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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/24 in all areas

  1. Danlex


    0x0 (Zero by Zero) is a very short, MBF21 mapset that follows the "n by n" texture limitation gimmick, meaning that every map in the wad uses 0 flats and 0 textures. I didn't allow myself to use special textures like switches, doors, key markers, skies, etc; and I also didn't use custom sprites for decorations because that kind of defeats the purpose of the gimmick in my opinion. I only allowed myself to use DeHackEd to change the properties of some actors and also for some whacky effects to make the maps more interesting. Please keep in mind that this wad will not work properly in some sourceports because of the way they handle untextured geometry. Recommended ports are listed down below. Information Format: MBF21 (-complevel 21) IWAD: Doom 2 Coop: Yes Deathmatch: No Jumping, crouching and freelook: Disabled Tested with: DSDA-Doom 0.27.5 GZDoom 4.11.0* Doom Retro 5.3 Does not work with: ZDoom, Zandronum, Skulltag, Woof!, Eternity Engine, probably other ports that haven't been tested yet** **Maps 05 and 06 are the only maps in the wad that make intentional use of the HOM effect. If you launch the wad and you start to see HOMs everywhere from the very beginning, that means the wad doesn't work on the port that you're using. *You must use the Hardware Accelerated Render Mode if you play using GZDoom. Maplist 01: Zero by Zero 02: Visplane Underflow 03: Home is Where the HOM is 04: Caco Girl Bath Water 05: Hell of Mirrors 06: Icon of sin(nπ), n ∈ Z + Editor screenshot with fullbright enabled: Known bugs: There's currently a bug with dsda-doom where the automap doesn't update properly if you play using software rendering. You'll have to switch to OpenGl to fix this. [ DOWNLOAD (v1.1) ] Hope you enjoy!
    91 points
  2. Has this ever happened to you? You're at a party, and all the cool people are talking about Doom. You're a bit of a Doom afficionado yourself, so you try to join in, but then someone brings up the influential slaughter wad Sunder. Everyone starts discussing the intricate fights and foreboding architecture. When you sheepishly mention that you haven't played it, they all look your way with sneers on their faces. Shunned for the rest of the night, you return home sad and alone. It's not your fault. You really do want to play Sunder, but you're a busy adult with a job and a family. You don't have time to play maps that take 50-100 hours each to beat. Well, my friend, I have the solution for you: Sunder For People Who Don't Have Time To Play Sunder Get the full Sunder experience in just a fraction of the time! All of the action, with only 10% of the average monster count! The maps range from a few minutes to 15-20 minutes long. Play it now, and next time you're at a party, you'll have just enough Sunder knowledge to impress everyone with your analysis of the combat encounters. Format: Boom (+umapinfo for map names/skies) Tested in: dsda-doom 0.26.0 Difficulty Settings: No time for that Credits: All original maps by @Insane_Gazebo. All resources copied from Sunder (See the enclosed text file for more detail). All maps foolishly created from scratch, using Sunder only as a reference. Download Disclaimer: This wad is meant for entertainment purposes only. Author cannot be held responsible for any social, emotional or physical damages caused by pretending you played the real Sunder. Smaller maps does not necessarily mean easier, and a smooth difficulty curve cannot be guaranteed. Screenshots (with Sunder side-by-side comparison)
    37 points
  3. Peter

    Fucking Unfair [idgames]

    APRIL FOOLS Enjoy 7 brutal Not Even Remotely Fair map remixes! Use of saves is absolutely recommended... ...although these maps aren't unbeatable without them. FU.zip [idgames] Runs standalone, includes FU-Widescreen.wad for widescreen graphics and complete demos for each map.
    26 points
  4. 🤠~~~~~~~🤠 YEEHAW!! 🤠~~~~~~~🤠 I forgot where we left off before the PUSS burnout hiatus. I think it was 38? 39 maybe? Doesn't matter, and besides it's pretty fitting , cause if you know anything about wild-west lore you'd know that counting wasn't invented until the industrial revolution in the mid 20th century, which if you actually don't know your cowboy lore the 20th century is during the BCE (bygone cowboy era). A horrible era that was. I still remember watching the accursed capitalists break the crust when they ascended from their underground capitalist metropolis and began raiding our wholesome western towns and began stealing our horses so that they could stock up them cafeterias in those scary new factories that they were building. I still remember when they took our boots and our spurs and told us that the only way to earn a decent Man's wage was in front of one of them fancy computers and not out on the grand frontier rasslin' up some cattle for uh... farming... or something. Look pardner, I don't know what them city folk do with a bovine. I'm just the man they pay to go wrangle 'em up. Wrangle 'em up on my hossie that is. My hossie that was stolen :( That is I was the man. Was the man before jobs were invented and those greedy anti-cowboy money grubbers chained me up to this here factory pulling levers and turning knobs whilst ringing bells and whistles to make toothpaste. I done lost three fingers in that darn tootin finger crushing machine. Lord knows why corporate put a finger crushing machine in the bathroom. Bein a hearty procrastinator and lacking fingers I decided that instead of working on the several other PUSS projects that I've got in the backlog I'd secretly (without telling @Death Bear and co) make a brand new COWBOY THEMED resource pack that replaces every monster with a similar yet different wild west variant and adds a few new ones as well just to spice up your gun game. Speaking of, all of the guns have been customized both visually and gameplayfully. I did some MBF demagic to make the pistol a reloadable revolver for example. Naturally too I've gone ahead and hand made a few thousand textures that you can use to make your wild-west town, prospector casino, or horse brothel or whatever you freaks come up with. Long as it fits the rules of course (READ BELOW) + 2 Hour Mapping timer. (it's longer than you think, really) + Maps MUST use resources. I will NOT accept maps that do not use the resources provided, but you can submit them anyway. + Maps MUST have a Saloon. + Maps MUST include at least one Horse (attached README has some more information on how you can hack in using MBF specials for some neat tricks) + Maps MUST tell a story of some kind. This can be as complex as you desire. Can be a simple doomcute 'crime scene' type thing where you build a few clues that insinuate that something happened in a small part of your western town OR it could be what your whole map is built around! i.e. you the player do certain objectives that progress a story, such as a train heist or a bank robbery. + Maps MUST utilize at least TEN (11) of the new enemies. That's at least one of each of your choosing (there are more than five; read more below on these new enemies.) + NO TELEPORT CLOSETS. + NO INSTANT RAISE DOORS. + NO W1 ACTIONS. I've run into problems with them in the past. Just don't. + All maps MUST be set in America. I know some of you steam punks would love to take advantage of the whole 'victorian' time period thing and make some dumbass airship map but you gotta accept that the future is lubed with petroleum so FUCK your airships and FUCK your European coded retro future of boiled water and gears glued on hats. THIS IS AMERICA MOTHER. FUCKER. FLY BACK TO LONDON ON YOUR AIRSHIP. I'M ON A HORSE. + Maps MUST be revolver startable. This means you have to start the player out with at least 25 gold coins. We don't have a federal paper treasury yet. + Maps MUST use a NEW custom @muumi sky. You can give him a prompt for what you want to see in your sky. Since I made this resource pack in private he doesn't know about this project but I don't think he'd mind making whatever you want and whenever. + Maps MUST portray the American frontier with a tactful and wholesome portrayal as to uphold the moral and ethical codes of content creation. Naturally, a lot of people could get the wrong idea about America and its past, and on that same coin flip we don't wanna expose any children to any egregious lies or lascivious violent content like what Commiewood has been pumping out. So please, mind the cursing and make sure that your hero is always put into a situation of self defense when engaging in bloodless gun fightin'. + Maps are due by 11:59 PM April 31st 2024. I'll try to get playtesting done by my birthday on the 27th. I promise I've changed you guys. I promise! I promise!!! I'm also shooting for RC1 on the fifth of May. Perhaps even the fourth if I get my car fixed :D So don't do anything stupid to break your map. I WILL post it broken and I WILL blame you for fucking up the wad! You hear me! YOU HEAR ME!! Your mapping time must consecutive. So that means no bathroom breaks. I know this is a radical change but I'm hoping you can get over it. You may collaborate with another mapper. Though you will have to work on the same computer given the previous guideline. I'll also only credit one of you. Your timer will only go down when you are mapping, playtesting, looking through the textures, waffling, finding a new song to play, searching for DR 171 (Door Raise and Lower then Raise Again), and applying sky transfers. Speedmaps will be under the honor rule. Neither you nor I can prove if a map went over the time limit or not, but trained eyes can see what is and is not a speedmap. If you cheat, people will notice. Any time in Slade used to give a midi is inside of your mapping time. Once your time is up, if you haven’t beaten your map, please spend time to verify that your level is beatable, and to make sure co-op starts are included. AFTER YOUR TIME LIMIT IS UP: Submit your map. There is no cap to how many maps you can submit to these events. Any bug fixing/map changes are due to us once we've set a date, which will be after the completion of playtesting. Make sure you have a name for your map before submitting in addition to a midi. For submissions, please post in this format: Map Name: [ X ] Author: [ X ] Format: [ X ] Music: [ Song + Author ] Build Time: [ X ] Custom Enemies Used: [ X ] Horse Counter: [ X ] Textures Used: [ X ] Town Name and State (nothing below the Mason-Dixon please): [ X ] Co-op Starts: [Y/N] Difficulty Settings: [Y/N] Comments: [ Keep it brief I hate reading ] Screenshots: [x] We only need the .wad file of your map. Compiling your submission with the resources is unnecessary for this event. There are Seven (7) custom enemies included in this wad, explained in bullet points here below. 1. The gunslinger - 50HP, drops six bullets. Very fast but has to stop to shoot you. Will have to 'draw' his pistol before firing (which is his weak point). Shoot him before he completes his drawing for an instant kill. 2. The horse - 140HP drops a pack of horsemeat (medkit replacement). Can be flagged as a friendly and can be ridden whether friendly or not. Has a dangerous kick attack. Will attack you if not fed or cared for properly. 3. The Mayor - That son of a bitch has been bought out by the town's thieves! Shoot the fucker in the head to collect 7 (7) gold! 4. The Nazi - (replaces the SSNazi) - 160HP Though he doesn't necessarily look like a Nazi and won't attack you outright don't be fooled. His shooting attack has been replaced with ragebait about small boobies in videogames and the sanctity of women's sports which he watches now apparently. Also has an ability to obfuscate with you and complain that the insult 'nazi' is used way too often and has lost it's power while also trying to redefine what fascism is so that he isn't implicated. 5. The Washington Football team - I grabbed a lot of useful resources from some old doom wads for the resource pack, but I had to heavily modify them since they had some pretty outdated and offensive sprite work. Did a lot of work to update them to not be so garishly racist, but I couldn't really think of a good name so hopefully by the end of the mapping period we'll find a new name for this one. 6. A single European - (170HP) Has no six shooter, but does have a pretty unique and interesting attack. Thankfully since Doomguy has been replaced by CowboyGuy and CowboyGuy is an American, he is resistant to the freedom hating ways of people different from him. 7. The Marauder - (600 HP) The Marauder from Doom Eternal. The pinnacle of combat chess. Watch your map slow to a crawl as you play whack-a-mole with a Chaos Space Marine a Night Sentinel. Whatever that is. He is also resistant to the BFR (Big Fucking Revolver) 8. Cowboytum Missamiz - (120 HP) Voiced by our very own @Peccatum Mihzamiz this is a cowboy that constantly has the Invis shot effect (he misses all of his shots). Resources are REQUIRED - you can download them here. I've got a discord server where I do doom shit and it's linked right here. If you're curious about this event or have any questions feel free to ask. Hell, you can ask them in this thread if you want to. If you think this PUSS event sucks and could be better then fuck you go make your own thread and post a link. If you think PUSS sucks then fuck you go pull a horse's tail. If you're still waiting on previous PUSS releases then uh... wait. 🤠~~~~~~~🤠 YEEHAW!! 🤠~~~~~~~🤠 Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping on Doomwiki PUSS SERIES IV: PUSS XXX: Quick N’ Dirty PUSS XXXI: D-30 PUSS XXXII: Tricking & Tearing @ Warpspeed PUSS XXXIII: Die Rowdy PUSS XXXIIII: Die Rowdier PUSS XXXV: PUSS Twenty Five Leagues Around the Moon PUSS XXXVI: Of Maps and Men PUSS XXXVII: D-31 PUSS XXXVIII: Trick and Tear Five: The Scary Speed Squared Sequel PUSS XXXVIX: Boss Battle Bonaza II: The Office Space Event I wanted to do in 2020
    16 points
  5. While travelling through random doom website I can't find anymore I found very unsettling post Here's original post, and screenshots I made myself I already packed this obscure pwad with press release beta (source: idgames archive), so you have just to unpack zip and launch doom, easydoom or harddoom through DosBox or real msdos DOOMDEMO.zip
    15 points
  6. For vanilla Doom2.exe, I think KDIDIZD. So many mapping tricks and voodoo scripting done to implement stuff that vanilla exe was just not made for. Another impressive stuff that comes to my mind is Map32 of 1000 Lines 2 CP. A very cool puzzle map that revolves around silently progressing the map to avoid archviles teleporting in. For limit removed stuff, some of the DBPs are definitely worth mentioning. DBP37: AUGER;Zenith is great for it's cyberpunk theme and interactivity, but I will make a special mention for DBP59: Zeppelin Armada for implementing dialogue system. For Boom/MBF stuff, I would like to mention some maps of Eviternity 2, notably Map33 for being Temple Run esque racing map where you need to avoid deadly obstacles while the exploding wall chases you. Or Map14 for implementing puzzles such as a picture puzzle or guiding barrel on converyor belts. For GZDoom, I think Selaco seems to be a solid candidate for being one of the most impressive stuff done on that source port.
    14 points
  7. What is the DWmegawad Club? This is a place where we settle down, have a cup of tea (or drink of your choice) and take a month to play through a megawad on our own, together! Any keen observations, criticisms, or frustrated ranting about it goes here in the discussion. As long as you want to say something about what you've played, feel free to speak your mind. Can I join? Sure. The only rule is that you have to play at least some of the levels in our monthly megawad to contribute, but you're generally encouraged to finish the whole thing, even if you've played it before. What levels am I allowed to post about? Whatever day of the month it is, is the upper limit for the map you can post on. So if it’s the 6th, you may discuss up to MAP06. Do I have to post an entry every day? Nope, not at all. This is only for our more enthusiastic members. As long as you play through it with us you’re part of the club. When do we vote on the next month’s megawad? Voting begins on the 25th of the current month. Remember to add one “+++” before your vote to make it easier to count. For example: +++ Ultimate Doom Note that you can vote for up to three separate nominations in a single month, and every wad must contain at least three maps each. The winning nomination must receive at least four votes for a thread to be made. Ties will be decided by RNG. ---------- >>>DOWNLOAD DOOM 2 IN CITY ONLY (RC6) HERE<<< Know what's pretty cool? Big city maps? Know what's hypothetically the coolest? A whole megawad full of 'em! Doom 2 in City Only is a MBF21 community project spearheaded by myolden that will take you across six varied landscapes with some jaw-dropping visuals. Due to the size of these maps it's recommended to play with OpenGL. Time to sightsee slaysee, tourist! Author & Maplist: Episode 1: Modern City MAP01 - "Hellions on Parade" by moyolden MAP02 - "Simple Complex" by thiccyosh MAP03 - "Waffle Town" by Amiga Angel, taviow MAP04 - "CBM City" by CBM MAP05 - "The Nuclear Power Plant" by Novaseer Episode 2: Future City MAP06 - "Somewhere in time" by LateNightPerson MAP07 - "Darkweb" by cannonball MAP08 - "Crypto Crash" by LVENdead MAP09 - "A City Now" by realjohnmadden MAP10 - "Upon the Brink of Trancendence" by muumi Episode 3: Egyptian City MAP11 - "Sons of Belial" by myolden MAP12 - "Princes of Wadi" by Sikreci MAP13 - "City of the Dying Sun" by Death Bear MAP14 - "Takamet Baphomet" by senpaigru MAP15 - "Sunlit Promenade" by taviow Episode 4: Underground City MAP16 - "Ex Nihilo" by myolden MAP17 - "Colossal Wreck" by Weird Sandwich MAP18 - "Reservoir of Muck" by PRO-RC MAP19 - "Silent Submergence" by JacaCaca MAP20 - "A Wilted Clover's Lullaby" by eater29 Episode 5: Hell City MAP21 - "Cruels End" by Shawny MAP22 - "Lifeless Sanctum" by Snaxalotl MAP23 - "Idumea" by taviow MAP24 - "Blur Affinity" by Scionox MAP25 - "Eternal Dis" by cannonball Episode 6: Void City MAP26 - "Welcome to Nothing" by NeilForshaw MAP27 - "The Consumed Metropolis" by ABearInThaWoods MAP28 - "Village and Void" by NinjaDelphox MAP29 - "Void Masquerading As Matter" by myolden MAP30 - "Sin City" by NecrumWarrior Episode 7: Secret Maps MAP31 - "Traces to Nowhere" by Captain Murphy MAP32 - Obama Hamburger 2" by Ludi, myolden MAP33 - "Wanted in 12 Systems" by Death Bear MAP34 - "Bricked Up" by BluePineapple72 MAP35 - "The Great Gib in the Sky" by Danlex MAP36 - "Anti-Life" by muumi BONUS CONTENT TBA -------- OLD THREADS
    12 points
  8. Love the absolute truckload of tags he added to the description Highlights include:
    12 points
  9. (* for the 3DO) And no, it's not a joke. Well, I mean... what I'm saying is, there's a Steam page so it's like an actual thing as opposed to a goofy Photoshop. I'm both surprised and not that this is happening. Surprised because PO'ed was hardly the most-loved of games, and not surprised because Kaiser's love of it is far from a secret. Games like this are actually probably a good use-case for remakes and remasters, taking the weird and interesting ideas from the original and seeing if you can iron out a few of the flaws and untie some of the kinks, instead of piling yet more polish on an already pretty-shiny statue. (Not that there's anything wrong with that, mind.)
    9 points
  10. "[Sonic the Hedgehog] the way I intended it." -John Romero I, Shadow the Hedgehog, have created the Ultimate Doom WAD. Four maps to be played in MBF21 ports on Ultra Violence difficulty ONLY! Any complaints made by people playing in weaker difficulties will be ignored and mocked. I always thought that Green Hill Zone needed more guns in it, and the power of Doom modding has given me the power to make that a reality. And before you ask, no, I am not going to give you screenshots. You don't deserve them. And because I know you will be confused, I do not mean that this WAD is for Ultimate Doom. it is for Doom II. It is the Ultimate Doom II WAD. Ultimate with a capital U not because it is its name but because it is even more than ultimate. Download, you fools!
    9 points
  11. See for yourself (unfortunately it is coming out April the second, but that kinda makes it funnier)
    9 points
  12. 2024 is the year of the wild west.... pardner
    9 points
  13. some angled chaingun sprites i made from the original toy without muzzle flashes (free to use) plus imgur link of the spritesheet since i can't figure out how to embed them (better quality than the gif i posted, also free to use) https://imgur.com/a/Mi0KKfF
    9 points
  14. In the corner, evil eye watches your every movement:
    9 points
  15. MAP21: U-Turn the Tables, my entry as part of the Alphabet Doom community project which made its /idgames release recently.
    8 points
  16. And that's a wrap. Thanks to everyone who contributed and helped this project reach a map count of 42! Stay tuned for RC1 hopefully sooner instead of later.
    8 points
  17. Maribo

    Mind blowing wads

    An incomplete list of things that altered my perspective on Doom in some way: Jumpwad - Platformer nostalgia trip. Saturday night skating (jumping) around Jump city. Doom can be so much more than it was ever intended to be. Cyberdreams - So far ahead of its time, still one of the most inspired gimmick puzzle experiences you can get out of a Doom WAD. Intergalactic Xenology Trilogy - Initially a straightforward Ancient Aliens tribute that begins to grow its own wings in the second episode, and then truly takes flight in its third. For enthusiasts of shrink rays. Ashen Garden - A dead world left to consume itself. Kiln of the first flame, perhaps. My Soul Trapped in a WIN98 PC - Do you feel an affinity with your computer? Have you ever tried to envision a physical space version of a file directory? Me too.
    7 points
  18. Played it now. Visually it looks very good, a green version of Moonlit District (I really liked it back in the day). But there are problems with gameplay, namely with some fights, which unfortunately often start to go into a constant loading of saves and grind on a lucky archvile blunt. The final battles of MAP02 and especially MAP03 are clearly weak, in MAP02 3 archviles appear when the player has neither HP nor ammo, in MAP03 the arena does not correspond to the battle taking place on it, there is no cover from the archviles and you have to grind and guess "the right lucky variant of passing". And as it seems to me there are an excessive amount of archviles used here that only hurt and drag out gameplay. If you cut out some of them, wad will not lose, but on the contrary will gain more in gameplay flow. While still Release Candidate, I think it would be worth reconsidering in the direction of a small rebalance of the combat. Now stopped at 5 map, while waiting for a full release. Good luck, I'm excited.
    7 points
  19. "What is this? A Sunder for ants?"
    7 points
  20. Vogel im Käfig Port - tested with DSDA-Doom 0.26.2, Nugget Doom 2.1.0, Doom Retro 5.1.0, GZDoom 4.8 Complevel - MBF21 Iwad - doom2.wad Number of maps - 1 Jump and crouch are not allowed This wad contains replaced standart Doom graphics, so mods are not recommended Story: There are ocassional demons attacks on humans that happening accross the planet, but no massive invasion. ████████████ heard some rumors about cult named ████████████ in the city of ████████████, whose actions possibly causing demons to attack. ████████████ send you to this city in order to investigate and prevent cult activity. Screenshots: Link to archive from Endoom mapping contest 2024: Download link (updated 14.05.24): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_K7LBaDRKJ1VGMClWP9Yhg0_XMWLKgyt/view?usp=sharing
    6 points
  21. The past two months at the one true wiki weren't terribly buzzing with activity, and March even less than February, but that doesn't mean there is nothing to summarize. In fact, an important milestone was reached, as through the concerted efforts of MF(G)38, Blursphere, Nockson, Gregor and SectorBasedPencil, the number of map pages in need of soundtrack information was pushed down through the 4K barrier, and is already below 3,900. Well done, editors! And another maintenance project was completed with the consistent italics styling of external and non-core game titles. As expected, the majority of mods in the 2023 Cacowards have now been added, with Getsu Fune/NMM covering the secrets in all those maps. Meanwhile specialist Gauss added or updated walkthroughs in Doom 2 the Way id Did, Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel and The Classic Episode, Part 2, while Dynamo(128) caught up on multiplayer WADs. And thus the list of new articles still ends up being sizable: Core Content Can it run Doom? Dean of Doom The Doom Game Editor Ports X-Doom Mods Abscission ACS Arcade Ancient Battlegrounds Armageddon (WAD) Austrian Avian Association Blood World Break//Point// Come Sail Away Coop Build Corruption Cosmogenesis Crumpets 2 Damnation Awaits the Wicked DBP64: The Vast Silence Destination Unknown The Diseases, and Casualties this year being 1632 Doom Infinite Doomworld Maximum Project 2023 Dream Duel Drown in Blood El Viaje de Diciembre Exalt not the Wicked Fear is the Key Fear is the Price of Sin Fear Station Bravo Fear Station: Charlie For the Wicked Shall Perish From the Ashes of Fear Godless Night I CANT GIVE YOU ANY THING I C H I N I C H I The Lost Magic MAYhem 2023 Obsidian Deathmatch OmegaDM The Settlements Shogun Trogun Solve Et Coagula Something Wicked This Way Comes Town Infection: The Flooding Toxic Darkness Toxic Darkness 2 Toxic Darkness 3 The UAC Base What Lies Beneath The Wicked and the Damned Wicked Be the Ways of Men Wickedly Simple plus map pages for older articles: Armageddon 2 Doomworld Maximum Project 2023 Hardfest 2 WolfenDoom: Blade of Agony People Ak-01 Yousuf Anik James Bauer (Isle) Alan Carr (thefwf) Diego Cea López (Proteh) Csabo DJShrimpy EVILNECK David Finnamore (Daeron) Patrick Hipps (Patrix) Henri Lehto Olivier Montanuy José Navarrete (CoTeCiO) Joe Pantuso Phoenyx RockyGaming4725 Brian Rowan (B.J. Rowan) SkullDemon Spunkman Suzerduzer Terrarienn Tm512 Whybmonotacrab Index of previous issues
    6 points
  22. I'm not a fan of April Fool's jokes, so I appreciate a serious video about a silly wad.
    6 points
  23. antares031


    ദ്ദി(˶0 x 0˶ ദ്ദി)
    6 points
  24. wait a minute... it's april 1st!
    6 points
  25. PanicDan

    Post your Doom textures!

    If that is so, here is the TITLEPIC and INTERPIC I made for my WAD I'm workin' on. It's called Alphabet Soup and it's about rooms shaped like letters. And a texture edited from a vanilla flesh texture.
    6 points
  26. April, 2024 > The yearly standings > The Ironman Discord Server Standard Leaderboard ... Prepared Leaderboard ... What is the Doomworld Ironman League? The DWIronman League is a monthly competition in which participants aim to survive for as many levels as possible in the given map set, preferably in one sitting. Click the spoiler tag at the bottom of the post for a detailed list of rules. Players of all levels of ability are welcome. It could change the way you play Doom! In April 2024 the DWIronman League dies to Deus Vult II (-complevel 9), a 13-map episode made by Huy Pham (@Doom Marine). We declare a new Crusade on this Easter! Enjoy mesmerizing views throughout different realms, hilarious easter eggs and phenomenal at its time level design... until you realize it's not a walk in a park. Let the first couple maps prepare you for the "real" DVII, just like Scythe I and II do it, and then ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ! Essential Info Doom II (doom2.wad) + Deus Vult II (see below) Compatibility level 9, or "Boom (strict)" for ZDoom derivative ports 10 + 3 maps (see below) Time estimate (if survival): 2 - 4 hours I recommend OpenGL, as DVII maps are quite complex and may lag with the software rendering And remember: Vince never heard of CC1 rule! Note on map count: Apart from two secret levels, MAP29 gives you a choice. You can either go left and then the level immediately ends, or go right ("Belial you fvcker, come here") and then play full first Deus Vult. It's quite hard and requires 1-2 hours to complete. So I give you a choice as well. If you skip the map, it will still be a survival, but the players who go play DV will receive lots of additional points! Note on WAD pick: there are two versions of DVII: dvii-1i and dvii-1u. The first one is /idgames compatible, the second one has copyrighted music. IIRC there are no map differences and they are compatible. If DW doesn't ban me for the link, pick the one you like the most :D > Download dvii-1i (/idgames) > Download dvii-1u (moddb) prboom-plus.exe -iwad doom2.wad -complevel 9 -file dvii-1i.wad -skill 4 -warp 1 -record dwi-dvii.lmp Rules: Previous threads:
    5 points
  27. CursedJade999


    Do you like castles, graveyards, and vampires? If so, this WAD is perfect for you! Please give feedback on the quality of the maps. Specs: Source Port - GZDoom IWAD - Doom2.wad/FreedoomPhase2.wad # of Maps - 7 Multiplayer Compatible - No Google Drive Link
    5 points
  28. I wanted to make a Plutonia type level, liking the aesthetics and difficulty from that wad since I first played it. I'm not sure If I got it down exactly right but I tried my best. I hope you all enjoy! Feedback is greatly appreciated! _______________________________________________________________________________ Title : Frantic Filename : FRANTIC.zip Release Date : 01/04/2024 Completion Date : 01/04/2024 Author : Dmh094 Email Address :Danmhill02@gmail.com _______________________________________________________________________________ * What's included * New Levels : Map01 Sounds : No Graphics : Yes Music : Yes _______________________________________________________________________________ * Play Information * Game : Doom II Map # : Map01 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Setting : All Other Game Styles : No ________________________________________________________________________________ * Construction * Base : From Scratch Editor(s) used : Ultimate Doom Builder Build Time : 23/3/24 - to 1/04/24 Tested With : DSDA, GZDOOM * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this PWAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, USB, etc) as long as you include this file intact. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WgMEXEWz1uC2tbHiL74xhfa8XU4VX-v5/view?usp=sharing SCREENSHOTS:
    5 points
  29. Maribo


    Very good WAD with fun setups and a clear aesthetic vision. Contains elements of many things: mostly obviously the X by X-types and Graytall but also throws in a sprinkling of minimalist Grove (or perhaps the Creep Doctor if you look at it that way). Clever use of fake floors and blocking lines mostly minimizes the irritating issue of sprite collision, kudos and thanks for being mindful of that! Essential play for minimalist and experimental aesthetics enjoyers. UV playthrough demos, -dsdademo, v0.27.5 for playback - 0x0-maribo.zip A minor bug report: in Map05, I had a Cacodemon end up in one of the storage closets that the blocking torches get sent to after you activate them (happens in the dsdademo above), specifically line 404 into sector 773. Not sure what the best fix for this would be.
    5 points
  30. SleepyVelvet


    Fucking brilliant. Executed almost perfectly. I feel like most mappers have tried something along the line of "let's make a maze in the void out of torches, tehe", but no one's really combined it with height variation or sector work like this, or made compositions of Things depicting "realistic" environments and objects on this level. The mapper does seem to enjoy a little extra freedom from using MBF21 and minor DeHacked, but this is an absolutely greatly executed limitation project. 50 Shades of Graytall, 1x1, DIY/1badwad, etc. This takes some of those principles but distills them down to an extreme, but still comes off as crisp as ever and not very janky at all (ie. it does "switches" and other tricks better than a lot of the jank we came up with in 50shades, etc.). And to help, it's a short "coffee break" length WAD. Mapsets that go longer than several maps, for me, usually start to drag on if I extend my play session past that. But as short as it is, this set still explores a decently large sampling of well-varied, fresh gimmicks within the no-texture limitation space. A well of creativity. I guess it was only a matter of time before someone spring-boarded off of 1x1 into arguably its logical and funny extreme, and that context makes these maps double as a funny flex compared to if they were simply conceived and made in a vacuum (in which they would still be exceptionally freakin cool). HNTR FDAs: noisy_0x0_fda_m6.zip
    5 points
  31. Changes: Lot of bugs from previous versions fixed. Decreased incredibly the file size now is only 20 mb (before was 113 mb) Include submods for change the music, the anouncer voice and true shadows (this last only for modern gzdoom) download link: https://www.moddb.com/mods/mortal-kombat-doom-zandronum/downloads/mortal-kombat-doom-version-298 All the instructions about how to install, play and credits are included in the file too. Credits: Bugs: Specially on zandronum multiplayer, some blood effects are not visible, maybe the cause are decimal values of x,y,z offsets from a_spawnitemex. On zandronum multiplayer too, the tremor effect is not enabled, possibly a setactorvelocity problem. The mod can be searched with getwad: (mkiib2.9.8.pk3) Enjoy.
    5 points
  32. E3M1 Tyson Co-op in 1:19 (with BFGandorf) c3t1-119.zip https://youtu.be/AKc7jR_A-8Q
    5 points
  33. Update's out, so I will play the latter half of the megawad on Wednesday afternoon.
    5 points
  34. 5 points
  35. NecrumWarrior


    These maps are dark and empty like my soul. They get the Shadow the Hedgehog Seal of Approval™.
    5 points
  36. RDETalus

    Mind blowing wads

    Dimension of the Boomed because it had ambient / environmental sound effects, super detailed light & shadow casting, and underwater effects with the Boom format.
    5 points
  37. From Corrupted Cistern (using Lutz's screenshots since they're better than what I would have taken): From Unknown: Edit - A couple more I remembered: Hexen: Veil of Darkness uses sector trees/tree-textured walls as the map layout in its forest map, as well as tree decorations and Hexen's destructible trees. Lost Civilization MAP07 also does the "corridors of tree textures" thing.
    5 points
  38. Mapping in Boom for the first time in ages with my favourite sky.
    5 points
  39. We're on idgames! https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/alphabetdoom
    5 points
  40. I'll have you know that, given Greek roots, it'd be "metropolides". Maybe. No promises that I'm actually correct on that one. :p Given that I'm, y'know, in this one, on the 5th I'll probably give some kind of analysis as to my thought process behind MAP05 instead of giving in to my urge to be extremely biased, kinda like the Eviternity II guest mappers did on their days when that was the WAD of the month. Other than that, same deal as before. dsda-doom 0.27.5, UV pistol starting each map. I'll probably use saves this time around, because these maps are quite a bit larger and harder than Nostalgia's, but I won't need them on MAP01 (and probably not on MAP05 either, given that I know it inside out). Assume the latest RC unless I say otherwise. Also: I playtested the first 15 non-secret maps as part of being on the team, so I won't necessarily be blind for them - even if some changed quite a lot since internal playtesting (looking at you, MAP03) MAP01 "Hellions on Parade" by myolden (100% K/S, 75% I, 14:28) One of the most brisk maps in D2ICO, and still longer than anything in Nostalgia to uv-max, even with foreknowledge. Buckle up, lads. Hellions on Parade is a great opener. It - admittedly probably not 100% intentionally, given that this is a community project - eases the player into the kinds of combat they can expect, without ever going too hard for the player to handle. It looks great, plays fast, and has lots of fun optional side-content and doomcute like the (unfortunately not working for me) health potion vending machine - unsurprising, given that those latter elements were in the rules and myolden is the project lead. That, and it makes for a nice transition between Nostalgia last month and what's in store for us next.
    4 points
  41. Mentionating 0x0 by Danlex for the Machaward.
    4 points
  42. Spreaded some misinfo about the 90s doom player and psychopath that we do not talk about in a video
    4 points
  43. Just want to report that I'm done and I'll be uploading tomorrow. Finally. ;D
    4 points
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