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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/24 in all areas

  1. Working on my WAD's main menu screen. The inked sketch in my sketchbook and the mockup in Photoshop.
    18 points
  2. I grabbed sub 4:00 after I saw the 4:01, but I only post on weekends now ^_^. Plutonia Map22 UV-Max in 3:41 pl22m341.zip
    11 points
  3. Map26 UV-Max in 2:28 s226m228.zip
    11 points
  4. PanicDan

    Post your Doom textures!

    If that is so, here is the TITLEPIC and INTERPIC I made for my WAD I'm workin' on. It's called Alphabet Soup and it's about rooms shaped like letters. And a texture edited from a vanilla flesh texture.
    8 points
  5. dw pls dont ban me for 2 year bump (e: goddamit it's 4 years) Anyways, everyone knows that Comatose is one of those wads that's just rich with this stuff. Here's another to the pile I noticed on replay: there's a spiffy looking house in a corner, with an expansive garden that's well-trimmed and everything. In there, right at a bench near the entrance, there's a single sector cigarette butt sitting neatly on and well inside an ash tray, the rest is spick and span. Comatose is littered with cigarettes (and sometimes their packaging as well), often densely clumped with each other near trash bins, or, more often than not, thrown with abandon around the parks and playgrounds. I mean, it's not deep in a general sense, considering you'll already "get it" with the surrounding poverty contrasting the fancy house, but this weird extra mile feels like a crossing the line twice moment, where it loops back into being memorable. Images:
    8 points
  6. Mapping in Boom for the first time in ages with my favourite sky.
    7 points
  7. Now on idgames! Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I will address any bugs that may have snuck through if they break levels, but if not, it's time for me to go ahead and move on to my next projects!
    7 points
  8. doom wad as outsider art is an interesting subject and you can't find it in mock 2 - that's well known players and mappers making intentionally silly stuff on the side have you ever typed .wad into one of those wayback machine/geocities-like archives and looked up the names you found? or have you tried reading posts by people on these forums in search of lateral thoughts on doom's potential and then grabbing the maps they've made? those are good approaches; when i was in search of offbeat maps that was my thing and have you ever played armadosia: the mad corridor?
    7 points
  9. Round horizontal pipes in Eternity Engine thanks to slopes and (edge) portals.
    7 points
  10. Hey guys, check out 16 brand new levels pack from ENDOOM Mapping Contest 2024!
    6 points
  11. Map16 UVMax in 12:46 Zip: hf216m1246.zip Video: https://youtu.be/Lool7c6ZSj8?si=FSPnn0lcohIl-ERS
    5 points
  12. Working on converting Doom 3's models and animations into IQMs for GZdoom, along with their normal and specular maps.
    5 points
  13. Flats created from parts of the original intermission screens.
    5 points
  14. i know this sounds really weird but bare with me this is my first post i just really want to play some ""Bad" WADs, shit that usually is seen as very poor quality by most Doom mappers and players, mainly because i want to enjoy them. i absolutely love playing "bad and shitty" things, because even if its "bad" by normal standards or whatever. ones man trash is another mans treasure. ive always have enjoyed really "horribly produced" things, mockbusters, really cheesy b-movies, etc. i also enjoy beginner projects; 'my first wad' type stuff because its nice to see what ideas they have, and to do what stuff like Doom WADs and other stuff was meant to be; to be enjoyed. that being said its ok to look at it and enjoy it because thats what things like games and stuff was meant to be (enjoyed), also because bad stuff can be loveable, in a "amateur charm" kinda way. its ok if your a beginner and if you haven't fully explored everything, because that doesn't mean you suck at it. basically, if you want to make something for the purpose of being bad, go for it because a certain group of people will still enjoy it even if the majority doesn't
    4 points
  15. Status update: Egyptian theme didn't really worked out for me, so I restarted the map. Decided to go with Earth Jungle episode from Scythe 2; I'll finish the playable version of the map on April 1st and will do bugfixing/balancing after the feedback (if allowed of course). WIP screenshot below.
    4 points
  16. First note, funny thing, I did some playtesting and a little project management for Doom Refired a few years ago! I'm happy that team has gotten on good footing! Second off, I think that while Squonker does do a more "modern" style of design namely influenced by Alm and his progenitors, I think there's more than enough in the department of wads that deliver low-key, out of the norm, and esoteric experiences. That's not to say we don't ever do something out of the ordinary; for example, Tetanus has a good amount of maps that explore a sense of constraint and subtlety contrasting with the immense and explosive maps, like AD's Map 5 or Skronk's Map 9 (both of which are some of the longest maps in the set). Thirdly, the whole "artistic" merit thing is completely relative and has no place in a conversation about aesthetic complaints, you only get as much as you put in when it comes to appreciation. If you appreciate the low key stuff through caverns, that's cool! If you don't go for straight up gameplay wads, that's cool too! Just don't get in a twist about the "worth" of either of these (unless you want to go Kantian on my ass and start using pure reasoning for why a Doom WAD has the value of Walmart paintings of christmas cabins). As a middle ground statement, Daylit District is itself a sequel to a gameplay heavy, minimalist detail wad. If we did something like a sequel to Vigor or Pagodia we'd definitely place a huge emphasis on aesthetic exploration!
    4 points
  17. Seems, project was rejected from archives, but I looked at the duplicated entries from iwad and removed those. I hope it will be okay this time. Apologies for delay.
    4 points
  18. I respect your review, let me provide the addtional context that may be missing... so... Okay, Evershrine, the 3 maps were always part of Freud 2 since it's inception, they were some of the earliest maps, why were they released standalone? Because at the time I wasn't sure Freud 2 could ever be finished as a 32 mapset, so I released them standalone just incase. Now, as for including Reliving the end... yeah I needed to fil la map slot but also specifically someone wished there was a map after it, or maps when it came out. Now to be specific, that temple map name is indeed a pun on both joe ilya and indiana jones! Joe back in the mid 10s was a controversial mapper due his attitude towards people's opinions and his overall "I'll do what I want" (see 1 star deathmatch). I haven't followed his antics in years so I cannot tell you whether he got better overall or not. I remember how angry he was when his TNT2 Devilution map was rejected, wow. You can thank @uber for the absolutely fantastic interpic/endpic, the madman rolled with the ideas me and Obsidian had hahaha. To be clear, yeah this project had messy development throughout it's lifetime, I only worked on it in between games I was making because I could not do both modding and gamedev at the same time, unfortunately I became severely burnt out as a creative person over the years, mostly due real life work keeping me away on top of personal hell I went through. The guest maps were both a necessity to complete the project but also because everyone involved was a friend of mine in the community, mostly met through participation in speedmapping projects. Shout out to the Abyssal Speedmapping Session team. I doubt i'll end up making an another megawad, or even a game, unless by some stroke of luck I rediscover myself as a creative person but so far, it's not looking like it will happen. I have become the average joe, just eating, sleeping working through his days, paying bills, always staring at the same 4 walls and the ceiling. Releasing this, is my way of letting the remaining baggage go, of who I was when I first started it, who i'm not anymore. But... map29 is my magnum opus, the final burst of inspiration that came to me in this project and probably for the rest of my doom modding career which I consider done. Sure I could have regrets about how Freud 2 could have been better and so on..... but I don't. I've spent too much of my lifetime, reliving memories, thinking of all the what ifs, the goal was met, I released a 32 map megawad in some shape or form.
    4 points
  19. OniriA

    "liltown" dev thread

    Yo, you don't need to post 5 posts after eachother as you can always edit your last post with the extra information added. Its much more convenient that way.
    4 points
  20. some immersion breakers, really just nods to stuff i like.
    4 points
  21. Swift Death Map 24 NM-Speed in 0:01.26 - sw24nx126.zip YouTube:
    4 points
  22. One does not simply contact John Romero.
    4 points
  23. Have you tried the Contact link on their site?
    4 points
  24. Jason Wainman's 30 Levels of Doom II
    4 points
  25. Hi, Been quite inspired lately from replaying Doom 1 and 2, and I wanted to do some 3D models as tribute (and as 3D printables!) Working through every enemy currently. I'll post progress here periodically. I wanted to be around 80% faithful to the original designs, making changes here and there (like the Imp not being noseless) The prints and raw model files (with pbr textures) will be available on my Gumroad. https://doomspoons.gumroad.com/ Feel free to give feedback/ideas!
    3 points
  26. What if DOOM released in 1996? Well, Nobody Told Me About id may have a pretty good answer to that question. This is a gameplay mod for GZDoom that replicates various Build Engine quirks from games like Duke Nukem 3D, Blood, Shadow Warrior and Powerslave. This mod has been in the works since summer 2019. It's been completely rebooted in early 2023 to be less of a trash heap and more faithful to its sources. Here's a list of its features: Player movement and animations have been completely changed - you are less slippery, can move in the air and even have neat little details that can be toggled off anytime such as flinching from long falls and scanning your keys on locked doors to unlock them. Your arsenal is a whole lot flashier than before. Your Pistol is faster to shoot at the cost of having to reload it occasionally. Don't feel like wasting shotgun ammo on a single Zombieman? Use your Trusty Boot. Some rocket boxes and dead zombies may also have Hand Grenades - use them to clear corners! The monsters mean serious business this time. Zombies can duck and lob grenades, Imps jump over ledges and Demons and Spectres lunge at you. Hell, even Barons of Hell and Hell Knights won't be taking any of your circlestrafing! ...Oh, did I mention that Revenants also have jetpacks now? Some powerups like the Berserk Pack, Radiation Suit and Light Amplification Goggles are now inventory items. Portable Medkits also replace Soulspheres outside of secret areas by default. Extra content for various WADs such as AD MORTEM, AUGER;ZENITH, DOOM 64 for DOOM II, Eviternity, MAYhem 2019 and Scythe 2! (Make sure to load NTMAi after any of those WADs, though) SCREENSHOTS Credits are shown on the title screen. More details can be found inside the mod in credits.txt. Download NTMAi at cantsleep.cc/ntmai! (Requires GZDoom 4.10 or above and a copy of DOOM.)
    3 points
  27. I imagine what people usually think of when they think of trees in Doom are either the two decorative tree things that the game comes with, or custom thing resprites like you might see in Eviternity. Either way, a much less-seen form of trees are sector-based, built with lines and midtextures and all that, rather than just plopping down an object. Recently, after trying my hand at making some, I've gotten kind of obsessed with these, and have been on the lookout for any example of these types of trees out in the wild- big, small, grandiose, shitty, it doesn't matter; if you've seen a sector tree (or have made one yourself), share it here! To start: a few of my own, and a few examples from other wads i've come across. My Trees: Trees I've Spotted: Wormwood MAP01 Sunder MAP32 Nostalgia MAP16 and MAP19
    3 points
  28. Billa

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Some gggmork wad tablefills. These are only found in "Mork, Murder, Art" - I've made zips for each wad so 4shock doesn't have to go digging for them. bbb.wad bbb.zip UV-Max in 3:57 bbbm35714.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RH8a4f-QJA idgaf1.wad idgaf1.zip UV-Max in 4:33 idgaf1m43366.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhTmQqLDEWs Pacifist in 0:29 idgaf1p2966.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0b_ouNwM7s p2final.wad p2final.zip UV-Max in 4:18 p2final418.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj7jFTS_-Ws
    3 points
  29. Greetings all. Recently I was given a map by an online friend and he wanted to see what I would do with it, so I gave it a Hell makeover and modified it quite a bit. This time, I've been learning a bit about some Boom linedef specials and voodoo dolls, so a Boom compatible source port is needed as the final arena relies heavily on it. The arena might be a bit tricky so make sure you're plenty stocked up before you start it, because you will be leaving it either dead or alive. Looking for feedback mainly on the arena fight, if its too difficult or too long. Format: Boom IWAD: Doom 2 Maps: 1 No jumping/crouching, mouselook optional Tested on PrBoom+, GZDoom, DSDA Doom Does not work on Crispy Doom and presumably any that can't utilize Boom features Extra Credits: James "Jimmy" Paddock - Stream of Embers midi Ola Björling (ukiro) - OTEX texture set Mechadon - DS2SKY12 in Mek's Box 'o Skies Screenshots: 100% Walkthrough from an average Doom player: Download Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ddx9jMcCZ1qvhhC3PWM8I4O07aYiNeoH
    3 points
  30. Did a quick Google search for you, man that brought up some nostalgic results (I even found some of my embarrassing past!): Thy Holds of Hell is certainly garbage. Laura Beyer's Doom is one of the worst Doom related things I have played that required money (that I never gave it). Literally anything by Giulio Galassi Squishy's Monster Bag wasn't very good originally, not sure how it went after the overhaul that did or did not happen. Mattbratt's Level Pack was wank, is wank, always will be wank. Doom JR is a masterpiece, honest. DTS-T is poorly designed, poorly voiced and just all around a bad time. Swan Fox, if you find a copy send me one because I lost mine. Nazi Auferstehung can swallow a load. Playmasters and it's invisible fucking crushers. Plutonia 3, no really. Final Doom Return of the Evil God, with a title like that what did you expect? Honestly I could keep going, I will not,
    3 points
  31. Museum I (1994) by Midnight Blue Play Settings Difficulty: Ultra-Violence Source Port: Crispy Doom One of those 90s WADs where you just hold down M1 with the plasma until you run out of rooms. The "museum" name comes from the fact that many of the demons are in cages, plus a couple uses of the Wolfenstein picture textures. The layout requires a lot of backtracking through monster-less areas, rendering the experience boring and frustrating even at a relatively short runtime. Every Which Way But Out (1995) by Peter Guts Play Settings Difficulty: Thou art a smite-meister Source Port: GZDoom Maybe it's my bias for Heretic, or maybe it's just that I usually expect far worse from anything billing itself as a "puzzle map", but I honestly didn't think that this was that bad? I mean yes, it's bad - the biggest issue being that, unlike the last WAD, ammo is super starved on UV here, especially for the number of boss monsters that get thrown at you from the jump. I don't think you can beat it on this difficulty without cheating (for my part, I just hit the "resurrect" command a few times). It's also way the hell too long. But I found it relatively easy to navigate and I thought the areas were pretty interesting-looking, so I didn't hate my time with it. S'mores Cookie (2021) by Timothy "MArt1And00m3r11339" Brown Play Settings Difficulty: Ultra-Violence Source Port: GZDoom Ugh, another MartianDoomer map. I've written about this guy before - he's so prolific that any ER/iWAdventurer is likely to come across his stuff at some point. All his /idgames maps are vaguely food-themed slaughtermaps with a heavy emphasis on tedium over difficulty - as in this case, where the slow-spawning smattering of demons on the central platform is extremely unlikely to ever kill you, but the exit is timed for so long that you'll be killing them for days. DNF, of course - I honestly prefer Terry Traps to these things. Classic Doom 10b: Mercurius Pools without the cyberdemon (2003) by Jan Van der Veken Play Settings Difficulty: Ultra-Violence Source Port: Crispy Doom An early draft of what would later become E1M5 of the Cacoward-winning "Classic Episode 2". Even here it's a ton of fun - Van der Veken breathes new life into your typical techbase with smart lighting and detailing that's much appreciated but never too showy, and combat makes great use of the E2 bestiary and armory, e.g., shotgunners are once again terrifying and the chaingun is once again a god-tier. You maybe have to shotgun a few too many cacodemons for my taste, but maybe that's my own fault for burning through bullets too quickly. Either way, I'm officially putting both Classic Episodes on my to-play list. Thy Wrath Unleashed (2020) by Matthew "Wrath" Phillips Play Settings Difficulty: Ultra-Violence Source Port: GZDoom Every time we see a great, anonymous 90s WAD we say that we wish that person had stuck around and developed their style further. Well, here's a guy who actually did it - taking three maps published in 1996 and revamping them during the pandemic. I like, for the most part, that these still feel like 90s maps even as they benefit from modern ideation and fancy ZDoom lighting (the WAD runs on any port, but the author mentions only testing in ZDoom, and it shows - in a good way.) You still get silly Wolfenstein textures, way-too-easy-secrets, weird weapon balancing, etc., but now combat is much more finely-tuned, everything is gorgeously detailed, and progression mostly makes sense. Sometimes it's a little too 90s, like how you don't get the SSG in MAP01 when you really need it, or the third map being a confusing, frustrating teleporter puzzle. But dammit, even at its worst this thing looks way too beautiful to hate. The author mentions in the extensive text file that our own Clippy's video playthrough was instrumental in fine-tuning the maps, so good on ya - I suppose it's not surprising that so many of us ER/iWA folk also moonlight as playtesters (myself included.)
    3 points
  32. I know sometimes things seem bleak , Grungo, but i myself work full time and have multiple hobbies including Doom. Maybe you won't have time at first but once you have some stability you may be surprised by your ability to still engage in hobbies. I hope things get better for Grungo and Grungo tribe leader.
    3 points
  33. Map 07 UV-Tank in 1:36 d2m7tank-136.zip https://youtu.be/_ozB_gHSNxw
    3 points
  34. MAP30: Nostalgia 1/1 secret One of the easier and more perfunctory IOS maps I've played; I was a bit surprised when I opened the red door and it's just a direct shot to the exposed IOS brain, no need to futz around with lifts or timing or anything like that. Actually quite simple to beat without firing a shot (well, except for the rockets at the end), as long as the SMM moves out of your way, as it's fairly easy to avoid the cyber by the switch. I do think I was benefiting from a bug in that I think two cybers are supposed to teleport in and form a wall on the red key, but one of them routinely kept dying on teleport (probably some ZDoom setting I have mistakenly set) making it easy to get the other one to get distracted and you can just run in and out around him to grab the key. Overall Thoughts Short maps are always a double-edged sword for DWMC... playing one map a day, it can sometimes feel like a disservice to pacing that might not be a problem if you play several of the maps at once. OTOH it also lets me actually play them and participate, just don't have the time to play a huge map every day anymore unfortunately. As for the WAD itself, it was definitely... okay. Everything is well-crafted in the technical sense, there's not really any game-breaking bugs or really poor design choices. At worst, things just get bland and/or predictable. The early maps are definitely the weakest, being somewhat reliant on IWAD homages and being overly blocky, but things ramp up a bit in the second episode.
    3 points
  35. Turns out that it does get more obscure after all (YMMV). I'll just repost my message from VOGONS: Here's a really obscure game that went open source. It's was originally called Super Pooh, an unlicensed DOS action platform game based on Winnie the Pooh characters (but with a few twists, being mostly inspired by the Soviet version). It was sold commercially in the 90s, then the author was able to negotiate an international release on consoles, but all Pooh references had to be removed for copyright reasons, so the game became Super Plusha. Actual gameplay and levels remained the same. The DOS game was rediscovered by enthusiasts in 2010, and the author was happy to provide the full version and the source code. Based on this, an updated DOS version and a Windows port was created by CTPAX-CHEATER, which is available here along with an interview with the author (all in Russian though): https://ctpax-cheater.losthost.org/htmldocs/pooh.htm The source code is released under the Apache 2.0 license and available here: https://github.com/D0NM/Vinnie The author gave full permission to do anything with the game data as well. You can download it and play in the browser (via JS-DOS) at DOS Games Archive: https://www.dosgamesarchive.com/download/super-pooh
    3 points
  36. ep3 max 35:16 https://youtu.be/qlCQggU7WXQ noep3-3516.zip
    3 points
  37. MAP29: Chambers of Dis 100% kills, 4/4 secrets Nice marble-and-blood theme, and the curves help alleviate some of the corridorishness of it. The first cyber was fun to use to infight, especially racing ahead to let the AVs out too for some spice. Ended up with one lone hell knight surviving Mr. Cyber. Also, I think I found all the missing ammo from last map... it certainly is more fun to blast through stuff like the caco wave when you can just let loose with the rocket launcher and not worry about ammo. The second cyber-vs-knights fight is pretty meh IMO, as the cybers just turn out to be a giant meatwall easily taken out with the BFG after being softened up by the hell knights. I found all the secrets but only after going back to look for them, just got lazy I guess (and didn't even have any use for the megasphere because of it). All in all, it's ok.
    3 points
  38. Might I recommend my mistake of a community project Mock 7: General Unintelligents, which was supposed to be a "so bad it's good" surreal shitpost wad but ended up just being a "so bad it's terrible" mistake of a wad. Some of the maps are interesting though... Also I second Mock 2.
    3 points
  39. This SUXX! is a classic.
    3 points
  40. Play maximum doom
    3 points
  41. Brick | 1 wad | 12 map Adventure | 8 wads | 62 maps Caverns of Darkness (2002) by The Chaos Crew. 12 SP maps for Doom II in a custom Eternity Engine. I played this long ago and remembered it as being one of the most remarkable wads of the first decade. Despite being ostensibly for Eternity (still in its infancy) it comes with its own DOS-based cod.exe with much of the wad content hardcoded. It will of course not run properly on modern Eternity or anything else, the only way to play it as-is is with the provided exe. I wasn't too keen on going through DOS this time so opted for a patch released by Graf Zahl to translate all its specials to GZDoom (an EDF/EMAPINFO patch would be really cool). There's a new secret weapon but it's kinda disappointing, it turns Doomguy into One Punch Man but it's not terribly interesting and I forgot I even had it for long stretches. The engine itself must've been something back then, with local ambient sounds everywhere, conveyor belts, lots of voodoo doll scripts, and some remarkable special effects. Machinery and pistons move in ways that look much more natural than what Doom can normally do. Pushing on a shot exploder blows up a wall and opens up a passage through. Support beam look like they're actually using ZDoom slopes, except this is a different engine that doesn't have slopes. There are some fantastic visual set pieces, especially with the use of translucency (if you're wondering, that beam of holy light is not ZDoom transparency; it looks exactly the same in the native engine). The level design fully utilizes all the specials, progression often involves going under and above and simulates 3D really well; there's the usual bridges of course, but in some cases entire room-over-room illusion, it's incredibly impressive. Some of the experiments don't always work out, I thought MAP03 and its platforming over multiple levels was more frustrating than anything, but it's definitely unique and the blue colormap is memorable. I'm sorry to say that I did not like all the maps, MAP04 is flooded with chaingunners and revenants firing across vast distances, MAP09 does the same but with lots of very dark areas and an incredibly confusing layout. I loved all of Chris Lutz's ones though, which is good because it's the majority of the wad. One thing they all have in common is beautiful architecture, even setting aside all the special effects the map craftsmanship is extremely high. The finale is eerie and atmospheric in its first part, then ends in an arena final fight, with the IOS acting like a cinematic conclusion rather than a real fight. It's a great wad, I feel it has aged surprisingly well too.
    3 points
  42. Map07 available: Bungalops https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwfh05mvwql02fb/wa07b.wad/file
    3 points
  43. Now we're getting to the meat of things! So, to elaborate more, I did comment on another thread where the wads basically offered the same thing. And it was the same as in this wad, where I played the first few levels and the design felt fresh and the textures were cool/interesting. But then I felt that it was just more of the same. There are a LOT of wads I've played over the past few years that do the same thing: grab a key (or good weapon) and you are immediately thrust into a (usually) undersized arena in which you are expected you frantically navigate / dodge the tracers from arch-viles while running in circles dodging revenant rockets. Further, often times you are expected to also identify the locations of chaingunners (often on a pedestal or in the distance) to survive, while randomly grabbing any health you can find. The above description is a VERY hectic experience, and can be very much welcomed in the context of a map. Naturally, as people have improved their Doomin' skills over the decades, tougher challenges are wanted by many. Long gone is the simplicity of MAP11 (Circle of Death / 'O' of Destruction) where the arch-vile appears in the blue key room (weak enemies for him to revive, easy to run away / dodge / avoid). Now we have maps that turn from the classic Doom experience (where a map has a beginning, middle, end) to what almost feels section after section of some sort of "onslaught." Remember MAP16, where the onslaught after you grab the key was one of the most memorable moments in the entire game? All this despite that map looking nothing at all like any "Suburbs" I've ever been to in my life. So sure, as you said, I could turn down the difficulty and have an easier time defeating the demons. But have I actually gotten anything other than what ....kind of feels like I'm "deathmatching against monsters" running around a clean, well-designed map where every texture is perfectly aligned. Sometimes the maps rely on switches to open other doors, only to find another Quake III Arena-style deathmatch level with a key you grab, which releases (you guessed it) 2 arch-viles, 8 revenants, and chaingunners. Throughout my Doomin' Journey over the decades, I've grown to love the challenge of weaving in and out of random pillars dodging arch-vile tracers without getting hit, or running in circles to guide revenant rockets into other monsters / walls / whatever. But if that's all the map is, what's the point? Where's the exploration? I was playing Doom Refired today and there are definitely traps. But there's also a variance in a lot of things, and there are quiet moments, and there is more of an artistic touch to the level design (wandering dark caves lit by candlebras, a mix of texture themes, etc.) Personally I'm better at editing maps than designing them. I offered compliments on the design of these maps, they are very aesthetically pleasing. And not all of them have to be exactly what I want in a map to be a "good map." But I was legitimately disappointed to see a fresh map set that looked great, and ultimately went down the same territory we've seen so many times. I'll leave it at that, because I have already sort of accidentally hijacked the thread, it seems. Everyone else seemed to really enjoy the maps, and the author should be able to enjoy people enjoying his creation rather than it totally switching to what I (the guy with the generic avatar) thinks.
    3 points
  44. D2ALL UV-Max in 1:56:22 - swallm15622.zip Video:
    3 points
  45. That's him. That's the bastard who did this to me, the hellspawn who destroyed my life and is responsible for everything I've suffered the past two years. So he spent all that time on that case and still couldn't close it and had to be replaced by another guy, yet he fabricated a false case against me and took it to the D.A. in a day without any investigation at all. This makes my blood boil to a degree I can't describe. The man is corrupt and evil, but his day is coming. My lawsuit will put the spotlight on him in federal court and I doubt his career will survive it. When he interrogated me, he told me I was full of sh*t and I was going to prison. He may be the one going to prison after all is said and done. Thank you for finding this article and posting it, Andromeda. I've brought it to the attention of my attorneys.
    3 points
  46. Hey guys, check out 16 brand new levels pack from ENDOOM Mapping Contest 2024!
    3 points
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