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This is Woof! 14.5.0 (Apr 30, 2024)
knifeworld and 19 others reacted to fabian for a topic
Woof! 14.1.0 is released on Feb 29, 2024. A complete list of new features, improvements and bug fixes can be found on the release page: https://github.com/fabiangreffrath/woof/releases/latest Binaries for Windows are available here: https://github.com/fabiangreffrath/woof/releases/download/woof_14.1.0/Woof-14.1.0-win32.zip https://github.com/fabiangreffrath/woof/releases/download/woof_14.1.0/Woof-14.1.0-win64.zip An AppImage for Linux is available here: https://github.com/fabiangreffrath/woof/releases/download/woof_14.1.0/Woof-14.1.0-Linux.appimage Have a lot of fun! - Fabian20 points -
Armolitskiy and 12 others reacted to BeeWen for a topic
Greetings to Doom fans! This remaster is another experiment in turning the work of ancient Doom mappers into the requirements of modern standards. Unlike the original version of "Vilecore", all levels have undergone a total revision and have, in addition to complete re-texturing, major changes in both architecture and gameplay lines. Only the basic textures of the House 2 pack were used for the design, except for the textures of the sky of all three episodes. There are also new midi tracks on the maps, processed by me in accordance with the style of the picture. "Vilecore" is one of the first collections of maps that I got to know at the beginning of the era with third-party resources of this game. Despite the general monotony, there are still some interesting ideas in it, although they are not well implemented. The purpose of this remaster was to bring them to a high enough level and give a second life to old things. Tested in ProBoom+ complevel 9 Evilcore.zip Google dropbox link Enjoy the game!13 points -
DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]
Andy Johnsen and 11 others reacted to Vile for a topic
MAP29 Tyson in 9:13 - lv29t913.zip - video12 points -
[Boom format] Anathema 2: The unofficial sequel (v1.1)
boom_compatible and 10 others reacted to DankMetal for a topic
Hello again, today i decided to share a little project me and some friends made on a discord server. What the hell is this? Anathema 2, like the title states, is an unofficial sequel to a doom 1 wad, called “Anathema”, made by Robby Pants. It started as a joke, but soon enough evolved into a real project. Why did we took a random wad that is not even posted on idgames as inspiration? I don't know, just for the shits and giggles i guess. There are some inside jokes here and there, but they don't take over the experience. This wad contains an “episode” with 7 maps, we are planning on releasing a second episode later in march, with a completely different aesthetic than just “techbase but in a beach!”. Map 1: Desterración by @Vosolokoviteh Map 2: Margarita by @The_Gennie Map 3: Estación de Petróleo by @Vosolokoviteh Map 4: amehtanA by @OceanMadman and Robby Pants* Map 5: Veneno Sabor Miel by @Downcologo one Map 6: Procesamiento de Agua by @DevilMyEyes Map 7: Ayayay/ Etiqueta Negra by @Downcologo one *= Some rooms are directly inspired from Anathema, so we must credit Robby on this one. This wad has been tested on woof and prboom + 2.666, only on pitol start and UV, so take that in consideration when playing on lower difficulties. A little warning for those who want to play it on GzDoom or any of its variants: It's not recommended to play on said ports due to the heavy use of Conveyor belts in map 7. Credits Devilmyeyes: Leader of the project, intermission and HELP screen. @Hunted11: ost composer, you can hear it in all of its glory here. @Pancrasio, Downcologo: Titlepic. Additional credits Pistol sprite: Fletcher Minigun Sprite: Valiant Some epic screenshots: One last thing to note: this is not a mean spirited joke towards Robby and his job, to the contrary. We wanted to show how his mapset actually left an impact on a bunch of latinamerican dudes, to the point of taking time of their day to make a fun map in honor of… a freaking doom 1 wad. And that's it, go play it now. Anathema2 V1.111 points -
Take A Shower
ctwoafiveb and 10 others reacted to Coal_Ore_Steps for a topic
Name: Take a shower C ompatibility: Doom2 boom format Tested on: Zandronum and GzDoom IWAD: Doom2 Length: 4 levels Jump/ crouch allowed: No Free look: Optional, not mandatory Music: Custom .wav, not compatible with vanilla source ports My first full project. A liminal space inspired Doom WAD, with less focus on combat and more on atmosphere. Thanks to my friend Endy for the music. The download TM11 points -
11 points
DooM II Map Interpretation Project (Slots Open)
Guff dotD and 8 others reacted to knifeworld for a topic
You'd be better off entirely reimagining the levels based loosely on what each area looks like it's supposed to be, rather than "slightly edit the original maps" ... We've had 3 or 4 of these threads now, including this one, they're pushing other stuff down the list, and potentially pulling some people away from making better use of their time by doing something original.9 points -
Unnamed Duel Pack #1: MAP01: Offworld Villa: I've started a new duel project, it uses HakrosTex. I've got no idea how many maps will be in this pack - but I'll likely make 4-6. :)9 points
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Astar and 8 others reacted to dobu gabu maru for a topic
Took a long time to get the midtex to be a different light level than the floor & ceiling.9 points -
DooM II Map Interpretation Project (Slots Open)
head_cannon and 7 others reacted to Obsidian for a topic
@AuroraFox I...don't think you're taking the correct message away from this thread. For what it's worth, being dogpiled is never a fun experience and I can understand if you don't feel all that amazing about the state of things right now. It's more than understandable if you'd prefer to come back to this situation later. I'm inclined to agree with cannonball regarding the need to sharpen your own abilities, mapping or otherwise: beyond the reasons other people have mentioned, it'll also help you run a project by virtue of being able to properly convey its central concepts and inspire others to contribute. You increase your chances for successfully helming a community project by shoring up your own abilities as a mapper and a project manager, which in the case of the latter is incredibly important when it comes to the handling and presentation of other people's work. Observe how other community members have done the same, examine the works that inspire you and don't be afraid to ask questions. 👍 As for the other people reading this thread, I'd appreciate it if you don't harass AuroraFox about this any further: I'd prefer to not have any blow-ups because people couldn't stop themselves from indulging their schadenfreude.8 points -
DooM II Map Interpretation Project (Slots Open)
DeadKiitsune296 and 6 others reacted to Abandoned_Account for a topic
DooM II Map Interpretation Project (DIIMIP or D2MIP in short if you want) is a project to edit slightly existing Doom 2 levels (Mostly those that take place on Earth) to make those look a little more realistic which couldn't be done using 94' engine limitations. Thanks to GermanPeter we have a good look on how those levels can be interpreted, what they exactly can be supposed to be which is shown in the video posted below. Also thanks to GermanPeter and many other people for inspiring this project! Project Rules: Two main rules by quoting GermanPeter: "If I was gonna be part of a project like this, then it'd basically have two main rules: 1) Keeping the original layouts and designs intact (not making unique stages; at most restructuring certain rooms here and there) 2) Trying to guess the intention of the authors who made the maps and then adding things to make them resemble that more (like adding windows that they couldn't add due to limitations etc) " Other rules: 1. Maps have to be made using UDMF format 2. Do not use wall textures for the floor (And floor for walls), do not add slopes and do not add poly objects 3. No custom monsters or weapons etc. Map slots: 01 - Taken (By AuroraFox) 02- Taken (By Aeddes666) 03 - Free 04 - Free 05- Free 06 - Free 07 - Free 08 - Free 09 - Free 10 - Free 11 - Free 12- Free 13 - Taken (By Mystic 256) 14 - Free 15- Free 16 - Taken (By Grungo) 17 - Free 18 - Free 19 - Free 20 - Free If any interested mapper wanna take a slot, please send me an dm and i will give ya an invite to discord server where we gonna discuss who take which maps to work on!7 points -
credit to go:id Software,The Innocent Crew,Xim,Chain MailItsNatureToDie/David G,Project Brutality? rocketzombieIII.zip7 points
7 points
(Reworked) VENOR - New Terrifying Monster
WH-Wilou84 and 5 others reacted to Kan3 for a topic
"Limbs under ground Beneath your feet Will have you bound And begun to eat" Almost exactly 1 year ago I was releasing a cute little buddy on Realm667, the Venor. Based on the famous yellow slime mold and willing to make a sort of trap-like monster, I made some disgusting sprites, wrote down a custom AI (if you want to call it like that), slapped some creepy sounds and the recipe for an interesting fella was complete! I was pretty proud of the thing, especially because I wasn't that good with ZSCRIPT and making a monster that could target not only the players, but any living creature that would come closer, that could chase his target without those annoying 45 degrees turns, that could pull his targets before eat them and pass through other actors and tall steps was already wizardry to me. But NOW, that I have reached several new levels of (z)scripting perks, I decided that I could make something more! And here we are, presenting you the perfected version of the Venor! In this "quick" video I thoroughly explain literally everything about the guy in question: how it works, how the functions controlling his (bad) behavior operates and in the end the field testing. Of course, directly during the video I found a couple of things that could have been done better, so I took my time today to fix everything and now I decided to release this little angel to the public! (Will try to update it on Realm667 too if this new version will be accepted). Quick explanation of this monster is and can do: Flat sprite monster Completely "asleep" until any living being become too curious and wake him up (can be used as a monster-eater monster if the player is smart enough) Constant tracking and chasing of the target Able to pass through anything, actors, walls, american borders 3 kind of attack pattern: Normal melee/bite attack Pulling force Void grab no spoiler Not fast and not durable, can be killed easily and it would be better to do that fast So go forth, oh you intrepid knight of Doom, test your strength against this abomination risen from Hell! GET YOUR FREE COPY OF THE NEW VENOR HERE! no refunds What you're going to find inside the zip file: 100% functional New Venor monster 100% ZSCRIPT magic 100% explanations of that same magic through comments 100% configurable arguments to adjust your Venor as you please 97% nightmares! I consider this thing to be in beta, since I'm the only one who tested it for now and something out of my scope might break somewhere, so if someone has the will to report any bug/glitch or even improvements, come forth! I will also share the OLD VENOR from Realm667, just for checking purposes6 points -
posting in a soon-to-be epic thread tbh it's much harder to do a good job of editing existing works to make them better instead of redoing them from scratch; you're far too heavily constrained. and either way, trying to sit there and edit preexisting maps to "get better at mapping" instead of just, y'know, practicing so you can overcome your shortcomings, isn't the best way of going about things. it's essentially running away from your problems. also, why6 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: 10x10, Heartland, Sigil II
Ravendesk and 5 others reacted to DJVCardMaster for a topic
So, 10x10's review was still pending, so here it is, sorry for the delay. The 10x10 Project - LunchLunch: The 10x10 Project, is not your average Doom mapping project with restrictions, for starters, this is not a community project. These are 10 maps made by only one person. This is the most amusing fact about this mapset. LunchLunch managed to squeeze all the juice from the vanilla set of textures Doom II has to offer, and gave us one of the best works of arts with them, comparable at times with Going Down. Each map respects the 10 textures/10 flat restrictions well, without counting the complementary textures used for switches or doors. It would have been great to be a community project by itself, as we could have had a full 32-map megawad here, with different ideas. The problem here was that some themes repeated themselves, like the tech-bases or the wooden/hell landscapes. The good thing is consistency in mapping style and detailing. As you can clearly notice all maps have something in common, and it gives you a nice sense of uniformity. The other good thing about it not being a 32-map megawad is the length and difficulty of the mapset itself and each of its maps. This is NOT a wad for regular/casual doomers, as its difficulty will quickly be scalating more and more to the point it turns into a slaughter mapset, halfway through it. As I would say, slaughter maps are not my cup of tea, but fights were really well scripted most of the time, and enjoyable. Some of the layouts like MAP06's provided you with really fun arenas to fight all the hellspawn. In fact, most of the arenas in the later half of 10x10 were really enjoyable (Not talking about you, MAP08's final battle). You will be having lots of fun playing this one if you enjoy Dooming challenges, and good "art megawads", things like looking maps as immersive works of art. Almost all maps, look beautiful, even with the limited set of textures LunchLunch had in hand. Best map: MAP07 - Kind of a magnum opus by LunchLunch, fun, big and challenging. Also trying to 100% this map feels worthy enough. Worst maps: MAP02 - This was the least interesting map, both aesthetic-wise and gameplay-wise. Simple, linear, and outdated in its theme right after MAP03 starts. Not bad, but unremarkable. MAP31 - Ugly and unplayable on purpose, the idea here was to create an ugly 1994 map. Good way to use the MAP31 slot though. Score: 71/100 Again, sorry for not playing through the other two wads, I'll see if this month is less time consuming for me so I can play through the next month's wad (I also hope this one is short, of course).6 points -
So you've never finished a map before and now you want to be a project lead? I kind of understand the appeal of making Doom 2 levels into more "realistic" environments, but people aren't going to want to work on a project led by a person who only has abandoned maps to their name and admits to being unable to focus on finishing even one short level5 points
Share Your Sprites!
VICE and 4 others reacted to LukeGaming for a topic
I frankensprited axe zombie scientist from realm667 (one of zombie scientist packs) onto shotgun guy and changed axe colours: I also tried to add attack sprites to only melee zombie sprite that I found from this ZDoom thread: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=15080&start=27285 but they suck, frankly I have no idea how to make unarmed melee attack sprites look good, I think I'll try to frankensprite realm667 berserker commando fist attack onto that. Oh, I was also reworking that zombie rocketman just a few days ago:5 points -
[RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!
Novaseer and 4 others reacted to antares031 for a topic
Temeraire was planned as a sequel to Frimaire from the start, so it was intentional to have some simiarilities between those two levels. I'm quoting my own writing from the last month's DWMC for more explanations:5 points -
[DONE] DOOMIUM II: A Community Project focusing on Short and Frantic Maps (BOOM+UMAPINFO)
knifeworld and 4 others reacted to fai1025 for a topic
I think it's cleared to declare the half month extension proposal won the voting, so the deadline will to extend to 17th of March (+2 more day for compromise)5 points -
Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]
Monsieur E and 4 others reacted to Orii for a topic
Plutonia Map12 UVMax in 3:35 Zip: pl12m335.zip Video: https://youtu.be/kpDAjfAk_jw?si=44q4kNSv7R6IhbTs5 points -
JP LeBreton (of Bioshock, Arcadia Demade, lots of other things) has a page regarding Tourism in video games, with "tourism" being defined as exploring a game without any intention of participating in the game's conflict systems, whether that be by disengaging from it, cheating past it, or disabling it (via the game's own built-in systems, difficulty settings, or modifying the game to remove these aspects). There are quite a few games nowadays that implement something I'd call a "super easy" mode, in which case the conflict is still present but heavily neutered, rather than cut out entirely. This is to be expected, though. After all, games are a kinetic medium. Most people expect some sort of standard gameplay loop, whether that loop is a very short and repetitive one (room-clearing roguelikes come to mind), or a long and complex one (strategy games come to mind). Stripping that core functionality from the game can leave you not only with a shell of a game, but a potentially dissonant one, where any threads that were linked between gameplay, world, narrative, and/or any other angles, no longer connect. Doom is one of those games where the vast majority of people who play it are playing it because they like how it feels on a basic level, whether or not they mod the hell out of it to make it more enjoyable to their specific taste. They like to shoot demons. When they load up a PWAD, they expect there to be things to kill. From a mapping angle, you make rooms that you like, and then you put monsters in them to fill the space and give the player an objective, a threat to engage with, something to do. Sometimes you even construct the room a certain way because of the composition of monsters and geometry that popped into your head. However, Doom also has a -nomonsters parameter. The TNTEM and IDCLIP cheat codes exist. You can turn any given map into a purely exploratory experience. This might even improve an experience that would otherwise have been negative for you: Hate slaughter, but love grand architecture? Bored to tears by IWAD tribute gameplay? Mapper spam too many Archviles? Just like the way Doom feels to run around in with no inhibiting factors? You can remove everything and take a walk. I like to do this, I think video games are a really awesome thing because of the worlds that are constructed in them that you can move around in. There are more Doom WADs than any reasonable person could ever play through in existence right now, and the number only gets larger as the days go by. You can tour spaces built in Doom, probably for the rest of your life, and you will never stop finding new worlds, whether that is another E1 tech-base in someone else's eyes, a slaughter map with seizure-inducing lighting scripts, a larger-than-life magnum opus jammed into a random community project, etc. Some things I have enjoyed through this lens of tourism: - Lost Civilization // It is too pretty and greenery-filled to let the lackluster combat bring it down. It is a world in and of itself. - Liminal Doom // This one might not be too surprising, considering the basis of the wad is "liminal spaces". Sometimes the silence is better, especially in a room with so many waterfalls. - Gravity // Eternal is not bad at Doom combat, but walking around in Map02 of this WAD is like being shrunk down and given free play inside of a diorama. - Boaty McBoatWAD // Consider it a trip to the world's most unhinged boat museum. - El Viaje de Diciembre // A world deep in the autumn of its life, letting out a tremendous sigh. There's also this part of a quote that I read a long time ago that has stuck with me, with key points highlighted: "[...] Any notion of humanity left in Sunlust's world is actively malignant-- MAP29 for example, "Go Fuck Yourself", is uniquely human to the player in design, architecture, and title. The Archvile Carousel is too purposeless, too vexatious to be designed by any thing but a human. Yet, like with most challenge maps, it's made to be bested, but only by those willing to buy in and mortify themselves to gitting gud. In fact, this idea of mortification, of purity through rigid self-discipline, is an idea that permeates not just in Sunlust but in the discourse of 'difficulty' in video games as a whole. For every new completion of Sunlust, there's a DOOMer out there who will remind you that you haven't really 'completed' Sunlust until you've done it with no savescumming, and there's a DOOMer above them that will remind you that only pistol start UV counts as completion, and so on and so on. Anyone who had the unfortunate luck to witness Souls "summoning discourse" can also attest to similar convos. It's eerily similar to where this mortification discourse actually comes from--Medieval Christianity. You aren't really free of sin until you've abstained from something important, until you've fasted, until you've lived ascetically, until you've self-flagellated, etc. And while the merits and foibles of mortification are too big for this review, the takeaway shouldn't be to do away with the ideas of purity or self-discipline, but to take a more personal, existential approach to them. Play Sunlust, but don't feel the need to surrender to it's weight of difficulty or of being one of the GOAT WADs or anything else. noclip to admire the architecture, throw on godmode, try a UV run, make a save for the Cathedral fight to replay forever, do whatever--just make it challenging and purifying to you, and see where you land. [...]" - SimonDedalus My referencing of this writing is not an invitation to discuss whether your playstyle is more or less valid than any other, nor is it a request for another tired save/saveless, mods/modless competition to determine who has the most fulfilling Doom experience or whatever. Not only can you make the weights lighter (play on a lower difficulty), you can take the weights off entirely. You can explore the spaces, free of stress, and maybe that will make all of the difference for you. What I would like is to hear about anybody else who just likes to walk around in spaces like these, and if you don't, then try it! Try it with your favorite WADs! Try it with something that has gameplay you consider horrifically difficult or boring! Try it with something you've never played before! Just go explore something in its most minimal form, and have fun with it.4 points
Escape the Chambers its a short mapset for MBF21 that focus on puzzle elements and cryptic progression. Think of these maps as escape rooms, where the objetive its to find very hidden progression on tiny spaces in order to exit. These maps also contain combat puzzles scenarios that will prove quite a challenge to those searching to UV max them, since resources are very scarce. I recommend playing on HMP for a less obnoxious enemy placement. I actually wasn't planning on making Doom maps for quite some time, but i got recently inspired by a escape room video i saw and decided to see if i can accomplish something similar in that fashion inside Doom, although im aware that for some people these maps may be cryptic nonsense. Download: chambers.zip4 points
at least for me, it's primarily because op is seeing it as a way to bypass the fact that he's struggling to create maps in the first place. it's just...not a good way to go about doing things? i mean, for one, idk if you've ever tried remaking maps or adding onto existing ones before (i have as part of the 1995 tune-up project), but it's actually harder than making your own original stuff lol. secondly, trying to worm your way around the fact that you're struggling to map in the first place isn't gonna work. you have to get at the root cause of that; trying to do alternative methods like "oh i'll just change existing maps!!!" isn't gonna help. trust me. and third - and this is something that razza just pointed out, and he certainly has experience with community projects being run poorly (epicyoloswagwhateverthefuck moment) - op is highly inexperienced and is trying to lead a community project. that is a guaranteed shitshow.4 points
DooM II Map Interpretation Project (Slots Open)
Andromeda and 3 others reacted to cannonball for a topic
I think you are over stating the difficulty of building something original whilst understating the difficulty of tweaking very abstract maps from the IWads. The definition of "original" is very subjective and you would be surprised at how obvious it is to spot a map from well known mappers for example. It sounds like you are having difficulty getting from concept to a finished map (From your musings on here), so I would definitely suggest facing this and seeking advice because I cannot help but feel that this project will fall on its face quite quickly at the present time. You clearly want to get involved in the community and make stuff, but again it will be much better for you to get through the barriers that are stopping you from finishing stuff because the same logic could apply to, for example managing this project. The community has spread out significantly over the past few years and there are several discord servers that I think you would find useful (Entryway, Pineapple under the sea (PUSS) to name a couple.4 points -
DooM II Map Interpretation Project (Slots Open)
Sneezy McGlassFace and 3 others reacted to LVENdead for a topic
It's probably also worth mentioning that with a project like this where the premise is to take the existing, commercially released maps, and making changes and then distributing them again probably borders on being against the forum's terms of service and/or not legal, so that's something to keep in mind.4 points -
Good idea! I think I'm going to start a fast food chain where we just buy McDonald's hamburgers but we add a couple of pickles and call it a new thing.4 points
That reminds me of going through ZDCMP2 and checking scripted monster spawning to make sure they respect sv_nomonsters -- so that no monsters are spawned in this mode, and that all the points that require killing monsters to unlock progression are just silently and automatically unlocked. That map fully supports "tourism mode"!4 points
4 points
IronEagle Competition 63: Preacher
Andromeda and 3 others reacted to Doomy__Doom for a topic
Category: 1 Difficulty: UV Dead: Map 01, 31/114 dwie_24-02.zip Note to self - do not attempt ironman immediately after a full meal. Brain does not brain.4 points -
[Boom format] Anathema 2: The unofficial sequel (v1.1)
Hunted11 and 3 others reacted to The_Gennie for a topic
It was fun to have contributed to Anathema 2, and I thank you all for letting me into the project, the first project I've been on that has been released. Anyway, Anathema is the most basic of the basics (go play it, it's in modb) :D4 points -
Yes. The Avenger level has been dug up from the archives and restored to playability by Lucius. It's available in the Vault menu.4 points
4 points
Demos for miscellaneous Ribbiks maps
siege cunt and 3 others reacted to D0M0 for a topic
Crumpets 2 Map02 (UV-Max in 2:09.31) cr202-209.zip YT Link: https://youtu.be/OyS5QA6xpv4 Map03 (UV-Max in 2:11.94) cr203-211.zip YT Link: https://youtu.be/sVHdP8GGkIA4 points -
The skies, hell and outdoor areas of Classic Doom
Maximum Matt and 3 others reacted to Mystic 256 for a topic
4 points -
Post your Doom textures!
NormalHuman and 3 others reacted to Donowa for a topic
4 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
horselessheadsman and 3 others reacted to Treehouseminis for a topic
4 points -
Create woof.bat file with this code: set SDL_RENDER_DRIVER=opengl woof %* Although I don't recommend that. Yes, you can do that3 points
Memorable NPC's in video games
BeachThunder and 2 others reacted to Maribo for a topic
Much of the cast of Disco Elysium, but particularly the solitary dicemaker is someone I think about from time to time. Idiot Doom Spiral and his cohorts, Cuno + Cunoesse, the ravers, Kim... too many fascinating people (and corpses) to talk to, but not nearly enough time. Moon: Remix RPG Adventure has a colorful cast of deceased monsters/animals, but the two I think about the most are Harpflower and Shellwhale. The former is a flower-like animal that can play its abdomen like a lyre, often as an expression of sadness or longing, while the latter is just a giant dead whale. Fallout: New Vegas has a plethora: Ulysses, Elijah, Veronica, Joshua Graham, Rose of Sharon Cassidy... Experiencing the desolate Mojave always feels like a faded dream.3 points -
blind, survived in 1:10:153 points
Doom X Husqvarna Automower
inkoalawetrust and 2 others reacted to fraggle for a topic
Just a quick note that I've identified some of the engineers involved with this project and reached out to them about this. They're not actually violating the GPL yet because this isn't shipping until April. Hopefully we can get their changes published on Github.3 points -
Remastering/improving stock content is also something that takes a good amount of skill to do well (source: I've been there :P ). There's nothing wrong with a new mapper using this sort of project as a way to practice mapping, especially if it's something they're interested in -- I've always found that the best way to motivate myself to learn something new is to have a concrete goal (i.e. a thing I want to make) in mind. But I wouldn't start with the assumption that doing this sort of thing is any easier than making something from scratch. To pull it off well, you've got to consider whether the additions you're making fit stylistically, or don't impede on the gameplay too much (or, better, use the new stuff as an opportunity to improve the gameplay). And so forth. tl;dr: Don't do it because it's "easier", do it because it's what you wanna do. :P3 points
[Boom format] Anathema 2: The unofficial sequel (v1.1)
Hunted11 and 2 others reacted to Godzialox666 for a topic
Esperando a que salga la versión final en la que se encuentra mi nivel jijijij3 points -
Thanks! Yeah, just finished a big project- gotta keep mapping, though! I always feel if I stop, I'll get rusty, lol. Prob gonna release that megawad in like 2 weeks. :)3 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Geniraul and 2 others reacted to AshtralFiend for a topic
You are unstoppable! Didn't you just finish a 32-map wad? xD Best of luck developing this new one!3 points -
Demos for miscellaneous Ribbiks maps
siege cunt and 2 others reacted to Andrea Rovenski for a topic
cr2.wad (2024) https://dsdarchive.com/wads/cr2 map04 max 3:28 https://youtu.be/-NC_MIPjFnw cr204-328.zip3 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: 10x10, Heartland, Sigil II
Cutman 999 and 2 others reacted to Celestin for a topic
E6M8: Abyss of Despair Abyss of Despair is divided into two parts, connected by a teleporter. It starts with a short cave network with a modest opposition and a ton of secrets - look out for eyes inside the walls, they will allow you to arm yourself for the finale. I like this part, it's a condensed dose of action that sadly builds up to an underwhelming ending. The cavern has two cyberdemons and a buffed mastermind (with increased health, but otherwise operating the same way) that are placed on a narrow path that leads to the exit. I made one cybie infight with the spiderdemon, showered another with plasma and ran to the final room (with a couple of cacodemons, but I saved rockets for them). The second cyberdemon died, I finished off the mastermind and fought the very final boss: a baron that stands in front of the exit. I don't like the ending, but it's still better than final maps of episodes 1, 2 and 3. Conclusions Initially I didn't vote for Sigil II (the third wad after 10x10 and Heartland I voted for was KDiKDiZD and only changed it after I saw there wasn't that many people submitting their choices for February) and to be honest, I wasn't that excited to play it. The first Sigil was fine, I just didn't like its gameplay style that much. After E6M1 I wasn't sold on the wad, that map felt like hitting a brick wall with my head. It was tight on resources and threw a lot at the player. However, with each map that followed, I started to warm up more and more. It's an odd choice to start the episode with the hardest map, but better balance in subsequent levels and figuring out the secrets helped a lot. Speaking of which, the time-locked secret that appear in every level is the only thing I knew about Sigil II before playing and I was interested to see how it works in practice. In the end, it wasn't that bad. It adds a certain advantage early on, but in most cases, it isn't that difficult to find (with the exception being, once again, E6M1). Of course, you won't get it on your first run, so in every map I ended up with a couple of early deaths, just to located it and proceed with the rest of the level. It's a novel way to raise the difficulty and force the player to learn the map, which is the main theme here. Indeed, searching for secrets to maximise rather limited resources is the main challenge of Sigil II, quite a contrast from 10x10 and Heartland, which both adequately supplied the player, prefering instead more skill-based approach to difficulty. Most of the actual combat in Romero's maps is on the smaller scale, being a Doom 1 wad, Sigil II uses tankier demons (especially barons and cacodemons, with at least one cyberdemon in every map) and the most common type of ammo are shells. This is far from my favourite and the wad of this month I had the least fun with, but I appreciate playing something different and no doubt it will find its fans. To wrap things up, this is a worthy sequel to Sigil, sharing similiar artstyle (expanded with more tech additions), Jimmy's rocking soundtrack and more challenging version of its combat. Fans of the original need no recommendation (they likely played it already), the rest should check it out regardless, even if just to see new levels by an OG id mapper. TOP 3 maps: E6M7: Descent into Terror E6M9: Shattered Homecoming E6M3: Twilight Desolation It was a very interesting month, with a diverse set of wads to play through. I can't decide if I enjoyed 10x10 or Heartland more. The former had a unique idea behind and pushed me with some tough fights, especially by the end. The latter is a Skillsaw wad, which is a recommendation itself. Once again, I wanted to play both for a while so thank you for giving me a reason to try. As for Sigil II, it's not my thing, but I won't call it bad. I've had a ton of fun this month, thank you all for sharing your insights. See you in March.3 points -
Finally got around to playing through Eviternity II. The megawad is very large, so I feel that it's worth me doing a map-by-map review of what I thought. I played RC5 in DSDA Doom. Please note, I can be very blunt with my criticisms. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a friend or not, I will say what it is that I think without filter. Please do not take my criticisms personal, as I bear no ill will towards any mapper or their craft. I simply wish to express my overall thoughts, hopefully in order to make Eviternity II better. You can watch my Eviternity II streams on Twitch (Let me know if you want me to make permanent video archives of the vids): https://www.twitch.tv/arsinikkdm Overall Thoughts (SPOILERS): General Episode / Map Order Thoughts (SPOILERS): Map-by-Map Review (SPOILERS): New Weapon / New Monsters / Misc Dehacked thoughts (SPOILERS): Bugs:3 points
You're not sure what you expected to see as the aftermath of a cataclysmic traffic accident, but it certainly wasn't this. A simple investigation of a curious event has turned into a fight for survival. What are these... things? Where did they come from? Amidst your panicked driving, not caring if you accidentally ran over some still-alive civilians, the car runs out of gas at the outskirts of a relatively unscathed city. With fear of death fueling your adrenaline rush, you step out into the eerie silence...3 points