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  1. The Final Event


    Important Info -Heaven replaces everything, it is effectively its own game. Any type of mod will break it. -Heaven features a completely new gameplay loop. Do not go in expecting Doom gameplay, you will be confused, angry and let down. -Requires GZDoom 4.11.3 or newer to run properly -Requires comp level default (most importantly, infinite height disabled) -Requires Jumping and Reloading to be bound to a key -Enable models, every object in Heaven uses a 3D model -Enable Dynamic lights and Fog. There is no sector lighting, the game will look atrocious without them. Story Heaven follows the story of humanity's exploration of a hostile planet known as Genesis. The expedition goes awry and the crew is scattered. Take control of surviving member Officer Heaven Clarke and find the rest of your team. Screenshots Downloads Main: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V9IewyTHB7nJn19CV66cPQuyEV44gRFs/view?usp=sharing Itch Mirror: https://the-final-event.itch.io/heaven Soundtrack: https://thefinalevent.bandcamp.com/album/heaven-soundtrack
    20 points
  2. My lawyers have filed the case. They called me last week to go over all the details and we spoke for almost two hours, then they filed it that very day. I wish I could attach a copy of the document here, but it's a pdf file. The complaint for damages reads like a laundry list -- false arrest, false imprisonment, unreasonable search and seizure, malicious prosecution, deliberate fabrication of evidence, due process violation, etc. If I were the defendants, I'd want to settle this as quickly as possible and avoid a jury trial.
    16 points
  3. Works just fine for me
    14 points
  4. The girl reading this. ❤️
    10 points
  5. Man, that is amazing. Somehow I never saw this before Not sure whats going on in this thread, but just to confirm what people are saying: the intended way to play going down is however you want to, but i would suggest HMP continuous play with occasional saves. UV is more like end-game content for extra challenge. As far as self-imposed weapon challenges go, you are welcome to try, but each map kind of has its own built-in weapon challenge in the form of pistol start.
    10 points
  6. Well, it took 7-years, but I finally finished my wad. Evil Returns is a 32-map megawad. There are various styles of maps including various themes. I tried to do a little bit of everything as everyone has their own preference of mapping styles. I have simple, easy maps, small, medium & large maps, puzzle maps, a couple joke maps, slaughter style, high-contrast, hell-themed, tech base, and even a hotel-themed map. There is a plot to this wad, nothing special, just a little bit of context to what's going on. There's also a story to go along with the gameplay but only for the DSDA & GZDoom files. Very generic, but I wanted to duplicate the original Doom 2 as much as possible. Currently, I'm done with the wad. I have no plans to do anything else to it regarding mapping, however, if a major mistake/error is found by someone, even though there shouldn't be any, I will fix the mistake/error, then add new download links. But as of now, what you see, is what you get. Please keep in mind, this wad may be difficult for some. It starts out fairly easy, but gradually becomes more difficult in the later maps. I would only recommend more advanced players for Evil Returns. Thank you to all the testers who helped me during the years it took to design this wad. I greatly appreciate it. Additional info: Multiplayer friendly Plot can be found in the "READ ME' file if you're interested Pistol start can be done, but originally designed for continous gameplay Midi's are not custom. If you are the creator of one of the midi's I used and want credit, let me know GZDoom file has also been uploaded to 'allfearthesentinel' & a ZDoom file has been uploaded to 'doomshack' for Zdaemon & Zandronum hosting For map 22, be thorough when searching through the rooms. There are a couple of keys that are a little bit hidden, specifically the red & blue keys. All other info, which includes credits for the testers & a fun little challenge, can be found in the 'READ ME' text document Screenshots: Download Links: DSDA-Doom: GZDoom: ZDoom:
    9 points
  7. Since my latest return to DoomWorld I've noticed that the majority of people posting editing questions, and otherwise looking for help, do not post the wad that is giving them trouble, at least initially. (This post is not directed specifically at anyone, other than future posters.) It is often really hard for someone to tell what's wrong with a wad if they can't see it for themselves. Screenshots, videos, error logs can all help somewhat, but they're nothing like being able to see the actual wad. If you are asking for help, and you are able to post your wad, then please upload and post your wad. This goes for mapping, texture editing, or just about anything else related to doom modding. Now sometimes people have a reason for doing so, such as they are working on a private project they don't want to share, or can't. That's fine. In those cases you are better off saying that you don't want to post it, to let people know that. Alternatively you might say you're willing to PM it to people who are offering to help -- ideally if you PM someone a wad they will still be able to post the answer publicly, so that other people searching for a similar problem that come across your post will be able to find the answer. With all that said, most people don't care if what you're working on is unfinished, or embarrassing, or whatever; and even if you have a good reason not to post it, be aware that this limits the help that people are able to give you. If you don't know how to do upload files: - You have 50mb of storage space with your DoomWorld account, zip or rar up your file and you can upload it when you post. You might want to delete the file after your problem has been solved to free up space: click the dropdown menu with your username in the top-right corner of the page and go to My Attachments. - If you have a google account, which almost everyone does, you can upload stuff to your google drive. Dropbox also works if you use it. In either case make sure that the file is available to download for anyone that has the link, and doesn't need them to sign in. - As a last resort there's always mediafire. It's full of ugly adds (if you don't have an adblocker) but it works, it's free, and the stuff I uploaded to mediafire ten years ago is still available. I don't know if this, or a similar message, can be stickied in the Editing Questions forum, since it's a different format than other forums. In any case it would be helpful to have this kind of message somewhere. edit: Thanks mods! Would be better in Editing Questions but hopefully some people will see this. TL;DR post wad
    9 points
  8. Grove sky edit:
    9 points
  9. You can see the information at these links: https://unicourt.com/case/urc-GBFR6I2IJA3UQGI5IJNGXEDOMZMRG0935 or https://www.pacermonitor.com/public/case/52615667/Rojas_v_City_of_El_Monte_et_al
    9 points
  10. Screenshots! Credit goes to the mappers in order - MAP13, MAP10, MAP17, MAP22. These have been the most visually outstanding and I wanted to do a little bit of screenshot-ography.
    8 points
  11. I tried this but it takes forever for Notepad to open it? And it just shows a bunch of letters and numbers and stuff? How do I play the game??? I thought you could play Doom using Notepad now???
    8 points
  12. Working on a 10 - 11 map wad for Doom 2. Hope to release it by summer or fall. Map 1's nearly done. Here's a little sneak peek :)
    7 points
  13. I haven't had time to do extensive playtesting/detailing but map is completable start to finish. Episode VI, MAP SECRET: Voidcast Citadel Difficulty Settings: Yes Multiplayer Starts: No Midi: Echoes by Ze_Mystic I'll write up a description soon. DMIUM2_EVI_SECRET(RC1).zip
    6 points
  14. Still working on my three map wad Videoworld. Do you have some ideas for the big room? I think something is missing, the ceiling needs some work. Maps is very much WIP.
    6 points
  15. Sharing legendary @Eevee drawing for new 'Going Down' players... https://x.com/eevee/status/1473462051909488640?s=20
    6 points
  16. So, quick new update: @LSC Lasico and @No-Man Baughhave joined me and @Grizzly Old B to help with the packing of the wad, texture pack and also with general playtesting of things. Soon we will have a little post asking mappers for details on some boxes that are not working properly currently, as well as a report on how things are coming along so far. Just making this post as to let you guys know that the project is still going strong.
    5 points
  17. I don't know what the heck @ceski did with the mouse thing exactly but let me tell you guys, I've played A LOT of FPS games in my life, growing up more than recently, but this Woof! is the absolute best mouse to gun "feel" I've ever experienced, ever. You can't even explain it to people until they try it, it's just so refreshing and responsive it puts everything else to shame. Congrats, congrats, congrats to @fabian, @rfomin, @ceski and everyone involved. Wow. Will Crispy have this too?
    5 points
  18. Approximate content of the first episode. As soon as the Russian version is ready, we will begin translating into English and finding people for voice acting
    5 points
  19. Crumpets 2 Map06 (UV-Max in 5:03.86) cr206-503.zip YT Link: https://youtu.be/ZI6LUTHyIIo
    5 points
  20. To invite people to either give pointers on how to play Doom well, or just to play co-op with you? They don't seem like bad reasons to me
    5 points
  21. Well, it's been almost a month since Valentine's, but that's not gonna stop us! Doomworld Dating Simulator is an MBF21 19 map community project that embraces the power of love, when this project began, I made an open call for mappers to embrace teamwork and talking to each other, admittedly there could've been more time for this project, if only I had the idea earlier... but by the end there certainly were some sweet maps! The only hard rule of this project was that every map be made by at least two people, so you can expect a rather vast variety on offer here. Long maps? Short maps? Hard maps? Easy maps? All is welcome! Almost every map has difficulties applied to them as well, so don't let that scare you off some of the harder ones. DSDA-Doom is the recommended port, as this community project makes use of UMAPINFO for map names and story text and whatnot, and maps were primarily tested using that port. Either way, enjoy this collab from mappers all over! SCREENSHOTS MAP LIST CREDITS DOWNLOAD: RC1.1 CHANGELOG
    4 points
  22. Maximum Doom's official, yeah?
    4 points
  23. Considering the myriad texture packs that use Duke resources at this point (as well as the textures being freely available to download elsewhere), I'd say that it isn't an issue unless 3D Realms issues a straight-up cease and desist to the entire community.
    4 points
  24. Rockets. I've got three wads in heliocentric orbit as we speak, not to mention the additional wads orbiting pluto, neptune, and jupiter. Only costs 3 billion a pop.
    4 points
  25. Playing the WAD is only half the experience, you gotta then take to the Internet; usually these very forums, but YouTube comment sections will suffice in a pinch; and complain about the secrets, or that UV was very hard and made you feel inadequate.
    4 points
  26. Portuguese Sigil Wad (Coraçao Preto)
    4 points
  27. Sure you can! PM me! Pirate Doom: All pirates turned into demons! Pirate Doom 2: All pirates turned into demons again! Thanks a bunch! Feel free to ask the other testers If you're going to play it again, wait a bit for the next version to be ready! Should be done in the next few days
    4 points
  28. Get the justice you damn well deserve and then some. Even then it will never give you back the time or the personal things you've lost and I can't begin to comprehend the PTSD you've developed from what you've incurred, but justice is justice and there will be fucking karma coming for every person that has wronged you.
    4 points
  29. Utopia is a concept I've been workshopping for the better part of a year. This thread is like a journal of progress on the map, I'll update whenever I make changes and whatnot. Basically a "perfect world" for the demons Current screenshots
    3 points
  30. Ahoy, mateys! Ten years have passed, beards and mustaches have grown, and here is Pirate Doom II! DOWNLOAD It is a 32-map MBF megawad of tiny to medium-sized maps, with some occasional big maps. It starts fairly easy even on UV difficulty, but the last maps can be challenging. This time, everything works basically just like standard Doom, with minor changes to some weapons and monsters. I did not reskin all monsters again, but I kept adding hats and parrots where I could. Some monsters look the same as in Pirate Doom 1. Designed to be played without jumping or crouching. Doing so will break the maps. Mouselook is optional. Balanced for continuous and pistol start. Any port that supports MBF (complevel 11, not MBF21) should work, but these are the ones tested so far: PrBoom 2.6 (software mode) Dsda Doom GZDoom 4.11 ZDoom 8.1 Woof 14.2 Nugget Doom 3.0 Multiplayer ports like Odamex and Zandronum don't fully support music changers, which are used in almost every map. There will be a version without music changers for these ports, after the final single-player version is finished. Screenshots: Credits:
    3 points
  31. The ones that were shoehorned into the Xbox port.
    3 points
  32. INTRODUCTION I’ve been thinking about how Doom maps use keys/switches for progression for a while, and I sort of just wanted to let all my thoughts out on the subject. Thus this post. Let me explain: THE THREE KEY FORMULA Ok, so I was playing Nostalgia 2, the new megawad from myolden and the reason I bring it up is as an example of how it uses keys. In particular, most of the maps’ progressions follow what I like to call the “Three-Key Formula”: Get red key > Open red door > Get blue key > Open blue door > Get yellow key > Exit This is the most common way I’ve seen keys used in Doom mapping, and it makes sense why. Keys are designed so that players can feel like they’re progressing through the level instead of just killing a bunch of monsters then leaving, while also extending levels by adding another objective for players to complete. So using this formula where each key opens another area that leads to the next key, is the most linear and (as I would argue) least interesting way to route keys in your Doom maps. That’s why I brought up Nostalgia 2 specifically because after 20 maps of the above progression it really started to grind my gears. There’s nothing wrong with using the Three-Key Formula, it’s a tried and true classic for a reason. I just think there are more interesting ways to use keys in your maps. For example: THREE KEYS (Non-Linear) This one would be something like: Red key > Blue key > Yellow key > Use all to open exit The best example for a map like this is Doom 2’s The Citadel, in which you must wander around the map collecting all the keys. And therein lies the problem with this design because the more nonlinear a map is, the harder it’s going to be to lead players to required objectives. So you can end up running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to figure out what you need to do. There are several solutions for this, one of them being just good level design: Make it clear where the keys are and where the player needs to go to get them, and let them go from there. Or you can increase the linearity of the map by making it so that one key leads to another naturally. Whatever the case, I’ll say that this type of non-linear key usage is my favorite type and I tend to love maps that do this (Valiant’s Engineering Disaster to name another example). But I understand why it’s a bit less common then the Three-Key Formula because it’s a lot harder to get right, as you have to account for the multiple paths players could potentially go down and balance your map accordingly. OTHER KEY ROUTES Of course there are also other ways to use keys that don’t involve all 3. One example is optional/secret keys like the black key in Swim With The Whales’ titular map. Or you can do a hybrid linear and nonlinear map, for example. Something like: Red key > Red door > Blue key > Yellow key > Exit Or you can use less than 3 keys, but I think I’ve said all I have to say about keys. Let’s move on. SWITCHES AND SWITCH HUNTING Unlike keys, where you can only have a limited amount, you can have as many switches as you want in a map. However, this comes with a drawback because with many switches in a map, it becomes much harder to tell what switch does what. This can lead to maps that overuse switches to suffer from (as MtPain27 termed it): “What the heck did that switch do?” syndrome. This is much more common a problem in older maps, though frustratingly some newer maps do this too. Another issue is that hitting switches is much more repetitive an objective then gathering keys. If we map out a diagram for it, it’d be like. Hit switch > Opens new door > Hit switch > Opens new door > Hit switch > Opens new door ……………. Hit switch > Exit Though switches are also more versatile in what they can do than keys, so this repetitive process rarely matters. However it can get tedious in a long switch hunting map like, AV’s Misri Halek which has tons of switches you need to flip to progress and it can start to get irritating over the course of the levels long runtime (The main reason I don’t really care for Misri Halek. I know, sue me.) However the upside to this type of switch hunt is that it allows for much more control over where the player can go compared to keys, and that can be useful for balancing, pacing, etc. SWITCH HUNTS (Non-Linear) There are very few of these types of maps but I thought I should bring them up anyways. The progression would be something like: Switch > Switch > Switch > Switch ….. > Exit The immediate problem with this is obvious because finding 3 keys in some non-linear maps can already have you lost easily. So having you track down a bunch of switches is going to have a much worse effect. An example of this type of map is Ogdoad from Epic 2, where after the key progression is over, you must track down 8 switches scattered across the map to be able to exit. If that sounds bad, that’s because it is… But one way I’ve seen this problem solved is from a map I adore called City Heat from Community Chest 2. In this map, you have to hit 9 switches to be able to exit the level. However each switch is in a numbered building and the map tracks your progress by letting you know what switches you have and haven’t hit. This allows for much more bearable non-linear switch bunting gameplay, and I wish more maps would take up this design. CONCLUSION Ok so this is already long, but I of course have to mention that most Doom maps of course use a combination of keys and switches for variety’s sake and there are more design quirks and theories you can come up with when you consider this, but that’ll be an essay for another time. I hope this was helpful or interesting to… someone. Maybe try to use some of these non-linear/non-traditional progressions in some of your maps!
    3 points
  33. Looks super fun! I watched some twitch play of this earlier today...
    3 points
  34. I think it makes sense to store it here as well: Created by @RockyGaming4725
    3 points
  35. I found a bug related to the UMAPINFO lump. When you finish any eXm8 map, it will try to go to eXm10, and since there's no any map on that slot, it will crash the game. To fix this you must write "endgame = true" on every eXm8 entry. This is only a problem in Boom- based ports, i was playing this wad in the latest version of Nugget Doom, and then i tested it on crispy doom to see how it went with vanilla ports. Outside of that, the wad works fine. Now, with that out of the way, i'm gonna talk about some of the levels i played. E1M2 by @somerandommarineguy E1M6 by @DFF E2M4 by @DrPyspy E2M5 by @DRON12261 E2M6 by @stochastic Those are the maps i played, i forgot a lot of them, but i can check them out another day.
    3 points
  36. Year 2 Month 11 Day 03 I play until I die or intentionally stop. I don't comment the wad where I died/stopped. [1] Simphony of Death by @Sphagne (2002) "Simphony of Death" figures as one the ambitious vanilla-compatible adventures from Sphagne. That one takes place inside a large underground base and your goal will notably consist to reach the surface. I had the chance (or the curse?) to visit some Sphagne's levels before and I can affirm that that one is way more lenient than "Afterlife" from Community Chest for instance. To tell the truth, I was afraid of a serious challenge here because this map makes you start in cramped areas which are indeed full of traps. I was expecting to die either from unfair ambushes and/or critical ammo famine but it was fortunately not the case at all ! The good thing about this map is that it becomes more and more open as you progress. The outdoors courtyards and the large room or rather the "gigantic theatre" bring a welcomed breath of fresh air. But despite all of this, every area remains quite heavily crowded. It's not a slaughtermap or something similar but monsters are not a rare commodity. Actually, this map gave me some Hell Revealed vibes and it's probably why it will not please all audiences. The theatre has several homogeneous groups of midtiers and the cyberdemon acts as a turret. This kind of area gives me the impression of being in a map like "The Path". Another aspect resides in the fact that the plasmagun and the RL are as critical as they're difficult to find. The author didn't really hid them but their placement is to be obvious so that it's very possible to take a path that doesn't lead to these weapons and therefore have to use berserk to save shells or bullets. More generally, this map is cramped, crowded and pretty abstract but not as over-the-top as in HR2, for example. About the visuals and the overall theme, the usage of stock textures is pretty clean like ID software would do but it's still raw, unsauced doom, and the level doesn't really evoke anything special. The music from Doom 2's map 08 announces something tricky will happen. The music from Doom map 08 adds a certain suspense, nonetheless. An appreciable map if you're tolerant of the oldschool feel. Grade : B- (12/20) I stop here for today.
    3 points
  37. New update, I've added 2 new maps to the build (v1.4) -MAP14 by @Cutman 999 -MAP05 by @Solaire de Laprida And also, some updates to: -MAP02, 6, 11, 13 and 31
    3 points
  38. @DankMetal, there’s actually a slot still open for E1 as well, but as this map was definitely originally intended for Hell I think the Inferno episode is the best place for it. I’m excited to see what you do with it. @-BLEEDTEA, I’ll mark it down as a Phobos map. However, I actually would prefer to avoid using it in the E1M8 slot - this map was not originally intended to be a boss map and I think it would be much more interesting to treat it as a regular level.
    3 points
  39. Telebooth 2 (1998) by Rick Clark I'm not sure what's going on here but basically, it was made for Boom and intended for a particular teleport effect. The ArchVile Temple, 102.Wad (2006) by Logan MTM & Jive (From Doom with Love) A fairly short level, described as 'brutally hard' in /idgames reviews but actually not too bad, in particular if one finds the hidden BFG that's not terribly hard to find. Visually, it's a nice tan gothic temple, but for some reason, the automap is completely blank which doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I'm not sure why I couldn't return from the yellow key area either. Teleport action must be outdated or something and I couldn't be bothered to check the editor to make sure either. Action-wise, it's hard to complain, though the first fight at the first key is quite aggravating indeed without the BFG. That is one creepy solid Arch-vile ending though 7.5/10
    3 points
  40. Then you gotta contact the author via Direct Message, Discord, Phone Call or at their home address. Here you can ask ALL the questions you want, like "why is there no Brutal Doom support?" "When will you update?" and "why are you asking me to leave? I'm SUCH a big fan!!" It's just classic Doom tradition, don't ask me about it.
    3 points
  41. I live in Texas. I'm on disability retirement and no longer have to drive in the crap, nor do I have to report on the radio on road conditions and on idiots who don't know how to drive in it (I used to be a Traffic Reporter on 1080 AM KRLD here in Dallas/Ft. Worth after I departed 3D Realms). Ergo, I can afford to enjoy the white dusting when it happens every now and then.
    3 points
  42. UPDATE TIME! Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2ykx3cqh4or552ov3p5pm/BBB02-Beta04.zip?rlkey=5iqcbyuw2pna6bj5oox2rqdrd&dl=1 The new work has been done wholesale on the swimming pool fight which is now QUITE spicy. Items in that area have been rearranged with a BFG available on a perched cliff and the adjoining area has been freshened up too. Pointers for that fight if needed: Any and all feedback is much appreciated. :) Hope folks enjoy. Massive thanks to @DreadWanderer for thorough testing and excellent feedback on this baby! -Edz xo
    3 points
  43. And so I think I’ll take MAP30 then if that’s not a problem!
    3 points
  44. Brick | 4 wads | 4 maps Library (2004) by Martin Mikaelsson. 1 SP map for vanilla Doom II. At first I found some charm in the doomcuite, the outside facade looks nice with the columns, and the library proper is tastefully detailed with all the bookshelves of course, but also the reading tables and chairs, the little check in counter, and the sector ladders. The gameplay however leaves a lot to be desired, and I got progressively more irritated as I got further into the map. There's one unofficial secret with the chaingun, a Supercharge and Megaarmor, and finding it early (I found it right before the end...) is practically required for enjoyment, lest we find ourselves dealing with knight after knight after knight with nothing but the shotgun. There's an SSG later on, but that's when the map throws baron after baron after baron, none of them threatening but all requiring patient grinding. The library aesthetic quickly goes out the window too, there's the weird marble room that looks more like a catacomb, that high-tech blue area with the yellow key, and the finale in that windy cage area with a whole bunch more barons at the end. I can usually enjoy a map even if the combat is lacklustre when the level design or doomcute redeem it, but the combat here is just too grindy and the map becomes a drag. The Yellow Key Card (2000) by Jason Root. 1 SP/coop map for vanilla Doom II. This one gave me the complete opposite impression. At first sight it's a bit ugly and flat, and ha ha look at those misaligned textures. At least it hands us the plasma rifle straight away to deal with cacos and nobles. Then I played a bit and started appreciating the clever ideas and the fun progression. The main gimmick is that the YKC is optional, more or less; there's a string of secret switches early on to open access to it, you don't need it to reach the exit, but there are so many caches of goodies along the way and they all need it, finishing the map without it will be much more of a challenge. The architecture is not very elaborate but some of the individual sections work better than you'd expect, the maze is the most obvious example, I thought it'd be a boring slog but there are some clever surprises (that Archvile for one) and hidden doors that open up a shortcut for the way back. The finale is a clever variation on the Cyberdemon/Barons faceoff, because there's a toxin chasm between them, requiring a bit more strategy than in Tricks & Traps to get infighting going. I was wondering why the name was familiar until I realized this is @Hellbent who is probably most famous for kickstarting the TWID idea. This is one of his very early maps but I liked the execution, despite the bare aesthetics in parts it's quite nice looking elsewhere, and it's just such a fun map. Museum I (1994) by Midnight Blue. 1 map for vanilla Doom II. Despite the text file indicating this is E1M5, it's actually MAP05 and therefore for Doom II (and uses plenty of sequel uniques). It's also quite frankly pretty awful, if that opening shot wasn't indication enough. There are discreet set pieces but most of them aren't particularly good. The beginning can be most easily resolved by just running past everything. The blue key has a cage of revenants and another of mancubi, you could get them to infight... or just kill them all with rockets or plasma rifle, ammo is abundant. The Spider/spiders room is almost interesting, but the poor momma stands no chance against the little ones and cleaning them up is trivial. Then there's a room with a bunch of hitscanners to get the yellow and red key (the yellow is only required to leave this room), then it's back to the cages for the red door and the exit switch. It doesn't look like the promised sequels are available, but I'm sorry to say I'm not in a rush to play them. Every Which Way but Out (1995) by Peter Guts. 1 SP/coop map for vanilla Heretic. I was hoping we were alternating between bad and good wads but alas. It's a case study in how to not make a puzzle map. Almost every door is unmarked. Random switches are everywhere and do who knows what. Random linedefs trigger something somewhere else, sometimes on a timer, with no hints whatsoever. There's a maze of doors that provides zero challenge or interest but is just tedious. At some point I walked into the small room shown in the last screenshot and could find no way forward or back out and gave up. I can list a long number of puzzle authors from 1995 who are my favourites, but I can understand why puzzle maps get their reputation, bad ones are really bad.
    3 points
  45. Alright! HERE is a playable build with all 21 maps submitted so far. I'll put this in the OP too. UMAPINFO is included, though as not all the E4 maps are in yet (with designated MIDIs) one or two maps will play the wrong MIDI in Crispy Doom at the moment, it seems. That'll all get sorted out closer to the end though. Everything should be working fine, but if anything's broken let me know. I almost didn't realise we were over the halfway point. This is coming together nicely! 15 maps to go! @Scorpius, feedback on your map as promised - I loved the blood fortress aesthetic, really hits the classic E4 feel, recalling Against Thee Wickedly (with an even meaner Cyberdemon haha) in places but definitely does its own thing. Lots of frantic combat and pressure on the player from all sides early on. Really good map!
    3 points
  46. Okay, this one needs no introduction - Alien Vendetta, one of the greatest and most influential megawads of all time. The first time I've played was fresh out of Doom 2, I reached MAP06 and felt since early maps gave me trouble, I wasn't good enough and gave up. AV patiently waited for its turn, but now I'm as ready as I'll ever be. This won't be a blind playthrough, as I've seen some footage from all maps. Also, I'm using the community's midi pack, since (excluding one map) the original release relied on a selection of tracks taken from IWADs and other 1990s games. MAP01-MAP07 MAP01: Sunset by Martin Aalen Hunsager MAP02: Rusty Rage by Anders Johnsen MAP03: Cargo Depot by Mattias Berggren and Kim André Malde MAP04: Seclusion by Mattias Berggren MAP05: Crimson Tide by Anders Johnsen MAP06: Hillside Siege by Lee Szymanski and Anthony Soto MAP07: Showdown by Anders Johnsen
    3 points
  47. STRAIN inspired textures, all seamless
    3 points
  48. Going down is never a mistake so long as permission is given first.
    3 points
  49. One day soon one of my big map for Eternity Engine 4.03 (DOOM PSX: Damnation of Eternity) will be released as part of a big project, so stand by)
    3 points
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