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MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai and 20 others reacted to esselfortium for a topic
People generally make maps that they enjoy playing. Doom community output is so diverse and all-encompassing nowadays that not everything is going to be to your taste, but the inverse of that is that there's probably something out there for basically anybody.21 points -
Yeah, we don't always notice these things organically. Using the Report function is often the right way to go. As an aside, it feels like I've been seeing a lot of threads like this lately. I cannot stress enough that hosting a community project is a lot harder than it seems and it requires you to be skilled in multiple areas in order to see it through: you gotta have some decent mapping chops to show that you can walk the walk and you need to be able to organize and communicate well enough to make sure the final product comes together. Don't just be the ideas guy.17 points
1k1k project (CLOSED)
SirPootis and 15 others reacted to Sneezy McGlassFace for a topic
Okay, let me get this straight. You decided to start working on a megawad but you don't want to do all the work yourself, so you want people to do the work for you, correct? And it's not a community project, as in one person makes a map or two, you want everybody participating to make a good number of maps for you, correct? You expect people to put a lot of time and effort into your idea, despite you not having proven that's at all warranted. You left your map slot in Paint It Doom CP for lack of experience by your own admission. I don't wanna be too mean but what exactly makes you think this is a good project idea that will see the light of day? If you have a hard time finishing a map, maybe deciding to make a megawad is punching a bit above your weight. I wouldn't say a word against that if you were to try on your own but I don't like the idea of stinging others along for a doomed project, no pun intended. You wanna do a megawad? Awesome, more power to you but you do it. Nobody's gonna do it for you. And it's unfair to expect that to happen.16 points -
Yousuf Anik and 14 others reacted to Shepardus for a topic
Simple, make it a sadistic platforming map.15 points -
CrispyMarble and 11 others reacted to Stupid Bunny for a topic
The silence and solitude of being finally alone and safe in such a spectacular place after a long and gruelling life and death struggle there is as beautiful as anything Doom can create. The beauty of the environment and scale of the threat also heighten each other in some way—danger and beauty are a thrilling combination in the real world (e.g. mountain climbing) and I think the logic carries into map design. Obviously I can appreciate a gorgeous map environment with -nomonsters on as well but to me the experience benefits from an apocalyptic urgency to match it. Also on a more logistical level giant maps struggle to accommodate small numbers of monsters unless they’re heavily subdivided in some way, otherwise the demons become complete nonissues. Obviously there are many gorgeous and uplifting maps that are not slaughter maps out there (noting the term gets abused and misused a lot anyway). And as I said it’s just as well to enjoy and appreciate the map without all the blood and guts and death everywhere—like essel said everyone enjoys different things—but I think this is some of why people like to map and play things like this.12 points -
They'll be fine if their authors aren't fucking idiots.11 points
1) Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do.10 points
Do Not Enter
AshtralFiend and 8 others reacted to JollyMelt for a topic
Title: DNE (Do Not Enter) file name: DNE.wad Released : February 3, 2024 Author: J-Force =============================================================== Single/Multiplayer Add-on for Doom II GZDOOM recommended! DNE is BOOM compatible but contains some extra features that will only work with GZDOOM. It will not work with Chocolate doom or crispy doom without issues. Functions with PRBOOM and GLBOOM. GZDOOM offers the best gameplay experience with this add-on. DNE features 32 lethal maps filled with wonderful Doom insanity and a generous amount of carnage! If you enjoy a challenge in the form of good ol Doom 2 then you'll get a kick (or punch) out of DNE! MAPS Created by: J-FORCE (Johnny Carrell) MIDIS By: Alfonzo and Crunchynut44 Alfonzo MIDI depository = Doomworld.com https://alfonzo.the-powerhouse.net/ Crunchynut44 MIDI pack = Doomworld.com https://www.doomworld.com/vb/thread/101474 Thank you for your talented work! Smooth Plasma sounds thanks to MXDASH (Christopher Golden) creator of Doom Zero one of my favorite Doom games ever. DNE.zip9 points -
Over here, for anyone curious that might have missed it. Stupid Bunny's post is excellent and more or less sums up the "why is slaughter like that" question. Extravagant, spacious, and monolithic architecture in other games might be the locale for some form of giant or god-like enemy in stature, but working with very large enemies in Doom becomes very unwieldy. Infighting, blocking you despite not visibly being that big in the sprite, weird origin spots for projectiles, "weak points" not really existing... yeah. However, Doom does handle large numbers of monsters extremely well (for the most part), thanks to modern hardware. Thus, giant packs of revenants, viles, cybers, pinkies, etc, fill that grand space.9 points
Emulator future
Cutman 999 and 8 others reacted to TheMagicMushroomMan for a topic
The Yuzu devs deserve to be punished on the basis of being absolute morons, and if this puts a dent in the emulation scene/laws in general, they're the ones that decided to abuse the situation to profit off of seeing how far they could push the envelope. If they actually cared at all about "preservation" (I love how everybody acts like suddenly more than 2% of people are actually using emulators for anything other than free games whenever discussions about emulation happen) they wouldn't have tried to profit from it, because they knew an outcome like this was inevitable, and they knew it could harm the emulation scene. Nintendo is a cunt of a corporation, but that doesn't mean they're expected to look the other way or ride everyone's cock out of the goodness of their hearts and allow some idiots to profit off of their console and their work. Nor do they care about all the people saying "I won't buy Nintendo games anymore!!1!!" considering that those people likely weren't paying for their games in the first place, since that's the whole fucking point of an emulator to most people. They don't care about your money when they're still going to get everyone else's money. This is the corporation that owns Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon. They couldn't give a fuck less about a tiny minority of ultra-nerds boycotting their games. This was nothing more than a bunch of greedy imbeciles poking an extremely greedy bear. Anyone shocked by this outcome needs to come back to reality. If this is the staw that broke the camel's back in regards to your relationship with Nintendo, why were you ever supporting them to begin with? This is the way they've been for ages! By the way, this isn't referring to anyone here, even if it fits a description of some people.9 points -
8 points
Isn't a project from a few mappers, still a community project? Especially since you're asking for volunteers? 1024 maps are fun to make, and i might have been up to it, but after you abandoned the CP you started in september (30 Sectors), when you had me and a bunch of other people mapping for months, only to close it at the end. Not cool, man. I don't get why you want to do this to yourself, what's so cool about leading a project without having the knowledge to do it? For me that only adds unnecessary pressure of not letting down the people who map for you.8 points
A little preview of the four completed maps from a Deathmatch exclusive wad that I'm currently working on. Eight is the targeted amount, so just four more to go.8 points
Heya, I've made a new map. Game: Doom 2 – Singleplayer Format: Doom 2 (-complevel 2) – Limit Removing Tested with: DSDA-Doom 0.27.3 May not run with: Chocolate-Doom (untested) or non limit removing ports. Jumping and Freelook should be disabled in order to play the level as I intended. Though I think Freelook would be fine since there’s only one situation where it would give you an early advantage, but is still not game-breaking. Story: The UAC has received reports of demonic presence in a mysterious desolate island that was the home of an ancient civilization. You were sent to investigate the matter along with your platoon, however you were quickly outnumbered upon arrival and scattered around. The squad still managed to maintain communication and rescue was on its way, a rendezvous was set in the landing zone. Some time later you and most of your fellow marines arrive at the designated place, some casualties were confirmed and others went MIA, but you were worried about someone in particular, your best friend was missing... The rescue helicopter arrives, no one has heard from your buddy in over 12 hours and he was nowhere to be seen. Everyone agreed that he must be long gone by now and were getting ready to leave. Not you though, you weren't going to leave him behind, so you went back into the ruins while everyone else left. About the map: This time around I wanted to try doing something with an adventure feeling and a little bit of visual storytelling as well as improving the visual presentation compared to my previous map. Expect to use the Rocket Launcher a lot, all difficulties have the same enemy placement and enemy count, the only difference between them is the ammo/health given, please try a lower difficulty setting if you feel the resources aren't enough. There are many things I think could be better, but I hope you can still enjoy it regardless, stick till the end to see the conclusion! Some -nomo screenshots: DOWNLOAD Ah before I go, I've got something else for you.7 points
Hell Revealations Demopack (Open Demo Submissions)
Large Cat and 6 others reacted to Daymond (VwV) for a topic
Map 33 UV-Max in 3:43 Map 16 UV-Max in 7:41 Map 17 UV-Max in 15:07 HRs16m741.zip HRs17m1507.zip HRs33m343.zip7 points -
(*UPDATE 10/15/23 EPISODE 2 RELEASE*) BITTER DREAM - a dark, cosmic mapset WIP (cl9)
BMWAG65321 and 5 others reacted to LVENdead for a topic
@Flyxolydian Awesome, glad to see you're finally sharing this and excited to see the rest of your play through! Also I guess it's fair to say it's been a long while since I've shared any kind of update on this project. I'm still working on it, but between a nice mix of "being busy with other Doom projects", mapper's block, and periodic disinterest in Doom in general, it's been a bit slow going. Plus, Episode 3 is some of my most ambitious work, so it's taking a while for things to come together. I hope to have an RC ready to share before summer starts. In the meantime, here are a couple of screenshots of what I've been working on, including an all new HUD that I made and a bunch of new menu graphics!6 points -
This is Woof! 14.5.0 (Apr 30, 2024)
Valboom and 5 others reacted to Meerschweinmann for a topic
Hooray, that was a fast fix. I've shoot the hell out of this dark corner in Map01 with 100, 200 and 300% resolution and could not notice those garbage pixels anymore with different y axis angles. Thank you!6 points -
Maribo and 5 others reacted to 97th Century Fox for a topic
There was a thread I saw recently about tourism in video games or something. Might be a good read, it boils down to there being no shame in playing stuff above your skill ceiling on a lower difficulty or with monsters disable entirely6 points -
Miscellaneous demos (part 5)
lirui1001 and 5 others reacted to 4shockblast for a topic
9 Rings of Hell 4P Pacifist run in 0:04 (player 1: me, player 2: @GarrettChan, player 3: @kmc, player 4: @kvothesixstring) 9riallpc004.zip6 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Captain Toenail and 5 others reacted to DevilMyEyes for a topic
6 points -
La Gran Alameda - One last map before university!
elborbahquarama and 4 others reacted to Cacodemon187 for a topic
Hello Doomworld! Tomorrow is the big day: the day I start attending university. Just like my past few standalone releases, I'm doing a map in a handful of days to commemorate the occasion. I'm afraid I won't have much free time to do anything for a while too, so I wanted to get something out to properly close this chapter of my life. _______________________________________________LA GRAN ALAMEDA________________________________________________ Screenshots: La Gran Alameda is a limit-removing map (complevel 2) set in the middle of a city under an otherworldly red sky. Make your way out of the facility and bring the fight to the rooftops! The city is completely infested, so watch out for fire coming from every direction. This is not like the other bimonhtly demon invasions though... This time they've brought some backup!: NEW ENEMIES: Class II Imp: A fast Imp that continuously shoots projectiles until you're out of its line of sight. Class II Baron: A regular Baron of Hell that shoots a string of 5 projectiles instead of just 1. As a trade-off, it has the health of an Archvile (700 HP) compared to its original 1000 HP. Cyberdemon Jr.: A baby Cyberdemon with the health of a Hell Knight (500 HP). NOT immune to splash damage, meaning you can trick them into blowing themselves up, or infighting with other baby cybies. Admittedly this is the roughest of my standalone releases so far, both difficulty and quality-wise. I really had to map overtime to get this done in just four days. It may not be one of my best, but I really wanted to release something before tomorrow. Anyways, I implemented difficulty settings this time! ...kinda... There's only UV and HMP right now, and the differences are minimal. I still recommend playing in HMP your first time around though, as I made sure the hardest parts of the map were eased out a bit. I'll be studying architecture these next five years. It's the career that interested me the most, mostly because of my history with making maps! Based on what I've heard, making this map on crunch time is just a taste of things to come :,) Hopefully this map is worth your time. Any comments and feedback are appreciated. ______________________________________________>>>> Download <<<<______________________________________________ Slots: MAP01 Name: La Gran Alameda Compatibility: Limit-removing Tested with: DSDA Doom Build Time: March 7th - March 10th, 2024 No jumping or crouching. Freelooking is fine. Credits: Textures, music and sounds taken from many sources. Check the CREDITS.TXT file inside the .wad for a full list. Enjoy!5 points -
LUISDooM and 4 others reacted to Chernobog The Exalted for a topic
map look good beautiful good now is corpse no beautiful now "i kill al montser in map" "no" I apologise, people make the most heart warming, awe inspiring, touching, uplifting, gladdening, srumdiddlyumptious maps and then decide to make it a slaughter map. The image below isn't the best example but... screw it. At the end of the day you can do whatever you want, obviously, but why? Another problem: What should an aesthetically pleasing map be? It cannot be an easy map, too wasteful. It cannot be a hard map, too many corpses. It cannot be a hub map, because... Erm, I don't know, sorry.5 points -
So, the other day i was thinking of making a PSX doom map, because it's surprisingly easy, and there's some really good tutorials if you search carefully. This is my first PSX Doom map, literally called "Little Silly Map". It was made in 3 hours and was tested with PsyDoom. This was made for the purpose of testing the format, to make more serious maps in the future. To play it, you have to set the "LittleSillyMap" folder as the mod directory on the PsyDoom Launcher. Download link >HERE< Psx "Ultimate Doom" Format Replaces Map01 All difficulty settings implemented Deathmatch and Coop Implemented. Screenshots (please ignore the crosshair):5 points
Speed Master Map08 UV Max in 2:07-sp08m207.zip5 points
You can just report the OP yourself and request a thread lock. Waiting for the mods to lock the thread is just making their job harder.5 points
Monocled and 4 others reacted to ObserverOfTime for a topic
If you want to play an over-the-top slaughter map that's actually well designed (and in a finished state) I can't recommend Cosmogenisis highly enough. Even playing with no monsters, the map is an absolute thing of beauty, the 75k monsters or so it throws at you notwithstanding. You can tell someone spend a significant portion of time just doodling around in doom builder, and there is absolutely enough time to take it all in between the individual fights. And unlike Okuplok, the entire wad actually feels approachable by intermediate-level players. Don't worry, the entirety of the monsters won't come at you all at once, there's a total of like 60ish distinct and separate fights throughout the map. Just have a look at this: The entire map is like 33k map units squared, and provides a truly grand vista for some absolutely massive fights. Some arenas get used multiple times as you pass through the area and unlock new buttons to press, sometimes you get glimpses into areas you don't have access to yet, it is truly well done imho. Just looking at the picture utterly belies the absolute massive scale of the map. I have seen entire maps smaller than some of the monster closets present here, just thought I'd throw that out there. Just don't try to load this one up in GZDoom, it won't end up well for you. PrBoom+ port or similar required.5 points -
1k1k project (CLOSED)
SirPootis and 4 others reacted to Pure Hellspawn for a topic
So I've been on this forum for a while and the one thing I learned about doom wads are threads announcing upcoming projects asking for help without proof of concept are almost if not always doomed to failure. It's happened thousands of times during my times on these forums and is so common there's a phrase for the OP. Raith138, before you announce your new mega-cool-and-whatnot project, make sure you have something to show first (screenshots, map downloads, etc). Keep in mind we've already seen thousands of upcoming projects that actually never got done. Trust me, it still haunts me to this day seventeen years later.5 points -
This is Woof! 14.5.0 (Apr 30, 2024)
Valboom and 4 others reacted to ChopBlock223 for a topic
Glad I could draw attention to and get a problem fixed. Looking forward to further developments of Woof, like always.5 points -
Should be fixed in these artifacts: https://github.com/fabiangreffrath/woof/actions/runs/8245362214?pr=15845 points
I really like how Scythe 2's fifth episode did difficulty balancing: monster count/placement was kept virtually the same, but more resources were added for lower skill levels. I think that's a good way to silence the "UV iS tHe InTeNdEd ExPeRiEnCe" crowd.5 points
Supercharge [gameplay mod | v3.0b 07/16/23 multiplayer fix]
c0mbolynch and 4 others reacted to Big_Dorbo for a topic
Just wanted to piggyback off my post in the thread for Break//point// yesterday but this mod is incredible. The attention to detail on especially the gibbing is second to none. I think outside of Brutal Doom, which just changes the game a bit too much for my taste, this is some of the most beautiful I have ever seen Doom. I have tried ALOT of mods (Someday I may release a spreadsheet I have), but this one is the one I come back to the most besides Final Doomer. Insane work. Insane Detail. Great job.5 points -
Emulator future
inkoalawetrust and 4 others reacted to TheMagicMushroomMan for a topic
The developers are the ones who care about their games, not whatever company they work for. That's just business. Do you think the CEO of Clorox cares about how effective their bleach actually is at removing shit stains? Probably not, as long as the bleach is selling. And since it's their product, it's going to be sold their way. Corporations exist to profit, that's it. If you don't like it, don't deal with large corporations. They're large for a reason, and it's not because they went door to door sharing free hugs. I guarantee you if a PS5 emulator existed and worked as well as Yuzu, Sony would be on that shit like a starving fly.5 points -
re: DOOM 'tourism'. I'm not against it. I don't know whether simply wandering around a locale would hold my attention, but in a bigger picture I think a little of it serves purpose. There have been certain mapsets I've played (Eviternity 1/2, BtSX, some others) that have offered combatless reprieves in some beautiful locales where there's time to just take in the vistas and, importantly, have a breather after a session of hard 'n' heavy monster shooting. IMO they're amazing for rhythm and pacing, too -- the rest period they offer being the remedy to my easily burned-out attention span. There's absolutely nothing wrong with making an amazing-looking map/hub/section of a map with nothing to shoot. DOOM may have originally been conceived as a combat-focused game, but that's not all the game's mechanics and systems can offer.5 points
VIGOR.WAD (2022) https://dsdarchive.com/wads/vigor MAP10 UV-Max 21:33 https://youtu.be/mX5kj9YlvV vg10-2133.zip I noticed there were no single-map demos of this map on DSDA, so I decided to try and submit one even though it isn't particularly fast. I haven't submitted a demo before so let me know if there's anything I need to fix.5 points
Difficulty balancing: a conundrum
bsharp and 4 others reacted to ApprihensivSoul for a topic
The map has to tell a story, everything else is optional. Cheap, fair, stressful, claustrophobic, grindy, all are viable when you specifically want the player to have that specific experience, but it has to be knit into the journey you're making. I tend to start by mathematically calculating out the monster count and ensuring I have enough ammo to kill everything with any of the guns I want the player to main, but then I will remove it or add it piecemeal to ensure that the encounters feel the way I want them to.5 points -
5 points
https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Fake_contrast4 points
Crate Expectations - NOW on IDGAMES! Full megawad of wacky surprising challenges!
LoatharMDPhD and 3 others reacted to Frank Getränk for a topic
4 points -
Emulator future
Guff dotD and 3 others reacted to TheMagicMushroomMan for a topic
Can you give some examples of games you personally want to play but are now unable to due to this issue? I don't mean that in an argumentative way, I'm genuinely curious. As far as I can remember, all the games that I've played that are now impossible to play were either multiplayer games that shut down, shareware games that just got lost to time (WildTangent), or Fllash games. Besides the shareware games just being lost due to obscurity and lack of care, I simply accepted it because I knew it was a possibility for the multiplayer games, and I knew that Flash game websites weren't going to last forever, at least not all of them. It would help your case if you gave some examples of your own instead of saying "wait until you see an example for yourself".4 points -
bartekmil and 3 others reacted to Chernobog The Exalted for a topic
You know, I also thought about some kind of "Doom Tourism", too, make some absolutely beautiful maps and let the players marvel at the magnificence of the displayed talent and craftsmanship4 points -
dsda-doom v0.27.5 [2023-12-03]
SleepyVelvet and 3 others reacted to Shepardus for a topic
Unfortunately not. This is a weird thing about Windows - whether the cmd window appears is determined at compile time and cannot be set dynamically (say, through a config key). You could rebuild the program to not show the window, but then the ENDOOM feature wouldn't work. On other OSes this isn't an issue, there's no separate terminal window but the ENDOOM appears in the terminal if it's launched through one. The best I've been able to do on Windows is to start the cmd window minimized: start /min cmd.exe /c dsda-doom.exe %* Put that in a batch file and launch that instead of dsda-doom.exe. I haven't tested it in a while since I don't boot into Windows often, but I think that's the right script.4 points -
The Ultimate Doom poster -Restored- (Now also Doom 2!)
CacoKnight and 3 others reacted to Dagazur for a topic
4 points -
Emulator future
Pseudonaut and 3 others reacted to dasho for a topic
Damn now I only have half a century's worth of console and arcade gaming to emulate4 points -
Post your Desktop Background
LoatharMDPhD and 3 others reacted to ducon for a topic
4 points -
Are those Pizza Tower sprites? I hope he has a good time.4 points
A few people have suggested/asked about this and I can say this much: it sounds like a really cool idea!4 points
Hardfest 2 is now on idgames! https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/hardfest2 Sorry it took so long, but I think the new music was worth it! The soundtrack video is not quite done yet, but I will post about it when it is. Hardfest 3 is happening soon. Gimme a week or so to chill ok :P4 points
Share Your Sprites!
Solmyr and 3 others reacted to Sgt. Daniel mk. XII for a topic
4 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Desfar and 3 others reacted to netcurse2000 for a topic
4 points