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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/29/24 in all areas

  1. Some DOOM HUD Sprites (Original color and paletted for Doom) I made for a Doom mod I'm making where you'll play as a policeman in the 1960s. Because I've never made a Doom mod before, I'm not sure if I'm ever gonna finish it, but I guess at least I'll share it here. :)
    15 points
  2. They won't forgive him for bilinear filtering
    13 points
  3. This Fax I found from 1995 is from Lion Entertainment to ID Software, is Lion Entertainment the company responsible for porting Doom to Macintosh? It is good to see useful things like this from so long ago.
    11 points
  4. D2ALL UV-Max in 1:56:22 - swallm15622.zip Video:
    10 points
  5. Hello there, Today marks the release of "Le Gars Qui A Fait Doom", the official French translation of John Romero's autobiography ("Doom Guy - Life in First Person"), courtesy of independent French editor Omaké Books. Here's Romero himself saying a few words about the book and its imminent publication : The book comes in a limited edition along with a digital card autographed by John, and will definitely please a lot of Doom enthusiasts here in France ! I've had the chance to discuss with the person in charge of translating the book, and he's truly passionate about Romero. Get the book here : https://omakebooks.com/fr/livres-jeux-video/672-le-gars-qui-a-fait-doom-9782379892790.html And... Obviously, there's more :) The French Doom Community was secretly reached by Omaké Books to create new maps accompanying the book's official release. We just couldn't let this occasion pass us by ! "Le Gars Qui A Fait Doom" Level Collection is a series of 8 new Ultimate Doom maps for Limit Removing ports. They come in all styles and colors, and all of them are more or less inspired by John Romero, whether it's his old IWad maps, his modern offerings (SIGIL and its sequel), his other games, or even his real life. You can play each of these maps in any order you fancy, as there's no clear theme or difficulty order. Each wad can be played standalone, à la Master Levels, and some of them contain new textures and resources. Maplist : - [Wad name] - [Author] - [Map name] - [Map slot] - LGQAFD_Alephany_E1M8 - Alephany - Undesired Reincarnation - E1M8 - LGQAFD_Datacore_E1M1 - Datacore - Nouveau Sang - E1M1 - LGQAFD_Duskolos_E3M1 - Duskolos - Lift & Traps - E3M1 - LGQAFD_franckFRAG_E3M1 - franckFRAG - Encounter of the third John - E3M1 - LGQAFD_Nixx_E1M5 - Nixx - Romerian Era - E1M5 - LGQAFD_Roofi_E1M1 - Roofi - Grand Canyon - E1M1 - LGQAFD_WH_E2M1 - [WH]-Wilou84 - Icons from the Deep - E2M1 - LGQAFD_Yugiboy_E4M1 - Yugiboy - Say Hello to Sunshine - E4M1 Screenshots : These maps were supposed to be included with the book itself, in the form of hidden QR Codes within its pages, but due to time constraints, this idea had to be scrapped. Nevertheless, the goal was to release the maps alongside the book's publication, so here we are :) This project was quite the challenge, as we only had a month to compile resources, create maps, and test them. Still, I think the end result is well worth the pain. Well, that's me done ! Links : - Download on /idgames : https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/Ports/j-l/lgqafd_lc - Related topic on the French Doom Community forums : https://doomfrance.forumactif.com/t5361-limit-removing-le-gars-qui-a-fait-doom-level-collection Feel free to share your thoughts and bug reports, as usual. :)
    8 points
  6. prfunky

    Did you know?...

    that doing a Google image search for DMFlags, yields a picture of @Doomkid?
    7 points
  7. All 80 boxes have been filled. We have some extra boxes that we will add soon since we had more that 80 total submissions. But we are close to playtesting phase.
    7 points
  8. I'm tired of playing Maps where you pick up keys, shoot things and do things but somehow I'm going to persevere stay tuned Maybe u should switch to scrabble
    7 points
  9. Jeez Douglas, telling people to delete DOOM.wad from their hard drive to play it from their hard drive?! Get it together, man! ..We'll accept your apology this time, but you are on short notice.
    7 points
  10. NoSp Episode 3 Segmented UV-Max with @Bredd in 29:26 nospe3mx2926.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ADnTauRqsk
    6 points
  11. DoomedLucy

    Share Your Sprites!

    My brainchild, the Impodemon. It was relatively simple (and one of my very first monster sprite edits, so please be nice), I just hue shifted until the Imp was red, then I drew the violet spine muscles and face, and made the blood blue.
    6 points
  12. Doomkid

    Did you know?...

    No problem! I have my wallet right he- ...uhh...
    6 points
  13. That's a problem for future you to deal with. Pick one, play it for an hour or two, and if you're not enjoying it, move on to another.
    6 points
  14. Round horizontal pipes in Eternity Engine thanks to slopes and (edge) portals.
    6 points
  15. 6 points
  16. What type of map are you trying to play then?
    5 points
  17. I only play Doom. Easy decision. I own a PS4, but after abandoning God of War 2 halfway through I only use it for watching films.
    5 points
  18. // here. spend 3 1/2 hours watching this... he helped me alright...
    5 points
  19. i took the lack of engagement too personally and let my overthinking get the best of me. it was just on my end, all in my head, or if there where any form of like ignoring, it's either blown out of proportion or it's just me thinking that the community was smaller and more insular than i thought it was. reassessing things. thanks for the reality check.
    5 points
  20. Me agrada ver un proyecto del lado hispano. un solido trabajo, pero tiene sus baches y partes sin pulir. eso si, me impresiona lo tanto que le dieron a la presentación del wad, exprimiendo todo lo que Boom puede hacer. ¡Buen trabajo!
    5 points
  21. I think the correct answer is that a community this small is just guarded. There's no formal discord for Doomworld and the rather small group of members is spread out between several servers ranging from highly visible (hellforge) to smaller and more close-knit. It can feel rather cliquey, but I think it's more to the fact that people are very guarded and not you personally. Given the fact that this is a pretty niche hobbyist forum, it attracts a pretty eclectic group of people many of whom would be considered counter-cultural. Couple that with a sizable LGBT population, so long as people adhere to polite decorum and act respectfully tehre's no type of person who wouldn't be welcome. Rant time: Loneliness is a growing epidemic. We are increasingly isolated from one another (by design) and most young people, especially men, do not have more than 3 close friends they talk to on a regular basis. While it doesn't replace in-person relationships, healthy internet relationships are still very valuable. We need more progressive spaces for people to hang out in to prevent radicalization that loneliness and unhealthy online spaces cause. If you wonder why I have become charitable to a fault when attributing malice towards others it's because I think most people would behave themselves just fine if allowed to spend time in more diverse spaces and talk with those people. I often ask myself; I was a lonely and awkward young man once and, given the right circumstances, I could have easily been radicalized by far-right propaganda. If Doomworld hadn't been run by an ultra progressive cabal of communist antifa socialists, a Doom forum could have easily devolved into a very bro-oriented community. So unless you're obviously disingenuous, I will err on the side of welcoming people so long as they know how to behave themselves.
    5 points
  22. That's him. That's the bastard who did this to me, the hellspawn who destroyed my life and is responsible for everything I've suffered the past two years. So he spent all that time on that case and still couldn't close it and had to be replaced by another guy, yet he fabricated a false case against me and took it to the D.A. in a day without any investigation at all. This makes my blood boil to a degree I can't describe. The man is corrupt and evil, but his day is coming. My lawsuit will put the spotlight on him in federal court and I doubt his career will survive it. When he interrogated me, he told me I was full of sh*t and I was going to prison. He may be the one going to prison after all is said and done. Thank you for finding this article and posting it, Andromeda. I've brought it to the attention of my attorneys.
    5 points
  23. -- ---- -- I knew firing that nutjob was a bad omen. It started with the security systems going haywire, then the explosions outside, and finally there were those damned shrieks down the hallway. At some point one has to wonder whether the job's worth it or not. I made that decision a few hours ago. -- ---- -- <<<RC1 AVAILABLE HERE>>> <<<RC2 AVAILABLE HERE>>> <<<idgames release>>> Escape From Sunveil Starport is an MBF21 compatible mini-wad spanning 9 or so maps, initially created during NaNoWadMo2023. This project serves as a prequel to my NaNoWadMo 2022 contribution, Machete. Initially, my plan was to ape off level concepts from Knee-Deep in the Dead. I also wanted an excuse to use a bunch of my favorite Deadwing midis :) MBF21 is the compatibility this time around. Every level has been tested in DSDA-Doom and Nugget Doom. As usual, a dehacked patch has been included for minor thing edits, as well as one new(?) enemy and an upgraded starting pistol. All levels were designed for pistol starts. Difficulties have been implemented. I'll probably add in coop later at some point. Shout-outs to @Deadwing, @finnks13, and @scwiba for helping out with playtesting. --Enjoy your visit to Sunveil Starport!--
    4 points
  24. Introducing Precious Cargo, yet another vanilla TNT map that features modern mapping techniques in vanilla limitations with substantially elevated difficulty. Exemplifying Doom-Cute and the limitations provided by the vanilla format, this map iterates upon the realistic measures that TeamTNT sought after, including Doom-Cute cars and cranes lifting objects mid-air. This map is a part of two, with the next aiming to create a realistic crate-maze replete with forklifts and endless conveyor belts! Around 2 Weeks (Unsure) Typical Playtime: 8 - 11 Minutes Credits: PatchTex by Gothic Midi Track by Decino Ports Tested: Chocolate Doom (No crashes or hitches on my end...) CRL Crispy Doom Woof Download
    4 points
  25. What if DOOM released in 1996? Well, Nobody Told Me About id may have a pretty good answer to that question. This is a gameplay mod for GZDoom that replicates various Build Engine quirks from games like Duke Nukem 3D, Blood, Shadow Warrior and Powerslave. This mod has been in the works since summer 2019. It's been completely rebooted in early 2023 to be less of a trash heap and more faithful to its sources. Here's a list of its features: Player movement and animations have been completely changed - you are less slippery, can move in the air and even have neat little details that can be toggled off anytime such as flinching from long falls and scanning your keys on locked doors to unlock them. Your arsenal is a whole lot flashier than before. Your Pistol is faster to shoot at the cost of having to reload it occasionally. Don't feel like wasting shotgun ammo on a single Zombieman? Use your Trusty Boot. Some rocket boxes and dead zombies may also have Hand Grenades - use them to clear corners! The monsters mean serious business this time. Zombies can duck and lob grenades, Imps jump over ledges and Demons and Spectres lunge at you. Hell, even Barons of Hell and Hell Knights won't be taking any of your circlestrafing! ...Oh, did I mention that Revenants also have jetpacks now? Some powerups like the Berserk Pack, Radiation Suit and Light Amplification Goggles are now inventory items. Portable Medkits also replace Soulspheres outside of secret areas by default. Extra content for various WADs such as AD MORTEM, AUGER;ZENITH, DOOM 64 for DOOM II, Eviternity, MAYhem 2019 and Scythe 2! (Make sure to load NTMAi after any of those WADs, though) SCREENSHOTS Credits are shown on the title screen. More details can be found inside the mod in credits.txt. Download NTMAi at cantsleep.cc/ntmai! (Requires GZDoom 4.10 or above and a copy of DOOM.)
    4 points
  26. Do you think that you have enough courage to appear in this hell-forsaken place? Well, I warned you. You are not welcome here at all. Playtime ~10-20 min. The maps is inspired by The Ultimate Doom - E1, Doom II - The Gantlet, and Knocked Loose - Deep in the Willow (guitar cover by Zain Mhz). Features: - Music: remixed Knocked Loose - Deep in the Willow (remixed by @Nikamir) - No crouch - No jump - No secret - 1 map Screenshots Format BOOM Made with Slade3 - DOOM2 (ZDoom compitable) Download (5.4 Mb): https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArJqO35mii2Ok8lwq2r8Vokt71hlrw?e=tEdKc8
    4 points
  27. heya! I recently started mapping and after making my first map "Hell's Fortress" (It's not up anywhere, dont bother looking for it) I found myself really wanting to mess with what UDMF has to offer. Hell's Fortress was a UDMF map but I was still learning so I felt it better to just try making a vanilla-esc map. However for this map, I wanted to use all the tools available and ended up with Site 64! A Doom 64 inspired map using OTEX textures and featuring two custom enemies (One is just Nightmare Imps), and multiple ACS sequences! Download via Google Drive Tested in GZDoom, Doom II IWAD, Hardware Rendering, Single Map, Pretty standard difficulty until the final part kicks you in the 'nads.
    4 points
  28. This is my very first wad that I made in 2 days which contains lots of enemies and I wanted you guys to try it out. It is a single map starting on MAP01 but idk if I consider it a slaughtermap. I also tried to make the wad fair and not difficult and I think I did that pretty well. The map was tested on Doom 2 using prboom+ -complevel 2 and Gzdoom with doom(strict) compatibility. I dont even know if you guys can play this map tbh. extreme.zip
    4 points
  29. After having the idea of making a Doom map in my head for so long, I have finally decided to open Ultimate Doom Builder and do this little test. Right now It's not a full map, the elevator door is the only functional thing and it leads to nowhere, for now.
    4 points
  30. Map16 UVMax in 12:46 Zip: hf216m1246.zip Video: https://youtu.be/Lool7c6ZSj8?si=FSPnn0lcohIl-ERS
    4 points
  31. me hope you are all having a great day
    4 points
  32. Many of the greatest works of art in human history are unnamed
    4 points
  33. Lower difficulty = less monsters? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    4 points
  34. MAP19-MAP24 MAP19: Alien Resurrection by Madani El Hariri MAP20: Misri Halek by Kim André Malde MAP21: One Flew Over The Caco's Nest by Pablo Dictter MAP22: Rubicon by Brad 'Vorpal' Spencer MAP23: Blood Sacrifice by Kim André Malde MAP24: Clandestine Complex by Lee Szymanski and Anthony Soto Bonus content MAP25: Valley of Echoes (from Alien Vendetta 2001) by Anders Johnsen
    4 points
  35. I'll remember to put 10x more enemies next time, sorry for taking it easy!
    4 points
  36. https://dsdarchive.com/wads/tek - Pacifist 2.94 - tek11p294.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/nasty2 - Pacifist - 1.14 - nasty201p114.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/plut1 - Pacifist - 21.14 - plut101p2114.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/rane1m1 - UV Speed - 22.94 - rane1m111-2294.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/dimhade - NM 100S 18.66 - dimhade01s1866.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/distrib - UV Speed - 19.40 - distrib01-1940.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/pc_tech - NoMo - 44.46 - pc_tech21o4446.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/ocean - Pacifist - 51.97 - ocean01p5197.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/ocean - NoMo - 49.83 - ocean01o4983.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/fuzz2016 - UV Speed - 1.66 - fuzz201601-166.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/spdgr1 - NoMo - 21.06 - spdgr101o2106.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/spdgr1 - UV Speed - 23.91 - spdgr101-2391.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/pet - Pacifist - 11.69 - pet11p1169.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/classic11 - NoMo - 26.80 - classic1121o2680.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/icon2 - UV Max - 1:21.80 - icon201m12180.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/swblstcs - UV Max - 2:21.69 - swblstcs1m22169.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/n4-evil - UV Max - 3:54.31 - n4-evil1m35431.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/ic1room - UV Max - 33.43 - ic1room1m3343.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/astro - Map 01 - UV Max - 41.89 - astro01m4189.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/sthawful - NoMo 100S - 36.69 - sthawful11os3669.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/gdestiny - Pacifist - 6.34 - gdestiny11p634.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/spmpepi4 { E4M1 UV Max - 51.03 - spmpepi441m5103.zip E4M2 Pacifist - 15.20 - spmpepi442p1520.zip E4M4 UV Max - 16.66 - spmpepi444m1666.zip E4M5 Pacifist - 5.97 - spmpepi445p597.zip E4M5 UV Max - 2:22.46 (lol) - spmpepi445m22246.zip E4M6 UV Max - 11.94 - spmpepi446m1194.zip E4M7 UV Speed - 1.69 - spmpepi447-169.zip E4M8 UV Max - 9.49 - spmpepi448m949.zip Episode 4 UV Speed - 1:17 - spmpepi4all-117.zip
    4 points
  37. I noticed that @PsychEyeball is playing all the ranp maps which is INSANE hasent landed on mine yet but thats ok haha Nice map - the barons REALLY retreated from this one
    4 points
  38. Um, excuse me but map06 has EIGHT archviles, thank you very much. 💅 that’s a bit more than the norm, in my book. ;)
    4 points
  39. 4 points
  40. I haven't played Flesharmonic but I recognize at least two of those names. It's always great to see new talent. What's more, this collection kicks some serious ass! All of them felt like they brought something. The little nod to Sigil with shootable eyes in at least one map was really nice to see!
    4 points
  41. Très content de savoir qu'une traduction en français sera disponible ! Je suis relativement à l'aise avec l'anglais mais quitte à choisir... :D Otherwise, I'm going to try those maps, they look gorgeous by the screenshots :p
    4 points
  42. coin flips help me with lots of decisions. I don't necessarily go with the results of the flip, I just pay attention to how it makes me feel. If I like the result I take it and if I don't I reject it. The coin flip goes through the motions of making a decision and I think it gives my brain the impression that the decision is made, which changes my perspective on the situation. Idk, but it works for me.
    3 points
  43. Happy Fried Chicken Friday everybody and thanks for the support Here is my map 3 reveal video I'll probably do more of these probably on Fried Chicken Fridays cuz a lot of people have questions about my silly Maps haha Have a good 1
    3 points
  44. Haha! “Sorry about that”.
    3 points
  45. Edit -> Merge Dragged Vertices Only (or use the buttons in the toolbar).
    3 points
  46. I wanted to share some nomo screenshots of my work-in-progress wad, a limit-removing Doom E1 replacement called Forsaken Compound. Credits to Dir for the custom palette used here, I think it does a lot of heavy lifting. E1M1-E1M7 are shown here. Taken in dsda-doom, more below the spoiler cut.
    3 points
  47. There are plenty of levels, characters, and other mods for SRB2. They have their own forum as linked above, as well as their own wiki and their own Discord server. For levels, the OLDC (Official Level Design Collab) is a good place to start; here's the news post for the most recently released iteration of it. There's also SRB2Kart, which is a kart racer based on SRB2 that also has its own tracks, characters, and mods.
    3 points
  48. Cascade

    Share Your Sprites!

    Still not done
    3 points
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