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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/24 in all areas

  1. Removal of the nonsensical 'leaky rad suit' thing thats not documented in manuals
    19 points
  2. Feel like spending 10-15 mins on a short and punchy map for Doom 2? Do you have an urge for something with a nice brown and grey tint with a touch of nightsky? Look no more. "Slugger" is just what the doctor ordered! This map was made because I was starting to get bogged down in detail in another project. I needed to go back to the roots and focus on something fun and.. well, not so pretty. I mean, it's not like I didn't care about lighting and texturing. I just didn't want to be all pedantic about it. Sometimes less is more, right? The map runs on MAP01 and will need a Boom comp sourceport. I recommend -cl 9. The map features a nightsky by @Mechadon and the track "Rainbow rogue" by @Lippeth. Thanks @plums, @Biodegradable and @FrancisT218 for testing it. >> DOWNLOAD <<
    17 points
  3. Containers (rusted and scratched): Oil Drums (and flats) + Labels:
    15 points
  4. Forsaken Compound is a limit-removing E1 replacement wad for Doom 1. There's a mix of action/slaughtery gameplay and more simple, atmosphere-oriented parts that require some thinking, overall intended to be more difficult than normal Knee Deep in the Dead-style mapping, as well as more visually distinct and varied than that episode. Texturing is all done from the IWAD with an excellent custom palette by Dir, and some sound replacements from Doom 64 and Doom 3. Testing was done with PrBoom+ and DSDA-Doom, intended for singleplayer only. Your port also has to be compatible with UMAPINFO. Difficulty settings are implemented. Note that this wad was not intended for mouselook/jump/crouch in GZDoom and using it may cause some progression breaks/unintended stuff, but play how you want. Music credits to: Lippeth, Dragonfly, Cammy, L.A. Sieben, Snaxolotl, Jimmy, Varis Alpha, Tristan Clark, Xulgonoth, decino, Lee Jackson This is my first major wad release so any and all feedback is much appreciated, and big thanks to fefor and others in the Entryway discord for supporting my project! Download (now on idgames!!) https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/Ports/a-c/compound Screenshots [more + map list below the spoiler cut]:
    11 points
  5. Spider masterminds are 48 times bigger Pain elementals can be resurrected by lost souls Every time Doomguy picks up a new suit of armor the game cuts away for a Sailor Moon style transformation scene of him putting it on Plasma rifle sound is much louder and the sound effect is 20 seconds long Barons of hell are actually capable of opening doors Replace the secret levels with videos of Sandy Petersen eating breakfast and reading a newspaper Keep and improve the early special colormap for the lite-amp goggles instead of just making everything fullbright--oh no, I made a real suggestion by mistake
    10 points
  6. MAP01 UV Max in 0:36 - fs01m036.zip - video MAP02 UV Max in 0:47 - fs02m047.zip - video MAP03 UV Max in 1:10 - fs03m110.zip - video MAP04 UV Max in 0:30 - fs04m030.zip - video MAP05 UV Max in 1:00 - fs05m100.zip - video MAP06 UV Max in 1:46 - fs06m146.zip - video
    10 points
  7. Sanguine Holy Land is a new episode for Doom 2 designed for limit removing source ports (complevel 2) made by the various members of Doomer Boards, lead by @BiZ. The project theme was marble temples and blood rituals. >>> DOWNLOAD HERE (V2) <<< Old versions: Screenshots: MAPLIST: Previous Projects:
    9 points
  8. little speedmap i made awhile back designed for deathmatch but theres stuff for singleplayer ;D inspired by a few cs1.6 maps [:-------------------------------------------------------------------:] ▼ music credits ▼ map01 ⬩ "fluctuation" by tack, remixed by stefan hetzel ▲ music credits ▲ [:-------------------------------------:] ▼ grafx credits ▼ skyscrapers ⬩ jumpwad, 2022 miscellaneous ⬩ anime movie theater, 1997 telephone box ⬩ doomcity, 1995 ▲ grafx credits ▲ [:-------------------------------------------------------------------:] i hope you like windows ► download ◄
    9 points
  9. Reached a bit of a milestone on the hydra project! Finally started texturing. Going from something like this to something like that: -> Still have a few decisions to make - not sure about the eye colour (maybe each head is different?), how to handle some shading, and I don't have decapitated head/neck frames finalized; but once it's done I'll be a big step closer to all the graphical elements being completed. The coding is going pretty well too - I've finally converted to zscipt, although I'm really just writing deco in zs format. Works tho! Proof of concept is done - the code is pretty corpulent though and will need lots of optimization. I put together this untextured sprite sheet to help with consistency and to do the simple stuff more efficiently, figured I would share it here in case it's of any interest or use to anyone. Feel free to use anything from that sheet, mash them together or add to a frankensprite. No matter what you do it'll be transformative, so no need to credit or anything. (But feel free to @ me so I can see it!)
    9 points
  10. Make berserk affect the chainsaw, too.
    8 points
  11. I think this very unique E1 replacement by @ivymagnapinna deserves some recognition and a nod from the higher powers here at DW. What you get is a text book example on how limited ressources is no hindrance for a daring and creative mind! It shows us that there's still tons of fun to be had with The Ultimate Doom's limited monster roster if you dare step outside the beaten path.
    8 points
  12. Honestly, just tell them to make all the variables in the game data-driven by the WAD and not hard-coded in the binary. If DeHacked wasn't needed and WADs could redefine enemies, weapons and all the variables then we wouldn't have had to go through so much pain with DeHacked and so forth in the early days. So long as modders could redefine the game without patching the binary then as far as I'm concerned, nothing about DOOM needs changing.
    7 points
  13. Beta 2! New Map Order! Yippee! Credits map is beatable but needs playtester and mapper texts as well as something else (I don't remember). map01 is not completed. Don't ask me why. Next post will be a new thread for RC1
    7 points
  14. Episode selection & Changelog of RC3: changelog HCPRC3: -softlocks arreglados (lifts) map31 -softlock inicio arreglado map21 -new intermission screens -slimetrail zona nukage arreglado map5 -arreglos de bugs map11 -selección de 4 episodios + mapinfo -MAPA09 rediseñado -nuevas demos
    7 points
  15. metal and wood are BASED
    7 points
  16. DBP65: Sanguine Holy Land MAP02: 'Thief of Fire' by suzerduzer
    6 points
  17. Plutonia Map12 NoMo100s in 0:24 pl12os024.zip Plutonia Map18 NoMo100s in 0:15 pl18os015.zip Plutonia Map28 NoMo100s in 1:32 pl28os132.zip Plutonia Map31 NoMo100s in 1:37 pl31os137.zip Movement practice yayy!!!
    6 points
  18. Long time no update to this thread, but some cool stuff I discovered recently regarding the lost pre-v1.9 demos off the idgames archive. I was researching the claim I found on the wiki and on the current archive that Dasa's lv27 demo was the first demo on the archive (listed as Nov 18), and I started looking into the history.log which was preserved in the above archive snapshot. I decided to input a filename I didn't recognize from the history.log in there to the https://discmaster.textfiles.com/ website and discovered one CD that somehow managed to grab at least a partial snapshot of the early Compet-N demos: https://archive.org/details/hell-on-cd-rom-ocurrence-2. :) It has what may be the majority (hard to say, but seems so) of the v1.7 demos (and at least one v1.666 demo) that were purged from Compet-N, and original versions of the demos converted to v1.9 (like the aforementioned Dasa demo). This means that, at least in large part, we have a reasonable archive of those days. Some caveats: the archive is still clearly incomplete. Looking at the history.log and early Compet-N newspots on Usenet, I found at least the following demos missing from it: From newsposts: E1M1-344 ZIP DooM - Episode 1 Mission 1 in 03 Minutes and 44 Seconds LV01-419 ZIP Doom2 - Level 01 [ on UV ] in 04 Minutes and 19 Seconds LV01--12 ZIP Doom2 - Level 01 [ on UV ] in 00 Minutes and 12 Seconds LV08-929 ZIP LV 08 in 09:29 C. Stratford L09-1522 ZIP LV 09 in 15:22 C. Stratford EP1-4932 ZIP ALL E1 - 49:32 So beat this - my third attempt LV01-008 ZIP LV 01 in 00:08 (probably) From the history.log L31-1257 ZIP 09/03/95 22:23 !! S. Widlake (s.widlake@rl.ac.uk) LV03-231 ZIP 06/09/95 08:34 O. Heering (Oli@slop.prima.ruhr.de) LV03-437 ZIP 27/11/94 13:42 Some notes on the above list: The probably demo: given this was from the January 25, 1995 newspost (the earliest one we have, no other ones appear until April), it could not have been a v1.9 demo. This suggests that this isn't the same as Widlake's 0:08 on the archive, as all pre-v1.9 lv01 demos desynced due to most the things being shifted a bit on the map (similar issue that caused the stuck shotgunner and barrel on map 02). It isn't listed who recorded this one, so unfortunately, we may never know. I'm also not sure who C. Stratford was (note these are also UV-Speed times, heh), and we have no other demos from O. Heering either (on the archive, he is cryptically listed as having a single demo, but no downloads, so maybe the lv03 is this run? https://compet-n.gamers.org/index.php?page=compet-n_database&amp;cndb=&amp;wad_id=&amp;category=&amp;player_id=60), so those demos would be interesting to come by. The history.log suggests he didn't get the secret on 03, so it would have been invalid (and 03 demos would also desync with the latest IWAD because of the extra backpack room). The first three demos would have been the original example demos; the current ones were recorded with the v1.9 IWAD. The CD linked above includes at least one demo not mentioned in either the history.log or any newsposts I could find (lv03-505 by Simon Widlake). Not sure if this was part of Compet-N and just missed, or if it was simply somewhere on Simon's FTP server. In any case, this suggests that there may be demos that we don't know about, I doubt there would be too many, though. I also didn't check the history.log thoroughly; the original filename I checked was lv30-uv!. This one is not listed among ver17 demos, but it also was not a ver19 demo originally. Not clear why this demo is missing from the archive since it does play back with v1.9; perhaps it was retracted afterwards. One other fun part about this CD is it happens to include a partial snapshot of what were probably the earliest H2H contest submissions as well, which confirms for sure that there were other demos recorded for the WADs that aren't part of the final zips. I suspect there would have been a lot more, but oh well, this is already pretty cool. In the end, this didn't help me figure out who recorded the first demo; the partially missing archive, inherent untrustworthiness of file timestamps (though I'm inclined to trust the ones from Dasa), the fact that demos could have been submit to the archive after their initial recording time, etc., all mean we probably have no clue who did record the first demos, though I guess this finding is probably more interesting than the little factoid of who was first. Perhaps one day we will find a CD or hard drive that has an archive early enough that that can provide the earliest missing demos and provide more insight who was the first to record demos, or an archive with more H2H submissions, but for now, this seems to be the only CD that has anything like this from what I could tell. Most other lmps that typically ended up on CDs were basically all the same demos (LMP hall of fame, Typhoon demos, etc.), so I guess we're pretty lucky we got this one, heh. Also, I updated the Compet-N section on the sheet (finally marked it inactive, heh), and I added the latest URL, along with a few others (known FTP URLs, redirects, and the temporary GitHub mirror). I updated the Compet-N page on the Doom Wiki with the above information, as best as I could summarize it. At one point I also found some new sites but got lazy to add them, now I don't remember what they are. :^) Maybe I should do some more random website digging sometime, heh.
    5 points
  19. It was a pleasure to work with you, DB guys, I hope I'll make some new maps for future projects. Hope you guys liked my MAP10, I tried my best to make it atmospheric, spooky, and engaging (btw, hope i'll get a personal doomwiki article sometime...)
    5 points
  20. As mentioned, many of Doom's and Doom 2's graphics were merely aligned through some manner of auto-centering that was entirely unbecoming of how the sprites were originally intended to be animated, hence the initial offset adjustments. This fix (both the specific Heavy Weapon Dude adjustments and this type of offset tweaks in general) was verified by the release of Romero's sprite sheets a few years later. For convenience, here's an animated version of the Heavy Weapon Dude's attack sprite sheet demonstrating how Adrian illustrated and ultimately intended this sequence to look:
    5 points
  21. For one, even if the vanilla doom sprite offsets are terribly auto centered, all of the monsters clearly stay in their footing when attacking. This kind of jittering you see on the Heavy Weapon Dude only appears in 3 of the 8 angles he was drawn at.
    5 points
  22. Map12 Pacifist in 6.37 rldb12p637.zip
    5 points
  23. If a nuclear war blows all of the servers to smithereens, you're going to have far bigger problems to worry about than whether or not you can download goatdoom.zip
    5 points
  24. CBM

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    3 hover cars now done for my wip diy city map for paint it doom
    5 points
  25. Just wanted to let everyone know that I have returned from the bottomless pit. Personal and health reasons have kept me at bay but things have settled down for me and I'm looking at getting back into the groove of things. I've been retrieving a lot of my old Doom material off hard drives, disks and the such and transferring them to my new computer. I've already d/l the Ultimate Doom Builder editor and re-setting up my Doom/Doom2 directories. I have already started reading through the forums trying to bring myself up to date (work in progress). As a side note I will be setting up a stream on Twitch playing through Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 along with other wads that many of the great authors have created out there. No schedule on that yet as I'm just getting started with everything, but my handle under Twitch will be Cadman0955. I will keep you posted as I proceed in all this. Again, it's great to be back!
    4 points
  26. TurokDooM : Legacy of the Fireseeds (tentative title) is a modification for DooM 2, geared towards the GZDooM Engine. This mod is built upon the original TurokDooM mod made by Murden64 in 2008-09 for Skulltag. This current mod is a total overhaul incorporating content pulled from the Turoks 1,2 3, Rage Wars, and Evolution. I’m releasing a working demo for this Turok TC for GZDooM. After 2-ish years of development and nearly losing all work in a hard drive failure and a 3-year period of personal turmoil. By chance I recovered a build from my old hard drive. Some work was lost and had to be remade. Features: · Fully 3d content taken from the Turok games and from other sources. · Level 1’s main path is completable with a lot of secret areas. · The Hub and other maps… exist but are in a rudimentary state. The current build of Level 3 is fairly large with plenty of things to see and do, but the map has no actual ending as of now. · Lotsa Weapons, some with alternate fires or can use special secondary ammo. · Lotsa Enemies, some with special behaviors like running away when taking too much damage. I’m also releasing several workfiles for modders to play around with. Most of these files are 3d meshes and animations that I could salvage from my old hard drive. Also includes content not actually used in the demo build. Included as well is an Author’s Blueprint document that thoroughly details what my vision for the completed version of this mod would be. Unfortunately, my current career takes too much of my time for me to continue development of this mod further other than adding some more 3D meshes or adding small updates to resources. The AB really now exists as a general guideline for any modder(s) to pick up from where I left off. Current demo build: 5.19.24 MEGA link: https://mega.nz/folder/5y1mGK7B#Dk9YRRjX-uV90vpCdKJKCQ -5/19/2024 -Huge overhaul of all Slot 3 weapons (pistols) with new meshes and alternate attack functions -Refined the Flying Sentry Bot NPC with a proper death state, different projectiles, and even a kamikaze divebomb. -Expanded SP02 a bit.
    4 points
  27. The Doomslayer is gone, the universe is in shambles. UAC is in search for a replacement. So far, barely anyone could withstand the full force of hell and its demons. Can you? Get ready, you're next. Your evaluation begins. -------------------------------------- Doom: EVILUATION -------------------------------------- Hi all! Eviluation is a single level wad I created out of boredom in a couple of days. Recommended source port is GZDoom (Hardware rendering). No crouching or jumping allowed. Freelook is optional. Enjoy! DOWNLOAD HERE!
    4 points
  28. So around 2018/2019 I was working on a vanilla wad that got abandoned for various reasons, mostly lack of free time. Trying to light a fire under my ass to finish this bad boy. Vanilla compatible, no difficulties implemented currently. Design focus was on avoiding orthogonal architecture and making sure to actually use artifacts as this was one of my first forays into Heretic mapping. Now that I have condemned mostly under my belt might as well polish this up. >>>Click here to get SWAMP.WAD[RC2]<<< Maps: e1m1 - The Swamp e1m9 - The Underworld e1m7 - Arbuda e1m8 - Duat (New from 2024!!!) progression uses a forced secret exit, do not idclev or whatever the heretic equivalent is not looking it up sorry Screenie: swamp.zip
    4 points
  29. -Give the chainsaw the ability to parry projectiles with perfect timing. -Give corpses a height value and allow the player to pile and climb them and build shit like Minecraft. -Make hitscan attacks give you a warning animation like the archviles before dealing damage. -Make monster melee knock your equipped weapon out of your hand. -If you step into hurtfloors, you take damage for the rest of the level. However monsters also take damage from hazards. -All the gib decorations, such as the heart on a pillar and brain with spinal cord should be health pickups. -Instead of the red tint upon picking up berserk, turn every sprite and texture in the game into FIREBLU for the rest of the level. -Archviles will automatically target another monster if you swap to the fist in time. -Include arm pumping like Super Metroid by mashing the USE key. -You should be able to grab lost souls and pinkies from behind like koopa shells and yeet them at enemies.
    4 points
  30. 4 points
  31. Sleeping bunnies (Disabled rabbit ammo movement option)
    4 points
  32. Hello everyone, I've updated the wad to the RC3 ver. Hope you like it. There's new variants of the intermission screen of each episode and a episode selection from the menu (UMAPINFO+MAPINFO), MAP09 has been redesigned.
    4 points
  33. I want you to pay attention to what I'm about to say, and I want you to know that this is serious. Congratulations. You're no longer a boy, but a man. You've proved by cutting your hair that you can give up on all earthly posessions if need be. You can do whatever it takes to survive and thrive, and you don't care what society thinks about you. You're free. Many aspire to be like you but they would never admit it. That's the power you wield. Learn to appreciate your baldness. Learn to be grateful that your head is not weirdly shaped and that you can look cool with a beard. Learn to use accessories to enhance your facial features. Learn to appreciate the fact that you don't need to spend money on haircuts or shampoo anymore. Embrace the egghead. This message was brought to you by BDA - Bald Doomers Association. Bald gang rise up.
    4 points
  34. Map 03 UV-Fast in 1:25 YT link: va03f125.zip
    4 points
  35. I think this should work too :) #include "zcommon.acs" script "Damage Player" (void) { DamageThing(5,0);//Damage the activator of the script by 5 Delay(35);//Wait a second } On the lines you wish to hurt the player use Action 80 Script Execute and set the activation to repeatable / When player bumps. :)
    4 points
  36. @Gothic This is MORE than serviceable! You've very much hit the Schilder style square on the head. I'd like to fiddle around with it if that's okay, it just needs fleshing out with a little bit of fuller instrumentation in certain parts and maybe something to break up the odd bit of repetition. Kick that impostor syndrome to the curb, you're doing great.
    4 points
  37. Hi hi! I am doing well and it gladdens my heart to see another soul brave the lunar temple! This bump reminded me that I needed to update the wad because one of the hints on skill 2 doesn't show up properly :P Also, please PM me your non-spoiler notes! I have a folder I keep of everyone's notes and I love seeing how folks organize their thoughts, deductions, and key information. Enough time has passed that I'll probably update this thread with a post-mortem of some sort.
    4 points
  38. really cool maps! the final stretch was great, with map11 probably being my favorite dbp-related thing that I've played. the combination of high-polish + low-difficulty is rare to see in a tyson map, but is 1000% up my alley ;D
    4 points
  39. I love old plasma rifle and D64 counterpart so... why not merging together? (You can use, but credit me.)
    4 points
  40. Clippy

    Baron Eye Colour

    We need to make a trilogy of BARONE EYE megawads to get to the bottom of this
    4 points
  41. map32 max in 32:37 die32m3237.zip
    3 points
  42. Updated version has been uploaded to Dropbox and is currently pending upload on idgames (I kept screwing this part up because I have too any copies of the file floating around). This fixes a few bugs reported in the wild, thank you for that.
    3 points
  43. Next episode is up! A shorter one this time around
    3 points
  44. 3 points
  45. Almost ready for a release Edit: Released and ready for download
    3 points
  46. Desfar

    Share Your Sprites!

    3 points
  47. Next level of Atomic is under way, in a way it is the one I was kind of dreading because it is essentially a large(ish) Hell city map. It is going to be a lot more structured than my D2ICO maps though as you descend downwards through the city.
    3 points
  48. CBM

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    Pictures/highlights from the latest CBM CIty version from DOOM 2 in City only (going to be available in the next RC) :
    3 points
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