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i have an idea for a wad but need help
DoomGuy999 and 26 others reacted to Obsidian for a topic
Hot tip guys! Being rude to someone won't make them take your advice onboard, regardless of its quality and accuracy. @KABOM93, I would recommend working on your mapping fundamentals and tempering your expectations for the end product for the time being: maybe play some projects that you admire (ideally ones that aren't too grandiose in scale) and see how they tackle mapping structure and gameplay flow. It takes some time to improve, but I can assure you that it's time well invested.27 points -
credit to go:id Software,Xim,scalliano,high councilor,Mr. Freeze freezerriflescientist.zip14 points
Share Your Sprites!
The Almighty Egg and 13 others reacted to Craneo for a topic
Doom 64 single-bladed chainsaw credits: Dav0r, WorldCrafter, Nemesis50, Henron, Midway14 points -
Share Your Sprites!
ChopBlock223 and 12 others reacted to Craneo for a topic
(not sure how good the firing animation is lol)13 points -
A while ago, my daughter Penny was bored of her usual Minecraft and Dreamlight Valley favourites and asked if there was something new we could play together. I suggested that she could try playing Doom with me, and she breathed in, stood up tall, and bravely and dramatically said "...I knew this day would come." So I set her up on my desktop computer and I joined in on my laptop - here are some things I observed! Content If it were still the early 90s I probably wouldn't have let a seven year old play Doom (so okay, Dad, you were right). But she'd never been bothered by it when glancing at it over my shoulder, even eagerly asking me to "do the fountain again" which I would come to realize meant the voluminous gushing effect when a Cacodemon is killed with the Deadmarine effects - and I felt that the bloody effects were far enough removed from realistic these days that it wouldn't disturb her. And I also feel that it's important to note that she and all her friends love things that are absolutely bloody terrifying anyway - Poppy Playtime with its demented Sesame Street monster with a mouth full of needle-teeth, the horrors of Freddy Fazbear and his chain of possessed restaurants, and even Minecraft is pretty horrifying when you first see the weirdly proportioned dark Enderman out of the corner of your eye (followed by it stabbing you in the face). She got through episode 1 on the easiest difficulty setting with no deaths at all, which is impressive even bearing in mind I was around to help her through some of the bigger encounters. She did get a bit panicky once we went up a difficulty level and entered episode 2, though, so now she prefers to play Chex Quest instead. Other than that, there were only a couple of things that disturbed her: The player's dead face on 0 health. I'd never even thought of this as particularly disturbing because he doesn't look distressed to me, just sort of tired - meanwhile, the Ouch face still shocks the hell out of me whenever it pops up. "I don't like how you can move the bodies". I didn't understand this one at first, imagining she was seeing the weird movement of corpses bouncing down (or even up) stairs when they're killed with some momentum. But I later worked out that she meant how the corpse graphics only have one direction and always face you when you turn around - that's another thing that I'd never really considered, but that I can see might be strange to someone who doesn't understand that they're just rendered as a single sprite. Graphics I'm honestly really proud that Penny isn't a graphics snob like I expected most children to be. I think that nowadays, the games industry race to shun "old"-looking graphics in favour of new ones has more or less stopped, and we're at a point where games can be 2D, 3D, flat-shaded, pixelly or realistic and they all coexist. As a result, Penny doesn't really have a concept of old/new graphics - for her, a game looks how it chooses to look and it's as simple as that. Apart from the issue with the corpses above, the only graphics-related thing that tripped her up was that your appearance doesn't change based on what you have equipped or what you're wearing. In Minecraft, these are always visible to other players - they'll be able to see the four possible pieces of armour in the appropriate places, and the item that you have equipped is visible in your hand. As we know, Doom doesn't do this - the player always stays the same colour they started with even if they picked up blue or green armour, and will appear to be firing a little rifle no matter whether you have a pistol, rocket launcher or just your fist equipped. Having all these sprite variations would have been a bit much in the early 90s, but having the appearance change is a logical expectation that we didn't really have back then. Mechanics The mechanics of Doom are simple enough - collect things, point weapons at demons, shoot them and get to the exit - so this was all very straightforward for her to grasp. She preferred avoiding the mouse and keyboard controls and instead used the Playstation 2 controller that I've had attached to my computer for the last twenty years, because she's got very used to navigating first-person games with dual analogue sticks - this is a skill that I had to learn much later in life and I'm still not good at it! She had some difficulty with precision because you're just so enormously fast in Doom, but over her lifetime it's been pretty incredible to have seen her evolve from barely being able to walk a character in a straight line to having precise control over what she's doing. She had a small panic when running away and finding more health, because she assumed that all the medikits and potion bottles she was picking up were going into an inventory that she didn't know how to use. I'm struggling to think if there's anything similar in her other games - the only thing in Minecraft that you 'use' immediately on pickup are the little orbs that represent experience, so she didn't have a lot of context here. The only other things she didn't immediately understand were things in the game that she reasonably has no idea about - she doesn't know what shells are and identified the sprite as batteries instead, which works equally well as a concept for fuelling something. But the most surprising revelation I learned from playing Doom with Penny is… Doom is a game about building things! Obviously it's about shooting demons, of course, but she made me realize that that's been pretty secondary for a couple of decades now. Through what Penny's seen in my interactions with it, Doom is really about people building these big techbases or caves or castles and setting up challenges for other players in them, just as much as it is about actually playing those creations. She's seen me going around adjusting things in UDB, and it took her a bit of time to understand that editing the game happens in a separate environment from playing it. In Minecraft, if you want to build or move around freely, you can just flip the game into creative/spectator mode without having to exit and change things around externally - and she saw me zooming through the same Doom worlds in an editor 3D preview and in the game, so why shouldn't she assume that they were the same thing? And now that I'm thinking about it, it's not impossible these days to imagine some combined editor/Doom source port that would allow you to modify a Doom level while it's being played, just one step beyond the 3D previews that we never had in the 90s. I hope we get to play more - and hopefully she'll be interested in trying Ultimate Doom Builder for herself quite soon :)12 points
Share Your Sprites!
Lizardcommando and 9 others reacted to horselessheadsman for a topic
"So...... Killed any good marines lately?" (sprite-sheet) -orginal sprites by ID Software -editted by Horselessheadsman -former human A3 position uses edited standing marine sprite by @doomjedi Free to use if appropriate credit is given. Download for cut-apart version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oVkD9QldL7q_PD72uqGEt7OkgH-s4ckq/view?usp=sharing (Captain Toenail already made idle Barons of Hell and Mancubus if you're looking for those.)10 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Man Q. Bus and 9 others reacted to Plerb for a topic
Messing around with lighting and shadows, featuring a tower thing and also a bunch of barrels for some reason. The diagonal lighting uses the midtex method I came up with a few months ago. A couple alpha textures are seen here.10 points -
[MBF21] 2 Hours to Kill! (RC1)
S3M_XM and 8 others reacted to NecrumWarrior for a topic
Welcome! 2 Hours to Kill is a Doom II community speedmapping session in MBF21 format with a focus on refined combat. This set is split into 2 episodes depending on the kind of action: traditional Doom gameplay or slaughter. We ended with 14 incredible maps, now available in released form! You can download it here: Release Candidate 1 Mapping Guidelines (Submissions are over, the set has released) Map List and Screenshots Episode 1 - 2 Shotgun Shells Episode 2 - 2 Piles of Meat Midis and Sources "7-Up Silo" by zzzv "Level Music Type 1" from Crack Down sequenced by Oedipus "Dreadnaught" by Mark Klem "Top Floor"from Castlevania: Aria of sorrow "Dreams" from The Incredible Machine 3 "Sweet Baby Snow Bunny (Northwatch Remix)" by Death Bear "Opening to Hell" by Bobby Prince "Colliding Nebulae" by Stewboy "Blizzard" by James Paddock "Cacophony of Asian Donut Shops" by AD_79 "CosmicAngel_part2" by Mike Spang "Rushing Headlong" by Jeremy Doyle "WITCH - Peace and Tranquilty" from Isaku "Hit the Overdrive" by James Paddock "Massacre Machine" by Lippeth 32-in-24 15 v2 Mechadon's Box o Skies Nihal's Base (Punchy) palette Eev's Doom text generator Doom 3 plasma gun sound effect Check the txt for some links to stock images used Playtesters Logamuffin Herra Monologi SleepyVelvet senpaigru Death Bear NecrumWarrior Special Thanks @Death Bear, @Ludi, @Scionox, @senpaigru and @JackDBS all offered feedback on my drafts for this thread. I would be remiss if I did not mention Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping, as their past events have served as a good role model of how to run a speedmapping session. Many elements of 2 Hours to Kill are inspired by or entirely ripped off from events I took part in over the last few months (please don't sue me!). If you feel like chatting, you can usually find me on their Discord server. They are currently on hiatus but I expect there will be many fun speedmapping sessions to come from PUSS.9 points -
9 points
i have an idea for a wad but need help
Andromeda and 8 others reacted to TheMagicMushroomMan for a topic
No it's not, it's an experiment. The obvious result of someone fucking around in an editor and posting the brainshart that occurred. Okay. If "shadow invased earth" and "shadow hell" looks like the wad you posted, it's not a very good artstyle. Damn near as creative as the title of a AAA game in 2018. Your thread is just a request for someone to make you a map with a theme that you cannot even describe coherently yourself. You're not asking for "help". You're asking for someone to do something for you, posting a complete turd of a map that has no relevance to your idea. If this is supposed to be a community project, it's terrible - you couldn't even be bothered to make your OP look halfway decent. It's crap, and you know it, but you still posted it. So I'm here to confirm that: 1) It is indeed crap. and 2) Nobody here with a hint of talent is going to waste their time making the map you want.9 points -
9 points
i have an idea for a wad but need help
Deleted User bye and 7 others reacted to xScavengerWolfx for a topic
Imagine posting about asking or having an idea, having people tell you what you can do to improve on it and then just ignore all of it. God i love it here.8 points -
HakrosTex (Textures pack for classic doom)
D1m3 and 7 others reacted to LuciferSam86 for a topic
Because the license given from the platform where he bought the textures doesn't allow the redistribution of said assets8 points -
8 points
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
NeilForshaw and 6 others reacted to Async Unicorn for a topic
Did a bit of lights work.7 points -
The Menagerie - A Repository for Ready-To-Use Spritesheets
Armolitskiy and 6 others reacted to Xim for a topic
Might as well add my Doom 3 monsters to follow up. Doom3 Maggot Credits: DBThanatos, Vader, Craneo Doom3 Guardian of Hell Credits: Duke Nukem 3D, Doom 3, Gothic7 points -
Havok DM 3: MAP05: Frag District: Finished a new one! I may still change some stuff up still! :)7 points
Share Your Sprites!
Love Shovel and 6 others reacted to Solmyr for a topic
Former Marine Credits: Id Software, Remaker.7 points -
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inkoalawetrust and 6 others reacted to Desfar for a topic
Back at the work desk, and practicing at making 6 frame walk cycles. The complete mirroring is gonna be an adventure to get worked out. But I think it looks so much better for most monsters. (Needs more head bob) but I think its looking pretty dang good. Full sheet will definitely be made at some point.7 points -
Thoughts on Doom from a 7-year-old
DoomGuy999 and 5 others reacted to Scuba Steve for a topic
"What are you making, hun?" "A Doom map." "Cute!" "...of our house."6 points -
6 points
O Markinho Credits: Mark Quinn, DeeDeeOz, Pandut, Velocity Inc, Raven Software, TommyGalano5 Yes I am fully aware the barrel on the rifle is fucked I just don't know how to fix it cuz otherwise it looks plain lmao6 points
Hell Revealations Demopack (Open Demo Submissions)
Arsinikk and 5 others reacted to Daymond (VwV) for a topic
Map 32 UV-Max in 13:36 HRs32m1336.zip6 points -
Why does "moo" mean "I've returned after a long time?"
CrispyMarble and 5 others reacted to Xaser for a topic
6 points -
[RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!
EndlessMoose and 5 others reacted to S3M_XM for a topic
I've managed to finished Eviternity II from Sunday, it really shows what the doom engine evolved to from 30 years ago, and what you could with MBF21. MAP36 is my most favorite, after reading Ukiro's article on making Kenosis, it made me appreciate even more on that map. I'll like to thank to the team who made this, you really put an inspiration to everyone.6 points -
HakrosTex (Textures pack for classic doom)
Venezolano Hambreado and 5 others reacted to esselfortium for a topic
"Personal use" of a purchased asset generally does not include repackaging and redistributing the asset in a resource pack, whether you're charging for it or not. But more to the point, regardless of the exact license stipulations here, it is just really dishonest to slap your name on a bunch of other peoples' work.6 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
BMWAG65321 and 5 others reacted to Async Unicorn for a topic
A second map for local community project.6 points -
As the latest addition to the Supplice team, I´ll take you guys through the frozen caves and underground bases of Triton6 points
D64 Deep One, credits to DrDoctor and Midway6 points
DOOMWORLD DATING SIMULATOR [19 maps MBF21, DSDA-Doom recommended, RC1.1]
Broadsword Jim and 4 others reacted to NiGHTS108 for a topic
Well, it's been almost a month since Valentine's, but that's not gonna stop us! Doomworld Dating Simulator is an MBF21 19 map community project that embraces the power of love, when this project began, I made an open call for mappers to embrace teamwork and talking to each other, admittedly there could've been more time for this project, if only I had the idea earlier... but by the end there certainly were some sweet maps! The only hard rule of this project was that every map be made by at least two people, so you can expect a rather vast variety on offer here. Long maps? Short maps? Hard maps? Easy maps? All is welcome! Almost every map has difficulties applied to them as well, so don't let that scare you off some of the harder ones. DSDA-Doom is the recommended port, as this community project makes use of UMAPINFO for map names and story text and whatnot, and maps were primarily tested using that port. Either way, enjoy this collab from mappers all over! SCREENSHOTS MAP LIST CREDITS DOWNLOAD: RC1.1 CHANGELOG5 points -
A dear THANK YOU to the doom community
RataUnderground and 4 others reacted to The Bug for a topic
Hello, I am making this post as a way to thank this community and the way it shaped me and my future hobbies almost 4 years later. I was only 11 years old when I made this account, asking for help and posting my silly mods I made using Decorate and Photoshop. Going back - I'm so glad I started my modding journey here. The support, friendliness and general warthm of this community gave me lots of motivation to go further with mods, which makes it even more sad knowing how I treated the community back (being young, immature and all). I started making mods for other games (old Need for Speed games), I improved my photoshop skills, learned to 3d model and really without the support this community gave me - I would have given up a long time ago... So from the bottom of my heart - THANK YOU. You are an amazing community and I appreciate everything you people do to help:)5 points -
Well Woes: I've finished the last map of this pack! This map includes a large 'well' that you jump down - once you hit the ground, you'll be teleported up to a high perch w/ a railgun. I'll likely put out this pack a week or two from now - I think 6 maps is enough. :)5 points
i have an idea for a wad but need help
Yousuf Anik and 4 others reacted to The_Gennie for a topic
I sincerely think that someone who has started mapping and is already setting goals that they don't even know how to get to is a very bad idea to start with, as the others said, start little by little, trial and error, keep practicing, learn from your experiences. mistakes, watch tutorials, learn things, play wads to get inspired, and so on, I honestly don't call myself a good mapper, I mean, my maps don't make a visual mess, and I've improved A LOT since the last time I published a map on Doomworld ( I have yet to post some) so don't feel bad, if I say that when you start your maps are going to be shit, the first map is always like that, so keep improving, take criticism and things like that. And please, don't set goals that you don't even know how to achieve or when you know you don't have enough talent. that :35 points -
i have an idea for a wad but need help
AtomIsTired and 4 others reacted to OniriA for a topic
Man, that sounds so dark and evil. You're making me scared already. Good luck.5 points -
HakrosTex (Textures pack for classic doom)
LUISDooM and 4 others reacted to Li'l devil for a topic
Did you know that all maps in Maximum Doom were made by id Software? After all, they compiled them all and released.5 points -
Slaughterfest 2012. Before playing this wad I had only played doom incredibly casually, lots of saves and cheats, not caring to single segment UVMax any maps or caring about improving as a player (Not to say any of that is the right or wrong way to play doom ofcourse!). One day this video (https://youtu.be/YcwUcQ17BXQ?si=8YwkoiCGDdK8AdA8) by skepticist of Map34 appeared in my youtube reccomended and I just knew I wanted to beat that map, so I started playing through the wad from map01 with the intention to single segment every single level so that I would be able to do the same for map34. However, little did I know what I was in for as I had no idea how truly difficult some of the maps in the wad were, some notable ones being Map08, Map31, and then most notably, Map25 - Fourtress, Map30 - Anathema and ofcourse Map29 - Degrassi. They all forced me to learn how to play better in a variety of different ways, and I would not be the same player if not for those maps. Also I can't go without mentioning Map32 which required me to learn how to 2-shot cyberdemons with the BFG (Thanks ToD!)5 points
I think it comes down to mainly 7 things: 1) Having too much free time (lol) 2) Being 'efficient' w/ that time 3) Having made nearly 300 total (including currently unreleased) maps, you kind of get things down to a certain 'workflow' after a while. 4) DM/CTF seems to - on average, take less time to make a functional level than it does to make an SP level of a similar size - this is different for everybody, it's just what I've noticed. 5) How familiar I am w/ the texture pack. I can make an Otex1.1 map faster than say, this last map - as I'm super familiar w/ it after making a ton of levels w/ it. 6) Generally, I am considered a fast mapper - I can have a functional (and hopefully fun) DM map made from scratch in about 3.5-6 hours' total time. 7) A lot of my mapping is done without prior planning - I just start laying down lines. MP is more lenient w/ this than SP. I started mapping in February 2021, and have made roughly 300 since, (published 210 so far, about to release 32 more 3 days from now) so I think that roughly on average one every 3-3.5 days? There have been periods where I take breaks, but yeah after dozens and dozens of levels, you kind of get 'in the zone' easier. :)5 points
i have an idea for a wad but need help
Andromeda and 4 others reacted to knifeworld for a topic
The 69th "I have an idea for a megawad can you make everything for me" thread this week. But yeah, no. Seriously, these are getting really silly now.. OP, learn to make maps yourself, and if it sucks then keep making more, keep watching tutorials and playing other PWADS. Unironically one of the best ways to start off is to play more wads you like and try making something inspired by them, (Read: not copypasting from them, nor copying from IWADs, or generating with AI, etc..) I really just mean come up with something based on what you enjoy playing.5 points -
i have an idea for a wad but need help
Cutman 999 and 4 others reacted to Skullzrawk9 for a topic
How many other threads have there been that’s just “i NeEd SoMeOnE tO mAkE mE a WaD” with a poorly explained theme and possibly the OP waving money at whoever they think will do it as well?5 points -
i have an idea for a wad but need help
Andromeda and 4 others reacted to mrthejoshmon for a topic
Now, I don't mean to imply but. A swastika, followed by this: What I believe to be "NEGA". Now I'm not a betting man but I feel like I know what that is meant to mean. Please do explain. I hope it means negative.5 points -
Trying to work on making smaller maps:5 points
HakrosTex (Textures pack for classic doom)
Caffeine Freak and 4 others reacted to TheMagicMushroomMan for a topic
That only makes it more embarrassing. You didn't consider the fact that this conversation was bound to occur when you were plopping down €300 on some stock art website? First we have the failed attempt at creating a Cacowards alternative that everybody laughed off because it was nothing but a lazy AI mess, now we have this massive pack of textures you were obviously trying to present as your own work, but it turns out you don't even have the legal right to use these textures. The whole thing feels like watching some noob trying to get popular with the community, but they don't want to/don't have the talent to actually create their own work, so they just use AI and a bunch of assets they bought from a stock art/asset website and hope nobody will notice. The only difference is you've been around for four years, not four days. The only thing dumber than trying to pass off someone else's work as your own is actually paying €300 their work and then trying to pass it off as your own. And on top of that, you didn't even take the time to understand the legality of using the assets you paid for! Hell, now I'm curious if your Doom Launcher or your Pattern Editor is even fully your own work. If it is, that just makes it worse because it shows that you actually have talent but would rather resort to AI, using other people's work, and a lack of transparency.5 points -
5 points
Destructible wall test. Each state has it's own health so a BFG shot does the same thing as the shotgun. Hoping to find a way to fix that.5 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
chomorkuz and 4 others reacted to MAN_WITH_GUN for a topic
5 points -
Share Your Sprites!
Love Shovel and 4 others reacted to Desfar for a topic
Trying to loosely design a more decent looking zombie than my prior Hexen Zombie design. So rather than trying to redesign, I'm going for a ground up approach. This guy has components from other common zombies, though i cant quite put my finger on the head. Any ideas on an improvement? 3/4/24 Edit:Adjustments made, skin is now darker in line with hexen corpse models, though the bald head remains to keep him separate. Teeth yellowed with a spot of mold. Main effort is to make a better baseline, which can be edited with gore points in the future, such as broken off spikes or hooks caught in its skin. The Imp/Strife model is just too tiny for my tastes. However this guy using Daggerfall torso bits may be too beefy. Im sure the goldline is somewhere inbetween. as always if someone gets a better design give me a shoutout! Even if just a A1 image. Also slapped a quick edit using my ghoul ribs. (for your pleasure) Im just gonna go with the far right design as the operative model. Slapped a Dishonored style punishment mask on the zombie. if i could make it work I would love for a magic emblem to be on the blank mask, but I cannot make it look decent.5 points -
Armolitskiy and 3 others reacted to BeeWen for a topic
Greetings to Doom fans! This remaster is another experiment in turning the work of ancient Doom mappers into the requirements of modern standards. Unlike the original version of "Vilecore", all levels have undergone a total revision and have, in addition to complete re-texturing, major changes in both architecture and gameplay lines. Only the basic textures of the House 2 pack were used for the design, except for the textures of the sky of all three episodes. There are also new midi tracks on the maps, processed by me in accordance with the style of the picture. "Vilecore" is one of the first collections of maps that I got to know at the beginning of the era with third-party resources of this game. Despite the general monotony, there are still some interesting ideas in it, although they are not well implemented. The purpose of this remaster was to bring them to a high enough level and give a second life to old things. Tested in ProBoom+ complevel 9 Evilcore.zip Google dropbox link Enjoy the game!4 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Nostalgia
LadyMistDragon and 3 others reacted to DJVCardMaster for a topic
MAP06 - Spirit Crusher - (100%K/100%I/75%S): Wait, a Mastermind? Oh yes, it's the crusher, of course. Luckly, it's ten times better than the original MAP06. We are back outdoors, the maps are getting more and more spicy, for longer time. I love the new plasma sound (could not get mine back in MAP04 so it's the first time I hear it). We are slowly seeing an improvement in difficulty, as right from the start, you will be in an awkward situation, roded by enemies that can deal substantial damage to you, like the mancubi. Nothing else to say about this level. It gives you a shorter map previous to the obvious (or not?) Dead Simple clone, which could be even shorter. Order of Preference:4 points -
i have an idea for a wad but need help
Andromeda and 3 others reacted to mrthejoshmon for a topic
That's fine. I'd say I'd endeavour to be more, not to be rude, clever with your jokes. Comedy is mostly timing and delivery and the random ass swastika just there as "a joke" has none of these, therefore it doesn't look very good and just looks like you put a swastika there because you wanted to. It gives the wrong impression, is all. Also, again, what does NEGA mean? Does it mean exactly what I think it mean? Another N word perhaps? Lotsa tellin me you ain't racist but no explanation. - To be more constructive. Your first map usually always ends up being naff, you are not a savant and that's ok. Rather than experiment with odd ideas you have, perhaps look more to creating more conventional levels, play more older maps with less modern complexity to get a better feel for less technically impressive yet still decent maps. Once you have a solid foundation and understanding then the doors are open to experimentation. I recommend level sets like Icarus or Rebirth for examples of lower tech level sets that are still incredible. Study and learn what works and what does not and soon you'll be able to really make something worth playing. It can be intimidating, just start slow and simple and work your way up. Do not be scared of failure as there are many bumps on the road to Rome, you just gotta go through them.4 points -
4 points