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-- ---- -- I knew firing that nutjob was a bad omen. It started with the security systems going haywire, then the explosions outside, and finally there were those damned shrieks down the hallway. At some point one has to wonder whether the job's worth it or not. I made that decision a few hours ago. -- ---- -- <<<RC1 AVAILABLE HERE>>> <<<RC2 AVAILABLE HERE>>> <<<idgames release>>> Escape From Sunveil Starport is an MBF21 compatible mini-wad spanning 9 or so maps, initially created during NaNoWadMo2023. This project serves as a prequel to my NaNoWadMo 2022 contribution, Machete. Initially, my plan was to ape off level concepts from Knee-Deep in the Dead. I also wanted an excuse to use a bunch of my favorite Deadwing midis :) MBF21 is the compatibility this time around. Every level has been tested in DSDA-Doom and Nugget Doom. As usual, a dehacked patch has been included for minor thing edits, as well as one new(?) enemy and an upgraded starting pistol. All levels were designed for pistol starts. Difficulties have been implemented. I'll probably add in coop later at some point. Shout-outs to @Deadwing, @finnks13, and @scwiba for helping out with playtesting. --Enjoy your visit to Sunveil Starport!--32 points
[Limit Removing] "Le Gars Qui A Fait Doom" Level Collection - /idgames release
plums and 26 others reacted to WH-Wilou84 for a topic
Hello there, Today marks the release of "Le Gars Qui A Fait Doom", the official French translation of John Romero's autobiography ("Doom Guy - Life in First Person"), courtesy of independent French editor Omaké Books. Here's Romero himself saying a few words about the book and its imminent publication : The book comes in a limited edition along with a digital card autographed by John, and will definitely please a lot of Doom enthusiasts here in France ! I've had the chance to discuss with the person in charge of translating the book, and he's truly passionate about Romero. Get the book here : https://omakebooks.com/fr/livres-jeux-video/672-le-gars-qui-a-fait-doom-9782379892790.html And... Obviously, there's more :) The French Doom Community was secretly reached by Omaké Books to create new maps accompanying the book's official release. We just couldn't let this occasion pass us by ! "Le Gars Qui A Fait Doom" Level Collection is a series of 8 new Ultimate Doom maps for Limit Removing ports. They come in all styles and colors, and all of them are more or less inspired by John Romero, whether it's his old IWad maps, his modern offerings (SIGIL and its sequel), his other games, or even his real life. You can play each of these maps in any order you fancy, as there's no clear theme or difficulty order. Each wad can be played standalone, à la Master Levels, and some of them contain new textures and resources. Maplist : - [Wad name] - [Author] - [Map name] - [Map slot] - LGQAFD_Alephany_E1M8 - Alephany - Undesired Reincarnation - E1M8 - LGQAFD_Datacore_E1M1 - Datacore - Nouveau Sang - E1M1 - LGQAFD_Duskolos_E3M1 - Duskolos - Lift & Traps - E3M1 - LGQAFD_franckFRAG_E3M1 - franckFRAG - Encounter of the third John - E3M1 - LGQAFD_Nixx_E1M5 - Nixx - Romerian Era - E1M5 - LGQAFD_Roofi_E1M1 - Roofi - Grand Canyon - E1M1 - LGQAFD_WH_E2M1 - [WH]-Wilou84 - Icons from the Deep - E2M1 - LGQAFD_Yugiboy_E4M1 - Yugiboy - Say Hello to Sunshine - E4M1 Screenshots : These maps were supposed to be included with the book itself, in the form of hidden QR Codes within its pages, but due to time constraints, this idea had to be scrapped. Nevertheless, the goal was to release the maps alongside the book's publication, so here we are :) This project was quite the challenge, as we only had a month to compile resources, create maps, and test them. Still, I think the end result is well worth the pain. Well, that's me done ! Links : - Download on /idgames : https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/Ports/j-l/lgqafd_lc - Related topic on the French Doom Community forums : https://doomfrance.forumactif.com/t5361-limit-removing-le-gars-qui-a-fait-doom-level-collection Feel free to share your thoughts and bug reports, as usual. :)27 points -
Laz Rojas - an old Doomer in trouble.
Apprentice and 26 others reacted to Laz Rojas for a topic
That's him. That's the bastard who did this to me, the hellspawn who destroyed my life and is responsible for everything I've suffered the past two years. So he spent all that time on that case and still couldn't close it and had to be replaced by another guy, yet he fabricated a false case against me and took it to the D.A. in a day without any investigation at all. This makes my blood boil to a degree I can't describe. The man is corrupt and evil, but his day is coming. My lawsuit will put the spotlight on him in federal court and I doubt his career will survive it. When he interrogated me, he told me I was full of sh*t and I was going to prison. He may be the one going to prison after all is said and done. Thank you for finding this article and posting it, Andromeda. I've brought it to the attention of my attorneys.27 points -
I wrote this little ponderous essay about the purpose of doing your "best work" and edited it into a video. I'm coming from the place of a Doom mapper, so that's kind of the flavor of the conversation, but really we could be talking about any creative pursuit here, or even work in general. This isn't really meant to be persuasive. Nor is it comprehensive. I hope it will give you something to (even momentarily) think about, or discuss in the thread. I just can't help but turn this silly little hobby into an exercise in navel gazing.24 points
In the Eviternity Discord there were questions about how its palette was created. My answer became longer than what's suitable for Discord so here it is in forum post form instead, and I'm posting in the Otex thread rather than the Eviternity II thread for reasons that will soon become clear. While Otex 2 is still quite far off, it will have a major improvement that isn't in the form of the art itself: It enables the use of much more elaborate custom palettes. Eviternity II was the test bed and initial showcase for this. I first made a palette that replaced all 7 duplicates with full bright cyan (yes, the Doom palette actually only has 249 unique colors). I used Slade's color remapping tool to set up a translation table to map duplicates to the first occurrence of the color instead, so now Otex used 249 colors indices. Thanks to the full bright cyan it was easy to scroll through and verify that it had worked—otherwise the cyan stands out very clearly. I then made a new palette where I replaced an additional 11 colors with another full bright (a lime green IIRC, it had to be distinct from cyan for debug reasons). These 11 are technically unique, but are so close to other colors in the palette I deemed them viable for sacrifice. If not for a few odd sprites and special case textures I could have gone further, but I didn't want to visibly degrade anything. And actually I didn't start at 11, but more like 5 or 6. I kept pushing to see what I could get away with, and to my eyes the pain point was at 11. You could definitely go further here but I had dual objectives: Let Otex remain vanilla palette compatible and look as good as possible while also freeing up as much range as possible for additional color ramps. These two objectives are conflicting, so it was a delicate balancing act that led me to 11. I made a new translation table in slade that replaced the lime greens with the closest color to what each of them had originally been. Running this on the entirety of Otex then let me easily verify that no neon pixels remained, and I could begin changing the teal and lime green to the new ramps. So now Otex uses only 238 colors, yet remains vanilla palette compatible. With 18 indices freed up, mappers can add their own custom ranges as they see fit. A drawback is that the changes affect vanilla assets too, which is why (much like BTSX and AA) Eviternity II includes all vanilla sprites in the wad, but with color remapping applied. But, CRUCIALLY: If you don't want to add custom colors to the palette, there is no need to include these assets in any future wads that uses Otex 2. I must point out again that it remains 100% vanilla palette compatible. Otex 2 will not come with a palette in the wad. The warm green range was something I had wanted for a long time. The teal—eviterniteal—that Dragonfly created for the original Eviternity is iconic and has been adapted by wads like Sunder, but it does negatively affect trees and grass in my opinion. So I decided to use 8 indices for this, but have it ramp into less saturation in the darker end so it could use the 4 darkest pale green indices of the vanilla palette, making the ramp effectively 12 indices. This is largely what fed the big focus on tree sprites in Eviternity II and also set the tone for levels like Afterglow's map31 with its new nukage. I also like the super saturated teal we've seen in things like Fractured Worlds. So I used 5 indices for this, much like the 5 magenta we have in the vanilla palette. I set it up so at the dark end it blends nicely with the eviterniteal range (the original green range), making the ramp effectively much wider. Eviternity's original blue is very muted and while often pleasing it did negatively impact the look of the plasma rifle projectiles. So I recolored those as the test use case for the range and really liked the results. We ended up adding back some saturation to the blue range as well, but that was the last change done to the palette after everything else listed here was already implemented. This leaves 3 more indices out of the 18 I'd freed up, and I used those to let dark reds better transition into brown. Here the palette was tweaked in conjunction with the COLORMAP in many iterations to find the right balance. Ultimately this might not have been the best approach or use of the 3 indices, but I think the variety of uses I ended up with—a brand new general purpose color, a standout effect color, and some basic palette improvement—is a good showcase for what's doable, which I hope will inspire others in taking advantage of the 18 indices.20 points
[Release] ENDOOM Mapping Contest 2024 Sixteen Awesome Levels Archive
Volter/Voltage and 16 others reacted to endoomer for a topic
Hi all, I'm happy to introduce the epic result of ENDOOM Mapping Contest 2024 which I hosted on Doom Power forums (the main board of Russian Doom Community). The contest itself was something similar to the 2016 and 2018 Vinesauce Mapping Contests. The task was to create a brand new level in a decent period of 2 months on a favorite theme, using any suitable resources, formats (from the list) and source ports. The map creation period lasted from January 3, 2024 to March 3, 2024. All maps were divided into two independent groups corresponding to their formats. Classic Group: Vanilla, Limit-removing, Boom, MBF21. Modern Group: ZDoom, GZDoom, Eternity, Zandronum. Each group had first, second and third prize places, guaranteeing the winners $160, $110 and $55 respectively. The total prize pool was $650. The participants were divided into groups as follows: After the deadline, in a two-week period from March 4, 2024 to March 17, 2024 I played through all the levels of applicants on my YouTube channel and evaluated each of them according to my own criteria. Then I determined the winners of each group and awarded them cash prizes. The Winners (spoiler ahead): It was definitely an exciting and interesting competition for both mappers and spectators. Everyone enjoyed this event, which means a success. Now I'm excited to share the contest level archive with you so you can enjoy these sixteen breathtaking entries. The archive contains all levels of the contest as of March 3, 2024 and Readme files for each of them, describing their formats, complevels, required source ports and some other information. There is one IWAD for all levels - Doom 2. • Link to the Archive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VUDKNRl67mg4C5ECJ71Z4xtspZHuvQ3X • Link to the Doom Wiki page: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/ENDOOM_Mapping_Contest_2024 Screenshots of some levels: List of all contenders and their levels: This post will also be supplemented with links to new versions of levels made after the end of the contest. The main archive itself will remain unchanged and will contain only contest versions of the levels. Links to updated versions of levels: Have fun y'all! We hope you enjoy!17 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Demon of the Well and 15 others reacted to endoomer for a topic
16 points -
i fell like i don't belong and everyone is collectively ghosting me all the time.
Steve D and 14 others reacted to Scuba Steve for a topic
I think the correct answer is that a community this small is just guarded. There's no formal discord for Doomworld and the rather small group of members is spread out between several servers ranging from highly visible (hellforge) to smaller and more close-knit. It can feel rather cliquey, but I think it's more to the fact that people are very guarded and not you personally. Given the fact that this is a pretty niche hobbyist forum, it attracts a pretty eclectic group of people many of whom would be considered counter-cultural. Couple that with a sizable LGBT population, so long as people adhere to polite decorum and act respectfully tehre's no type of person who wouldn't be welcome. Rant time: Loneliness is a growing epidemic. We are increasingly isolated from one another (by design) and most young people, especially men, do not have more than 3 close friends they talk to on a regular basis. While it doesn't replace in-person relationships, healthy internet relationships are still very valuable. We need more progressive spaces for people to hang out in to prevent radicalization that loneliness and unhealthy online spaces cause. If you wonder why I have become charitable to a fault when attributing malice towards others it's because I think most people would behave themselves just fine if allowed to spend time in more diverse spaces and talk with those people. I often ask myself; I was a lonely and awkward young man once and, given the right circumstances, I could have easily been radicalized by far-right propaganda. If Doomworld hadn't been run by an ultra progressive cabal of communist antifa socialists, a Doom forum could have easily devolved into a very bro-oriented community. So unless you're obviously disingenuous, I will err on the side of welcoming people so long as they know how to behave themselves.15 points -
re: the bit about "playing what's best for you at the time" is very true and can massively affect what you think of a work at any given time, and you (general you, not you specifically) should be aware of this! I've written in the past about how much I love stuff like Italo-Doom, but I haven't been able to enjoy any of the maps from Italo or maps made in Italo's style for months, because I'm just not in the mood for heavy trial & error / silly / absurdist slaughter of that kind. I think I elaborated on this before, probably multiple times, but I make maps for myself and I find that satisfying. There was some consideration put into I WILL NEVER GIVE YOU ANY THING's length, given that it is a visual overload and how it butchers so many items' pick-up strings, but usually the extent that I map "for others" is that I try to fix issues like wonky teleport closets and potential softlocks. I also often work under the constraints of very minimal (or very noisy) textures and speedmapping time constraints, which are both things that I think helps me not get too wrapped up in "is this better than what I released last time?" type of thinking. I hope that others can also find this same kind of satisfaction in mapping for Doom, because there is someone out there who will play your work and probably really enjoy it, whether you're making the millionth techbase or bringing your nodebuilder to its knees with the next macroslaughter magnum opus.15 points
Tristan MIDIs [updated 28-Mar-24]
cannonball and 12 others reacted to Tristan for a topic
Around this time a year ago I was debating giving up on music entirely, but to everyone's surprise - including my own - I wrote about half of Eviternity II's soundtrack. It's the most music I've ever contributed to a single Doom project, and perhaps, ever will. Now that it's been some time since the initial release, I've added the MIDIs to the dropbox ZIP, please enjoy, and many thanks :) End of the Line (03:25) - MAP02 Tomb Crawler (02:11) - MAP06 Desert Treasure (05:33) - MAP08 Dust Devil (04:43) - MAP09 The Sandwalker (03:05) - MAP10 The Floating Islands (04:05) - MAP11 Downpour (03:06) - MAP14 Carbon (04:35) - MAP15 Giestrandæg (03:55) - MAP17 Gyászolás (06:09) - MAP18 The Longest Night (04:56) - MAP23 Cold Air (03:24) - MAP25 Otherworld (06:13) - MAP26 Velocity (06:24) - MAP32 Vector (03:12) - MAP34 (co-written by Dragonfly and mostly his track but included here for convenience) Additionally, you can find "Journey to the Other Side" from MAP24 in the Misc MIDIs folder, where it's actually been hiding away for nearly 2 years! (I didn't see the point in bumping the thread over one MIDI...)13 points -
High-quality shampoo and conditioner. NEXT!10 points
9 points
They won't forgive him for bilinear filtering8 points
Mortal Soul: Into the Deep – Large subterranean map from 2011 (now on /idgames)
Valboom and 6 others reacted to Stupid Bunny for a topic
This is either the second or the third map of the set that I started, but was finished around a year after I began it, making it the first map with a properly long development time (though certainly not the last lol.) It's also the first one that is properly large, and it's not the largest or most labyrinthine map you've ever seen but it's definitely big and probably bigger than it should be, even with my effort to make it all interconnect and loop back on itself somewhat. Like the others, this isn't the first time this has been freely shared here, and the version here has come up at least a couple times. And like the others, I've made edits to it that have not been played and am going getting it to a final state for /idgames upload time. Because it's a big one it's probably best on its own anyway, even if it's still not the biggest in the set (though I'd put it as the penultimate one). The entire map takes place underground and there is no sky anywhere. That said there are some big empty open spaces inside, although many of them are inaccessible. My desire to keep Doomguy from being thrown over the railing into the bottomless cavern below without use of impassable linedefs has kept the archvile count down. Atmosphere, exploration, and slow-burn progression were the design focus here I think, although the last bit was thwarted a bit I think by the way it interconnects with itself (the Installation does this better by having its final battle off in a separate area—sometimes linearity is better in parts). Although the map has been tested quite a few times by both myself and a bunch of other people over the years, it is also in some ways not that well tested because its size makes thorough testing and balancing difficult. I don't recommend trying to play it saveless the first time through, lol. Play with: DOOM2.WAD (MAP01 slot) Any limit-removing port Mods discouraged as they may break some of the dehackey decorations Jump/crouch disabled (if you jump over the edge into the chasm I'm not responsible for what happens to you) Freelook permitted /IDGAMES DOWNLOAD Other maps in set7 points -
[Limit Removing] "Le Gars Qui A Fait Doom" Level Collection - /idgames release
CrocMagnum and 6 others reacted to apichatpong for a topic
Well, I’ll lose myself once again into lyricism (and some circonvolutions), sorry. To say it quick, last week I was discussing with a friend about style and especially French style. I defended the point of view saying that French style is, to some level, anti-revolutionary while respectful (and sometimes admirative) of some revolutions done by others, leading to some very discrete, difficult to define, non ostentatious, personal modifications of classicism while looking towards the horizon of modernity (without fully embracing it). This morning, discovering this new French project, before going to work, I knew I’ll be served regarrding this question (and, sorry for the personal part, being not directly but very closely related to some negative actuality in France, I was begging for it, feels good to see something still working in France). It’s too early to be precise but did a quick tour inside the maps (already played the great ones by roofi and yugiboy85)(a bit longer tour in WH-Wilou84’s one to see the « big stuff ») and, to say the least, it’s very promissing ! Quite a pleasure to rediscover the style of every mappers with some variations (duskolos, seemingly a bit less into detailing but still good in variations of textures and atmospheres, Alephany and his oppressing versions of hell’s antechamber, Nixx and his compact madness… after all my gibberish about his mapping style on Flesharmonic, difficult to describe the joy I had to instantly feel inside a Datacore map, the adventurous and frantic style of FranckFrag and the unique mixing of grandiose and down to earth from WH). In some sense, this wad confirms my feelings about style : a bit reactionary but still very open-minded, very creative but in a landscape strictly limited, the kind of stuff I really like ! Can’t wait to have more time to get more into it. P.S. : my tour was quick so I might be wrong but got the feeling it missed some green.7 points -
I'm gonna need some playtesters for that thing soon. If anyone's interested let me know via a personal message. Gossip thread7 points
Due to personal reasons, I'm putting pretty much all Doom work on hold for the foreseeable future. It's possible I'll return to some of my WIP projects eventually, but there's a good chance that at least one (most likely Paralysis) will end up being totally scrapped. I decided to at least stop hoarding the music written for them, which when combined with a few miscellaneous pieces from Tetanus and Eviternity 2 adds up to 35 new tracks for a grand total of 135. Download all MIDIs (2024-03-26) NEW TRACKS: 2020: 2021: 2022: 2023: 2024: That's all for now. I don't know when, but eventually I will return to working on Doom. Thank you for listening to and using my music.7 points
Laz Rojas - an old Doomer in trouble.
Stupid Bunny and 5 others reacted to OniriA for a topic
I feel like karma is slowly but surely taking effect to bring you the justice you long deserve. It might take some time, but surely your struggles won't be in vain. May this spring bring new hope and light in your life Mr. Rojas.6 points -
DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]
Tobby and 5 others reacted to Dogmachine for a topic
Map 27 Stroller in 0:21.69 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhRarYPU9Ak lv27str2169.zip6 points -
6 points
Map20 UV-Max in 6:47 - sl20m647.zip yt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_niNhS8wRoY6 points
Anapsnorisis: A (Late) Birthday Wad for Napsalm (MBF21)
Bredd and 4 others reacted to kvothesixstring for a topic
Edit: Apparently this should be played in complevel 21. Thanks for naps pointing out the exit on 02. Anapsnorisis is a small Boom MBF 21 compatible wad made by myself and @Phoenyx for @Napsalm's Birthday! It is two relative speedmaps and one catch map designed with Naps having fun in mind :) So if you aren't naps and didn't have fun, oh well ;) Screenshots: Download: Anapsnorisis.zip Idgames Link: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/anapsnorisis5 points -
Trial by Fire - A try at a Hell map
AshtralFiend and 4 others reacted to wheresthelambsauce for a topic
Greetings all. Recently I was given a map by an online friend and he wanted to see what I would do with it, so I gave it a Hell makeover and modified it quite a bit. This time, I've been learning a bit about some Boom linedef specials and voodoo dolls, so a Boom compatible source port is needed as the final arena relies heavily on it. The arena might be a bit tricky so make sure you're plenty stocked up before you start it, because you will be leaving it either dead or alive. Looking for feedback mainly on the arena fight, if its too difficult or too long. Format: Boom IWAD: Doom 2 Maps: 1 No jumping/crouching, mouselook optional Tested on PrBoom+, GZDoom, DSDA Doom Does not work on Crispy Doom and presumably any that can't utilize Boom features Extra Credits: James "Jimmy" Paddock - Stream of Embers midi Ola Björling (ukiro) - OTEX texture set Mechadon - DS2SKY12 in Mek's Box 'o Skies Screenshots: 100% Walkthrough from an average Doom player: Download Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ddx9jMcCZ1qvhhC3PWM8I4O07aYiNeoH5 points -
[Boom] Out of this residential corner
senpaigru and 4 others reacted to Redead-ITA for a topic
A small map i decided to make after a long while that i didn't map, just to show that i have still got it. Made it in Boom format, using the Vrack Botanicals textures from DBP of the same name Tested with Nugget doom 3.0.0 Screenshots: Download!5 points -
Doing your best work
HeadshotTAS and 4 others reacted to LVENdead for a topic
This is my favorite aspect; for everyone that is absolutely floored when another black and neon slaughter monstrosity hits the forum, there's another who gets excited to see another stock texture techbase. Not every map is all things to all people, but the entire body of content available certainly is. Coming back to your old work and still finding it endearing despite the faults you see in it is always a great sign. Totally fair. I know not everyone is interested in getting this serious about making Doom maps and I respect that. Thanks for giving it a chance anyway! For sure, and I do think the video probably makes it seem like everything I do w/ respect to Doom mapping is this agonizing effort to quell critical self-talk, but the truth is mapping is one of the most enjoyable creative experiences ever for me, which is why I spend so much time with it. But I also accept that I am often a perfectionist and as much as that wins me kudos when I really nail it, I also acknowledge the counterproductive effect it has when it paralyzes me from making real actual progress. Perfect quality is an asymptote, and at times I do have to take a step back and realize I'm chasing the curve that will never cross the line.5 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Surreily and 4 others reacted to Meerschweinmann for a topic
5 points -
Hell Revealed demos [-complevel 2]
Searcher and 4 others reacted to Andrea Rovenski for a topic
ep1 fast 42:51 https://youtu.be/8o627Yzsee8 hrep1f4251.zip5 points -
Why Is John Romero So Hot?
Stupid Bunny and 4 others reacted to Murdoch for a topic
Because someone set him on fire. Someone should probably call the fire department.5 points -
Doomcute thread
bsharp and 4 others reacted to horselessheadsman for a topic
DOOMCUTE In City Only Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Secret Levels5 points -
5 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Betelgeuse and 4 others reacted to rita remton for a topic
5 points -
Just make maps dude who gives a shit.5 points
Fucking ridiculous. https://www.sgvtribune.com/2021/07/18/officer-of-the-year-in-el-monte-didnt-work-a-single-day-in-2020/5 points
Introducing Precious Cargo, yet another vanilla TNT map that features modern mapping techniques in vanilla limitations with substantially elevated difficulty. Exemplifying Doom-Cute and the limitations provided by the vanilla format, this map iterates upon the realistic measures that TeamTNT sought after, including Doom-Cute cars and cranes lifting objects mid-air. This map is a part of two, with the next aiming to create a realistic crate-maze replete with forklifts and endless conveyor belts! Around 2 Weeks (Unsure) Typical Playtime: 8 - 11 Minutes Credits: PatchTex by Gothic Midi Track by Decino Ports Tested: Chocolate Doom (No crashes or hitches on my end...) CRL Crispy Doom Woof Download4 points
Screenshots for my WIP Doom 1 set
DaRkWeZ and 3 others reacted to ivymagnapinna for a topic
4 points -
AD MIDIs (updated 2024-03-26 | 135 tracks)
KeaganDunn and 3 others reacted to Jimmy for a topic
AD I believe in you, I always have done4 points -
What an assinine thing to say towards a very legitimate concern from the OP. Perhaps you should consider touching some grass yourself in this case. PS: Not trying to stir anything here, I just found it a very dickish comment. Also to OP, things will work out eventually. Just be patient and build on yourself. The giving hand is always better then the hand that takes. As artists we're blessed with the power to keep on giving despite the circumstance.4 points
Skelly, I know I don't talk much anymore, but I should. It's always good to talk with you, just know that whatever comes before doesn't matter much if you and others can move on, so be motivated to keep moving forward! There's only as many people you wish to interact with as you decide, so make it matter.4 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
DTSlayer and 3 others reacted to BondoJames for a topic
4 points -
[Limit Removing] "Le Gars Qui A Fait Doom" Level Collection - /idgames release
CrocMagnum and 3 others reacted to Roofi for a topic
That was a pleasure to participate in this very special event ! :)4 points -
Doing your best work
taufan99 and 3 others reacted to HeadshotTAS for a topic
As someone who is currently going through the insanity of trying to make a 64-level megawad, realizing that perfection is impossible is undoubtedly necessary, since you'll never be able to outdo yourself for the millionth time in a row. But for me, the more important thing is motivation: I make the maps I want to make because they're the type of maps I want to play. To me that's far more important than "doing your best" or making your "magnum opus". It's not that I don't strive to do either of those things, it's that it's important to realize that you can't please absolutely everyone no matter how hard you try, and that's okay. It makes sense that we will fixate on what others say about our work, and I certainly appreciate any feedback I get on my maps, but this conversation ignores what I think is more important; that is, the satisfaction and fulfillment of creating the art that is authentic to yourself. Making any kind of art is just as much about the experience of creating it as it is about putting it out there in the world, if that's something you even feel like doing. That's what I've learned from making my own maps, anyways. I've been happy to see how my maps have been received in the Doom community, but for me it wasn't even in my mind that I'm going to be making "the best" ever maps for Doom, because I was just having a lot of fun making them in the first place. I think that if you just focus on that experience without worrying about making the best thing ever, that's the way to go. That's what I think.4 points -
Hell Revealations Demopack (Open Demo Submissions)
Monsieur E and 3 others reacted to Daymond (VwV) for a topic
Map 25 UV-Max in 31:59 HRs25m3159.zip4 points -
id argue that zooming out is disastrous in the same ways. you arguably gain more information but the underlying strata of it becomes lost. If we focus on a single person as a whole entity with no interior, we would have to define them by their context, their gravitational effect on other entities, the channels that connect them to other entities. ETC. take a human heart. You could imagine a heart as a single entity but its purpose and mechanics are not obvious without discovering the other organs connected to it. then you might need to know of the existence of a skeleton. What of a rib cage? it protects the heart from what? then you're forced to expand outside the body to understand its purpose. But how far out of the body is necessary? A human body has a gravitational effect. It's acted by larger gravitational forces as well, is that larger mass a part of it, necessary to understand it? That larger mass is the earth, which of course is also acted on by the gravity of the Sun. And understanding the sun at a macro level requires us to understand its formation which sort of forces back to a micro level. At what point in that process did we zoom out too far to meaningfully understand a single person as an entity? IS there an arbitrary "zoomed out enough" to match a theoretical arbitrary "zoomed in enough"?4 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Nostalgia
LadyMistDragon and 3 others reacted to Celestin for a topic
MAP28: Seasons in the Abyss The visuals are on point here, there's something about this deep shade of red contrasting with black that I've always liked. As for the gameplay, it reuses a trick from MAP25, where you first kill a horde of monsters and then the map tosses a pair of archviles onto a pile of corpses. This time, there's less room to hide and if you've wasted rockets, it will be a drawn-out battle that will leave you dry. Seasons in the Abyss tend to be more restrictive with ammo than previous levels and likes to use tanky monsters, so I felt a need to be more conservative with resources. The door-blocking cyberdemon can screw himself, you'll be wasting the majority of cells you have and they are good to have for the finale, a surrounding monster closets of mid-tier demons. I had to deal with them mostly using SSG and I can't decide if it was tedious or exciting. Perheps the latter at first, when you try to get out and nail the archvile, only to turn into the former with baron clean-up. Not my favourite map, but I'll still say to looks great.4 points -
Doomcute thread
stochastic and 3 others reacted to ALilGrayBoi for a topic
4 points -
I have been practicing my texture and doomcute skills and made these sector cars. The map they are in is an MBF21 map:4 points
I don't think you understand what going full berserk on someone is. People are well within their right to stop interacting with people based on first impressions if they so choose. Interacting with people is a time investment. Therefore I decided that day I did not want to invest time in you. In any case, this isn't the gotcha you think it is. When confronted with your own actions, you immediately deflected as if it was my fault instead of reflecting on yourself thinking "yea hmm maybe that wasn't so smart, maybe I should think about my actions or apologize" or "hmm maybe my actions have caused people not to interact with me". Kevansevan's post is accurate in the sense that there is no bettering yourself here, only remorse that your action fell flat and didn't get you where you wanted to be. When I'm making suggestions such as just make maps or think about your actions, it is because I have literally spent years banned from forums and discords of Doom communities I have contributed to and continue to contribute to. I am understanding of your angst. I am giving you suggestions based on actual real ways to remedy this without falling further away. The difference is that you don't seem to realize or don't want to realize what you do matters. I understand the potential repercussions of my actions. I know a lot of the things I have said/done and continue to say/do get people angry sometimes. Individuals in this very topic are proof of that. But I'm not the one begging for acceptance.4 points
My 32-map megawad is now a 33-map megawad4 points
Using dummy sectors for sound propagation
oneselfSelf and 2 others reacted to bofu for a question
One thing to bear in mind is that in UDB, if you manipulate the positioning of any of the joined sectors, there is a possibility (depending on what tool you're using, I think Sector always does it and Vertex always doesn't) that you'll unjoin the sectors and accidentally break the connection. I'm sure it's dependent on a setting somewhere, but this is using the default settings.3 points -
Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]
NecrumWarrior and 2 others reacted to realjohnmadden for a topic
So turns out this puddle of toxic waste in the underground city actually counts as its' own secret lmao3 points