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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/24 in all areas

  1. Amaruψ

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    A little preview of the four completed maps from a Deathmatch exclusive wad that I'm currently working on. Eight is the targeted amount, so just four more to go.
    18 points
  2. Hardfest 2 is now on idgames! https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/hardfest2 Sorry it took so long, but I think the new music was worth it! The soundtrack video is not quite done yet, but I will post about it when it is. Hardfest 3 is happening soon. Gimme a week or so to chill ok :P
    16 points
  3. Hello Doomworld! Tomorrow is the big day: the day I start attending university. Just like my past few standalone releases, I'm doing a map in a handful of days to commemorate the occasion. I'm afraid I won't have much free time to do anything for a while too, so I wanted to get something out to properly close this chapter of my life. _______________________________________________LA GRAN ALAMEDA________________________________________________ Screenshots: La Gran Alameda is a limit-removing map (complevel 2) set in the middle of a city under an otherworldly red sky. Make your way out of the facility and bring the fight to the rooftops! The city is completely infested, so watch out for fire coming from every direction. This is not like the other bimonhtly demon invasions though... This time they've brought some backup!: NEW ENEMIES: Class II Imp: A fast Imp that continuously shoots projectiles until you're out of its line of sight. Class II Baron: A regular Baron of Hell that shoots a string of 5 projectiles instead of just 1. As a trade-off, it has the health of an Archvile (700 HP) compared to its original 1000 HP. Cyberdemon Jr.: A baby Cyberdemon with the health of a Hell Knight (500 HP). NOT immune to splash damage, meaning you can trick them into blowing themselves up, or infighting with other baby cybies. Admittedly this is the roughest of my standalone releases so far, both difficulty and quality-wise. I really had to map overtime to get this done in just four days. It may not be one of my best, but I really wanted to release something before tomorrow. Anyways, I implemented difficulty settings this time! ...kinda... There's only UV and HMP right now, and the differences are minimal. I still recommend playing in HMP your first time around though, as I made sure the hardest parts of the map were eased out a bit. I'll be studying architecture these next five years. It's the career that interested me the most, mostly because of my history with making maps! Based on what I've heard, making this map on crunch time is just a taste of things to come :,) Hopefully this map is worth your time. Any comments and feedback are appreciated. ______________________________________________>>>> Download <<<<______________________________________________ Slots: MAP01 Name: La Gran Alameda Compatibility: Limit-removing Tested with: DSDA Doom Build Time: March 7th - March 10th, 2024 No jumping or crouching. Freelooking is fine. Credits: Textures, music and sounds taken from many sources. Check the CREDITS.TXT file inside the .wad for a full list. Enjoy!
    12 points
  4. (Gracias a @Yisue por la idea del wad!) Anathema 2 es la secuela no-oficial de Anathema, un mappack hecho para sourceports boom-format y Zdoom como (DSDA-Doom, Prboom+, Woof). -Este wad contiene 14 niveles para Doom II, 3 Custom Intermission Map Screens e Incluye UMAPINFO. -No tiene soporte para Co-Op. -Todos los niveles de dificultad implementados. -No se permite saltar ni agacharse --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Ha sido desarrollado por varios hispanohablantes en la comunidad de Doom: Mappers: @DevilMyEyes @Downcologo one @Pancrasio @Cutman 999 @Godzialox666 @Hunted11 @Vosolokoviteh @OceanMadman @The_Gennie Testers: @Yisue @Venezolano Hambreado @Vosolokoviteh y Cactus Dehacked: @OceanMadman Compositores: @Hunted11 Artistas: @DevilMyEyes @OceanMadman Titlepic: @Pancrasio @Downcologo one @DevilMyEyes Sprite de Pistola: Fletcher Sprite de minigun: Valiant Gracias a Dank por montar el spreedsheet y el texturizado del primer mapa secreto. Some layouts from Anathema have been heavly modified in Anathema 2, as in MAP04. Credits goes to Robby Pants. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* English: >>DOWNLOAD ANATHEMA 2>>>
    12 points
  5. Two Zombieman edits
    12 points
  6. Intermission map screen from Anathema 2
    11 points
  7. DOWNLOAD LINK, (DOOMSHACK): https://doomshack.org/uploads/ApprehensionMAP01.wad UPDATED MAP01: https://www.mediafire.com/file/nhygx2e5ztmmwlg/ApprehensionMAPSET-map01ONLY-fixed.wad/file ***NEW*** MAP01+MAP02: https://www.mediafire.com/file/408yb0foczu23es/ApprehensionMAPSET-FIX1.wad/file ***NEW*** MAP01+MAP02+MAP03: https://www.mediafire.com/file/nig3lmo6qmbyt4y/ApprehensionMAPSET-3MAPS-update1.wad/file ***NEWEST*** - MAP01+MAP02+MAP03+MAP04 (UPDATED): https://www.mediafire.com/file/vzckikdjptpby0j/ApprehensionMAPSET-4_MAPS-FEEDBACK-UPDATE_1.wad/file ***NEWEST*** - MAP01+MAP02+MAP03+MAP04+MAP05: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8o0304nqtlxkq5z/ApprehensionMAPSET-5_MAPS.wad/file ***NEWEST*** - MAP01+MAP02+MAP03+MAP04+MAP05+MAP06: https://www.mediafire.com/file/u6chjuidzjs8h4t/ApprehensionMAPSET-6_MAPS.zip/file What is Apprehension? Apprehension is the fear or anxiety that something unpleasant is going to happen. This is how I feel whenever I think of making a single-player level - I decided, that was a lame way to go about 'creating things' - so I've decided to make a new single-player map set, and get over my apprehension of that kind of mapping. Unlike MP, I'm always worried that my SP stuff won't be received well - this has stopped me from making no more than 9 SP maps over the three years I've been mapping - compare this to the nearly 250 DM/CTF levels I've made and published, and that's quite a small number. This mapset is to get me back in the SP mindset, and throw those anxieties aside. I fully expect to make mistakes, and I expect there to be bugs - I'm nearly brand new to this, so please be sure to give me some feedback if you play this! I don't know how big this set will be - likely no more than 5-8 levels - that number could shrink or grow, depending on how this goes. This mapset will use RFHellTX + Doom 2's standard textures. This pack is Boom-compatible, and all of my testing has been done in DSDA Doom - if that's a mistake, please let me know. I think the texture packs blend together well. SCREENSHOTS OF MAP01: MAP02: 'Wracked Nerves:' MAP03: Sweaty Palms: MAP04: Absolutely Dastardly: MAP05: DOWNTOWN DEMON DELUGE: MAP06: GREAT SACRIFICE: DOWNLOAD LINK, (DOOMSHACK): https://doomshack.org/uploads/ApprehensionMAP01.wad UPDATED MAP01: https://www.mediafire.com/file/nhygx2e5ztmmwlg/ApprehensionMAPSET-map01ONLY-fixed.wad/file ***NEW*** MAP01+MAP02: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xtzwcbz2gdskxzn/ApprehensionMAPSET.wad/file ***NEW*** MAP01-MAP03: https://www.mediafire.com/file/nig3lmo6qmbyt4y/ApprehensionMAPSET-3MAPS-update1.wad/file ***NEWEST*** - MAP01+MAP02+MAP03+MAP04 (UPDATED): https://www.mediafire.com/file/vzckikdjptpby0j/ApprehensionMAPSET-4_MAPS-FEEDBACK-UPDATE_1.wad/file ***NEWEST*** - MAP01+MAP02+MAP03+MAP04+MAP05: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8o0304nqtlxkq5z/ApprehensionMAPSET-5_MAPS.wad/file ***NEWEST*** - MAP01+MAP02+MAP03+MAP04+MAP05+MAP06: https://www.mediafire.com/file/u6chjuidzjs8h4t/ApprehensionMAPSET-6_MAPS.zip/file :D
    9 points
  8. A little thing i've been making in a "ON and OFF" using 2 abandoned unreleased Doom 64 EX wads from 2019-2020 i had, now merged in a single wad, enhanced and with more content than before, a bunch of new exclusive maps made from scratch to connect both wads (or at least try to), new music and reworked visuals! (FULL BEHIND THE SCENES IN README.TXT) oh yeah and a new history, but eh, it's just there, not a big thing. one of my goals while making this mapset, was getting the maps working on both Remaster and Doom 64 EX Plus without making 2 separated files, although that means i have to limit my mapping techniques, Doom 64 EX Plus may be almost on par with the Remaster at the moment i write this, but there's still some little differences. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/u402v5pznix5yezboztsz/LUNAR_REVELATIONS.zip?rlkey=zf2nl7uuc3ncxbs1wik1sir7n&amp;dl=0 (inside the ZIP you will find a custom edited soundfont to use in DOOM 64 EX Plus) to run the wad in Remaster use the .BAT file named #RUN-LUNAR or if you wanna play with Fast Monsters use #RUN-LUNAR-FAST-MONSTERS if that doesn't work you're gonna have to use the Launch parameter -file on Steam, or whatever other thing you're using. or you can use Gibbon's D64 Remaster Launcher here: https://github.com/atsb/DOOM64-Remaster-Launcher on Doom 64 EX PLUS drag and drop the wad should work, if not, Doom 64 EX Plus has it's own Launcher too. EX PLUS players: MAP09 and MAP10 may softlock randomly due to some linedef trickery done in the maps, so get a save so you can restart that part if that happens, i tried my best to not make that a common thing, but it seems more like an engine thing on how many actions can get triggered at once in the same tick or something?????, at the moment i write this, it's gonna keep happening until new updates drop or i figure something out. another thing to EX PLus is make sure "Tall Monsters" is turned on. that's all, or a few monster teleports will break. HAVE FUN GUYS, WE'RE GOING TO THE MOON! "Years after the Hell's invasion on Earth, and the Mother Demon's extermination by the Doom Marine. a distress call from the Moon Colonization Project by the U.A.C.Moon Division arrives at the rebuilt U.A.C on Earth, the report mentions horrorific creatures swarming the complex, and the disappearance of OMEGA. fearing the worst, a team of marines is sent to the Lunar Complex, among them there's you, the rookie. upon arriving the complex you and the team notice this place is empty, quiet... to quiet it's scary. almost like frozen in time, exploring deeper and deeper, gathering information about what happened. your team notices piles of bones, that could just turn into dust at the most minimal touch, how much time has passed since the distress call? then... unknown creatures swarm the team, killing everyone on sight, you barely manage to escape back to the spaceship but one of the monsters damaged it trying to get in, stuck in this rock, you take what's left of your gear and decide to find another exit, but it won't be that easy without facing the source of this disaster first, the corruption is affecting the moon from inside so you gotta finishe the job as soon as possible. the moon is becoming a dormant organic being... this may be your first and last mission!" you'll find ingame computers where you can read more lore about the Lunar Complex 12 maps await for ya MAPS: MAP01: "Lunar Entryway" (secret exit to MAP32, hint: barrels) MAP02: "Aristoles Base" MAP03: "The Hangars" MAP04: "Sereni Complex" MAP05: "Station to Omega" MAP06: "Donius Arteries" (secret exit to MAP69, hint: find the "green key", beating a challenge and doing a little switch hunt first, when you get the "green key", all green doors in the map will open, so you can finally open the secret exit) MAP07: "The Sinister Labs" MAP08: "The NoWhere" MAP09: "A B I S M O" MAP10: "OMEGA" MAP32: "Hell-Tic" (secret map) MAP69: "test" (secret map) MAP33 "title" <--- (it's just the title map) you can see it in this video: Thanks to the Doom 64 Compendium page and the Doom 64 Discord for the mapping help and feedback :) Doom 64 Compendium: https://www.doom64.com/ Doom 64 Discord: https://discord.gg/Ktxz8nz (full credits in README.TXT) Credits: MUSIC: @Immorpher @Proxy-MIDI @Jetx_121 <--(me ofc) @NewHouse (and a mario 64 midi made by Planet Bobstar i converted to D64 format) Graphics and Textures: @BigStronk for the new plasmagun @Jetx_121 @AtomicFrog the GEC Team for the Pinky replacement sprites, @Craneo for MAP10 final boss texture SOUND: @Jetx_121 (soundfont edit for EX+ and new sounds for some monsters), @BigStronk (for new Plasma Gun sounds), @Immorpher for the MorphSound64 (HIGH Quality sounds pre-installed for Doom 64 Remaster only, too lazy to do the same for EX+), GEC Team (sounds for the Pinky replacement) TESTING: @Jetx_121, Zoyahu, @Immorpher, Styd051, DanieruPD64 sorry if this post looks unpolished or i didn't get the right section to post, i'm not a regular around this kind of places x.x some of the OST i composed: IMAGES:
    9 points
  9. JollyMelt

    Do Not Enter

    Title: DNE (Do Not Enter) file name: DNE.wad Released : February 3, 2024 Author: J-Force =============================================================== Single/Multiplayer Add-on for Doom II GZDOOM recommended! DNE is BOOM compatible but contains some extra features that will only work with GZDOOM. It will not work with Chocolate doom or crispy doom without issues. Functions with PRBOOM and GLBOOM. GZDOOM offers the best gameplay experience with this add-on. DNE features 32 lethal maps filled with wonderful Doom insanity and a generous amount of carnage! If you enjoy a challenge in the form of good ol Doom 2 then you'll get a kick (or punch) out of DNE! MAPS Created by: J-FORCE (Johnny Carrell) MIDIS By: Alfonzo and Crunchynut44 Alfonzo MIDI depository = Doomworld.com https://alfonzo.the-powerhouse.net/ Crunchynut44 MIDI pack = Doomworld.com https://www.doomworld.com/vb/thread/101474 Thank you for your talented work! Smooth Plasma sounds thanks to MXDASH (Christopher Golden) creator of Doom Zero one of my favorite Doom games ever. DNE.zip
    9 points
  10. Minigun and Rocket Launcher Creds: Midway, SMIV, Zedek the Plague Doctor, Amuscaria, 3D Realms
    9 points
  11. Holy hell, the bots are out in force lately! Spam accounts, spam threads, giant viewcount bloats caused by what is essentially DDoSing with requests.. Between DW's own internal errors building up more and more and the weird spam "attacks" it's such a headache, so please forgive me for being absentee lately. Hopefully things get cleared up soon.
    9 points
  12. It's crazy to think a lot of people are going to visit this page because of some indie game dev who decided to stream himself playing through this, promising to update his game once he beats it
    8 points
  13. Kinsie

    Emulator future

    They'll be fine if their authors aren't fucking idiots.
    8 points
  14. iddq_tea

    Doomcute thread

    Evolution of the Doomputer! (spoilered for being image-heavy) All are CL2/vanilla.
    8 points
  15. Ordinarily I'd post screenshots alone, but I figured I'd take a bigger bite for this. Currently blocking this map out and seeing how GZDoom plays nice with a wad combination that has Boom format and UDMF format maps working in concert. To speak simply, this is going to be a wad for a wad so you can modify Doom while you modify Doom.
    7 points
  16. I don’t think that demoting monsters in a hierarchy is a good idea. It’s really haphazard and does really take how this changes encounters inFor example, let’s say a specific fight requires a particular strategy to consistently beat it. Assuming I am creating UV first and balancing down from there, my goal would be to preserve that strategy as the solution to the fight while making the execution of that strategy more forgiving. If the fight in question requires the player to maneuver around a horde of barons in a specific way to survive then I would either change some barons to hell knights or reduce the amount of barons slightly and in either case ammo would also be reduce accordingly. Both of these options preserve the fight choreography because you still have to do a similar thing to beat the fight. Hell knights can replace barons in this encounter because they both serve the same purpose here and will act the same. Now let’s look at why using a hierarchy to reduce difficulty doesn’t work very well. I’ll use the quoted section to explain my reasoning. 1. Changing Cyberdemons to any other enemy is not a good way to balance difficulty for two reasons. The first is that cyberdemons pose a completely different threat to any other enemy. They fire high damage missiles that can inflict severe damage upon both you and every other enemy with both the rocket itself and splash damage. The second reason is that a cyberdemon has 4000 health. The second highest enemy other than the mastermind which cannot sub for a cyber due to its size is a baron which has 1000 health. The cyber also tends to infight with enemies. These two factors will completely change the ammo balance of most maps and in the process fail to replicate the experience from higher difficulties in a more forgiving fashion. 2. Archvile are the most unique enemy in the game. The have a charged hitscan attack and can resurrect enemies. Once again there is no substitute for either of these attributes. While revenants are excellently designed enemies just like arch viles, their roles in combat are completely different. An enemy with the ability to resurrect its allies cannot be replaced by any other due to that mechanic alone. 3. Chaingunners cannot be substituted with lesser hitscanners but shotgunners can be subbed by zombiemen. They can because they function the same way. Both fire a single shot at a time with varying damage between them. Chaingunners apply a constant amount of damage and have higher health so they can’t be substituted most of the time without changing the encounter. 4. Pain elementals and cacos are not similar enemies except for the fact that they both fly. One is basically just a flying hell knight with less health and the other is able to spawn an unlimited amount of another enemy. Cacos do not just by existing create an urgency to kill them as soon as possible to prevent wasting ammo and losing space while pain elementals are almost always one of your top priorities.
    6 points
  17. Burgish

    Share Your Sprites!

    Upgradeable Skeletons! Free to use w/ credit, individually or as a set! For best results, store your skeletons in a cool, dry place.
    6 points
  18. The SMY Silberwasser from MAP13 of Austrian Avian Association by @MundyC
    5 points
  19. Map 21 UV-tyson in 1h 15min 12s ks21t7512.zip
    5 points
    5 points
  21. ijole, se ve bueno pero no lo probe aun jJSjsj
    5 points
  22. Right by the E1M1 stairs leading to the green armour.
    5 points
  23. Thanks for including me in this proyect, the wad is beautiful, we made a very good World guys
    5 points
  24. I think the mods might want to make a sticky (for their own sanity) until it's fixed. But yeah, there's been about a dozen threads about it since it started so it's definitely a known issue. Based on my understanding it's a forum software problem so there's nothing that can be done aside from waiting. If you go to User Activity and click "posts", it gives an updated version of their history.
    5 points
  25. map12 max 2:17 https://youtu.be/j3MUmq9VJjI aa12-217.zip
    5 points
  26. 5 points
  27. How do you particularly balance your maps? Do you have some guidelines that you follow for yourself? I'd like to know mroe about the way people balance their maps. Here go some of mine: - Removing one or two enemies for medium and one or two more for easy in areas with a lot of enemies. - Changing pain elementals to cacodemons in big arenas which can relieve some of the pressure to finish them off first. - Making a teleporter inactive in one or another part of an arena so enemies always come off from the same place. - Different and easier key placement if the map layout allows for it - Chaingunners become shotgunners and shotgunners become regular zombie men if an area is too tough. And for testing, here is how I go: - Hard: I test on UV until I can barely beat the map. Then I dial it down a notch. - Medium: I play on Hurt me Plenty and my general goal is to beat the map while stil having fun and not being below 30% health most of the time, but it's okay if it happens and I recover. - Easy: Medium minus some enemies. Has to be kind of a walk in the park. How about you, what are your practices?
    4 points
  28. "Most fun map yet" - John Romero Shotgunning Barons in Tight Corridors Story: You pick up a shotgun and proceed with shotgunning barons. Gameplay: The gameplay was finely crafted and tuned to provide the most challenge. The map really tests your skills to the maximum, while also providing you with adrenaline and excitement. You can also use berserk for an even higher level of challenge. Gameplay: Works perfectly on Crispy Doom. Show these barons who's the (mini-)boss! Download: shotbarons.zip
    4 points
  29. Hi, Been quite inspired lately from replaying Doom 1 and 2, and I wanted to do some 3D models as tribute (and as 3D printables!) Working through every enemy currently. I'll post progress here periodically. I wanted to be around 80% faithful to the original designs, making changes here and there (like the Imp not being noseless) The prints and raw model files (with pbr textures) will be available on my Gumroad. https://doomspoons.gumroad.com/ Feel free to give feedback/ideas!
    4 points
  30. For those not in the know, composite textures are textures made up of several disparate graphics known as patches: the original Doom games frequently used this method of texture creation due to its ability to save disk space, but it also allowed them to combine patches in multiple creative ways. The practice is seen far less frequently in this day and age, but if you want to give your maps a bit of alternative flair you can consider this tutorial my recommendation to do so. Bear in mind that you'll need to have some rudimentary SLADE knowledge in order to do this: if you don't, this is the place you're looking for. Step 1. Open your project in SLADE. For this example I'm using my RAMP 2023 submission, as it has a handful of composites I made using Doom 2 patches that I'll be recreating for this tutorial. Step 2. Click the TEXTUREx lump in your wad and then click Edit Textures. Step 3. Welcome to the Texture Editor! Click the New Texture button in the left column of icons. Once you do that, a window will pop up prompting you to name your new texture and specify its dimensions, which in this example will be 256x128. You'll also see a prompt asking if you want to start with a patch already present in the PNAMES lump or if you just want a blank texture: for the sake of simplicity, we'll go with the Blank option. Step 4. Your brand new texture will be at the bottom of the list. Click on it, then click the Add Patch button on the far right column of icons. Step 5. Now here's where the magic happens. Pressing that button will bring up a window showing all of the defined patches in your wad: you can browse manually to see what takes your fancy or look for specific patches using the Filter in the top right. For this example I'm going to make a wooden wall with some skulls adorning it, which first requires me to find WALL40_2. As you can see the patch has been added to the texture with its X and Y properties at 0. Now we need to get WALL40_1: for the sake of texture consistency, we want this new texture to look like a variant of the stock texture that also uses these patches. This patch will also be placed at 0,0 (and will also cover the first patch), so go to the X Position and type in 128. Step 6. Now for skulls, four of them! Go back to Add Patch and this time look for SW2_2. Once it's in, change its X position to 21 and its Y position to 19: these particular numbers are the result of me calculating how to evenly space the skulls across the texture. Now, go to the column of icons on the right and click Duplicate Patch: this will make a copy of SW2_2, 8 pixels down and to the right of the original. Click on that new patch and place it at 85, 83. Duplicate the patch two more times, placing the third and fourth skull patches at 149,19 and 213,83 respectively. Congrats, you now have a suitably spooky piece of wooden wall! Notes The order of the patches in the list on the right corresponds to which patches are on top of others, with the bottom one being on top of everything else. Experiment with layering and partially concealing patches to get some fun results! I think the Scale option in the Texture Properties is ZDoom/GZDoom-exclusive? I haven't tested, but I've also seen no non-ZDoom projects utilizing it, sooooo... While you can be fairly free with patch placement in your textures, there does exist a bug that makes the game completely ignore negative Y positions: any patches that have them will have their Y positions set to 0 ingame. If you're mapping for vanilla, textures with more than one patch will crash vanilla if you use them as midtextures. And that's about all I got. You can make some pretty fun things with a few patches and some creativity and, rare as they are, there do exist some texture packs out there with new patches for you to toy with. Go wild!
    4 points
  31. Hello everyone! Try1000 is a megawad I made in 2023/2024. It contains 32 small but very intense levels of different visual themes, such as Tech Base, Ruins, Beach and more! Each map is designed to be a certain challenge, whether that is due to a terribly high enemy count or other fun factors! See these screenshots: (Full size on imgur here) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>> GAMEPLAY The levels do not follow the typical Doom format. Instead of simply having to find the exit these maps require you to defeat every single enemy before you can advance. Each map is very compact and usually doesn't have many different areas. (Almost) Every level follows the same principle: You spawn into an empty arena so you can get familiar with it. Your health and inventory are reset to default (except your pistol is gone as well). White areas marked with a "" or "" contain goodies such as health, guns and ammunition. Areas marked with a "" serve as spawning points for enemies. Beware: Areas around these pentagrams do damage! Find and push this large button: to start the fight. A counter on the top of the screen shows you how many monsters are left for you to destroy. You can change its position or disable it in the options menu. Once you beat all monsters the exit is revealed. Every map exits by touching the "" You don't have to go all out from the start - there are 5 difficulty levels to choose from. Super Easy - Blue Armor at the start of each level and reduced monster count. Easy - Green Armor at the start of each level and reduced monster count. Normal - Green Armor at the start of each level and standard monster count. Hard - Standard monster count with no bonus. Extra Hard - Max health is reduced to 70 and the standard monster count awaits you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>> DOWNLOAD Download it from my google drive. This includes Try1000.pk3 and a readme-file with appropriate credits. https://drive.google.com/file/d/19QT5HTHC5Qjxdofo4qdHYUxbEaeLVSRK/view?usp=sharing Thank you, and I hope you have fun! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>TECHNICAL INFO Load it with Doom2.wad. The WAD was made for GZDoom and tested with GZDoom Version 4-11-3. Every map is built in UDMF. Freelook and hardware rendering (3d floors, slopes etc.) are required. Custom weapons/monsters loaded in addition to Try1000 might work but I can't guarantee this. I only tested it with vanilla doom monsters and weapons. Though I did not replace/change vanilla Doom actors there are custom ones in this mod whose ID might collide with that of actors from another mod. Should you come across issues, visual or functional bugs, please let me know! Your help would be appreciated. You can contact me on this post, via DM or via E-Mail (aworldofzink@gmail.com). Thank you!
    4 points
  32. Try to get rid of some of the empty space between the areas. Have them closer to one another within the builder's grid to see if that fixes the problem.
    4 points
  33. I am one of the rare ones who design their maps for HMP, and then add some unfair shit for UV at specific points.
    4 points
  34. Terry Pratchett was famously known to be a big fan of Doom, and this photograph of his workspace proves it. Today I propose you a little time waster: what level is the one shown on the monitor? Can you recreate this image? Judging by the weapons he has available, it's most likely the first or second map from episode one, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
    4 points
  35. Yay, now the finished thing :).
    4 points
  36. Plutonia 3: Going to Surface MAP01 Tyson in 1:07 PLUT301t107.zip Video: https://youtu.be/ZOY1WU7QX94 MAP02 Pacifist in 0:00 PLUT302p000.zip Video: https://youtu.be/y5owdGmy4dw MAP03 Pacifist in 0:00 PLUT303p000.zip Video: https://youtu.be/iL-_vTzAZ0A MAP04 Pacifist in 0:00 PLUT304p000.zip Video: https://youtu.be/Mux1MqatjXI MAP05 Pacifist in 0:00 PLUT305p000.zip Video: https://youtu.be/3Hk5fcvUVjs MAP06 Pacifist in 0:00 PLUT306p000.zip Video: https://youtu.be/VOqVny1FnJM MAP09 Pacifist in 0:00 PLUT309p000.zip Video: https://youtu.be/aqTsaH57AwQ MAP10 Pacifist in 0:00 PLUT310p000.zip Video: https://youtu.be/FQwDe_6Fx5A MAP12 Pacifist in 0:47 PLUT312p047.zip Video: https://youtu.be/F8N9eOPabjs MAP13 Pacifist in 0:00 PLUT313p000.zip Video: https://youtu.be/PypahNhMWHM MAP14 Pacifist in 0:54 PLUT314p054.zip Video: https://youtu.be/HLtZhMIEuv8 MAP18 Pacifist in 0:00 PLUT318p000.zip Video: https://youtu.be/YtvT8Ellqnk MAP19 Pacifist in 0:00 PLUT319p000.zip Video: https://youtu.be/pyQ9gVhfK1k MAP20 Pacifist in 0:00 PLUT320p000.zip Video: https://youtu.be/MctJlFHaqK8 MAP26 Pacifist in 0:00 PLUT326p000.zip Video: https://youtu.be/zU30XTBJ2ME MAP29 Pacifist in 0:00 PLUT329p000.zip Video: https://youtu.be/Yp98FlYSiBI MAP32 Pacifist in 0:00 PLUT332p000.zip Video: https://youtu.be/RrQHvuxcZFU
    4 points
  37. Here is my latest texture pack for everyone who loves BIGDOORS in different sizes plus some other textures. This is a collection of textures for DOOM from me, Meerschweinmann, that focuses on DOOMs mighty BIGDOOR texture :) For me personally the BIGDOOR is THE DOOM door. It was the first door everyone opened as the DOOM shareware was released in the 90s. In the "32in24-15 Tex" ressource pack i found a 256 pixel wide gray BIGDOOR named BIGDOORC. Because i wanted it in green and brown too, i made them from this as template and my BIGDOOR journey began. THANKS TO THE PERSON WHO MADE BIGDOORC as it inspirated me to make this BIGDOOR WAD. Not everything is made by me from scratch. Nevertheless, i invested many hours in it. There are 3 versions of this WAD file included in the .zip file. The HC (highcolor) version includes some textures as 32bit PNG for ports like GZDoom. The PAL version includes all textures as paletted variants for ports like Eternity Engine. The VE (vanilla enhanced) version includes a Crispy DOOM/International DOOM/Woof compatible Texture1 lump. Crispy-DOOM/International-DOOM and Woof can use textures higher than 128 pixels with no problem. The 384/576 and 512/768 pixel wide BIGDOORs are made out of 192 and 256 pixel wide tiles (left, right, center). So they can be extended like everyone wants. If you are only interested for the BIGDOORs, the following is not relevant for you. It is recommended to use a colorpalette like ColdPal for the paletted versions (PAL,VE), because the blue of the big-screen textures and the blue planet on PLANET2B texture look too oversaturated with the original DOOM palette. You can download ColdPal from ReaperAA here: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/graphics/coldpal The two ColdPal files can simply copied in the WAD file with SLADE3. But you can use every other colorpalette that uses desaturated blues. DOWNLOAD V1.13a: MSM-Textures113a.zip Some BIGDOOR size-variants in Woof. The gray door is the default 128x128 BIGDOOR for comparision purposes: A 320 pixel wide BIGDOOR and some warning sign textures in International-DOOM 7.4 (spectator-mode): A 512 pixel wide and 160 pixel high BIGDOOR in Eternity Engine: Servers and bigscreens in International-DOOM 7.4 (spectator-mode): Some truecolor bigscreen textures in double resolution for GZDoom: A 320 pixel wide BIGDOOR and some warning sign textures in GZDoom: A 256 pixel wide and a 80 pixel wide BIGDOOR in Eternity Engine:
    3 points
  38. 9 Rings of Hell 4P Pacifist run in 0:04 (player 1: me, player 2: @GarrettChan, player 3: @kmc, player 4: @kvothesixstring) 9riallpc004.zip
    3 points
  39. This is the beginning of a set of maps that are a bit puzzly. They are short and not too difficult I think. So far only 2 maps. Tested with gzdoom, but should be boom, limit-removing, maybe works in vanilla. For Doom 2. Only UV. https://www.mediafire.com/file/kl4bsd3q4vwcamy/Tomb_of_Conundrums.wad/file
    3 points
  40. JollyMelt

    Do Not Enter

    I totally forgot to put those in.. thank you for reminding me ;)
    3 points
  41. The large distances between areas are also blowing up the blockmap size.
    3 points
  42. Big hype! Let's fight the demons again to the moon... and back!
    3 points
  43. Playing Junkfood two days ago changed my brain chemistry or something, it singlehandedly made me more comfortable with dealing with large hordes in tight spaces, and it led me to going back to another wad, Fractured Worlds (which I got frustrated with even on HMP) and I managed to beat the first two levels on UV! I'm happy to be getting more comfortable with crazier fights
    3 points
  44. Updated the map to fix a softlock and remove some mean monsters. Consider this my final revision for a while, unless a major problem pops up. DMIUM2_E5_MAPSECRET.rar
    3 points
  45. Thanks for the feedback! Nice you liked it :-) I've already worked a little on "something". Progress is very slow and I have no idea what it will become.
    3 points
  46. Helclash E2M8 UV-Max in 42s helclash8m042.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWjtXgTX7fo
    3 points
  47. trying out brutalist architecture in a boom map for a cp.
    3 points
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