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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/24 in all areas

  1. D A R K M A T T E R UPDATE 24/05/2024 DARK MATTER (V2) is now released. This version includes a SECOND MAP (Dark Envy) as well as some very minor modifications to the first map. DarkMatter2.zip - - - - - - - - - - - A tense, atmospheric and (potentially?) challenging experience for Doom 2 that can be finished in under 10 minutes. Some of you might have seen some of the very few screenshots I shared in another thread. I went for a cosmic horror, yet still shooty, design. Must be run in GZDoom (maybe LZDoom would work as well?). I've been learning about DECORATE, slopes, lighting, fog, scripting etc. Find your way through this dark, claustrophobic, abandoned space station. You're equipped well enough for fighting, but be careful because ammo and health are limited. Not all monsters must be killed if you'd rather not engage them, but there are enough supplies to kill all of them with a little care if you so desire. Some weapons require reloading to add to the heat of the battle. Contains additional monsters, sounds, music, textures, weapons etc. Due to this, probably wont run with other mods, but HUD mods might be OK. I hope you enjoy, and I would absolutely love to know what you think. As always, videos, feedback and bug reports are highly appreciated. They help me to continue to learn and develop. Iwad: Doom 2 Sourceport: GZDoom (maybe LZDoom?) Jumping: No Crouching: No Mouselook: If desired Secrets: No secrets here, no wall humping necessary! Difficulties: Not implemented Readme.txt Screenshots (Spoiler tags so those that enjoy exploring the unknown don't get a sneak peek) Updated 9th May 2024: Fixed some missing textures Buffed Jackal health a tiny bit Buffed Machine Gun damage a tiny bit Added 4 shotgun rounds Added 1 bullet clip Replaced 'Imp' idle sound Download: DarkMatter2.zip
    12 points
  2. E1M2 UV-Max in 1:24.63 E1M2m-124.zip https://youtu.be/dpZfu3ycJ5Y E2M1 UV-Max in 1:16.89 E2M1m-116.zip https://youtu.be/U3RyhaaMSrs E2M2 UV-Max in 2:50.09 E2M2m-250.zip https://youtu.be/MdT3WsR9cvc E2M3 UV-Max in 2:06.09 E2M3m-206.zip https://youtu.be/fWuEy7TmYKA
    11 points
  3. Us folks at Team Afterlife are proud to present a glimpse into our current project; a 32 map mega-wad, titled "Torment of Screams". The project's goal is to create a vanilla compatible wad that captures the feel and the aesthetics of 90's maps while at the same time, pushing the engine's static limits to their absolution. The development process is quite gradual and steady, and this is our first publicly released demo since the project's revamp a few months prior. As of current, we're on the outlook for any potential reviewers to cover our demo, so if you're a DoomTuber, then be sure to give Torment of Screams a spin! Do note that quite a few maps are currently unfinished or are in the starting slate as of current. While the demo contains all of the 32 maps, we'll recommend Map 15, Map 17 and Map 32 since they're the most complete of the rest. The .wad is tested with Chocolate Doom, CRL-Doom, Crispy Doom and GZDoom. The format is vanilla Doom, so pretty much any port would be able to run it. Credits: Knor964 - Founder and Project Designer Risk667 - Project Lead, Music, Maps, Playtesting, Texture Adaptation Amaruq - Project Coordinator, Maps, Graphics Lj - Project Advisor and Mapper Geqoph - Project Advisor and Mapper DaBigNerd - Mapper hypersprite_ - Mapper cheeseburger - Mapper volleyvalley - Mapper Screenshots: And finally, here's a download link to the project's demo file: https://files.gamebanana.com/bitpit/torment_of_screams_wip_demo_06i_.rar So if you're interested, please do give Torment of Screams a try! :)
    10 points
  4. started on a set of somewhat short and tough maps I'm calling Stone Flower. 01-03 of likely 5, they're pretty green and brown.
    9 points
  5. lol tell your personal psychosis "nice try"—the winning vote is supposed to have four votes, and the past few months I've been bending the rules by letting the winner skate by on three. The club was slowly trending in this direction and I probably would've brought this up if the winner kept getting only 3 votes (as my reasoning is I don't want to maintain the club for only 3 people). Plus I'd discourage casting pity votes unless it's for someone that's been trying to vote for something for like 3 years. The club has rotated major (mainstay) personnel about... 3? 4? times in my estimation. Maybe more since I stopped participating. Longstanding commitments are impossible to maintain over huge periods of time unless this stuff comes kinda naturally to you (like it seems to for cannonball, the dude is a map-making, map-commenting machine). Part of it is exhaustion, part of it is that folks have played what they wanted to play, and another part can be that sometimes you want to run through a mapset in full without having to dredge up something to say for the 10th speedmap in the set. It could be that we'd see a surge in activity if we covered ye olde classics again (AV, MM, HR), but I'm still unsure how I'd want to go about doing that. Like Horus & Celestin said, there's still a LOT more out there, and I'd feel bummed if people wanted to always go back to the community's most popular wells. It isn't! Three months into our first year during our review of JENESIS it was just me, mouldy, and Crusader No Regret posting about the megawad, which is what prompted me to realize that we need more than 3 people participating to make these threads worth it (imo). We took November off and then things continued trucking along ever since. Participation has always waned and waxed of course, but voting has been a much stronger indicator of where folks are at for next month. The less votes, the less likely people are to swing by and stay.
    9 points
  6. Aside from adding more trees in the jungle, I started working on one of the abandoned villages in the map. The tent on the right side of the picture is supposed to basically introduce the silent teleport method that I used a lot in my previous mapset, Battle for Toad Hall 20XX. There's supposed to be another village further along in the map. I also added in another beach area off to the side of the village. It just has a few more goodies. I'm not entirely sure what I'll add between the large village ruins and the end of the map, which I already have in mind on what I'll be making, which will essentially be the entrance to a large cave, which is basically where the Demons came from. Also, just for shits and giggles here are two images of the very first "jungle" map I made back in 2011 and also the last forest I made, which was in the previously mentioned mapset, Battle for Toad Hall 20XX.
    9 points
  7. Map07 - "Icy Manipulator" - @PinkFlamingo Map06 - "Speeddemon Seasonal Storage" - @Death Bear Map12 - "A Regular Normal Christmas" - @Grizzly Old B Map17 - "Green Goo Inc." - @Pistoolkip Map22 - "Demon Executive Bathhouse" - @LVENdead Map25 - "Ancient Storage Room" - @NiGHTS108 Map28 - "MURDER! DEATH! KILL!" - @BluePineapple72 Map34 - "Bridge Beyond" - @Scionox Map01 - "The Most Wonderful Powertrip of the Year" Out now! 44 maps of unrelentingly merry maps of Rowdy Rudy mayhem!
    9 points
  8. Astar

    Gallery of Suicide

    Basically, my second attempt at mapping. I spent more time on this map than it was worth... My inspiration was mainly from the same-titled album by band Cannibal Corpse. This wad can be quite brutal sometimes. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OQBS5tvvtXejxE956twmvhe3vdnbDXE4/view?usp=sharing You come to your senses in the cell. It seems that someone threw you here against your will... The smell of oxidized blood, rotten meat and bones... Death is in the air. You still have your pistol with you. Will you become the next victim in the Gallery of Suicide? IWAD - Doom 2 Doom2 (Doom format) Tested in GZDoom, Doom Retro 5.2, DSDA Works in hardware and software Freelook is optional Screenshots:
    7 points
  9. Congrats to all the survivors! I hope everyone enjoyed the my first WAD regardless. Watching some of you cooping with the map or reading your reactions was a lot of fun to me. So thanks for picking this!
    7 points
  10. Hi all! I've just released DOOM Retro v5.4! Please visit www.doomretro.com to download and for the full list of changes. Thanks again for everyone's support!
    7 points
  11. Titlepic by @OverflowingMocha ~~~~~~~~~ Yippie-kay-yay! ~~~~~~~~~ Wad File: Die Rowdy - RC2 (drive) Port: Boom limit removing - Complevel 9 - Tested in GZDoom/PRBoom Resources: Rowdy Rudy by Doomkid, Duke Nukem, Cagetex, and doomxmas.wad. Compiled in wad. IWAD: Doom II Notes: Requires UMAPINFO compatibility! Rowdy Rudy Jones received the call at 6PM on Christmas Eve. The Nakatomi Plaza had been invaded by an unknown group of assailants. Every floor of the building has been occupied. No one has been in or out since then. No demands have been given. No hostages taken. Police have failed to breach into the building. That's why they need you, Rowdy Rudy, the best Mercenary money can buy, to clear out the building and stop this occupation quickly before Christmas morning. Payment has been given in full up front with an expected bonus upon mission completion. You are expected to clear out hostiles floor by floor and rendezvous with a helicopter team waiting on the roof. Lock and load, and yippie-kay-yay motherfucker! Die Rowdy is a 44 map megawad created as the thirty-third edition of the Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping series in December of 2023. Loosely Christmas themed and highly Die Hard themed, each map was made with a skyscraper prefab and an elevator, courtesy of @ViolentBeetle's Hellavator, of which players will be required to find a red keycard in order to advance to the next floor. With a custom resource pack containing weapons and enemies curated by @Doomkid for the action packed Rowdy Rudy 2: Powertrip mashed together with festive Christmas sprites from doomxmas, this skyscraper splatterfest will be sure to have wadphiles debating for years whether or not this map pack is genuinely a Christmas wad or not. Known Bugs: I know it may seem it, but map12 is supposed to exit to map14. It's a feature! The barrel explosion is still broken. Change Log: N/A Map01 - The Most Wonderful Powertrip of the Year - BluePineapple72 Map03 - Office Drama - Horselessheadsman Map14 - Nakatomi Art Gallery - Pink Flamingo Map35 - Living-Impaired Areas - Muumi Map38 - An Unexpected Breeze - NiGHTS108 Maplist: MAP01 - The Most Wonderful Powertrip of the Year - @BluePineapple72 MAP02 - Hot Lead for Naughty Demons - @JJBoren MAP03 - Office Drama - @horselessheadsman MAP04 - In Case of Fire Use Shotgun - @Egregor MAP05 - Breaking Hard - @Pistoolkip MAP06 - Speeddemon Seasonal Storage - @Death Bear MAP07 - Icy Manipulator - @PinkFlamingo MAP08 - Operation Sewer Count - @MoiraHeart MAP09 - Kaiju Exterminators: You're one of them - @Yagacaw MAP10 - Hit the Showers - @Blexor MAP11 - A Rowdy Heist - @SergeantAnger MAP12 - A Regular, Normal Christmas - @Grizzly Old B MAP14 - Nakatomi Art Gallery - @PinkFlamingo MAP15 - Hot Head - @myolden MAP16 - Call Center Hell - @senpaigru MAP17 - Green Goo Inc. - @Pistoolkip MAP18 - Unsatisfactory Performance Review - @SirPootis MAP19 - Now I have a Chaingun... - @Razza MAP20 - Sleep Study Lab Z - @Yagacaw MAP21 - Elevator Floor - @Scionox MAP22 - Demon Executive Bathhouse - @LVENdead MAP23 - Surprise! - @DynamiteKaitorn / Heich MAP24 - Ho-Ho-Holy-Shit - TheBMFG MAP25 - Ancient Storage Room - @NiGHTS108 MAP26 - The Floor We Do Not Talk About - @NeilForshaw MAP27 - Casino Royale - @Tiramisu MAP28 - MURDER! DEATH! KILL! - @BluePineapple72 MAP29 - Bad Floor Planning - @Kuro_mahoh MAP30 - The Office - @Pistoolkip MAP31 - Christmas Smells Like Gunpowder - @JJBoren MAP32 - The Corner Offices by the Atrium - @Yagacaw MAP33 - Executive Disfunction - @Weird Sandwich MAP34 - Bridge Beyond - @Scionox MAP35 - Living-Impaired Areas - @muumi MAP36 - Human Resources - @Pistoolkip MAP37 - Caustic Clash - @Blexor MAP38 - An Unexcpected Breeze - @NiGHTS108 MAP39 - XXXmas Came Early!- @MoiraHeart MAP40 - Pounding Heartbeat - @NiGHTS108 MAP41 - Nowhere to Hide - @Scionox MAP42 - Rowdy Around the Christmas Tree - @BluePineapple72 Secret Maps: Additional Map Information: Special thanks to the PUSS event staff for helping wrap this up, to all of the playtesters who played this a whole lot, and to Santa Claus for putting me on the Nice List last year. Original Project Thread Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping Naughty & Nice ~~~~~~~~~ Until Next Time ,o7 ~~~~~~~~~
    6 points
  12. Alphabet Doom UV Max in 1:46:49 alpall-14649.zip
    6 points
  13. oh my god why would you dredge up this cringy-ass thread just to necropost in it and force everyone to see it. you goddamn bastard
    6 points
  14. A single-player BOOM map for DOOM II! One of the many UAC command centers on Earth has been left overrun by demons. I'm sure you know the drill by now. Kill em' all and get the hell out of there in one piece. SCREENSHOTS! DOWNLOAD: caroncmd.zip (idgames mirror)
    5 points
  15. Greetings, Entanglement is a single map for strong Boom-compatible ports originally made for ENDOOM Mapping Contest 2024. Thwart a rogue AI's plans to overtake the city with its demonic minions. General notes: moderately lengthy (~25-30 mins), linear, adventurous, fast-paced, mildly challenging at times. Screenshots: For additional information please see the readme file. Download from /idgames Have fun!
    5 points
  16. DannyMan

    Urbinex [NOW ON IDGAMES]

    Hello y'all, this is my first custom wad for HACX, it took a while to get here, so yeah. Just a singular level with no difficulty standard implemented. Tested with LZDOOM and dsda-doom Any source port (advanced or not) can be run with as it is limit removing or Vanilla in mind. Make sure to think where to hit the switches in buildings! Screenshots: Download: urbinex.zip
    5 points
  17. Alright, snap executive decision: I'll announce the names of the next three mappers after I've gotten a good night's sleep, heh. Stay tuned!
    5 points
  18. op_801 map01 uv max in 4:39 https://dsdarchive.com/wads/op_801 https://youtu.be/-1OrizIFpTI op81-439.zip
    5 points
  19. 8088mph

    Post your Doom textures!

    city wall texture
    5 points
  20. Special Thanks to these wonderful Playtesters: @finnks13 @Large Cat @NinjaDelphox @Cacodemon187 Special Thanks to @Spectere for his D!ZONE'D YouTube series as it was a huge inspiration. Check out his YouTube Channel here. If you're stuck on finding the RUST CODEX passcode, you can take a look at this hint system here. Minor notes I couldn't fit in above:
    4 points
  21. UNNAMED NEW DEATHMATCH PROJECT: MAP01: 'Battlefield Boulevard': I've decided to make a 3 map or so deathmatch project set in a war-torn environment. All I have so far are this fireblu hovertank, and this military gun cabinet holding the most complex 3D floor work I've ever done. Those machine guns have: a trigger, sights, barrel, butt, hollow end you can look down (even though you'd never be able to), magazine, trigger guard, front and rear grips, etc. Here is a picture of the hovertank, a picture of the gun cabinet w/ the newly made 3D floor guns stocked inside it, and a final picture looking down the sights of the machine gun. Of course, there is always tweaking to be done still, but I think this map is off to a good start!: The gun took me about 4 hours to make - was very hard to wrap my head around, but I think they look cool when paired w/ the traditional Doom 2 ammunition items. :D
    4 points
  22. I just really felt like releasing something after making a handfull of maps i'm not satisfied with the results of. So here it is :) . Info author: Natasha Nightmare. iwad: Doom 2. new levels: 1. mapslot: map01. Complevel: probably runs in anything. release date: today, May 2 2024. Difficulties: hmp has a few enemies removed/changed. https://www.mediafire.com/file/4tik9td8xu0y3d0/missbrukbeivras.wad/file Screenshots:
    4 points
  23. Well, we're at the end, and I've found myself very...busy. I'm slowly making my way through the wad, but I figured I'd share a little about Maps 13 and 33. Only a little. It was an honor to get played and reviewed again, and it was really nice to see positive reviews for MAP13, not counting the bloody softlocks. I'll get those fixed for the final-final version. It's nice to see my work enjoyed, ESPECIALLY City of the Dying Sun. This was my most ambitious map of the grandest scale out of anything I've made to date. I stretched my paws out a little bit and challenged myself to try and make a big map that wasn't a slog, and it really was a challenge after spending the better part of two years making smaller maps. I WILL say that it was supposed to be much bigger, because I wanted the secret path to be a COMPLETE alternate path to the main progression, and lead to an epic alien slugout before going to MAP33. Magnum Opus Syndrome hit me hard, but I don't regret it. For time constraints, it was cut, but maybe we'll see what became of it one day. My biggest personal complaint with this map is that I didn't really account for backtracking, and I think I could've dealt with that a bit better. Thanks for playing! MAP33 (named for a Star Wars reference) was meant to be a breather, and since I fancy run-and-gun, and this set was sorely missing it in favor of grandeur, I thought it would be enjoyed as something truly different. I guess it came off as underwhelming in context, but oh well...I suppose it would next to a whole bunch of big maps. I shelved the original vision for this, which was originally going to be my ONLY map...which was titled "Metropolis of Falling Stars", and was meant to be even more epic than MAP13, but smaller in physical scale. The problem was all of my time was sunk into the blood, sweat, and tears it took to get MAP13 finished because I spent probably 2 weeks massively frustrated as my map continued to break. I got to learn about nodebuilders and bigger maps, which I'm thankful someone pointed it out finally and fixed my problems immediately. So, yeah, all of my mapping energy went there, and I nearly burned out. In the end, it paid off for at least MAP13, I think, and MAP33 will just have to exist as it is. "Metropolis..." is another map for another day. Final fact: The Blue Key Shrine in MAP13 was modeled after this, which is a landmark here in my hometown. I've been here several times, and for those who might know THIS MOVIE that I loved growing up, it is actually seen during the training montage. The movie was filmed and took place here and I actually trained under and ran in circles with several of the area Martial Artists that were in the movie. Just thought that was a fun thing to share. This map actually meant a lot to me beyond just being a grand test of my mapping and something I am proud of, at the end of the day. Cheers, friends! Look forward to seeing this pick back up again in June!
    4 points
  24. Had an idea for a blown up city thing, complete w/ trenches, ruins, 3d-floor hovertanks, a weapon rack, craters, sandbag emplacements. Also an idea for a standing 3d floor rifle that I can lean against a wall, or something, variety of other little 'flavor' items - military DoomCute stuff, etc. etc. Made a prototype for the 'hovertank' thing so far: Gonna beef it up, and do some more aesthetics work on it, so it doesn't look so thin and glider-y. Almost done MAP08 of Dash CTF, too. Just need a little more detail, and maybe another small region of the map. Will be working on this 'blown up' war-themed level most of today. Hopefully I'll have something to show for it later! :D
    4 points
  25. The wheel has selected... @BeachThunder @Salmon @Raith138 Messages have been sent with the relevant details. Your 48 hours starts now! As an aside, try not to have more than two openings on any given side of your map: the openings you provide dictate to some degree how other people's map pieces will turn out, so it helps to not make things too complex for them.
    4 points
  26. I would be lying if this club meant nothing to me, after all it convinced me to revive an 8-year dormant Doomworld account, and who knows if the subsequent friends and maps I made in the community would ever have happened if it weren’t for this club. That being said, it’s a big time commitment to both play through and write about a megawad, especially if you’re trying to effortpost. Even if it’s a short wad like claustrophobia 1024 or whatever. I don’t have the freetime (or luck with illness, tbh) I used to back when I joined in late 2019 (which was probably an equally sparse period as now in terms of contributors) and can’t join in as much, even when I want to. Honestly I’m surprised this is the first time it’s happened in the club’s 12 year history (or maybe it isn’t) and it’s a good thing to take a month’s break and see if anyone is interested next month. And if not, it’s the right time to take a hiatus. with regards to other replies: There are plenty of quality megawads not yet played in the DWMC, even old 90s/00s megawads. Back in the club’s beginning, there was a list posted of possible megawads to play (I think by Jimmy?) and there’s loads that still haven’t been played by the club @Insaneprophet don’t be silly, you aren’t even 1% to blame. It only makes sense to vote for the wads you actually want to play after all
    4 points
  27. @Li'l devil There's a number of relatively well-known wads that weren't played yet - Doom 2 In Name Only, Community Chest 3, Nova, Auger;Zenith, Perdition's Gate and Hell to Pay, to name a few. On the other hand, the more recent releases brought in a number of people last year (like PUSS IX, Solar Struggle or PRCP 2). Hell, Eviternity II was chosen the next month it got released and it was a very active thread. I do wonder if the quantity of new wads is a culprit here. So much stuff gets released every month it might be hard to gather people to play one thing.
    4 points
  28. grungo, idk who you truly are or what your motives may be, but i just wanna say that i can tell that you're legitimately pretty talented at drawing. keep up the good work :)
    4 points
  29. Lol, this isn't 1337 speak, 7 is just Arabizi for ح. They avoided diacritics in favour of numbers for whatever reason, probably because it's easier to type on the chat services it came from. A7mad probably means أحمد (/ˈæħmæd/)
    4 points
  30. I started playing Doom on ITYTD back when I was an early teen and this was my gateway into Doom. Also let's be fair, I'm not sure that Coincident would be attempting UV-MAX runs of Okuplok if ITYTD wasn't there to let him try the level in a slightly easier form first thanks to the skill level modifiers. The other poster is right to be mad at you because your post (and video) does not contribute anything to the thread. Unless your UV-Max run of E1M2 somehow has you talking about the ITYTD difficulty and its merits the whole time, you're just spamming your content for the sake of doing so.
    4 points
  31. So you're fine with saying "I almost feel bad I'm giving the demons such a brutal and harsh punishment. Seeing their flesh rip off is just the cherry on top of things.", but you censor "DAMN"?
    4 points
  32. Done my part. Here is a snippet of my completed section;
    4 points
  33. I wanted to do sort of "Holographic futuristic police line". I'm still not particularly satisfied, but at least it's something. arrow.zip
    4 points
  34. Like @Cutman 999 said, this was definitely cracked. I think I liked it overall, though I found the last map frustrating more than anything. FDAs with -dsdademo for dsda-doom 0.27.5 https://user.fm/files/v2-a5eb17125daaf8eb21094395024637e7/gnome-plumsfdas.zip If you don't watch them, two bugs for MAP03: -you can grab the yellow key early by wobbling against the fence, it's not a huge deal since the path to the key is not too long. -you can straferun over the ledge to get into sector 31, and get softlocked.
    4 points
  35. I think it would be nice if the project leader at least makes a short announcement when the project is “officially abandoned”. At least when they're still around in this forum. Things happen, it's no shame. But it would help those who put effort into this and also those who are wondering if this is something they could potentially join.
    4 points
  36. Thanks to everyone who came out this month and challenged themselves against Slith. I hope to see everyone back next month, and perhaps bring a few new compatriots to try their hands at the endeavor. Without further ado, here are the final standings for IronEagle 65. UV SCF (Survived) Asbadgba (Survived) NaZa (Map 04) dt_ (Map 04) Suitepee (Map 04) ByRntStarOEI (Map 04) Somniac (Map 03) Dimon12321 (Map 03) Austinado (Map 03) Doomy__Doom (Map 02) joe-ilya (Map 02) PBeGood (Map 02) SleepyVelvet (Map 02) Anima Zero (Map 02) LegendaryEevee (Map 02) MxCraven (Map 01) HMP LadyMistDragon (Map 03) head_cannon (Map 03) HNTR Andromeda (Survived) Horus (Map 04) Pegleg (Map 02)
    4 points
  37. Hey all, we've finally hit a record low for next month's votes (5 people voted, max votes are 2 for Good Morning Phobos, 2 for Autophagy) and as such I'm (currently) not going to make a topic for May. I might bump this thread at the end of the month to see if people wanna participate in June, otherwise I don't think it's all too terrible to go on a small hiatus until more support organically pops-up. I weighed the idea of making a thread if like 8 people signed up to participate next month, but I don't like the insinuation that folks are contractually obligated to write stuff or the club dies. Sound good?
    4 points
  38. E2M2 - Storage Unit. I will make a thread in this year.
    4 points
  39. Hello there ! Here comes an OST for the remake, made with the Aubrey Hodges presets used for the PSX version of "Final Doom". I hope you will enjoy it ! ;) To tell you explicitly, it has been made for replacing the soundtrack made for this project : Download it here ! If you want a preview, click right here. ;) The WAD File for the "Ultimate Doom" part. The WAD File for "Doom 64".
    3 points
  40. Twitch is the very definition of an overcrowded marketplace. For every popular streamer that apparently "Everyone has heard of" except me (probably because my total time watching game streams could probably be measured in single digits), there's millions more who will never get noticed. Not saying it's impossible for you specifically to get noticed, but instant gratification and recognition it most definitely is not. And Doom, for all it's amazing popularity 3 decades after release, is still very niche. So you're saying that unless you do the things that typically get people well known in this community, you won't get well known? What exactly is it you want? Obviously you're upset about something, but what exactly you would like to happen is a bit murky based on your post alone.
    3 points
  41. sold I've been reading the comments over the course of this month and this is EXACTLY what I wanted from this wad. Longass city maps that eventually venture into slaughterfest territory and try to decimate you to the very core. Can't wait to sink my teeth into this stuff!
    3 points
  42. Wow, thanks for so many insightful responses, friends! I'm glad that you think the game is good or even a masterpiece, hehe. To be honest, when I was playing it (2 years ago was my first time, so it was a Remastered version) I was clearly thinking "It's just like a GZDoom Total Conversion, but made before anything Doomish/Buildish released. I mean, slopes,HUBS, inventory you can find in Hexen, radio dialogues you can find in Strife, some polyoobjects and scripts are from the ZDoom era. It was blowing my mind. The game was ahead of its time. Period.
    3 points
  43. ABYSS m11 - UV Fast - 4:29 m15 - UV Fast - 3:43 ab11f429.zip ab15f343.zip
    3 points
  44. If anyone's interested, I threw together a quality of life release by rolling in my patches from InjectD3 and adding some new ones. Plays nicely in multiplayer and I've been running the campaign for a while and it seems fine. It's available here. It's still a little rough around the edges, I feel, but hey if you want your Descent 3 fix in ultrawide with expanded fov, I've got you
    3 points
  45. I don't want to believe that it's been 8 years since the new Doom was released and now there are adults who remember it as a "childhood memory". It's just... wrong. Anyway, as a child, Doom scared me because of its darkness. It looked much more real on those CRT monitors with a resolution of 320x200, because imagination is more powerful than any modern sourceport.
    3 points
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