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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/24 in all areas

  1. [IMPORTANT: Please play this wad on DSDA-Doom, using the software renderer. Any bug reports that come from OpenGL or other sourceports will be ignored.] I Can't Sleep is a small set of MBF21 maps that I've been working on for the past 2 weeks. I'm surprised I finished this set so quickly. If you're expecting this set to be as easy as my other solo releases, then I'll tell you right now that this is a lot more difficult and weird. The set includes some slaughter, a bunch of platforming, and maybe a puzzle or two. Huge thank you to @Master Medi for playtesting! Screenshots: Download it down here: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/ics I loved working on this mapset, so I hope you enjoy it. :)
    24 points
  2. This is a reimagination of the boss level from the original Doom's 3rd episode, Inferno. The original map was nothing but a disappointment; an amateur's first attempt at making a map, plus the boss being nothing short of a pushover. This version not only reimagines the map itself, but enhances a handful of attributes that the Mastermind possesses. This is a reimagination of the boss level from the original Doom's 3rd episode, Inferno. Disappointment is the word that a majority of the players remember the original map with; a bland, vast open arena with just a few enemies sprinkled around, and without a doubt, one of the most disappointing final bosses ever created. I've tried to address a few of these issues with my reimagination, and while I wouldn't call the issues to be completely fixed, I've at least tried my best to get around these problems by spicing up the arena considerably and changing a handful of attributes for the Mastermind herself. Requirements: Any limit removing source port. Do note that this map uses DeHACKED to change the Mastermind's attributes, so I'll recommend not using any mods that alters the enemy behavior and in turn, overrides the .deh file. Download it at Gamebanana Download it at ModDB
    24 points
  3. Figured you might want these for posterity...
    13 points
  4. Havok DM 3: MAP03: Deep Hell: Finished the 3rd level - I may still change some things. :D
    13 points
  5. Havok DM 3: MAP04: Offworld Villa: I've re-textured this. It now uses 32-in-24-15tex.
    12 points
  6. As the latest addition to the Supplice team, I´ll take you guys through the frozen caves and underground bases of Triton
    12 points
  7. Back at the work desk, and practicing at making 6 frame walk cycles. The complete mirroring is gonna be an adventure to get worked out. But I think it looks so much better for most monsters. (Needs more head bob) but I think its looking pretty dang good. Full sheet will definitely be made at some point.
    11 points
  8. Can't believe all these websites stole from Hakros smh
    10 points
  9. I get your point Jaska - and like I said in an earlier post, 'I have no problem w/ AI related stuff'. Hell, I even like procedurally generated stuff like Slige, or Oblige. The problem lies in whether or not this is stated to other users. Just think, this pack is 5x the size of Otex1.1's file amount - an already very large tex pack that took a very long time to make. If things are procedurally-generated, that's fine - but it has to be mentioned in the post. As Hakros has made nearly an entire rewards show predominately w/ AI - and made NO mention of this at the time- this is a problem. He used AI translations / write-ups and likely used AI to make selections also, as he selected 2 of my 2023 projects - but neglected to mention the other 2 users' names - who made half of the two megaWADs in question. But this isn't about me - this is about being upfront. I'm not on some vendetta against Hakros - really - but if for example, someone made a 100 map project w/ Slige, and then didn't mention anything - you can see how that'd be a problem, and could rub users the wrong way. Hell, even if he had used his own tools to make this, like the Pattern Editor mentioned in the OP - he makes no mention at all that this is the method used. If he was like 'hey, I've made a massive tex pack using this new procedural generated tool of mine / AI' - people would likely have no issue. But there's no mention of this. It feels a bit dishonest, and as shown w/ the Doom Awards - Hakros has no issue w/ claiming computer-generated work as his own. I don't think it's unreasonable to be bothered by this, when past behavior shows that he's willing to claim computer-generated work as 100% his own creation. It's just mildly aggravating that he wasn't upfront about this. Like I said, I'm not even disagreeing w/ you - and I have no problem w/ AI-generated stuff in general - but why not mention it, at all? You can see how that could be interpreted as being suspect / disingenuous. Anyway, I likely won't reply any more in this thread, I've made my opinion known, and I don't want people to pile up on him. I don't think I've said anything unreasonable.
    9 points
  10. CURRENT VERSION: RC v1.4 Invaded by human space marines, allied with the empire of the Union Aerospace Corporation. You're an imp. Those of the UAC captured you, and tons of other demons, to make demon-control experiments. Now you have to escape from the UAC and return to your home, Hell! IMPSCAPE is a 7 maps modification for Doom II, for GZDoom. Fight against the UAC forces throught bases, prisons, factories and computers, and burn them with your fireballs! READ THE MANUAL BEFORE PLAYING. It has important information. Play as an Imp, a brown bastard from hell, who heaves fireballs down the UAC marines throat (and takes several bullets to die). 7 long maps full of marines and UAC forces! 2 difficult bossfights! 2 types of imp transformations (dark imp and rocket imp). You can grab barrels and throw them to enemies! You can free ally monsters to fight against the UAC forces! Available on English and Spanish. To play the mod: This mod is for GZDoom, using the DOOM2.WAD IWAD. GZDoom settings: Dont use software renderer, use hardware renderer instead (OpenGL/Vulkan). Jumping and crouching are blocked, but freelook is recommended (and sometimes required) The soundtrack from IMPSCAPE is available at soundcloud: https://on.soundcloud.com/Bh4mL Music & mapping: @URROVA Thanks to @wallabra for testing. Complete credits on the credits folder inside the pk7. Download the mod from: itch.io page: https://urrova.itch.io/impscape /idgames: coming soon My other mods: https://urrova.github.io/mods.html IMPSCAPE github repository: https://github.com/Urrova/IMPSCAPE Thanks for playing! Enjoy!
    8 points
  11. Alright, it's finally on the archives! I'll submit an update if there's any game-breaking bugs that slipped the net, but otherwise I'm ready to call this done. /me flops
    8 points
  12. IMPSCAPE is finally released! Screenshots:
    8 points
  13. e4m4 stroller in 57.37 e4m4str5737.zip
    8 points
  14. I was working on two maps last year, but took a break from them... The Chainsaw: techlab with floating bridges and platforms (these textures are provisional). The Wasteland of Thoros: a large desert with cloudy skies and sounds of thunder (these textures are provisional). This is my most current attempt "Cargo Sector: Toxic Leak" aka "Hazardous Cargo". It's been fun, but I lack time and sometimes I'm lazy...
    8 points
  15. Doom 64 throwable bob omb credits to: Timmitytims, Meh, Zippax, Tonberry2k, Mattress87, Nintendo, Squaresoft Doom 64 Z Para Tactical credits: Yamantaka 3D, Schmung 2D, Geno, Acid Snake, Schmung, Flamshmizer, Firearms, ChineseWarrior, d0nn
    7 points
  16. Hello everybody! Today, March 3rd, marks my 5 year anniversary here on Doomworld. I've made a lotta maps these last handful of years, but only like 10% of them have actually been released. I figured now's a good time as ever to release the rest of 'em onto the unsuspecting public :) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ These are... ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Screenshots: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Caco Files is an archive containing almost every map I've made since 2019 and haven't released officially, with a final tally of 141 wads. There's lots of great maps and concepts present here, as well as lots of just footnotes. Think of this as a sort of 'wadography' illustrating my evolution as a mapper these last few years. More importantly though, every map found in this archive is completely free for use! If you like a particular project here, you're encouraged to remake it yourself or pick it up where I left off! Note that I'm not completely abandoning everything here though; I might get back to working on some of these projects in the future, but even so you're welcome to give your own spin on any of the maps :) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ! ! IMPORTANT INFO: ! ! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A couple things you oughta know before diving in: Every wad is accompanied by a textfile which lists the essentials you need to know to run the wad; such as IWAD needed, compatibility level, map slots, and other important info. Make sure to give 'em a quick look before playing. I claim no ownership of any assets used in the maps unless specified. I am only giving free reign over the maps; not the textures, music, sprites, or other assets included. I trust that, were you to work on these projects yourself, you'll give appropiate credit where it's due and that your version of the project will be done in good faith. If you have any questions about the provided files, feel free to shoot me a DM or ask here in the thread! Now, with that out of the way... ______________________________________________>>>> Download here!! <<<<____________________________________________ Name: The Caco Files Total WAD Tally: 141 Compatibility: Check the textfiles. Tested with: GZDoom 3.7.2, GZDoom 4.7.1, Skulltag, PrBoom+, ZDaemon, Crispy Doom, Chocolate Doom. Timeframe: 2017 - January 2024 Credits: Textures, music and sounds taken from many, MANY sources. Check the textfiles for sources. Have fun, and thank you all for these past five years. This community really means the world to me <3
    6 points
  17. HakrosTex, what is this ? A pack of realistic material textures for the classic Doom. As another textures packs this is not a mod, HakrosTex doesn't replace anything in the original games. This is a new set of resources for new levels and mods. Contents HakrosTex is the largest texture pack currently available for classic doom. Between textures, decals and flats there are approximately 36.000 files available. Due to the immense number of textures and for better management, the texture pack is divided into categories so that you can easily use those materials those you are more interested. Categories CONCRETE: >900 DECALS: >6500 FABRIC: >1300 FACADES: >400 FLATS: >12600 FLOOR: >1500 GROUND: >644 MARBLE: >1188 METAL: >1200 MISC BAMBOO: >40 BARK: >60 BOARD: >20 CORK: >20 CRANK: >80 DOORS: >130 FLUIDS: >110 LIGHTS: >130 OBJECTS: >60 PAPER: >120 PLASTER: >100 RATTAN: >140 ROCK: >80 SNOW: >60 TILES: >100 TRANS: >15 MOSAIC: >2000 PANELS: >200 ROOFS: >550 STONE: >1000 TECH: >275 WALLS: >1700 WOOD: >2200 Usage permissions You are free to redistribute, wholly or partially, these assets with your levels, but I ask that you please do not modify lump or texture names. You are also free to modify these textures, but please consider using patches to form new textures where possible, rather than adding new lumps. If you use the pack on your wads please mention me in the credits as "Hakros" or directly as "HakrosTex" you also can use the "HakrosTex logo" on the wad's titlepic or wad's credits image. SCREENSHOTS Texture combination You can use my program 'Hakros Pattern Editor' to easily combine any of these textures and other external textures (from other sources) and in this way create your own unique textures. The possibilities are endless. https://hakros.itch.io/hakros-pattern-editor Texture extraction Once you finish the map edition you can use my program 'Hakros TexMapper' to be able to extract the textures you have used and thus reduce the size of the distributable package. https://hakros.itch.io/hakros-texmapper Grant of license You are allowed to use this files on any project for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes only. Download You can get the tool from the official website: https://hakros.itch.io/textures-pack
    6 points
  18. Map 03 Pacifist in 0:22. av03p022.zip
    6 points
  19. Something to show by the end of the year... maybe???
    6 points
  20. A while ago, my daughter Penny was bored of her usual Minecraft and Dreamlight Valley favourites and asked if there was something new we could play together. I suggested that she could try playing Doom with me, and she breathed in, stood up tall, and bravely and dramatically said "...I knew this day would come." So I set her up on my desktop computer and I joined in on my laptop - here are some things I observed! Content If it were still the early 90s I probably wouldn't have let a seven year old play Doom (so okay, Dad, you were right). But she'd never been bothered by it when glancing at it over my shoulder, even eagerly asking me to "do the fountain again" which I would come to realize meant the voluminous gushing effect when a Cacodemon is killed with the Deadmarine effects - and I felt that the bloody effects were far enough removed from realistic these days that it wouldn't disturb her. And I also feel that it's important to note that she and all her friends love things that are absolutely bloody terrifying anyway - Poppy Playtime with its demented Sesame Street monster with a mouth full of needle-teeth, the horrors of Freddy Fazbear and his chain of possessed restaurants, and even Minecraft is pretty horrifying when you first see the weirdly proportioned dark Enderman out of the corner of your eye (followed by it stabbing you in the face). She got through episode 1 on the easiest difficulty setting with no deaths at all, which is impressive even bearing in mind I was around to help her through some of the bigger encounters. She did get a bit panicky once we went up a difficulty level and entered episode 2, though, so now she prefers to play Chex Quest instead. Other than that, there were only a couple of things that disturbed her: The player's dead face on 0 health. I'd never even thought of this as particularly disturbing because he doesn't look distressed to me, just sort of tired - meanwhile, the Ouch face still shocks the hell out of me whenever it pops up. "I don't like how you can move the bodies". I didn't understand this one at first, imagining she was seeing the weird movement of corpses bouncing down (or even up) stairs when they're killed with some momentum. But I later worked out that she meant how the corpse graphics only have one direction and always face you when you turn around - that's another thing that I'd never really considered, but that I can see might be strange to someone who doesn't understand that they're just rendered as a single sprite. Graphics I'm honestly really proud that Penny isn't a graphics snob like I expected most children to be. I think that nowadays, the games industry race to shun "old"-looking graphics in favour of new ones has more or less stopped, and we're at a point where games can be 2D, 3D, flat-shaded, pixelly or realistic and they all coexist. As a result, Penny doesn't really have a concept of old/new graphics - for her, a game looks how it chooses to look and it's as simple as that. Apart from the issue with the corpses above, the only graphics-related thing that tripped her up was that your appearance doesn't change based on what you have equipped or what you're wearing. In Minecraft, these are always visible to other players - they'll be able to see the four possible pieces of armour in the appropriate places, and the item that you have equipped is visible in your hand. As we know, Doom doesn't do this - the player always stays the same colour they started with even if they picked up blue or green armour, and will appear to be firing a little rifle no matter whether you have a pistol, rocket launcher or just your fist equipped. Having all these sprite variations would have been a bit much in the early 90s, but having the appearance change is a logical expectation that we didn't really have back then. Mechanics The mechanics of Doom are simple enough - collect things, point weapons at demons, shoot them and get to the exit - so this was all very straightforward for her to grasp. She preferred avoiding the mouse and keyboard controls and instead used the Playstation 2 controller that I've had attached to my computer for the last twenty years, because she's got very used to navigating first-person games with dual analogue sticks - this is a skill that I had to learn much later in life and I'm still not good at it! She had some difficulty with precision because you're just so enormously fast in Doom, but over her lifetime it's been pretty incredible to have seen her evolve from barely being able to walk a character in a straight line to having precise control over what she's doing. She had a small panic when running away and finding more health, because she assumed that all the medikits and potion bottles she was picking up were going into an inventory that she didn't know how to use. I'm struggling to think if there's anything similar in her other games - the only thing in Minecraft that you 'use' immediately on pickup are the little orbs that represent experience, so she didn't have a lot of context here. The only other things she didn't immediately understand were things in the game that she reasonably has no idea about - she doesn't know what shells are and identified the sprite as batteries instead, which works equally well as a concept for fuelling something. But the most surprising revelation I learned from playing Doom with Penny is… Doom is a game about building things! Obviously it's about shooting demons, of course, but she made me realize that that's been pretty secondary for a couple of decades now. Through what Penny's seen in my interactions with it, Doom is really about people building these big techbases or caves or castles and setting up challenges for other players in them, just as much as it is about actually playing those creations. She's seen me going around adjusting things in UDB, and it took her a bit of time to understand that editing the game happens in a separate environment from playing it. In Minecraft, if you want to build or move around freely, you can just flip the game into creative/spectator mode without having to exit and change things around externally - and she saw me zooming through the same Doom worlds in an editor 3D preview and in the game, so why shouldn't she assume that they were the same thing? And now that I'm thinking about it, it's not impossible these days to imagine some combined editor/Doom source port that would allow you to modify a Doom level while it's being played, just one step beyond the 3D previews that we never had in the 90s. I hope we get to play more - and hopefully she'll be interested in trying Ultimate Doom Builder for herself quite soon :)
    5 points
  21. Destructible wall test. Each state has it's own health so a BFG shot does the same thing as the shotgun. Hoping to find a way to fix that.
    5 points
  22. Cool, that's an image optimizer - and I'm sure, likely a good tool. Can you answer / clarify any of mine or OniriA's points we've made about these textures not being 'fully' yours? I don't see how posting your image compression tool answers any of that, nor does it explain how you've created 36,000 textures and countless variations - this may explain how you've re-sized your images - I'm not sure of the full functions of this program - but it does not explain how you've made this many textures. It also seems like you're avoiding clarifying which textures are, or are not yours. Please explain how you've made these textures, if they were originally commercial, or not - and also, please specify some that you have made by hand - as you claim. I'd also like to know roughly what percentage of these are 'collected'. Like OniriA mentioned - just because you throw a new coat of paint on something, or color something in, or take a black and white photo and make an identical statue of it. It doesn't mean it's yours. Reminds me *vaguely* of the Jeff Koons legal case (I partially jest) - but then again, I'm no law-scholar. What we've asked from you is not unreasonable.
    5 points
  23. Well if that's the case, why slap the HakrosTex logo on it as if to assume you made them all yourself in the first place? If you took 50 to 70% of those textures from let's say stockphoto, pinterest, various art sites etc. and then edited / processed them then that doesn't make 'em yours either, most if not all the work is done by the artists who initially drew those images. And it feels kind of odd that you're only saying this now because I mentioned AI. While you're saying many of them are yours, alot of those textures have a similar style and look to them so which ones are even yours? You might aswell just copy pasted many of them and just recolored them, that doesn't make 'em yours either If I suddenly showed up after a month with 7000 textures and call it OniriA-Tex, and tell people to put the OniriA-Tex logo on the wads titlescreen and credit me whoever uses it and then someone notices somethings off and you're like "nah bro actually they're not all mine lol. But many are though." Feels kind of dishonest, no?
    5 points
  24. Map 31 UV-Max in 18:42 HRs31m1842.zip
    5 points
  25. MAP02 Tyson 11:52.74 p202t1152.zip
    5 points
  26. A red sky texture with a brown mountain, paletted, based on a photo I took of a nearby mountain while on a visit to the cementery with my family today Orange ver with more lush mountains A blue foreground mountain, truecolor, D64 styled, based on the same photo, can also be used to cut out the foreground from the below pic... the same mountain with a red background and a gray foreground, truecolor, hopefully easy to recolor... Foreground's TRUE colors. ofcourse truecolor also. A gravel texture, truecolor, also from a photo I took of a gravel path in the same cementery
    5 points
  27. I worked on a Intermission Map Screen for ANATHEMA 2 edit: Check out the official release!
    5 points
  28. Burgish

    Share Your Sprites!

    Ah, finally done. Here's the spritesheet for the Goblin conversion of my Kobolds. Could probably use some more work (like all my posts) but useable as is. (credits plz!) Also added to the Menagerie for posterity:
    5 points
  29. Took a long time to get the midtex to be a different light level than the floor & ceiling.
    5 points
  30. Christ, I can almost taste that page 20 years later. I completely forgot about it, so thank you for posting this. And I posted on the second page, so I know I was there. It was actually kind of an amusing April Fool's joke.
    4 points
  31. in b4 this thread gets permalocked
    4 points
  32. If they are indeed 100% not made w/ AI - as in: 1) Not made from scratch from an AI 2) Not an edit made by an AI of an existing texture - of any kind 3) Not a batch-edit, or a batch-resize via an AI - then I of course will apologize. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Some things are still concerning about your verbiage, though: What do you mean by "...process them all to adapt them to the right size and a more or less acceptable quality." - What did you use to process these? If you say AI, my prior point still stands - I doubt you were hand-editing this huge amount of textures in Photoshop or something similar. What do you mean by acquired for commercial use? As in, these are commercial textures that you've purchased at some point? I'm sorry if I don't understand what you mean. If you say you have no right to sell them, well, then, they're not your textures, are they? Why present them as if they are? The pack is called HakrosTex. And don't say something like 'nowhere did I say they were all my textures' - I don't think that's fair. Nowhere in your OP do you state these are edited / collected commercial textures... if that is the case - like I said, perhaps I'm misunderstanding. Nor do you state that these are collected textures from other sources - and... really? You're not selling them? I know technically, you aren't - but you're soliciting optional donations for them on itch.io. That seems a little odd - I don't know of any other texture pack developers that are asking for donations - maybe I'm wrong, though - it's especially odd to ask for donations on something that is not 100% your own work. The way you are presenting this doesn't seem 100% on the 'up and up'. I want to make something clear, though: If indeed these are not AI (or batch-edited by AI - at all) - then I indeed apologize. But really, really - can you blame us for assuming so considering the past incident? I know past behavior doesn't equal current behavior by necessity - but surely you can understand why we would be skeptical? Also, you say you've made some by hand - I'd like to know which textures these are - because I would be happy to use them, I'm just a bit nervous now - what percentage of this massive texture pack's textures are made by you? That's what I'd like to know - like I said, correct me if I'm misunderstanding - but if these are indeed re-purposed / edited commercial textures, then I don't wish to use them - and I don't know if it is ethical to call this 'HakrosTex' when you have included much work that is not your own. That should have at the very least been mentioned.
    4 points
  33. I overestimated myself, the map is half ready and will be published tomorrow. Do I need to archive textures?
    4 points
  34. Hello, The wad is now on /idgames ! https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/Ports/g-i/gcanyon Thanks all for playing !
    4 points
  35. map04: Pull the Plug I like the item balance in this map. Nukage levels can get annoying with Radsuit placement, but it felt like I had a new one available as the original was running out. The Chaingun was also useful since it's possible to run out of shells using only the SSG. Plenty of rockets too, which is always fun. I wasn't expecting this wad to pull out an Archvile this early, but there he is.
    4 points
  36. 2 hours and 40 minutes used of my 3 hour timer to make this monstrosity! This map is for Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping Treasure Chest 6. We got a lot of maps for this one, so keep an eye out for its release~ I used Otex, the Ayylmao meme (converted from AA-tex), and one of the retro carpets from @AshtralFiend because I didn't like any of the carpets in Otex. A Philosophical Enquiry Into the Nature of Speedmapping
    4 points
  37. e4m4 nm100s in 44.51 n4s44451.zip
    4 points
  38. Doom Classic Complete on PS3 has full-on PWAD support - granted, it's only used for Master Levels and so you have to replace Master Levels with a custom PWAD. But, it's actually one of the few official ports (that I know of, anyway) to support custom graphics from PWADs! You can also just edit the IWADs directly, of course. Here's a Wolfendoom WAD I got off Doom Wiki. DEHACKED probably doesn't work, although I haven't actually tried it to see for myself. Here's NUTS.WAD: It actually runs well, but it crashed at some point and started playing the TNT title theme, for whatever reason.. (I replaced TNT MAP01 with Nuts.) Sigil works fine, so far I've played up to E5M4. This goes over Episode 3, and I converted all the music to MUS so that it actually played them (there isn't any support for MIDIs, for some reason). And to round it off, I swapped MAP32 and MAP01 in Plutonia, just to see how playable Go 2 It is on a controller. (Spoiler alert: not very.) I got up to the part with the Revenants coming from the courtyard and gave up.
    3 points
  39. Unbeknownst to the typical DW commoner, the forums' most missed attraction is not Post Hell. It is, in fact, the Doomworld Dollar Menu. Will it ever be brought back, or will the capitalistic bean counters relegate it to distant history?!!?
    3 points
  40. He's hanging upside-down asleep in the loft of John Romero's castle
    3 points
  41. MAP04 - “Pull the Plug” (Saveless, Pistol started, 100% Kills, 100% Items, 60% Secrets) Okay this is what I meant when I mentioned myolden's "substancious content". This time around he'll be rough with a bad approach like the one I was having, one of his signature lowering wall ambushes is literally on a poison wall and has a lot less space to maneuver compared to map02. This is actually one of nostalgia's visual showcases, at least for the early game, the iwad inspired heavy contrast lighting makes it look natural in a way, and myolden's texture usage is very sensical, with a lot of border texture to give the map some visual variety without breaking the theme of the map, nor the room. It introduces the vile and the revs in a very effective way, revs are always going to try destroying you in close quarters, the only exception are the 3 snipers at the exit. And that single vile with the hell nobles and limited, but present cover, is a sort of surprise I don't expect too much in a map04. What else I need to say? Just 5 minutes of fun, this time I didn't want to secret hunt though, not comfortable with the idea of going to the nukage again. 8/10
    3 points
  42. Finished this up today and it was not only a ton of bite sized fun but I was very impressed with what every mapper did with the limitations they had to deal with. Good job everyone. 2k2k when? 😝
    3 points
  43. MAP04 - Pull the Plug - (100%K/100%I/80%S): The first challenging map with more serious encounters, like the one before opening the blue door, or the last area. Also, the first av and revenants make their appearance. There are hurting floors aswell, with two ways to choose, one is for the key, the other one will send you back at higher ground. The setup here is more tech-basey, and I'm digging it a lot. Again, TNT:R vibes were given to me. Well balanced map, and slightly more enjoyable than the previous one. Order of Preference:
    3 points
  44. The entrance to against thee wickedly looks like this in the editor. Due to the sky hack, it doesn't show up like this while playing, but this type of structure with open crevices you can see from are always a good sight to behold. Edit: cursed Doom images
    3 points
  45. Hello yes sorry this took a while. Fairly confident this is good to go after testing it myself. This one's fairly difficult unless you know its tricks and ambushes, so put it in the back half. All relevant info included inside WADINFO lump. BLAKGOLD.zip
    3 points
  46. Quin

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    Inspired by a certain TNT map...
    3 points
  47. Just having a good time with my bone buddy.
    3 points
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