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Given the information provided, out of interest for public security I decided to do some investigation into this programs disassembly. Both his programs have been entirely JIT obfuscated and can't be decompiled, this is a deliberate action as .NET C# does not normally do this. While this is not meant to be suspicious on its own, and while his launcher checks out on an initial glance, his Optimizer program however sticks out with these: private static IntPtr QkPC8qYelH(uint _param0, int _param1, uint _param2) { if (Xgj5ItBSV6aJrBvs0Tc.iTdCz00sw5 == null) Xgj5ItBSV6aJrBvs0Tc.iTdCz00sw5 = (object) (Xgj5ItBSV6aJrBvs0Tc.jXUkLoOogskEYcydUSs) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(Xgj5ItBSV6aJrBvs0Tc.gn2CNaJjH0(Xgj5ItBSV6aJrBvs0Tc.c8iKhNv3S(), "Open ".Trim() + "Process"), Type.GetTypeFromHandle(iCYk5ZOl8ERF5F3WvKX.yeur6FKpQJi(33554543))); return ((Xgj5ItBSV6aJrBvs0Tc.jXUkLoOogskEYcydUSs) Xgj5ItBSV6aJrBvs0Tc.iTdCz00sw5)(_param0, _param1, _param2); } public class THISPROGRAM { internal static PRIVILEGIES.THISPROGRAM XcKw5Kr7CxZoEBcPjquh; public THISPROGRAM() { // ISSUE: unable to decompile the method. } public static void subExecuteAsAdministrator() { // ISSUE: unable to decompile the method. } That is a very obfuscated call to the system kernel OpenProcess function (the string has been split up and combines at run time, an attempt to hide its name in the code), and a method that appears to want to elevate the optimizer as an administrator. Combined, this would give the Optimizer the ability to open any process as an administrator, and combined with VirtualAlloc (also present in this code), inject into said processes. I have no suitable explanation for why these both must exist at the same time in this program given the obfuscated code (I cannot find what process it wants to execute), and thus consider this highly suspicious. This will also be why the AV scanners as noted by DevilMyEyes detected the program as suspicious. AntiVirus is actually getting better at detecting this kind of stuff (ironically because of Machine Learning, it's not entirely useless!), and a combination of OpenProcess (which the launcher also has, weirdly as a kernel call) and obfuscation is typically a red flag. Admin elevation is why the Optimizer is getting more hits. Edit: Further information below.22 points
[MBF21] Rosy Rubicunda
Bank and 11 others reacted to stephyesterday for a topic
~ rosy rubicunda ~ A small 4-map (+ 1 intro and 1 credits map) collaborative wad between @OverflowingMocha and I. Features somewhat tough microslaughter and a cute color palette. Requires a source port that has compatibility with both MBF21 and UMAPINFO to function. Tested primarily with DSDA-Doom, however Woof and other MBF21 ports will likely work just fine. Screenshots: Map & Song List: Credits: Download!!! (now on idgames!)12 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Lila Feuer and 10 others reacted to Napeyear for a topic
11 points -
Chaingun or BFG9000?
Amaruψ and 9 others reacted to baja blast rd. for a topic
10 points -
Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]
Man Q. Bus and 9 others reacted to Billa for a topic
E2M9 UV-Respawn 0:48 e2m9r4831.zip https://youtu.be/-wvCOTYMNMM10 points -
Im from baxck in the day when Minesweeper actually came on your windows 95/98 / played a lot of it in school n stuff, especially typing class lol What started as a joke got me back into it, have a little series here Does anyone these days even know how to play it lol - its a really polarizing game I think So my current thing, as a side gig, is adding one more mine to expert mode each time. I just completed 103 - we will see how far I get lol9 points
Optimize your pk3 files with my software Hakros Images Optimizer 1.6
Redneckerz and 8 others reacted to roadworx for a topic
yeah, you guys are looking waaaay too into this. chances are that code edward posted is the obfuscation decryption and the av results are false positives; hakros is a complete dipshit but i don't think he's that malicious. he wants clout more than anything else, not bitcoins mined from computers. he's been dragged through the mud more than enough at this point, we don't need to go hurling unfounded accusations based entirely on suspicion.9 points -
rita remton and 7 others reacted to MisterLivers for a topic
Yes that's right, the sequel which I have been working on is HERE! This new DOOM II WAD includes new graphics (sorta), new music, new maps, and new fun! This is after Mad Man Brads UAC Revenge, your Brad, and you have gone down to hell to get rid of the annoying demons! throughout the journey you will find weapons, more monsters and more!, I worked SO hard on this WAD and I tried my best to improve from my last WAD, I hope you enjoy!!! Need GZDoom, and needs freelook. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/3fyjbrfx6697geq/MADBRAD2.zip/file Download v1.1 (Fixes lower difficulty health and ammo issues in map04) https://www.mediafire.com/file/nbl1qpa03lxm3d6/MADBRAD2v1.1.zip/file Download v1.2 (Fixes Yellow bars and some other stuff) https://www.mediafire.com/file/5xelg8frwqqtg4u/MADBRAD2v1.2.zip/file Download v1.3 (FINAL VERSION) fixes texture alignments. https://www.mediafire.com/file/5igob3u2jtz92aj/MADBRAD2v1.3.1.zip/file8 points -
Optimize your pk3 files with my software Hakros Images Optimizer 1.6
Redneckerz and 7 others reacted to Edward850 for a topic
Upon further investigation, it may be what I'm looking at is the applications very own obfuscation process, which is starting to explain why it's the only code I can reliably see. This is some rather complicated stuff for what basically a Visual Basic program (turns out this is VB, not C#), but it basically has the programs code encrypted, and it runtime it uses this code to decrypt itself and copy it into the programs own memory for execution. It's basically injecting into itself. I cannot say if that's the only thing it does with this code, but it's not actually his code at all, that's ultimately impossible to see because of this (at least with static decompilation, this wouldn't hold up with JIT disassembly at run time). For this reason, I cannot judge this program as safe or unsafe, or as anything really. It's a mystery box through and through. Here be dragons. The optimizer does however ask for process elevation. That is still his code.8 points -
Worst official level?
Toxisploder and 6 others reacted to Plerb for a topic
bad map.jpg This map is the worst in the game , easily....... it's like if Sandy Petursen was "HIGH" as he was makign this Map! it's like he forgot that he was working at id stoftware, and instead was working as a DRUG dealer!!!!! he was snortieng PILES!!!!!!! as he made this map. It's like if he was SToned , and he did too much DRug's, and pased out onto the computer screen and shat out this map. All the other id member's are too blame for this aswell, as they did not ste p in for when sandy was makieng this Horredous pile of "GARBIDGE". Thsi is why you kill "John Romero" at the end of Doom 2.. as revenge for him that he didn't confiscate sandy's coumputer when he was makign this,, as well as his WEed. this map is a peace of Fucking cr*p. first of all the map is Piss, in terms of quality. i coudl make a betetr one in 5min. in this map it's like snady was consuming inhumane amount's, and we get to bear the brunt of it. Just how HIGH do you have to even be just do MAKE something like that.......... sandy know's the Answer. if there was a wolrd competiotn for how Stoned one man can get sandy petersen would win $10000000. this may have been his End goal, to quit id and live the HIGH life, literaly as he'd be smokign so much JOINT that he'd invent a new type of Consiousness. HOW did id softwaer didn't fire him right then and there for this blunder. he was also responsible for the new enemy type known as the "Evil Drugmaster" who is exactly what it sounds. doom 2 was much worse a game thanks to this new enemy. you cant' even DODGE his projectile's , not because of any "Skill Issue" of mine but because it's a bad enemy that shoot's too much. if i was sandt petersn i would cry Every night thinking about the negatively impact this map had on the "Doom Game", the gaming induestry in genereal, but most importantly, the Humble Gamer. The damage to the Humble Gamer is tremendous and can only be repaired if Sandy petersen pays me $10000 "Up Front" to remove this map from all copies of the doomgame, and gives me all those drug's so i can see what kind of "SMOKE" he's been using all this time, so i can attempt to make a map even worse . but what i was saying is the hubmle gamer's have been Negatively impacted by this map, many a gamer were broken not just there PC's , but their Saving's, in rage of this map, and have become complettely $0.000 broke. If sandy petersen gives me all those drug money i will GLADly pay back all those gamers lost in unfortanate situation`s, give them a new Car, and yes, an Ultimate Gamer Trophy rewarding those who fought back against the tyranical Sandy,7 points -
Post your Doom textures!
Walter confetti and 6 others reacted to Oxyde for a topic
This is not a texture per say, it's a font, but it could be used in textures! And there's somehow two of them! STBAR Numbers; Standard small font; It looks atrocious in-game, be warned. I was inspired by Dragonfly's font in Eviternity and thought that I could make my own. It's not a particularly difficult thing to do, making it look good is the true challenge. I'm even more disappointed in the looks of this font seeing that Dragonfly was able to make a good looking font that is only 7px tall. This one is 10px ans looks awful. :( Feel free to use!7 points -
Cutman 999 and 6 others reacted to Graf Zahl for a topic
It only makes it harder for players of your WADs because you use the wrong features. The boss trigger can be handled by other officially supported features and the bugs in Final Doom are something nobody should base their maps on because there is no universal support for them across ports - any ports that doesn't have demo compatibility has very little use supporting them. The point of COMPLVL is to set a feature baseline, not to enable or disable specific quirks of singular older Doom versions. And the four feature levels it supports are precisely the four that are relevant.7 points -
Doomworld Maximum Project 2022 - Uploaded!
JaySmithen and 6 others reacted to Suitepee for a topic
Apologies for bumping the thread, but I only recently got around to playing this and thought I'd share my VOD's for any of the project mappers to enjoy and take any feedback from: https://youtu.be/dH1Ql6mLEGg = maps 2-10 (vanilla). https://youtu.be/-DrKm5pL2Bc = maps 11-17 (rest of vanilla). https://youtu.be/KPLa6AsxIbY = maps 19-28 (boom/mbf). https://youtu.be/3Gq1QVKlfvQ = rest of map 28, 29. https://youtu.be/saF7EERSpyc = maps 30-34 (boom), 35 (zdoom). https://youtu.be/B81f_caxXBQ = maps 36-42. My favourite map was @Ninehills42's epic slaughterfest, particularly the first half of it that did some things I've not seen before in that field of Doom mapping. I also enjoyed @Salmon's map and a couple of the later atmospheric ZDoom/GZDoom offerings from xScavengerWolfx, Russell Bowtell and horselessheadsman. I plan on moving onto the 2023 edition of this project quite soon. Am very glad @Obsidian is keeping the old Doomworld Mega Project tradition going with this series, long may it continue.7 points -
Optimize your pk3 files with my software Hakros Images Optimizer 1.6
Andromeda and 6 others reacted to kevansevans for a topic
This reeks of consciously and naively going out of one's way to hide one's work, opposed to giving the benefit of the doubt Hakros is paranoid someone might steal "their" code. Personally, if I didn't want people stealing my code, I'd pick a language/target that isn't easily decompiled to begin with. Regardless of Harkos' intentions and whether or not they made a safe program, obfuscation at this level should be one of the reddest flags ever. Links should be removed until source code is provided in some fashion.7 points -
I had posted a few screenshots of my earlier progress in the main Doomcute thread but I figure I might as well post an actual thread here instead of clogging up that Doomcute thread since I made a good deal of progress. Version 1 Release. Download it now! Older footage and screenshots in the spoiler. This is my attempt at recreating the Dunder Mifflin Scranton office building in ZDoom/GZDoom as seen in The Office (US version). This is supposed to be how the place is depicted during seasons 1-5, so you won't see Ryan's tiny bathroom closet office seen in season 7 or the new temporary office space for Daryl in the corner of the bullpen as seen in season 8. I'm primarily using the default Doom 2 textures. I tried scaling things down according to the 3d map from Drawbotics. I tried making the first floor lobby area, Michael Scott Paper Company's "office space" and the warehouse area to the best of my abilities. I couldn't find any blueprints, so I had to rely on watching a bunch of clips of the show featuring these areas and copying that. I've added monsters, coop starts and deathmatch starts and slightly adjusted the monster count via the difficulty settings. If you want a completely peaceful walkthrough, just play the map on "Hey Not Too Rough" or "I'm Too Young To Die" difficulty setting. I added in a proper MAPINFO lump. This map has been tested in ZDoom and GZDoom. I've also included a separate mini skin pack that you can load in with this map (lc-dundermstuff.wad). It's just a male and female scientist skin made by Scalliano. They originally came from the 150 Skin pack. You don't have to use them, but it's there as an option :) Hopefully there aren't any major bugs left to squash in this map, but let me know if you find any. Here is the download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/zuade5il8by12gy/lc-dundermifflin-v1.zip/file6 points
I owe you all an apology...
june gloom and 5 others reacted to eargosedown for a topic
After watching Decino play a map from 2000 and talk about how long ago that was, it made me take a moment to check my account history here on Doom world. Turns out I first registered in 2004 here, and my account will turn 20 in a few months. It struck me how much of my life that has been. Who I was when I first found Doom world, and who I am today, and how Doom and this community has been such a part of my life. I'm not the most active here, and usually just lurk. I thought about every year looking forward to reading the cacoawards. Remembering all the nights laughing at absolute insanity in the post hell. Thinking about the time I rooted my brand new iPod Video to load a version of PrBoom so I could watch demos between classes on the train. I remembered being thrilled to see that stupid last secret in Downtown Industrial Zone be figured out with the pain elemental trick. I remembered trying to learn how to do SR50 so I could get a hangar in 9 seconds for the first time. Getting absolutely mugged for weeks trying to play Alien Vendetta, and being too much of a scardy cat to play Doom 3 at night on my old CRT. I thought about my dad buying more RAM for our first PC to play Doom and letting me sneak peeks. And how even today, I still watch YouTube videos of gameplay while working. I thought about playing coop in ZDaemon for hours and hours and hours. It's amazing this community is still here, and thriving! I'm so blessed to have made the friendships in the community I made along the way, and to get to share in the laughs. But there's something I need to get off my chest, and I hope you'll forgive the adult me for the young me that first came to Doom world back in 2004: The truth is, I wasn't 13 when I checked the box and registered for my account; I was only 12 and a half. Please find it in your hearts to forgive <3 Here's to another amazing 20 years of Doom and Doomworld!6 points -
Post your Doom textures!
Rykzeon and 5 others reacted to ViolentBeetle for a topic
6 points -
It sure could work, but you'd lose some important abstraction here for ports that do not use PrBoom's concept of 'complevels'. With this small set of basic options it can be implemented by everybody, not just by ports that follow PrBoom's concept to the letter. Most of the other complevels are too obscure or not really needed (e.g. 'vanilla' adapts to the game being played without spelling it out explicitiyl)6 points
YUM demos [-complevel 21]
SleepyVelvet and 5 others reacted to Crusador560 for a topic
map01 max in 0:39 map02 max in 1:01 (Reality) map03 max in 1:21 map04 max in 1:10 (Reality) map05 max in 0:42 map06 max in 1:13 (Reality) map07 max in 0:31 map08 max in 1:46 map31 max in 1:49 map32 max in 3:07 yum01m039.zip yum02m101.zip yum03m121.zip yum04m110.zip yum05m042.zip yum06m113.zip yum07m031.zip yum08m146.zip yum31m149.zip yum32m307.zip6 points -
I made a custom palette for my Doom 1 episode.6 points
Yeah, this is a very "how long is a piece of string" question. It really depends on the kind of experience you want to give the player, and how forgiving you want to be for those inevitable mistakes.5 points
A very simple question
Guff dotD and 4 others reacted to Professor Hastig for a topic
That entirely depends on what gameplay experience you want to provide. Both approaches have their pros and cons. If you want to provide a tight experience where the player has to be careful with ammo use, always keep in mind that some players may be bad shots and if you provide too little the map stops being fun.5 points -
Optimize your pk3 files with my software Hakros Images Optimizer 1.6
Redneckerz and 4 others reacted to TheMagicMushroomMan for a topic
Hakros is an attention-loving hack that steals from other people while shitting things up so bad that you can smell him from a mile away. If he can't use someone else's work, he'll just use ChatGPT. This is someone who admitted to spending hundreds of dollars on stock art so he could try to pass it off as his own in his ridiculous texture pack. He didn't even comprehend, from a legal prespective, how he was allowed to use the textures. He's an idiot and a fraud, and unwilling to put in any effort into actually making something on his own for the community he obviously desires attention from. Someone give this poor bastard an AI-generated award and an ice cream so he'll hopefully move on and get a life.5 points -
My left knee surgery has been scheduled at last for April 30th, and it's a damned goo
forgettable pyromaniac and 4 others reacted to leejacksonaudio for a status update
My left knee surgery has been scheduled at last for April 30th, and it's a damned good thing, too - just a few minutes ago, I had to ditch my cane in favor of my old walker (Zimmer frame, I think they call it in the UK). The pain in the outer side of my left knee has steadily been getting worse all night long, and it finally blew the lid open on my tolerance while I was shuttling things back and forth from the kitchen. I just took my pain pills about 15 minutes earlier, so they haven't kicked in yet to help. Dear Lord, I hate this.5 points -
E1M2 UV-Max in 1:22 f1b2-122.zip E1M5 UV-Max in 2:13 f1b5-213.zip5 points
Optimize your pk3 files with my software Hakros Images Optimizer 1.6
Hunted11 and 4 others reacted to DevilMyEyes for a topic
5 points -
5 points
4 points
I owe you all an apology...
MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai and 3 others reacted to Captain red pants for a topic
4 points -
MAP: Insomnia Dam SLOT: E4M9 MIDI: (unmodified, again might make a midi for this or find one that fits, not sure yet) NOTES: Made this map last night after a bad fit of insomnia. It was 4 AM and I thought I'd bore myself to sleep by plopping down some lines, before realizing that this type of map would be perfect for the project. I think it's more E1 style than anything, but could still fit and be in line with the rest of the episode. No skill levels in just yet. Download here: e4m91k-try4.wad (120kb) Spoiler for screenshots4 points
Zone 300 demos [-complevel 2]
Searcher and 3 others reacted to Red Recluse for a topic
MAP 01 UV-FAST in 0:48 Z301f4894.zip4 points -
Anyone remember Minesweeper?
Arrowhead and 3 others reacted to Chris Hansen for a topic
I remember it well. Played it sometimes on what I think was Windows 3.11 and later Windows 95. I sucked at it. And funny you should bring up this thread because I had a pupil of mine today who wanted me to see a game and it was minesweeper. He's 12. And he's insanely good at it! But then again, all he ever does is solve Rubic's cubes in all shapes and sizes, so I guess his brain is wired completely different from mine because I can't solve those either! :D4 points -
[MBF21] Rosy Rubicunda
ivymagnapinna and 3 others reacted to stephyesterday for a topic
RC2 has been released! Changes a couple things to improve balancing with some fights, primarily with the inclusion of more armor. Should this not come with any more bugs (lol) or issues, it should be ready for idgames soon. downloab4 points -
Optimize your pk3 files with my software Hakros Images Optimizer 1.6
Andromeda and 3 others reacted to Dreemurr Deceevurr for a topic
4 points -
Optimize your pk3 files with my software Hakros Images Optimizer 1.6
Andromeda and 3 others reacted to Sneezy McGlassFace for a topic
I'm not much of a computer wizard but somebody covering their tracks like this makes me think they're trying to hide a body. Is it possible without the code to see if the program tries to connect to the internet and where it wants to go? Like, if it wants to mine bitcoin or whatever?4 points -
Optimize your pk3 files with my software Hakros Images Optimizer 1.6
spineapple tea and 3 others reacted to Logamuffin for a topic
Every time we think it's over, someone revives a thread to tell us of *another* even worse thing he's done. At this rate, in 7 months someone's gonna tell us he burned down an orphanage or something else equally as heinous. Don't tempt Midnight :P4 points -
Kinda stuck on how to start E4M4 for my WIP project. While it has the overall E4 aest
Arrowhead and 3 others reacted to Endless for a status update
Kinda stuck on how to start E4M4 for my WIP project. While it has the overall E4 aesthethic, the mapset is supposed to be directly inspired by E4M1, thus, short, punchy maps with generally tight level design is the goal I have, but the more I make, the more I end up opening the maps more than I should. Any tips on how should I start E4M4? Was thinking perhaps: Exterior area that leads to a small marble palace Typical E4M1 starting area, open ceiling and nukage everywhere with shotgun snipers Quiet starting area with no enemies, allowing the player to explore for a bit before all goes to hell.4 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
horselessheadsman and 3 others reacted to PsychEyeball for a topic
4 points -
Reflections and Aspirations: MBF21 in 2024
ctwoafiveb and 2 others reacted to Enator18 for a topic
I'd like to start out by saying massive thanks to you guys for creating the mbf21 spec, as it is super awesome and useful. I have many thoughts about things that would be really useful in the next spec. Now, I don't really know how realistic some of these requests are, also many of them are probably repeats of things others have suggested, but I figured that I would jot them down anyways. 1. A generalized way to add new weapons without having to replace the existing slots. Just a way to define a weapon, select a number slot for it, and it would be stacked on top of whatever weapons are already in that slot. 2. Better support for bouncy things. The current implementation of the BOUNCES flag is jank due to relying on the presence or absence of the MISSILE flag to determine the behavior of the bouncing. When you have a projectile with the BOUNCES flag but without the MISSILE flag, which is the combination that provides the grenade-like behavior, they do not function properly with the missile codepointers. It would be nice to have a better working way of doing bouncing things. 3. Require the implementation of the umapinfo and musinfo lumps (and maybe dsdhacked but idk about that one) in the standard so that when you are working on a project, you can use them without having to worry about a couple of ports that don't support them. It also makes it so when you release a project, you don't have to say something like "runs on ports that support mbf21 and umapinfo." 4. Speaking of umapinfo and musinfo, there are a few things that I think could be improved about them. For umapinfo, it would be nice to be able to use the ExMy system for a Doom 2 wad. I feel like this helps the flow of episodic wads more, especially if they have episodes that are not 5 maps each. In addition, it would be nice to be able to set the intermission stats screen music per level instead of globally. And for musinfo, it would be nice to be able to trigger a music change using a linedef instead of a thing, allowing it to be triggered by voodoo sequences and such. Perhaps the tag on the linedef could be the index for the song to choose in the musinfo for that map. Perhaps, the musinfo definitions could even be moved to the umapinfo map definitions. 5. Speaking of voodoo dolls, one feature idea I had was introducing an entity flag called "Triggers Lines" that will trigger walk over lines like voodoo dolls do, so that we don't need to use multiple player starts anymore, which would be in my opinion a cleaner way of doing things.3 points -
Hi Doomworld. This map is the result of a couple of weeks building here and there. I've taken everything I've learned from my first map and made something way more ambitious. I'd love to hear your feedback, so play away! Things I'm not so sure about: The flow of the map I think I nailed it, but I've seen some minor confusion in blind playtesting. Balancing (enemies and ammo) I have a feeling the map is too easy, but then again, I've played it a million times already. Credits: Music / MIDI Doomkid Riff v2 by Doomkid - LINK Prime Mover by Alfonzo - LINK Textures Textures by Yves Allaire aka "evillair" - LINK Have fun! Format: UDMF IWAD: DOOM 2 MAPS: 1 PORT: ZDOOM (should run with any settings) Jumping allowed Freelook allowed (and encouraged) Crouching disabled DOWNLOAD: dsfrd_ThermalEnergyStation_V1.zip SCREENSHOTS:3 points
A very simple question
rita remton and 2 others reacted to baja blast rd. for a topic
When thinking about ammo balance, it might seem natural to compare the total monster HP to the damage the player can do with the ammo provided -- but in most maps I find that a limited way of thinking. There are many reasons, but the biggest one is that weapons have very different power levels and roles. If the threatening parts of the action are tuned around needing to use the power weapons (this is usually any of the RL, PR, or BFG, but it also can be SSG), and the player has lower-dps weapons (like chaingun and shotgun -- but depending on the action, it also can be SSG), you're generally allowed to provide a lot of the lower-tier ammo without really impacting how generous or stingy the map feels when it comes to the real damage dealers. So what many maps will do is give extra lower-grade ammo (shells and bullets in a map that is built around RL/PR) as insurance against running completely out of ammo, while the balance still revolves around the player's strongest weapons. This works the other way too. A RL-centered map with lots of bulky mid-tier enemies that has too few rockets might come off as stingy even if it has practically limitless bullets (especially if it lacks SSG or its monsters are positioned in a way that makes them hard to SSG down). Flip that around and go surprisingly scarce on overall ammo but provide lots more rockets and it might feel generous.3 points -
So much uninformed nonsense... The stuff you are talking about is at least 10 years out of date. Have you even seen what games can do on mobile these days? GZDoom is nothing compared to that. Regarding Metal, we use MoltenVK which also exists on iOS so that part should work with no problems. Video playback is absolutely secondary for Doom and could be disabled if push came to shove. No, you won't need HTML5 and 'native iOS languages' (whatever this is you are thinking about) to support the platform. It is well capable of setting up a window you can render into from C++ code. D-Touch works just fine on Android, so why shouldn't something similar work on iOS where you can take a lot more CPU power for granted than on Android where devices are all over the place.3 points
After a brief "Github left a default license in the repo when it was created" kerfuffle, the code license is now GPLv3. There are now also binaries to test for a planned vanilla "what if the v1.5 patch came out back in the day" milestone release. Give 'em a kick around if you're brave enough, and see what trouble you can stir up.3 points
DoomLegacy 1.48.14
Andromeda and 2 others reacted to wesleyjohnson for a topic
DoomLegacy feature wads. These are the names as I have them, which may be slightly different. DoomLegacy_3ddemo.wad Phobiata.wad -- the classic, torches, bridges, fireflies hth2.wad -- very large scale story wad Twilight -- commando ops 3D_Horror.wad DSV4 nimrod -- OK, but was never sure what features it was using vacuity.wad -- Jive, sci-fi, bridges, 3d floors, medium size and tough icerial2 Unholy Realms (ur) - bridges, complex mech,, text says Prboom compatible Nocturnus -- DoomLegacy bridges, give yourself some armor at starting sekkusu -- sci-fi-ish looking, 3d floors OldOrder - a BigAls wad, weird, cannot remember any features it uses, but requires DL spone2.wad -- 3d floors CyberArena3.wad -- coop, lots of cyberdemons Toxic_Pit.wad -- deathmatch wethbewe -- deathmatch sleeper.wad -- deathmatch bspeek.wad -- Blake Stone TC -- Not sure about many of these as FORCEKZ1.WAD Bishop.wad Compound.wad mummy1.wad mummyDM1.wad SewagePlant.wad h47/Slaught/Home.wad lolly.wad lplant.wad -- BigAls wads, water master.wad warzone.wad -- large war, cannot remember any features used andy/ * -- a series of simple wads using DoomLegacy features mystic/* -- a series of wads newboxe.wad -- boxing, in a ring football.wad -- sort of looked like football, but did not really work Leprechn -- support wad, very weird maxskin -- lots of skins smiley.wad -- weird noises, support wad ChexQuest ChexQuest - newmaps.wad -- 3d floors, fireflies ------- Blasphemer palette is Heretic, which is incompatible with Doom palette (in a colorful way). Selecting "-game heretic" and it will change to the Heretic palette scheme. You can use "-file doom2.wad" and it will be doom with the weird colors, and wrong weapons.3 points -
Imagine if all his programs are sort of crypto miners in the background, lol. Wouldn't put that past him knowing how his alt doom awards turned out.3 points
Zone 400 demos [-complevel 2]
Searcher and 2 others reacted to Andrea Rovenski for a topic
map05 max 2:04 https://youtu.be/ATv5_KOFGGs z405-204.zip map05 fast 2:10 https://youtu.be/k8a4-X73iMY z405f210.zip map06 max 1:45 https://youtu.be/XSnDr-BZfK4 z406-145.zip3 points -
Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]
Man Q. Bus and 2 others reacted to Pleymo for a topic
E1M4 Stroller in 38.71 e1m4str038.zip https://youtu.be/7D2Xwm1ce2k3 points -
TAS (tool-assisted) demos: part 2
Andrea Rovenski and 2 others reacted to xit-vono for a topic
Requiem map26 tyson in 0:38 https://youtu.be/fkTT8vcwbC4 rt26x038.zip3 points -
Post your Doom textures!
Steve D and 2 others reacted to horselessheadsman for a topic
"So instead of the chainsaws we ordered, we got all these magazines instead. What are we even supposed to do with- JOHNSON! Get your hands off that issue of 'PIXELS'! I'm reading it first!" Magazines for all your decorating purposes!(though it might stand out if the map's inhabitants can't read) Admittedly, these are really only useful if used in a port with texture-scaling so they look magazine-sized instead of poster-sized, and DECORATE to use the actor flag FLATSPRITE to save spending time editing them into other textures(or preventing all magazines from apparently being obsessedly-straightened) -credits list- Free to use if appropriate credit is given. texture-sheet Download for cut-apart version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rErPaH5_kUrZuqhbr_rsmFR5V7VsULxm/view?usp=sharing3 points -
Freelook with gameplay on YouTube. Acceptable or SIN??!
inkoalawetrust and 2 others reacted to dasho for a topic
3 points