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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/24 in all areas

  1. Special Thanks to these wonderful Playtesters: @finnks13 @Large Cat @NinjaDelphox @Cacodemon187 Special Thanks to @Spectere for his D!ZONE'D YouTube series as it was a huge inspiration. Check out his YouTube Channel here. If you're stuck on finding the RUST CODEX passcode, you can take a look at this hint system here. Minor notes I couldn't fit in above:
    26 points
  2. Yep: It's finally out. MIT license, and approved by the rights-holder. Some missing bits for reasons, though, so it'll take a minute to get into a compiling state. In the meantime, you can enjoy all the finely-aged relics of turn-of-the-millennium gamedev, like changelogs and entire-ass conversations being held in code comments. The Descent 1 & 2 code has been out for a good while, resulting in very good source ports that make running the game on modern systems with all the trimmings cake. D3, on the other hand, is a much rougher experience (especially if you wanna run in a window - good luck!) with the best options requiring DLL code injection to iron out as much of the issues as is feasible via such awkward methods. I'm very excited by the possibility of better solutions!
    18 points
  3. Don't let them erase you. PLAY INFO Complevel: Boom (9) Mouselook: Feel free to use it. Difficulty: Only UV is implemented. Couldn't think of any reason to balance it lower. Crouching, jumping: No. It shouldn't break anything, but still. Ports tested: DSDA-Doom 0.27.5, GZDoom 4.11 Renderer: Software, or DSDA-Doom's hardware renderer. Slot: 01 + 02 as a stopper. DOWNLOAD: Version 2.0 You can find all the versions here. You find yourself in a strange space, at the edge of a dead world suspended in darkness. Getting here wasn't easy. You nearly died in the process , but at least you still can move and aim well enough. The rules are the same: survive and find a way home. P.S.: Since Eraser has a lot of asset replacements and Dehacked changes, it won't play nicely with mods. Use them at your discretion. Weapon changes: More details:
    14 points
  4. DoomEXHUMED (Wip) Docking area and the Pharos of Alexandria lighthouse. Check out the demo here
    12 points
  5. +1 for kmx; he's someone that a lot of newer people likely don't know about because he mostly wrote instead of mapped, but he was once a very prolific figure in the community. not only did he write for several cacowards, but he also maintained a very extensive blog with reviews for over 800 wads, both well-known and obscure, all of which are highly detailed and even go so far as to include screenshots and reviews of individual maps if there's multiple in a wad. it's a great resource, both for people looking for something to play as well as the mappers looking for insights into their favorite wads. he also has a ton of old posts scattered around the forums that likely provide a lot of useful insights into level design and such
    11 points
  6. was searching thru my old wads. heres a level i made back in 2015. its not very good at all gameplay wise. but visually it was pretty damn good for 16 year old me. here it is, and as a bonus ONE WHOLE EMPTY ROOM on MAP02. don't say i never did anything for ya.
    11 points
  7. While doing some stuff with the Satyr, I ended making it look like it's taunting-flexing:
    11 points
  8. Terror Signal is a set of 17 maps(14 normal, 2 secret, 1 epilogue) designed for MBF21. It features new enemies along with some modified weapon and enemy behavior. TERRORSIGNAL 1.0.6.zip -Changed Weapons- -Pistol- Higher damage, perfect accuracy, and faster fire rate, but must be reloaded after every 10 shots. -Plasma Gun- While firing, the heat gauge on the weapon will fill up. When it is full, projectiles will deal more damage along with splash damage. -Chainsaw- Between each attack, a second 1-damage attack will happen to increase the chances of causing an enemy's pain state. -Changed Enemies- -Baron of Hell- He will now throw two fireballs for each attack. -Arachnotron- Slightly smaller colission radius in order to fit into tighter spaces. -Spider Mastermind- Slightly smaller colission radius along with enemies no longer retaliating against its attacks. -New Enemies- Screenshots: CHANGELOG:
    10 points
  9. More pics from my WIP project. This is E4M3.
    10 points
  10. Desfar

    Share Your Sprites!

    Whats the consensus with item pickups? Floating items the preferred method? Or is that entirely stylistic for the creator? Modified Diablo armor as a quick edit for mega armor
    10 points
  11. AD_79 - great composer, his tracks are one of my favorites among all doom midi tracks. A2Rob - great level designer, I like his approach to the implementation of gameplay and difficulty curve, as well as the way he realizes the visuals with competent texturing and work with lighting, without going into over-detailing, almost every wad of his guarantees a pleasant and memorable pastime. Paul Corfiatis (pcorf) - a fairly old in the community mapper who has managed to do a lot in the doom community. I would like to single out his most outstanding work - 2022 A Doom Odyssey. For me, it's the best wad I've played so far for Ultimate Doom. Somniac - a great mapper too, who knows how to build the right atmosphere and mood in his levels. Alexander S. (Eternal) - who I consider to be the most successful and skillful mapper from our russian doom community. ViolentBeetle is another talented mapper, but I personally remember him for successfully leading community projects with a fairly high level of quality on release. Separately, I would like to take a moment to promote mappers from our local russian doom community. You can take a look at the recent projects that have come out of our pen: Russian Random Speedmap Pack #1 Russian Random Speedmap Pack #2 Gift for DRON12261 ENDOOM Mapping Contest 2024 30 Years With Doom We have quite a large number of mappers, both old and newer, who have just recently joined the community, and I recommend you to read their works in detail, because many of them have not shone much light in the whole Doom community, but are able to show amazing things sometimes. These are Slavius (aka Shiroi Akuma), RastaManGames, Track Federal, Volter/Voltage, Doom Wads (aka dragzxnd), Nikolanchik, George Nash, Man With A Gun, StormCather.77, GranitMaster, Petyan, dashiefrickintyan, StorkGreen, CblBOPOTKA, InfernalSky, Chainie, Serious_MOod, Kisadillah, Demonologist, Shadowman, Lainos and a huge number of other talented people, the creativity of each of which can be considered separately. I also plan to start Russian Random Speedmapping Sessions #3 in our community soon, where I want to attract more of our mappers.
    8 points
  12. the two sides of a same culture
    7 points
  13. Doom of Mana HUD Mockup
    7 points
  14. DIY CITY most recent screenshots: todo... complete police station make exit design encounters make doors decide on starting location select music
    7 points
  15. He's retired, but KMX E XII was a big influence on me and really helped me appreciate Doom modding in a way I'd never even considered before.
    7 points
  16. Ladies and gentlemen, it's been a massive undertaking that's lasted since August of 2023, but finally, FINALLY, my concert band / wind ensemble arrangement of Anton Bruckner's Symphony No. 6 in A Major is complete. All four movements, score, parts, and audio rendering from Dorico Pro and NotePerformer - everything has passed muster, at long last. Now, with that in mind, I am finally able to present the completed audio to you, courtesy of YouTube. The movements are posted separately, then combined into a playlist. Here are the links: 1st movement - https://youtu.be/bGvums5A6jg 2nd movement - https://youtu.be/1UA9Knu5S_s 3rd movement - https://youtu.be/U8MRGV5H5Vo 4th movement - https://youtu.be/0nA_0WMHkTY Playlist link - I left the Playlist link embedded for ease of viewing. Please let me know what you think. Thank you for listening, and for giving your feedback!
    6 points
  17. UAC Antarctic base is a little map I have made that is essentially just a map made to look sort of cool. There are no demons, no pick ups etc, just the map. This map is one made for GZDoom UDMF, and also uses the OTEX texture pack, so thanks to ukiro for making the awesome texture pack. Also, make sure to load it in Doom 2! You can download it here. Let me know what you think about it! Also, I'm not too experienced in mapping, although I am not completely new, so if it seems a bit low quality, that might be why. Here's a couple of screenshots of the map: Also, I didn't realise there was a .bak file in the folder, so you can ignore it, or even just delete it. There isn't much else to say about this wad.
    6 points
  18. Ugh, I'd rather not go too far in this direction for this thread, since the thread is supposed to be about the WAD, and not the differences between complevels or source port feature support and the like... I will slightly indulge those are interested about such things a tiny bit though: So it's not GZDoom compatible because I don't want to make it compatible. My role as a map maker and WAD creator is to create experiences for players. If a source port is currently broken (see Shepardus' comment), I can't guarantee a consistent experience for all players. As much as developers like to say that users can download a dev build of their source port, many users do not like using a dev build and just get the stable version. It's because the stable version is supposed to be less prone to issues. I don't like telling users to download dev builds, because what happens if the port breaks something in the dev build that affects someone playing my WAD? Someone could come across an issue and think it's the WAD's fault and not the port. There is no way for me to test whether a WAD will work on a build that's compiled every other day. I cannot tell you how many comments I've gotten recently about my WADs softlocking in GZDoom. It's one thing to tell one or two people to download a dev build. But that doesn't stop the influx of players complaining about a bug in my WAD that's literally not the WAD's fault, but GZDoom's. So I'm not adding support for GZDoom until they release a new stable version, so I can stop getting comments about my WADs not working correctly. That way I'm not getting false bug reports over and over. If they fix it, then I will add support. Until then no GZDoom support.
    6 points
  19. I too love making billboards. Somehow I couldn't find anything that would generate text in duke font.
    6 points
  20. matador

    6 points
  21. A sky picture made from a old picture from a FTP digging: Tiles well on PNG, less paletted unluckily.
    5 points
  22. map26 tyson in 1:42 https://youtu.be/8wcqiWVahzg rt26-142.zip
    5 points
  23. Woof is like the best source port around right now, and it can do pretty much anything outside of G/ZDoom/UDMF stuff. It's incredibly clean and modern in its design while still feeling tastefully faithful to the original experience. I use Chocolate Doom from time to time, mostly for vanilla compatibility testing. I also use vanilla via DOSBox or my Pentium III PC for that authentic oldschool experience and multiplayer.
    5 points
  24. Sandy Petersen (aka the GOAT) made these little alcoves with the shape of the texture's borders that show the torch inside it. I had never noticed it until I started mapping. What a boss.
    5 points
  25. RC2 has been posted - Lots of fixes, lots of fun!
    5 points
  26. ShiroiAkuma: His map quality is such that imo, he's eventually going to end up comparable to Lainos when he finishes his solo project. Already, a map he did for a speedmapping event, along with first prize in a Russian mapping competition, make him, imo, really someone to watch. WIP, Irregular Entropy RRSP #2 - All three of his maps here are pretty good, but I would point especially to the last one Violent Dream Vogel im Kafig - A horror-focused map, quite dark and classically surreal Speaking of, look into Lainos if you're interested in a sort of atmospheric approach. I also would suggest looking into DMPhobos, particularly his maps of the last few years (Eviternity II and Hispanic Community Project specifically).
    5 points
  27. I don't want to believe that it's been 8 years since the new Doom was released and now there are adults who remember it as a "childhood memory". It's just... wrong. Anyway, as a child, Doom scared me because of its darkness. It looked much more real on those CRT monitors with a resolution of 320x200, because imagination is more powerful than any modern sourceport.
    5 points
  28. Nash

    NashGore NEXT v1.0

    My arm got dislocated and I am not in the best of health. In light of this, I am releasing NashGore NEXT early as it's better to release it early than miss the previously-announced deadline. There were going to be things like release streams, after parties and other fancy stuff planned that all had to be cancelled because of this. I will return with a more ceremonious release when my health is better. Please enjoy and looking forward to hear your thoughts! Nash Muhandes Download: https://www.moddb.com/mods/nashgore-next/downloads/nashgore-next-v10
    4 points
  29. Plutonia Map12 Nightmare 100S in 0:39 Zip: pl12s039.zip Plutonia Map18 Nightmare 100S in 0:09 Zip: pl18s009.zip
    4 points
  30. https://dsdarchive.com/wads/kneedeep_1994 { E1M1 NM Speed 20.54 - kneedeep_199411n2054.zip UV Max 38.49 - kneedeep_199411m3849.zip UV Speed 16.34 - kneedeep_199411-1634.zip E1M2 NM Speed 8.20 - kneedeep_199412n820.zip UV Max 38.86 - kneedeep_199412m3886.zip UV Speed 8.23 - kneedeep_199412-823.zip E1M3 UV Speed 1:00.54 - kneedeep_199413-10054.zip E1M4 UV Speed 1:13.83 - kneedeep_199414-11383.zip E1M6 Pacifist 6.60 - kneedeep_199416p660.zip } https://dsdarchive.com/wads/tnplhome - E1M1 NM 100S 41.37 - tnplhome11s4137.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/fy1a - E1M1 Pacifist 25.31 - fy1a11p2531.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/mb_new - E1M1 NoMo 37.97 - mb_new11o3797.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/felix - E1M1 UV Max 1:27.60 - felix11m12760.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/shinobi - E1M1 NM Speed 57.66 - shinobi11n5766.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/darkpit - E1M1 NM 100S 26.91 - darkpit11s2691.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/23castle - E2M3 UV Max 43.69 - 23castle23m4369.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/nova_1994 - E1M1 UV Max 22.00 - nova_199411m2200.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/scanyon - E1M1 UV Speed 1:38.03 - scanyon11-13803.zip https://dsdarchive.com/wads/netbeast E1M1 { NM 100S 48.20 - netbeast11s4820.zip UV Max 1:24.80 - netbeast11m12480.zip } https://dsdarchive.com/wads/spit { E1M1 NM Speed 19.74 - spit11n1974.zip E1M8 UV Speed 20.66 - spit18-2066.zip NM Speed 19.63 - spit18n1963.zip } https://dsdarchive.com/wads/thekeep2 E2M1 { NM Speed 9.63 - thekeep211n963.zip Pacifist 9.54 - thekeep211p954.zip }
    4 points
  31. ------ Map01 Stroller in 22.51s ap01str2251.zip - https://youtu.be/hxdPpf30VWE ------ Map02 Stroller in 28.91s ap02str2891.zip - https://youtu.be/hvtAr9QYj70 ------ Map08 Stroller in 55.34s ap08str5534.zip - https://youtu.be/Y-o2xdymsyw ------ Map01 UV-FAST in 51.80s (Newbie table-filler. Trying something different.) ap01f5180.zip - https://youtu.be/AH9bWox8mBw ------
    4 points
  32. @DoomGappy so this basically means Sandy was responsible for probably the most OG Doomcute in history.
    4 points
  33. Thanks for the video! It was fun seeing someone go through it with just half of the weapons, even though I didn't really account for that happening. :P Good to see the shotgun/chaingun only combat actually worked out, though! Ammo and supplies are indeed tight, but if you do drag down the place for it you should always have just enough to get by. By the end you'll have a full backpack, assuming you did that. Thank you! I'm considering making a mod-friendly version, it shouldn't be too hard but the thought of having to playtest this map another time makes me want to not do it right now. :P Aside from fixing the odd texture misalignment here and there, I'm not sure what else I can do to "improve" the map though. In fact, that's the main reason I decided to release it after making the exit room - just couldn't think of ways to make it better. I'll look into making some doors two way, maybe, but the less geometry I have to change the better. Still, happy to hear you enjoyed it! Thanks for playing it! I was super worried the pacing would be too slow (which it might be for some people), but then again it's easier to build tension if you take it slow and steady. Congrats on finding the SSG, I tried to make it decently challenging but not too cryptic to find. :) Also, noted on the texture misalignment. It's so minor I'm surprised you even noticed it. Good eye! Thanks for the feedback! The second one doesn't show in DSDA-Doom but I'll look into fixing it, since I'm pretty sure it shouldn't happen with the way the map is set up at the moment. The main reason no secrets have been tagged is simple: they tell you there's more to the map. If you remove them, then the player will be almost completely in the dark which is usually not what a mapper should do - but on the other hand, it's a good way to make the player not worry about exploring everything either. It's a bit complex and definitely subjective, but since secrets ideally are optional I think it's fine to make them, well, entirely optional. It can also boost replay value, but in Eraser? It's just to make the map that bit more hostile to the player's presence, which is one thing I was interested in tackling from the start. It's why the map is very dense and rather difficult to navigate, why supplies are quite tight, why you start with almost nothing in terms of health and ammo...the whole idea is you don't know anything about the place you're in and having a readout that says "hey you have these secrets to find still" went against it. I got the idea from this writeup by Stewboy, which is definitely worth a read in my opinion. It's not something I think every map ever should do, but it is a very interesting way to bend Doom's level design rules.
    4 points
  34. E2M2 UV MAX in 5:27 n2e2-527.zip
    4 points
  35. Both OP and article author:
    4 points
  36. Ladies and gentlemen, it's been a massive undertaking that's lasted since August of 2023, but finally, FINALLY, my concert band / wind ensemble arrangement of Anton Bruckner's Symphony No. 6 in A Major is complete. All four movements, score, parts, and audio rendering from Dorico Pro and NotePerformer - everything has passed muster, at long last. Now, with that in mind, I am finally able to present the completed audio to you, courtesy of YouTube. The movements are posted separately, then combined into a playlist. Here are the links: 1st movement - https://youtu.be/bGvums5A6jg 2nd movement - https://youtu.be/1UA9Knu5S_s 3rd movement - https://youtu.be/U8MRGV5H5Vo 4th movement - https://youtu.be/0nA_0WMHkTY Playlist link - I left the Playlist link embedded as a courtesy to anyone who wants to hear the symphony the traditional way. Please let me know what you think of the arrangement. Thank you for listening, and for giving your feedback!
    4 points
  37. 4 points
  38. Hello, just want to inform that project is finally in idgames archives, I updated op, but also leaving link to the project there too: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/themes/xmas/snowave Any important updates will go through archives if needed. Thank you all who joined and helped to make this project reality. Until next time!
    4 points
  39. Literally a hot spot :)
    4 points
  40. Containers (rusted and scratched): Oil Drums (and flats) + Labels:
    4 points
  41. Forsaken Compound is a limit-removing E1 replacement wad for Doom 1. There's a mix of action/slaughtery gameplay and more simple, atmosphere-oriented parts that require some thinking, overall intended to be more difficult than normal Knee Deep in the Dead-style mapping, as well as more visually distinct and varied than that episode. Texturing is all done from the IWAD with an excellent custom palette by Dir, and some sound replacements from Doom 64 and Doom 3. Testing was done with PrBoom+ and DSDA-Doom, intended for singleplayer only. Your port also has to be compatible with UMAPINFO. Difficulty settings are implemented. Note that this wad was not intended for mouselook/jump/crouch in GZDoom and using it may cause some progression breaks/unintended stuff, but play how you want. Music credits to: Lippeth, Dragonfly, Cammy, L.A. Sieben, Snaxolotl, Jimmy, Varis Alpha, Tristan Clark, Xulgonoth, decino, Lee Jackson This is my first major wad release so any and all feedback is much appreciated, and big thanks to fefor and others in the Entryway discord for supporting my project! Download (now on idgames!!) https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/Ports/a-c/compound Screenshots [more + map list below the spoiler cut]:
    3 points
  42. In other communities, there are differentiated popularity polls (or vote counting/rating collection) for overall and annual releases. However, I don't think it's a good idea to apply it here because it's quite ambiguous when exactly a project is truly released (first public version? first beta? first RC? /idgames upload?) or some projects change quite drastically with the pass of time (e.g. Brutal Doom). This is not exclusive to Doom WADs tho. Also, what is heavier? a kilogram of nostalgia bias or a kilogram of recency bias?
    3 points
  43. Introducing Doom: Diegesis of Madness, a project that resided on my hard drive for three years, unreleased and unfinished until now. This project aims to recreate the primary vision demonstrated in the "Doom Bible" document, with beta assets integrated into new and novel gameplay. However, do not expect a recreation of beta maps, for this project, when it was in development, was to demonstrate my newfound mapping ability and introduce a new reimagining of the classic Doom beta. Additionally, this project is no longer in further development, as I was looking to post this to get it out. If there any credits I am missing or bugs that need fixing, please inform me in this Doomworld Post. Around 2 - 3 Years (Unsure) Typical Playtime: 22 - 30 Minutes (Total) Ports Tested: Crispy Doom Woof! GZDoom (A few issues but nothing game-breaking...) Download
    3 points
  44. Flooded maps, maps surrounded by water, buildings who have leaking holes in them. Any excuse me for me to use the water flat and have deep water.
    3 points
  45. TNT Evilution Map 01 NoMo 2p Co-op in 10.46 ev01oxc1046.zip Video -
    3 points
  46. Ultimate Doom In Name Only E2M4 UV Max in 6:52-udino24-652.zip
    3 points
  47. I just finished a 33-map megawad (link below). In order to celebrate, I decided to do some more mapping. It's about 90 % done in terms of architecture, but needs a lot of work on the aesthetics and balancing the gameplay. This new map will be a standalone release, because I am very much done with big projects for now.
    3 points
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