain't bad! Map 03: Best map so far! Large outdoor canyon map with base placed every so often, plenty of ammo, (though in certain places like caches). Plenty of enemies to match as well! Overall, 8/10 for what I played!4 points -
@Laz Rojas I recommend reaching out to the Institute for Justice. They are not a typical law firm: they are a non-profit organization that among other things, litigates cases that involve egregious violations of Constitutional rights. I cannot say for sure that this is the type of case they would litigate, but a public prosecutor using a heavy hand to fabricate charges against someone he clearly did not like should at least get your foot in the door with the IJ. They run off of donations and probably a cut of the court winnings like most lawyers, so it should not cost you anything. It appears they do not have a physical presence anywhere in California, so you will need to reach out online.4 points
Weird demos
Dimon12321 and 3 others reacted to RjY for a topic
It's... getting eaten by a spectre! I didn't see the spectre at first, either, I needed to rewatch. Got all excited, what's going on there, how could that happen..! But no :)4 points -
Thirty Years with Doom - now on idgames
Track Federal and 3 others reacted to RaRu Des2122 for a topic
Today's three levels will feature the second and last secret level which I personally consider the hardest of all in the first half of the megawad. Map14: Old Military Base by @Mikle Map32: Memories by TGA Map15: Anomaly by @RastaManGames *** *** ***4 points -
Embryo: where each map is smaller than the last
Makedounia and 3 others reacted to apichatpong for a topic
Last post, sorry for the three in a row. Still HMP, didn't said it yesterday but used saves (sometimes a lot) Not a playtester, everytime I think i found something it's in fact due to bad port or bad complevel choice, so : just an overall and quick feelings report : Map 15 : all K/I/S, found secret exit. A « grand écart » with map 14 but this is the unusual success of this wad : no real consistency between maps (speaking of atmosphere, at least) but a naive joy of discovering different universes (smaller and smaller). So : map 15, Sparks ! Good choice, good joke, very good realistic and classic map ! Some quite hard fights, no ammo problem, some health's ones but because I did some stupid stuff behind the blue door (honestly, don’t think health is a real problem here) Map 17 : Very nice space organisation, great intense map with some hard encounters. All K/I/S, no ammo problem, health was a bit issue but, once again, it was me not being very very good… Map 20 : Simple and classic map, easier than the last ones, nice pause, quite good ! All K/I/S, ammo and health ok ! Map 21 : Excellent map ! Of the microslaughter kind so, really tough (especially the red key fight ! I would have love to get the ssg before this fight, maybe I just missed the way…). All K/I/S but will have to go back because didn’t found what to do with the yellow key Map 25 : Nice one ! Simple and efficient but with some cool encounters. All K/I/S, no ammo starvation, quite generous on medikit but did die some times… Map 26 : Another microslaughter map, nice on HMP because difficulty curve is well dosed in three steps. All K/I/S, generous on ammo a bit less on health but there is a megasphere when things become harder. Map 27 : another miicroslaughter one, but with different flavor than the two previous one, with my very approximative knowledge of wads (and with, always, the same references...), let says that map 21 made me think sometimes about the cage from sunder, map 26 feels a bit like a micro version of the ending fight of some old sunder maps and this one is maybe more of a micro-version of some ToD map (it’s a bit nonsensical, because ToD maps need modification of space and it’s difficult to do that with the surface restriction of map 27, but that’s what I felt). A bit rng base (on my casual player pov) but doable, last part is hard. Didn’t kill everyone, jumped to the exit before the end, but I think everything is killable. No secret, all items. Ok with ammo and health. Map 28 : great claustrophobic disorienting one. All K/I/S, no ammo problem, some tight encounters. Clever small 3D maze. As we say in France, the below ranking is a bit like "l'école des fans" but it's because I had a great time occupying myself with these maps while fever was going up and down : Favorite ones : 01, 04, 10, 13, 14, 17, 21, 28 (yeah, it's a lot) Great ones : 08, 15, 26, 27 Very good ones : 20, 25 Really good ! (but with a strange feeling on size level when compare to the two surrounding ones) : 094 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
MarketAnarchy and 3 others reacted to Naarok0fkor for a topic
4 points -
Two more maps incoming! Map name: Hot Coffee Mappers: NecrumWarrior + Death Bear MIDI: Imaginarium by Stewboy Difficulties: Unfinished Multiplayer/DM starts: Co-op starts Download: Dropbox Notes: Two coffee lovers lovingly make a love-letter to coffee. Screenshots: Map name: Matrimony Mappers: Raith138 + NecrumWarrior MIDI: Gaslight by Crunchynut44 Difficulties: Yes Multiplayer/DM starts: Co-op starts Download: Dropbox Notes: Originally we were going to do a cathedral, but the resources didn't seem right for it. So now it's more of a church. Screenshots:4 points
Frantik DM 3: MAP 20: Lethal Lockdown: That large prison level is finished! :D4 points
This isn't how it works, homing rockets use the global timer - it depends on whether the rocket fired on an even or odd tic. There is no RNG value "reuse", every call to RNG increments the index, even if there are multiple calls within a game tic. How would it be 3/4 if the value was reused each time? I agree with everyone about the Berserk damage, having done Tyson runs that depend on getting consistently good rolls. Every other weapon in the game has some padding to make it less RNG - the rocket launcher deals 110 in splash, more if you aim your rockets well and hit multiple enemies with it, shotguns/BFG fire so many traces with each hitscan attack that it creates a bell curve, and likewise you have to fire so much chaingun/plasma to deal decent damage that it averages out the rolls. Berserk is a flat 20-200 and you can't do anything about it. The ranges are pretty ridiculous, a Baron for example can take 5 punches or 50 - with the most common being 7-13.4 points
(logo by @4MaTC) ICID, what the hell is this now? Endless Random /idgames WAD Adventures is a small project of exploration, interaction, entertainment and reviews where we meet once every two weeks to select random WADs in search of hidden treasures, lost promises, or our worst nightmares! We use the /idgames archive’s special feature that lets us search for random files. Of course, sometimes the results are resources or unplayable stuff, so we focus on looking for WADs. So, what do we do here? Play at least one random WAD in a two-week period of time. WADs are selected using the Random File feature on /idgames or from the list below. Post a review of whatever you play. Always provide the name of the WAD, the name of the author, and a link to the file. Play however you want, on any skill level, and with any source port, as long as you play the WAD as intended/in working shape. Be respectful. It's okay to criticize a map, but remember that many mappers read these review threads and behave accordingly. Also, please don't tag mappers into a negative review of their work. What kind of WADs are we looking for? Any file on /idgames is fair game, but most of us choose to stick to singleplayer Doom or Heretic WADs that work in our sourceport(s) of choice. If you're worried about finding Terrywads or broken files, I also pull at least five random WADs for the event. Feel free to play them with me if you wish, or look for your own! The point of the event is to encourage you to explore this vast, random world. Recommendations for reviewing: Endless Random /idgames WAD Adventures of this event: This Ain't No Slipgate Project! Factory Leap of Faith The Imp Fiesta Days of Xornox: The Ice World Join the Doom Master Wadazine community for more events like this! » https://discord.gg/Q2RKn4J And check the Doom wiki for the full list of past adventures.3 points
Who's your favourite female character in video games?
Dusty_Rhodes and 2 others reacted to TheMagicMushroomMan for a topic
3 points -
Frantik DM 3: MAP29: Medieval Methods: Finished most of the map, just have to place i
Geniraul and 2 others reacted to Arrowhead for a status update
Frantik DM 3: MAP29: Medieval Methods: Finished most of the map, just have to place items, spawns, balance, and do a bit more detail - like breaking up some rock textures. Should be done tomorrow! A battering ram: The breached wall: Two siege towers: The entrance to the keep: Atop the castle walls: Catapults are the last line of defence: :D3 points