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VENOM VENDETTA (v1.2) - A Single MBF21 map
SportsterV90 and 20 others reacted to AshtralFiend for a topic
Venom Vendetta is a short single tech-base-themed mbf21 map for Doom2. The main focus was to make a map with a small monster count that could be quickly completed. Story: =========================================================================== Edit v1.2 change log: =========================================================================== Misc Info: Single Player; Only UV implemented (for now); Uses DOOM 2; Play Time: Between 15 and 20 minutes; Made in 3 days; Not designed with Jumping/freelook in mind (while jump will probably break the map, feel free to use freelook) ; Tested with DSDA and GZDOOM; New Color Palette (Created by me); Plasma Rifle sound effect from Sunlust. Map music: Bullet Train - by DiR =========================================================================== Screenshots: Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/y1n3fzzqpcwywcuc72uq0/VVv2.zip?rlkey=6mvme9w336fi10wir0stcmsob&st=ayu3wn8v&dl=021 points -
Decino just made fun of/ parodied midnight for April fools.
NormalHuman and 19 others reacted to Sneezy McGlassFace for a topic
Wait, that was a joke on a specific creator? I thought it's a jab at the content mill infestation the internet as a whole suffers with. Trickling bits of information you clicked for with just enough effort to keep you watching/reading. That's a certified yikes from me. Anyway, if you liked this comment, make sure to give me a supercharge, and follow me for more insightful hot takes, and don't forget to visit this comment's sponsor for 20% off your first purchase.20 points -
Andromeda and 13 others reacted to BluePineapple72 for a topic
🤠~~~~~~~🤠 YEEHAW!! 🤠~~~~~~~🤠 I forgot where we left off before the PUSS burnout hiatus. I think it was 38? 39 maybe? Doesn't matter, and besides it's pretty fitting , cause if you know anything about wild-west lore you'd know that counting wasn't invented until the industrial revolution in the mid 20th century, which if you actually don't know your cowboy lore the 20th century is during the BCE (bygone cowboy era). A horrible era that was. I still remember watching the accursed capitalists break the crust when they ascended from their underground capitalist metropolis and began raiding our wholesome western towns and began stealing our horses so that they could stock up them cafeterias in those scary new factories that they were building. I still remember when they took our boots and our spurs and told us that the only way to earn a decent Man's wage was in front of one of them fancy computers and not out on the grand frontier rasslin' up some cattle for uh... farming... or something. Look pardner, I don't know what them city folk do with a bovine. I'm just the man they pay to go wrangle 'em up. Wrangle 'em up on my hossie that is. My hossie that was stolen :( That is I was the man. Was the man before jobs were invented and those greedy anti-cowboy money grubbers chained me up to this here factory pulling levers and turning knobs whilst ringing bells and whistles to make toothpaste. I done lost three fingers in that darn tootin finger crushing machine. Lord knows why corporate put a finger crushing machine in the bathroom. Bein a hearty procrastinator and lacking fingers I decided that instead of working on the several other PUSS projects that I've got in the backlog I'd secretly (without telling @Death Bear and co) make a brand new COWBOY THEMED resource pack that replaces every monster with a similar yet different wild west variant and adds a few new ones as well just to spice up your gun game. Speaking of, all of the guns have been customized both visually and gameplayfully. I did some MBF demagic to make the pistol a reloadable revolver for example. Naturally too I've gone ahead and hand made a few thousand textures that you can use to make your wild-west town, prospector casino, or horse brothel or whatever you freaks come up with. Long as it fits the rules of course (READ BELOW) + 2 Hour Mapping timer. (it's longer than you think, really) + Maps MUST use resources. I will NOT accept maps that do not use the resources provided, but you can submit them anyway. + Maps MUST have a Saloon. + Maps MUST include at least one Horse (attached README has some more information on how you can hack in using MBF specials for some neat tricks) + Maps MUST tell a story of some kind. This can be as complex as you desire. Can be a simple doomcute 'crime scene' type thing where you build a few clues that insinuate that something happened in a small part of your western town OR it could be what your whole map is built around! i.e. you the player do certain objectives that progress a story, such as a train heist or a bank robbery. + Maps MUST utilize at least TEN (11) of the new enemies. That's at least one of each of your choosing (there are more than five; read more below on these new enemies.) + NO TELEPORT CLOSETS. + NO INSTANT RAISE DOORS. + NO W1 ACTIONS. I've run into problems with them in the past. Just don't. + All maps MUST be set in America. I know some of you steam punks would love to take advantage of the whole 'victorian' time period thing and make some dumbass airship map but you gotta accept that the future is lubed with petroleum so FUCK your airships and FUCK your European coded retro future of boiled water and gears glued on hats. THIS IS AMERICA MOTHER. FUCKER. FLY BACK TO LONDON ON YOUR AIRSHIP. I'M ON A HORSE. + Maps MUST be revolver startable. This means you have to start the player out with at least 25 gold coins. We don't have a federal paper treasury yet. + Maps MUST use a NEW custom @muumi sky. You can give him a prompt for what you want to see in your sky. Since I made this resource pack in private he doesn't know about this project but I don't think he'd mind making whatever you want and whenever. + Maps MUST portray the American frontier with a tactful and wholesome portrayal as to uphold the moral and ethical codes of content creation. Naturally, a lot of people could get the wrong idea about America and its past, and on that same coin flip we don't wanna expose any children to any egregious lies or lascivious violent content like what Commiewood has been pumping out. So please, mind the cursing and make sure that your hero is always put into a situation of self defense when engaging in bloodless gun fightin'. + Maps are due by 11:59 PM April 31st 2024. I'll try to get playtesting done by my birthday on the 27th. I promise I've changed you guys. I promise! I promise!!! I'm also shooting for RC1 on the fifth of May. Perhaps even the fourth if I get my car fixed :D So don't do anything stupid to break your map. I WILL post it broken and I WILL blame you for fucking up the wad! You hear me! YOU HEAR ME!! Your mapping time must consecutive. So that means no bathroom breaks. I know this is a radical change but I'm hoping you can get over it. You may collaborate with another mapper. Though you will have to work on the same computer given the previous guideline. I'll also only credit one of you. Your timer will only go down when you are mapping, playtesting, looking through the textures, waffling, finding a new song to play, searching for DR 171 (Door Raise and Lower then Raise Again), and applying sky transfers. Speedmaps will be under the honor rule. Neither you nor I can prove if a map went over the time limit or not, but trained eyes can see what is and is not a speedmap. If you cheat, people will notice. Any time in Slade used to give a midi is inside of your mapping time. Once your time is up, if you haven’t beaten your map, please spend time to verify that your level is beatable, and to make sure co-op starts are included. AFTER YOUR TIME LIMIT IS UP: Submit your map. There is no cap to how many maps you can submit to these events. Any bug fixing/map changes are due to us once we've set a date, which will be after the completion of playtesting. Make sure you have a name for your map before submitting in addition to a midi. For submissions, please post in this format: Map Name: [ X ] Author: [ X ] Format: [ X ] Music: [ Song + Author ] Build Time: [ X ] Custom Enemies Used: [ X ] Horse Counter: [ X ] Textures Used: [ X ] Town Name and State (nothing below the Mason-Dixon please): [ X ] Co-op Starts: [Y/N] Difficulty Settings: [Y/N] Comments: [ Keep it brief I hate reading ] Screenshots: [x] We only need the .wad file of your map. Compiling your submission with the resources is unnecessary for this event. There are Seven (7) custom enemies included in this wad, explained in bullet points here below. 1. The gunslinger - 50HP, drops six bullets. Very fast but has to stop to shoot you. Will have to 'draw' his pistol before firing (which is his weak point). Shoot him before he completes his drawing for an instant kill. 2. The horse - 140HP drops a pack of horsemeat (medkit replacement). Can be flagged as a friendly and can be ridden whether friendly or not. Has a dangerous kick attack. Will attack you if not fed or cared for properly. 3. The Mayor - That son of a bitch has been bought out by the town's thieves! Shoot the fucker in the head to collect 7 (7) gold! 4. The Nazi - (replaces the SSNazi) - 160HP Though he doesn't necessarily look like a Nazi and won't attack you outright don't be fooled. His shooting attack has been replaced with ragebait about small boobies in videogames and the sanctity of women's sports which he watches now apparently. Also has an ability to obfuscate with you and complain that the insult 'nazi' is used way too often and has lost it's power while also trying to redefine what fascism is so that he isn't implicated. 5. The Washington Football team - I grabbed a lot of useful resources from some old doom wads for the resource pack, but I had to heavily modify them since they had some pretty outdated and offensive sprite work. Did a lot of work to update them to not be so garishly racist, but I couldn't really think of a good name so hopefully by the end of the mapping period we'll find a new name for this one. 6. A single European - (170HP) Has no six shooter, but does have a pretty unique and interesting attack. Thankfully since Doomguy has been replaced by CowboyGuy and CowboyGuy is an American, he is resistant to the freedom hating ways of people different from him. 7. The Marauder - (600 HP) The Marauder from Doom Eternal. The pinnacle of combat chess. Watch your map slow to a crawl as you play whack-a-mole with a Chaos Space Marine a Night Sentinel. Whatever that is. He is also resistant to the BFR (Big Fucking Revolver) 8. Cowboytum Missamiz - (120 HP) Voiced by our very own @Peccatum Mihzamiz this is a cowboy that constantly has the Invis shot effect (he misses all of his shots). Resources are REQUIRED - you can download them here. I've got a discord server where I do doom shit and it's linked right here. If you're curious about this event or have any questions feel free to ask. Hell, you can ask them in this thread if you want to. If you think this PUSS event sucks and could be better then fuck you go make your own thread and post a link. If you think PUSS sucks then fuck you go pull a horse's tail. If you're still waiting on previous PUSS releases then uh... wait. 🤠~~~~~~~🤠 YEEHAW!! 🤠~~~~~~~🤠 Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping on Doomwiki PUSS SERIES IV: PUSS XXX: Quick N’ Dirty PUSS XXXI: D-30 PUSS XXXII: Tricking & Tearing @ Warpspeed PUSS XXXIII: Die Rowdy PUSS XXXIIII: Die Rowdier PUSS XXXV: PUSS Twenty Five Leagues Around the Moon PUSS XXXVI: Of Maps and Men PUSS XXXVII: D-31 PUSS XXXVIII: Trick and Tear Five: The Scary Speed Squared Sequel PUSS XXXVIX: Boss Battle Bonaza II: The Office Space Event I wanted to do in 202014 points -
10 points
Hey all, it's been a while but I'm finally back with a new map. My mapping productivity has been very inconsistent so development was very slow. I redid or even deleted whole areas just because of my indecisiveness. It was a rough development but I'm still very happy with how it turned out. This is also my submission for the RAMP2023 community project, which you should really go take a look at! I did make a lot of adjustments since then so expect a lot of change if you already played it. It's a good old key hunt with very very nonlinear design. This made making and balancing this map even harder but I think I got it balanced enough at the moment. (let me know if I'm wrong). Information: - IWAD: DOOM2 - Mapformat: UDMF - MAP: MAP01 - Port: GZDOOM only (UDMF) - Jump and crouch: No (disabled in MAPINFO) - Difficulties: No (not yet still working on that) - Textures: 32in24 tex and otex (not included in the wad) - Music: Compulsion by Jimmy Load the files in this order: DOOM2, brain dead, 32in24 tex, otex. If not loaded in this order animations won't work. I'm sorry for the hassle with the textures but I can't get the two texture packs to works once combined into the wad. If anyone knows how please let me know. Settings: Renderer: hardware accelerated Dynamic lights: YES! (otherwise it will be too dark) Glow: yes Credits: - Jimmy for the music - Ukiro for otex - 32in24 tex - Everyone in the RAMP discord that gave me some much needed feedback Download: - Map: https://www.mediafire.com/file/438supdqx6eumma/Demonic_pulses_DW.wad/file - 32in24 tex: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vqvwpyfay32odag/32in24-15_tex_v2.wad/file - Otex: https://doom.ukiro.com/about-otex/ I hope you'll have fun :)9 points
8 points
idgames: soliquid.zip Doomworld: solidliquid.zip A Boom-compatible map made with only 3 textures and flats. This was originally made for McDoomguy's Slaughterific Sample Platter before being turned into a standalone map after I re-read the rules of the project. The playtime is about 8-10 minutes-ish. Have fun, and remember, I'm not responsible if this WAD does anything bad to your eyes (if it does anything good, then donate 20 dollars to my paypal). If you found any bug or pesky HOMs I missed somewhere, please report, tanks. Thanks to whoever behind 32in24-15tex for the PLAYPAL and COLORMAP alongside the WFALL textures Screenshots: Infos about the WAD (idgames text):7 points
Gom Jabbar [another minor update 4/2/24]
DeadKiitsune296 and 6 others reacted to TheRailgunner [alt] for a topic
Gom Jabbar is a simple Doom 2 format map, designed to be played on most source ports and tested in DSDA-Doom, slapped together in the final six hours of April Fool's Day. Freelook: not needed Jumping: see above IWAD: Doom 2 Screenshots: What's inside the box? Pain. EDIT: Minor texture fixes, plus some music. EDIT II: Made exit path a little more obvious. EDIT The Third: Changed exit mechanic - it now forces a pistol start for the next map (thank you, Matt Eldrydge).7 points -
Box Doom - Community Project [Slots Filled]
tornado potato and 6 others reacted to DoomGappy for a topic
So, about the song idea, we are thinking of doing a simple music change every 20 boxes, for a change of pace. The idea of having one song per box was interesting, but it has some flaws that were overlooked by the original leads: 1 - One song for each box would mean that each song would be played for a very short time. 2 - It would also mean that there would be very abrupt changes in vibe all of a sudden. It could probably work mechanically, but I feel like having a mood set and a mood change would probably work best. I'm sorry to all the people who carefully selected songs for their boxes, but I hope you can understand my reasoning. As for the progress, you can check out our friend @No-Man Baugh playing the currrent version of the map down here. He allowed me to upload it to my channel. A lot of progress has been made in the bug fixing of the boxes, and we're starting to set up the hub area teleporters and other details. We're working hard!7 points -
Nugget Doom 3.1.0 (updated May 16th, '24)
Lila Feuer and 6 others reacted to No-Man Baugh for a topic
I honest to god thought I broke something when I was testing out my NUGHUD like it was a placeholder or something7 points -
Sorry for the lack of updates. I've had some real life issues to deal with lately. My parents are both passed away now, and it's been tough to find motivation. Despite that, I'm still working on this monster, and I will finish it soon.7 points
7 points
Has this ever happened to you? You're at a party, and all the cool people are talking about Doom. You're a bit of a Doom afficionado yourself, so you try to join in, but then someone brings up the influential slaughter wad Sunder. Everyone starts discussing the intricate fights and foreboding architecture. When you sheepishly mention that you haven't played it, they all look your way with sneers on their faces. Shunned for the rest of the night, you return home sad and alone. It's not your fault. You really do want to play Sunder, but you're a busy adult with a job and a family. You don't have time to play maps that take 50-100 hours each to beat. Well, my friend, I have the solution for you: Sunder For People Who Don't Have Time To Play Sunder Get the full Sunder experience in just a fraction of the time! All of the action, with only 10% of the average monster count! The maps range from a few minutes to 15-20 minutes long. Play it now, and next time you're at a party, you'll have just enough Sunder knowledge to impress everyone with your analysis of the combat encounters. Format: Boom (+umapinfo for map names/skies) Tested in: dsda-doom 0.26.0 Difficulty Settings: No time for that Credits: All original maps by @Insane_Gazebo. All resources copied from Sunder (See the enclosed text file for more detail). All maps foolishly created from scratch, using Sunder only as a reference. Download Disclaimer: This wad is meant for entertainment purposes only. Author cannot be held responsible for any social, emotional or physical damages caused by pretending you played the real Sunder. Smaller maps does not necessarily mean easier, and a smooth difficulty curve cannot be guaranteed. Screenshots (with Sunder side-by-side comparison)6 points
6 points
Check this thread for good pictures of caves6 points
I thought the cheese was part of the WAD I was playing until I switched to a different WAD and the cheese was still there.6 points
SleepyVelvet and 5 others reacted to Peccatum Mihzamiz for a topic
Map Name: Pineapple Polka or: how Spike Spiegel and Faye Valentine entered a Space Cowboy Grocery and purchased seventy-two Blue Pineapples. Author: Cowboytum Missamiz Format: MBF 21 Music: Fish Polka by Lee Jackson Build Time: 1:47 Hours Custom Enemies Used: Monsters 1, 3, 6 and 7. Horse Counter: One (two if you count the hidden one in the optional area) Textures Used: Loved the new BLMPKN and RSTYTRMBN textures so mainly used variants of that one. Town Name and State (nothing below the Mason-Dixon please): Horst-Sevenum, Limburg. Co-op Starts: Yes, with lots of cool fancy co-op only stuff! Difficulty Settings: Yes Comments: Joke's on you Blue, I made a real map! Really nice we get to finally experience the Cowboy Bebop universe: been wanting to make maps for that since before I actually started mapping! Screenshots: Download link6 points -
DECOTEX - a texture resource for mappers [v1.3.4]
Walter confetti and 5 others reacted to Craneo for a topic
small bump, cuz an update is in the works... mostly props focused, also some already existing assets getting updated with better versions...6 points -
Nice-looking screenshot, @stochastic Ma23, at last @fai1025 Map Slot: Episode V, Map23 Map Name: Razzleberry Dressing Author: Steve D MIDI: Airborne by Varis Alpha (Petriform Cover) Par Time: ???? Takes me 21 minutes on UV, but as I've said, I'm a slow player. I could probably cut at least 3 minutes by reducing the count of one monster in the arena, but I thought you should try the current full version and see what your time is. Also, you can decide if it gets sloggy at any point, which is something I felt. I can reduce the monster count as necessary to fit the time. Download: Razzleberry Dressing FYI: The title comes from Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol. Tiny Tim was obsessed with razzleberry dressing, and I thought the name was fitting for the pink liquid theme.6 points
Decino just made fun of/ parodied midnight for April fools.
Zerofuchs and 5 others reacted to MoiraHeart for a topic
Man, this video was disturbing. Maybe even a bit controversial.6 points -
0x0 (Zero by Zero) is a very short, MBF21 mapset that follows the "n by n" texture limitation gimmick, meaning that every map in the wad uses 0 flats and 0 textures. I didn't allow myself to use special textures like switches, doors, key markers, skies, etc; and I also didn't use custom sprites for decorations because that kind of defeats the purpose of the gimmick in my opinion. I only allowed myself to use DeHackEd to change the properties of some actors and also for some whacky effects to make the maps more interesting. Please keep in mind that this wad will not work properly in some sourceports because of the way they handle untextured geometry. Recommended ports are listed down below. Information Format: MBF21 (-complevel 21) IWAD: Doom 2 Coop: Yes Deathmatch: No Jumping, crouching and freelook: Disabled Tested with: DSDA-Doom 0.27.5 GZDoom 4.11.0* Doom Retro 5.3 Does not work with: ZDoom, Zandronum, Skulltag, Woof!, Eternity Engine, probably other ports that haven't been tested yet** **Maps 05 and 06 are the only maps in the wad that make intentional use of the HOM effect. If you launch the wad and you start to see HOMs everywhere from the very beginning, that means the wad doesn't work on the port that you're using. *You must use the Hardware Accelerated Render Mode if you play using GZDoom. Maplist 01: Zero by Zero 02: Visplane Underflow 03: Home is Where the HOM is 04: Caco Girl Bath Water 05: Hell of Mirrors 06: Icon of sin(nπ), n ∈ Z + Editor screenshot with fullbright enabled: Known bugs: There's currently a bug with dsda-doom where the automap doesn't update properly if you play using software rendering. You'll have to switch to OpenGl to fix this. [ DOWNLOAD (v1.1) ] Hope you enjoy!5 points
Hi! Just letting y'all know that I have updated the wad to fix some problems that were spotted in the demos shared earlier. -Changed the design of the teleporting torches to prevent monsters from getting stuck in the closets outside of the map. -Fixed and improved some monster closets. -Made some slight changes to the monster placement; difficulty settings should be better balanced now. -Now the icon of sin actually works on lower skills (can't believe I missed that lmao). DOWNLOAD (v1.1) Thanks to everyone for all the positive feedback so far and thanks to Velvet and Maribo for the demos ^^5 points
VENOM VENDETTA (v1.2) - A Single MBF21 map
Napeyear and 4 others reacted to Matt Eldrydge for a topic
I am a Matt and I endorse this map. :)5 points -
Very vibrant color palette, I particularly like the greens and pinks. Cute map, thanks for sharing. vv-maribo.zip - UV -dsdademo, v0.27.5.5 points
Well that was honestly awesome, I really like the intertwined layout and the compact combat, the detailing and texturing is beautiful and that custom palette is very cool, love that doomcute laboratory desk and all of the moving machinery in the walls. I have a soft spot for maps that can be this engaging with a low enemy count, so this is a 10/10 in my book. Here's my uvmax demo played through DSDA vv-uvmax-00002.zip5 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Lanie and 4 others reacted to SkeletronMK666 for a topic
New map for Penance 4 by @Bloo5 points -
5 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Doom 2 in City Only [vote now]
BluePineapple72 and 4 others reacted to cannonball for a topic
MAP01 - "Hellions on Parade" by myolden A surprisingly fleshed out opening map that surpasses anything in Nostalgia in terms of size. The map on the whole play well too and again I am surprised to see everything up to weapon 6 being given out. That also means you will face mid tiers in a rather sizeable number as well. This map was probably a little on the large size for an opening map, but it offers enough thrills and good visuals to set the tone nicely. I could not find out how to get one secret (The one near the soulsphere), but hey ho. MAP02 - "Simple Complex" by thiccyosh I really struggled with the rooftop section and even after exploring and finding the plasma gun and the SSG I totally missed at the beginning, this section was still no fun to play, the pop-up baron by the switch is just a terrible idea. That is a shame because actually the rest of the map moves along fine and that one section feels at odds with the rest of the map that feels quite easy-going (The zombieman splatterfest being a casing point). The trouble is finding the hardest part of the map early can really leave a sour taste. In the end this was an okay map but I struggled to get into the groove with this one, especially compared to the first map.5 points -
[DONE] DOOMIUM II: A Community Project focusing on Short and Frantic Maps (BOOM+UMAPINFO)
DaRkWeZ and 4 others reacted to stochastic for a topic
Here's MAP29, @fai1025 Map Slot: Episode VI, MAP 29 Map Title: "Chamber of the Damned" Author: Pottus, with stochastic MIDI: "The Pervert" by Masaharu Iwata from Final Fantasy Tactics, sequenced by Jeff Copperthite - used in Sunlust Download: DMIUM2_E6_MAP29(RC1).zip Description: Enter the void of damnation: the chamber of the damned. Par Time: 12 minutes. A large map with a high monster count, but they drop pretty quickly. Screenshot:5 points -
An incomplete list of things that altered my perspective on Doom in some way: Jumpwad - Platformer nostalgia trip. Saturday night skating (jumping) around Jump city. Doom can be so much more than it was ever intended to be. Cyberdreams - So far ahead of its time, still one of the most inspired gimmick puzzle experiences you can get out of a Doom WAD. Intergalactic Xenology Trilogy - Initially a straightforward Ancient Aliens tribute that begins to grow its own wings in the second episode, and then truly takes flight in its third. For enthusiasts of shrink rays. Ashen Garden - A dead world left to consume itself. Kiln of the first flame, perhaps. My Soul Trapped in a WIN98 PC - Do you feel an affinity with your computer? Have you ever tried to envision a physical space version of a file directory? Me too.5 points
Decino just made fun of/ parodied midnight for April fools.
Zulk RS and 4 others reacted to No-Man Baugh for a topic
Love the absolute truckload of tags he added to the description Highlights include:5 points -
-- ---- -- I knew firing that nutjob was a bad omen. It started with the security systems going haywire, then the explosions outside, and finally there were those damned shrieks down the hallway. At some point one has to wonder whether the job's worth it or not. I made that decision a few hours ago. -- ---- -- <<<RC1 AVAILABLE HERE>>> <<<RC2 AVAILABLE HERE>>> <<<idgames release>>> Escape From Sunveil Starport is an MBF21 compatible mini-wad spanning 9 or so maps, initially created during NaNoWadMo2023. This project serves as a prequel to my NaNoWadMo 2022 contribution, Machete. Initially, my plan was to ape off level concepts from Knee-Deep in the Dead. I also wanted an excuse to use a bunch of my favorite Deadwing midis :) MBF21 is the compatibility this time around. Every level has been tested in DSDA-Doom and Nugget Doom. As usual, a dehacked patch has been included for minor thing edits, as well as one new(?) enemy and an upgraded starting pistol. All levels were designed for pistol starts. Difficulties have been implemented. I'll probably add in coop later at some point. Shout-outs to @Deadwing, @finnks13, and @scwiba for helping out with playtesting. --Enjoy your visit to Sunveil Starport!--4 points
Anapsnorisis Map 01 UV-Max 0:18 anaps01m1820.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOo2Yi11yao Map 01 NM-Speed 0:02 anaps01n260.zip https://youtu.be/SJy688lE7uM Map 01 Pacifist 0:02 anaps01p286.zip https://youtu.be/j1v0yjKAT1Q Map 02 UV-Max 3:42 anaps02m34206.zip https://youtu.be/cAVNC-AftwQ4 points
advice for making cave levels seem natural
PasokonDeacon and 3 others reacted to yakfak for a topic
a) draw more wiggles - granite vaults can be straight walled but limestone is formed from a million marble poles, almost, b) going to a cave (caves are created by water action... i used to go down caves in the peak district and some have absurd vault ceilings, often featuring tiny cracks of light, some being ultranarrow and having to be crawled through and some featuring extreme floor level differences, eg. abrupt boreholes which open into deep flooded chambers... there is very little wildlife or plantlife that appears in a cave beyond its opening and the floor is never ever flat so really rendering a decent cave in the doom engine at all requires indulgence from the mapper and from the player) and c) the art of monotexturing until the precise moment for a second texture to appear (impossible) like... no cave i've ever seen has had a beautiful central water feature with a great place to view it from, at least not without gantries and spotlights being installed. if you are mapping for mood then a cave would necessarily look murky, shit and be full of pinchpoints, but modern doom caves will be picturesque and feature good gameflow logic and be necessarily beautiful, spacious and well-lit cos they'd be really hard to play if you made them realistic ps: all of the caves i've been to have been showcaves or public gorges, i am not trying to sound like a badass :))))) one time i helped ceilingwalk a boat through an underground river though. way too fat and old to go potholing4 points -
advice for making cave levels seem natural
Yousuf Anik and 3 others reacted to Tango for a topic
I think a good bet is to just find caves by other authors and poke around those in the editor. I really love the way Lutz does caves, so I’ve spent a lot of time running around Doom 2: Hellscape either ingame with -nomonsters or in the editor, then trying to replicate that myself. everyone does caves a lil differently though!4 points -
Reverie demos [-complevel 2]
Dogmachine and 3 others reacted to vdgg for a topic
MAP08 UV Max in 13:33 rv08-1333.zip4 points -
I really don't care about midnight. I think his content is repetitive and average at best but he isn't scamming anyone or doing anything wrong. If you don't want to watch someone don't watch them.4 points
Nugget Doom 3.1.0 (updated May 16th, '24)
Lila Feuer and 3 others reacted to Siglev_ for a topic
4 points -
Partway through this now and it's great stuff as always. That spinning chicken nugget is a seal of quality.4 points
Escape From Sunveil Starport - 9'ish MBF21 Compatible Maps (idgames)
Heretic926 and 3 others reacted to DRON12261 for a topic
Absolutely masterpiece work, after your previous megawads I wasn't expecting any other level of elaboration. Exemplary sample of mapping. I don't know how you manage to pull them out so successfully. But there are a couple of small joints that I found. This battle can be a bit stifling, due to the large amount of hitscan on all sides and the lack of hp. I got pinned down by 2 archviles in this fight, which made it come down to a long shotgun firing off archviles from that position. And a number of errors in texturing, I think by screenshots you will understand where it is: And I have a feeling you forgot to change the textures here: Other than that, it was a gorgeous few hours.4 points -
Need some tips and ideas on how I can make an area look more interesting
Lonespacemarine and 2 others reacted to magicsofa for a topic
The outer curve of the stairway looks like a perfect spot for some inlaid computery nonsense. For the large middle room, I would change the wall color entirely so that it contrasts with the dark green around it. Some brighter gray/silver walls might work well. I would also make an inner sector to sink the floor down for your classic Doom rug action (blue or black flat). The lighting makes it look like you were intending to put a sky sector or some lights in that room as well, which could work. But also it might be cool to actually darken that room significantly and then populate it with some glowing panels and such.3 points -
What was your first violent video game and where did you play it?
glu and 2 others reacted to AtomsTired for a topic
l3 points -
What was your first violent video game and where did you play it?
rita remton and 2 others reacted to TwelvNighn for a topic
doom 2 on the pc when i was 8 years old3 points -
Miscellaneous demos (part 5)
Napsalm and 2 others reacted to kvothesixstring for a topic
Anapsnorisis Stroller D2all in 0:55 anapsallstr055.zip Map01 UV Max in 19.80 anaps01m19.zip3 points -
Honestly i don't really care about him. Even with the misinformation and clickbaity titles, i don't hate him and all of his lineage like other people tend to show. He has some of my respect for taking the video as what it is, just a satire of his videos and not a personal attack3 points
Nefelibeta and 2 others reacted to Maribo for a topic
Very good WAD with fun setups and a clear aesthetic vision. Contains elements of many things: mostly obviously the X by X-types and Graytall but also throws in a sprinkling of minimalist Grove (or perhaps the Creep Doctor if you look at it that way). Clever use of fake floors and blocking lines mostly minimizes the irritating issue of sprite collision, kudos and thanks for being mindful of that! Essential play for minimalist and experimental aesthetics enjoyers. UV playthrough demos, -dsdademo, v0.27.5 for playback - 0x0-maribo.zip A minor bug report: in Map05, I had a Cacodemon end up in one of the storage closets that the blocking torches get sent to after you activate them (happens in the dsdademo above), specifically line 404 into sector 773. Not sure what the best fix for this would be.3 points -
MAP21: U-Turn the Tables, my entry as part of the Alphabet Doom community project which made its /idgames release recently.3 points
Decino just made fun of/ parodied midnight for April fools.
Billa and 2 others reacted to ObserverOfTime for a topic
The story so far: In the beginning Doom was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move3 points -
Worst official level?
Screamapillar and 2 others reacted to esselfortium for a topic
The girl reading this. ❤️3 points