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Embraced.wad {MBF21} 3 Maps - idgames release!
SportsterV90 and 32 others reacted to Treehouseminis for a topic
Embraced is small set of 3 maps focusing on combat puzzle and slaughter(4th map progress stopper). Adding again to the green techbase crowd but this time with a lot of wood textures! Also map names are song names. Difficulty is on the "medium" side if we compare this wad to the high standard of today's community. Dont be afraid to drop it down to HMP if UV is too rough. I will say this is probably the hardest maps Ive made but only slightly. So prepare to be Embraced! MBF21 DOOM2 IWAD Single Play only Map 01- Flourishing Map02- Deluminate Map03- The Cosmic Vein Map04- Embraced -Features- Green 1000 hp cyber mastermind replacement Some mp3 Tracks. Make sure you play in a port that supports mp3 playback. I mostly tested with DSDA and GZDOOM Eviternity1 Palette but edited pinks into purples. ---Idgames release--- Screens old Drop Box V3 Credits: Music : title : "Lower Maridia" - Super Metroid Inter : "Palace of Twilgiht" Zelda Twilight Princess Map01 - "PLasma" Lee Jackson Map02 - "Ambientdjent" by ninja.kitty Remix by Ribbiks Map03 - "D_AMPIE" by Snaxalotl Map04 - "The Infinite Labryinth" - Tristan Clark Textures : cc4 32x24-in-ver2 tex Otex Ribbiks Eviternity 1 Palette (slgihtly adjust by me) Jaded.wad NIGHTMARE hellish textures AA Textures Duketex mechadon skies hud by Daniel Testing: Big thanks too @AshtralFiend Old V2 buildEmbraced v233 points -
About Habitat: Meanings and interpretations of the most trascendental level from TNT
Betelgeuse and 24 others reacted to Pancrasio for a topic
Habitat hardly needs an introduction, but I will give its basic context so that we can all remember it well before discussing it. Its author is Christopher Buteau, it is map 22 of TNT, appearing among the infernal maps, and was published on June 17, 1996. It is a very misunderstood map that does very clever things and tells truths about modern life, all without using any words, except perhaps the title. I would also like to expand information with interpretations that I have managed to put together about this fundamental piece in the history not only of Doom, but of modding in general. Let's start with the name. Habitat. What does it mean to tell us? The map is about that, about the "new habitat" of Man, after the Neolithic revolution but above all the industrial revolution, and his habits. We generally talk about habitats when referring to wild species, but we must remember that the human being is still an animal, and the places where we congregate would be our habitat. It is clearly no longer nature, and that is what the map is built on. Right from the start it speaks about LIFE and our customs. It is a masterpiece. The first thing we notice when entering the map is its appearance. It's not particularly good-looking. This is obviously not due to the author's inability, since his map for Icarus: Alien Vanguard demonstrates his genuine visual gifts. No, in this case it is on purpose, thematic, the appearance of things does not matter but what they represent, it is not the physical that is valuable but the spiritual, which is something that permeates the entire level. At the same time, we will notice flat lighting, to the maximum allowed by the engine. This is obviously intentional as well: It is a reference to the Enlightenment, the concept that inspired the French Revolution (remember that the author is Buteau), but in this case it is also the light of God (remember that his name is Christopher), falling from heaven, there are no shadows for a reason, and it is the light of God because it is capable of going through even Hell itself, it is giving us its wisdom to be able to continue with the level. In addition to being "ugly" and absolutely lit, the level is quite abstract. It largely connects with what we already mentioned about the aspect. It wants to free the space that we give to trifles to allow us to generalize, not to discriminate objects based on small details and to give us the ability of abstract thought and think in complex ways, to use the imagination, in turn, transcending the physical towards the spiritual. It is Enlightenment, without rejecting God and spirituality. Now, only the minimum characteristics of each concept can be observable in order to understand. What, specifically, is the first thing we see when we start? On the one hand a river, nature, and on the other hand pollution, from a machine, due to the work of man. The walls are clearly mechanical, but they are full of dirt, permeated by nature. If we need to remember what causes this, just look back, that is, reflect, do a retrospective, and see the boxes: The cause has been mercantilism, mass production, human criteria. These two visions translate in turn into two paths to choose from, that is, free will is present: We can go towards the river or go towards the pollution. Let's start with the river. The first thing we have to notice is that it is located to the left of our point of view as soon as we enter the map. In Western writing systems, we write from left to right, and writing is also an abstraction that allows us to make communication more complex. That is, we are going backwards. It's not saying that we degress or anything like that, it's simply chronology. At first the map would even seem to support this action, since the human path is pollution, with negative connotations. Upon arrival we find a large plain, very open, but the progression is not clear. This is a metaphor for life. It gives us many paths and options but we never know if we are doing the right thing. Demons will begin to come out. They are metaphorical, they are our internal demons that we must fight, the thoughts that we have to deal with, the ones that do not allow us to progress. On a gameplay level it also lets us know that although it invites us to think and that is the highest priority, we still have to try to survive. It is also a metaphor. We have not transcended yet. We have to go about our daily lives, eat, sleep, follow our basic body needs. We will notice that these figures are all quite animalistic, of course, it is a habitat, there are bulls, pigs, and who knows more, but there is also an archvile, a humanoid figure. It is the shadow (in the Jungian sense) of our species. The prehistoric man. We have come from nature, and this is what this piece is trying to make us think. We will wonder what to do. Just as there are no clues in life, we will have to discover on our own what we have to do, and it will turn out to be go through a wall. This is not coincidental. Who goes through the walls? The souls, the spirits... We will have to reject the material world and turn to the spiritual world to advance, and we will be given an answer, a key... This key is technological. A technological key among nature. Perhaps the distinction doesn't make much sense. If man is an animal, why wouldn't his work be part of the natural world? Isn't the dam that a beaver builds natural? And it is an answer that will let us continue. In fact, we will have to do it, because if we continue trying to go backwards we will find a closed path and a fence, a cage, the past locks us in. In any case, nature is essential, because if not, there would not be a key there. When we return, we will enter the machine. We will discover that, in reality, perhaps it was not as harmful as we first believed, since the water manages to purify itself and keep moving, and continues to be a fundamental part in the progression of the map. In fact, we will try to grab the yellow key, again, technological, and the light will go out to reveal a pentagram and an archvile. It reminds us of the dark age, obscurantism, and the need for light, which is God, that we have found a way to take God where he cannot reach, and we must not lose him or we will return to that primitive man (again, hiding in the shadows), which would go against Him, hence the pentagram. Energy gives us more opportunities. But it is not still a place suitable for human life, ironically, although it is made by man himself. This can be inferred by its depth, that is, further away from God. We know that it is man's habitat because of the monopolistic presence of human enemies. But they attack us. It is an allegory of the alienation of modern industrial life. From wandering through completely the same technological corridors, monotonous, bucolic and alienating, they have gone crazy, and attack us for our freedom and free will (this is also an allegory of what happened to the author of the map himself, which is why has retired so early from modding with only two levels). This is sad, but there is nothing we can do. Rather later than sooner we will find our way to the red key in these parts... But here there is a singularity. It is a skull, that is, it is natural. The skull, where the brain is housed. We repeat a theme: The one who devised all this is nature. We must not forget it. Finally, we reach the large reactor. This is because the author began to come up with the map back in 1986, in the middle of the Cold War, during the Chernobyl disaster, and the clash between the potential of nuclear energy versus the disastrous use to which it was put. This made him think deeply about current events, human nature and duality. He did not yet know in what medium he would capture it, but in 1993 with the release of Doom he was finally able to obtain one capable of doing so, and he spent 3 years in a row developing the map until its release in 1996 along with the rest of TNT, although the initial concept dates back to 1986 (Which means, the map actually took 10 years to make, and it shows) It is the area with the highest ceiling, but simultaneously the lowest floor. The most vertical area of the map. It is the nature of nuclear energy (a great example of abstract thinking, since we have never even been able to see an atom, and yet we can know that it exists, also a metaphor for faith), the greatest source of progress, but of allowing ourselves to fall into ambition, greed and hatred, causes a nuclear catastrophe that takes us to our lowest point. But we finally manage to climb. The first thing we find is the Invuln and a berserk. The invuln activates God mode. It is very clear. We have found God. We are in heaven. And about the berserk... They were, in Viking culture, those who went to battle motivated by the act of fighting itself, without weapons, completely unleashed and without feeling pain. Obviously it is a metaphor, you have to let yourself go, stop being tied to the commandments of earthly life and go beyond, accept that the pain is barely mental. In fact, the item leaves you at full health. It is clearly spiritual healing, with which we reach God. We will have to get rid of a couple of specters that, thanks to the contrast with the white of the invuln, are revealed. They are those internal demons that we could not see and that we still have to purge, without difficulties, since now we are immortal, eternal, and we can see everything clearly. This Eden, despite being mostly a natural landscape, has a fair amount of human presence, and in fact we must enter one of those constructions. In it there is a well, in which we will have to make a leap of faith. It is full of blood, which symbolizes LIFE. And thus we will finish the map once and for all. In conclusion, Habitat is simply a masterpiece, and without a doubt the best map from TNT. Others have talked about the cinematographic qualities of Central Processing (not Romero's, the other one), but I don't think it cuts it. Buteau should be listed among Descartes, Sartre, Foucault, Baudrillard, and other French philosophers. I think it's a shame this map is so misunderstood, and I didn't even start unraveling all, this is just the most surface level stuff. What do you think?25 points -
Pirate Doom II (finished!)
Redneckerz and 22 others reacted to Darch for a topic
Alright, I think we've got a decent enough version for a public release! Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17s9YV1ocVT4MLOeZBcG-8U3W9HhI7Iv3/view?usp=drive_link Still beta because every time I play it, I find a minor thing to fix, like misaligned textures or one wrong pixel on a sprite :P Please report any issues, even misaligned textures, through PM or here in the thread. Ports tested so far: PrBoom 2.6 (software mode) Dsda Doom 2.7 GZDoom 4.11 ZDoom 8.1 Woof 14.2 Nugget Doom 3.0 Complevel 11 Multiplayer ports like Odamex and Zandronum don't fully support music changers, which are used in almost every map. There will be a version without music changers for these ports, after the final single-player version is finished. First post edited with this link and info.23 points -
New Old Doom 3DO footage? Lost new level and new weapon discovered?!
Daytime Waitress and 16 others reacted to Revenant100 for a topic
While perusing the net, I stumbled across this trailer for the 3DO port of Doom: (Original upload with presumably better quality) Sourced from a sales tape meant for retailers, what we have here is early footage of the 3DO port (presumably mid '95, while the port itself released in '96) featuring an unseen new level and a look at the fabled long lost new weapon! Why even the performance looks perfectly stable at a full screen size, but I think we can all agree, however, that the most impressive aspect on display here is the huge uptick in graphical quality, almost looking like pre-rendered footage there at the end! Shame the final release wouldn't end up managing these upgrades.17 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Yousuf Anik and 16 others reacted to NinjaDelphox for a topic
Been making a ton of maps recently :)17 points -
Forsaken Compound [DOOM Episode 1 Replacement]
Foxstiel and 13 others reacted to ivymagnapinna for a topic
Forsaken Compound is a limit-removing E1 replacement wad for Doom 1. There's a mix of action/slaughtery gameplay and more simple, atmosphere-oriented parts that require some thinking, overall intended to be more difficult than normal Knee Deep in the Dead-style mapping, as well as more visually distinct and varied than that episode. Texturing is all done from the IWAD with an excellent custom palette by Dir, and some sound replacements from Doom 64 and Doom 3. Testing was done with PrBoom+ and DSDA-Doom, intended for singleplayer only. Your port also has to be compatible with UMAPINFO. Difficulty settings are implemented. Note that this wad was not intended for mouselook/jump/crouch in GZDoom and using it may cause some progression breaks/unintended stuff, but play how you want. Music credits to: Lippeth, Dragonfly, Cammy, L.A. Sieben, Snaxolotl, Jimmy, Varis Alpha, Tristan Clark, Xulgonoth, decino, Lee Jackson This is my first major wad release so any and all feedback is much appreciated, and big thanks to fefor and others in the Entryway discord for supporting my project! Download (now on idgames!!) https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/Ports/a-c/compound Screenshots [more + map list below the spoiler cut]:14 points -
Share Your Sprites!
NormalHuman and 9 others reacted to Desfar for a topic
Been quiet for a while, so heres a simple non-hell cow. I need to make a front angle death at some point, but I imagine it will mostly be used as background decoration. Credits: Mostly a resize of the cow from Redneck Rampage. Edit, Zombie is on Pause due to being burnt on it. Switching back to the corpse golem rework for a few10 points -
About Habitat: Meanings and interpretations of the most trascendental level from TNT
reefer and 9 others reacted to ObserverOfTime for a topic
10 points -
Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]
doomdaniel95 and 8 others reacted to Orii for a topic
TNT Map09 UVMax in 4:08 Zip: ev09m408.zip9 points -
New games are just not fun anymore?
Koko Ricky and 7 others reacted to dasho for a topic
8 points -
Map 01 UV-Max in 2:56 fl01m256.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mSBmn6Vp88 First time submitting a demo, hopefully everything is correct7 points
About Habitat: Meanings and interpretations of the most trascendental level from TNT
Andromeda and 6 others reacted to baja blast rd. for a topic
Only skimmed but my favorite gag was classifying the author as a French philosopher just based on his last name.7 points -
7 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
MarketAnarchy and 6 others reacted to AshtralFiend for a topic
Crypt-Techbase7 points -
Knee Deep in the Dictionary - DOOM 2 Community Project [2 Slots Open]
knifeworld and 5 others reacted to Yop for a topic
Hello all, have you wanted to start mapping yet struggle to find a premise? or perhaps have a really good idea but don't know what the theme would be alongside it? Well I have the solution for you I hope! Welcome to... Knee Deep in the Dictionary! I have created a list of about 40 (English) Words for you to choose from for your map, you can interpret these words however you like. The Maps name isn't restricted however preferably it should include the chosen word in it. I know it's weird that a DOOM 2 project is named after a DOOM 1 episode, I'll admit that. You can pick whichever word for whichever map, words will be marked through when taken. If you struggle on a word and how to interpret it feel free to use Dictionary.com We'll be using MBF21 for this project and it has a maximum 33 participant slots. The difficulty should be around Plutonia level Rules: 1. Use the List you cannot choose your own words there's more than enough. 2. No limit on submission but do allow others a chance! 3. Custom Textures are allowed: 32in24-15 v2 will be the only set you can use. 4. Tools like Oblige and its variants are not allowed. 5. Custom Midis are allowed. The Goal is: 33 Maps [30 Main, 3 Secret] The Deadline is: SEPTEMBER 1ST 2024 The submission format is: [MAP NAME AND NUM] [SONG USED] [MAPPER COMMENT (Optional)] [CUSTOM TEXTURES] [DOWNLOAD] The Word List: MAP SLOTS: Happy Mapping!6 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
MarketAnarchy and 5 others reacted to NecrumWarrior for a topic
6 points -
Is Doomworld A Safe and Trustworthy...
ChopBlock223 and 5 others reacted to plums for a topic
Disagree with this, websites entirely written by ChatGPT seem to be growing in number by the day, and the search engines aren't good enough at filtering them out yet.6 points -
About Habitat: Meanings and interpretations of the most trascendental level from TNT
Andromeda and 5 others reacted to Stupid Bunny for a topic
The nexus of misunderstood genius Two stories that meander through so many fragments and snapshots of life, only to find that very few of them had any impact on the final, inevitable conclusion. Two that capture, more than anything else ever has, that life is not some grand narrative but simply a series of vignettes that we pass through on the way to the end, most (but not all) of which do not change the final outcome. Buteau <-> Wiseau6 points -
Is Doomworld A Safe and Trustworthy...
ChopBlock223 and 5 others reacted to Major Arlene for a topic
Google's just getting weirder/worse SEO and starting to use AI for search results. Ed Zitron's done a lot of essays/podcasts about how bad Google is getting in general6 points -
About Habitat: Meanings and interpretations of the most trascendental level from TNT
reefer and 5 others reacted to Monsieur E for a topic
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Habitat. The level design intricacies are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of doom map theory, most of the intricacies will go over a typical doomworlder's head. There's also Christopher Buteau's futuristic outlook, which is deftly woven into his maps- his personal design philosophy draws heavily from the Futurism movement of the 20th century, for instance. The FANS understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these design decisions, to realise that they're not just brilliant- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Habitat truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the pioneering spirit in Habitat's revolutionary tunnels, which itself is a cryptic reference to Alison and Peter Smithson and the New Brutalism as a whole. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those low IQ simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Team TNT's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, I DO have the TNT Evilution logo tattooed. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎6 points -
Share Your Sprites!
Martin Howe and 5 others reacted to Gothic for a topic
Neoworm's extended staff, now widescreen: Credits: Neoworm (original sprites) EDIT: oh whoops, I didn't know Neoworm extended his own arm for the 3rd sprite EDIT 2: Check the rest of the sprites here6 points -
New Old Doom 3DO footage? Lost new level and new weapon discovered?!
ReaperAA and 4 others reacted to Dark Pulse for a topic
I don't know why people think this is a beta 3DO version (before the obviously fake footage, anyway). It's way higher rez. It perfroms far better than the final release did, which is preposterous for a beta to go to WORSE performance for the final. Try running at that window size on 3DO. G'won. The diskette, as you mentioned. HUD layout is exactly like the original (keys on the right, the full ammo counter on the far right, etc.) Art Data had no fucking clue how much work it'd take to add new types of content and even Burger Becky can't work miracles on ten-week turnarounds. Use your noodles, people.5 points -
IDDQDtheCacodemon and 4 others reacted to RED77 for a topic
5 points -
Your weirdest "Doom running on..." videos?
Andromeda and 4 others reacted to Stupid Bunny for a topic
There's a big difference between "Doom runs on x" versus "I played Doom using x as a display" and I think a lot of these are getting a bit disingenuous with that distinction...like setting aside the fact that this is almost certainly fake (see post above) Doom isn't running in Task Manager...like Task Manager isn't processing the Doom game logic, it's just being used to output the game. Same with Notepad, same with a lot of these. It can still be impressive when it isn't fake but it also kind of undoes the original point of "Doom can be ported to anything" when what you've really done is just come up with a way to make a program display something it wasn't meant to. There's not actually any porting happening. You could just as well run Dark Souls or ArcGIS or QuickBooks using the same method because the actual game processing is being done by the same old computer.5 points -
I usually make big, detailed and complex UDMF map but sometimes I just have to go back to simple and fun thechbases. This is a collection of 3 maps I made while I felt like I needed a break from UDMF. While making these I listed a lot to MFDOOM, my favourite artist. Each map is named after a song I listed a lot during the making of it. The mapset itself is called "Metal Face" because that's what the MF stands for while he is rapping. When he is producing it stands for Metal Fingers. Just a small fact probably no one cares about :) I might make more of these if I feel like it idk yet. These weren't even meant to be put public but yeah here they are, I at least hope you'll have fun with it. MAPS: - MAP01: Figaro (Music: Warswoor by Jimmy) -MAP02: One Beer (Music: Transducer by Jimmy) -MAP03: Hoe Cakes (Music: Ghost Grinder by Jimmy) -MAP04: Kon Karne (Music: Compulsion by Jimmy) DOWNLOAD: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4m1opexqeihrnor/Metal_Face.wad/file SCREENSHOTS:4 points
Share Your Sprites!
Sgt. Daniel mk. XII and 3 others reacted to Craneo for a topic
4 points -
New Old Doom 3DO footage? Lost new level and new weapon discovered?!
AtomIsTired and 3 others reacted to TheMagicMushroomMan for a topic
Fucking CGI trailers, always bullshit. You get less than five seconds of actual gameplay and it's not even from the right game. Even an idiot would be able to tell that the Baron is from DOOM 3. That gun isn't even from any of the games, it's from the fucking movie (the shitty one with the girl, not the classic with Chris Rock). How stupid do they think people are?4 points -
Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]
Man Q. Bus and 3 others reacted to Pleymo for a topic
Plutonia Map 19 NoMonsters in 14.63 pl19o014.zip https://youtu.be/SK-5J314W_E4 points -
New Old Doom 3DO footage? Lost new level and new weapon discovered?!
Walter confetti and 3 others reacted to Murdoch for a topic
Ah yes, the long lost and lamented "Green Splooge Gun". Honestly, I see nothing in that footage that would argue against the idea is it's simply the original DOS version running a custom map. The framerate might be a little smoother though; it's been a long-ass time since I have spent any time of significance with the original executable so I am the wrong person to judge. Perhaps one of the more vanilla focused members can add their thoughts on the possibility that this is simply a bait and switch. Why? There's very little to go on and it looks pretty much bog-standard mid 1990s user map quality - boxy rooms, nonsensical theming, basic lighting, the works. I could recreate it in no time and there's far better map makers around than I.4 points -
I don't know a lot about the old mapping scene from the 90's, but my theory is that the level shown on that crusty ass footage was stolen. There is no way anyone involved in 3do doom knew how to make a map.4 points
Marine training doom wad, lost media levels
Lizardcommando and 3 others reacted to thestarrover for a topic
If I am not wrong, these screenshots seem to match those in the video, The MacDoom version of Marine1.wad includes a second level. In addition there is an expanded version created by Cyberwarrior in 1996, Cyberwar.wad. It includes 6 levels, although only 4 are playable while the other two maps are just two empty rooms. The wad, played with the fun_2.deh patch, includes "walking" dynamite boxes, zombieman ghosts. New sprites for some weapons are also included Cyber1.zip EDIT: carefully reading the text file of the MaccDoom version, Cyberwarrior is the author of the second level. So it seems to be a Mac exclusive. Cyberwar.wad therefore could be a further evolution made by the same author.4 points -
Pirate Doom II (finished!)
Searcher and 3 others reacted to cannonball for a topic
So great to see this fully in release candidate. I will say right away that the overall artwork is stunning and creates a wonderful immersive atmosphere and was so prevalent in the first Pirate Doom. I haven't been able to fully get into the maps outside of briefing going through them with IDCLEV, but there are a couple of maps that I might have some issues with (Lets just say the numbers in particular may match the name of an American convenience store chain :P), as the maps are short I might be able to give more extensive feedback in the coming days. PS, this automap made me smile;4 points -
About Habitat: Meanings and interpretations of the most trascendental level from TNT
Andromeda and 3 others reacted to blueyosh43 for a topic
Don't really get the overwhelming disdain for this map. Didn't think it was any uglier than any random doom II map. I thought the tunnels were pretty straightforward, it's a maze and everything looks the same yeah but it's not huge and you have an automap for a reason. As for the secrets, I guess it's a little dumb but there's multiple secrets in the official maps that are in unreachable or arbitrary spots. They're not really that important anyway, it's just a number that goes up and clearly the OG devs didn't give too much of a shit about them aanyway. It does some cool visual things with the slime and water. Idk just seems really overblown.4 points -
4 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Doom 2 in City Only [vote now]
Novaseer and 3 others reacted to cannonball for a topic
MAP10 - "Upon the Brink of Trancendence" by muumi You could say "It's a Muumi map" and that would be sufficient to tell you exactly what is going to occur here... Never have such contrasting colours looked so good together, a generally blue thematic is interrupted with red and gold in way very few have handled before, it is truly a sight to behold, the vast expanse of cold brick and tech, this is by far the most striking and most beautiful map encountered so far. The combat is solid, most of the traps are more cinematic than hard, but will keep the player engaged from start to finish. The yellow key will take the longest to find, but once the first key is obtained, the the rest of the progression flows very well. The moment when you can reach the exit area is a real moment when you know that you are going into the central portion of the map and that things are going to go down big time. The final fight isn't hard and arguably the BFG makes it an easy victory if you can get to the archviles before they cause a nuisance. The map is arguably over-stocked, I found zero secrets but left with almost full ammo for everything and 200% health/armour. That said this is a special moment in the wad and for me the first big highlight of the set, but as the first line says, it isn't a surprise given the author.4 points -
deadzon2 E2M8 NM-Speed 0:32 dead8n3231.zip https://youtu.be/NdUaBmgfOHs4 points
4 points
Marine training doom wad, lost media levels
Lizardcommando and 2 others reacted to Grungo for a topic
Grungo knows we all know about that one weird doom wad from 1996 the military actually used to train soldiers it was marine.wad it had custom sprites of enemies sounds and dehacked stuff such as automatic shotgun and molotovs. however it seems there was more than ONE map and maybe even more weapons. when Grungo watch cnn news interview on youtube, grungo notice gameplay in backround, it had MORE levels! link to interview Exhibit A as Mr.Jarhead is yappin' away to the lettermen, we notice that a tv is going off in the background , it showcases a stone structure and stairs with custom rail textures. Exhibit B we see a new map (or possible the same map at maybe a different room) where there are actual trees outside and marines are pinned down in a wooden room Exhibit C then in the same room, we see this weapon that wasn't featured in the wad, it looks to be belt fed and me can't make out what is is but grungo bets his sea dollars it might be a SAW belt fed machine gun. Exhibit D we see on near the end of the interview there that this marine is punchin his teammate and we get a better but not great look of the distance where we see more trees grey rock at the end and what looks to be a ditch all and all, grungo is suprised that not many talk about this lost level, but me wonder if someone has the wad? doubt it but it'd be nice what is your thoughts?3 points -
Just a heads up, Boom is an outdated standard -- check out MBF21, it's basically "Boom 2" with some new features, it's supported in all the big modern ports, and it's backwards compatible with Boom so folks can still use all the features they're used to. I'd also suggest removing the map number claiming entirely -- just have folks claim a word and make their map. Pre-assigning the map numbers isn't necessary for the project's concept, and it will lead to very chaotic difficulty and theme shifts unless folks go far out of their way to coordinate with their neighbors. Better to arrange the maps "in post" in whichever way they work best, and consider using UMAPINFO to wire up the secret exits in interesting locations (or even split it into multiple episodes, if you like) instead of sticking to the old format (though maybe that's a given since there's a 33 map target).3 points
Is Doomworld A Safe and Trustworthy...
Lonespacemarine and 2 others reacted to prfunky for a topic
3 points -
About Habitat: Meanings and interpretations of the most trascendental level from TNT
Andromeda and 2 others reacted to The_Gennie for a topic
3 points -
MAP10 "Upon the Brink of Transcendence" by muumi (100% K/S, 89% I, 45:53, saves) For the record, this map is shorter than The Nuclear Power Plant, I'm just an idiot and couldn't find the secrets. God damn, is this a good one. Visuals are top-notch (though @Celestin does raise a good point about it not much resembling a typical city), and it has the combat to match - even if once you have the secret BFG the fights lose quite a bit of their bite due to the abundance of cells. muumi loves their Arch-Viles, though, that much is apparent. And whilst the map is indeed very long, there generally isn't any overlong cleanup that pads the runtime (well, I spent like 5 minutes SSGing Lost Souls in the YK arena but I'm going to chalk that up to being my own damn fault), and there's enough challenge to be stimulating without being overwhelming (even though I'm going to chalk my deaths up to my unfamiliar hotel setup because I don't want to acknowledge my skill issue) Personally, I think Crypto Crash scratches my Doom funnybone more in the 'best map of the episode' department, but Upon the Brink of Transcendence is no doubt a highlight of the megaWAD and muumi absolutely has every right to be proud of their work. P.S. Really? AD_79 of all people made a MIDI that has a loop error? Or is dsda-doom acting up somehow?3 points
MAP10: Upon the Brink of Trancendence by muumi Exactly a year ago I first experienced muumi's maps through their submission to PUSS IX and has since become one of the mappers whose works I look out for. I feel like muumi stretched the definition of a city here, as Upon the Brink of Trancendence is an abstract, alien place of a huge scale, plastered in blue and orange. Yes, it's mostly a voidscape map, but I can't dislike a level looking this good. Besides, the design philosophy that myolden is pushing the contributors towards is still here - a lot of ground to cover with monsters waiting behind every corner and optional fights that seem to give a copy of a plasma rifle. The map starts slow, supplying small groups of monsters to kill as you look for guns. The balance of incidental and arena combat works great here, giving you time to catch a breath between bigger fights. That being said, I was lucky with secrets here, as I've found a BFG quite early on and it carried me through the map. Cells are in a large supplies and muumi likes to surprise you with archviles or stage some cramped fights (like the room with monsters coming out of the walls). MAP10 concludes with a battle in a circular arena below a flying saucer, where monsters teleport in - if you make laps around the place, hunt archvile and make the monsters infight, you should make it without issues and leave the map onboard a flying sauces. A lot like in PUSS IX, come to think about it. It's a lenghty map, but it never felt like it padded its runtime, it doesn't look much like a city, but the striking visuals make it stand apart from the rest of the wad. I greatly enjoyed this one, it's beautiful level with entertaining action and it's what I'm looking in Doom.3 points
Capybara demos [-complevel 9]
Bredd and 2 others reacted to Crusador560 for a topic
map18 max in 56:58 cap18m5658.zip3 points -
E1M7 UV MAX in 9:39 My goal was to make a sub 10 minutes demo for this one n1e7-939.zip3 points
I think TNT as a whole gets a lot of overblown hate, to be honest. It's a product of its time and there's stuff that could be better, for sure, but it's not bad.3 points
Is Doomworld A Safe and Trustworthy...
ChopBlock223 and 2 others reacted to ETTiNGRiNDER for a topic
Google is kind of a poster child for "we warned you about this, but you were all like 'but muh convenience'". The writing's been on the wall for years by now that they were going in a bad direction. The problem of terrible quality search results isn't wholly Google's fault, though. All the search engines are kind of bad nowadays. The fad of "make money running a blog with ad banners" did immense damage to the worldwide web by encouraging people to spam it up with pages that on a search result sound almost relevant but end up just being base-level info endlessly regurgitated with slightly different wordings. That trend has largely ended but fallout remains, and a lot of the "posting genuinely useful information" sites probably got swept away along with the junk blogs because on a search page there was no way of telling the difference.3 points -
Helion - C# ( 6/24 - Goodbye BSP tree rendering)
Tango and 2 others reacted to hobomaster22 for a topic
I have a fix for the HUD. This has shown up in a couple wads. I see whats going on with the intermission. It always tiles because it assumes that it is a flat like the original game. Boom ports must have something to allow for non-flat images. Should be an easy add so I can put that in. I also took a look at the monster infighting and the main issue appears to be a mistake in the initialization not setting the monsters threshold to the default threshold. I should be able to have these addressed in a bug fix release this weekend.3 points -
Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]
megasphere308 and 2 others reacted to odysseyofnoises for a topic
Plutonia MAP04 NM speed in 5.60. pl04n560.zip3 points