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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/24 in all areas

  1. Download Doom 2 In City Only is a 36 map megawad in MBF21 format featuring nothing but city maps. Some of these maps are very large, so it is recommended you play with OpenGL. The set was primarily tested in dsda-doom. There are 6 secret maps (one per episode) with the secret exit being in the middle map of each episode. Jumping and freelook are not intended for this set and will break some maps. Mappers were given the following rules for this project: Each map should visually resemble a city and fit with the theme assigned to it's episode (except secret maps) Maps should have open & non-linear layouts Must feature optional areas that are not tied to progression that give the player optional rewards [Optional] Good city maps often contain doomcute so this is encouraged but it may not gel with some styles, so it is not mandatory. Map List Episode 1: Modern City 01 - Hellions on Parade by @myolden 02 - Simple Complex by @thiccyosh 03 - Waffle Town* by @Amiga Angel and @taviow 04 - CBM City by @CBM 05 - The Nuclear Power Plant by @Novaseer Episode 2: Future City 06 - Somewhere in time by @LateNightPerson 07 - Darkweb by @cannonball 08 - Crypto Crash* by @LVENdead 09 - A City Now by @realjohnmadden 10 - Upon the Brink of Trancendence by @muumi Episode 3: Egyptian City 11 - Sons of Belial by @myolden 12 - Princes of the Wadi by @Sikreci 13 - City of the Dying Sun* by @Death Bear 14 - Takemet Baphomet by @senpaigru 15 - Sunlit Promenade by @taviow Episode 4: Underground City 16 - Ex Nihilo by @myolden 17 - Colossal Wreck by @Weird Sandwich 18 - Reservoir of Muck* by @PRO-RC 19 - Silent Submergence by @JacaCaca 20 - A Wilted Clover's Lullaby by @eater29 Episode 5: Hell City 21 - Cruels End by @Shawny 22 - Lifeless Sanctum by @Snaxalotl 23 - Idumea* by @taviow 24 - Blur Affinity by @Scionox 25 - Eternal Dis by @cannonball Episode 6: Void City 26 - Welcome to Nothing by @NeilForshaw 27 - The Consumed Metropolis by @ABearInThaWoods 28 - Village and Void* by @NinjaDelphox 29 - Void Masquerading As Matter by @myolden 30 - Sin City by @NecrumWarrior Episode 7: Secret Maps 31 - Traces to Nowhere by @Captain Murphy 32 - Obama Hamburger 2 by @Ludi and @myolden 33 - Wanted in 12 Systems by @Death Bear 34 - Bricked Up by @BluePineapple72 35 - The Great Gib in the Sky by @Danlex 36 - Anti-Life by @muumi * = Map contains a secret exit. Screenshots Credits MIDIs Testers
    55 points
  2. Rushed to download this after I heard there were revenant traps.
    16 points
  3. Going down is never a mistake so long as permission is given first.
    13 points
  4. The problem is you have actually meant offense. You can't say this at the same time as explictly saying our work is a lazy cash grab just now in this thread, and previously with Rise of the Triad which you outright called a downgrade, got called out then for too and never came back to apologize. You cannot have it both ways. These words and actions are offensive. They mean offense. You cannot say they are not. You don't get it because you are rather missing the forest for the trees. You don't understand how well you yourself have it, you have knowledge of how to make dosbox work, you have knowledge of how to make arcane networking function through obscure tunneling behaviors. You have knowledge on how to make old PC games work under weird constrained resolutions. You have knowledge about obscure video card driver behaviors. Other people do not have this knowledge. They don't have the resources to learn this. They may not even have the time to do it. Or certain aspects of the game maybe be lost to a potential wider audience. Our remasters especially for those people, Dark Forces was a time for us to dig through Lucas Arts old archives and present previously unseen content, fix and expand the game up from its DOS limits, make the cutscenes have more than 12 pixels. Rise of the Triad was much the same, as well as giving people a way to play multiplayer without having to learn what the fuck an IPX is. It's good that you can learn this stuff and have patience to do all this yourself, but you are unique. Very unique. You should appreciate this in yourself, rather than giving everyone else a bad time for it. Also just in general, these games we do are now in 64bit, which is a massive benefit to any modder as that means you have far more than 2GB RAM to play around with.
    12 points
  5. grungo think you weak willed, perhaps have better skill maps are good, you missing out
    12 points
  6. Hey everyone, glad to see you folks are enjoying the WAD so far. We've got a hefty update here for RC2 based on all of your feedback (and then some): Updates and fixes to a bunch of maps Fixed the intermission text not appearing after map 05 Updated CWILV patch for map 3 Removed map 19. To keep it simple the author wasn't happy with how the map turned out and requested we remove it, so I temporarily replaced it with an empty room and an exit switch. We have a new mapper that is currently working on a replacement for this slot that will hopefully be ready for you all soon. I apologize for the inconvenience.
    11 points
  7. Episode 1 UV-Max in 16:17 Ep1m-1617.zip
    11 points
  8. Just for you, RC2 will have 200 extra revenants in MAP05. Enjoy! :)
    11 points
  9. And you hope to achieve what exactly by going into the threads of people who worked hard just to insult their work like that simply because it doesn't conform to your view of what a Doom map should be? Do you hope to change the mapping tropes of a website's subset by always complaining about rev closets and TPing AVs in the threads of newly released projects? I dislike maps with a ton of secrets yet you don't see me running around to scream at every mapper who's more into the adventure mapping style that they should stop hiding so many items from the player. Thread derailing aside, congrats everyone for the release. The bit that I've played of this wad was rather wonderful, I'll gladly recommend it to people.
    9 points
  10. grungo wrote review for first 4 maps grungo played grungo might make more here is my criticism Map01 Hellions: Grungo think not bad start, but not entirely BIG fan, asethetic wise, it felt too mixed with color but the detailing is nice and me like it, as for combat it hard with many voodoo skeletals, zombies and devils. Weapons were balanced although grungo's tick is giving top notch weaponry very early on in wad, but then again, wad was designed as hard most likely so grungo give it pass Grungo rate Map01 7/10, decent job, not bad but not exactly grungo cup tea. (P.S. Me like doomcute forklift, very nice) Map02: Simple complex: Oh boy! this one is a goodie also a hardie! Grungo got mezzed at the doomcute and geometry, especially at the start where it is blink or miss it deal. combat was very hard and grungo pissed off at slime trap with enemies and archie, grungo didn't get health in pit and grungo curses mapper's crops to wither! but seriously it is good challenge but me hated roof top battle, it too hard and me feel like bfg should've been obtain earlier 8/10. Map03: Waffle City: ... so... so many devils, grungo fought entire hell army! jeeee-SUS! man that was a ride!. took groungo 40 minutes to complete, dunno where begin Grungo basically saw lots and lots of doomcute, very cheeky, but map was difficult but fair. Grungo has tip though, if you are not wimp, collect the three extra keys, it take you to secret level. despite being clusterfuck of madness, grungo think this is a very balanced slaughtermap 11/10, the wad subverted my expectations as soon as I wandered offe starting level, I also think the tanks littered about was interesting. Map31: Traces to Nowhere: this is the first secret level grungo found, it seems to be a nod/reimagining of Suburbs from Doom 2 very similar but different, it doesn't have the baseball field or the imfamous gore building but it's a nice map overall a nice break from the carnage of the last map. but don't let fool you! map still challenging, even at less than 100 spirits! Grungo give map erm... 9/10, lighting could be a little bit brighter
    9 points
  11. Nikke elegg "bfg" machinegun (lol) Idle
    9 points
  12. One day soon one of my big map for Eternity Engine 4.03 (DOOM PSX: Damnation of Eternity) will be released as part of a big project, so stand by)
    8 points
  13. D64 Shovel?????? credits: Valve, CadeOpreto, Brazil Studio, Midway
    8 points
  14. This is a damn good wad im loving it so far.
    8 points
  15. 8 points
  16. screenshots from some "sci fi" maps I have been working on
    8 points
  17. Xaser

    Sewer Levels

    I'm boring and voted "ambivalent" because IMO there's nothing wrong with sewers as a concept -- it's a matter of execution, like everything else -- though it's certainly valid that following the theme exactly without doing any out of the box thinking will result in a pretty boring maze, which is why there's so many bad ones out there. ;) The other thread (and this one too) have some great examples of well-executed sewer levels, but I also wanna give a shout to The Cistern from the first Tomb Raider: Interesting design, revolving around a central chamber that's tricky to navigate with the water lowered, and the obligatory water-raising puzzle isn't brain-bustingly difficult. Good stuff. That said, the map immediately following this one ("Tomb of Tihocan") continues the sewer theme but falls square in the "boring maze" category for its first half, so the game's got a duo of "good example, bad example" in a row. :P -- For Tomb Raider Anniversary they ended up cutting out the crappy part and merged the two levels into one, which was the right call for sure.
    7 points
  18. Spinning hologram based on the one from Real667 (That doesn't spin) I think there's a few things I can do to improve my technique. I also forgot I could double-bill spiretes for reverse.
    7 points
  19. The rereleases of Dark Forces, RoTT, Powerslave and Blood have all been godsends that made made brilliant, overlooked shooters actually accessible and playable by any reasonable standards. I'm sorry that not everyone makes maining DosBox a point of personal integrity, but in an industry that actively disdains its own history and actually embraces digital disposability, remasters are an essential form of preservation that helps the work of previous generations live on and not fade into oblivion as many Amiga and Commodore-era games are currently doing. Is there an exploitative commercial aspect to the wider industry's fixation on remakes and rereleases? Absolutely. What we are seeing is the hangover of an economic system that no longer gives artists the stability or financial latitude to develop any craft, self-discovery or new idea. It is considered more profitable to live in a Ready Player One world of, "hey, remember Frank Frazetta?" Than to facilitate a world capable of ever incubating or supporting another Frank Frazetta. But save your ire for the totally unnecessary "remaster of already-easy-to-play AAA game from 5 years ago" (BioShock), not small-scale, preservation-focused passion projects like Nightdive.
    7 points
  20. Hideous, so good this looks. Preposterous, so amazing its theme is. Ridiculous, so many levels this wad has. What a great release.
    7 points
  21. Hoooooooly shit, played the first 2 maps in a row and thought (well it's E1, I mean yeah they're city maps so they'll be longer than average, but nothing I can't plow through in 1 sitting) then I got to MAP03 and saw the monstercount. Oh boy, I'm in for one hell of a time aren't I? I have LOVE LOVE LOVED what I've played so far, I didn't know this was that far along in development for RC1 state so this was a nice surprise to wake up to. Happy paddy's day to everyone on DW (just random) because I am going to drink like an Irishman tonight and then once the hangover subsides I'll get around to playing more of this. Sooo yeah I mean what else can I say? Absolutely amazing stuff. Y'all outdone yourselves, I KNEW a Myolden community project would be fire!
    7 points
  22. it was fun making a map for this and I am hoping to see some gameplay videos of the maps at some point. So many amazing maps in this.
    7 points
  23. It was great fun making a couple of maps for this, and a good exercise for making a map style that I am not usually comfortable in making. Congratulations to all and there are some really awesome maps in there.
    7 points
  24. Sucks that Map 19 had to be canned, hope whoever is making this new map 19 best of luck.
    6 points
  25. grungo think your opinion is buttmud
    6 points
  26. I liked the first secret map. On first map of E2 now. Just some general thoughts -lots of Doomcute, did Myolden sit y'all down in a call and mandate it? I'm not complaining, it's just so prevalent. -Average map length is about 12-15 minutes so far, with secret map and episode closer being the exceptions. I hope this continues to be the case and by E4 I'm not playing Sunder-esque length epics. Anything over 15 minutes is like "okay, time to get serious" and sometimes monstercount can be deceiving (as was the case in 03 with it's imp populace) but I get it, city maps - like I said, as long as it doesn't start to really drag and the theme keeps getting refreshed. -On MAP05, I couldn't figure out how to get out of the exit arena - I still had the RK to get and ended the map with 85K because I couldn't figure it out. I can teleport from the final room back to the exit arena, but the fence floors are raised up. Yeah, I was definitely suffering from a bit of fatigue of the same colors and cramped Doomcute buildings by the end of E1 but that's why there's episodes and themes to this thing. On the whole I really like it, I can just tell it's something that needs its time taken with playing.
    6 points
  27. Congratulations on the release :D
    6 points
  28. Congrats for the release, i'm very curious on the results with this theme!
    6 points
  29. Happy to have worked on this! City levels are fun, I think.
    6 points
  30. May I ask why you're being openly rude about us on this website?
    6 points
  31. Damn bro this wad got me bricked up
    6 points
  32. This is a small map i made during the last two days to celebrate my one-year anniversary as a mapper. Technically, i started at the beginning of 2023, but my first real "release" was in March of that year. The map is partially designed after a place where i worked 11 years ago. Hope you enjoy. Format: Doom/Doom 2 IWAD: Doom 2 Gameplay: Single Player Tested in: DSDA-Doom Difficulty Levels: Yes Textures: CC4 Texture Pack Crouch and Jump: Disabled LINK: https://www.mediafire.com/file/80erkn0lnovt6vj/CorporateDivision.zip/file
    5 points
  33. I've updated NJHeretex to v1.1. Link Changes since the last version: Added brown water (as distinct from brown sludge) Updated the coloring of a few of the FBGRSS* midtextures to better match with the corresponding MUD1WGR* textures Added vertical rotations of the TSSL* series (straight single-color only, for both 32-wide and 64-wide bars) Added cleanups/edits/colors of several more stone/brick sets from Stalungcraeft. The most important ones here are ARC1A*/ARC1B*, which are probably the best general stone arch textures available for Heretic, and BRICD*, which is a really good chonky brick texture that forms regular layers in multiples of 8 units. I also included BRIC4* and BRICY* while I was at it, because they're pretty good brick walls. Added edits/colors of W_902/903 from Hexen Took all the tan/jade W_041/042 textures from Hexen, and the variations from 129th_Visplane, Ichor, and Baker's Legacy, and merged them into a single set with additional color schemes in brown, emerald, ice-blue, red, black, black/red, and black/emerald. Took all the ornate bronze/steel doors from Hexen, and the wide versions by Zrrion, and merged them all into a single set in whatever colors looked good (bronze, gray, brown, jade, emerald, ice-blue, red, and bright gold). I also created a larger version of the small demon head emblem (sample shown below). Took various big stone block textures from Hexen 2, their variants from Avactor and Ancient Aliens, and a similar set of Egyptian blocks from Ancient Aliens, and merged them into a single set in various colors. Updated the short credits to include some new sources and a couple I missed in the original. Please use the new short credits if you're going to use the texture library! Long credits updated with all new additions as well. Added changelog to main folder.
    5 points
  34. Found a HOM right at the beginning of MAP03 in this alleyway.
    5 points
  35. I thought I recorded an FDA for Map01 but I completely forgot to add `-record $demo` to my script. I had a fun time, and it's a good introduction to the wad! I like the spectacle of Map02 a lot, even if, watching the demo, you can probably hear me asking where the fuck the ammo and armor are. I hit my unofficial half-hour time limit for FDAs, or else I definitely would have gotten the clear. The fight for the blue key reminds me a lot of Going Down Map01. Looking forward to Map03 and its monster count, judging by @bioshockfan90's post. Nice work, folks! FDA for Map02, recorded in DSDA-Doom using an extended HUD: d2ico02fda-mralexander.zip
    5 points
  36. 5 points
  37. Map04 Name : The Golden way Music : Fortress 2 Blue - Stage00011.mid [Welcome To Skull`s Hell] Par Time : 13:00 (UV-max) Link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zmeeNYSO85kX4j1DPRx_dVZAUmmgFMOc/view?usp=sharing Comment : I would really like to have feedback about this one, I'm afraid to pushing things to far for a map04 Screenshots :
    5 points
  38. Sumptuous urbanism! I'll probably wait for another RC but this looks fantastic!
    5 points
  39. There's nothing wrong with being respectful towards other members here. That should not be exclusive to owners.
    5 points
  40. I love city maps, so this is right up my alley! Congrats on the release!
    5 points
  41. grungo think wad is nice, gonna check out
    5 points
  42. Just wanted to quickly post a link to the release thread here for anyone following this thread:
    5 points
  43. Almost finished with Map 17 titled "Spectropolis" - just additional playtesting, some minor detailing, and clean up remains. On track to meet the deadline. Here's the super colorful "cyberspace" fight arena:
    5 points
  44. It’s always said that a lot of Doom’s endurance as a modding/mapping medium comes from a mix of how easy it is and the early release of the source, and while I think it is mostly those things I also wonder now how much it also benefits from the bareness of the concept and story. Dark Forces could have generated a strong modding scene too, I’m sure, but the fact that everything in it is so identifiably Star Wars, even with how insanely popular that is, may actually constrain it a bit. Doom is a canvas you can put pretty much anything on without having to add a bunch of custom assets, so you can put them in space, in a city, in the jungle, the future, the beach, ancient Egypt, etc and it just sort of works. While you can obviously do whatever you want with Star Wars assets too (I used to play Galactic Battlegrounds a lot and liked creating scenarios with herds of feral Darth Mauls wandering around in the woods), enemies like stormtroopers and Jabba’s guards and stuff have associations attached to them that the Doom monsters don’t. Likewise with Duke I suppose where so many of the assets are designed to look like specific real-world things and so end up less flexible in their usage (plus Duke is much more of a character then Doomguy is).
    5 points
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