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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/24 in all areas

  1. This is a shameless plug as I organized the celebration myself, but today is the 40th anniversary of Sopwith (the game I've used as my avatar here on Doomworld for many years): https://fragglet.github.io/sdl-sopwith/40years.html This weekend just past I organized a chat with the original author David Clark and two of his former colleagues:
    16 points
  2. Reasons to still use DOOM 1: Through DEHACKED you can have access to all the Doom 2 monsters and Doom 2 codepointers. (Rekkr is a great example of this) The use of the episode format More than 2 secret maps in a megawad. Have a scrolling end screen for the end of episode 3 Intermission screen maps. Animated Intermission screens: RUST: Double Impact: The only thing DOOM 1 can't do is have the Super Shotgun, because it's hardcoded to not use the second "3" slot... and the Super Shotgun slot is hardcoded to check and switch the weapon if less than 2 shells are left (to avoid negative ammo).
    16 points
  3. Yes, in fact there's been a bit of a resurgence in Doom 1 wads the past few years! 2022 ADO, Silence, Stickney, UDINO, Solar Struggle, Nostal Doom, 95 Never Dies, and so on. And of course both SIGIL episodes.
    14 points
  4. Recently, I found myself making various edits. I didn't plan on doing any graphics, but here I am! I was checking the unused Doom textures, and one flat caught my attention because it looked like some sort of crate, so I decided to turn it into one (the original graphic is in the top left corner): They even have their own numbers! After I made them, I recalled that TNT has custom crates, so I quickly made some edits. And corresponding flat, naturally. Feel free to use with credit. P.S.: Numbers are taken from Recolored Doom pack by Nick Baker, so props to him. Edit: found out that wide crates are one pixel wider than they should be, now they're fixed.
    13 points
  5. Does this answer your question?
    11 points
  6. Sometimes it's nice to play a map and know you're not going to be ambushed by arch-viles.
    11 points
  7. Dosbox has been abandoned so I recommend using its successors instead. Dosbox-staging or dosbox-x. Better hardware emulation, more features, you can even run more modern windows system now. Anyway, when i want to play pretend as a doom archeologist, a dosbox variant is the easiest way to get stuff running. By that I mean weird hacked sourceports like RORDoom or plenty editors like DETH or doomcad. Windows is less and less capable to run the old software as years go by. I think it's a heritage worth preserving, and celebrating. Whenever you play a 90s wad, and ask yourself why it's made the way it is, trying to go in dosbox and in an editor that was used, and try to make a map with comparable complexity is really eye opening experience. It really makes you appreciate what today's editors and source ports do that we take for granted. You'd be shocked how rudimentary and unreliable some of the editors are, and yet, people made amazing wads with them. For example, I hold Eternal Doom as an incredible technical achievement, and then seeing what tools were used to create it is jawdropping. You can't go back to experience these things for the first time, or accurately re-experience them in their context, but programs like dosbox let us at least have a little taste of it. Chocolate and crispy are great for that too. The question is just how much convenience you're willing to sacrifice. That's for each of us to decide.
    10 points
  8. Plutonia Map02 Nightmare Speed in 0:57 | Zip:pl02n057.zip TNT Map02 UVMax in 2:51 | Zip:ev02m251.zip TNT Map02 UVFast in 4:12 | Zip:ev02f412.zip TNT Map02 UVRespawn in 2:21 | Zip:ev02r221.zip TNT Map02 Nightmare Speed in 1:15 | Zip:ev02n115.zip TNT Map02 NoMo in 1:03 | Zip:ev02o103.zip (Collector run in disguise shhhh...) TNT Map02 NoMo100S in 1:03 | Zip:ev02os103.zip And last but not least, TNT Map02 Pacifist in 0:46 | Zip:ev02p046.zip Bit of a mess of runs in terms of varying quality and a random plutonia demo too, but hopefully thats all not too hard to follow :)
    7 points
  9. Hebonky

    An Map (MBF 21)

    Wow it's An map This is a map that's designed to be hard. There are no difficulty settings just hard I guess I made this in 9 hours Midi is a parasitic Existence by AD_79 Download Here Screenshots
    7 points
  10. I don't understand removing skips because most people will play it once and not know its there, and speedrunners will love it. For me, when designing a map, if there's a trick discovered I will leave it in unless it breaks the map in some way (like lineskips can). Sometimes I will also add bonus areas that require speedrun strats or other things. I like/want to motivate people to learn how to speedrun the game, too, or at least learn some of the techniques.
    7 points
  11. dsda-dev

    The COMPLVL Lump

    The lump is based on the common and accepted standards, as seen by both source ports and authors, which work for most wads. There are rare, nonstandard use cases not covered by this lump. One example is having multiple complevels used in one wad in different maps. Another is numerical complevels targeting specific engine behavior that doesn't represent a cross-port standard. It might be more worthwhile to understand what kind of behavior you are trying to get and codify it in more compatibility behavior flags for the next iteration of mbf21+. There's a thread where such things can be gathered over in the editing forum.
    7 points
  12. Stardate 20x6 MAP01 UV Max in 3:45 - st01m345.zip - video MAP02 UV Max in 8:49 - st02m849.zip - video MAP03 UV Max in 10:32 - st03m1032.zip - video MAP04 UV Max in 9:26 - st04m926.zip - video MAP05 UV Max in 11:38 - st05m1138.zip - video MAP06 UV Max in 16:15 - st06m1615.zip - video MAP07 UV Max in 17:28 - st07m1728.zip - video MAP31 UV Max in 2:11 - st31m211.zip - video
    6 points
  13. Plutonia Map 17 NoMo in 8.69 pl17o869.zip https://youtu.be/AJl7nJ9Zf3k
    6 points
  14. Really been enjoying this. Very fun maps, and the pirate voices crack me up. So many great ideas and funny touches. A worthy sequel I'm up to map 23 and havent seen any errors, apart from one instance of a flaming torch where the flame was a transparent pirate for some reason. It corrected itself when I reloaded the map.
    6 points
  15. Probably no one here uses dosbox......... Except doomkid (well i think he does not use it as a main sourceport, but for making some mods, like i think rowdyrudy2 works on dosbox) but Me Personally Do not use dosbox
    6 points
  16. Me personally, I wouldn’t play a doom 1 mega wad. I prefer the action packed gameplay of doom 2 over doom 1. I know some people like doom 1 because of its spooky or sinister feel but doom 64 is WAY better at being spooky. Also doom 1 lacks in enemy variety so it makes some maps really repetitive. That’s just how I feel though. If you feel like making a doom 1 map set you do you.
    6 points
  17. Also Hell's Bane, Return to Hadron Episode 4, Forsaken Compound.... Ultimate Doom has had no shortage of quality maps released recently. What's important is that you make something you enjoy, and that you take your time to make something good.
    6 points
  18. After watching Decino play a map from 2000 and talk about how long ago that was, it made me take a moment to check my account history here on Doom world. Turns out I first registered in 2004 here, and my account will turn 20 in a few months. It struck me how much of my life that has been. Who I was when I first found Doom world, and who I am today, and how Doom and this community has been such a part of my life. I'm not the most active here, and usually just lurk. I thought about every year looking forward to reading the cacoawards. Remembering all the nights laughing at absolute insanity in the post hell. Thinking about the time I rooted my brand new iPod Video to load a version of PrBoom so I could watch demos between classes on the train. I remembered being thrilled to see that stupid last secret in Downtown Industrial Zone be figured out with the pain elemental trick. I remembered trying to learn how to do SR50 so I could get a hangar in 9 seconds for the first time. Getting absolutely mugged for weeks trying to play Alien Vendetta, and being too much of a scardy cat to play Doom 3 at night on my old CRT. I thought about my dad buying more RAM for our first PC to play Doom and letting me sneak peeks. And how even today, I still watch YouTube videos of gameplay while working. I thought about playing coop in ZDaemon for hours and hours and hours. It's amazing this community is still here, and thriving! I'm so blessed to have made the friendships in the community I made along the way, and to get to share in the laughs. But there's something I need to get off my chest, and I hope you'll forgive the adult me for the young me that first came to Doom world back in 2004: The truth is, I wasn't 13 when I checked the box and registered for my account; I was only 12 and a half. Please find it in your hearts to forgive <3 Here's to another amazing 20 years of Doom and Doomworld!
    5 points
  19. Map 28 UV-Max in 33:42 HRs28m3342.zip
    5 points
  20. 5 points
  21. I hope so, as I'm working on a Ultimate Doom Vanilla Episode.
    5 points
  22. I also wondered why Doom 1 maps are still being made. Would it not still be possible to achieve the same with Doom 2 and just limit yourself to the same monsters and weapons, and bring over any required textures from the original? Unless there are things I'm not aware of between the two such as enemy hp and weapon damage etc? By all means, I'd still play a Doom 1 wad but my understanding has always been that Doom 2 at its core is just an expansion of Doom 1 (though I could be mistaken - every day is a school day, after all!)
    5 points
  23. Was working on the HexenZombie revamp, and fiddling with a variant head for a possible chunkier boi, and realized that my designs were slowly just turning into tyranids.
    4 points
  24. Played the whole thing start to finish in one sitting last week and had a total blast. My main thoughts are that the sound effects need audio balancing (some lifting sectors were way louder than others) and that it would be nice if secrets were all tagged. Had a total blast otherwise, really great work, Darch!
    4 points
  25. map04 max 1:12 https://youtu.be/7EKM3yBALkQ z304-11220.zip map04 tyson 1:56 https://youtu.be/k-dsq6JOSDk z304t156.zip map07 fast 1:12 https://youtu.be/HRizmiGQGlE z307f112.zip map05 fast 1:45 https://youtu.be/oOgdf3dV1cw z305f145.zip map17 max 1:55 https://youtu.be/Yje4gRu46Go z317-155.zip map28 max 2:01 https://youtu.be/1X25fUs6TP8 z328-201.zip map23 max 1:54.23 :) https://youtu.be/ipuabLqmcBI z323-15423.zip map33 max 3:57 https://youtu.be/zfIGf_2vkxQ z333-357.zip
    4 points
  26. i work with Doom 1 a lot 'cos of what it implies - a lower-stress type of gameplay, an abstract sense of place and a more dungeon-like layout. that's just my rule, though, not anybody else's... even if Doom 1 and 2 are more or less the same game at different levels of completion I do perceive trends and reasons why you'd pick one over the other. actually when I play super-streamlined takes on Doom 1 I often feel a bit disappointed 2) Doom 1 work tends to represent cranky solo creators more since Doom 2 is more often the realm of the community map pack x3 edit: 3) the maps from Doom 2 are way better than the original imo, it doesn't have to be about nostalgia
    4 points
  27. fart UV-Max in 1:24.03 fartm12403.zip NoMo in :16.09 farto1609.zip Stroller in :26.63 fartstr2663.zip
    4 points
  28. Most of the time I find it better to leave in speedrunning tricks, and there are sometimes where I specifically aim to make a map very speedrunnable, which doesn't just include adding tricks and skips, but also focusing on map length, relative difficulty of the map, and how nonlinear/looping the map design is. I don't usually like plugging up exploits, especially skips, since it only benefits speedrunners, and the only people who are aware of such skips and/or skilled enough to execute them are speedrunners...you wont find your average doomworld citizen doing a Thingrun against an enemy to skip a gap, and if there is someone doing that, it's 1/100. The average player doesn't even know what a glide is or how to do one if they do know of it, they probably don''t think to use archvile jumps or rocket jumps to skip very often either. If there's a cheese, I also leave it in since people really like cheese usually from a player perspective, since if the fights too hard they can feel good about outsmarting it, but the people who are good enough to actually do it will still enjoy playing the encounter or fight. Also cheese can be very bad for speedrunning at times, like a cheese that makes a fight super easy and consistent but is super slow.
    4 points
  29. map05 -fast in 11:08 https://youtu.be/c52jzyEikJA rf051108.zip
    4 points
  30. Angry birds 3 leaked footage
    4 points
  31. Thanks! In theory, it is already multiplayer compatible (coop). However, since it uses a lot of music changers and online ports don't really implement that feature, there will be a version without music changers for Zandronum and Odamex. I believe it will be ready next month!
    4 points
  32. I haven't played a lot of 90's styled wads (not that I can remember anyway) but what I was trying to achieve as a mapper in the 90's was the following: I wanted levels that rewarded exploration with more gameplay. Not secrets, or power-ups or anything that as a level designer you're expected to deliver to the player nowadays; but more gameplay - because this was a new and exciting hobby that allowed DMs, creatives, and programming types a chance to show the world your vision of this game. (which was fun as is, but more is better generally and what's better than a new and different looking area to kill imps in?) As a DM, my players had moved onto marriages and better jobs halfway around the country. This then became my outlet to try out all my game design ideas and dungeons. I'd see something in another game and try to replicate it here in the Doom engine (foolishly in most cases, but this kept my mind working) but D&D was a major influence in how I approached combat and flow. I preferred the incidental combat that D&D's random encounter tables would bring. So I ended up using a lot of free roaming monsters, that upon hearing the player, would eventually find them. I think I gleaned this technique from E3M4 and E3M6 specifically (or at least that's where I noticed its effectiveness). A lot of my earliest sketches were basic Dungeon to Doom level conversions. Almost all of these, I realised quickly, were crap and never saw the light of day as I read more and more about what the Doom engine could and could not do. The story in the textfile approach worked well for the levels back then. At least you had an understanding of what was being attempted ingame and you'd make allowances for some of the strangeness. I started this way myself but stopped as I joined community projects. (not good or bad just different though some of the charm has been lost I think.)
    4 points
  33. A lot of people just make shitty maps and then say 90s influence as a shield to valid criticisms regarding bad movement, haphazard monster placement, and overall thoughtless design. It's not really 90s, just a crutch for low effort.
    4 points
  34. In short, I don't add skips intentionally, but if I notice a potential skip, then, if I think it might be fun, I leave it in and make sure it doesn't result in a softlock. But I don't specifically test it - it might be possible, might be not - I don't care as long as its not a softlock. If it's not fun (e.g. leads to a boring cheese), I often remove it. I also usually remove glides because I don't find them fun (but not always). I also try to avoid a simple sr50 being enough to skip progression, because for many people sr50 is a very normal thing to do as a part of normal gameplay. I think part of the fun of speedrunning is discovering those skips yourself, so when mapper intentionally adds them, it's less interesting. Also that's why speedrunners often don't report bugs and skips they found in early RC versions of wads. Don't want mappers to remove fun stuff :p All of this is about "normal" maps of course. Mapsets like d5da are different because these are explicitly designed around tricks and exploits.
    4 points
  35. Hey man, I'm glade that you've enjoyed your time with us...
    4 points
  36. In this video, I wanted to take a look at Tom Hall's Doom Bible and see how different the game might have been if it had been implemented. And then I wanted to show a few games that did bring Hall's visions to life after all... This topic is probably an old hat for some, but not for me. I never found the time to read the Bible and I certainly never had this much experience with Doom in general. I'd really like to hear what you guys think. Would it have made for a good game, or was it better they scrapped it?
    3 points
  37. It's true that a lot of people are only interested in DOOM 2, but that doesn't mean you should give up. Instead, you should use WayBackMachine and go back to the beginning of Doomworld and post your maps there. People from back then are less picky and some of them haven't even played DOOM 2 yet.
    3 points
  38. MAP27 - “Lakeside Rentals” What might have seemed a "second verse, same as the first" pairing with M26 spirals into a caustic pincer attack formed by crumbling walls and a crumbling lake. It's framed as a linear tour of some, charitably speaking, "rentals" drying their carcass in the intense subterranean heat. The tour is massively booby-trapped, and the special thing about the encounters in this level is the domino-like rhythm in which the safety zones collapse. The substance of the fights themselves should be familiar to anyone who is a fan of challenge and challenge-adjacent levels in general, and it's definitely a meatier, some even said "more normal" level than the beach preceding it, but it's the feeling of the whole world crumbling with every new step that really seals this map's place in the larger level set. The AV placements are the cherry on top. MAP28 - “Closing Crush” In a certain way, this is "just" a regular Benjo level, maybe the most on-brand map of the set alongside 11 & 20. That, I think, is the dirty trick: long are the days when this was supposed to be a silly amateur 90s levels pastiche / affectionate parody (indeed, it's stop existing fairly early on); instead, it reveals just how much synergy between who Benjo normally is as a level designer, and the perverted hybrids that only superficially resemble the novice excess of Doom wild west days. Here is a map that wouldn't feel out of place in a Flotsam style collection, being a chaotic slaughterish map with an emphasis on confusion of where all the good weapons and ammo are, and a great deal of trial by archvile fire in trying to figure it all out. Nothing really 90s about this one, as it's got elegant monster pathing that shuffles the hordes all across the map in surprising gotcha patrols reminiscent of the great ArmouredBlood levels and the like, but with a good dose of blackhearted trolling in the timing of the reveals and the use of "secret" sectors that is Benjo very own. The sickest joke here is that all this lurid organized chaos that would be a disrupter in any other mapset is in fact merely the eye of the storm here.
    3 points
  39. @Hayden49 another interesting map! Definitely got a style of your own. Some fiendish enemy placement in this one that keeps the pressure on from all angles, but there's enough health/armour to get by. Nice! Also, today I learned Spider Masterminds can infight with eachother. Don't think I've seen that before. Added to the main archive, as we're so close now I'll probably wait until we're at 36 maps to post the next update which may well be RC1. While I'm here, paging @Lorcav - are you still working on graphics?
    3 points
  40. I usually prefer low-count mappacks because playing 16+ maps in a PWAD sometimes feels repetitive. This post also reminded me of my own unfinished Doom I megawad project. Its in development hell because Vanilla limit vs Design clash, plus some maps needs to be re-make after I learn some map tricks for Vanilla.
    3 points
  41. I think decent-to-good-quality '90s WADs usually has some kind of home-brew graphics(maybe because custom textures wasn't much common back then? IDK I don't live in that era), few feels like straight up made from MS Paint, others feels like using '90 3D technology and some retouches, others feels like using real-life assets. They also sometimes employed mapping tricks like self-referencing sector, REJECT table, instant raising/lowering sectors, see-through doors with middle textures. Some of them also employed DeHackEd. Some trying to base off on pop culture. Cleimos did it in 1994. You started in a "moving train", and then you are welcomed by floors and ceilings that trying to imitate slopes. The rest of levels feels kinda flat as I can remember, but considering this is few of custom levels that released in 1994 (Doom I released in 1993), this quite neat.
    3 points
  42. Mad Butcher

    dead.air - v2

    3 points
  43. map04 max in 18:43 fw04m1843.zip
    3 points
  44. maxmanium

    The COMPLVL Lump

    It's pretty unfortunate how many things are baked in stone just because of demo compatibility.
    3 points
  45. I made a custom palette for my Doom 1 episode.
    3 points
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