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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/24 in all areas

  1. Ahoy, mateys! Ten years have passed, beards and mustaches have grown, and here is Pirate Doom II! DOWNLOAD It is a 32-map MBF megawad of tiny to medium-sized maps, with some occasional big maps. It starts fairly easy even on UV difficulty, but the last maps can be challenging. This time, everything works basically just like standard Doom, with minor changes to some weapons and monsters. I did not reskin all monsters again, but I kept adding hats and parrots where I could. Some monsters look the same as in Pirate Doom 1. Designed to be played without jumping or crouching. Doing so will break the maps. Mouselook is optional. Balanced for continuous and pistol start. Any port that supports MBF (complevel 11, not MBF21) should work, but these are the ones tested so far: PrBoom 2.6 (software mode) Dsda Doom GZDoom 4.11 ZDoom 8.1 Woof 14.2 Nugget Doom 3.0 Multiplayer ports like Odamex and Zandronum don't fully support music changers, which are used in almost every map. There will be a version without music changers for these ports, after the final single-player version is finished. Screenshots: Credits:
    95 points
  2. 1) Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do.
    37 points
  3. Heya, I've made a new map. Game: Doom 2 – Singleplayer Format: Doom 2 (-complevel 2) – Limit Removing Tested with: DSDA-Doom 0.27.3 May not run with: Chocolate-Doom (untested) or non limit removing ports. Jumping and Freelook should be disabled in order to play the level as I intended. Though I think Freelook would be fine since there’s only one situation where it would give you an early advantage, but is still not game-breaking. Story: The UAC has received reports of demonic presence in a mysterious desolate island that was the home of an ancient civilization. You were sent to investigate the matter along with your platoon, however you were quickly outnumbered upon arrival and scattered around. The squad still managed to maintain communication and rescue was on its way, a rendezvous was set in the landing zone. Some time later you and most of your fellow marines arrive at the designated place, some casualties were confirmed and others went MIA, but you were worried about someone in particular, your best friend was missing... The rescue helicopter arrives, no one has heard from your buddy in over 12 hours and he was nowhere to be seen. Everyone agreed that he must be long gone by now and were getting ready to leave. Not you though, you weren't going to leave him behind, so you went back into the ruins while everyone else left. About the map: This time around I wanted to try doing something with an adventure feeling and a little bit of visual storytelling as well as improving the visual presentation compared to my previous map. Expect to use the Rocket Launcher a lot, all difficulties have the same enemy placement and enemy count, the only difference between them is the ammo/health given, please try a lower difficulty setting if you feel the resources aren't enough. There are many things I think could be better, but I hope you can still enjoy it regardless, stick till the end to see the conclusion! Some -nomo screenshots: DOWNLOAD Ah before I go, I've got something else for you.
    22 points
  4. Burgish

    Share Your Sprites!

    Upgradeable Skeletons! Free to use w/ credit, individually or as a set! For best results, store your skeletons in a cool, dry place.
    17 points
  5. A little map that started with a midi of a GTA San Andreas song, it's short and won't take long to finish. Feel free to say what you think of it :o Also, excuse me if there is a text in Spanish Inside the wad xd PS: I did this at the beginning of January and I didn't publish it xd Format: Boom Iwad: Doom 2 Map01 Umapinfo and Zmapinfo Tested on: Pr boom plus, Dsda Doom And zdoom sexy screenshots: Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iabp0qoyv7s43g9/You+Dropped+a+Bomb+on+me!!!.wad/file Special Thanks to: @Denzel20 for testing it @DevilMyEyes for helping me with Umapinfo Greetings to Hell!!!
    14 points
  6. Cascade

    Share Your Sprites!

    Doom 2016 field drone rotations from scratch (free use but credit) Spin lol
    14 points
  7. In all fairness, it would be highly thematically appropriate for someone to do that.
    13 points
  8. Key-door textures
    13 points
  9. There are very few hard and fast rules, but I'll give you a few general guidelines that I've picked up from making my own solo project: Don't rely only on your own playtesting. You know where all the monsters are, where all the secrets are, what enemies and goodies are coming up next, and what the intended progression is. Ask a friend to play the map blind. Don't make secrets mandatory to complete or enjoy the level. The first half is obvious: you should be able to clear a typical level without finding any secrets whatsoever. The second half is a little trickier. You don't want to give your player powerful weapons or items that the absence of turns the rest of the map into a slog. It doesn't matter if you give the player a secret BFG if the alternative to finding the secret is shotgunning Barons for thirty minutes. Don't make details get in the player's way. As much as we all appreciate Doomcute and attention to detail, if a player is constantly bouncing off of your painstakingly crafted multi-sector floor with alternating floor heights or tiny little pillars every 5 yards, they might not be having a good time. Try to stick details close to to walls, or even in the walls themselves unless there's lots of room to move around them. This one is personal taste, but most people agree that you shouldn't make kills or secrets permanently missable. That means that even if the player can't come back to an area after missing it because they get trapped, after they clear that area or manage to beat the rest of the map, it's common courtesy to give them a chance to backtrack. Don't abuse 20-damage floors. In most circumstances, it's not fun for a player to have to traverse damaging floors, especially in exploration-heavy levels. Of course, these aren't commandments, and there are plenty of good levels that fly in the face of some of these. But when you're just starting off, it's like music theory: it's helpful to know what convention is before you start breaking it.
    12 points
  10. Map03 UV-Max in 2:29 av03m229.zip
    12 points
  11. Hidden away on an alien moon, a colossal demonic machine threatens to steal the power of your home planet's star. Firefly is a set of 7 (+1 end map) MBF21-compatible (-cl21) maps centered around difficult, chaotic slaughter combat. They're orange. IMPORTANT STUFF iwad: Doom II Format: MBF21 (-Cl 21) Takes up maps 01-08 though 08 is an ending map. 1000Hp Siege Cow (Yellow wiring) replaces the Spiderdemon No Coop or DM support Jumping and crouching have been disabled, freelook is ok but can break some insta-pop pits and other stuff Difficulties implemented - The set has been balanced and tested around UV being the "intended" difficulty, but later maps can get quite abusive. If you're having serious trouble, please drop the difficulty down a notch. I've tried to make the lower difficulties still fun without being so stressful of an experience for those less acquainted to slaughter. Maps 01-06 can be maxed in under a half hour, Map07 can take over an hour to beat Tested in dsda-doom 0.27.0+ and GZDoom 4.10.0 Download: RC2 Hi again :] You might have seen one of the many screenshots I've been posting in doomworld and various discords, and I'm happy to finally release this wad. I wanted to experiment with more combat setups and other stuff I like (Chaotic setups, BFG-heavy combat, pushing through hordes of monsters) and so this wad's progression is very lock-in/setpiece heavy for most of the maps. The maps start off with vaguely micro-slaughter/combat puzzle stuff with a couple dips into larger monster brawls, while map07 goes fully off the deep end into macroslaughter goodness. I also tried to give these maps a sense of continuity, with most maps ending with a hint to the next map. All maps are meant to be played from pistol start but only map06 enforces this. There's probably a bunch of stuff that I missed while making the set. If you have any bugs or feedback, put it in the thread! Credits: Changelog: RC2: More screens: OLD VERSIONS: RC1 (demos by Maribo, Ryiron, SleepyVelvet)
    11 points
  12. Map06 UV-Max in 0:47 s206m047.zip
    11 points
  13. Comparision shots of my ever in progress map. Pictures from the mid/late 90s version that was for the vanilla executable, and pictures from the actual version which i have made for Eternity Engine and GZDoom. I really like the possibilities portals and 3D floors give us today.
    11 points
  14. Hebonky

    The Gap (MBF 21) RC1

    Download: Here The Gap is an MBF 21 challenge WAD set in techbases at the edge of the universe. Your goal is to cross The Gap and leave this universe in hopes of a nicer, and much more gentle, place to live This project has been in the works for a long time. It started out as a sequel to ADHD(oom), but it rapidly spiraled into this large project with hours of just mapping. FAIR WARNING These Maps Are INCREDIBLY hard, If you find yourself struggling, drop the difficulty. Additional credits to the CC4 team for the texture pack Tested in DSDA with OpenGL rendering. I'll get names on the automap later.
    10 points
  15. Don't stop mapping for yourself. Obviously it's a good idea to make something people can play and enjoy, but don't sacrifice your own enjoyment of the creating process on the altar of public acclaim. We're all here to have fun at the end of the day, mappers and players alike. 👍
    10 points
  16. - 08/03/24 - got hearts in her eyes
    8 points
  17. 8 points
  18. 7 points
  19. incorrect. op, you should do both of these as much as possible. in fact, for the second one you should be forcing the player to pick up health in order to move around the damaging floors instead of ever giving them a radsuit :)
    6 points
  20. don't encode your true name into the level. your enemies can use it to manipulate you
    6 points
  21. Well, looks like we already have one cacoward winner this year. The screenshots look so adorable and beautiful. Kudos for making the sequel MBF-compatible.
    6 points
  22. @CacoKnight Some details in addition to what rfomin already said: "Software" rendering in source ports means the CPU is used to execute drawing functions that are similar to the vanilla game but with some optimizations. The pixel data calculated by the CPU is then copied to a texture which is scaled by the renderer to fit the game window. SDL handles the texture and renderer using the GPU, and that's where people get confused. The GPU is only used for blitting, scaling, and filtering at the very end of this rendering process (via SDL's "direct3d9", "opengl", etc. render drivers). The GPU isn't used for any of the initial pixel data calculations. So like rfomin said, there's no real benefit to changing the default SDL render driver and it can lead to compatibility issues. Chocolate, Crispy, Woof, Nugget, DSDA (in "software" mode), and countless others all use this general approach to "software" rendering. This is good and bad. It's good because it's accurate to the vanilla game. Sprites are drawn at the correct height without being clipped, colormaps behave correctly, translucent/reflective floor tricks actually work, and so on. But it's also bad because using the CPU to do this is slow and mostly single-threaded (working around this is why Rum and Raisin Doom is so interesting). So what about "hardware" rendering in source ports (e.g. DSDA in "OpenGL" mode)? To keep it simple, separate drawing functions are required to take advantage of GPU processing and the results won't match "software" rendering. It's possible to get close with some clever workarounds, but there's a performance impact in doing so. Even then, there will be small differences such as the spectre effect and everything mentioned above.
    6 points
  23. Concepts taken from artstation and twitter of artist https://www.artstation.com/yasen_stoilov https://twitter.com/Yasen_Stoilov/ Dark world environment Imp Cyber demon
    5 points
  24. Posting your WAD as a Google Drive link and forgetting to make the link public.
    5 points
  25. If you are doing your mapping outside, wear sunscreen. Aside from that, there are very few objective rules when it comes to mapping, only poor execution of said ideas. Just boot up the map editor of your choice and build what you want to build. The doom community is a bunch of weirdos wonderful people so there will be at least someone (If not many more) who will connect and enjoy what you make.
    5 points
  26. it is generally frowned upon and not advisable to open someone else's map, copy paste it or a substantial chunk of it into your own map, and then claim you made it. Big no no But then again, You technically can do it, just don't expect good reception :)
    5 points
  27. Need rum, I repeat, we need more rum. I never expected that one of the cutest doom wads of all time would get a sequel. Congratulations!
    5 points
  28. Short and cute map about going to the beach and ledgewalking. Nice job. :) Have a casual UV-Max: ydabom-112.zip
    5 points
  29. Firefly is about to make some waves...
    5 points
  30. Get it here from IDGAMES! --> https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/crate_escape Quick details: -Doom 2 Limit Removing Doom 2 Format maps -Best for GZ or DSDA or a sturdy port, will work in crispy but see * -Pistol Start or Continuous are both options. Continuous is much easier and pistol starts are far more challenging. But properly designed for both. -Please play maps in order as they introduce aspects you will need to know about later. -Don't be afraid of monster counts, most maps are fast and furious and quicker than they appear. High action! No drip feeds -Each map is a unique experience and I'm trying to add as much variety as I could - sometimes you have to use your noggin a bit -No jumping or crouching. Freelook is optional - they have been tested both ways -All difficulty settings are here. UV can be quite mean blind, don't be afraid to try HMP at first. -Coop is an option as well. Also attempted to accommodate deathmatch but yeah probably weird lol *Intercept Overflow/ghost bug could happen on rare occasions, I tried my best to weed these out. Just turn off intercept overflow option if you have it. In crispy the later maps also have Spechits overflow but this is nothing to worry about, will only mess up crispy demos **GZDOOM users & Mods - be careful - from what I seen most mods, especially excessively bloody ones can cause lag. My maps have a lot of behind the scenes hijinx and voodoo dolls and stacked crushers and excessive barrels etc. I really meant to emulate the classic experience here so I can't attempt to accommodate mods - but if you try it let me know how it goes lol DYNAMIC LIGHTS - look cool but unless you have a really good computer, excessive barrels and what not will def cause lag - just turn that off if it happens Screenshots: Well guys I did it - For some reason, and while going through a rough patch in my life I somehow got all these mapping ideas and maybe as a distraction, started a megawad. I wanted to get this done before my 40th birthday so I'm 9 months ahead of schedule. It's finally done! What a relief haha - I hope it was worth it. A full on megawad: I had a lot of fun making this but it also was a bit of a trial. I never worked on anything this long, a whole YEAR. It's maddening. But I consider this my magnum opus. I put more care and effort and energy into this than any other project and put my heart and soul into it. I tried my best to make each map an enjoyable and unique experience. The only connecting theme is crates, the rest is chaos. You could cut up the three episodes like this: Ep 1 - Cosmic Chaos - mostly short bite sized maps that are wild and frantic and take place in SPACE Ep 2 - Blue Skies and Dead Doomguys - this one takes you to heaven and hell and all over - get ready for an existential crisis Ep 3 - Time for Red - These maps as described by Largecat "Watch out; Clippy's respect for human life starts decreasing in the third episode" 4 demos are also included as well. The crates: You'll learn about them if you play through in order - if you play out of order you will be confused. Each colour crate has a different interactive function. Not sure how I came up with that but it kind of reminds me of silly mobile games, you keep getting more crates with different powers appear throughout. It's the only connecting theme in a wave of chaos The following are the dates of completion - not counting adjustments etc CREDITS: I could not have got here without the help from these good friends and good people: Crate Expectations formerly Crate Escape and originally Crate Scott Big thanks to playtesters: @Large Cat, Doom Wads aka @dragzxnd, @sandwedge, @MAN_WITH_GUN, @LVENdead, @Chookum, @A Handsome Fridge, Jade aka @WhatTheDuckXD, @EduardoAndFriends, @Doomkid, @Snaxalotl & @Biodegradable - I never used to let many ppl pre-test my stuff but I am so glad I did, I would not have such a polished product otherwise. @thelamp for making intermission graphic and showed me some mapping tricks / dehacked stuff - H exit texture @EduardoAndFriends made coke and pepsi machine @Large Cat also helped me figure out stuff and did amazing playtesting and map insight and advice to help me fix a lot of things to be better and also proved these can all be beaten saveless lol - yes he fuckin did @Doomkid: stairway to Heaven midi & D Drummin midi and misc help and support - weed computer panel - help with sound effects for special monster / boss / dehacked stuff - correcting my typos in the credits - good times @A Handsome Fridge - red crates - gold crates - are u pooping? @Maribo - sky 1 fixes - forced comp 2 lump - among many other helpful contributions and insight - wonderful & supportive - thank you @plums Koolaid sky ep 1 @HAK3180: gold door from crossbarrer - I hope you don't mind I really liked that door. MUSIC CREDITS I want to thank these wonderful musicians for allowing their work to be shared and help enhance my mapping attempts haha kudos: @Tristan @Jimmy @pcorf @Snaxalotl@Doomkid @AD_79 @leejacksonaudio @LVENdead @DiR And thanks to everyone on our Crispy Chicken Chillzone Discord for all the help, support and fun times - find that here: https://discord.gg/VCTZRfFQNE Well there it is! I hope I said everything that needs to be said. I hope my hard work pays off and I made something everyone can find hours of entertainment from. Please provide honest feedback. What maps/scenarios you liked/hated - any bugs especially - all demos and vids also welcome. If you send demos please note the version as I may be editing things here and there. I have never released something so polished so at this stage Im really hoping not to change stuff unless its an epic issue someone happens to find. Anywho - have fun - feel free to peek under the hood if you're a mapper and curious how I did some stuff - I'm really hoping I even confuse other mappers with this one haha Thank you all so much as well - this community has been great to me and I love the experience here. You are all awesome! Get it here from IDGAMES --> https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/crate_escape
    4 points
  31. MAP02 Pacifist in 0:16 rs02p016.zip https://youtu.be/r-JM3YllnzM
    4 points
  32. Not gonna lie really liked that hell mountain tentacle thing, WIP attempt at adapting it into a skybox, still needs downscaling, paletization and other tweaks, kinda horizontally seamless QUICK EDIT: there 2nd EDIT: as a D64 sky foreground
    4 points
  33. I'm starting a small Boom SP map - I'm a bit apprehensive, as I haven't made an SP map since February 2021 - when I first started mapping! I had used Doom2 format then, limit-removing - but I think Boom will give me more options. This could eventually turn into a set - that's if this goes well at all - I currently have no expectations - I'm still very much in the MP 'mindset'! I'll likely send this map, (when finished) to a few people in private, before I post it anywhere - don't want to embarrass myself after all, LOL. I just want to make a relatively laidback level - this won't be crazy-hard or crazy complex, or anything - at least not at first. :)
    4 points
  34. i might be slightly insane for this but i legitimately find this way of traversing damaging floor to be fun :) you really can map for anybody! fuck rules!
    4 points
  35. cat 1 uv 160/482 kills dead at 9:22 dsdadoom 0.27.5 ironeagle_2024_03_asbadagba.zip commentary edition:
    4 points
  36. Gothic

    Mystery sector in E1M2

    It's a dummy sector. The glowing sector with the green armor needed a neighbor sector with pitch black lighting so it oscillates between the sector with the lowest light amount (0 in this case) and whatever light amount the sector with the glow effect has.
    4 points
  37. I don't hate them as such, but Spider mastermind's are generally useless unless their presence in the map fits specific conditions. Most monsters are reasonably flexible for any map with a bit of thought, but the Spider Mastermind needs the map, or whatever section it's in, specially catered for it to be effective.
    4 points
  38. Edit of @tesefy Doom 2016 plasma pistol into a Doom 2016 style, credits to him and Midway, sadly no pickup sprites.
    4 points
  39. I hereby am delighted by and endorse all this orange. (This is a fantastic set.)
    4 points
  40. So, I was googling out of curiosity the exact date of release of ORIG.WAD... And guess what? It was in this precise day, exactly 30 years ago! And since it is widely considered to be the first user made level ever... It means it is also pretty much the 30th anniversary of the modding community as well! I wish I had something of substance to say, but I'm on mobile and it kinda sucks to write even just this lol. I'm a nobody with poor communication skills anyways, I'll let the seniors of the community to be the ones to say something significant if they want. Wow, three decades already...
    3 points
  41. Don't be afraid to learn a new format, or a new genre of mapping!
    3 points
  42. MAP09 - “Bleed Me an Ocean” Like others, this one offers every weapon up to and including the plasma gun right near the start and the secret BFG is also right near the start. Funny thing is that the map clearly sets up for something that never actually arrives (The midi choice makes this even worse because of the first map to use this midi), the opposition is on paper weaker and less optimised than many of the maps prior to this. As such the gameplay feels a little limp and too easy to blaze through, not to mention there is a greater than normal level of backtracking from the blue key to the blue door that can be reached right from the get-go. Oddly given the layout there is clearly scope for connecting the yellow key door and the blue key doors together that could have allowed better maneuverability for both player and monsters alike. In the end the map isn't bad, but the one so far that feels like a bit of a mis-step in terms of achieving what it wants to achieve.
    3 points
  43. People have lots of opinions about things that you should never, ever do. Folks will also say "just do what you want to do" which I think is like 95% the correct answer because you really should be mapping for yourself and what you personally want a map to be like. If you love puzzle maps, or inescapable death pits, or ammo starvation, or missable secrets, or giant maps or anything else that a lot of people will complain about, then why pander to them? That being said, I think it is worth at least understanding why people hate certain things, even if you don't hate them yourself. It doesn't mean you then have to forego all that stuff you're in the minority about, but understanding different perspectives can help your own vision by tempering some of the worst excesses of certain mapping approaches. Like I love enormous maps, which a majority of folks here don't, but I do understand that being really, really lost inside a huge map isn't fun, including for myself. As an example. I'd definitely advise sending out your maps for playtesting before release, lots of people here will be game to check them out. Definitely make sure you can beat it on HMP at least--I suck real bad at playing Doom, it's a challenge for me to balance UV to be appropriate for people who suck less than me but I can at least balance HMP for myself. Of course you can balance your difficulties however you like, UV doesn't have to be Doom God level and if you do fancy yourself good at Doom then balancing UV that way will be much easier for you.
    3 points
  44. Secrets. They're absolutely the most important thing in your map, as in your map must have secrets. At least three of them. And don't forget to tag them with sector type '9' or the player won't realise that these hidden areas are, in fact, secret areas and therefore can't feel congratulated for fleshing out another number on the extended HUD or automap. Also secrets must never be locked for the player at any time, because if a player can't see the exit switch and backtrack for any missed secrets that shit is literally unplayable. Combat, lighting, verticality, contrast, clarity, intent, flow, pacing, any of that other stuff is absolutely meaningless. Focus on your secrets. <s>
    3 points
  45. I could beta test and record some levels soon.
    3 points
  46. Yes, we can only support in our engine what SDL2 already supports, because we use it as a hardware abstraction layer. Could you please file an issue at https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/issues requesting for your controller to get supported and provide a much information as possible about it. That'd be appreciated. (I think they even have a gamepad test utility, but I'm not so sure at the moment.)
    3 points
  47. Mate, you more I think about it the more I realise again and again how bloody fun everything is. And that’s the best of Doom in my book. 🍗
    3 points
  48. Made this image from the Thy Flesh Consumed end screen to use it in a future wad. Feel free to use it, just credit me.
    3 points
  49. A red sky texture with a brown mountain, paletted, based on a photo I took of a nearby mountain while on a visit to the cementery with my family today Orange ver with more lush mountains A blue foreground mountain, truecolor, D64 styled, based on the same photo, can also be used to cut out the foreground from the below pic... the same mountain with a red background and a gray foreground, truecolor, hopefully easy to recolor... Foreground's TRUE colors. ofcourse truecolor also. A gravel texture, truecolor, also from a photo I took of a gravel path in the same cementery
    3 points
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