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Episode 1 UV-Max in 16:17 Ep1m-1617.zip18 points
Nugget Doom 3.1.0 (updated May 16th, '24)
Lila Feuer and 16 others reacted to Alaux for a topic
Nugget Doom 3.0.0 has been released! That's right, another major version change! If I sticked to the versioning rules that I had put in place long ago, this release would've been labeled 2.4.0, which certainly doesn't do it justice. In the end, I decided to change the rules and make a proper version jump. Anyways, onto the important stuff... Changes from all Woof! releases up to 14.3.0 have been merged. That means arbitrary/dynamic resolution, voxels support, general controls overhaul, reworked menus, PWAD-separated savegames, and an alternative non-blinding Invulnerability effect, among many other improvements. As for the Nugget-specific changes, here are the highlights: Rewinding a la DSDA. Alternative night-vision effect for the Light Amp. Visor. Alternative Intermission Background, replacing the static intermission graphic with a spinning camera. Automap key-finder cheat. Reworked and improved Things Over/Under Things feature. Removed Herobrine. DIRECT DOWNLOADS: Windows 32-bit Standalone Windows 64-bit Standalone Linux AppImage See the GitHub release for all details. Have fun!17 points -
Going Down was a mistake for me
Dark Pulse and 13 others reacted to Murdoch for a topic
Going down is never a mistake so long as permission is given first.14 points -
Download Doom 2 In City Only is a 36 map megawad in MBF21 format featuring nothing but city maps. Some of these maps are very large, so it is recommended you play with OpenGL. The set was primarily tested in dsda-doom. There are 6 secret maps (one per episode) with the secret exit being in the middle map of each episode. Jumping and freelook are not intended for this set and will break some maps. Mappers were given the following rules for this project: Each map should visually resemble a city and fit with the theme assigned to it's episode (except secret maps) Maps should have open & non-linear layouts Must feature optional areas that are not tied to progression that give the player optional rewards [Optional] Good city maps often contain doomcute so this is encouraged but it may not gel with some styles, so it is not mandatory. Map List Episode 1: Modern City 01 - Hellions on Parade by @myolden 02 - Simple Complex by @thiccyosh 03 - Waffle Town* by @Amiga Angel and @taviow 04 - CBM City by @CBM 05 - The Nuclear Power Plant by @Novaseer Episode 2: Future City 06 - Somewhere in time by @LateNightPerson 07 - Darkweb by @cannonball 08 - Crypto Crash* by @LVENdead 09 - A City Now by @realjohnmadden 10 - Upon the Brink of Trancendence by @muumi Episode 3: Egyptian City 11 - Sons of Belial by @myolden 12 - Princes of the Wadi by @Sikreci 13 - City of the Dying Sun* by @Death Bear 14 - Takemet Baphomet by @senpaigru 15 - Sunlit Promenade by @taviow Episode 4: Underground City 16 - Ex Nihilo by @myolden 17 - Colossal Wreck by @Weird Sandwich 18 - Reservoir of Muck* by @PRO-RC 19 - Silent Submergence by @JacaCaca 20 - A Wilted Clover's Lullaby by @eater29 Episode 5: Hell City 21 - Cruels End by @Shawny 22 - Lifeless Sanctum by @Snaxalotl 23 - Idumea* by @taviow 24 - Blur Affinity by @Scionox 25 - Eternal Dis by @cannonball Episode 6: Void City 26 - Welcome to Nothing by @NeilForshaw 27 - The Consumed Metropolis by @ABearInThaWoods 28 - Village and Void* by @NinjaDelphox 29 - Void Masquerading As Matter by @myolden 30 - Sin City by @NecrumWarrior Episode 7: Secret Maps 31 - Traces to Nowhere by @Captain Murphy 32 - Obama Hamburger 2 by @Ludi and @myolden 33 - Wanted in 12 Systems by @Death Bear 34 - Bricked Up by @BluePineapple72 35 - The Great Gib in the Sky by @Danlex 36 - Anti-Life by @muumi * = Map contains a secret exit. Screenshots Credits MIDIs Testers12 points
Here is another community project with a silly premise for mapping constraints. It's titled "Alphabet Doom", a 32-level megawad for vanilla (limit-removing) Doom 2 where each level must fit within the outline of a letter! Download now from idgames! https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/alphabetdoom For example, Map1 which is the letter A: * Map List & Credits * MAP01: "Arachnophobia" by @aRottenKomquat. MIDI by @Proxy-MIDI MAP02: "Baby Beelzebub's Bastion" by @Death Bear. MIDI by @Proxy-MIDI. MAP03: "Cuckoo for Cacodemons" by @aRottenKomquat. MIDI by @Proxy-MIDI MAP04: "Destined to Die in the Distilling Plant of Doom" by @spineapple tea. MIDI is MAP02 from Sunlust. MAP05: "Emergency Explosive Entitlement" by @Andrea Rovenski MAP06: "Fear Factory" by @RED77. MIDI by @Proxy-MIDI MAP07: "Bowl of Dead Simple Gruel" by @Biz!. MIDI is "Nocturne Op. 9, No 2" by Frederic Chopin. MAP08: "Half & Half" by @ChippiHeppu. MIDI is Guardhouse by @Jimmy. MAP09: "Ignited Irony" by @Engired. MAP10: "Juxtaposition" by @D0M0 MAP11: "'Kay, Then" by @BedrockCastle. MIDI is "John the Fisherman" by Primus. MAP12: "Lowly Limbo" by @Vladguy. MAP13: "Military Complex" by @RileyXY1. MAP14: "Nothing Special" by @Norb. MIDI is "Easel" by @Jimmy. MAP15: "Out of Order" by @EagerBeaver. MIDI is "Crypteque" from Crypt of the Necrodancer, rendition by JereTheJuggler. MAP16: "Powering Up" by @Bochnik Chleba. MIDI is "Say Your Prayers" by Robert Prince, from Duke Nukem 3D. MAP17: "Qaverns and Qorridors" by @Lorcav. MIDI by @Proxy-MIDI. MAP18: "Rocket Frenzy" by @RastaManGames. MIDI is "Bullet With Butterfly Wings" by Smashing Pumpkins, covered by @Doomkid. MAP19: "Silent Castle" by @RileyXY1 MAP20: "Trickier and Trapier" by @Ar_e_en. MIDI is "Gary" by @Jimmy. MAP21: "U-Turn the Tables" by @quakis. MAP22: "Violent Varicocelectomy" - LadyNims MAP23: "Wit's Wicked Doom" by @bunnytummy. MAP24: "eXterminator" by @Eon Toad. MAP25: "Yesteryear" by @DoctorNuriel. MAP26: "Zerburk" by @Andrea Rovenski. MAP27: "El Ñoño Va y Viene" by @Cacodemon187. MAP28: "The European Onion" by @Origamyde. MAP29: "Ideas from the Deep" by @aRottenKomquat. MAP30: "Malapetaka" by @lokbustam257. MIDI is "Doom 2 Mashup" by @stewboy MAP31: "Ohm a God" by @Emperor S P O O N MAP32: "How Did You Get Here?" by @PRO-RC. MIDI is "Peace of Mind" from Resident Evil, sequenced by James Flynn. Development Thread:12 points
Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]
NeilForshaw and 11 others reacted to MtPain27 for a topic
Playing with a slightly old version of DSDA Doom and there was some weirdness with the status bar stats: it would refresh and correct itself when I would pull up the menu, but every time I would change weapon or take damage, it left weird partial numbers behind. No clue what would cause this. Can't wait to play this, it's a novel idea for a community project. I expect it to be quite time-intensive!12 points -
DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bH80A81mWt5OdQ9MY5QTYTAqzdI87h-z/view?usp=sharing IWAD: Doom II Port: MBF21-compatible Difficulty Settings: In Development Co-Op: Not Yet Tested with: DSDA-Doom (RECOMMENDED, USE OPENGL), GZDoom Devilbuster Dreams is an in-progress 32 map one-man megawad. My main goal with this set was make a personal twist my favorite WADs, Alien Vendetta, Scythe, and Sunder, as well as gothic themed maps as a whole. Maps are typically short, hectic, and most importantly, HARD (at least to me). Textures used are primarily from Ukiro's OTEX and the Gothic texture set. DeHacked Changes include: Afrit and Evil Marines from Scythe II, with tweaks from A2Rob's Machete Imp Projectile speed doubled Pinkie/Spectre run speed doubled The WAD also contains some bespoke MIDI tracks by ZoloZuehlZowie (1 at the moment). You can find them on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/zolozeuhlzowie Currently, MAP01-05 and 11 are complete. You can play MAP06, 13, and 32, however they're incomplete and some don't have exits. Updates and new maps will be sure to follow in the coming months. Playtesters and feedback are always wanted! MAPS SOUNDTRACK CREDITS RELEASE HISTORY AND CHANGELOG SCREENSHOTS!!!11 points
11 points
10 points
Going Down was a mistake for me
Guff dotD and 8 others reacted to TheMagicMushroomMan for a topic
I was considering going down, but when I got to the part with the pinky I had to stop. It had teeth, and there was blood all over the floor. With the help of steroids, I destroyed it with my fist and discovered it was too late to make a joke about it on a Doomworld thread. The wad is big, and the textures are divine, but it left a bad taste in my mouth.9 points -
Demos for miscellaneous Ribbiks maps
siege cunt and 7 others reacted to Ribbiks for a topic
Wow. I was playing this one on and off for a bit and getting 4:2x exits, assuming I'd eventually get something faster than 4:18. But I'm clearly out of my depth here. A bit sad to read about recording demos 'ruining' a map for someone, even though this seems to be a fairly common experience and also is 100% self-inflicted, lol. Reading that sorta thing a few years back might've prompted thoughts of fiddling with difficulties, putting the setting I anticipate would be the most fun to play quickly into uv where people would actually play it. But at this point I'd rather keep it standard, and for all I know the max-route of that map still is still annoying even if you've got a few more rockets to work with ;D.8 points -
I still think "A Tale of Doom Cities" would have been a better title. Congrats on the release, was fun to see you work on this a little bit.8 points
Well, it took 7-years, but I finally finished my wad. Evil Returns is a 32-map megawad. There are various styles of maps including various themes. I tried to do a little bit of everything as everyone has their own preference of mapping styles. I have simple, easy maps, small, medium & large maps, puzzle maps, a couple joke maps, slaughter style, high-contrast, hell-themed, tech base, and even a hotel-themed map. There is a plot to this wad, nothing special, just a little bit of context to what's going on. There's also a story to go along with the gameplay but only for the DSDA & GZDoom files. Very generic, but I wanted to duplicate the original Doom 2 as much as possible. Currently, I'm done with the wad. I have no plans to do anything else to it regarding mapping, however, if a major mistake/error is found by someone, even though there shouldn't be any, I will fix the mistake/error, then add new download links. But as of now, what you see, is what you get. Please keep in mind, this wad may be difficult for some. It starts out fairly easy, but gradually becomes more difficult in the later maps. I would only recommend more advanced players for Evil Returns. Thank you to all the testers who helped me during the years it took to design this wad. I greatly appreciate it. Additional info: Multiplayer friendly Plot can be found in the "READ ME' file if you're interested Pistol start can be done, but originally designed for continous gameplay Midi's are not custom. If you are the creator of one of the midi's I used and want credit, let me know GZDoom file has also been uploaded to 'allfearthesentinel' & a ZDoom file has been uploaded to 'doomshack' for Zdaemon & Zandronum hosting For map 22, be thorough when searching through the rooms. There are a couple of keys that are a little bit hidden, specifically the red & blue keys. All other info, which includes credits for the testers & a fun little challenge, can be found in the 'READ ME' text document Screenshots: Download Links: DSDA-Doom: GZDoom: ZDoom:7 points
[idgames!] Hardfest 2 - Boom Community Project with 40 challenging levels
Dusty_Rhodes and 6 others reacted to JackDBS for a topic
Hardfest 2 is so good your PC is trying to gatekeep it7 points -
Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]
JaySmithen and 6 others reacted to Aeddes666 for a topic
Gratz!7 points -
7 points
Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]
ctwoafiveb and 6 others reacted to myolden for a topic
Hey everyone, glad to see you folks are enjoying the WAD so far. We've got a hefty update here for RC2 based on all of your feedback (and then some): Updates and fixes to a bunch of maps Fixed the intermission text not appearing after map 05 Updated CWILV patch for map 3 Removed map 19. To keep it simple the author wasn't happy with how the map turned out and requested we remove it, so I temporarily replaced it with an empty room and an exit switch. We have a new mapper that is currently working on a replacement for this slot that will hopefully be ready for you all soon. I apologize for the inconvenience.7 points -
[idgames!] Hardfest 2 - Boom Community Project with 40 challenging levels
Andromeda and 5 others reacted to General Roasterock for a topic
Going across multiple months of managing a community project backed by a Cacoward only to then load the idgames release with a RAT is artistry that I would commend Finnks for if he managed to make it happen. It absolutely didn't happen and lecturing people about whatever your AV is giving doesn't prove anything, but if it did I would be incredibly impressed.6 points -
Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]
Xeogred and 5 others reacted to JaySmithen for a topic
Last night my Grimhammer and I ran around a corner in MAP02. I hnnnged so hard at the architecture/textures I just had to take a screenshot. 😃 💖 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D0XnDipoqZDEtrMIvfIDO_5fuSRLoxs3/view?usp=drive_link Fantastic project! Cheers!😀🍻6 points -
Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]
Grungo and 5 others reacted to RaRu Des2122 for a topic
6 points -
One day soon one of my big map for Eternity Engine 4.03 (DOOM PSX: Damnation of Eternity) will be released as part of a big project, so stand by)6 points
Doom 7 (Corridor 7 inspired map) (UDMF)
DrPyspy and 4 others reacted to tornado potato for a topic
This is sort of a Corridor 7 tribute wad. It doesn't aim to be a total conversion, in fact the only resources from Corridor 7 I'm using is the music and a couple sound effects. I wanted to kind of capture the vibes from Corridor 7, I don't know if at the end I succeeded in that, but still I think it ended up being a little nice map on its own. My plan is to hopefully make this a minwad with at least 3 or 4 more maps that culminate on the player finding the interdimensionl portal and a final fight in hell. Requires OTEX textures!! Features Corridor 7 mechanics such as ammo dispensers, health chambers, medikits in walls. No proximity mines :(. Instead the rocket launcher is a starting weapon along with the pistol. Format: UDMF (tested in LZDoom 3.87, Gzdoom 4.8.2) IWAD: Doom2 Map(s): MAP01 Music: from Corridor 7 Difficulty Settings: Yes Multiplayer Placement: No Textures: Vanilla and OTEX Requirements: OTEX. Mouselook recommended. Dynamic Lights recommended. Not designed for jumping and crouching Credits I took C7 resources from @Vermil's TC wad, which contains MIDI tracks and sound effects converted by Adam Biser and Alextheuse respectively. The ugly title screen collage was done by me Download (pk3 inside zip) doom7.zip doom7v1_1.zip (drag and drop doom7.pk3 and otex_1.1.wad on the gzdoom.exe) Changelog: Screenshots5 points -
Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]
PRO-RC and 4 others reacted to bioshockfan90 for a topic
Back for more. M33: No complaints here, just would like it if the switch animations worked and the RK switch was more easily conveyed. No problems here otherwise. M14: Classical feeling coming from this, almost TNT-y in nature. No complaints, a bit on the simpler side but a nice breather before the finale of E3. M15: I find it incredible that the mapper for this designed the Cyber turret in such a way that no matter where you are, he has line of sight on you. It made me curse, but it's a great closer and a series of miniature brutal setpieces. M16: I like this a lot, I haven't brought it up yet but the animated skies and the MIDIs have been great. My only complaint for lower difficulties would be more plasma ammo in the final arena with the teleporters, I had to rewind abuse to make it past the last barrage of Archies with only 1 BFG shot left. M17: Another legendary map in this set, this encapsulates what I love about this project is that you can make it feel like Doomguy's a foreigner and just stumbling upon these remnants of civilization overrun by the undead and evil. Truly a ziggurat feeling out of this map, there's so much you can do here and it's incredible how frenetic the gameplay conveys this sense of hopelessly running around turf that's not your own at first as you slowly gather weapons, make yourself familiar with the territory, and slowly feel confident enough to overturn the hierarchy. I have some balancing issues on HNTR though. I could go with maybe some more armor, tiny bit more shells (or shell boxes) and maybe a bit more plasma in the red key arena, but otherwise it's appropriately hard. M18: Simplest map of the set so far, feels like a speedmap. But in a good way y'know like I need a break map every episode and this was just fun bullshitting around in, would be great for speedrunning and not too hard to max. Secret exit is fine to obtain, it's very simple and fits the map well. More next time.5 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
BMWAG65321 and 4 others reacted to Meerschweinmann for a topic
5 points -
Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]
BluePineapple72 and 4 others reacted to Death Bear for a topic
Thanks for the feedback! Probably the grandest thing I’ve made thus far. I’ll be sure to telegraph the intent of the secret exit a little more clearly in my next update.5 points -
Ok big episode this time! Hey @Obsidian look what we drew! Maps by @Gifty @theMionicDonut er @tmd something - you know what help me tag these ppl. Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 9 by Obsidian Gifty TheMionicDonut Darsycho Ribbiks Tuxlar 4ShockBlast https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/abysped9 Guests @sandwedge @Doomkid @thelamp @Snaxalotl This was actually a nice set! Especially for the speed of build and best thing I grabbed from IDGAMES in a bit Map 1 Herrrrre's Archie! by Obsidian - short map with the fight the archie gimmick - at least nice and short silly map haha - not much to say really - eternal doom music Map 02 4ShockBlast's Fortress by 4ShockBlast - nice little castle like map - fights were decent - no complaints here Map 03 OK by Gifty - nice short fun engaging map with scary cyber - good stuff Map 04 Aych Two Oh by Tuxlar - this is where the other shoe drops HARD for me, I hated this map -- SOOO much. Never liked forced slowing friction scenarios and everything here feels like an unfair road blocky mess - totally ruined the fun for me tbh so I had to cheat - at least cool flying spider moment happened that was fun - gunna make a short out of that. I even tried ITYTD but no - this is just a mean ass map bro - also I forgot and left ITYTD on haha - truly - this should have been put at the end Map 05 Eerie Canals 2: The Search for Bette Midler by TheMionicDonut @TMD I hope this is you. I LOVED this map - truly - loved it! High paced frantic action, gets ya moving and engaged and what a thrill - really - my favourite one Kudos buddy Map 06 Professor Doctor's Evil Spaceship by Darsycho - I enjoy the design, the silvery goodness and look - you can tell some copy and paste happened. Other than the obscene over the top spectare punch opening (grueling gruel) the rest of the map was fine - good times Map 07 Caco on the Cliff by the Sea by Ribbiks - Not sure if I ever played a ribbiks map before, nice introduction - a pretty wild little scenario with cliff edge carefulness - it was good Map 08 Tricks and Traps by Sandy Peterson - please work on your allignments better - some of those doors are WHACK bro Ok im not the best at reviews but I hope my gameplay experience and chats with buddies / footage will be worth while Really glad I found this - great session - fun times Thats it for now will be back again someday5 points
Demos for miscellaneous Ribbiks maps
siege cunt and 4 others reacted to D0M0 for a topic
Crumpets 2 Map05 (UV-Max in 3:48.57) cr205-348.zip YT Link: https://youtu.be/xc2LNrSx7Qk5 points -
[DONE] DOOMIUM II: A Community Project focusing on Short and Frantic Maps (BOOM+UMAPINFO)
PasokonDeacon and 4 others reacted to Steve D for a topic
My apologies for taking so long to say something. Lots of annoying IRL stuff has kept me away from the board . . . but not from my map! ;D That said, I won't have anything truly "finished" later today. Indeed, I'm grafting the end of another map onto what I already have just to have a big arena fight in time for the deadline. I went heavily for the mountain theme, so almost the entire map takes place outside. Here's a couple shots; In future updates, I hope to terrace the walls and add a lot more trees, but for today I need to re-texture the arena and try to balance the fights.5 points -
Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]
Peccatum Mihzamiz and 4 others reacted to liPillON for a topic
this pwad includes a widescreen-capable stbar lump, which the Fullscreen Statusbar mod does not support (both in split and unsplit modes) Load this additional pwad (it contains a cropped STBAR lump) after the mapset and before the hud mod D2ICO_STBAR_320px.zip5 points -
Going Down was a mistake for me
onetruepurple and 4 others reacted to Mr. Freeze for a topic
-me when my ex didn't wash5 points -
Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]
Lizardcommando and 4 others reacted to DeafPixel for a topic
Hey, congratulations on the release! Played through episode 1 on UV (on RC1) and have some criticisms. Some of this could be due to fatigue from playing it in one sitting, but I still think its worth it to air my concerns. It seems most visual bugs I encountered have already been mentioned by others, so ill focus on things that frustrated me gameplay-wise (I don't have any complaints with the visuals anyway) 1-I consistently missed the SSG on every map I played. In every case, they weren't particularly hidden, but the mere fact they were missable and not extremely obvious gave me a lot of easily avoidable trouble. Map02 had the SSG visible and in a central location from the start, and i think the other maps should have done this as well. (For Map01, you could either just force me to lower the platform with the SSG on it or make the SSG visible before you lower it.) I think this would be extremely easy to fix, and would improve the map experience a lot 2-Every map was non-linear to a fault. I don't know if this was an intentional design goal, but regardless, I would have appreciated more variety in objectives. So far, every single map has had the exact same structure: Wander around for keys so you can unlock the exit door which requires all 3/6 keys. Map03 and Map05 change this slightly by allowing you to skip some keys, but not enough to feel unique. I think that adding more colored doors and signposting for what direction to go in would help alleviate the monotony and give a better sense of flow. This is definitely harder than my first critique, but I think it would go a long way. 3-Related to my previous two points, i often ended up with lots of ammo for weapons I didn't have yet. I think that addressing point 2 would go a long way to solve this issue, as I also found it common to miss weapons such as the plasma gun or rocket launcher, even when there were multiple in a level. This is more personal, but im still mentioning it. 4-This is a minor nitpick, but I found the turret enemies (mainly on map05) extremely obnoxious. The revs and chaingunners don't provide much threat, but they have insane coverage and sightlines that mean they can easily chip away at your health. It feels like a chore to clean them up. Also, the chaingunners here are particularly obnoxious. It is extremely hard to see them, and extremely easy for them to get cheap hits on you.5 points -
5 points
Pirate Doom II (finished!)
ZigfriedYoshimitsu and 3 others reacted to Darch for a topic
Ahoy, mateys! Ten years have passed, beards and mustaches have grown, and here is Pirate Doom II! DOWNLOAD It is a 32-map MBF megawad of tiny to medium-sized maps, with some occasional big maps. It starts fairly easy even on UV difficulty, but the last maps can be challenging. This time, everything works basically just like standard Doom, with minor changes to some weapons and monsters. I did not reskin all monsters again, but I kept adding hats and parrots where I could. Some monsters look the same as in Pirate Doom 1. Designed to be played without jumping or crouching. Doing so will break the maps. Mouselook is optional. Balanced for continuous and pistol start. Any port that supports MBF (complevel 11, not MBF21) should work, but these are the ones tested so far: PrBoom 2.6 (software mode) Dsda Doom GZDoom 4.11 ZDoom 8.1 Woof 14.2 Nugget Doom 3.0 Multiplayer ports like Odamex and Zandronum don't fully support music changers, which are used in almost every map. There will be a version without music changers for these ports, after the final single-player version is finished. Screenshots: Credits:4 points -
[idgames!] Hardfest 2 - Boom Community Project with 40 challenging levels
CblBOPOTKA and 3 others reacted to finnks13 for a topic
I'm sure this must be a false positive, there's nothing other than the wad and the textfile describing it in the zip file (that and I made it :P). For what it's worth, I don't think the wad would've been allowed on idgames if it contained anything shady.4 points -
Sup. Finally got a demo out, currently on Itch,io but coming to Steam as well. C: https://darsycho.itch.io/enigmatic-worlds-demo The download can be found here! Bugs and issues are likely. Feedback, bug reports and support 'n whatnot greatly appreciated!! Looking for a composer too, gonna make a video about it soon.4 points
there is a linux distribution just for running doom https://github.com/shadlyd15/DoomLinux4 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Nostalgia
LadyMistDragon and 3 others reacted to DJVCardMaster for a topic
MAP17 - Ars Moriendi - (98%K/100%I/0%S): The longest map yet, oof, it took me a few attempts, as encounters are clearly getting harder according to our progression. Really nice city map that has some things from Industrial Zone here and there, specially the "city corruption" theme and things like that. Both of boss enemies were present here. Mastermind was mandatory to kill as it was blocking our exit boat. The setup here is also really nice, although I despise those red bricks so much it burns my eyes. Another great level for sure. Order of Preference:4 points -
Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]
El Juancho and 3 others reacted to myolden for a topic
I've spent what some might consider to be an unreasonable amount of time attempting to diagnose this issue, and I've yet to find a satisfactory explanation. Updating dsda fixed it for me.4 points -
Nugget Doom 3.1.0 (updated May 16th, '24)
UUN4 and 3 others reacted to Async Unicorn for a topic
I love new intermission screen and night-vision effect! Way better than boring old ones! I guess Woof and Nugget now are the ideal ports in terms of balance between classic look / feel and rich customization... Gonna use fresh version for all wads!4 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
netcurse2000 and 3 others reacted to DRON12261 for a topic
One day soon one of my big map for Eternity Engine 4.03 (DOOM PSX: Damnation of Eternity) will be released as part of a big project, so stand by)4 points -
Make a funny quote.
DoomPlayer00 and 3 others reacted to thiccyosh for a topic
"Man, I wish Doomworld.com had quality threads." -Lost Soul in E2M2's toxic gutter4 points -
[DONE] DOOMIUM II: A Community Project focusing on Short and Frantic Maps (BOOM+UMAPINFO)
Bochnik Chleba and 2 others reacted to fai1025 for a topic
Everyone, the deadline does not mean I stop accepting maps, so don't panic, it means I'll not accept ppl if anyone quit3 points -
Oh, word? We in RC2? I’ll spoil myself by playing the first 5 maps then I wait for this to go on idgames. I was looking forward to this since the start of the year.3 points
Endless Random /idgames WAD Adventures #080
Lisaancelle and 2 others reacted to Roofi for a topic
Year 2 Month 11 Day 02 I play until I die or intentionally stop. I don't comment the wad where I died/stopped. [1] Photon by Steve Mavronis (1996) This old vanilla map is based on "Photon", one of the first commercial lasertag arenas according to my researches. I Unfortunately the website mentioned in the description is dead and the "new" Photon buildings may have since closed as well. One of the few maps that stood out for me was Fragport map 17. However, laser tag arenas can just be considered as deathmatch arenas with fake guns so the only notable difference between them and Doom maps are the fact guns are real and your opponents want to kill you. saw the "laser tag" concept I've seen this concept reproduced very few times in Doom. You start in front of the building at the middle of the night and I like how the author recreated the logo in order to put it on the front of the building. It instantly tells you that you're gonna enter in a building that once existed in real life. Whereas the exteriors remain pretty simple, the layout of the interior is impressively detailed and intricate. Photon's building contains lot of stairs, pillars, doors or windows and interconnected paths . Still, I have to confess the navigation tends to be a bit clumsy because all of those elements result to a lot of cramped paths to take but I'm afraid a wider layout would have resulted in too many visplanes. And to make things even more charming, there's doomcute and, in particular, toilets in the entrance area. Nevermind, the author succeeded at creating a fun shooting gallery because the many low-tier midtiers, specifically the zombiemen, can attack you from all angles. However, this level could have been more challenging if the arena wasn't so brightly lit and the items so plentiful. The Fragport's version was way more difficult because of those two aspects. The soundtrack used comes from Jeremy Doyles's discography that add to the nostalgic feel of the whole thing. Actually, Photon is more remarkable than many wads of the same area for the reasons I mentioned but above all, this is a fantastic time capsule because without it, I'd never have heard of Photon or visited one of its arenas. Grade : A- (16/20) [2] Teleport Booth 1 by Rick Clark (1998) This small prefab shows you can now make the player teleport by pressing a switch under boom compatibility. Nowadays, it's pretty common but it was magic for the time ! You can now recreate the TARDIS from Doctor Who in Doom ! I stop here for today.3 points -
Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]
Novaseer and 2 others reacted to Mr. Meanor for a topic
huge congrats on the release of this I'm playtesting this shit right now live on stream https://kick.com/meanor to anyone that took part in this wad that is interested3 points -
That's not much of a skill issue and more or less an issue of the game that you've beat previously. Doom 2 isn't really a difficult game to begin with (the entire thing for one thing lacks a difficulty progression like the first one). Use a lot of saves in your first playthroughs and learn the map's layout, the enemy placement and the health/item placement. You'll get better at this soon enough if you're to replay a section several times. It could be worse. You could've been playing Heretic.3 points
3 points
Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]
ctwoafiveb and 2 others reacted to Hebonky for a topic
Sucks that Map 19 had to be canned, hope whoever is making this new map 19 best of luck.3 points -
Box Doom - Community Project [Slots Filled]
ctwoafiveb and 2 others reacted to DoomGappy for a topic
And finally, just to show you guys how it's looking so far.3 points