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IIRC the "Z" in ZDoom stands for "Randi wanted it to be at the very bottom of any listings of source ports"21 points
What could the "Z" in "ZDoom" stand for?
viti95 and 13 others reacted to Wadmodder Shalton for a topic
Zero-Backwards-Compatibility14 points -
Remember to visualize the complex problems, and relax… At 7:30 a.m, a portal to hell traveling 60 light years an hour leaves Phobos bound for Deimos, 520 light years away. At the same time, a portal traveling 30 light years an hour and carrying 40 demons leaves Deimos bound for Phobos. It's eight Mancubi long and always carries the same number of demons on each trip. An hour later, a number of demons equal to half the number of minutes past the hour arrive but three times as many plus six get on. At the second teleporter on Deimos, half the demons plus two arrive but twice as many enter the teleporter as had entered the first teleporter on Phobos.13 points
Share Your Sprites!
Sgt. Daniel mk. XII and 11 others reacted to Craneo for a topic
12 points -
New Old Doom 3DO footage? Lost new level and new weapon discovered?!
Daytime Waitress and 10 others reacted to Revenant100 for a topic
While perusing the net, I stumbled across this trailer for the 3DO port of Doom: (Original upload with presumably better quality) Sourced from a sales tape meant for retailers, what we have here is early footage of the 3DO port (presumably mid '95, while the port itself released in '96) featuring an unseen new level and a look at the fabled long lost new weapon! Why even the performance looks perfectly stable at a full screen size, but I think we can all agree, however, that the most impressive aspect on display here is the huge uptick in graphical quality, almost looking like pre-rendered footage there at the end! Shame the final release wouldn't end up managing these upgrades.11 points -
The Island of Killer Cacos [DOOM 2][UDMF][15 MAPS]
rita remton and 7 others reacted to JJBoren for a topic
The Island of Killer Cacos iwad: Doom 2 Slots: Map01 - Map13, MAP31 and MAP32 Format: UDMF Tested with: GzDoom Redering: Hardware Acceleration is recommended There are few visual bugs on Software but the game is playable Jumping: No Difficulty levels: Supported Balanced for a pistol start on UV (ammo can at times be little bit tight) Textures: Otex 1.1 DOWNLOAD Music Also, big thanks to the people who played the early versions of some of the maps.8 points -
As per Xaser's suggestion the map slot taking has been lifted and is more of a reservation if anything now. Format is MBF21 as per Xaser's suggestion. If you have claimed a word and any map position will be decided according based on how difficult your map is relative to the others with the defined map slots. Difficulty wise i should've stated this in the main post but silly me i forgot. We should be going for about Plutonia Experiment difficulty. I will update the main post accordingly. But difficulty is subjective so if we don't like the idea i'll remove it. I am dreadfully sorry if that messes anyone's plans up!8 points
Share Your Sprites!
NormalHuman and 7 others reacted to Desfar for a topic
Been quiet for a while, so heres a simple non-hell cow. I need to make a front angle death at some point, but I imagine it will mostly be used as background decoration. Credits: Mostly a resize of the cow from Redneck Rampage. Edit, Zombie is on Pause due to being burnt on it. Switching back to the corpse golem rework for a few8 points -
Knee Deep in the Dictionary - DOOM 2 Community Project [2 Slots Open]
knifeworld and 6 others reacted to Yop for a topic
Hello all, have you wanted to start mapping yet struggle to find a premise? or perhaps have a really good idea but don't know what the theme would be alongside it? Well I have the solution for you I hope! Welcome to... Knee Deep in the Dictionary! I have created a list of about 40 (English) Words for you to choose from for your map, you can interpret these words however you like. The Maps name isn't restricted however preferably it should include the chosen word in it. I know it's weird that a DOOM 2 project is named after a DOOM 1 episode, I'll admit that. You can pick whichever word for whichever map, words will be marked through when taken. If you struggle on a word and how to interpret it feel free to use Dictionary.com We'll be using MBF21 for this project and it has a maximum 33 participant slots. The difficulty should be around Plutonia level Rules: 1. Use the List you cannot choose your own words there's more than enough. 2. No limit on submission but do allow others a chance! 3. Custom Textures are allowed: 32in24-15 v2 will be the only set you can use. 4. Tools like Oblige and its variants are not allowed. 5. Custom Midis are allowed. The Goal is: 33 Maps [30 Main, 3 Secret] The Deadline is: SEPTEMBER 1ST 2024 The submission format is: [MAP NAME AND NUM] [SONG USED] [MAPPER COMMENT (Optional)] [CUSTOM TEXTURES] [DOWNLOAD] The Word List: MAP SLOTS: Happy Mapping!7 points -
I legitimately do not know why anybody cares about achievements. Popup says "Hey you did random thing!". Um, so what?7 points
IDDQDtheCacodemon and 6 others reacted to DevilMyEyes for a topic
7 points -
Forsaken Compound [DOOM Episode 1 Replacement]
Foxstiel and 5 others reacted to ivymagnapinna for a topic
Forsaken Compound is a limit-removing E1 replacement wad for Doom 1. There's a mix of action/slaughtery gameplay and more simple, atmosphere-oriented parts that require some thinking, overall intended to be more difficult than normal Knee Deep in the Dead-style mapping, as well as more visually distinct and varied than that episode. Texturing is all done from the IWAD with an excellent custom palette by Dir, and some sound replacements from Doom 64 and Doom 3. Testing was done with PrBoom+ and DSDA-Doom, intended for singleplayer only. Your port also has to be compatible with UMAPINFO. Difficulty settings are implemented. Note that this wad was not intended for mouselook/jump/crouch in GZDoom and using it may cause some progression breaks/unintended stuff, but play how you want. Music credits to: Lippeth, Dragonfly, Cammy, L.A. Sieben, Snaxolotl, Jimmy, Varis Alpha, Tristan Clark, Xulgonoth, decino, Lee Jackson This is my first major wad release so any and all feedback is much appreciated, and big thanks to fefor and others in the Entryway discord for supporting my project! Download (now on idgames!!) https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/Ports/a-c/compound Screenshots [more + map list below the spoiler cut]:6 points -
Mapsets and Maporders and You
Moustachio and 5 others reacted to BluePineapple72 for a topic
Hey folks! I've got these wads that I'm sitting on and a few of them have this particular issue that I keep running into. Ordering. With 30+ levels in any given wad I find that it is fairly difficult to figure out what order they should all go into. Although 'easiest to hardest' is a pretty... well... straightforward and completely reasonable ordering strata, I find that there are issues with clumping all of the hardest levels together towards the end. Likewise with community projects, mappers each have their own distinctive flavorings and styles that make their maps unique therefore quantifying a level solely based on it's difficulty leaves some other traits ignored (If I get 5 atmospheric or walking simulator type levels in a project they are objectively going to be the easiest, so I don't want to clump them towards the front.) There's also the issue of mental organization. Trying to keep track of the several different pieces of a level can get pretty tough for me. What methods do you use to pick the map order of your wad? For your community projects how do you go about organizing information to keep yourself from getting lost and whatnot?6 points -
Almost finished a new map - I'm calling it ' Outpost Echo '. It is a large cavern sys
Geniraul and 5 others reacted to Arrowhead for a status update
Almost finished a new map - I'm calling it 'Outpost Echo'. It is a large cavern system w/ an attached research building and sluiceway. I'm going to release it as a single map soon, maybe even tomorrow. I just have to populate the map, balance, and test it still. Detailing will be updated a tiny bit, too. Here are some pictures so far: I'm feeling productive again, lately - I might have to start something big, soon. :D6 points -
How many demons?
TheUltimateDoomer666 and 5 others reacted to Chernobog The Exalted for a topic
Americans will use anything but the metric system6 points -
Just a heads up, Boom is an outdated standard -- check out MBF21, it's basically "Boom 2" with some new features, it's supported in all the big modern ports, and it's backwards compatible with Boom so folks can still use all the features they're used to. I'd also suggest removing the map number claiming entirely -- just have folks claim a word and make their map. Pre-assigning the map numbers isn't necessary for the project's concept, and it will lead to very chaotic difficulty and theme shifts unless folks go far out of their way to coordinate with their neighbors. Better to arrange the maps "in post" in whichever way they work best, and consider using UMAPINFO to wire up the secret exits in interesting locations (or even split it into multiple episodes, if you like) instead of sticking to the old format (though maybe that's a given since there's a 33 map target).6 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
MarketAnarchy and 5 others reacted to NecrumWarrior for a topic
6 points -
[Boom] Alpha Sector, mini PWAD map set, 4 maps
Armolitskiy and 4 others reacted to wheresthelambsauce for a topic
Greetings again. I have been working on a small multi map PWAD, the intention was to get to 8 maps all up as it seemed like a decent number. This release is a bit short on that right now but I wanted to share it with you anyway. Mainly been learning about how UMAPINFO and ZMAPINFO works as well as exploring a little bit more of Boom's features. Any feedback will be good in the meantime as I cook up some ideas for other maps. Note on Secrets Format: Boom IWAD: Doom 2 Maps: 4 (so far) No jumping/crouching (disabled in ZMAPINFO), mouselook is optional Tested on DSDA-Doom, GZDoom and PrBoom+ (requires Boom compatible source ports) Screenshots: UV Max Walkthrough: Extra Credits: James "Jimmy" Paddock - several midis MAP01 - Crunch Time MAP02 - Time Bomb MAP03 - Gr8 808, M8 MAP04 - Phux Ache Ola Björling (ukiro) - OTEX texture set TNT Team - Colormaps Download Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ddx9jMcCZ1qvhhC3PWM8I4O07aYiNeoH?usp=sharing5 points -
DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]
Man Q. Bus and 4 others reacted to Dogmachine for a topic
Map 31 (Normal exit) Stroller in 1:05.46 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8tlRRrCQx0 lv31str10546.zip5 points -
IDDQDtheCacodemon and 4 others reacted to DevilMyEyes for a topic
Hola gente, ya actualizé HCP a la RC2! Aqui tienen el changelog: Changelog RC2: -dehacked textos y sprites de munición en español -añadi los graficos HWILV del map14 y map31 -Map12 Fix: se pone tag 29 al closet de revs para que se abra con el switch que revela la spider mastermind -Añadi el midi D_LANDN para el mapa 25 y bfg softlock fix, 50 secret sectors fix -Arreglos de softlock y sectores dañinos mapa15 -Arreglos de slime trails en el mapa 43 -mapa24 monster closet fix -añadi la pantalla de CREDITS -map14 bug fixes y death exit arreglada -mapa31 bugs arreglados y fixes en balance de dificultad -cambié el nombre del mapper alt3000 por vosolokoviteh (previa autorización) -actualizado el mapa19 y nuevo midi -map06 softlock en pilar arreglado5 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
MarketAnarchy and 4 others reacted to Darsycho for a topic
enigmatic worlds shiz5 points -
[Heretic CP] Heretic Heremembered - recreate Corvus's adventure from memory!
Koff3Katt and 3 others reacted to Jakub Majewski for a topic
Attention, all aboard the IWAD memory train! May I ask for attention, please? This is your new conductor speaking. The IWAD Rememberance Ltd. regrets to inform you that your train has been rerouted. Now, don't panic, there is nothing to be scared of. We are simply here to take you to a slightly different realm of imagination, but rest assured, you may be a little dazed and confused by our new final destination, but you will surely not be disappointed... Hello, everyone! I would like to introduce a small spin-off to @Engired series of "<IWAD> from Memory" wads and take it in a slightly different direction. Mapping from memory as accurately as possible is fun and all... but mostly just for the mappers. It's a series more about the journey than the destination, and it's a shame, because there have been some mighty fine destinations that have been brought to us by this series, unforgettable classics like E4M4 from Ultimate Doom, MAP15 from Doom II or MAP16 from TNT, which all rose from their respective IWAD maps and became something grander than them rather than a good immitation. Here's the deal and the backbone of this project: when's the last time you played Heretic? 2 years ago? 5 years ago? All the way in the 90's? Good, now is the time to bring up all of those hazy memories and put them onto the canvas of Doom Builder! We're going to be recreating all of Heretic from memory, just like Engired's series, BUT with very different rules. Most importantly, do not go out and replay Heretic at all before joining this project, no matter how much you remember, don't remember or misremember, I want to see maps recreated from the exact current state of your memories of them. Please don't be scared of creating something that only barely resembles the original, as that is the exact point of this exercise, the goal is to run each map through anywhere between weeks to years of normal human erasure of unimportant information and distill each map into a cursed liminal representation of itself. Same goes for the midis, if any composers would like to join. Musicians from Jimmy's Raven Midi Pack from 2020 are especially welcome, as they all had to study Kevin Schilder's music to try to capture its identity, but at the same time, it has been enough years for everyone to hopefully forget just enough about it. And though I might disappoint some people, but the goal will only be to recreate the stock IWAD midis. There is currently no deadline. Whenever all maps are done, the project will be compiled together and released. However, to avoid anyone claiming a slot and then doing nothing with it, there will be a rule in place throughout the entire development cycle: if you claim a slot, you have exactly 72 hours to submit a map for it, otherwise your claim is released. Format is limit-removing and target source port is DSDA-Doom. No need to worry about those vanilla limitations getting in the way of your memories. I don't think there is much more to be said, so here is the current list of maps: And the midis: All can be claimed as many times as they appear in the IWAD, but once each midi has at least one slot completed, the soundtrack is considered finished.4 points -
cybercage.wad - practice/challenge map [boom]
Kinetic and 3 others reacted to El Inferno for a topic
A map where you shoot many cyberdemon with bfg9000. This was largely inspired by @TimeOfDeath666's infinite cyber map from this post https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2622605: using some dehacked, he made it so that the cyber resurrects itself after you kill it and you can just keep doing it over and over (the dehacked also includes infinite bfg and some clever ways to spawn in infinite megasheres). My map is basically a reiteration of this idea without the use of dehacked but with some funky voodoo setup: each time you kill a cyber a new one is spawned into the arena and the cycle repeats until you kill all of them. You also get refilled with 600 cells and a megaspere every: 7 cybers on UV, 4 cybers on HMP and 1 cyber on HNTR. Here are skill 2 and skill 4 runs to show what it looks like: I actually got the idea of a setup like this a while ago when testing the secret fight from @Nefelibeta's Hardfest 2 map. In that fight you also get to bfg cybers in several stages and each consecutive stage is activated by a voodoo doll when the player doesn't move for a couple of seconds (which presumably means that you've dealt with the current wave and don't need to dodge anymore). That ended up being a bit obtuse and I suggested to check instead if the cyber is dead by trying to lower the ceiling of the whole arena and seeing if an alive cyber would block it from lowering or not. Any boom compatible source port should work, gzd-family ports likely won't. Let me know if something breaks, I tested the map quite a lot but it seems like weird stuff still can happen once in a while. cybercage.zip4 points -
Happy belated 21st birthday to Scythe! New beta is available. Episode one and two submissions have been fulfilled! @Anarkzie Your map doesn't have a midi, might want to include one with a future update. @tsocheff @spineapple tea @Bobby :D @EPICALLL @NiGHTS108 I'll keep the deadline indefinite once again, since there aren't too many submissions left to fulfill at this point. @spineapple tea I haven't heard from you in a while now. Let me know if you're still around and intend to submit something. Otherwise I'll be handing your slot over to someone else. If anyone's interested in playtesting once all maps have been submitted, let me know. I'll put a roster in the OP to keep track.4 points
Mapsets and Maporders and You
Andromeda and 3 others reacted to Weird Sandwich for a topic
The best way I've seen this expressed is as the "difficulty saw": That is, difficulty on average steadily rises but you get peaks and valleys relative to player skill as mentioned. This saw pattern can apply within a map (e.g. with weapon progression), across an episode (with map difficulties), and over the whole wad (with episode difficulties). The page the graph is from has a good discussion on the topic: http://www.davetech.co.uk/difficultycurves4 points -
Endless Random /idgames WAD Adventures #082
LadyMistDragon and 3 others reacted to Roofi for a topic
Year 2 Month 11 Day 14 I play until I die or intentionally stop. I don't comment the wad where I died/stopped. [1] A Deathmatch WAD Series designed specifically for four player deathmatch play. (DOOM II) by Christian Antkow (1995) This is a pack of 6 maps designed for multiplayer. The first map is a remaster of LEDGES.WAD and the other consist of symmetrical combat zones. The visuals look rather sharp as there is an emphasis on tall architecture and interconnectiviness. I also like how the white light textures are used. However, it's nothing more than an average set of DM maps that nobody play anymore. [2] N-SANE1 Disorientation taken for granted... by N. Scot Norman (1995) I guess the author wanted to create a sort of weird trip to hell like the way the map "Nirvana" did in Doom 2 but the problem here is that Sandy Petersen's work resemble to a masterpiece compared to this. N-sane1 is outrageously distorted and ugly between the empty marble rooms, the endless stairs in the most hellish section or the extremly tight corridors which actually prevent monsters from reaching you. I played too much 90's wads to be annoyed by the non-sense progression but I was craving for more ammo. I managed to skip the most difficult parts of the map by grabbing the blue key located behind an invisible wall and some hanged commander keens (why?). I tend to enjoy randomness in old wads but Scot had no notion of common sense. Grade : D- (4/20) I fell in a small blood pool which which seemed to be not deep enough to be lethal in Gore1.wad4 points -
Flotsam Map01 UVSpeed in 0:31 Zip: fl01-031.zip Video: https://youtu.be/1pQ36JlzeDo?si=PgTgVD7f-pAaMelp Flotsam Map01 Pacifist in 0:55 Zip: fl01p055.zip Video: https://youtu.be/967Xorti1Fo?si=E_bSTIo00nzgAxHl4 points
Oh my god I wasn't expecting this outta nowhere, fantastic job matey!4 points
Andromeda and 3 others reacted to Keyboard_Doomer for a topic
Hello, it didn't exactly take long and we're again reaching for some Hispanic goodness to play for Thursday Night Survival (but don't worry, with an extensive coopfix by @boom_compatible). The session starts 10 hours from the time of this post and, as usual, you can expect it to be fairly active for 4+ hours.4 points -
[DONE] DOOMIUM II: A Community Project focusing on Short and Frantic Maps (BOOM+UMAPINFO)
Steve D and 3 others reacted to stochastic for a topic
Layout and most of the detailing/lighting for Map 15 is done. Gonna spend the rest of the week fine-tuning the combat. It's on the longer side of the par time requirements, so trying to trim some fat. Calling this evil thing "Netherheaven" \m/4 points -
Brick | 3 wads | 4 maps Adventure | 10 wads | 43 maps Hangar 2001 - Ultimate E1M1 Remix (2001) by J.C. Bengtson (SailorScout). 1 map for Doom II in ZDoom. This is a straight up remake of E1M1, @SailorScout claims to have recreated the layout from scratch, if that's really the case I'm impressed because it is very faithful when it wants to be. I say this because he clearly wanted to make changes, the texturing is completely different (quite good though), and there are some added secrets. I admit it's satisfying to grab that green armour and keep flying through the window to land in the now-accessible outdoor area. There's not much to say though, despite the small differences here and there the map is still very much the Hangar we all know and love, unlike SailorScout's earlier Containment Area this remix doesn't have enough added to get its own personality. As an E1M1 fan though I will not complain about yet another remake, no matter how similar. The Anomaly: Part II (2001) by Varun Abhirama Krishna. 1 SP map for vanilla Ultimate Doom. Varun playtested many of older brother Karthik's maps but also released his own, though he was not as prolific. This was his first when he was barely a teenager, and has some honestly strange design decisions. Switches are inside small alcoves positioned much higher than I've ever seen, there's no difficulty in pushing them but they look strange. Secrets are completely hidden and usually without any hint, short of humping every wall (and keeping an ear for a door or lift activating nearby) there's no real puzzle-solving to find them (the nod to Karthik in one was cute though). Combat is a bit weird too, there are cacos almost immediately, a dearth of ammo at first, a baron that I had to shotgun and then run away from because I really didn't feel like resorting to the chainsaw... and speaking of, that chainsaw room trap was mean! The map is on E4M6 and I wondered about the choice of slot, until a teleport took me face to face with a Cyberdemon, with no way out until he is defeated. I do appreciate Varun's attempts at avoiding right angles, almost everything is curved and it makes corridors look better. It's not the best map ever but it's a good first effort. I'd like to play more of his later maps at some point, and especially the wad that the brothers worked on together. Toxin Refinery (1999) by Paul Corfiatis. 2 maps for vanilla Doom. I initially thought had rolled another remake, of course I thought it would be an homage to E1M3 since it occupies this slot and, well, that title. Then I start the map and it looks nothing like an IWAD map, I thought I was wrong and it was a completely original design. Less than a minute later it turns out it is an homage after all, but to E1M6 instead. The walkway over toxin with the little room with barrels on the other side is unmistakable, but there's also a variation on the E1M6 maze. To be fair to @pcorf he made the maze much more interesting, there's a lot of his own architecture all over, and the map in general is quite good. It's very E1 but despite the limited selection combat is fun, the way passages are connected means demons often sneak up from behind while you're busy dealing with imps and the ambushes are well set up. The best part was hunting for secrets, they're well hinted and often rewarding. Towards the end I did come across the homage to the E1M3 starting room, which here has us raising the middle walkway to reach the normal exit instead. Of course this means the secret exit is somewhere else, and figuring it out takes us to a secret map that has nothing to do with the original E1M9 or anything from the IWAD. It's a bit of a joke map (the very Scottish bagpipes turning into Mario music make it even more obvious) in the style of the Death Tormention 2 bonus maps, with a small army of barons to defeat in tight quarters with nothing but rockets. Ammo is plentiful and there are a couple dozen Supercharge so it's not particularly difficult, though I admit mowing down a few dozen of them is very satisfying. Despite being from Pcorf's early days when he was still a teenager I really enjoyed the wad, both maps have a lot of charm (each in its own way) and pull off their gimmicks satisfyingly.4 points
New Old Doom 3DO footage? Lost new level and new weapon discovered?!
AtomIsTired and 3 others reacted to TheMagicMushroomMan for a topic
Fucking CGI trailers, always bullshit. You get less than five seconds of actual gameplay and it's not even from the right game. Even an idiot would be able to tell that the Baron is from DOOM 3. That gun isn't even from any of the games, it's from the fucking movie (the shitty one with the girl, not the classic with Chris Rock). How stupid do they think people are?4 points -
Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]
Man Q. Bus and 3 others reacted to Pleymo for a topic
Plutonia Map 19 NoMonsters in 14.63 pl19o014.zip https://youtu.be/SK-5J314W_E4 points -
4 points
Embraced.wad {MBF21} 3 Maps - idgames release!
SportsterV90 and 2 others reacted to Treehouseminis for a topic
Embraced is small set of 3 maps focusing on combat puzzle and slaughter(4th map progress stopper). Adding again to the green techbase crowd but this time with a lot of wood textures! Also map names are song names. Difficulty is on the "medium" side if we compare this wad to the high standard of today's community. Dont be afraid to drop it down to HMP if UV is too rough. I will say this is probably the hardest maps Ive made but only slightly. So prepare to be Embraced! MBF21 DOOM2 IWAD Single Play only Map 01- Flourishing Map02- Deluminate Map03- The Cosmic Vein Map04- Embraced -Features- Green 1000 hp cyber mastermind replacement Some mp3 Tracks. Make sure you play in a port that supports mp3 playback. I mostly tested with DSDA and GZDOOM Eviternity1 Palette but edited pinks into purples. ---Idgames release--- Screens old Drop Box V3 Credits: Music : title : "Lower Maridia" - Super Metroid Inter : "Palace of Twilgiht" Zelda Twilight Princess Map01 - "PLasma" Lee Jackson Map02 - "Ambientdjent" by ninja.kitty Remix by Ribbiks Map03 - "D_AMPIE" by Snaxalotl Map04 - "The Infinite Labryinth" - Tristan Clark Textures : cc4 32x24-in-ver2 tex Otex Ribbiks Eviternity 1 Palette (slgihtly adjust by me) Jaded.wad NIGHTMARE hellish textures AA Textures Duketex mechadon skies hud by Daniel Testing: Big thanks too @AshtralFiend Old V2 buildEmbraced v23 points -
How many demons?
Stupid Bunny and 2 others reacted to Insaneprophet for a topic
A cyber demon exits a bathroom stall and tells doomguy he left a bfg in ther for him Doom guy says "bull shit"3 points -
Mapsets and Maporders and You
Stupid Bunny and 2 others reacted to NecrumWarrior for a topic
I think having some difficulty spikes along the way and having a map or two for relief toward the end is a good way to go. Peaks and valleys so to speak, rather than just a linear progression of difficulty. Finding that balance is not so easy or prescriptive though. Ideally you would want to try a few orderings, but I know that the playtesting for that would be long and playtesters at hand are not going to have a lot of time to offer since we can't pay them. It doesn't need to perfect though, this is a hobby we all do for fun after all. My main advice would be not to worry yourself too much thinking about it.3 points -
How many demons?
Doom-X-Machina and 2 others reacted to Maximum Matt for a topic
And of course, the answers are completely nullified in Nightmare mode3 points -
***Download link:***https://www.mediafire.com/file/u7g3bz1iolkuybs/outpostecho.zip/file I've made a new standalone deathmatch map! This map is a natural cavern system w/ a small base attached to it. This is designed for 3-6 players, but duels work well too. I've included a railgun, the same as the one in FDM3. This mapset is designed to be played w/ jump ON (imperative), freelook ON, crouch OFF, Item respawn ON, and weapon stay ON. It can be played equally well in either OpenGL or Software rendering modes. This map is for Zandronum ONLY. It will not function in ZDaemon, or Odamex! The format is Zandronum:UDMF, iwad is Doom 2. You do not need to load Otex1.1 alongside, it is already in the WAD. Here are some screenshots: I'll likely be starting a large project again some time soon! ***Download link:*** https://www.mediafire.com/file/u7g3bz1iolkuybs/outpostecho.zip/file I hope everyone has been having a nice week! :D3 points
I guess ZDoom was supposed to be "the last word in Doom source ports".3 points
Share Your Sprites!
horselessheadsman and 2 others reacted to Mizuki_Jun10 for a topic
3 points -
Zoomer Doom.3 points
3 points
loh2 map02 UV-Speed in 18.57 l202-1857.zip3 points
I ate a lot of Junkfood tonight and it was fun as hell. Only about a quarter of the way through, but having a total blast. Great job everyone!3 points
3 points
New Old Doom 3DO footage? Lost new level and new weapon discovered?!
Xane_MM and 2 others reacted to Wadmodder Shalton for a topic
Someone try to remake this lost map from the video please.3 points -
IDDQDtheCacodemon and 2 others reacted to RED77 for a topic
3 points -
Embryo: where each map is smaller than the last
PRO-RC and 2 others reacted to Moustachio for a topic
Well, April 8th has now officially passed everywhere on Earth. The end of the beta phase is over, but that doesn't mean submissions are closed. The remaining mappers can still submit their maps until RC2 is released one month from now on May 9, 2024. I won't accept any new sign-ons as of today, so any empty slots will remain empty after the 8th of May. In the meantime, here's Release Candidate 1: embryo_rc1.zip I'm kindly asking mappers to please check that I've compiled the latest version of their map along with the proper skies and midi. For feedback, tag the map author and provide them with a summary of any bugs. Be sure to mention whether or not you had fun playing the level and why that is! Please, use the map's title in your feedback instead of its number to avoid any confusion during the RC1 testing phase. Map authors will have until the pre-release deadline on June 8, 2024 to make changes their maps. So to recap, here's the overall timeline until idgames: May 8, 2024 — Deadline for submissions; RC2 compilation. June 8, 2024 — Deadline for edits of already submitted maps; start of pre-release testing phase. June 15, 2024 — Submission to /idgames archive. And a friendly ping to those who are still able to finish and submit their maps: @IvanDobsky @yourlocalchef @Philnemba @PRO-RC @spineapple tea @russin @macro @SharkyChip @Jakub Majewski @Alaxzandarz @Hydrus @Large Cat @LoatharMDPhD3 points -
3 points