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Pirate Doom II (finished!)
ZigfriedYoshimitsu and 18 others reacted to Darch for a topic
Ahoy, mateys! Ten years have passed, beards and mustaches have grown, and here is Pirate Doom II! DOWNLOAD It is a 32-map MBF megawad of tiny to medium-sized maps, with some occasional big maps. It starts fairly easy even on UV difficulty, but the last maps can be challenging. This time, everything works basically just like standard Doom, with minor changes to some weapons and monsters. I did not reskin all monsters again, but I kept adding hats and parrots where I could. Some monsters look the same as in Pirate Doom 1. Designed to be played without jumping or crouching. Doing so will break the maps. Mouselook is optional. Balanced for continuous and pistol start. Any port that supports MBF (complevel 11, not MBF21) should work, but these are the ones tested so far: PrBoom 2.6 (software mode) Dsda Doom GZDoom 4.11 ZDoom 8.1 Woof 14.2 Nugget Doom 3.0 Multiplayer ports like Odamex and Zandronum don't fully support music changers, which are used in almost every map. There will be a version without music changers for these ports, after the final single-player version is finished. Screenshots: Credits:19 points -
I explicitly told you that the threads were being merged together because they were extremely short (sub-20 minute build time) single map WADs. You then blanked out all of the original posts in the merged thread and reposted all 4 WADs as individual threads, again. Now you've done the same thing, despite me telling you explicitly not to blank them. Come on dude, read the notifications you get.18 points
DOWNLOAD LINK, (DOOMSHACK): https://doomshack.org/uploads/ApprehensionMAP01.wad UPDATED MAP01: https://www.mediafire.com/file/nhygx2e5ztmmwlg/ApprehensionMAPSET-map01ONLY-fixed.wad/file ***NEW*** MAP01+MAP02: https://www.mediafire.com/file/408yb0foczu23es/ApprehensionMAPSET-FIX1.wad/file ***NEW*** MAP01+MAP02+MAP03: https://www.mediafire.com/file/nig3lmo6qmbyt4y/ApprehensionMAPSET-3MAPS-update1.wad/file ***NEWEST*** - MAP01+MAP02+MAP03+MAP04 (UPDATED): https://www.mediafire.com/file/vzckikdjptpby0j/ApprehensionMAPSET-4_MAPS-FEEDBACK-UPDATE_1.wad/file ***NEWEST*** - MAP01+MAP02+MAP03+MAP04+MAP05: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8o0304nqtlxkq5z/ApprehensionMAPSET-5_MAPS.wad/file ***NEWEST*** - MAP01+MAP02+MAP03+MAP04+MAP05+MAP06: https://www.mediafire.com/file/u6chjuidzjs8h4t/ApprehensionMAPSET-6_MAPS.zip/file What is Apprehension? Apprehension is the fear or anxiety that something unpleasant is going to happen. This is how I feel whenever I think of making a single-player level - I decided, that was a lame way to go about 'creating things' - so I've decided to make a new single-player map set, and get over my apprehension of that kind of mapping. Unlike MP, I'm always worried that my SP stuff won't be received well - this has stopped me from making no more than 9 SP maps over the three years I've been mapping - compare this to the nearly 250 DM/CTF levels I've made and published, and that's quite a small number. This mapset is to get me back in the SP mindset, and throw those anxieties aside. I fully expect to make mistakes, and I expect there to be bugs - I'm nearly brand new to this, so please be sure to give me some feedback if you play this! I don't know how big this set will be - likely no more than 5-8 levels - that number could shrink or grow, depending on how this goes. This mapset will use RFHellTX + Doom 2's standard textures. This pack is Boom-compatible, and all of my testing has been done in DSDA Doom - if that's a mistake, please let me know. I think the texture packs blend together well. SCREENSHOTS OF MAP01: MAP02: 'Wracked Nerves:' MAP03: Sweaty Palms: MAP04: Absolutely Dastardly: MAP05: DOWNTOWN DEMON DELUGE: MAP06: GREAT SACRIFICE: DOWNLOAD LINK, (DOOMSHACK): https://doomshack.org/uploads/ApprehensionMAP01.wad UPDATED MAP01: https://www.mediafire.com/file/nhygx2e5ztmmwlg/ApprehensionMAPSET-map01ONLY-fixed.wad/file ***NEW*** MAP01+MAP02: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xtzwcbz2gdskxzn/ApprehensionMAPSET.wad/file ***NEW*** MAP01-MAP03: https://www.mediafire.com/file/nig3lmo6qmbyt4y/ApprehensionMAPSET-3MAPS-update1.wad/file ***NEWEST*** - MAP01+MAP02+MAP03+MAP04 (UPDATED): https://www.mediafire.com/file/vzckikdjptpby0j/ApprehensionMAPSET-4_MAPS-FEEDBACK-UPDATE_1.wad/file ***NEWEST*** - MAP01+MAP02+MAP03+MAP04+MAP05: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8o0304nqtlxkq5z/ApprehensionMAPSET-5_MAPS.wad/file ***NEWEST*** - MAP01+MAP02+MAP03+MAP04+MAP05+MAP06: https://www.mediafire.com/file/u6chjuidzjs8h4t/ApprehensionMAPSET-6_MAPS.zip/file :D17 points
La Gran Alameda - One last map before university!
elborbahquarama and 13 others reacted to Cacodemon187 for a topic
Hello Doomworld! Tomorrow is the big day: the day I start attending university. Just like my past few standalone releases, I'm doing a map in a handful of days to commemorate the occasion. I'm afraid I won't have much free time to do anything for a while too, so I wanted to get something out to properly close this chapter of my life. _______________________________________________LA GRAN ALAMEDA________________________________________________ Screenshots: La Gran Alameda is a limit-removing map (complevel 2) set in the middle of a city under an otherworldly red sky. Make your way out of the facility and bring the fight to the rooftops! The city is completely infested, so watch out for fire coming from every direction. This is not like the other bimonhtly demon invasions though... This time they've brought some backup!: NEW ENEMIES: Class II Imp: A fast Imp that continuously shoots projectiles until you're out of its line of sight. Class II Baron: A regular Baron of Hell that shoots a string of 5 projectiles instead of just 1. As a trade-off, it has the health of an Archvile (700 HP) compared to its original 1000 HP. Cyberdemon Jr.: A baby Cyberdemon with the health of a Hell Knight (500 HP). NOT immune to splash damage, meaning you can trick them into blowing themselves up, or infighting with other baby cybies. Admittedly this is the roughest of my standalone releases so far, both difficulty and quality-wise. I really had to map overtime to get this done in just four days. It may not be one of my best, but I really wanted to release something before tomorrow. Anyways, I implemented difficulty settings this time! ...kinda... There's only UV and HMP right now, and the differences are minimal. I still recommend playing in HMP your first time around though, as I made sure the hardest parts of the map were eased out a bit. I'll be studying architecture these next five years. It's the career that interested me the most, mostly because of my history with making maps! Based on what I've heard, making this map on crunch time is just a taste of things to come :,) Hopefully this map is worth your time. Any comments and feedback are appreciated. ______________________________________________>>>> Download <<<<______________________________________________ Slots: MAP01 Name: La Gran Alameda Compatibility: Limit-removing Tested with: DSDA Doom Build Time: March 7th - March 10th, 2024 No jumping or crouching. Freelooking is fine. Credits: Textures, music and sounds taken from many sources. Check the CREDITS.TXT file inside the .wad for a full list. Enjoy!14 points -
The Royal We and 13 others reacted to DevilMyEyes for a topic
(Gracias a @Yisue por la idea del wad!) Anathema 2 es la secuela no-oficial de Anathema, un mappack hecho para sourceports boom-format y Zdoom como (DSDA-Doom, Prboom+, Woof). -Este wad contiene 14 niveles para Doom II, 3 Custom Intermission Map Screens e Incluye UMAPINFO. -No tiene soporte para Co-Op. -Todos los niveles de dificultad implementados. -No se permite saltar ni agacharse --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Ha sido desarrollado por varios hispanohablantes en la comunidad de Doom: Mappers: @DevilMyEyes @Downcologo one @Pancrasio @Cutman 999 @Godzialox666 @Hunted11 @Vosolokoviteh @OceanMadman @The_Gennie Testers: @Yisue @Venezolano Hambreado @Vosolokoviteh y Cactus Dehacked: @OceanMadman Compositores: @Hunted11 Artistas: @DevilMyEyes @OceanMadman Titlepic: @Pancrasio @Downcologo one @DevilMyEyes Sprite de Pistola: Fletcher Sprite de minigun: Valiant Gracias a Dank por montar el spreedsheet y el texturizado del primer mapa secreto. Some layouts from Anathema have been heavly modified in Anathema 2, as in MAP04. Credits goes to Robby Pants. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* English: >>DOWNLOAD ANATHEMA 2>>>14 points -
Download: Here The Gap is an MBF 21 challenge WAD set in techbases at the edge of the universe. Your goal is to cross The Gap and leave this universe in hopes of a nicer, and much more gentle, place to live This project has been in the works for a long time. It started out as a sequel to ADHD(oom), but it rapidly spiraled into this large project with hours of just mapping. FAIR WARNING These Maps Are INCREDIBLY hard, If you find yourself struggling, drop the difficulty. Additional credits to the CC4 team for the texture pack Tested in DSDA with OpenGL rendering. I'll get names on the automap later.13 points
very fun slaughter map
Andromeda and 12 others reacted to TheMagicMushroomMan for a topic
Why not take your own advice and get fucked instead of wasting your time with this shit? I know that a map like this probably took about two minutes to make, but that's more than enough time for a guy like you to have a meaningful sexual encounter with a drawing of a naked orc or whatever.13 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Arrowhead and 10 others reacted to rita remton for a topic
11 points -
Heya, I've made a new map. Game: Doom 2 – Singleplayer Format: Doom 2 (-complevel 2) – Limit Removing Tested with: DSDA-Doom 0.27.3 May not run with: Chocolate-Doom (untested) or non limit removing ports. Jumping and Freelook should be disabled in order to play the level as I intended. Though I think Freelook would be fine since there’s only one situation where it would give you an early advantage, but is still not game-breaking. Story: The UAC has received reports of demonic presence in a mysterious desolate island that was the home of an ancient civilization. You were sent to investigate the matter along with your platoon, however you were quickly outnumbered upon arrival and scattered around. The squad still managed to maintain communication and rescue was on its way, a rendezvous was set in the landing zone. Some time later you and most of your fellow marines arrive at the designated place, some casualties were confirmed and others went MIA, but you were worried about someone in particular, your best friend was missing... The rescue helicopter arrives, no one has heard from your buddy in over 12 hours and he was nowhere to be seen. Everyone agreed that he must be long gone by now and were getting ready to leave. Not you though, you weren't going to leave him behind, so you went back into the ruins while everyone else left. About the map: This time around I wanted to try doing something with an adventure feeling and a little bit of visual storytelling as well as improving the visual presentation compared to my previous map. Expect to use the Rocket Launcher a lot, all difficulties have the same enemy placement and enemy count, the only difference between them is the ammo/health given, please try a lower difficulty setting if you feel the resources aren't enough. There are many things I think could be better, but I hope you can still enjoy it regardless, stick till the end to see the conclusion! Some -nomo screenshots: DOWNLOAD Ah before I go, I've got something else for you.10 points
Holy hell, the bots are out in force lately! Spam accounts, spam threads, giant viewcount bloats caused by what is essentially DDoSing with requests.. Between DW's own internal errors building up more and more and the weird spam "attacks" it's such a headache, so please forgive me for being absentee lately. Hopefully things get cleared up soon.10 points
The texture pack for BIGDOOR lovers :)
FR4M3 and 8 others reacted to Meerschweinmann for a topic
Here is my latest texture pack for everyone who loves BIGDOORS in different sizes plus some other textures. This is a collection of textures for DOOM from me, Meerschweinmann, that focuses on DOOMs mighty BIGDOOR texture :) For me personally the BIGDOOR is THE DOOM door. It was the first door everyone opened as the DOOM shareware was released in the 90s. In the "32in24-15 Tex" ressource pack i found a 256 pixel wide gray BIGDOOR named BIGDOORC. Because i wanted it in green and brown too, i made them from this as template and my BIGDOOR journey began. THANKS TO THE PERSON WHO MADE BIGDOORC as it inspirated me to make this BIGDOOR WAD. Not everything is made by me from scratch. Nevertheless, i invested many hours in it. There are 3 versions of this WAD file included in the .zip file. The HC (highcolor) version includes some textures as 32bit PNG for ports like GZDoom. The PAL version includes all textures as paletted variants for ports like Eternity Engine. The VE (vanilla enhanced) version includes a Crispy DOOM/International DOOM/Woof compatible Texture1 lump. Crispy-DOOM/International-DOOM and Woof can use textures higher than 128 pixels with no problem. The 384/576 and 512/768 pixel wide BIGDOORs are made out of 192 and 256 pixel wide tiles (left, right, center). So they can be extended like everyone wants. If you are only interested for the BIGDOORs, the following is not relevant for you. It is recommended to use a colorpalette like ColdPal for the paletted versions (PAL,VE), because the blue of the big-screen textures and the blue planet on PLANET2B texture look too oversaturated with the original DOOM palette. You can download ColdPal from ReaperAA here: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/graphics/coldpal The two ColdPal files can simply copied in the WAD file with SLADE3. But you can use every other colorpalette that uses desaturated blues. DOWNLOAD V1.13a: MSM-Textures113a.zip Some BIGDOOR size-variants in Woof. The gray door is the default 128x128 BIGDOOR for comparision purposes: A 320 pixel wide BIGDOOR and some warning sign textures in International-DOOM 7.4 (spectator-mode): A 512 pixel wide and 160 pixel high BIGDOOR in Eternity Engine: Servers and bigscreens in International-DOOM 7.4 (spectator-mode): Some truecolor bigscreen textures in double resolution for GZDoom: A 320 pixel wide BIGDOOR and some warning sign textures in GZDoom: A 256 pixel wide and a 80 pixel wide BIGDOOR in Eternity Engine:9 points -
[Megawad] Try1000 - 32 Peculiar Challenges For Doom2
CrocMagnum and 8 others reacted to No_Zink for a topic
Hello everyone! Try1000 is a megawad I made in 2023/2024. It contains 32 small but very intense levels of different visual themes, such as Tech Base, Ruins, Beach and more! Each map is designed to be a certain challenge, whether that is due to a terribly high enemy count or other fun factors! See these screenshots: (Full size on imgur here) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>> GAMEPLAY The levels do not follow the typical Doom format. Instead of simply having to find the exit these maps require you to defeat every single enemy before you can advance. Each map is very compact and usually doesn't have many different areas. (Almost) Every level follows the same principle: You spawn into an empty arena so you can get familiar with it. Your health and inventory are reset to default (except your pistol is gone as well). White areas marked with a "" or "" contain goodies such as health, guns and ammunition. Areas marked with a "" serve as spawning points for enemies. Beware: Areas around these pentagrams do damage! Find and push this large button: to start the fight. A counter on the top of the screen shows you how many monsters are left for you to destroy. You can change its position or disable it in the options menu. Once you beat all monsters the exit is revealed. Every map exits by touching the "" You don't have to go all out from the start - there are 5 difficulty levels to choose from. Super Easy - Blue Armor at the start of each level and reduced monster count. Easy - Green Armor at the start of each level and reduced monster count. Normal - Green Armor at the start of each level and standard monster count. Hard - Standard monster count with no bonus. Extra Hard - Max health is reduced to 70 and the standard monster count awaits you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>> DOWNLOAD Download it from my google drive. This includes Try1000.pk3 and a readme-file with appropriate credits. https://drive.google.com/file/d/19QT5HTHC5Qjxdofo4qdHYUxbEaeLVSRK/view?usp=sharing Thank you, and I hope you have fun! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>TECHNICAL INFO Load it with Doom2.wad. The WAD was made for GZDoom and tested with GZDoom Version 4-11-3. Every map is built in UDMF. Freelook and hardware rendering (3d floors, slopes etc.) are required. Custom weapons/monsters loaded in addition to Try1000 might work but I can't guarantee this. I only tested it with vanilla doom monsters and weapons. Though I did not replace/change vanilla Doom actors there are custom ones in this mod whose ID might collide with that of actors from another mod. Should you come across issues, visual or functional bugs, please let me know! Your help would be appreciated. You can contact me on this post, via DM or via E-Mail (aworldofzink@gmail.com). Thank you!9 points -
very fun slaughter map
Daytime Waitress and 8 others reacted to Dynamo for a topic
Folks, please keep the dogpiling to a minimum, it's becoming a trend recently in threads and it's frankly unnecessary given the message was loud and clear from the start. I understand it's funny, but it stops being such when it happens on every other thread... Anyways, not much point in keeping this open given I wouldn't be surprised if more time was spent making the OP than making the wad.9 points -
Please put up some screenshots of what your map is like, and if I may humbly suggest this, I don't think you're going to gather much of an audience by telling a prospective playerbase to go fuck themselves. Sunlust's map29's author you are not.9 points
9 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
DoomGuy999 and 8 others reacted to Doom-X-Machina for a topic
9 points -
Doomcute thread
bobstremglav and 7 others reacted to iddq_tea for a topic
8 points -
8 points
Alright guys, on this rainy crappy day, finally have a chance to write back to all you fine ppl. Since I released this I been a lil busy - hanging out with buddies n such - yesterday I got to use my father in law's car and it has soooo many buttons. I drove the crap out of it countryside through snowy wacky terrain, farmlands and such - a real good time, I feel bad cause I returned it filthy. But my uncle in law showed me a new card game called Spite and Malice - was pretty fun - and I saw a deer! Anyway Im gunna say a lot of things, too much to proof read but here goes @Biodegradable first reply lol - kudos - can you believe I finally got it done? It kind of consumed me but I had to finish this damn thing. I had so much pep and vinegar at the start but yeah - now its like a major load off eh - feels good to get it out there. I think I'll take a break from mapping for a bit after this, it damn near almost became a full time job. I'll come back for Ramp unless something else sparks my interest. But sure as shit never making a full on megawad like this again LOL. A YEAR bud. yeah - I am very happy with this tho - but its almost certainly my final megawad. Single releases, community contributions or small sets if anything after this. Now that I got this project done and almost 40 - I want to step back a lot from sitting on my ass - doom making and playing, get back in touch with nature and get active again - this project almost killed me - I need to hug a tree haha - have a good 1 @Stupid Bunny Good point, become a box and then get out of the box, and make more boxes. When life gives you boxes ... you clone those boxes .. and make ... SUPER boxes. My cat Conky literally just jumped into a box as I'm typing this. I'll meet you again further down. @Arrowhead My megawad same day release buddy. What are the chances huh? I hope ppl check out your deathmatch collection - too bad I suck at deathmatch but there's def a market for that. I know some deathmatch lovers, will recommend it. And yeah, only until now I used crates as just things to be around as well, not sure how I came up with interactive crates - at this point I dont even remember - but it was fun coming up with the stuff. @plums Spin it like your avatar buddy - thank you! I used to work at a grocery store and this old man just took a plum out of produce section and ate it - didnt give a fuck lol. Walking around, CHOMP - who does that? That's the only plum story I have. @Doomy__Doom I went through a few iterations of names lol - originally crate scott but then crate escape once I started putting maps together. I never bother changed the file name. It doesn't really make sense anyhow. Crate Expectations seemed to fit best and landed, I tried other things - this set was almost called "With Crate Pleasure..." LOL - yeah we had fun coming up with puns and such. As for the filename, dont pay it any bother. I'll probably just keep it to confuse ppl, that & IDGAMES only allwas 12 character filesizes @OniriA - that is a nice little graphic, thank you - love it - will find a way to use it somehow - already put it in my slideshow folder if I ever stream again @Doomkid - nice to see ya buddy - that quote - yeah - I'm not good at scripting / advance planning - all these maps were off the cuff with no things written down (besides just map names) - I just go in and hope for the best. Same with trailer - 5 hrs of footage while playtesting condensed. I slapped my mic on and said a bunch of stuff and edited out any pauses - I didn't realize how that sentence was but its there now - glad I amused ya lol - and thanks again for the kind words, encouragement, behind the scenes help along the way - you're good ppl @EduardoAndFriends You totally did make the coke/pepsi - thanks man - also for playtesting and praise - glad you had fun. Turns out everyone likes dr pepper but nothing beats the classic coke and pepsi rivalry - how do YOU want to get YOUR diabetes? @video_ouija - Thanks for testing out tonight, which was last night - how did it go? Hopefully decent - have a good 1! @LVENdead - I have to say, truly, your words are the best words of the words. I'm not the best at words - but your description was alluring and captured the true essence of what I was going for, better than I ever could have myself - and I thank you. I was actually touched. Very much appreciate that man - thanks for all the support and friendship - another grade A human being hazelnut onion man @Stupid Bunny and we're back! Thanks for taking the time from your own project to have a gander. I know what it's like since we are so similar - making a wacky off stream megawad - its hard to find time to play other ppls stuff. Hell I only did 5 playthru vids all year and thats unheard of for me. Glad you enjoyed the first 3 - yeah I was worried that map 1 wasnt much of an offering - and hope 3 isnt too hard - there is the stuff there needed - just takes some lookin - and my secrets - maybe I should have gone easy on the first few maps but I love hiding stuff in doom - its one of my most favourite things. But all these maps can be beaten without em, I made sure of that. Glad you were tickled - most tickle since going down? Maybe lets not get carried away haha but thanks for the compliment :P - see you again gain further down @LerxstInWonderland Now this is a surprise - haven't seen you around in a while - with over 3000 vids I still remember your maps bud - interesting hellish well crafted high pressure maps - evil stuff haha - but in a good way! Embrace the zanieness hahah probably a good way to go - im trying to do something different but still playable and engaging - secrets are never needed but yeah- I have an over the top secret hiding disorder it seems. And my goal was to see how much I could do with doom 2 format - I still found many limits in limit removing but making these discoveries and trials and errors was fun, got me thinkin - anywho just glad you had a good time and nice to see ya @Clippy thanks for making that reply before I could make this reply so ppl didn't think I was ignoring them. Think we should have shake and bake chicken wings tonights bud? @Stabbey STABBEY! Another blast from the past! kudos on finding all the map 1 secrets - legit - I hid them way too absurdly especially for map 1 but I seem to have no self restraint haha - "explodotron 3000 or whatever map" LOL I assume you mean map 6? Think green evil eye to the far left - or just use an editor and cheat - I'm fine with ppl lookin under the hood @Delisk - nice to always see ya around playing ppls maps with your wacky mods - which I am so glad worked - I worry about mods cause I seen others lag on this set. Design wise I only built it around traditional play, but I'm happy to see ppl play em however they want and this was actually a fun watch - my fave part was when that lil buddy of yours and you were falling down the baron door drop and they fell with ya and beat you to the bottom @EduardoAndFriends again - thanks for chicken leg and additional compliment - I can tell you really did have fun and that puts a smile on my face @RataUnderground I never heard of this the sky may be so I had to ask about it - from what I understand its just meant to be a full on troll and broken on purpose - thats not quite what I was going for here - in fact LVENdead's post above sums it up best. I wanted to challenge ppl but still keep it as fair as I could without any over all BS - just wacky out of the box ideas. But I know thats not for everyone - but if you're looking for traditional play, yeah you came to the wrong place haha. Thanks anyway for trying and providing your honest feedback @dragzxnd I'm glad you tested this project too - you were the first to send me footage of many maps - thanks for being a Guinea pig - I know in your YT world you play quite literally EVERYTHING to come out - so your feedback really stands out to me - I know you've literally seen it all and my goal was to deviate from norm. This project almost killed me so whatever I make next, nothing will be this grandiose ever haha - It's too much work to make a one man megawad - I'm still glad I did tho but yeah Im going to take it much easier after this now that I got this craziness out of my system @LoatharMDPhD // I never know what you're saying. Hi. Hope you're doing well @TheShep Nice fellow crate enthusiast, unfortunately I never found my way to the project you mentioned but mapping is fun isnt it - good luck if you ever tackle these and thanks for stopping by @Pistoolkip Thanks for hype - I put all my insanity into this - every drop - I'm sane now. Good luck on your own megawad as well - looks like I won the race afterall but wasn't expecting to. Hope to check out yours too when the time comes - good luck! @LoatharMDPhD // which walkable midtexture did you rub on me? The blender in map 6? lol - if only it really blended - the circle of death in map 3 I mean, yeah it's a slight burn - but I filled it with corpses n such to make you think it could be a danger - why would you think there would be candy here? You can just buy that at a store @Pezl Whoa half way played already huh? Good times hope it worked ok - no worries about footage man Im just glad you had fun - when I get a chance I will try to check out your newest map as well, hopefully in between another of your 4 month disappearances @Stupid Bunny we meet again - maybe I did go a little far in map 3 - I tried to keep adding a little more to it but yeah - crate lineup was an idea I had but maybe not the most engaging gameplay idea - but I tried - many different ways to approach it. The enchanted forest is what darkens the island if you stay out of it you'll be fine. Map 4 was my love / hate final love letter to the baron door cinematic universe. I wanted to make a cathartic feeling map that gave you the best of barons and doors - doors getting their revenge and crushing barons and making a map where really, the doors do most of the work for ya. And map 5 was just a murder party haha - thanks for all the feedback map This release has gone very well for me so far, I am moved at the feedback - happy nothing broke (yet) and am just so glad to see the community together like this - I'm very happy Thanks again everyone - I'll try to keep up with any additional replies that come in7 points
Post your Desktop Background
Dusty_Rhodes and 6 others reacted to antares031 for a topic
James Webb Space Telescope, the best desktop wallpaper creator in the universe.7 points -
Doom:Annihilation concept arts by Yasen stoilov
DoomPlayer00 and 6 others reacted to Craneo for a topic
Not gonna lie really liked that hell mountain tentacle thing, WIP attempt at adapting it into a skybox, still needs downscaling, paletization and other tweaks, kinda horizontally seamless QUICK EDIT: there 2nd EDIT: as a D64 sky foreground7 points -
Share Your Sprites!
CblBOPOTKA and 6 others reacted to Cascade for a topic
7 points -
Searcher and 5 others reacted to Downcologo one for a topic
Anathema 2 Trailer (made by me and uploaded by "Hunted")6 points -
Brodoomer and 5 others reacted to Downcologo one for a topic
6 points -
Where is the limit between full keyboard and keyboard-mouse ?
Moustachio and 5 others reacted to Shepardus for a topic
Plenty of challenging WADs have been beaten keyboard-only (like Speed of Doom, as you said). Movement-focused maps (e.g. platforming) are probably the most problematic for keyboard-only players. Glides in particular require mouse movement since they use movement values below walking speed to nudge players into gaps, so I wouldn't expect something like Glidancer to ever be beaten keyboard-only. Maps requiring rapid rotation (e.g. NoYe MAP24) or precise aiming (e.g. GOODWAD MAP09) are also going to be a lot more difficult for keyboard players.6 points -
KIngboxvolyr and 4 others reacted to Decay for a topic
hell yea amigos, great work, keep it up!5 points -
Vosolokoviteh and 4 others reacted to Pancrasio for a topic
In the end we made a really good wad. There is a lot of novice and not-so-novice-but-not-really-veteran mappers, and I hope those who play this see it as new talent and not merely "new". In more general terms, we all hope you enjoy. The soundtrack and intermissions you will enjoy, at least. Have a good day!5 points -
very fun slaughter map
Andromeda and 4 others reacted to Stupid Bunny for a topic
I thought "what are the chances that this map with 50,000+ monsters by an author who told me to get fucked while also posting no useful information about their map whatsoever is actually worth a damn" and the answer is exactly what you'd expect it to be5 points -
5 points
Where is the limit between full keyboard and keyboard-mouse ?
Moustachio and 4 others reacted to Meerschweinmann for a topic
Depends on the person who plays and the keyboard. A DOOM Keyboard has no disturbing Windows keys that came up with Win95, a wide space key and should be able to press more than four Keys simultaneously without PC speaker beeping :). 90s DOOM players should know what i mean. Yes, when playing DOOM with keyboard there are disadvantages in turning, but a good keyboard player learns to live with that. In the 90s my friends and me were all Keyboard players. Later with DOOM legacy some friends played wasd and mouse. But because of that they were not automatically the best players in deathmatch LANs. Today i've been playing with mouse too, because i can not play keyboard only with todays keyboard layouts and i am more used with it today. Here is a photo of my good old Cherry Keyboard. My old Love with AT connector :) ❤️ One thing that came in my mind. Our 486 and early Pentium Computers had a character rate or something option in BIOS setup. When the keyboard supported the fastest setting DOOMs playability was even better.5 points -
Known lost WADs of our history?
Endless and 4 others reacted to Mad Butcher for a topic
Some lost wads by Tony Soderlund that were on Geocities. The Adventures of Sub and DELCRET.WAD are on idgames thanks to @lupinx-Kassman. An 8-level wad named "The Gore Levels" that was released around 2007-2008. AOL Doom Death Realm by Jason Farnsworth PSFDoom Eaket Doom by Luke Reeves5 points -
Crate Expectations - NOW on IDGAMES! Full megawad of wacky surprising challenges!
LegendaryEevee and 3 others reacted to Clippy for a topic
Get it here from IDGAMES! --> https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/crate_escape Quick details: -Doom 2 Limit Removing Doom 2 Format maps -Best for GZ or DSDA or a sturdy port, will work in crispy but see * -Pistol Start or Continuous are both options. Continuous is much easier and pistol starts are far more challenging. But properly designed for both. -Please play maps in order as they introduce aspects you will need to know about later. -Don't be afraid of monster counts, most maps are fast and furious and quicker than they appear. High action! No drip feeds -Each map is a unique experience and I'm trying to add as much variety as I could - sometimes you have to use your noggin a bit -No jumping or crouching. Freelook is optional - they have been tested both ways -All difficulty settings are here. UV can be quite mean blind, don't be afraid to try HMP at first. -Coop is an option as well. Also attempted to accommodate deathmatch but yeah probably weird lol *Intercept Overflow/ghost bug could happen on rare occasions, I tried my best to weed these out. Just turn off intercept overflow option if you have it. In crispy the later maps also have Spechits overflow but this is nothing to worry about, will only mess up crispy demos **GZDOOM users & Mods - be careful - from what I seen most mods, especially excessively bloody ones can cause lag. My maps have a lot of behind the scenes hijinx and voodoo dolls and stacked crushers and excessive barrels etc. I really meant to emulate the classic experience here so I can't attempt to accommodate mods - but if you try it let me know how it goes lol DYNAMIC LIGHTS - look cool but unless you have a really good computer, excessive barrels and what not will def cause lag - just turn that off if it happens Screenshots: Well guys I did it - For some reason, and while going through a rough patch in my life I somehow got all these mapping ideas and maybe as a distraction, started a megawad. I wanted to get this done before my 40th birthday so I'm 9 months ahead of schedule. It's finally done! What a relief haha - I hope it was worth it. A full on megawad: I had a lot of fun making this but it also was a bit of a trial. I never worked on anything this long, a whole YEAR. It's maddening. But I consider this my magnum opus. I put more care and effort and energy into this than any other project and put my heart and soul into it. I tried my best to make each map an enjoyable and unique experience. The only connecting theme is crates, the rest is chaos. You could cut up the three episodes like this: Ep 1 - Cosmic Chaos - mostly short bite sized maps that are wild and frantic and take place in SPACE Ep 2 - Blue Skies and Dead Doomguys - this one takes you to heaven and hell and all over - get ready for an existential crisis Ep 3 - Time for Red - These maps as described by Largecat "Watch out; Clippy's respect for human life starts decreasing in the third episode" 4 demos are also included as well. The crates: You'll learn about them if you play through in order - if you play out of order you will be confused. Each colour crate has a different interactive function. Not sure how I came up with that but it kind of reminds me of silly mobile games, you keep getting more crates with different powers appear throughout. It's the only connecting theme in a wave of chaos The following are the dates of completion - not counting adjustments etc CREDITS: I could not have got here without the help from these good friends and good people: Crate Expectations formerly Crate Escape and originally Crate Scott Big thanks to playtesters: @Large Cat, Doom Wads aka @dragzxnd, @sandwedge, @MAN_WITH_GUN, @LVENdead, @Chookum, @A Handsome Fridge, Jade aka @WhatTheDuckXD, @EduardoAndFriends, @Doomkid, @Snaxalotl & @Biodegradable - I never used to let many ppl pre-test my stuff but I am so glad I did, I would not have such a polished product otherwise. @thelamp for making intermission graphic and showed me some mapping tricks / dehacked stuff - H exit texture @EduardoAndFriends made coke and pepsi machine @Large Cat also helped me figure out stuff and did amazing playtesting and map insight and advice to help me fix a lot of things to be better and also proved these can all be beaten saveless lol - yes he fuckin did @Doomkid: stairway to Heaven midi & D Drummin midi and misc help and support - weed computer panel - help with sound effects for special monster / boss / dehacked stuff - correcting my typos in the credits - good times @A Handsome Fridge - red crates - gold crates - are u pooping? @Maribo - sky 1 fixes - forced comp 2 lump - among many other helpful contributions and insight - wonderful & supportive - thank you @plums Koolaid sky ep 1 @HAK3180: gold door from crossbarrer - I hope you don't mind I really liked that door. MUSIC CREDITS I want to thank these wonderful musicians for allowing their work to be shared and help enhance my mapping attempts haha kudos: @Tristan @Jimmy @pcorf @Snaxalotl@Doomkid @AD_79 @leejacksonaudio @LVENdead @DiR And thanks to everyone on our Crispy Chicken Chillzone Discord for all the help, support and fun times - find that here: https://discord.gg/VCTZRfFQNE Well there it is! I hope I said everything that needs to be said. I hope my hard work pays off and I made something everyone can find hours of entertainment from. Please provide honest feedback. What maps/scenarios you liked/hated - any bugs especially - all demos and vids also welcome. If you send demos please note the version as I may be editing things here and there. I have never released something so polished so at this stage Im really hoping not to change stuff unless its an epic issue someone happens to find. Anywho - have fun - feel free to peek under the hood if you're a mapper and curious how I did some stuff - I'm really hoping I even confuse other mappers with this one haha Thank you all so much as well - this community has been great to me and I love the experience here. You are all awesome! Get it here from IDGAMES --> https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/crate_escape4 points -
Hidden away on an alien moon, a colossal demonic machine threatens to steal the power of your home planet's star. Firefly is a set of 7 (+1 end map) MBF21-compatible (-cl21) maps centered around difficult, chaotic slaughter combat. They're orange. IMPORTANT STUFF iwad: Doom II Format: MBF21 (-Cl 21) Takes up maps 01-08 though 08 is an ending map. 1000Hp Siege Cow (Yellow wiring) replaces the Spiderdemon No Coop or DM support Jumping and crouching have been disabled, freelook is ok but can break some insta-pop pits and other stuff Difficulties implemented - The set has been balanced and tested around UV being the "intended" difficulty, but later maps can get quite abusive. If you're having serious trouble, please drop the difficulty down a notch. I've tried to make the lower difficulties still fun without being so stressful of an experience for those less acquainted to slaughter. Maps 01-06 can be maxed in under a half hour, Map07 can take over an hour to beat Tested in dsda-doom 0.27.0+ and GZDoom 4.10.0 Download: RC2 Hi again :] You might have seen one of the many screenshots I've been posting in doomworld and various discords, and I'm happy to finally release this wad. I wanted to experiment with more combat setups and other stuff I like (Chaotic setups, BFG-heavy combat, pushing through hordes of monsters) and so this wad's progression is very lock-in/setpiece heavy for most of the maps. The maps start off with vaguely micro-slaughter/combat puzzle stuff with a couple dips into larger monster brawls, while map07 goes fully off the deep end into macroslaughter goodness. I also tried to give these maps a sense of continuity, with most maps ending with a hint to the next map. All maps are meant to be played from pistol start but only map06 enforces this. There's probably a bunch of stuff that I missed while making the set. If you have any bugs or feedback, put it in the thread! Credits: Changelog: RC2: More screens: OLD VERSIONS: RC1 (demos by Maribo, Ryiron, SleepyVelvet)4 points
Hunted11 and 3 others reacted to DevilMyEyes for a topic
Ok so we're going to fix that extra secret exit from MAP32, dw. Also, happy birthday to @Hunted11! We've also released this wad as a celebration of his doom community. Hope you enjoy this first release of the wad.4 points -
Hunted11 and 3 others reacted to Downcologo one for a topic
Thank you very much Decay this is not a parody of "Dwango".4 points -
Vosolokoviteh and 3 others reacted to Yisue for a topic
4 points -
Vosolokoviteh and 3 others reacted to Cutman 999 for a topic
Y el maplist?4 points -
very fun slaughter map
Andromeda and 3 others reacted to Argent Agent for a topic
Sorry, I'll stick to nuts.wad since the author of that didn't tell everyone to get fucked.4 points -
Sun Lotion On My Curvy Asscheeks: A short episode for the Supercharge gameplay mod
Tango and 3 others reacted to MoiraHeart for a topic
Hey, so I've noticed that discord deleted the link. What was I thinking, hosting it there? Anyway, it is now reuploaded to a slightly more reliable hosting, and I made a tiny update that adds PAR times. Have fun and see you next time, in my Supercharge megaWAD, coming Summer '24! https://drive.google.com/file/d/17TEAjRxHzrl_7ijj0DuWT8jRPkLI27c8/view?usp=drive_link4 points -
This one's a no-brainer to be nominated.4 points
Doomed Urbex - V1 release!
Searcher and 3 others reacted to SaltBadGuy for a topic
Rattled through the entire wad in 3 or so days (UV). I think the wad starts very weak but picks up in quality afterwards. Map01 is pretty offputting, gameplay-wise it's outright bad with the best course of action to just run past all the sniping hitscanners. Also leaves a pretty bad impression with the MSpaint sky and solid yellow texture. I think a more standard sky to begin with and then switching to the bizarro sky once you leave the city block would work far better. The corruption could still be bright yellow, but it really should have a subtle texture since I thought I might've been missing resources or something when I first seen it. I'd probably rework the whole first block, both for the dreadful gameplay and, being a geometrically boring location with clean textures and a touch of doomcute which doesn't sell the Urbex particularly well.. Map02 and Map03 feel a lot closer to what is promised with something about Urbex, and Map04 really sells the fun cinematic/story stuff which is the real strength of the wad. Map02's midi is probably too cheery and stuck out like a sore thumb immediately. With retrospect it's even more out of place, and map03's midi feels like a far better fit. Map05 and Map06 have some dreadful MIDIS, Map05 especially seems to have a midi that loops every 15 seconds or so. The only other maps with MIDI issues would be Map18 and Map21 (not a bad midi at all in this case, but doesn't loop properly.) Map08 locked me in for the rest of the set, perfect midi and a genuinely cool and atmospheric hub idea. Map09 was a great followup. From here the set is a lot more consistently good with some real runs of standout maps like Maps 15-17 and Maps 20-23. I think a common problem is not getting access to fun weapons, you often have to slum it with just your 3 and 4 slot (and sometimes it's not even the super shotgun). There's quite a few levels where you do have access to your rocket launcher but still have to fall back on chopping down mid tier with your shotguns since there's not enough space etc. Some maps have a fun take on dealing with resource starvation with little side areas/houses etc. having a stash of health etc. but I'd say the mapset can feel a bit frugal on health and armour at points which is exacerbated by the occasional 80 damage rev rocket and abundance of hitscanners milling about. I'd generally give more access to stronger weapons with limited ammo. Given the maps generally involve you fighting in cramped spaces, I wouldn't limit rockets much at all since you should be rewarded if you can find a way to use them safely. Rockets would also make it fun to actually deal with the abundance of mid-tier snipers or mid-tier milling about wide spaces, since I started getting into the habit of just ignoring them. The wad also suffers from an overreliance on hitscan, especially snipers, and there's more than a few cheap usages of ambush chaingunners. The mid-tier enemies aren't often that fun to fight, often just vibing in cramped rooms or otherwise acting as window dressing, which isn't helped by often only having the SG or chaingun to hand. The setpiece fights are generally pretty good. There's a lot of genuine quality and great ideas in this mapset, and I'm glad I stuck with it after the pretty poor early levels (map04 is probably the only reason I didn't drop the wad at map05).4 points -
Where is the limit between full keyboard and keyboard-mouse ?
Moustachio and 3 others reacted to DNSKILL5 for a topic
I find that the limits between the two are easier noticed through multiplayer and are more blurry for single player. I used to play keyboard-only as it was how I played growing up, but as I got older and more interested in deathmatch, I very quickly gravitated towards keyboard and mouse. It was weird and awkward at first, primarily it was learning to reutilize the keyboard with one hand while the other hand is using the mouse for turning movements and shooting. It took practice and repetition to get accustomed to this setup, but eventually it just clicked and I was able to greatly improve my deathmatch skills and easily adapted to using this control scheme in single player, and now I don’t see much need to revert back to keyboard only. I have played the game keyboard only on some laptops more recently if I don’t have an external mouse to use. I could equate it to like learning to ride a bike. Once you learn, you never forget. Still, I have come to prefer how I control the game via mouse + keyboard.4 points -
Where is the limit between full keyboard and keyboard-mouse ?
Dusty_Rhodes and 3 others reacted to Murdoch for a topic
You are wanting an objective answer to something which is fundamentally not measurable. A good keyboard player will do better than a bad keyboard and mouse player. But honestly, the best thing to do is learn to play with mouse and keyboard. Don't expect to be good at everything right away. That's just not how life works. Be patient and practice. It really is not that difficult to master, and will become second nature before too long if you stick with it.4 points -
Reverie demos [-complevel 2]
Dogmachine and 3 others reacted to vdgg for a topic
MAP31 UV Max in 12:14 rv31-1214.zip4 points -
Surge demos [-complevel 9]
stan1234 and 3 others reacted to kvothesixstring for a topic
Map07 UV Max in 1:09.63 sr07m109.zip https://youtu.be/BDIGSiOikRY4 points -
Miscellaneous demos (part 5)
Andrea Rovenski and 3 others reacted to Revved for a topic
The Parallel Dimension UV Max in 59:37 pdall-5937.zip4 points -
Posting your WAD as a Google Drive link and forgetting to make the link public.4 points
It's a dummy sector. The glowing sector with the green armor needed a neighbor sector with pitch black lighting so it oscillates between the sector with the lowest light amount (0 in this case) and whatever light amount the sector with the glow effect has.4 points