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Doom 2 In Shitty Only [RC1]
LoatharMDPhD and 37 others reacted to Weird Sandwich for a topic
Download Links: D2ISO.zip https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/i5ni2l9fef60v7kx2jpwp/D2ISO.zip?rlkey=z99omcjpey39kz7gaq63mavj0&dl=0 Doom 2 In Shitty Only is a 7 map ultrawad in MBF21 format featuring 6 single map episodes of nothing but city maps. One of these maps is very large, so it is recommended you pack a lunch and a water bottle. The set was primarily tested in dsda-doom. There is 1 secret map with the secret exit being pretty obvious tbh. Jumping and freelook are not intended for this set and will make me feel bad. Mapper was given no rules for this project. Map List: Screenshots: Special Credits38 points -
I legitimately do not know why anybody cares about achievements. Popup says "Hey you did random thing!". Um, so what?23 points
Doom 2 In Shitty Only [RC1]
LoatharMDPhD and 16 others reacted to myolden for a topic
Finally, a good Doom WAD.17 points -
Deep within the bowels of Hell, sits the fabled Black Gauntlet - a chain of arenas so fearsome and brutal, that even battle-hardened demons feel a shiver down their spine at the thought of ending up there. If one were to brave the arenas and come out victorious, untold riches will be theirs. But alas - nothing of this sort has ever happened. The gauntlet crushes challenger after challenger, their exploits and deaths viewed in real time by the richest of Hell's nobles. Are you a prisoner, sent here as a method of execution? A gladiator, searching for a glorious death? An adventurer, drawn in by the promise of treasure? It doesn't matter now. Now you are here - and the show's about to begin... MORITURI is a set of 12 short, yet very hard and gimmicky combat puzzles, made using exclusively vanilla textures and music. A successful run of each map should take no more than 1-2 minutes, but the catch is, be prepared for a LOT of grinding to reach that point - because the maps are not only difficult, they are absolutely, unabashedly sadistic in their difficulty. So heed my words when I say that this wad might not be for everyone - certainly if you don't enjoy getting your teeth kicked in over and over while you ponder whether it was skill issue or suboptimal strategy this time, then I think you should probably give this one a pass. If you're still not sure, you can check out the first map - if you can beat it while actually enjoying yourself to a reasonable degree, then you're probably good to go. And if you are a very experienced player that eats such wads for breakfast, be warned that some of the maps have relatively high RNG compared to other challenge wads, as determined by high-level testing. This wad is technically vanilla-compatible, but I do not actually recommend playing it in vanilla DOOM. The combination of low resolution, capped mouse sensitivity and vertical mouse movement might make some of these maps much more difficult (if not borderline impossible). If you still want to try, I strongly recommend skipping any maps that require platforming or precise movement. IWAD - DOOM2.WAD Map format - Doom (complevel 2) Tested in - Crispy Doom, Chocolate Doom, DSDA-Doom Included maps - MAP01-MAP12, plus two ending maps Difficulty settings - not implemented Jump/crouch/freelook - no Pistol start - mandatory Known issues - MAP09 is impossible in GZDOOM, due to an Arachnotron's projectiles activating a shootable linedef too early (even in Strict compatibility mode). In general I don't recommend playing this in (G)ZDOOM, if you do so then it's at your own risk. Credits: - Scionox and JackDBS for testing and feedback - In-game text made using eevee's text generator - Titlepic drawn by me morituri-v1-0.zip Q: What the fuck, Tiramisu? A: I don't know!! This is not the kind of wad I usually make (or play), it just kind of came into existence as a result of experimenting with monster placement ideas. Once I had a few map's worth of content down, I decided to compile it into a new wad, and use it as a dropbox for ideas too out-there to put into regular maps. All in all, I can't say I din't have fun making this, but you're entirely justified in the initial question! Q: Since these maps are so short, would you recommend playing them saveless? A: That's a good question - on one hand, if you like that kind of challenge then go ahead, on the other, know that I personally didn't bother doing that. In most of the maps, I always saved between each major "phase", that is 2-3 times per map - and I think that's a good balance to follow. Just keep in mind that if a phase doesn't refill your health at the start, then it's sometimes worth going back to see if you can do better on the previous phase and carry over more health. I do not recommend saving mid-phase to micro-manage your luck (I just think that's not a fun way to play), nor do I recommend going saveless on a first run, before you've practiced the map enough to feel comfortable.16 points
Share Your Sprites!
ChopBlock223 and 14 others reacted to Craneo for a topic
15 points -
After the events of Final Doom, our marine returns home for some long deserved rest. But as he rests his head on the pillow and closes his eyes, He finds himself back in the world of demons and devastation, fighting in an arena similar to that of his previous journey. Is this a Nightmare? Have the armies found a way to invade the very mind that is so good at outwitting their plans. Who knows? Whatever the answer, there's one thing for certain: Even in the nightmares The Doom Slayer will rip and tear! The plan is for this to be a 6 map miniwad set after the events of Final Doom in a kind of PTSD dream state The doom slayer is going through. With currently one map finished, the wad should be releasing sometime later this year. But for now, here is a sample of the first completed map! Title : The Plutonia Nightmare Filename : The_Plutonia_Nightmare_demo.zip Release Date : 012/04/2024 Completion Date : Ongoing Author : Dmh094 Email Address :Danmhill02@gmail.com _______________________________________________________________________________ * What's included * New Levels : Map01 Sounds : No Graphics : Yes Music : Yes _______________________________________________________________________________ * Play Information * Game : Doom II Map # : Map01 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Setting : All Other Game Styles : No ________________________________________________________________________________ * Construction * Base : From Scratch Editor(s) used : Ultimate Doom Builder Build Time : 5/4/24 - Ongoing Tested With : DSDA, GZDOOM * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this PWAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, USB, etc) as long as you include this file intact. GOOGLE DRIVE LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QsGQCRJIVAo0xOPNeH2JyzEF0MEopdvp/view?usp=sharing SCREENSHOTS:8 points
8 points
An achievement for starting the game, an achievement for moving forward, backwards, strafing left and right, pressing fire, shooting a former human, shooting a former sarge, shooting an imp, shooting a demon, shooting a spectre, shooting a cacodemon, shooting a lost soul, shooting a bruiser brother, shooting a hell baron, achievements for killing them for the first time as well, achievement for killing the cyberdemon and for the spider mastermind, achievement for opening a door, achievement for finding a secret, achievement for exiting a level, achievement for using the automap, achievement for dying, achievement for beating level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4, level 5, level 6, level 7, level 8, level 9, level 10, level 11, level 12, level 13, level 14, level 15, level 16, level 17, level 18, level 19, level 20, level 21, level 22, level 23, level 24, level 25, level 26, level 27, level 28, level 29, level 30, level 31, level 32, level 33, level 34, level 35, and level 36, achievement for using use, achievement for finding backpack, achievement for pressing pause, achievement for selecting a selection, achievement for finding a key, achievement for getting 100% kills, achievement for 100% items, achievement for 100% secrets, achievement for 100% everything at the same time, achievement for finding every gun, achievement for using the BFG, achievement for using the chainsaw, achievement for getting a frag, achievement for losing a frag, achievement for getting fragged, achievement for not skipping the end texts, achievement for viewing the credits, achievement for using bathroom, etc.8 points
Just wanted to let everyone know that I have returned from the bottomless pit. Personal and health reasons have kept me at bay but things have settled down for me and I'm looking at getting back into the groove of things. I've been retrieving a lot of my old Doom material off hard drives, disks and the such and transferring them to my new computer. I've already d/l the Ultimate Doom Builder editor and re-setting up my Doom/Doom2 directories. I have already started reading through the forums trying to bring myself up to date (work in progress). As a side note I will be setting up a stream on Twitch playing through Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 along with other wads that many of the great authors have created out there. No schedule on that yet as I'm just getting started with everything, but my handle under Twitch will be Cadman0955. I will keep you posted as I proceed in all this. Again, it's great to be back!7 points
Showtime!!! A magical adventure for GZdoom (Update: 04/30/24, v1.02 Mermaid Fantasy)
Lizardcommando and 6 others reacted to CherubCorps for a topic
Showtime is a weapon mod for doom based around stage magic!!! You are Heidi, a sexy magician’s assistant who fights her foes with a variety of magic tricks!!! Use cards, rings, coins and even rabbits to dispatch your enemies in an unusual fashion!!! If that’s not enough, you can augment your tricks with magic tomes, gaining powerful alt-fires to turn the tide of battle!!! Features -5 weapons based on classic magic tricks!!! -8 tomes and over 40 alt-fires!!! -Learn how dangerous an explosive rabbit can be!!! -Mix and match with a variety of map packs and enemies. -Over 20+ cute and sexy stage outfits to dress up in!!! -New tomes, outfits, and weapons to be added in future editions. Download at Itch.io: https://cherubcorps.itch.io/showtime OR Direct download: (Newest version 1.02) https://www.mediafire.com/file/q4bap6zijkyxqr0/Showtime%21%21%21_v1.02.pk3/file Older versions v1.1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/47dbv5m3a33gmta/Showtime%21%21%21_v1.01.pk3/file v1.0 https://www.mediafire.com/file/gbxijdjkmcv8bwg/Showtime%21%21%21_v1.0.pk3/file GET MAGICAL!!!7 points -
cybercage.wad - practice/challenge map [boom]
Kinetic and 6 others reacted to El Inferno for a topic
A map where you shoot many cyberdemon with bfg9000. This was largely inspired by @TimeOfDeath666's infinite cyber map from this post https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2622605: using some dehacked, he made it so that the cyber resurrects itself after you kill it and you can just keep doing it over and over (the dehacked also includes infinite bfg and some clever ways to spawn in infinite megasheres). My map is basically a reiteration of this idea without the use of dehacked but with some funky voodoo setup: each time you kill a cyber a new one is spawned into the arena and the cycle repeats until you kill all of them. You also get refilled with 600 cells and a megaspere every: 7 cybers on UV, 4 cybers on HMP and 1 cyber on HNTR. Here are skill 2 and skill 4 runs to show what it looks like: I actually got the idea of a setup like this a while ago when testing the secret fight from @Nefelibeta's Hardfest 2 map. In that fight you also get to bfg cybers in several stages and each consecutive stage is activated by a voodoo doll when the player doesn't move for a couple of seconds (which presumably means that you've dealt with the current wave and don't need to dodge anymore). That ended up being a bit obtuse and I suggested to check instead if the cyber is dead by trying to lower the ceiling of the whole arena and seeing if an alive cyber would block it from lowering or not. Any boom compatible source port should work, gzd-family ports likely won't. Let me know if something breaks, I tested the map quite a lot but it seems like weird stuff still can happen once in a while. cybercage.zip7 points -
For a little of my Doom history for some that are interested.... 1. Member of the Original TeamTNT with Ty Halderman (I miss that guy) 2. Started the original Community Chest series way back when. (Thanks goes out to all the folks who assisted with those projects) 3. Was a part of numerous projects with TeamTNT from single player and deathmatch play. There were other things as well but those are a few. I will always give credit to those that have assisted me in my journey in this wonderful game, whether it comes to playing or editing. I couldn't have done it without the Doomworld crew, Use3d, The Green Herring, Ling, Mordeth, Larry Bird, Magikal just to name a few. There are many more I could name and you know who you are! My biggest thanks to Ty Halderman even though he is no longer with us who took me in to TeamTNT!7 points
Share Your Sprites!
ChopBlock223 and 6 others reacted to DrDoctor for a topic
7 points -
Working on E4M3 of my Hell Beneath inspired mapset.
Walter confetti and 6 others reacted to Endless for a status update
Working on E4M3 of my Hell Beneath inspired mapset.7 points -
Searcher and 5 others reacted to DevilMyEyes for a topic
Changelog HCPRC2f: -puse un nuevo player start en el mapa6 -Map8 actualizado -midi de mapa40 cambiado -Map33 actualizado -map15 softlock fix -map33 actualizado -CREDITS y ENDOOM actualizados -Mapa30 actualizado6 points -
Happy belated 21st birthday to Scythe! New beta is available. Episode one and two submissions have been fulfilled! @Anarkzie Your map doesn't have a midi, might want to include one with a future update. @tsocheff @spineapple tea @Bobby :D @EPICALLL @NiGHTS108 I'll keep the deadline indefinite once again, since there aren't too many submissions left to fulfill at this point. @spineapple tea I haven't heard from you in a while now. Let me know if you're still around and intend to submit something. Otherwise I'll be handing your slot over to someone else. If anyone's interested in playtesting once all maps have been submitted, let me know. I'll put a roster in the OP to keep track.6 points
Should DOOM 1 have achievements?
Artyoman and 5 others reacted to No-Man Baugh for a topic
A Betrayal to Sewer Lovers Attempt to access E1M10 or Map 336 points -
TNT Map 32 NoMonsters in 1:33.40 ev32o133.zip https://youtu.be/0R7sEhLHoLA6 points
Miscellaneous demos (part 5)
yakfak and 4 others reacted to Crusador560 for a topic
miasma map01 max in 40:36 miasma01m4036.zip5 points -
60 Minute Marathon Demos [-complevel 2]
Billa and 4 others reacted to Monsieur E for a topic
Saw 60mm getting a surprising amount of runs recently, figured I'll jump back in. I think making these awful textfiles and writing the times on this post down took longer than the actual runs :^) map02 nightmare in 0:04.63 map02 nomo in 0:04 map03 nightmare in 0:12 map03 nomo in 0:11 map04 nomo in 0:01 map05 nightmare in 0:08 map05 nomo in 0:08 map06 nightmare in 0:15 map06 in 0:04 map07 nomo in 0:24 map08 nightmare in 0:04 map08 nomo in 0:03 map08 stroller in 0:06.71 map09 nightmare in 0:07.03 map09 stroller in 0:09.91 map10 nightmare in 0:03 map10 nomo in 0:03 map10 stroller in 0:08.49 map11 stroller in 0:04.94 map12 nightmare in 0:01.26 map12 nomo in 0:01.17 map12 stroller in 0:03.26 map13 nightmare in 0:18 map13 nomo in 0:13 map14 nightmare in 0:03 map14 stroller in 0:05 map17 nomo in 0:08 map18 nomo in 0:04 map19 nomo in 0:04 map20 nomo in 0:01 map21 nomo in 0:08 map22 nomo in 0:01 map23 nomo in 0:08 map24 nomo in 0:06 map25 nomo in 0:10 map27 nomo in 0:03 map28 nomo in 0:02 map31 nomo in 0:01.63 map31 stroller in 0:03.2 60mm02n463.zip 60mm02o417.zip 60mm03n1289.zip 60mm03o1140.zip 60mm04o140.zip 60mm05n886.zip 60mm05o800.zip 60mm06n1566.zip 60mm06o454.zip 60mm07o2491.zip 60mm08n409.zip 60mm08o314.zip 60mm08strol671.zip 60mm09n703.zip 60mm09strol991.zip 60mm10n377.zip 60mm10o377.zip 60mm10strol849.zip 60mm11strol494.zip 60mm12n126.zip 60mm12o117.zip 60mm12strol326.zip 60mm13n1820.zip 60mm13o1334.zip 60mm14n329.zip 60mm14strol577.zip 60mm17o886.zip 60mm18o494.zip 60mm19o463.zip 60mm20o154.zip 60mm21o866.zip 60mm22o186.zip 60mm23o874.zip 60mm24o651.zip 60mm25o1091.zip 60mm27o391.zip 60mm28o260.zip 60mm31o163.zip 60mm31strol320.zip5 points -
Doomworld Maximum Project 2024
Searcher and 4 others reacted to Frank Harper for a topic
This map was originally created for another project of mine, but it sat on my hard drive for a couple of months, because this project has been going on for so long and I really don`t have much time to mapping, and because of that I am 100% sure that it will not be finished this year. So I think I'll drop it here so that at least someone can play it. Name: Reallities Collide Format: Vanilla Music: Anchor - by Mark Klem Build Time: 1.5 months Tested in: ChocoDoom, GZDoom Difficulty levels and co-op are supported. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EG0c20C3lng1VQ9zZ7KFjG2XL3MfjcVC/view?usp=sharing Screenshots: Edit: Fixed some texturing errors.5 points -
Should DOOM 1 have achievements?
VaibhavRM and 4 others reacted to whybmonotacrab for a topic
How the fuck are any of these even remotely similar? Achievements are just a secondary reward system that gives certain people a sense of accomplishment and a reason to play a game more/in different ways. The other things you mentioned are exploitative business practices designed to nickel and dime a player. They're not the same thing at all.5 points -
[Heretic CP] Heretic Heremembered - recreate Corvus's adventure from memory!
Koff3Katt and 3 others reacted to Jakub Majewski for a topic
Attention, all aboard the IWAD memory train! May I ask for attention, please? This is your new conductor speaking. The IWAD Rememberance Ltd. regrets to inform you that your train has been rerouted. Now, don't panic, there is nothing to be scared of. We are simply here to take you to a slightly different realm of imagination, but rest assured, you may be a little dazed and confused by our new final destination, but you will surely not be disappointed... Hello, everyone! I would like to introduce a small spin-off to @Engired series of "<IWAD> from Memory" wads and take it in a slightly different direction. Mapping from memory as accurately as possible is fun and all... but mostly just for the mappers. It's a series more about the journey than the destination, and it's a shame, because there have been some mighty fine destinations that have been brought to us by this series, unforgettable classics like E4M4 from Ultimate Doom, MAP15 from Doom II or MAP16 from TNT, which all rose from their respective IWAD maps and became something grander than them rather than a good immitation. Here's the deal and the backbone of this project: when's the last time you played Heretic? 2 years ago? 5 years ago? All the way in the 90's? Good, now is the time to bring up all of those hazy memories and put them onto the canvas of Doom Builder! We're going to be recreating all of Heretic from memory, just like Engired's series, BUT with very different rules. Most importantly, do not go out and replay Heretic at all before joining this project, no matter how much you remember, don't remember or misremember, I want to see maps recreated from the exact current state of your memories of them. Please don't be scared of creating something that only barely resembles the original, as that is the exact point of this exercise, the goal is to run each map through anywhere between weeks to years of normal human erasure of unimportant information and distill each map into a cursed liminal representation of itself. Same goes for the midis, if any composers would like to join. Musicians from Jimmy's Raven Midi Pack from 2020 are especially welcome, as they all had to study Kevin Schilder's music to try to capture its identity, but at the same time, it has been enough years for everyone to hopefully forget just enough about it. And though I might disappoint some people, but the goal will only be to recreate the stock IWAD midis. There is currently no deadline. Whenever all maps are done, the project will be compiled together and released. However, to avoid anyone claiming a slot and then doing nothing with it, there will be a rule in place throughout the entire development cycle: if you claim a slot, you have exactly 72 hours to submit a map for it, otherwise your claim is released. Format is limit-removing and target source port is DSDA-Doom. No need to worry about those vanilla limitations getting in the way of your memories. I don't think there is much more to be said, so here is the current list of maps: And the midis: All can be claimed as many times as they appear in the IWAD, but once each midi has at least one slot completed, the soundtrack is considered finished.4 points -
TurokDooM: Legacy of the Fireseeds demo release
knifeworld and 3 others reacted to DrDoctor for a topic
TurokDooM : Legacy of the Fireseeds (tentative title) is a modification for DooM 2, geared towards the GZDooM Engine. This mod is built upon the original TurokDooM mod made by Murden64 in 2008-09 for Skulltag. This current mod is a total overhaul incorporating content pulled from the Turoks 1,2 3, Rage Wars, and Evolution. I’m releasing a working demo for this Turok TC for GZDooM. After 2-ish years of development and nearly losing all work in a hard drive failure and a 3-year period of personal turmoil. By chance I recovered a build from my old hard drive. Some work was lost and had to be remade. Features: · Fully 3d content taken from the Turok games and from other sources. · Level 1’s main path is completable with a lot of secret areas. · The Hub and other maps… exist but are in a rudimentary state. The current build of Level 3 is fairly large with plenty of things to see and do, but the map has no actual ending as of now. · Lotsa Weapons, some with alternate fires or can use special secondary ammo. · Lotsa Enemies, some with special behaviors like running away when taking too much damage. I’m also releasing several workfiles for modders to play around with. Most of these files are 3d meshes and animations that I could salvage from my old hard drive. Also includes content not actually used in the demo build. Included as well is an Author’s Blueprint document that thoroughly details what my vision for the completed version of this mod would be. Unfortunately, my current career takes too much of my time for me to continue development of this mod further other than adding some more 3D meshes or adding small updates to resources. The AB really now exists as a general guideline for any modder(s) to pick up from where I left off. Current demo build: 5.19.24 MEGA link: https://mega.nz/folder/5y1mGK7B#Dk9YRRjX-uV90vpCdKJKCQ -5/19/2024 -Huge overhaul of all Slot 3 weapons (pistols) with new meshes and alternate attack functions -Refined the Flying Sentry Bot NPC with a proper death state, different projectiles, and even a kamikaze divebomb. -Expanded SP02 a bit.4 points -
Embraced.wad {MBF21} 3 Maps - idgames release!
SportsterV90 and 3 others reacted to Treehouseminis for a topic
Embraced is small set of 3 maps focusing on combat puzzle and slaughter(4th map progress stopper). Adding again to the green techbase crowd but this time with a lot of wood textures! Also map names are song names. Difficulty is on the "medium" side if we compare this wad to the high standard of today's community. Dont be afraid to drop it down to HMP if UV is too rough. I will say this is probably the hardest maps Ive made but only slightly. So prepare to be Embraced! MBF21 DOOM2 IWAD Single Play only Map 01- Flourishing Map02- Deluminate Map03- The Cosmic Vein Map04- Embraced -Features- Green 1000 hp cyber mastermind replacement Some mp3 Tracks. Make sure you play in a port that supports mp3 playback. I mostly tested with DSDA and GZDOOM Eviternity1 Palette but edited pinks into purples. ---Idgames release--- Screens old Drop Box V3 Credits: Music : title : "Lower Maridia" - Super Metroid Inter : "Palace of Twilgiht" Zelda Twilight Princess Map01 - "PLasma" Lee Jackson Map02 - "Ambientdjent" by ninja.kitty Remix by Ribbiks Map03 - "D_AMPIE" by Snaxalotl Map04 - "The Infinite Labryinth" - Tristan Clark Textures : cc4 32x24-in-ver2 tex Otex Ribbiks Eviternity 1 Palette (slgihtly adjust by me) Jaded.wad NIGHTMARE hellish textures AA Textures Duketex mechadon skies hud by Daniel Testing: Big thanks too @AshtralFiend Old V2 buildEmbraced v24 points -
Icarus Demos [-complevel 2]
SAV88 and 3 others reacted to Andrea Rovenski for a topic
map17 max 3:41 https://youtu.be/QpdPAtKChjQ ic17-341.zip map17 uv 1:23 https://youtu.be/85rPeftCjf0 ic17uv123.zip map17 nomo 57 https://youtu.be/s5IeABvTsqc ic17o57.zip4 points -
Demon of the Well and 3 others reacted to nekosattva for a topic
DOOMED SOULS Hello every-nyan. I'm Nekosattva and I used to make a lot of maps as a kid. Well, I took a decade-long break; now, I suddenly got the urge to relive the past and start making maps again. These maps are inspired by the gameplay and the atmosphere of the dreary and wonderful DARK SOULS franchise. After about 10 false-starts with nothing maps, my first proof-of-concept is ready. I went a bit overboard with the new scripting capabilities (I'll be adding in status effects soon!) and sector-over-sector capabilities but I have some good ideas. This MAP is called "Asylum" and it's an unfinished conceptual map testing some ideas I'd like to put into a future set of maps. I'm trying to get to a gameplay loop which is difficult for reasons other than sheer perseverance through slaughter (hey, I love Sunder!) but I don't think I'm there yet. The puzzles are also placeholder. Nevertheless, I'd like to share some progress and hopefully people can let me know what works and what definitely does not. Once you play, you'll see that I love verticality, cramped corridors, traps, and interlocking sections. This map was made possible by the work of many other modders too numerous to mention, who have created texture packs and actor scripts I've unscrupulously used. I did create a few myself however-- including an archvile with no attack capabilities. Maybe this will start a new revolution in annoying encounter design. Some textures, and all the music are my own. You can download the alpha .pk3 here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-dRyz-Nr_uU-dbu_wDMWD_arQB-b7Ba3/view?usp=sharing4 points -
Doom's had achievements since 1994. Keep up, slackers.4 points
Share Your Sprites!
ctwoafiveb and 3 others reacted to ShallowB for a topic
It's weird that both the 3DO gun and the D!Zone gun are all teal and grey. That's a color that's noticeably absent in Doom and almost makes them look like Wolf3D weapons.4 points -
Forsaken Compound [DOOM Episode 1 Replacement]
Foxstiel and 2 others reacted to ivymagnapinna for a topic
Forsaken Compound is a limit-removing E1 replacement wad for Doom 1. There's a mix of action/slaughtery gameplay and more simple, atmosphere-oriented parts that require some thinking, overall intended to be more difficult than normal Knee Deep in the Dead-style mapping, as well as more visually distinct and varied than that episode. Texturing is all done from the IWAD with an excellent custom palette by Dir, and some sound replacements from Doom 64 and Doom 3. Testing was done with PrBoom+ and DSDA-Doom, intended for singleplayer only. Your port also has to be compatible with UMAPINFO. Difficulty settings are implemented. Note that this wad was not intended for mouselook/jump/crouch in GZDoom and using it may cause some progression breaks/unintended stuff, but play how you want. Music credits to: Lippeth, Dragonfly, Cammy, L.A. Sieben, Snaxolotl, Jimmy, Varis Alpha, Tristan Clark, Xulgonoth, decino, Lee Jackson This is my first major wad release so any and all feedback is much appreciated, and big thanks to fefor and others in the Entryway discord for supporting my project! Download (now on idgames!!) https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/Ports/a-c/compound Screenshots [more + map list below the spoiler cut]:3 points -
Doom 2: Revisited (WIP)
Proxy-MIDI and 2 others reacted to Zesiir for a topic
Hello everyone. So this is an idea I got from GermanPeter's video about the purpose of Doom 2's level designs. I've seen I'm not the only one being inspired by it, but this is my interpretation. I released a re-imagining a while ago of MAP01 just for purposes of discussion, but since then I've polished it further and implemented it into a map pack. The title is pretty generic and is just a placeholder for now. This WAD is intended to cover Doom 2's first episode. The first 8 maps are complete, the remaining 3 are WIP. The main focus on this project is to make the maps have more purpose and a realistic design while keeping the originals in mind. As always with my maps, the intended experience is Ultra-Violence (where the maps will be harder than Doom 2) but I've implemented difficulties anyway that affect monster encounters, available powerups and so on. This is also my first foray into the ZDoom format. Story: Hell has invaded Earth. And unlike in the original game, you're not here to save the population. No, you're here to escape. You've located the Starport, and now seek to find a suitable spacecraft to flee the demonic hordes. But it's not going to be that easy this time around. WAD Info: Game: Doom 2 Levels: MAP01-MAP08 Singleplayer: Designed for Difficulties: Yes Tested with: GZDoom Map Format: ZDoom: Doom 2 (Doom format) Freelook: Yes Jumping: No Crouching: No DISCLAIMER: I've no idea if it runs well on other ports. If you want to be sure, play with GZDoom, and without mods. Download: Doom 2 Revisited.zip Screenshots (WIP, may look different and/or improved ingame. Contain spoilers!):3 points -
DSDA page aka udino // udino.wad Ultimate Doom In Name Only E2M1 UV Max in 4:40-udino21-440.zip3 points
first time i've been recommended my own live video on YT
DeetOpianSky and 2 others reacted to TheShep for a topic
3 points -
Forsaken Compound [DOOM Episode 1 Replacement]
Andromeda and 2 others reacted to ivymagnapinna for a topic
This review is wonderful, thank you very much for writing it and for introducing me to your blog! Always nice to find someone who writes in detail about my number one interest. I'm glad my final two burnout maps didn't drag the experience down as a whole. And yes, you can certainly call me Ivy, that is my preferred name after all (magnapinna isn't my last name, it's a genus of squid I took up as a username and merged the two at one point)3 points -
Embryo: where each map is smaller than the last
Moustachio and 2 others reacted to signaturereverie for a topic
the fallen citadel - in this secret theres two different secret sectors which i dont think is intended cesspit - not exactly much of a thing , but this looks just a tad bit awkward imo with the stimpack floating when the lift is down grounded - im pretty sure the berserk secret is completely unreachable in its current state (unless its a mandatory archvile jump ? feels like a stretch to me that seems a bit too unreasonable to me) a world of ichor - this switch is one time use with an open wait close action which could get you softlocked cruel sea - not a very big thing but you can easily push monsters over the edge all over the map , really not gamebreaking but could be dealt with or smth aint big enough , deluge , hell cant wait , cruel sea , empty machine , realm of sargentia - all dont have death exits im pretty sure thats all i could find3 points -
Knee Deep in the Dictionary - DOOM 2 Community Project [2 Slots Open]
Bochnik Chleba and 2 others reacted to Yop for a topic
All participant slots have been taken, i will actively look forward to seeing all your works in the coming days/weeks/months. As a warning the Deadline is set to shift to a new date, as of now that has yet to be decided on. When the change comes you will all be informed!3 points -
Doom 2 In Shitty Only [RC1]
LoatharMDPhD and 2 others reacted to thiccyosh for a topic
This mega wad really makes you feel like SAndy Peterson in Doom 2's map13. Increble gamplay. 10/10 Cacowarts, would highly recommend to s3 points -
[Heretic CP] Heretic Heremembered - recreate Corvus's adventure from memory!
Jakub Majewski and 2 others reacted to Amaruψ for a topic
Well... I went ahead and already worked onto and completed E3M1 :P where should I submit now? xD3 points -
The texture pack for BIGDOOR lovers :)
FR4M3 and 2 others reacted to Meerschweinmann for a topic
Here is my latest texture pack for everyone who loves BIGDOORS in different sizes plus some other textures. This is a collection of textures for DOOM from me, Meerschweinmann, that focuses on DOOMs mighty BIGDOOR texture :) For me personally the BIGDOOR is THE DOOM door. It was the first door everyone opened as the DOOM shareware was released in the 90s. In the "32in24-15 Tex" ressource pack i found a 256 pixel wide gray BIGDOOR named BIGDOORC. Because i wanted it in green and brown too, i made them from this as template and my BIGDOOR journey began. THANKS TO THE PERSON WHO MADE BIGDOORC as it inspirated me to make this BIGDOOR WAD. Not everything is made by me from scratch. Nevertheless, i invested many hours in it. There are 3 versions of this WAD file included in the .zip file. The HC (highcolor) version includes some textures as 32bit PNG for ports like GZDoom. The PAL version includes all textures as paletted variants for ports like Eternity Engine. The VE (vanilla enhanced) version includes a Crispy DOOM/International DOOM/Woof compatible Texture1 lump. Crispy-DOOM/International-DOOM and Woof can use textures higher than 128 pixels with no problem. The 384/576 and 512/768 pixel wide BIGDOORs are made out of 192 and 256 pixel wide tiles (left, right, center). So they can be extended like everyone wants. If you are only interested for the BIGDOORs, the following is not relevant for you. It is recommended to use a colorpalette like ColdPal for the paletted versions (PAL,VE), because the blue of the big-screen textures and the blue planet on PLANET2B texture look too oversaturated with the original DOOM palette. You can download ColdPal from ReaperAA here: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/graphics/coldpal The two ColdPal files can simply copied in the WAD file with SLADE3. But you can use every other colorpalette that uses desaturated blues. DOWNLOAD V1.13a: MSM-Textures113a.zip Some BIGDOOR size-variants in Woof. The gray door is the default 128x128 BIGDOOR for comparision purposes: A 320 pixel wide BIGDOOR and some warning sign textures in International-DOOM 7.4 (spectator-mode): A 512 pixel wide and 160 pixel high BIGDOOR in Eternity Engine: Servers and bigscreens in International-DOOM 7.4 (spectator-mode): Some truecolor bigscreen textures in double resolution for GZDoom: A 320 pixel wide BIGDOOR and some warning sign textures in GZDoom: A 256 pixel wide and a 80 pixel wide BIGDOOR in Eternity Engine:3 points -
No End In Sight demos [-complevel 3]
NaturalTvventy and 2 others reacted to okdoomer for a topic
E4M6 UV FAST in 88:35 n4e6-8835.zip For the first time I had the all-ghosts effect: n4e6-All-ghosts effect.zip3 points -
Can you explain your reasoning? I understand somebody not caring about them or even disliking them enough to turn off notifications, but I’m wondering how or why they are detrimental, or what they are detrimental to.3 points
Any way to remove blood and gore from brutal doom v21?
WigglyStuf and 2 others reacted to Doom-X-Machina for a topic
There is a PK3 floating around somewhere online (and also on my hard drive somewhere) of just the Brutal Doom player and the weapons. It's ripped from an earlier version of Brutal Doom (no idea which one though). All it changes is the weapons and anything related to the player, nothing else. I'll try to find it and dropbox it. EDIT: Found it and uploaded it for you. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lszr7h73ggiqrmyjx3nj7/01.-BD-Marine-Player.pk3?rlkey=ewzntfwbyk314jf7hre1x97qg&dl=0 https://www.mediafire.com/file/a28hmuy84til01o/01._BD_Marine_Player.rar/file3 points -
loh2 map02 pacifist in 12.89 l202p1289.zip I really didn't expect to get this. I tried 100s of attempts and gave up before I did the uv-speed last night. I was less than 10 attempts in when I just w'd through the gap3 points
Should DOOM 1 have achievements?
SleepyVelvet and 2 others reacted to SPG for a topic
To answer the title's question: the game "should" have them as much as most any other game. I personally say why not? To answer the question posed in the text (what achievements should there be), I first needed to know what they were in the PSX and XBOX versions: https://retroachievements.org/game/11256 https://www.xboxachievements.com/game/doom-1993/achievements/ I'm not going to bother with Doom 64 or other Doom games, and I'd like to see if I could think up ones that would be fun not already included in the PSX or XBOBX. Here are my ideas: Get more than 100% kills in a level Collect 100% of the items in a level Gib 10 enemies in a single level Complete a level without taking any damage Get 100% kills using only your fists in a level Beat the Par time for a level Defeat the Spider Mastermind in Dis without using the BFG3 points -
A Plea to stop Publishers from terminating their Games
Guff dotD and 2 others reacted to Panzermann11 for a topic
I found this comment when I was watching the video. It's very interesting, and I believe more people should be aware of what the commentator said, especially gamers since they mostly advocate for physical copies of games every time there's a discussion of games getting shut down and de-listed from stores. Gone are the days of offline patch installers and typing out CD keys from the jewel case. They weren't lying when they said digital media is the future, and that future is getting really fuckin' grim right now.3 points -
Mapsets and Maporders and You
Andromeda and 2 others reacted to Weird Sandwich for a topic
The best way I've seen this expressed is as the "difficulty saw": That is, difficulty on average steadily rises but you get peaks and valleys relative to player skill as mentioned. This saw pattern can apply within a map (e.g. with weapon progression), across an episode (with map difficulties), and over the whole wad (with episode difficulties). The page the graph is from has a good discussion on the topic: http://www.davetech.co.uk/difficultycurves3 points -
DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]
Man Q. Bus and 2 others reacted to Dogmachine for a topic
Map 31 (Normal exit) Stroller in 1:05.46 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8tlRRrCQx0 lv31str10546.zip3 points -
IIRC the "Z" in ZDoom stands for "Randi wanted it to be at the very bottom of any listings of source ports"3 points
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Walter confetti and 2 others reacted to cannonball for a topic
Next level of Atomic is under way, in a way it is the one I was kind of dreading because it is essentially a large(ish) Hell city map. It is going to be a lot more structured than my D2ICO maps though as you descend downwards through the city.3 points -
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