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  1. Titlepic by @OverflowingMocha ~~~~~~~~~ Yippie-kay-yay! ~~~~~~~~~ Wad File: Die Rowdy - RC2 (drive) Port: Boom limit removing - Complevel 9 - Tested in GZDoom/PRBoom Resources: Rowdy Rudy by Doomkid, Duke Nukem, Cagetex, and doomxmas.wad. Compiled in wad. IWAD: Doom II Notes: Requires UMAPINFO compatibility! Rowdy Rudy Jones received the call at 6PM on Christmas Eve. The Nakatomi Plaza had been invaded by an unknown group of assailants. Every floor of the building has been occupied. No one has been in or out since then. No demands have been given. No hostages taken. Police have failed to breach into the building. That's why they need you, Rowdy Rudy, the best Mercenary money can buy, to clear out the building and stop this occupation quickly before Christmas morning. Payment has been given in full up front with an expected bonus upon mission completion. You are expected to clear out hostiles floor by floor and rendezvous with a helicopter team waiting on the roof. Lock and load, and yippie-kay-yay motherfucker! Die Rowdy is a 44 map megawad created as the thirty-third edition of the Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping series in December of 2023. Loosely Christmas themed and highly Die Hard themed, each map was made with a skyscraper prefab and an elevator, courtesy of @ViolentBeetle's Hellavator, of which players will be required to find a red keycard in order to advance to the next floor. With a custom resource pack containing weapons and enemies curated by @Doomkid for the action packed Rowdy Rudy 2: Powertrip mashed together with festive Christmas sprites from doomxmas, this skyscraper splatterfest will be sure to have wadphiles debating for years whether or not this map pack is genuinely a Christmas wad or not. Known Bugs: I know it may seem it, but map12 is supposed to exit to map14. It's a feature! The barrel explosion is still broken. Change Log: N/A Map01 - The Most Wonderful Powertrip of the Year - BluePineapple72 Map03 - Office Drama - Horselessheadsman Map14 - Nakatomi Art Gallery - Pink Flamingo Map35 - Living-Impaired Areas - Muumi Map38 - An Unexpected Breeze - NiGHTS108 Maplist: MAP01 - The Most Wonderful Powertrip of the Year - @BluePineapple72 MAP02 - Hot Lead for Naughty Demons - @JJBoren MAP03 - Office Drama - @horselessheadsman MAP04 - In Case of Fire Use Shotgun - @Egregor MAP05 - Breaking Hard - @Pistoolkip MAP06 - Speeddemon Seasonal Storage - @Death Bear MAP07 - Icy Manipulator - @PinkFlamingo MAP08 - Operation Sewer Count - @MoiraHeart MAP09 - Kaiju Exterminators: You're one of them - @Yagacaw MAP10 - Hit the Showers - @Blexor MAP11 - A Rowdy Heist - @SergeantAnger MAP12 - A Regular, Normal Christmas - @Grizzly Old B MAP14 - Nakatomi Art Gallery - @PinkFlamingo MAP15 - Hot Head - @myolden MAP16 - Call Center Hell - @senpaigru MAP17 - Green Goo Inc. - @Pistoolkip MAP18 - Unsatisfactory Performance Review - @SirPootis MAP19 - Now I have a Chaingun... - @Razza MAP20 - Sleep Study Lab Z - @Yagacaw MAP21 - Elevator Floor - @Scionox MAP22 - Demon Executive Bathhouse - @LVENdead MAP23 - Surprise! - @DynamiteKaitorn / Heich MAP24 - Ho-Ho-Holy-Shit - TheBMFG MAP25 - Ancient Storage Room - @NiGHTS108 MAP26 - The Floor We Do Not Talk About - @NeilForshaw MAP27 - Casino Royale - @Tiramisu MAP28 - MURDER! DEATH! KILL! - @BluePineapple72 MAP29 - Bad Floor Planning - @Kuro_mahoh MAP30 - The Office - @Pistoolkip MAP31 - Christmas Smells Like Gunpowder - @JJBoren MAP32 - The Corner Offices by the Atrium - @Yagacaw MAP33 - Executive Disfunction - @Weird Sandwich MAP34 - Bridge Beyond - @Scionox MAP35 - Living-Impaired Areas - @muumi MAP36 - Human Resources - @Pistoolkip MAP37 - Caustic Clash - @Blexor MAP38 - An Unexcpected Breeze - @NiGHTS108 MAP39 - XXXmas Came Early!- @MoiraHeart MAP40 - Pounding Heartbeat - @NiGHTS108 MAP41 - Nowhere to Hide - @Scionox MAP42 - Rowdy Around the Christmas Tree - @BluePineapple72 Secret Maps: Additional Map Information: Special thanks to the PUSS event staff for helping wrap this up, to all of the playtesters who played this a whole lot, and to Santa Claus for putting me on the Nice List last year. Original Project Thread Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping Naughty & Nice ~~~~~~~~~ Until Next Time ,o7 ~~~~~~~~~
    38 points
  2. Hunted11

    Habitat 22 DM

    Habitat22DM or "how the best map of TNT inspired a conceptual deathmatch wad"(joke). This is a DEATHMATCH or Duel wad Boom format based that uses TNT IWAD as base. It was tested with ZDaemon (yeah we live in the paleolithic). And the wad consist in a sequence of 7 maps each one "Habitat themed". The project itself was meant to be played as a duel because of a friendly rivality with two of the members of the community and it was supposed to be a week speed map thing but when we put the maps in the table we realized that they were not bad actually. The thing started as a joke and finished as a pretty decent wad (keep the expectations reasonably because is a Habitat themed wad and made it in just a week). By the way even if the wad was meant to be Duel (theorically) in the practice is more profitable and fair for Deathmatch (hence the wad name) Habitat22DMV1.7z
    20 points
  3. Map08 Pacifist in 5:21 Map09 Pacifist in 13:45 Map13 Pacifist in 37:56 aa08p521.zip aa09p1345.zip aa13p3756.zip @Billa did this per your post in that thread the other day. 4U!
    17 points
  4. Ladles and jellyspoons, we are back! It's that annual mapping tradition where we relentlessly map over the fifth month of the year in a bid to make a zany yet coherent selection of maps: last year we traipsed into the future with the help of the Eternity Engine and this year we're... Well, have you ever heard of Exquisite Corpse? T'was a project released close to twenty years ago, with the premise of different mappers working on chunks of a map and only having vestigial clues as to what the adjoining map pieces looked like. There have been other projects taking inspiration from it over the years like the Angry Quilt series and I've always batted around the idea of MAYhem taking a stab at it someday, so...here we are! Now, rules! They're a bit dense this time, this is going to be something of an experimental process. Da Rules We are mapping in Doom 2 in Boom format (complevel 9). We may also use MBF21 if enough people are interested. Make your voice heard if you're keen! Remember to test your submission in the appropriate source ports! In keeping with the Exquisite Corpse theme, maps will be comprised of nine pieces by different mappers and the mapping will be done in a relay style: we start with one mapper making a map piece, then two mappers making the adjoining pieces, then three, then two and then one to finish off. I've pre-made the first map piece to get the ball rolling and give an example of what you're supposed to do. Pictures of the map will be provided below. I will select mappers at random from those who express interest and those mappers will be given 48 hours (so, y'know, two days) to construct a map piece: I'll DM them details to do with the adjoining map pieces to give them an idea of what they're working with and then it's all up to them. Considering all this needs to be wrapped up within the month of May, a time limit is necessary to preserve momentum and ensure that as many people can participate as possible. The cycle repeats once the map pieces are in and once we have nine pieces I'll put 'em together and we'll start a new map. If the first map process runs smoothly, we'll try having more than one map being constructed at a time. This is very much dependent on whether or not the initial process is held up by any mappers, so make sure you have the time to create something substantial should you be selected. Mappers will be working with a 1024x1024 square as their playable area. They can have detail outside of that square, but only if the detail doesn't intrude on other parts of the map: corner pieces will have a fair amount of space to play with, while the poor sap who gets the bit in the middle will be shit outta luck. :P Make sure you leave ways for other mappers to connect their map pieces to yours: doorways, windows, that sort of thing. You may use up to one key in your map piece. Gotta leave some for others! Mappers cannot contribute more than one piece to a single map. There's nothin' stopping you from contributing to the next map though, so feel free to put your name forward for that one. :) You may include your own map name and music with your submission: while the music choice on the finished map will be made at my discretion, I'll put up a poll with all the submitted map names once a map is done and let the public decide what it's called. You don't need to worry about difficulty settings when making map pieces, but we will be implementing them as each full map is finished. When you're done with your map piece, DM it back to me instead of posting it in the thread: you can post a picture or two in the thread if you like, but the name of the game is only giving the next mappers a snippet of what they're working with. I'll post the maps in their entirety once all nine pieces of them are complete. Your resource pack can be found here. This texture pack is comprised of the CR8 Quake Texture Set by Speedy and Mechadon and the Ogro Texture Pack by OgrO_FiX, with additional snow and liquid textures (thanks for the liquids, Mr Björling!) and some skies I grabbed from Plutonia and NEIS. I've also chucked in some composites and recolours to give a bit of variety to what is otherwise a very brown resource pack, heh. Feel free to make texture requests, especially if you're one of the current mappers: so long as they don't clash too horribly with the other textures, I'm more than happy to add them to the resource. And before I forget, some screenshots of the resource pack in action! Now, let the games begin!
    15 points
  5. Greetings, Entanglement is a single map for strong Boom-compatible ports originally made for ENDOOM Mapping Contest 2024. Thwart a rogue AI's plans to overtake the city with its demonic minions. General notes: moderately lengthy (~25-30 mins), linear, adventurous, fast-paced, mildly challenging at times. Screenshots: For additional information please see the readme file. Download from /idgames Have fun!
    15 points
  6. I'm currently working on a six map, deathmatch exclusive wad in the vanilla format (albeit targeting the limit-removing ports.) The set theme that I'm following is a mixture of Gothic and Hellish imagery and architecture. The maps at this stage of development are mostly complete, but I still have to modify the art assets (custom fonts, custom HUD, custom menu screens, etc.), replacing the existing sounds with new ones, add in some new music and change some of the weapons' attributes and behavior via DeHackEd, more specifically DeHackEd Extra. A single screenshot from each of the six maps: And here's a little peak into the art assets:
    14 points
  7. EDIT: the wad: Monuments is getting a second map! Still a W-I-P, but getting there!
    12 points
  8. E1M2 UV-Max in 1:24.63 E1M2m-124.zip https://youtu.be/dpZfu3ycJ5Y E2M1 UV-Max in 1:16.89 E2M1m-116.zip https://youtu.be/U3RyhaaMSrs E2M2 UV-Max in 2:50.09 E2M2m-250.zip https://youtu.be/MdT3WsR9cvc E2M3 UV-Max in 2:06.09 E2M3m-206.zip https://youtu.be/fWuEy7TmYKA
    11 points
  9. E2M2 - Storage Unit. I will make a thread in this year.
    11 points
  10. Dash CTF: MAP08: Verdant Gardens: Not quite finished this one yet, ( a bit more geometry needed, item placement, mirroring) but it's going really well so far! May still tweak some stuff, being that this is unfinished still... I've been wanting to use some themes not as commonly seen in CTF, so I thought I'd do a garden level! Thought I'd do something spring-related! :D
    10 points
  11. I've been messing around w/ an 'effect' sort of new to me! This is a bit of a video test for a 'bleeding wound' using super-acute slopes paired w/ bloodfalls textures. I think this would only be convincing as an 'effect' from a far distance - something similar has definitely been made prior to this. Putting this in an inaccessible distant area would look great, I believe! I'm busy thinking up many different variations: BLEEDING WOUND VIDEO: I've done a couple static variations, too: CLIFFSIDE CAVE MOUTH (w/ SOLID BLACK INSIDE) [To be viewed from distance: TORN TREE BARK (FROM CORRECT DISTANCE): The reason a decent distance is needed is that any texture being used on a slope that acute will look terrible up close, it will be egregiously stretched out vertically - the further the distance, the more natural things appear. I know a similar thing has obviously been done before - I intend to only use the above 3 'effects' in decorative only areas. A distant cliffside out in a harbor, a series of huge trees off in the distance, a bleeding organic wall up far away from the play area, etc. The bleeding wound will only likely be useful in a hell map - I intend on trying to make one today! Oh! Also: please ignore the slight flickering on the right of the wound in the video - that's only there because I must have partially lowered an acute slope into another. As I refine this more, I'm sure it will look more believable! Yeah! Nothing too novel or new, but I haven't really seen this being used too much, I'm sure I can figure out how to use it in a map nicely. I at least cannot think of any deathmatch content that does this, but I could be wrong. This would likely only work in GZ: D2 in Hexen, or UDMF of some variety, I believe. :D
    9 points
  12. Apparently my discord links keep breaking idk why. Heres a few extra shots and a gif
    9 points
  13. It always amuses me when there's a cacodemon naively trying to ambush you while so obviously sticking out from the cover. So sneaky.
    8 points
  14. Here's MAP07 complete! A very vertical map involving a careful jump to the central raised flag platform. There are numerous chutes and passageways to reach the flags! Lots of dropdown areas should lead to some fun ambushes hopefully, once I run this through a thorough play test! DASH CTF: MAP07: Skyward Struggle: Onto MAP08! I already have some ideas for it! Nearly halfway done this new pack! :D
    7 points
  15. Map inspired by Romero's hair. Ma hair is as long as his, but it doesn't have such charisma. PAR time: 15-30 min Speedrun: 4:32 min Features: - No wall-humping secrets (!) - Plenty enough secrets (find them all if you can) - No crouch - No jump - Freelook optional  - Single map - Single player : (no plasma, no BFG, no boss, no damaging floors) Screenshots Format BOOM Made with Slade3 - DOOM2 Tested in PrBoom+ and GZDOOM Nodes generated by ZDBSP Download (166 Kb): https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArJqO35mii2Ok8xa1JOUjqKKSh31DA?e=YCUXeP Enjoy! And give me your feedback 🙏
    6 points
  16. Map06 UVMax in 0:39: icgya06m039.zip Map14 UVMax in 0:47: icgya14m047.zip Map15 Pacifist in 0:16: icgya15p016.zip Map35 Pacifist in 0:41: icgya35p041.zip Map39 UVMax in 6:10: icgya39m610.zip
    6 points
  17. Version 1.1 bugfix is now available. I've edited my opening post with the new download links. Just a few subtle changes and fixed some bugs. Many thanks to everyone who reported the bugs (especially Large Cat). Fixed some issues with doors sometimes not opening in maps 1 and 7. Map 5: the red door is now actually a red door! Map 7: Got rid of the annoying switches during the initial mancubi fight and replaced with proper tag 666 action. Also replaced later mancubi so that this action works. Map 13: Some slight visual improvements and a slight change to end fight to make less "cheesable" Map 15: Player can no longer grab yellow key and exit to secret level without taking on the final big fight. Maps 16 & 18: fixed possible softlock issues. Map 19: added just a few extra provisions at start area. Added Dehacked file so that map names appear in the automap. (thanks again to Large Cat). A few minor texture misalignments fixed in another two or three levels (I'm sure there are still some other minor ones!).
    6 points
  18. I just hope there'll be a society in which the Doom community can exist 30 years from now.
    6 points
  19. Gossip Update #11 --------------------------------------- Forever lost in the sewer level How many times have I said that I'm done overhauling MAP02? I've lost count. Anyway, I'm done overhauling MAP02. For now. I mean, seriously, I will probably do it like five more times before Gossip comes out but I don't care at this point. My prediction was that I'd spend up to one week of April on the overhaul and then move on. However on the 2nd as I was working on one of the areas I accidentally noticed something in another part. So I tried to fix it but then I noticed another thing. And another. And another. And suddenly the scope of the overhaul has spiraled out of control again. However the straw that broke the camels back was when I've spent about 1,5h fixing a really old area only to look at it... and realize it was garbage. No amount of makeup would make this corpse look any better. I got so angry that I just straight up deleted this area. And... about 3 or 4 other ones as well. Screw it, I'm rebuilding it. As a result I've spent over half of April doing nothing but redoing parts of MAP02. I'm not gonna say it's over because it probably isn't. However I am VERY pleased with the results. The new locations that replaced the old ones are waaay better. I'm happy to report that this level is not longer the weakest link as all the ancient stuff has been remade from scratch. A lot of the older locations looked like they were made by a kid who has just learned how to use DOOM Builder. The new versions on the other hand feel like the creation of an angsty teenager going through a raging puberty. Unfortunately I will not reach proper maturity as a mapper before this project is finished... But I guess I'm fine with being an edgy teenager at heart. I mean, come on - we need more angst and edginess these days. Oh by the way - if anyone's reading this and thinking that I keep complaining about stuff that I'm working on... Some of the things like having to completely rebuild certain locations is frustrating indeed. But it's a good kind of frustration - at the end of the day the final result is better and that's what matters. I'd rather spend an extra week or two and make significant improvements than try to convince myself that things are "good enough". I was thinking of showing you comparison shots again but I don't really want to spoil any more things. So instead I'm gonna show you the OLD versions that no longer exist! All of the pictures below showcase areas that have been deleted and completely remade from scratch. I'll leave it up to your imagination what the new versions look like. [old areas that have been remade from scratch in the current version] The rebalancing/rework phase has officially begun! With MAP02 out of the way I was FINALLY able to begin the gameplay rebalancing phase. This is super significant. At this point EVERYTHING is constructed (except the MAP08 finale but that's on hold for now) and I'm ready to start finalizing the gameplay across all levels. This is pretty much the final phase before the playtesting. And obviously the playtesting is the last thing to do before the release (not really but close enough). As a reminder: while all of the levels have gameplay and progression already in place many parts are essentially "first-pass", especially setpieces. In other words they work but they're not properly balanced. Also - because I've been rebuilding a lot of things from scratch - many areas do not work anymore and I have to redo the progression mechanisms for them. So basically that's gonna be the goal for the next few months - to finalize the gameplay on all levels and prepare them for playtesting. For now I'm only doing UV because I want to get feedback on that before I start messing with other difficulty settings. There is no deadline for that phase. Levels vary greatly in the amount of stuff that needs to be tweaked or reworked. It'll take as long as it needs. The good news is that once that is done we'll be DANGEROUSLY close to release. Freaking finally. Since I have finished MAP01 already and MAP07 won't see many changes that means I have 5 levels to tweak. If I were to make a prediction and assume it'd take ~2 weeks to wrap up a single map... that'd still take 2-3 months. 0_0 So as of right now my guess is that the playtesting will begin around August, unless I somehow manage to get things done quicker than that. Still on track for 2024 release but damn... Anyway, I thought I might give you a more comprehensive overview of the current situation. This is all rather hazy but that's the best I can do for now. REBALANCING PHASE OVERVIEW ======================================== MAP01 status: DONE! estimated amount of work: N/A notes: I've managed to finish it in April. This level is officially ready to go and as complete as it can be at this point. Might add a secret or two if I feel fancy. MAP02 status: in progress estimated amount of work: SIGNIFICANT notes: Due to the number of locations that needed to be rebuild a lot of the gameplay will have to be redone as well. Many old mechanisms have to be replaced with more robust ones. MAP03 status: waiting... estimated amount of work: MODERATE notes: Despite its size I HOPE this one won't take forever to tweak. I'm mainly looking at setpieces here as some of them need to be redone (or at the very least tweaked). As before, some old mechanisms will be replaced. The more traditional, exploration-based sections will most likely stay as they are, barring some minor tweaks. MAP04 status: waiting... estimated amount of work: MODERATE notes: I don't expect many changes to the main portions of this level but one of the big fights and the entire underground compound are back in square one because I had to rebuild them. General tweaks, optimizations of the mechanisms and teleporters. Maybe adding a little nasty surprise, if I have lines to spare? This is definitely gonna be one of the quickest maps to finalize. MAP05 status: waiting... estimated amount of work: SOMEBODY KILL ME PLEASE notes: Oh boy. I am NOT looking forward to this one. This is the longest level in Gossip and the sheer amount of locations makes me dread trying to fine-tune it. But that's not the biggest issue. I'm 99% certain that the entire finale of this map will be redone from scratch because it sucks and the temp gameplay is just not fun. Some of the final bits will need to be updated. This level is problematic because it's literally right on the 65k linedef limit meaning that I can't go too far with the improvements or I'm straight up gonna run out of lines. The concept for this one was too big of an idea for a single map and I'll have to be really careful with it or I'm gonna have to start cutting or down-scaling stuff. Ugh. Oh, did I mention this map takes over 2h to beat? That's gonna be fun to test... Don't get me wrong, I think this one is really nice in terms of gameplay. It's just freakishly long. MAP06 status: waiting... estimated amount of work: MINIMAL notes: This is one of the newest levels so I don't forsee many changes, other than the general balance tweaks. I know there's one big area that will probably need to be reworked because the gameplay is kinda sketchy there. Maybe I can come up with something better. Some minor visual improvements are incoming in several locations. Certain bits will be significantly nerfed because they're not fun. All in all this map shouldn't take an exorbitant amount of time to wrap up. MAP07 status: DONE (I guess?) estimated amount of work: MOST LIKELY NONE notes: Since this one is the newest I think it'll stay as it is for the testing phase. Maybe I'm gonna tweak something here and there but nothing major. MAP08 [the finale] status: waiting... estimated amount of work: SIGNIFICANT notes: The final confrontation. I haven't started this one yet but I'll build it once I get closer to finishing other levels. It shouldn't take an insane amount of time since this is just the final fight but - unlike other maps - it doesn't even exist yet. MAP09 [the closure] status: N/A estimated amount of work: MINIMAL notes: A short "you have won" / "it's over" map with no gameplay. Not started yet but it'll be a quick one. This will not be a part of the testing phase at all since there will be nothing to test. ======================================== And there you have it. Still lots of work left to be done but also not really that much when you think about it. Still months away from testing but at least we're on the straight path towards it now. Getting there but it's not over yet. You get the idea. Soundtrack At this point the development will slow down as I'm splitting my time between rebalancing and composing. Yup, I'm finally back to working on the soundtrack. I would say I have almost too much fun with it. Right now it's hard to estimate the amount of progress because I'm basically just starting a bunch of small sections as experiments. Whatever comes to my mind. I'll pick the best ones and turn them into full tracks later. The music in Gossip won't be in your face. I want it to be distinct but not overpowering. So... obviously the first thing I made this month was a high-octane melt-your-face wall-of-sound banger. I'm not sure if I'm even gonna use it for the project but if I do then it'll be the final-fight music as it wouldn't fit anywhere else - you don't really want high intensity music playing non stop for 1,5h. But yeah, that's another benefit of separating the last battle from MAP07 - I can make an action-packed music track for it!
    6 points
  20. A single-player BOOM map for DOOM II! One of the many UAC command centers on Earth has been left overrun by demons. I'm sure you know the drill by now. Kill em' all and get the hell out of there in one piece. SCREENSHOTS! DOWNLOAD: caroncmd.zip (idgames mirror)
    5 points
  21. Cop RC1! (synlndst.zip, 937kb) Lineal Distancing is a community project which I started in November 2023, and after periods of inactivity and testing, it's finally in a RC state! THE GIMMICK: For each 1024x1024 block from the origin, no more than 64 linedefs can be placed. This is the core rule of the project, which also counts control sectors but not teleport closets. This means control sectors count towards the line count in each 1024x1024 block they affect. Teleport closets are somewhat exempt to this, as they usually take up enough lines to have a noticeable reduction in map complexity. They still apply to the block and line rule, but only in the block they're in, not the ones where the player usually is. Mapping signatures do not count towards the limit for each block, as long as they aren't accessible to the player without noclip. SCREENSHOTS: MAP LIST: MUSIC LIST: PAR TIMES (UV-Max):
    5 points
  22. Hopefully by then we'll have found a better term than "Boomer Shooter"
    5 points
  23. DSDA Doom Dead: Map02 Category: 1 (Bllind) Difficulty: UV Time of Death: 15:43 Almost got through that Mancubus/Revenant ambush was literally kicking myself soooooo close. Amazing WAD my friend fun challenge DWIroneagle_SlithUV_LegendaryEevee.zip
    5 points
  24. Yisue

    Habitat 22 DM

    Duelos épicos garantizados
    5 points
  25. Map13: Max in 21.91: d5da313m21.zip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ib36DsPLb9M Pacifist in 12.40: d5da313p12.zip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STKXunD2eU0 Map 68: Max in 7.43: d5da368m7.zip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jefboy4cc4w Pacifist in 3.66: d5da368p3.zip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anGbpbCUZI4
    5 points
  26. Gotta do my usual piece: why not MBF21? It's got everything Boom has to offer and more, so it's still accessible to people who are comfortable in their ways. Not sure if UMAPINFO is relevant this time around, since the map count is going to be on the small side, but it couldn't hurt to bookend the set with some goofy end text if the mood strikes.
    5 points
  27. Woody World Episode 6, about 40% done... follow me for more updates! In the meantime, you can try the other episodes: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/woodyworlde1
    5 points
  28. May, 2024 once again, credit for the pics to onemandoom. > The yearly standings > The Ironman Discord Server Standard Leaderboard [2] SURVIVED (1:34:26): Asbadagba [1] SURVIVED (1:55:35): Bertt91 [2] SURVIVED (2:04:54): ArchvileHunter [2] SURVIVED (2:06:31): Napeyear [2] SURVIVED (2:10:57): joe-ilya [2] SURVIVED (2:17:32): NaZa [2] SURVIVED (2:19:50): LadyMistDragon [1] SURVIVED (2:39:20): Vince Vega [2] SURVIVED (2:41:10): Suitepee [1] SURVIVED (2:41:32): Vytaan [1] SURVIVED (2:49:51): Beginner [2] SURVIVED (3:13:47): Andromeda [1] 7 maps: dt_ [1] 6 maps: RedBoule [1] 6 maps: JackDBS [2] 5 maps: suzerduzer [1] 5 maps: signaturereverie [2] 5 maps: head_cannon [2] 5 maps: Austinado [1] 4 maps: Doomy__Doom [1] 4 maps: SCF [1] 4 maps: SilentD00mer [1] 4 maps: ByRntStarOEI [2] 4 maps: Pseudonaut [2] 4 maps: RjY [1] 3 maps: PBeGood [1] 3 maps: ClumsyCryptid [2] 3 maps: Horus [1] 2 maps: Li'l devil [1] 2 maps: SleepyVelvet [2] 1 map: Shepardus [2] 1 map: Radial (DNF) [2] 0 maps: Pegleg Prepared Leaderboard ... What is the Doomworld Ironman League? The DWIronman League is a monthly competition in which participants aim to survive for as many levels as possible in the given map set, preferably in one sitting. Click the spoiler tag at the bottom of the post for a detailed list of rules. Players of all levels of ability are welcome. It could change the way you play Doom! In May 2024 the DWIronman League revives a practice that has not been used since October 2021 - multi-set features! And what a feature this month - we have Suspended in Dusk (-complevel 2) by the late Espi, and Bauhaus (-complevel 9) by @didy. Why did I pair these two relatively easy sets together? Both sets rely heavily on architecture to deliver gameplay, and aren't exactly too harrowing. After all, Deus Vult 2 should be followed up by something a bit more approachable - I expect a quite high survival rate this month (on par with February?), in contrast to the prior one. Both sets won Cacowards. One might find the older Suspended in Dusk a bit boring, but I feel gameplay wasn't its point. Its point was to push the vanilla Doom 2 (yes, that plays in vanilla) engine to its limits, which it managed with insane architecture and design, and it's not like there is no gameplay. Bauhaus, likewise, has architecture and design as its main focus, but has more modern gameplay, which should be more than engaging for the average player. Ironeagle had an 80% survival rate, though all of the players were more-or-less veterans, so it's hard to say whether that represented the general populace well. Also, Mayhem 16 and 17 were in contention for this month, yes, but Mayhem 16 has an... interesting first level (and an unforgiving Ribbiks level later on), while Mayhem 17 becomes quite exquisite on MAP05 and then just has potential to go in another direction on MAP11. Shame, because that set would be a blast to play otherwise... Maybe next year. Essential Info Doom II (doom2.wad) Compatibility level 2 (SiD) or 9 (Bauhaus), or "Doom (strict)" / "Boom (strict)" for ZDoom derivative ports. 4 + 4 maps Time estimate (total, if survival): 1.5 h - 3.5 h (around 1 h for Bauhaus and 2 h for SiD, being conservative) The first maps of either sets aren't pushovers. > Download Suspended in Dusk > Download Bauhaus prboom-plus.exe -iwad doom2.wad -file sid.wad -complevel 2 -skill 4 -record demo_name.lmp -warp prboom-plus.exe -iwad doom2.wad -file bauhaus.wad -complevel 9 -skill 4 -record demo_name.lmp -warp Rules: Previous threads:
    4 points
  29. Special Thanks to these wonderful Playtesters: @finnks13 @Large Cat @NinjaDelphox @Cacodemon187 Special Thanks to @Spectere for his D!ZONE'D YouTube series as it was a huge inspiration. Check out his YouTube Channel here. If you're stuck on finding the RUST CODEX passcode, you can take a look at this hint system here. Minor notes I couldn't fit in above:
    4 points
  30. I've always wanted to run this, and now I have. I feel like just Bredd in the above post "I never want to play this again"..... Thanks. In the words of DDL from there will be blood: "I'm finished" :) enirvana.wad Experiencing Nirvana https://dsdarchive.com/wads/enirvana 2024.04.25 MAP07 Stroller :01.77 en07str377.zip MAP07 NoMo :01.11 en07o111.zip MAP07 NM Speed :01.31 en07n131.zip + Pacifist + Reality 2024.04.26 MAP01 NoMo :00.91 en01o091.zip MAP02 Pacifist :24.80 en02p2480.zip MAP03 Pacifist :01.37 en03p137.zip MAP03 NoMo :01.17 en03o114.zip MAP03 Stroller :03.26 en03str326.zip MAP06 Pacifist :46.57 en06p4657.zip MAP15 NoMo :02.14 en15o214.zip 2024.04.27 MAP15 NoMo 100S :09.83 en15os983.zip MAP17 Pacifist :26.46 en17p2646.zip + Reality MAP17 NM Speed :18.97 en17n1897.zip + Pacifist + Reality MAP17 Stroller 1:29.23 en17str12923.zip + Reality 2024.04.28 MAP18 NoMo :02.77 en18o277.zip MAP18 Pacifist :03.66 en18p366.zip + Reality MAP18 Stroller :08.11 en18str811.zip MAP20 Pacifist :07.03 en20p703.zip MAP20 NM Speed :04.23 en20n423.zip MAP23 Pacifist :13.00 en23p1300.zip MAP24 NoMo :07.20 en24o720.zip
    4 points
  31. This is not something I'm really in the modd for but decided I had to give it a short anyway :)
    4 points
  32. Arrowhead

    Habitat 22 DM

    Looks like an entertaining pack! I'll see if sometime this week, I can get my brother over here to go through them with me! Congrats on the release, it's always nice to see more DM stuff. :D
    4 points
  33. Pancrasio

    Habitat 22 DM

    Denzel murió en Habitat 20-0
    4 points
  34. https://dsdarchive.com/wads/class_ep e2m7 stroller 1:57 https://youtu.be/iONWlRBTjzg ce2-7str157.zip (first stroller for the wad!) e2m4 fast 6:28 https://youtu.be/JkdiNDGHfPg ce2-4f628.zip
    4 points
  35. In true Christmas spirit, this gets released in May. But Die Hard was released in July, and A Wonderful Life was released in June, so Christmas can be any time of year if you Christmas hard enough. I'm glad I made four maps for this. It was a blast!
    4 points
  36. A respite from all the action - solve the puzzle in 3 minutes or melt. :)
    4 points
  37. *.lmp files are from the recording feature from Doom itself (also it's LMP, not IMP). They only record inputs so that's small.
    4 points
  38. Nice finding, I already have had RadCAD before statring RAD development. I used it to decipher the original RAD map format (by making a small change to the editor and then comparing the output file). Unfortunately, custom maps created by RadCAD can only be loaded in RAD only if they are placed inside a RADIX.dat file. I used a Windows XP vm to run it:
    4 points
  39. cat 1 (never played) uv survived in 34:35 hope it's not too late to submit ironeagle_2024_05_asbadagba.zip
    4 points
  40. Felicitaciones a todos por el release!!! Ya lo bajé, estoy bastante ocupado últimamente pero lo intentaré jugar apenas pueda :) PD: me encantó el title screen con cosas representativas de cada país :P Qué ganas de comerme un completo ahora :')
    4 points
  41. it's already an overlapping system of communities with totally different takes on how Doom should be, so hopefully we get more camps with progressively more iconoclastic temperaments! i don't think it can really ever die out, there'll always at least be curious revivalists even if everyone current stops recording demos and puts their pens down
    4 points
  42. Map Name: Sun-Kissed Pseudo-Fed Author: Gothic Box Length: ~10-15 minutes Difficulty: No difficulty settings. Overall difficulty is medium, with some light slaughter later on Co-op: Co-op starts only Music: Cover of "Character Making" from Final Fantasy Tactics by Hitoshi Sakimoto Description: Faux Mulder's really done it this time! Bored with his usual 10 to 2 am contemplation, he took some sketchy chemicals and is tripping out!!! Everything's made of solid colors, his mouth is dryer than sand, and the sun hurts his skin. Of course the only good shade in this parching desert trip is full of his demons... Author's Note: Tool reference? Tool reference. I want Rosetta Stoned to play at my funeral. Also hELLO this is last minute lol. ALSO note the secret BFG fight allows you to leave early Download: SunKissedPseudoFed.zip Screenies:
    4 points
  43. map 02 fast hot off the presses, HOT HOT HOT!! hrs02fast-554.zip
    4 points
  44. I'll tell you what I think the difference is, and it's flow. Older maps simply didn't focus on it -- they were instead sprawling, weird adventures with lots of dead ends. TNT is the obvious example but really, play any map from the golden age of 1996-2004 and tell me how much of a pain in the ass actually navigating them tends to be. These days maps are tightly-designed racecourses where you're never forced to stop and think about what to do next. We all made fun of Hexen's opaque design but the driving principle behind that design I think makes for more interesting maps. Same for Eternal. Why yes, my favorite episode in Doom 1 is Shores of Hell.
    4 points
  45. Map21 UVSpeed in 12:17 Zip: 1x121s1217.zip Video: https://youtu.be/Y_9NvtD5BN0
    4 points
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