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Woof! 14.5.0 is released on Apr 30, 2024. A complete list of new features, improvements and bug fixes can be found on the release page: https://github.com/fabiangreffrath/woof/releases/latest Binaries for Windows are available here: https://github.com/fabiangreffrath/woof/releases/download/woof_14.5.0/Woof-14.5.0-win32.zip https://github.com/fabiangreffrath/woof/releases/download/woof_14.5.0/Woof-14.5.0-win64.zip An AppImage for Linux is available here: https://github.com/fabiangreffrath/woof/releases/download/woof_14.5.0/Woof-14.5.0-Linux.appimage Have a lot of fun! - Fabian17 points
Cop RC1! (synlndst.zip, 937kb) Lineal Distancing is a community project which I started in November 2023, and after periods of inactivity and testing, it's finally in a RC state! THE GIMMICK: For each 1024x1024 block from the origin, no more than 64 linedefs can be placed. This is the core rule of the project, which also counts control sectors but not teleport closets. This means control sectors count towards the line count in each 1024x1024 block they affect. Teleport closets are somewhat exempt to this, as they usually take up enough lines to have a noticeable reduction in map complexity. They still apply to the block and line rule, but only in the block they're in, not the ones where the player usually is. Mapping signatures do not count towards the limit for each block, as long as they aren't accessible to the player without noclip. SCREENSHOTS: MAP LIST: MUSIC LIST: PAR TIMES (UV-Max):14 points
12 points
This is Woof! 14.5.0 (Apr 30, 2024)
DreadWanderer and 11 others reacted to ceski for a topic
In addition to bug fixes, this release is for music enthusiasts. Woof now has native MIDI support on macOS and Linux, incorporating features previously exclusive to Windows. Give it a try with your favorite MIDI software or hardware. A few examples of what's possible: macOS + Nuked SC-55: Windows + Roland SC-55: Linux + Yamaha S-YXG50 + Falcosoft Midi Player + Wine:12 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Xyzzу and 10 others reacted to Treehouseminis for a topic
Apparently my discord links keep breaking idk why. Heres a few extra shots and a gif11 points -
Share Your Sprites!
Walter confetti and 9 others reacted to Desfar for a topic
10 points -
Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]
Dogmachine and 6 others reacted to Pleymo for a topic
TNT Map 11 NoMo in 16.51 ev11o016.zip https://youtu.be/1rZvncUHP2I NM-Speed in 16.57 ev11n016.zip https://youtu.be/IYzucdBwFKk7 points -
What Got You Into Doom?
AtomIsTired and 6 others reacted to Maximum Matt for a topic
I found Doom to be quite nice, actually.7 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
rita remton and 5 others reacted to Arrowhead for a topic
Here's MAP07 complete! A very vertical map involving a careful jump to the central raised flag platform. There are numerous chutes and passageways to reach the flags! Lots of dropdown areas should lead to some fun ambushes hopefully, once I run this through a thorough play test! DASH CTF: MAP07: Skyward Struggle: Onto MAP08! I already have some ideas for it! Nearly halfway done this new pack! :D6 points -
1x1 demos [-complevel 21]
General Roasterock and 5 others reacted to Orii for a topic
Map21 UVSpeed in 12:17 Zip: 1x121s1217.zip Video: https://youtu.be/Y_9NvtD5BN06 points -
This is Woof! 14.5.0 (Apr 30, 2024)
Redneckerz and 5 others reacted to rfomin for a topic
This is done using ALSA. The SDL2_Mixer does not have native MIDI support in Linux, and we don't use SDL2_Mixer anyway. So we wrote our own MIDI support.6 points -
Ladles and jellyspoons, we are back! It's that annual mapping tradition where we relentlessly map over the fifth month of the year in a bid to make a zany yet coherent selection of maps: last year we traipsed into the future with the help of the Eternity Engine and this year we're... Well, have you ever heard of Exquisite Corpse? T'was a project released close to twenty years ago, with the premise of different mappers working on chunks of a map and only having vestigial clues as to what the adjoining map pieces looked like. There have been other projects taking inspiration from it over the years like the Angry Quilt series and I've always batted around the idea of MAYhem taking a stab at it someday, so...here we are! Now, rules! They're a bit dense this time, this is going to be something of an experimental process. Da Rules We are mapping in Doom 2 in Boom format (complevel 9). We may also use MBF21 if enough people are interested. Make your voice heard if you're keen! Remember to test your submission in the appropriate source ports! In keeping with the Exquisite Corpse theme, maps will be comprised of nine pieces by different mappers and the mapping will be done in a relay style: we start with one mapper making a map piece, then two mappers making the adjoining pieces, then three, then two and then one to finish off. I've pre-made the first map piece to get the ball rolling and give an example of what you're supposed to do. Pictures of the map will be provided below. I will select mappers at random from those who express interest and those mappers will be given 48 hours (so, y'know, two days) to construct a map piece: I'll DM them details to do with the adjoining map pieces to give them an idea of what they're working with and then it's all up to them. Considering all this needs to be wrapped up within the month of May, a time limit is necessary to preserve momentum and ensure that as many people can participate as possible. The cycle repeats once the map pieces are in and once we have nine pieces I'll put 'em together and we'll start a new map. If the first map process runs smoothly, we'll try having more than one map being constructed at a time. This is very much dependent on whether or not the initial process is held up by any mappers, so make sure you have the time to create something substantial should you be selected. Mappers will be working with a 1024x1024 square as their playable area. They can have detail outside of that square, but only if the detail doesn't intrude on other parts of the map: corner pieces will have a fair amount of space to play with, while the poor sap who gets the bit in the middle will be shit outta luck. :P Make sure you leave ways for other mappers to connect their map pieces to yours: doorways, windows, that sort of thing. You may use up to one key in your map piece. Gotta leave some for others! Mappers cannot contribute more than one piece to a single map. There's nothin' stopping you from contributing to the next map though, so feel free to put your name forward for that one. :) You may include your own map name and music with your submission: while the music choice on the finished map will be made at my discretion, I'll put up a poll with all the submitted map names once a map is done and let the public decide what it's called. You don't need to worry about difficulty settings when making map pieces, but we will be implementing them as each full map is finished. When you're done with your map piece, DM it back to me instead of posting it in the thread: you can post a picture or two in the thread if you like, but the name of the game is only giving the next mappers a snippet of what they're working with. I'll post the maps in their entirety once all nine pieces of them are complete. Your resource pack can be found here. This texture pack is comprised of the CR8 Quake Texture Set by Speedy and Mechadon and the Ogro Texture Pack by OgrO_FiX, with additional snow and liquid textures (thanks for the liquids, Mr Björling!) and some skies I grabbed from Plutonia and NEIS. I've also chucked in some composites and recolours to give a bit of variety to what is otherwise a very brown resource pack, heh. Feel free to make texture requests, especially if you're one of the current mappers: so long as they don't clash too horribly with the other textures, I'm more than happy to add them to the resource. And before I forget, some screenshots of the resource pack in action! Now, let the games begin!5 points
UAC INVASION -- Feedback Wanted!
DeadKiitsune296 and 4 others reacted to OnionTaco22 for a topic
UAC Invasion is going to be my first 32 map wad, however, I want some feedback on my mapping skills so I can improve my building skills for the rest of the maps. Currently, there are eight maps in the wad. I am posting this now as I am going on holidays shortly, meaning I won't be able to work on anything, so I decided that I should get some feedback on what I already have. This mapset is for Doom 2, and uses the Boom format. It was tested in DSDA Doom and Woof! It also uses a small .bex patch that gives the pistol a little bit more usefulness by increasing the fire rate and making you start with 75 bullets instead of just 50. It also changes the map names in the automap and the text for the text screen between MAP06 and MAP07. Credits to some of the tools used to make this are in the Read-Me file. You can download the wad here. Here are some screenshots:5 points -
Gnome Hunters Wad-EPISODE 1
lunchlunch and 4 others reacted to Godzialox666 for a topic
Gnome Hunters is a Boom-Format 6 maps wad divided in two episodes. Inspired by memes about Gnomes and B.P.R.D levels. This Wad was made in cl9 (boom bormat). It was made by 2 mappers that are Me and the magnificent @OceanMadman. It features music by @Hunted11, as well as the special support of my friend @DevilMyEyes And at the last minute, @ZaidRune helped me modify the sprites of chaingunner and shotgun guy, as well as the mapinfo for the ports of zdoom and gzdoom. Thanks to all these people and to the Hunted11 comunity on Discord that has supported us. The project started in December 2023, and we finished the first chapter today, April 28, 2024, since the Gnome memes started this same day 1 year ago, so as an anniversary I started this wad! >>>DOWNLOAD HERE<<< The maps have been tested with: Woof, DSDA-Doom, Zdoom and Gzdoom -No jumping/crouching allowed -Freelook is optional (preferably not) -This wad is designed to be played without pistol start, but each level can be finished by pistol start, play however you want (I recommend playing with weapons from previous levels, since this one tells a linear story) -Super Shotgun, Chainsaw and enemies behavior modified B-) Funny Thing: IDDQD doesn´t Work... millionwearthehats on cheat code... UPLOAD: We are working for the chapter 2, more levels, sprites, more work, more quality, and it will be in another post. It works as a sequel of the events that you can see in this chapter1!5 points -
Gnome Hunters Wad-EPISODE 1
rita remton and 4 others reacted to Cacodemon187 for a topic
Casual playthrough of the first two maps on HMP, dsdademo recorded in DSDA Doom 0.27.5 (make sure to load the demo with this DSDA version) 00FDA_GnomoHunters1.zip You'll see it in my demo but it was a lot of fun to play along with the suspenful nature of the maps, it's done really well even if the dead air gets a bit boring after a while. I like the weird amateurish design style and the 90's asset mix in Map02 specially. The scrolling houses and empty structures sometimes made me feel like I was a gnome myself, or that I really was in their domain. I caught a glimpse of @OceanMadman's Map19 in HCP and it seems that BPRD turned to 11 is his thing, and I'm all for it :) Didn't find any bugs and the gameplay isn't much to talk about, although I understand that that's not what the mapset wanted to focus on mostly. The little adventure I had hunting the little shits was fun. Thank you both for making this :D5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Doom 2 in City Only [vote now]
BluePineapple72 and 4 others reacted to Celestin for a topic
MAP30: Sin City by NecrumWarrior Doom 2 In City Only ends with a solid Icon of Sin. Strafe-jump from one rooftop into another, using torches and candles as guide, kill a mastermind and you should reach the sniping spot in no time. No aiming needed, just fire a salvo and you're done. The platforming can take a couple of tries, but I think it's actually the easiest map of the set. An awful IoS was the last thing D2ICO needed, NecrumWarrior has my sincere gratitude for making the final map painless. Conclusions I don't think Doom 2 In City Only is a wad for me. I had a lot of troubles getting to the end, not only because of the lenght of many maps here, but also the difficulty that from MAP20 onward reaches extreme levels (and in one case - greatly exceeds it). I might be a bit overly dramatic, after all I dropped D2ICO and sworn to play it at a much later day, only to pick it back up after a week and still caught up. I think it's partly because I didn't want to have a megawad left unfinished and partly because the diversity of the set kept me in. Six chapters, each with a different theme, plus six more secret levels that goes into completely unexpected directions, it's a lot to see. That being said, a break spent playing something smaller and more low-key helped a lot. Regarding specific episodes, I think Future and Egyptian are my favourites. When I made a list of my favourite maps here, those from episode 2 and 3 were the most-represented ones. I guess it's a combination of reasonable size and difficulty. I'm not a fan of Modern, this has more to do with my general dislike towards city map tropes in general (flat, large and sparsely-populated), though MAP02 is the most appealing one when it comes to the visual. As for the second half, this is where the size and challenge gets out of hand, but maps like Eternal Dis or Void Masquerading as Matter managed to present a spectacular, though more accessible combat. The secret maps were a mixed bag, The Great Gib in the Sky is definitely the highlight, especially since it's a breather between two of the hardest maps of the wad. Bricked Up was fine, this was definitely an aesthetic choice I haven't seen before and Anti-Life, while too difficult for my taste, was clearly a work of an author who knows what they were doing. The rest ranges from forgettable to obnoxious, though I won't deny they try to explore completely different ideas than the already varied mainline progression. Here's what I think about D2ICO in general: if I were to rate the maps and the megawad, the whole set would get a lower score than the average of individual maps. I stand by what I've said on the 24th. There are good maps here, but it's difficult to digest and I fault nobody for not wanting to go through one thousand monster-strong marathon after another. If you want to check it out, don't rush it and maybe consider playing on a lower skill setting, especially in the later maps. It's an acquired taste, I hope you'll enjoy it and leave satisfied rather than exhausted. TOP 5 maps: MAP13: City of the Dying Sun by Death Bear MAP10: Upon the Brink of Trancendence by muumi MAP29: Void Masquerading As Matter by myolden MAP35: The Great Gib in the Sky by Danlex MAP08: Crypto Crash by LVENdead5 points -
Vogel im Käfig (Endoom mapping contest 2024 winner)
Andromeda and 4 others reacted to ShiroiAkuma51 for a topic
Updated wad: fixed wrong offsets on cyberdemon sprites (thanks to @_Mud for showing me this issue <3)5 points -
The Ultimate Long List of Keen Hunts
Cacodemon187 and 3 others reacted to TMD2003 for a topic
Those of you with your fingers on the pulse of Doom II WADs might be able to add to this one. For the past few years, when I've decided on a bit of Dooming, I always find myself drawn to the WADs that have some kind of "hunt the Commander Keens" embedded in there somewhere, so I thought I'd make a list. Note that this does NOT include the original Grosse, or any other map where the Keens are all in plain sight and there's no challenge involved in finding them - such as Map 32 of the recent(ish) Realm Of Chaos: 25th Anniversary Edition (with 11 Keens) or the original 1996 version (with only two). There are others I would discount, such as where there's one hidden Keen used as an event trigger (example: Speed of Doom, map 27, Hais Temple - the hidden Keen spits out of a wall when killed and reveals an energy cell pack). I'm looking for maps where hunting the Keens is (a) not entirely obvious and (b) optional, in that it's to open a secret bonus area, or the exits to maps 31/32. I have six so far: - Plutonia 2, map 29: Ticket To Eternity - Speed of Doom, map 31: 1010011010 - Hellbound, map 31: Diabolus Ex Machina - Japanese Community Project, map 15: Nandeyanen - Japanese Community Project, map 27: A Resplendent Emerald Green (although the automap reveals all the locations for this one...) - FreeDoom Phase 2, map 11: Infinite Plain (where the Keen shows up as an alien in a red jar) I'll be interested to know how many more there are.4 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
rita remton and 3 others reacted to Woody101 for a topic
4 points -
Seamless switching of tracks would be a killer feature! As you mentioned, memory=entryrrrr///// was designed around the hard cut, but it would've been really cool if Entryway At The End Of Time could've snuck in seamlessly with the change going unnoticed at first. In general, I tend to prefer linear music over dynamic music for games, as it more easily allows for more complex song structures (and also, it's less work...), but there are definitely cases where it would be a great asset to have.4 points
Map name: Shifty Sands Author: Moustachio Length: 10 - 20 minutes Difficulty: Easy, medium, & hard balanced. Starts out easy, but the last fight is one of the hardest I've made. Coop: Co-op starts placed, no DM starts. Music: "Eastern Star" by James Paddock from HacX 2.0 Description: A Doom-style techbase in the middle of a desert. I styled the early gameplay after Doom E1, but the later challenges become more akin to TNT and Plutonia in challenge. Good luck with the last fight! Any and all (constructive) feedback appreciated! Download4 points
grungo head art archive thread (ART IS SLOW BUT HERE)
Stupid Bunny and 3 others reacted to Grungo for a topic
grugno take hiatius from art few moons. Exercise make arms tired4 points -
ct. 2 (familiar), dead on map12, 23:584 points
Map Name: Defiled Dreamscape Author:Himynameischair Length: 25 - 30 mins Difficulty: all 3 difficulty settings are in place. Not too hard, but should be a decent challenge, blue key fight is a bit a ball buster thought. Coop: coop starts in. no DM starts. Music: Somber Visions by Tristan Clark Description: A delve into a long-forgotten temple, situated in a lush cave system. Once where water flowed freely... it is now overgrown and defiled by an encroaching flow of slime.. even the massive crystals are dimmed and cracked by the corruption. At the heart of this once sacred place... the void creeps in, threatening to tear this place apart. Authos Note: an homage to Speed of Doom's MAP06 Dreamscape, and a love letter to Darkwave, one of my biggest mapping inspirations. It's a bit sloppy in some spots.. but I truly gave it my all. Apologies that the automap is a mess, I'll make sure to work on that. any feedback is appreciated. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1McBDNoLMGTrkFVZB8weGe0PWpvwcEC3U/view?usp=sharing4 points
Post your Heretic/Hexen textures and decorations!
Shanoa and 3 others reacted to TheHambourgeois for a topic
I changed the format of my texture pack from .WAD to a zip archive following NotJabbas lead as that seems a bit more practical and universal. Now there's the .xcf files as well: Have fun!4 points -
Catching Up - Celestin's review thread (now playing: Plutonia 2)
Walter confetti and 3 others reacted to Celestin for a topic
When I started this thread, my aim was to play wads that were featured in the DWmegawad Club over its decade-long lifetime, especially with regards to the mapsets that I haven't played before - to catch up with the Club and the community. However, sometimes a new wad gets released that is so intriguing I just have to play it without looking at anyone else. On 1st of April 2024, Danlex posted 0x0, the final boss of projects that focus on using a limited set of textures, featuring 6 maps made without using any textures or flats. The bizzaire premise and added screenshots were enough to flag this one as the next wad to play, I was curious to see how it even works. I'm switching from Woof! to DSDA-Doom for this one, as it's not compatible with my usual port of choice. MAP01: Zero by Zero MAP02: Visplane Underflow MAP03: Home is Where the HOM is MAP04: Caco Girl Bath Water MAP05: Hell of Mirrors MAP06: Icon of sin(nπ), n ∈ Z MAP07: The End Conclusions I have a suspicion the development of 0x0 started as a parody of texture-restricted projects (people are making maps with only one texture, so why don't create a map with no textures at all?), but the end result transcended the realm of jokewads. Discarding one of the most basic elements of mapping sounds insane, but through some black magic this whole thing is surprisingly functional. As I've said earlier, Danlex goes wild with props to do everything, from marking the borders to adding a lot of much needed flair to the all-black maps. The creative aesthetics are the main draw of 0x0, with abstract voidscapes and environmental storytelling being present here. It's a wad where I was always eager to see what's next and never being disappointed. If I had to complain about something, it's the new status bar that is difficult to read. The green numbers barely stand out on the orange background and I get what it's going for, but I think there is a way to preserve the aesthetic while making it more readable. The combat plays a secondary role here, mostly made of discrete encounters that feel like they were inspired by challenge wads, yet are considerably depowered. As with the visuals, it feels a bit like a parody of the genre and I think it works well with the part serious, part joking tone of 0x0. If anything, it makes the wad more approachable by anyone who got curious looking at the screenshots. I also greatly appreciate the lenght, six short maps are enough to showcase the variety of ideas before the wad's gimmick gets old. This is a very easy recommendation, especially if you are looking for an experimental wad to play in one afternoon. It's a set with one of the most creative levels I've played in a while and just writing about it doesn't give the wad justice. There are things here that you have to see with your own eyes.4 points -
The Ultimate Long List of Keen Hunts
Cacodemon187 and 3 others reacted to Not Jabba for a topic
Doom 2 in City Only, map 28: Village and Void4 points -
The DWIronman League dies to: Deus Vult II
SleepyVelvet and 3 others reacted to Darth_wiader for a topic
Cat 1 Dead on: MAP02 Time of death: 12:14 Kills: 64/213 dwi-dvii_darthwiader.zip4 points -
Share Your Sprites!
Rykzeon and 3 others reacted to tomoshi_baka for a topic
4 points -
The DWIronman League dies to: Deus Vult II
SleepyVelvet and 3 others reacted to Doomy__Doom for a topic
Category: 2 (played years ago, remember nothing except THE TREES) Dead on: map 03 Time of death: 28:02 Kills: 182/291 Demo: dwironman_24-04_dd.zip Me no like trees. Concrete and steel pls.4 points -
IronEagle Competition 65: Slith
Pegleg and 3 others reacted to Doomy__Doom for a topic
Category: 1 Difficulty: UV Dead on: Map 02 Time of death: 2:11 Kills: 8/105 Demo: dwie_24-04__doomydoom.zip I should've died going for the exit switch on map 1, but the roll was low. You can FEEL the lack of touching Doom recently in this gameplay(lol).4 points -
first timer
The Almighty Egg and 3 others reacted to ffathead for a topic
4 points -
Unnamed DM Project w/ spwnsh4rk: MAP09: JUNGLE JANGLE Got that map's geometry done! I
Andromeda and 3 others reacted to Arrowhead for a status update
Unnamed DM Project w/ spwnsh4rk: MAP09: JUNGLE JANGLE Got that map's geometry done! It's freaking huge! Took me 9 hours straight of work nearly. Now for @spwnSH4Rk to texture it. All I know is it's gonna be heavily focused on natural textures, being a jungle map, and all. Looking forward to it! :D4 points -
Zone 300 demos [-complevel 2]
Billa and 3 others reacted to Andrea Rovenski for a topic
map10 max 1:27 https://youtu.be/TXyASD4DCwU z310-127.zip map29 max 2:02 https://youtu.be/VUmSq5A0ABU z329-202.zip map09 max 2:29 https://youtu.be/qZ_bwdS8dm8 z309-229.zip4 points -
how to stop decalcification as a femcel?
insertwackynamehere and 3 others reacted to TheMagicMushroomMan for a topic
I don't want to do any of this political talk, it's pointless. Go to the dentist or you will be miserable. I am missing most of my molars at 29 years old due to neglecting my dental health from the time I was 12-21 years old and exacerbated by drug use. My thought process was "why bother when I'm probably going to kill myself anyway". Now it's more like "this pain makes me want to kill myself". The pain will only get worse. Wait until you're dealing with multiple infected and broken teeth, abcesses on your gums and in the roots of your teeth, not being able to eat anything that isn't pudding. Wait until you talk with a lisp because of your missing teeth, wait until you look in the mirror and realize your mouth droops to the side when you shut your mouth. Wait until your face swells like you've been beat. Wait until your gums bleed constantly due to gingivitis. Wait until your dentist hands you your dentures or your partials, and wait until you feel like a complete idiot buying denture cleaner and paste from an aisle in the store that's meant for senior citizens. Look at pictures of what having no teeth does to your jawbone and know that you'll look just like that if you keep neglecting yourself. Wait until you see a cute girl, and then remember that your breath probably smells like dogshit. And when you do find a girl, wait until you have to tell her your teeth aren't real. I can tell you that getting nine of my teeth removed was nothing compared to the pain caused by any one of those things. Go to the dentist. If you hate capitalism, go to a chairty place that does volunteer work. That's what I had to do. Your cavitities will not heal just because you start brushing your teeth, they will only get worse until your teeth are repaired or removed. Get toothpaste without fluoride in it if you're that paranoid. Use some baking soda. You're smart enough to figure it out. What you are doing is absolute grade A stupidity, and I have no problem telling you that because I was just as stupid. Your excuses are just that, excuses. If you don't want to suffer physically and mentally, do something about it now. I'm telling you, straight up, your thought process is really stupid and you're fucking up your life, setting yourself up for more depression. And let's be real, you aren't too happy about yourself if you're not even taking care of your hygiene. Looking at your other posts, it seems that the main problem is that you're just still immature. That's to be expected, you're 16 years old. But it's time to grow up and take care of yourself. Now or never. Cut the shit about being a good hostess to parasites. By the time you're 18, you're going to look back on that and cringe. There's nothing cool about not taking care of yourself. You'll only be reminded of how weak you were when you look in the mirror a few years from now. Otherwise, you'll hate capitalism and the "entire medical industrial complex" even more when the hospital foots you with a $5,000 bill over something you could have prevented yourself.4 points -
76shombones and 2 others reacted to Arsinikk for a topic
Special Thanks to these wonderful Playtesters: @finnks13 @Large Cat @NinjaDelphox @Cacodemon187 Special Thanks to @Spectere for his D!ZONE'D YouTube series as it was a huge inspiration. Check out his YouTube Channel here. If you're stuck on finding the RUST CODEX passcode, you can take a look at this hint system here. Minor notes I couldn't fit in above:3 points -
What will the doom community look like 30 years from now?
SleepyVelvet and 2 others reacted to esselfortium for a topic
The Doom community seems to keep getting influxes of younger players and creators, so hopefully it will keep growing in the future and not die out with the current generation.3 points -
is it just me, or do 90s-styled wads not feel 90s at all a lot of the time?
Steve D and 2 others reacted to june gloom for a topic
I'll tell you what I think the difference is, and it's flow. Older maps simply didn't focus on it -- they were instead sprawling, weird adventures with lots of dead ends. TNT is the obvious example but really, play any map from the golden age of 1996-2004 and tell me how much of a pain in the ass actually navigating them tends to be. These days maps are tightly-designed racecourses where you're never forced to stop and think about what to do next. We all made fun of Hexen's opaque design but the driving principle behind that design I think makes for more interesting maps. Same for Eternal. Why yes, my favorite episode in Doom 1 is Shores of Hell.3 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Broadsword Jim and 2 others reacted to DoomPlayer00 for a topic
Sneak peek of the second map from my 11-map project.3 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Doom 2 in City Only [vote now]
BluePineapple72 and 2 others reacted to cannonball for a topic
Overall thoughts; Doom 2 In City Only is a rather exhausting experience. I will get one thing off my chest now, the difficulty ceiling of this wad is too high. Now I know there is the "DOn't play on UV" argument, however I will say that given the wad's objectives, seeing stuff that could fit into the later levels of something like Hardfest or equivalent is going to alienate people. Add to this the caveat that a large number of these maps are long and require up to or even exceeding 1 hour of playtime for casual play is quite a grueling ride. Now there are a couple of maps that you can't really do much about (Map20/23 and 36 come to mind), these will kick your backside and you will have to simply take it. However there are other maps in the second half where frankly the experience would have been far better if the BFG was available earlier, I get that the superweapon can make combat much easier than desired, however not many people want to grind through hundreds of mid-tiers with rockets and plasma. Yes you lose a couple of difficulty points but some maps would have been far higher up in my view if they simply allowed the player to cut loose a bit. This wad despite my grievances, does have some significant high points and players will be rewards at times for their hard efforts, but I would not recommended playing this in a short timeframe. In terms of the episodes E1 - This episode suffered the most from the common city map negative tropes (Often little details took priority over the bigger picture), however in the end I found some enjoyment from most of the maps in this episode and I get the feeling that a second playthrough would make some of these look quite comfy. E2 - This was a better and more varied episode, A couple of maps here stood out in particular and even though I disliked map09, I will say it offers a decent break between Map08 and Map10. E3 - Probably my favourite episode, one plus point is that the maps on the whole were quite short, with one exception that happened to be the highest point of this megawad. Despite the grandeur of Map13, the final map justified its endgame status and capped off probably the best stretch of the megawad. E4 - This one was okay, You get two longer maps, though Map17 is more exploratory and the first real example of a map that could have yielded a bit to the whims of the causal doomer. Map20 is a real hike in difficulty, though I would say that it just about justifies sitting in the map20 slot. E5 - Probably the most tragic episode in my view, purely because it feels the most uneven in terms of feel and progression. You have the biggest and possibly baddest map in the set and a map that feels perfect to open the episode is also stuck in the middle. I regret not pushing harder to potentially swap my map and Taviow's maps, a few tweaks of my map in the map23 slot would have made for a smoother ride, the same could be said for swapping Maps21/22.As it is, this is the episode that will likely end people's playthroughs of this wad. E6 - The issue with this episode is that a couple of maps feel too grindy for their own good, not a positive coming from the hell city episode - Map27/28 both share the issue that I stated above where an easier acquisition of a BFG would have resulted in a far more positive experience. Overall, this is worth a go and some will absolutely love this megawad, however for me I felt more relieved than anything else after beating the Icon of Sin. Score - 3.5/5 (The quality embedded in this wad short not go unnoticed but this isn't a wad to binge through) Favourite maps - Map10, 13, 22 and 35 Honourable mentions - Map01, 08, 11, 16, 20, 23, 29 and 36 I have been leaving some notes on the relevant thread in the PUSS server, and I hope that the feedback in there has helped at least a few to make some adjustments for the better. I am not sure whether I will join in next month, I think I need a break to focus on mapping related objectives.3 points -
Zone 300 demos [-complevel 2]
SAV88 and 2 others reacted to Andrea Rovenski for a topic
map22 max 1:46 https://youtu.be/fs4-X8V1-Gg z322-146.zip3 points -
Showtime!!! A magical adventure for GZdoom (Update: 04/30/24, v1.02 Mermaid Fantasy)
Shepardus and 2 others reacted to CherubCorps for a topic
V1.02: Mermaid fantasy is out!!! I didn’t want to release this so soon but found several major bugs including one that prevented almost half the outfits from spawning correctly. They have been fixed. The next update will have two new tomes and will take some time (Unless more major bugs are discovered). Changelog -Added 3 additional outfits for a current total of 22 outfits. All rare outfits have unique pickup sounds. Major bug fixes -Fixed a bug that prevented alternate blue armors from spawning in correctly. -Fixed a bug with the magic mirror (Safety tome rings) that would allow player to obtain infinite ring ammo. Weapons -Added a sound effect to the primary apprentice wand fire to indicate the weapon is fully charged. -Quick tome apprentice wand and master wand grant pain sector immunity along with increased speed. Thank you to everyone for playing and reporting bugs. It makes a huge difference. Direct download. v1.02 https://www.mediafire.com/file/q4bap6zijkyxqr0/Showtime%21%21%21_v1.02.pk3/file3 points -
An interest in playing historically significant video games.3 points
New games are just not fun anymore?
Ozcar and 2 others reacted to Cruduxy Pegg for a topic
No, sounds more like you have to fight with many mental barriers you've put up to stop you from playing any new game. The same soulless clones that you accuse new "boomer shooters" was the same accusation people used 2+ decades ago to skip Heretic, Blood and Quake 2 without ever playing them in depth.3 points -
Here's some screenshots to show that I'm working on a submission for this CP. Dunno if I'm going to finish it today, I need to make 2 to 3 more rooms and some polishing, so I could use some "individual extension" to the deadline if possible and if necessary. Toilets (very important) owo what's this mysterious place!?!?3 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
an_mutt and 2 others reacted to oneselfSelf for a topic
3 points -
OTEX jungle gang3 points
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Themafla1 and 2 others reacted to StormCatcher.77 for a topic
Hell Unleashed, Map 063 points -
What Got You Into Doom?
AtomIsTired and 2 others reacted to esselfortium for a topic
I got into Doom in the mid-90s when it was still a relatively new game that everyone had to check out. I had always been interested in modding and making games with whatever tools I could get my hands on, so being able to build custom levels and modify assets for Doom is what kept me fixated on it indefinitely after the initial amazement wore off. Something about the feel of Doom's gameplay also just always appealed to me, I think — I tried Quake not too long afterwards, but it never managed to captivate me in the same way.3 points