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Vogel im Käfig (Endoom mapping contest 2024 winner)
komojo and 22 others reacted to ShiroiAkuma51 for a topic
Vogel im Käfig Port - tested with DSDA-Doom 0.26.2, Nugget Doom 2.1.0, Doom Retro 5.1.0, GZDoom 4.8 Complevel - MBF21 Iwad - doom2.wad Number of maps - 1 Jump and crouch are not allowed This wad contains replaced standart Doom graphics, so mods are not recommended Story: There are ocassional demons attacks on humans that happening accross the planet, but no massive invasion. ████████████ heard some rumors about cult named ████████████ in the city of ████████████, whose actions possibly causing demons to attack. ████████████ send you to this city in order to investigate and prevent cult activity. Screenshots: Link to archive from Endoom mapping contest 2024: Download link (updated 14.05.24): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_K7LBaDRKJ1VGMClWP9Yhg0_XMWLKgyt/view?usp=sharing23 points -
E1M7 UV-Max in 2:07 e1m7m207.zip18 points
[UDMF] Scallywag Operations Inc. - 15 very good challenge vignettes
Bryan T and 16 others reacted to KeaganDunn for a topic
Featuring Keagan Finished, @The Final Event, @Jimmy, @Alper002, and @SanyaWaffles Scallywag Operations Inc. is a really good mapset, possibly the best of all time. Our team of legendary legends were given absolutely zero limitations, possibly even -1 limitations (The rumors of there being -2 limitations are currently under investigation). This naturally led to some of the most innovative geometry ever considerated and constructulated. The gameplay features such mechanics as: being really good, having gameplay and being beatable for a certified experience. PORTS TESTED Only GZDoom 4.11.3, nothing else. Also enable the shit out of fog, preferably set to radial, otherwise map04 will have no graphics (which honestly if you want to play without you can, glhf ig) CREDITS: Angus Beefwhistler Anubis Dracula Fred Clegg, The Endmaster Gorpus Schrompf XI Mojang Osiris The Existential Voidweavers The Void Orbs MAP AND MUSIC INFO IN TEXT FILE TECHNICAL INFO: GAME: DOOM2.WAD MAPS: 01-15 SINGLE PLAYER: ye COOPERATIVE 2-4: you won't DEATHMATCH: you won't DIFFICULTIES: slight BASE: New from scratch BUILD TIME: 3 weeks DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13ruOHeeurQJkNUAOJ0YwrS-UL6i-cFXk/view?usp=sharing17 points -
Daylight District | A 7-level vanilla episode! - RC3! [split]
EduardoAndFriends and 14 others reacted to myolden for a topic
This thread has me feeling like I'm taking crazy pills so I'm going to address some things. I didn't remember map 03 being particularly difficult (aside from the secret fight) so I went back and replayed it and I still really don't see how the rev/vile fight is so difficult. I recorded a quick video of me doing the fight kind of sloppily and it still didn't give me much trouble, I died like once before this recording because I kind of just woke up. The fight sort of cheeses itself once you kill the first archvile since all the revenants bunch up in that little stairwell. I would try to intellectualize this fight or whatever but it really is just "hold down the fire button on the RL and take cover when the archvile zaps you". There's not much to figure out here. I have sympathy for you @Clippy because doing live commentary playthroughs can be tough. Balancing playing Doom and recording and talking kind of splits your mental processes and it's easy to miss stuff. But quickly glancing at your video it looks like you were mostly jumping out of the only cover available to you into a big open arena with two archviles. Probably should have stayed in cover, right? I don't want to come down on you but you were kind of making things harder for yourself. I hope that this video of me doing the fight makes it easier for you and maybe you'll enjoy this map more if you ever decide to play it again. I'm less inclined to have sympathy for @KevvyLava. You're more than entitled to have your preferences for what you like in a Doom map. We all do. And if this map set isn't your cup of tea that's fine and I would never take offense to that. But if all you're going to do is pop into every thread for a WAD you don't like and call it "generic" or "boring" then I'll go ahead and be as blunt as you are: I don't fucking care. You did this in the D2ICO thread as well, and it derailed that thread too. You're being a dick. Believe it or not the people who make these maps read the threads and when you say shit like this: or this: they're going to think you're an asshole, because you are. Like what you like, don't like what you don't like, it's all good. But stop popping into threads being a fucking asshole unless you want to be known as "that asshole who pops into peoples threads".15 points -
Sector Trees & Mid Texture-Based Trees in Doom
rita remton and 12 others reacted to stephyesterday for a topic
I imagine what people usually think of when they think of trees in Doom are either the two decorative tree things that the game comes with, or custom thing resprites like you might see in Eviternity. Either way, a much less-seen form of trees are sector-based, built with lines and midtextures and all that, rather than just plopping down an object. Recently, after trying my hand at making some, I've gotten kind of obsessed with these, and have been on the lookout for any example of these types of trees out in the wild- big, small, grandiose, shitty, it doesn't matter; if you've seen a sector tree (or have made one yourself), share it here! To start: a few of my own, and a few examples from other wads i've come across. My Trees: Trees I've Spotted: Wormwood MAP01 Sunder MAP32 Nostalgia MAP16 and MAP1913 points -
It would be a shame if this thread simply devolved into a discussion on the merit of this wad, so I will say this, Squonker wads have generally trended towards being more difficult on UV and this has not changed. The designers on this wad are the same ones that have worked tirelessly to contribute great maps to multiple projects, and still have a sharp sense of design that hasn’t gone away just because they aimed to make something more challenging. No one set out to make something that would upset you, and difficulty settings were provided for players who do not quite meet the skill floor of the higher difficulties. I find some of the wording in your post to be a bit disrespectful, especially considering the quality of the wad and this project’s development has been so smooth compared to the one I’m supposed to have mapped for for a year now. At the end of the day, Squonker is a friend group that also makes maps that are released to the public free of charge, I don’t think criticism is bad, but I find a few of the posts in this thread to be thoughtlessly callous, and the sort of thing that could potentially really hurt someone who put a lot of work into their map. This wad offers what squonker has always offered, end of story.11 points
Sector Trees & Mid Texture-Based Trees in Doom
Guff dotD and 10 others reacted to antares031 for a topic
UniDoom3 MAP04, sector + midtex combined. Ghoul's Forest 3, sloped sectors + midtex vines. Going Down MAP25, a sector art.11 points -
This demo is actually so good it's disgusting10 points
To this point, I've considered something similar a few times. I am being completely unironic when I say the youtube algorithm can genuinely change your life. When I was in early high school cringe compilations, "commentary" channels, and figures like Ben Shapiro were being pushed pretty hard into my youtube recommendations. I watched and even thought stuff like this was funny at the time. I believe had a certain channel not appeared to me one day and made me start questioning this content I would have probably continued to consume it, and would probably carry pretty different beliefs today. I know it sounds a bit ridiculous, but if you're a young person who considers themselves a social outcast its pretty easy to fall into and align yourself with certain corners of the internet, probably without even consciously realizing it.10 points
Sector Trees & Mid Texture-Based Trees in Doom
Grain of Salt and 9 others reacted to baja blast rd. for a topic
10 points -
I am going to beat every WAD Dean of Doom has ever reviewed (SEASON 2 ALMOST COMPLETE)
bsharp and 8 others reacted to Logamuffin for a topic
OK, I'm a massive MtPain27/Dean of Doom fan. In fact, I don't think I'd even really be a part of this community without him. His videos have inspired and comforted me a lot, and shaped my perceptions of Doom. Which is why I'm embarking on a journey to follow in his footsteps. That's right, I'm attempting to beat every WAD he's ever reviewed. I forget when exactly I started this but I think it's been like 4 months or so where I have been going down the list. So why only post it now. Well, I didn't know if I would give up before getting anywhere with this. But today I hit a very important milestone: With my completion of Hell Revealed, I've officially beaten every single WAD the Dean reviewed during Season 1! It's definitely a strange collection of wads, but along with some wads I had already completed beforehand, I have completed 39 out of the 118 wads that he has reviewed during the series (that's including Sawed Off and Halloween Episode Wads). With that number, I feel like I'm finally committed enough to post about it. Now, I should note that I'm not going by Dean of Doom rules when playing these. I'm not playing on UV, since HMP is much more my speed and I think it's more fair for first time playthroughs. And I'm probably not going to be completing everything twice. I'm dedicated but I'm not that dedicated. And I'm using GZDoom with freelook on (I know, sue me). But the challenge isn't as important so much as my own personal journey, and I want to share it with y'all. How am I keeping track of these wads, none of you may have asked? Well, I have a spreadsheet that lists every individual wad Dean of Doom has ever reviewed with my completion status of each (I even have sections for each Sawed Off Wad). I also keep track of my own opinions and comments on some of them, though not all. For those curious, you can view the spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F-q711KO7k57I6Fd6DSg2-CbgBugZB2GOPRc2enokls/edit#gid=0 So what am I going to do now that I've completed all of Season 1. Well, Season 2 of course! So in this thread, I'm going to update y'all on my progress and what I'm thinking along my journey.9 points -
I am pretty disappointed reading this thread after being a way for from DW for awhile. @Clippy you are absolutely entitled to your anger and frustration with @T.Will's map, no can take that from you, but what you've done with said anger is the furthest thing from a good look. Everyone in Squonker is very open to critical feedback to improve there maps, but it's hard to recognize anything substance from your post past your frustration and blame on the author. Your definition of the thread going "off the rails" so far from what I've seen, barring a few posts about complaining about key hunts in doom, has been a discussion on approaching fights and unique ways and solving combat puzzles. It's very easy to fall into the trap of this is hard this must be the author's fault, when we have several posts in this thread showing people's various methods of approaching the encounters in this map. Hydropump is a very unsuspecting map on the player, and one of the many highlight's in @T.Will's portfolio. Again, you are absolutely entitled to your anger and frustration with the difficulty, as easy as it would be to just say "skill issue" and move on. You are right, it's easy to make hard maps just to be hard but if you genuinely think that was the case for this map then I seriously urge you to reassess. If you think the new direction this wad was taken was too far and that we have lost our way then I invite you to stop playing our maps if it turns out to not be your cup of tea. Edit: Also the evil marines from Scythe II are fun.9 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Zanieon and 8 others reacted to Doom-X-Machina for a topic
9 points -
[Community Project] VANITY
Bochnik Chleba and 8 others reacted to Xaser for a topic
Yikes, dude. This map is clearly coming from someone who's brand-new to Doom mapping -- It's fine to have minimum quality standards for the project, but this sort of vitriol is completely uncalled for. If you're trying to prove that you've got what it takes to be a successful project leader, this is not how you do it.9 points -
Split. Do not continue this conversational line, thanks.8 points
8 points
[Release] ENDOOM Mapping Contest 2024 Sixteen Awesome Levels Archive
Volter/Voltage and 6 others reacted to endoomer for a topic
Hi all, I'm happy to introduce the epic result of ENDOOM Mapping Contest 2024 which I hosted on Doom Power forums (the main board of Russian Doom Community). The contest itself was something similar to the 2016 and 2018 Vinesauce Mapping Contests. The task was to create a brand new level in a decent period of 2 months on a favorite theme, using any suitable resources, formats (from the list) and source ports. The map creation period lasted from January 3, 2024 to March 3, 2024. All maps were divided into two independent groups corresponding to their formats. Classic Group: Vanilla, Limit-removing, Boom, MBF21. Modern Group: ZDoom, GZDoom, Eternity, Zandronum. Each group had first, second and third prize places, guaranteeing the winners $160, $110 and $55 respectively. The total prize pool was $650. The participants were divided into groups as follows: After the deadline, in a two-week period from March 4, 2024 to March 17, 2024 I played through all the levels of applicants on my YouTube channel and evaluated each of them according to my own criteria. Then I determined the winners of each group and awarded them cash prizes. The Winners (spoiler ahead): It was definitely an exciting and interesting competition for both mappers and spectators. Everyone enjoyed this event, which means a success. Now I'm excited to share the contest level archive with you so you can enjoy these sixteen breathtaking entries. The archive contains all levels of the contest as of March 3, 2024 and Readme files for each of them, describing their formats, complevels, required source ports and some other information. There is one IWAD for all levels - Doom 2. • Link to the Archive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VUDKNRl67mg4C5ECJ71Z4xtspZHuvQ3X • Link to the Doom Wiki page: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/ENDOOM_Mapping_Contest_2024 Screenshots of some levels: List of all contenders and their levels: This post will also be supplemented with links to new versions of levels made after the end of the contest. The main archive itself will remain unchanged and will contain only contest versions of the levels. Links to updated versions of levels: Have fun y'all! We hope you enjoy!7 points -
Realm of Chaos: 25th Anniv. Edition - NOW ON IDGAMES!
CrocMagnum and 6 others reacted to Cammy for a topic
At long last, Release Candidate 2 is here!! (link updated april 3rd) Download it, play it, and let me know if you encounter any issues. If nothing gets found, I'll submit it to idgames on April 19th. A changelog is included in the download, or you can read it here if you'd like: Sorry to keep you all waiting - I hope you enjoy this new and hopefully final version! @Devalaous I'm very happy that you enjoyed the original wad so much - it's seriously underrated, and it does my heart good to hear you liked the music too! I must have done a good job with that part at least. :)7 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
horselessheadsman and 6 others reacted to Misty for a topic
In the corner, evil eye watches your every movement:7 points -
7 points
Sector Trees & Mid Texture-Based Trees in Doom
Guff dotD and 5 others reacted to HiMyNameIsChair for a topic
One of my own from MAP15 of Doomworld Dating Simulator that I made with Dististik. Quite proud of it, considering it was my first time ever making one.6 points -
Swift Death demos [-complevel 9]
stephyesterday and 5 others reacted to cryoniq for a topic
D2ALL UV-Max in 1:56:22 - swallm15622.zip Video:6 points -
Hello :) This is just one random single and fast paced map, phobos inspired. I just wanted to make a little something with a non-vanilla stock texture for once since a lot of time, hey maybe I should retry a Boom format map with it next ! Have fun ! - The map have custom texture/custom music included into the WAD. - The WAD should obviously work with everything that support the texture pack included into it. (playtest have been done with GZDOOM though). - DOOM II IWAD and format ; MAP01 (actually there is also an unfinished MAP02 included, just don't bother yourself with this). - UV only implemented (really no big deal, map is basic and easy to mid in term of difficulty). DOWNLOAD : https://www.mediafire.com/file/idx27fwa9irwgwj/Phobos2.0.wad/file5 points
Crusty Megawad, a WIP 90s style wad (Feedback Appericated)
Andromeda and 4 others reacted to Sensitive-Sky for a topic
Compatibility: Vanilla (DOOM2.exe, Chocolate Doom, etc) IWAD: Doom 2/Freedoom 2 Maps so far: There are 2 micro levels, intended to have 32 maps later on hopefully. Map Names: 01 Leap of Faith, 02 Tea Time Map editor used: eureka Music: There's none, but I recommend using the midi wad file from Down the Drain (https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/megawads/drn) Difficulty: Slightly more difficult than Doom 2's early levels on Ultra-Violence This is supposed be an amateur 90s style wad/joke wad with intentionally bad texture alignment and placement that's heavily inspired by Down the Drain and Demonfear. However, this wad intends to achieve an aesthetic rather than the level design of 90s wads. I'm a new mapper, getting better at designing levels and the level editor itself, so constructive feedback is 100% welcome. This is also a side-project to the wad I'm working on (I'm currently on the second map of the main wad I'm working on https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/143919-my-first-map-feedback-appreciated/ ), making small maps I enjoy making. Thanks in advance :) CRUSTY-MEGAWAD.zip5 points -
Nuking It Out (My first published wad)
Proxy-MIDI and 4 others reacted to plomoknite for a topic
This is the first wad I'm posting online (I've made some before but they are... not good), it contains just a short map. Link: https://doomshack.org/uploads/NUKINGITOUT.wad Screenshots Made on the Boom map format. Tested on GZDoom. Freelook, crouching and jumping are not allowed. IWad used is Plutonia. Feedback is greatly appreciated.5 points -
Share Your Sprites!
horselessheadsman and 4 others reacted to Donowa for a topic
5 points -
5 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
horselessheadsman and 4 others reacted to DRON12261 for a topic
5 points -
[UDMF] Scallywag Operations Inc. - 15 very good challenge vignettes
Flower_XD and 4 others reacted to The Final Event for a topic
it was dark, but the lights5 points -
Hey DWMC, just wanted to let you guys know that it was fun reading all of your guys writeups. I appreciate hearing what people liked and didn't like in each map, really cool that there's enough interest in this set to fuel a whole month's worth of reviews. Thanks for playing!5 points
Guys, this is becoming a little unhealthy. Can we go back to talking about the project in question?5 points
Origwad demos [-complevel 3]
E.M. and 4 others reacted to 4shockblast for a topic
Pacifist in 0:02.00. NM-Speed in 0:02.00. 1 is too cursed. origp200.zip orign200.zip5 points -
5 points
I'll take this opportunity to post a video of the secret fight in Map03. This is a great fight because you have just enough space to overcome the imps, and the fact that you only have the RL means that you need to carefully consider your movement throughout the fight. For dicey situations it's probably best to use the chaingun here instead of the shotgun like I did (that was a bad idea), but even with this mistake I managed to succeed in my 2nd attempt. If the map had given you a plasma gun, I think that would have severely diminished this fight and also the final fight. In fact I see a ton of depth in how the encounters were constructed. The weapons you have were selected for a reason, and the fights were designed around that, to complicate things for you with the RL by constricting your space and demanding a bit more from the player than usual in that you need to navigate these environments correctly (without blowing yourself up). The fight also gives you the way out halfway through, so technically it's even easy to cheese it should you need to do that, but I chose not to because it shouldn't be necessary if you approach it the right way. Anyway, enough rambling, here's the video:5 points
Yeah, a mistake on my part, I was convinced it was a joke and brushed it off like it was nothing. The right thing to do should have been to treat it like any other legitimate map and provide genuine constructive criticism. Sorry to @RileyXY1, that was uncalled for.5 points
i fell like i don't belong and everyone is collectively ghosting me all the time.
Steve D and 4 others reacted to Scuba Steve for a topic
I think the correct answer is that a community this small is just guarded. There's no formal discord for Doomworld and the rather small group of members is spread out between several servers ranging from highly visible (hellforge) to smaller and more close-knit. It can feel rather cliquey, but I think it's more to the fact that people are very guarded and not you personally. Given the fact that this is a pretty niche hobbyist forum, it attracts a pretty eclectic group of people many of whom would be considered counter-cultural. Couple that with a sizable LGBT population, so long as people adhere to polite decorum and act respectfully tehre's no type of person who wouldn't be welcome. Rant time: Loneliness is a growing epidemic. We are increasingly isolated from one another (by design) and most young people, especially men, do not have more than 3 close friends they talk to on a regular basis. While it doesn't replace in-person relationships, healthy internet relationships are still very valuable. We need more progressive spaces for people to hang out in to prevent radicalization that loneliness and unhealthy online spaces cause. If you wonder why I have become charitable to a fault when attributing malice towards others it's because I think most people would behave themselves just fine if allowed to spend time in more diverse spaces and talk with those people. I often ask myself; I was a lonely and awkward young man once and, given the right circumstances, I could have easily been radicalized by far-right propaganda. If Doomworld hadn't been run by an ultra progressive cabal of communist antifa socialists, a Doom forum could have easily devolved into a very bro-oriented community. So unless you're obviously disingenuous, I will err on the side of welcoming people so long as they know how to behave themselves.5 points -
Demon of the Well and 3 others reacted to nekosattva for a topic
DOOMED SOULS Hello every-nyan. I'm Nekosattva and I used to make a lot of maps as a kid. Well, I took a decade-long break; now, I suddenly got the urge to relive the past and start making maps again. These maps are inspired by the gameplay and the atmosphere of the dreary and wonderful DARK SOULS franchise. After about 10 false-starts with nothing maps, my first proof-of-concept is ready. I went a bit overboard with the new scripting capabilities (I'll be adding in status effects soon!) and sector-over-sector capabilities but I have some good ideas. This MAP is called "Asylum" and it's an unfinished conceptual map testing some ideas I'd like to put into a future set of maps. I'm trying to get to a gameplay loop which is difficult for reasons other than sheer perseverance through slaughter (hey, I love Sunder!) but I don't think I'm there yet. The puzzles are also placeholder. Nevertheless, I'd like to share some progress and hopefully people can let me know what works and what definitely does not. Once you play, you'll see that I love verticality, cramped corridors, traps, and interlocking sections. This map was made possible by the work of many other modders too numerous to mention, who have created texture packs and actor scripts I've unscrupulously used. I did create a few myself however-- including an archvile with no attack capabilities. Maybe this will start a new revolution in annoying encounter design. Some textures, and all the music are my own. You can download the alpha .pk3 here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-dRyz-Nr_uU-dbu_wDMWD_arQB-b7Ba3/view?usp=sharing4 points -
Actual first PWAD found?
_Mud and 3 others reacted to bobstremglav for a topic
While travelling through random doom website I can't find anymore I found very unsettling post Here's original post, and screenshots I made myself I already packed this obscure pwad with press release beta (source: idgames archive), so you have just to unpack zip and launch doom, easydoom or harddoom through DosBox or real msdos DOOMDEMO.zip4 points -
From Corrupted Cistern (using Lutz's screenshots since they're better than what I would have taken): From Unknown: Edit - A couple more I remembered: Hexen: Veil of Darkness uses sector trees/tree-textured walls as the map layout in its forest map, as well as tree decorations and Hexen's destructible trees. Lost Civilization MAP07 also does the "corridors of tree textures" thing.4 points
I am staying past my bedtime to say4 points
IronEagle Competition 64: Castle of Evil (CASTEVIL)
Pegleg and 3 others reacted to head_cannon for a topic
IEcastevilHMPhc.zip Category: 1 Difficulty: HMP Survived in 6:50 I went back after recording and spent an hour looking around the castle grounds. I respect how the player seems to be able to gain traction and get underway no matter which way they go from start, and how those tangled interconnected paths make each playthrough different. But once the initial adventure is over and the monsters are dead, it's really awkward to try to untangle and navigate those paths from place to place when double-checking for anything that was overlooked. The scale of the place was still impressive, especially for 1994.4 points -
Play anything you want for saveless, it doesn't make that much of a difference. It's important to do practice runs before you actually attempt to beat a hard map saveless. If you don't know what that means, you just play through a map with saves, learn the map. Practice problematic fights by doing them over and over until you become as consistent as you can reasonably get at them. Long maps are ok, they just are very punishing if you don't do practice runs. The choice of the wad doesn't matter imo, but keep in mind that saveless is obviously harder so your choice should be easier than what you can potentially beat with savescumming. If a wad tests you without being overwhelming it's a good wad.4 points
Catching Up - Celestin's review thread (now playing: Plutonia 2)
LadyMistDragon and 3 others reacted to Celestin for a topic
Before moving on, I'd like to check out Alien Vendetta: Black Label, a two-map addon made by Vorpal and released in 2016. This includes a remake of Valley of Echoes and I'm especially curious how it plays compared to the original. MAP01: Levenbrech MAP02: Valley of Echoes Conclusions Black Label is a nice send-off to Alien Vendetta, providing two more maps that would fit well into early parts of the megawad. Vorpal did a good job exploring the more atmospheric and less combat-intensive side of AV, with great visuals and solid action. Playing it after completing the original wad felt like an epilogue, ending Alien Vendetta on a higher note than Point Dreadful. I'd say give this one a shot if you can't get enough of AV or are looking for a something exploration-focused.4 points -
Well it seems like maybe I went too far too with my comments, and I'm sorry if I offended anyone. was never my intention, and I wouldn't even have said that much if not for the consensus in previous posts of this thread, which also appeared in my YT comments and off screen discussions, re the state of map 3. Believe it or not, this map has indeed been proven polarizing - there is valid arguments for both sides. I just always like to provide honest feedback from how I see it. This was my experience as it was. Never meant to offend ppl so greatly. I can totally respect you guys and your maps and for @T.Will I have enjoyed previous outings and have nothing at all against the author or any of you guys. I keep coming back because I genuinely enjoy what you guys put out most of the time, but not every map can be for everyone, ya know? When I choose to play this I was actually excited for more squonker action & would be interested in seeing the rest of this, especially map 4 which I heard a lot of praise for. But if my presence is going to be a disturbance maybe I should part ways with the rest of my planned playthru Anywho, I started in this community to do my best to share in the love of doom and just get have some fun sharing my experiences with maps and stuff, never meaning to step on toes but it wouldn't be much value if I was never not honest in sharing my experience, upon which again - I'm not alone haha I think maybe everyone needs to take a step back a bit, myself included Again sorry for any offense - I would more like to set out to be a positive person and I'm not happy with the vibes sent out, sorry I couldn't find a better way to be more articulate and constructive, we're all human and everyone tries their best Happy Easter4 points
Good luck posting, look forward to seeing you shit up the next thread.4 points
Post your Doom video! [but don't quote video]
DeetOpianSky and 3 others reacted to EduardoAndFriends for a topic
4 points -
Some gggmork wad tablefills. These are only found in "Mork, Murder, Art" - I've made zips for each wad so 4shock doesn't have to go digging for them. bbb.wad bbb.zip UV-Max in 3:57 bbbm35714.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RH8a4f-QJA idgaf1.wad idgaf1.zip UV-Max in 4:33 idgaf1m43366.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhTmQqLDEWs Pacifist in 0:29 idgaf1p2966.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0b_ouNwM7s p2final.wad p2final.zip UV-Max in 4:18 p2final418.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj7jFTS_-Ws4 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Man Q. Bus and 3 others reacted to Somniac for a topic
Mapping in Boom for the first time in ages with my favourite sky.4 points -
4 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
DTSlayer and 2 others reacted to BondoJames for a topic
3 points