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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/24 in all areas

  1. Hi Shep, Sorry to hear you aren't doing well. I'd have loved a chance to reply to your message directly, but it seems you've blocked me on discord :( To somewhat echo what others have already been saying, you seem to put your channel's growth above everything else, and it shows. I don't want to speak for others, but generally in conversations in others' streams and in discord servers you don't really seem interested in being a part of the conversation or the community. These places seem to only be avenues for you to promote your livestream. This is the vibe I have gotten from you very early on at least, and hasn't really changed. I never really had a problem with this behavior at first. I get it. You start streaming, you want people to watch. How do you let people know that you stream? Well you have to tell them, right? I think this is where you might have had a misstep or two. In my opinion, the best way to let people know you stream is to integrate with the community outside of your stream. Participate in discussion, doom-related or not, make friends. Oh man, people are talking about THAT_HOT_NEW_WAD.WAD? Yeah, let them know you're interested and will probably play that on stream later. This approach is a lot more natural, and you get the added bonus of making friends along the way. Friends who might stop by to support your stream or whatever, you know? My point is, your approach is off-putting, even more so when you get aggravated that people aren't coming into your stream, as if you DESERVE their attention. It doesn't work like that, and it is absolutely a mindset you need to abandon. If Napsalm is live, he is not taking "my" viewers. If people are talking in Arlene's discord, she is not taking the attention of "my users" away from me. If you are thinking like this, you need to reverse the mindset ASAP, or you will end up frustrated beyond belief. The only other thing I'd like to address is your animosity toward me. I have been nothing but cordial with you since you popped up in the category, raided you on several occasions, and supported you when possible. Back in December you showed my discord server on your livestream, named people who were in the private voice channel, then said something to the effect of "fuck it, I don't care if he bans me" while posting your twitch link in the general chat, despite there being a no self-promotion rule. We seemed to smooth it over, but now I get a message from you saying you aren't pleased that I "hijacked the entire community" and made it my own? Brother, you have some seriously misplaced animosity going on and I think you should either take a break from the streaming gig or consider why you're doing it in the first place. I don't know what I did to you to deserve to be blocked other than have a relatively active but small discord server that I put a lot of my time and effort into to keep a fun place to talk about doom. Either way, I hope this is just a rut for you that you'll pull yourself out of, and despite the disposing message, let me know if you ever want to just talk about things, doom-related or not. Much love
    32 points
  2. Life is also a lot different than what it was about 5 years ago. more people were home during the pandemic which means they had more time to watch streams, etc. you also have to be super consistent in your schedule and in a timezone that doesn't suck, Twitch sucks at telling me who's in what timezone so I can't tell what yours is. I had a very quick glance at your channel and a couple things stand out at a glance (I've actually unfortunately never caught one of your streams so I'm coming in fresh): 1. your streams are extremely short (less than two hours). not saying you have to stream full 8 hour days if you're not treating it like a full time job, but that's barely enough time for people to really get "comfy" with your stream. I don't know your situation ofc but if possible, try to bump that up to 4 hours if you can. 2. in a couple of your thumbnails for past broadcasts there's a giant gallon-size water jug sitting in the corner of your webcam and that's going to be enough to annoy anyone. there's a stream where it's there the entire time and even more of your webcam gets taken up by the jug and it's extremely distracting. it gives off a lack of care about people's viewing experience and that will make people click off. 3. in your trailer video you keep the same face the entire time that you're talking and it just generally sounds unenthusiastic? not unpleasant, but Twitch and Youtube also requires a bit of charisma/showmanship to keep people's interest. honestly I would suggest maybe ditching the webcam for now because your voice sounds genuinely pleasant to hear, plenty of Doom streamers also do this (KingDime comes to mind, you actually have a sorta similar cadence). 4. Get this out of your Twitch description. I know you're going through a rough time, but this is showbiz. It is okay to say that you're taking a break/hiatus while you sort out what's going on with your channel but this just screams frustrated, angry, and probably stopping sometime soon, so you're not going to fix your issues this way. 5. Maybe reduce your schedule to 1-2 quality streams per week. you are going to burn out quickly doing every day streams, even if they're short. speaking from experience :) 6. I will agree with the others that playing popular WADs may get you noticed more, but you may also find yourself a niche with people who enjoy older WADs. Above all, if you're not having fun (as it looks like is the case), you've hit burnout. Take a break, re-assess what you want from the community, re-assess what you want to do with your stream, and take a deep breath. Do it because you like it, if you do it to get popular you'll end up miserable. I've also experienced significant decline in my channel growth, and it sucks to see, but I just keep on doing streams once a week to share my progress on projects or play something fun. Make it fun and make it yours, don't chase what other people are doing.
    27 points
  3. Plutonia Map 32 UV-Max in 2:16 pl32m216.zip
    18 points
  4. Feels like a lot of people are entitled for no reason. Doesn't matter if you've been around for 22 years if you're a do nothing nobody.
    16 points
  5. Hell Keep Tech Base This mini project is reaching its final stage
    16 points
  6. Speaking of getting good, you should get good at making threads.
    12 points
  7. Stoked with how this building's turned out (though it looks a bit top-heavy here as I snapped this shot in software rendering mode)
    12 points
  8. Various screenshots from my in-progress megawad, Devilbuster Dreams MAP04: Dragon Knight MAP06: Castle Gardens III MAP13: Black Coffee MAP11: The Baker's Dozen
    11 points
  9. Sounds like you're doing twitch for the wrong reasons. You have to be unbelievably lucky to get famous ANYWHERE or you have to be born into it. And I've yet to hear of the first kid inheriting their father/mother's twitch "kingdom." You can't do a thing for a long time and expect to get famous on that merit alone. Think of the millions of people who have worked their asses off for decades doing the same job and never got a job-promotion. And passive-aggressiveness paired with putting yourself down won't help your case, nor garner sympathy. On the contrary. Ok, so what do you do about it? I assume you like what you do on twitch. Great. Keep doing it to the capacity that you want but understand that what you do specifically clearly isn't helping you get famous. So either stop trying to get famous (Which is my best advice to anyone, ever) or dedicate your time to a completely different genre. If you're doing twitch for the money, then I suggest turning the twitch thing into a hobby and go finding a regular job if you're able to hold one. Fame isn't happiness. Money isn't happiness, and making money on twitch is directly linked to your popularity. Finding what fulfills you emotionally however is happiness. Do what gives you personal joy. If you can turn that into a job, great. If not, keep it as your hobby. "Rawrwrawrar don't tell me what to do you philosophising intellectual!" I mean you don't have to. But I'm giving you some tough love from my personal experience with therapy. Take it or leave it.
    11 points
  10. Silent Hill 3 has the largest and scariest collection of sound effects of any game I know. To date, no compilation exists online. So I just manually ripped the entire bunch from the PS2 game and stored the collection here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11wq8MyA7MJPgbINyPgZM6d-Z2P_auGcQ/view?usp=sharing Enjoy.
    10 points
  11. I also wanted to create a PSA billboard or poster saying "This is your tool, not your god" but couldn't come up with good design. Update: Did something with the idea, though not what I originally wanted. Imagine having this in your server room: Extra edit with brighter color scheme Extra update: I decided to add some noise to the text, which seems to improve visibility somewhat. This picture isn't strictly speaking paletted, but when fed into SLADE it looks about the same after paletting.
    10 points
  12. So what I'm hearing is, I need to start another pandemic to get popular. Alright, seems like an easy task.
    10 points
  13. Introducing Murder In Metropolis Pt. 1, a Vanilla-compatible map designed with aesthetics and gameplay in mind. A personal observation of mine is that the urban areas of the original Doom II only abstractly resemble the locations they were attempting to create, yet they often lack the core qualities, or essence rather, that said areas possess. This is an attempt to rectify that within vanilla limitations, replete with working pumping equipment, cars, buildings, and industrial stations. This map is a part of two, with the next aiming to create a realistic city plaza with cars and stoplights! [Replaces Map17] Around 3 - 4 Weeks Typical Playtime: 8 - 11 Minutes Credits: PatchTex by Gothic Midi Track by Jamie Robertson Ports Tested: Chocolate Doom (No crashes or hitches on my end...) Crispy Doom Doom Retro https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ut0W5iGi42PY263fPaLB6nmbnbW1zF70/view?usp=sharing
    9 points
  14. Hello ! I am posting here, for the first time, a MAP from myself. The map, "CONQUEST" : (read all the text before downloading please) https://www.mediafire.com/file/scr6cjkm376qe8y/MAP01-CONQUEST.wad/file (ancient version obsolete : https://www.mediafire.com/file/n0qa019oqtacjj9/MAP01-reve.wad/file ) The situation is a bit complicated, I have done the map in Ultimate Doom Builder, testing with GZDoom BUT for YOU to play it, you must open the wad with UDB AND add the 4 official WAD for Ressource : Doom, Doom 2, TNT and Plutonia (very important sorry) and then testing it (to play it normaly) with UDB whith F9. Other way, with only GZDoom and Doom 2, a LOT of textures will be missing, I try a bit to solve it, but the amount of textures to search, find, copy etc is excruciating to say the least. My map use a custom sky from the WAD Arrival and the instrumental version of Fuel, from Metalica. I have also done myself some custom textures and object (bloody skull, vines, pink-teck wall etc.), there is no new monsters, mechanics or weapons. I can do my map with 100% kill, saveless and secretless in around 18 minutes or so. You will take, in a full blind run, at least 25 min and max 50 min, you are expected to die at least 2 to 3 times. There is no difficulty change : no less monsters or more health is easy mod for exemple, but the difficulty expected is Ultra-violence or Hurt Me Plenty if you want a simpler life. So, finally, the WAD consist of 1 map (map01) which is called "CONQUEST", in this map, you will explore a alien planet which was clamed, just like Earth, by the Demons and you must do the dirty work yourself in a green and desoleted wasteland of ashes. You will start in a hellish place without sky and you must first traverse the Fire Blue Portal to enter the new extra-terrestrial world. This map uses New lighting object from UDB as well as 3D platformes in some places. Good luck, you will need it ! Note : If I have done any mystakes of misspeling, please ignore as I am not English ! . No crouching, no jumping, no mouse look LamaRoux34 Some quick screenshots of the map (in IDDQD :>) :
    9 points
  15. Twitch is the very definition of an overcrowded marketplace. For every popular streamer that apparently "Everyone has heard of" except me (probably because my total time watching game streams could probably be measured in single digits), there's millions more who will never get noticed. Not saying it's impossible for you specifically to get noticed, but instant gratification and recognition it most definitely is not. And Doom, for all it's amazing popularity 3 decades after release, is still very niche. So you're saying that unless you do the things that typically get people well known in this community, you won't get well known? What exactly is it you want? Obviously you're upset about something, but what exactly you would like to happen is a bit murky based on your post alone.
    9 points
  16. Indigo Coast is a Single level DOOM II WAD designed for ZDoom, built and planned out by myself (.daniel) over the course of roughly almost 2 years (procrastination included). Assets are almost completely vanilla, with some textures stitched together by myself or taken from Hexen II, skybox taken from Mek's Box O' Skies; the midi featured in the level was made by Dial-Up for Murder (check out their music, very cool stuff.) The map got off to a pretty slow start around December of 2022 and finalized on April of this year. Initially planned out as a boom compatible map, the level itself is a pretty chill experience overall, with a large emphasis on atmosphere (visual and auditory!), some exploration here and there rewarded by optional paths and overall just having as good a time as possible. More story stuff and other information can be found in the text file included with the wad. Be warned, as there is some backtracking involved throughout the map. Not as daunting if you plan on just running through the map playing it normally but when going for 100% completion it does become a bit frequent. This map was tested on GZDOOM and ZDOOM. It will surely work on Zandronum but it will definitely not work on any Boom-based sourceport. Allows for: -Freelook -Jumping and Crouching Though the map does not offer any additional advantages nor does it punish the player for playing with either freelook or jump/crouching enabled. Special thanks to pretty much anyone who downloads and gives the wad a shot! At the time of posting this I'm working on a follow-up to the WAD, with one level already finished. Hopefully anyone who plays and enjoys this map looks forward to that, and maybe people who don't enjoy this WAD will find a thing or two to like in the second one. DOWNLOADS: MODDB: https://www.moddb.com/mods/indigo-coast IDGAMES: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/indigo MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6s94hpoez7wqxxi/INDIGO_V1.2.zip/file SCREENSHOTS: thanks for reading :)
    8 points
  17. Not everyone who enjoys Doom watches or even cares about streams. Other people have already eloquated this point, so I'll do it from another angle: Consider a venn diagram of people who play Doom and people who watch streams. That slice in the middle? I don't have the data, but I bet it's almost imperceptible. Personally as a Doom player for over 20 years, I don't want to watch other people play. If I want to interact with other people in this context, I'll fire up Zandronum or go to the forums. The most I'll watch is a 5-10 minute review or a 2-5 minute gameplay snippet of a wad to decide if I want to play it myself. I imagine that's how most Doomers old and new roll. When I see people plugging their streams and attaching their name everywhere so they can get clout, that's offputting. If you play the ''Lol I've been here for ages why am I not semi-famous'' card, that sounds like entitlement. Complaining about it is weak behaviour. Speedrunning is a feat of technical skill. Even someone who doesn't care for speedrunning can appreciate that. Mapping creates more content for the game and is also a feat of technical skill, and when done right, artistic talent. Same goes for gameplay modding. Leading community projects results in the creation of more content and drives more people to create and improve what they can make. All three of the categories you mentioned are all inherently more generative and meaningful than just streaming a gameplay video with commentary. I consider mappers and moders as most deserving of recognition for these reasons, with the additional category of people who maintain and update the source ports.
    8 points
  18. It can't be emulated, for that person would be an impostor.
    8 points
  19. Stream because you enjoy it, not to chase numbers. And yeah, seconding what other people have said here. Feeling like you own viewers or people owe you something is a short path to misery and resentment.
    8 points
  20. I'm surprised that this hasn't been done before, Hexen gargoyle statues with Doom's marble colors Doom pillars, these are a bit smaller than the Hexen pillar ones so they can fit on the pillars better- Hexen pillars, original scale to the Hexen sprites-
    7 points
  21. The sheer amount of blunt in Decay's responses kills me every time.
    7 points
  22. @fai1025 I coordinated with dmh094 to take their map 9 slot, so here's my submission. Map Slot: Episode 2, MAP 9 Map Title: "Betonique" Author: stochastic MIDI: "Судно (Борис Рижий)" MIDI by Molchat Doma Download: Download (all my Doomium II maps) Description: You find yourself in a cistern full of abstract, brutalist architecture - and as usual, you're not alone. At least you have some upbeat music to get the blood and rockets pumping. Dev Notes: Par Time = 7:00. Wanted to build a map with weird, blocky, abstract brutalist structures - I purposely went with less detail to fit the brutalist architectural style, and added plenty of water features to fit the episode's theme. Screenshot:
    7 points
  23. Arrowhead

    Doomcute thread

    Bit of a cross-post from the 'what are you working on' thread, but I felt I could add a couple more images here. The SMGs in the cabinet were made nearly entirely w/ 3D floors. Gun cabinet w/ 3D floor submachine guns: Up closer view of side of guns - this is a slightly older image, ignore the tiny holes above the barrels, I've since corrected that. :) Top of guns: Down the sights: I'm working on a small military themed DM pack. I also made this tank w/ FIREBLU powered propulsion thrusters - but I may still change some stuff on that, still!: Working right now on a ravaged little town that just experienced a large battle. Figured out how to make pretty believable impact craters using warped slopes. That level is going to have a lot of DoomCute too - this whole pack will, so I may be returning to post more here down the road!! :D
    7 points
  24. Genuinely not trying to be rude, (can't stress this enough) but any reason you aren't trying to do those things? Have you tried mapping before? I don't know anything about your content, that's why I'm asking you. You recognize that those who are doing those types of activities (mapping, speedrunning, project leading, etc.) are the people that get eyes on their content - have you tried to do any of those things you've mentioned? From the way you've written the post it seems like you haven't, but perhaps I'm wrong. If you know that's what gets 'attention' in this community, and that's what you're looking for, (eyes on your content, as evidenced by your own post) why aren't you adapting to it, or at least trying to adapt to it? Really, what's stopping you from getting good at mapping, attempting speedruns, or even hosting a community project for an idea you find interesting? If something isn't working for you, try something new! I'm assuming you're open to some suggestions / criticism or you wouldn't be making a public thread like this. Lamenting your situation has never helped anybody before - with anything in life - not trying to get philosophical here - I know you're upset, I at least assume so - but don't give up! Try carving yourself some kind of niche - and then be satisfied w/ whatever sized audience you end up getting - but expressing that you're gonna be left behind is no way to do this, IMO. Adapt what you're doing - you seem to know, like I said, the kind of thing that potentially draws viewers - try doing one or some of those things! :)
    7 points
  25. E2M2 - Storage Unit. I will make a thread in this year.
    7 points
  26. The Island of Killer Cacos iwad: Doom 2 Slots: Map01 - Map13, MAP31 and MAP32 Format: UDMF Tested with: GzDoom Redering: Hardware Acceleration is recommended There are few visual bugs on Software but the game is playable Jumping: No Difficulty levels: Supported Balanced for a pistol start on UV (ammo can at times be little bit tight) Textures: Otex 1.1 DOWNLOAD Music Also, big thanks to the people who played the early versions of some of the maps.
    6 points
  27. Modern doom was a mistake so the less games the better imo
    6 points
  28. Yes they should milk it dry until we all hate it.
    6 points
  29. Sorry to hear that you're feeling down buddy I wish I had the right words to cheer you up but not really I had my own little crisis the other night because this is just really too much to contend with and I'm feeling quite burnt out myself there's no real Road or Avenue to take that doesn't lead to some kind of burnout with this past time and life is kind of about balance Need to find joy and fulfillment and other places as well and for me I've been a lot less active and happy lately so I'm actually going to focus more on myself and get out there get those endorphins get walking and find more things to occupy my time so I think we're both in kind of a rut of some sort It's nice to see the outcry of support and ideas in this thread and I agree with most of them and yeah twitch is just not something appealing to me don't be offended by that YouTube is enough for me I can't keep up with too many platforms I will say this and truly you're more recent stream of playing my maps have been a great sense of joy to me and I've even rewatched a few key moments a few times you've made me laugh my ass off and made me happy to see my work get played but these kind of things are more mapper oriented which is kind of why I started my thing to begin with to help mappers out but trying to get Mass Appeal is a tall drink of water and in the end maybe you might not want it because it can become a hassle and become too much to keep up with The bottom line is to keep things fun and sustainable for yourself if you're not having a good time then as hard it is to say you might need to break off walk around find other things reorient yourself and I hope you get there buddy stay positive keep your chin up and get that perspective you need I've been having the most fun lately just chatting in the community and with some buddies good friends and community and that's shown here too I wish I was more coherent but that's the best I can do just take care and try not to stress because yeah it's not good You're a good person buddy keep your stick on the ice
    6 points
  30. I've been playing the game for almost 25 years, where's my ticket to entitlement???
    6 points
  31. started on a set of somewhat short and tough maps I'm calling Stone Flower. 01-03 of likely 5, they're pretty green and brown.
    6 points
  32. Map07 - "Icy Manipulator" - @PinkFlamingo Map06 - "Speeddemon Seasonal Storage" - @Death Bear Map12 - "A Regular Normal Christmas" - @Grizzly Old B Map17 - "Green Goo Inc." - @Pistoolkip Map22 - "Demon Executive Bathhouse" - @LVENdead Map25 - "Ancient Storage Room" - @NiGHTS108 Map28 - "MURDER! DEATH! KILL!" - @BluePineapple72 Map34 - "Bridge Beyond" - @Scionox Map01 - "The Most Wonderful Powertrip of the Year" Out now! 44 maps of unrelentingly merry maps of Rowdy Rudy mayhem!
    6 points
  33. In discord some people were talking about how they got their way into doom, doom speedrunning, and the community in general. So, this thread is for players to flesh out their histories prior to this game and how they got into doom speedrunning, if they wish to share. Additionally, you can include the "end point" for how you got to speedrunning this game, aka the moments that keep you speedrunning or the ones you remember most fondly from speedrunning. If you feel like you're on a soapbox chatting about your own history don't worry, it's fairly interesting to a lot of people I bet. Mostly though it's about the prior history part. I'll go first. Peak Moments: Sorry for the walls of text, my ability to ramble is somewhat genetic and I take a UV-Max approach to talking sometimes adding in unnecessary details. Anyways share your paths here and vivid speedrunning/community moments that keep you here, I'm really interested in player histories and details =D
    5 points
  34. Playing in DSDA-Doom 0.25.6, on UV with saves, I don't consider myself a particularly good Doom player. Version I'm going through is the April 22 version of the resource pack. Moment of Conception On this go-around, I'm appreciating that the map introduces almost the entire roster, defanged by the wide open playground of a layout. The midi and mix of indoor and outdoor areas make it pleasant to inhabit, which I'm sure I've already mentioned, but bears repeating. The platform with 4 medikits not triggering an ambush of some kind was the only thing that felt a bit odd. Looking back, pain elementals would introduce too much urgency in a map that's otherwise a fine-tuned opener. Getting Smaller The technical stuff has been mentioned, so I'll stick to gameplay. The deadliest things in this map are the hitscan ambushes, particularly the two chaingunner ambush at the start. Hitscanner galleries will deny any space they have line of sight to, which means in the fights that had them I felt boxed into corners, or running back and forth clearing out the hitscan while hoping I don't get chipped too much. The heavier demons spawn in infighting pairs, which makes them easy to deal with. Feeling like the map's boxing you into a corner of a big area makes it feel stretched out, rather than large. I'd suggest replacing a good chunk of the hitscanners with projectile monsters, or giving the player more cover to work with. Turret arch-viles with pockets of cover the player can run through also work well as area denial without feeling constricting, since running between cover won't get you shot. I'd also suggest using pinkies, lost souls or revenants to flush the player out of cover, especially in the fight after the elevator lowers. The Fallen Citadel The first fight kind of boils down to herding and SSGing down a clump of monsters. Breaking it up into smaller fights or leaning more on turret enemies would help. The map progression feels like it could use 2-3 more small fights, maybe ones that repopulate an area, like the arachno/manc one. I liked the map, and the vanilla citadel looks smashing. Cesspit This definitely feels like Chasm. I'm rather ambivalent on that map, so that's neither here nor there. My main takeaways are that while there's a lack of signposting, and playing it felt a bit uneven, I liked it overall. Varying up the ceiling and lighting levels more would go a long way aesthetically and for not getting the player lost, though I'm also a scatterbrain. I liked the indoor areas other than the red key one, but I'm just not a fan of mazes. The yellow key and ending are good setpiece fights, but felt a bit out of tune with how the blue and red keys go down. It needs some tightening up I think, but this is solid stuff. Silvershine Station The silver and compblu visuals are slick and the midi is fresh. I'll admit to shameless bias toward run and gun, but if the combat were more free-associative - removing doors, ambushes directly pushing the player into more ambushes, tweaking the layout so there's no good place to stand your ground - it'd be a ripper, I think. Ammo felt a little tight, but I'd attribute that to how I played. Grounded Cozy map. Ammo still felt a little tight, even when using the turret monsters to clear chaff. Derelict Compound Knockout, no notes
    5 points
  35. Hey there, sorry to hear you're feeling down shep. I wanna say a few things 'in defense' of you without taking away from the honest and I think good feedback you've gotten from people like @Major Arlene and @Meowgi. I also want to share some of my own thoughts. I have been watching your channel for... over a year now? In that time I've probably seen you play dozens of wads that were just released in RC1. Looking just through your VODs from the past month I see PUSS33, Doomworld Dating Simulator and Crate Expectations. I've seen you play a lot of new stuff: streams that probably have helped mappers in one way or another to make their stuff better, and I wanna thank you for that. Last year I wrote a critical message to you in a DM, and you wrote a comprehensive and kind message back to me and adjusted your behaviour on stream. Thank you again for that, buddy. Not everybody can take feedback like that and I respect it a lot. I've watched your channel a lot and I have never given you feedback on how I thought you could make your stream grow. This despite me hearing you talk about your stream and hearing your desire for growing as a channel often. The feelings you've expressed in this thread: I've heard those expressed quite a few times. Each time I thought the same thing: talking about channel growth in a negative way on your stream is not content I like. Yes, you have those feelings but expressing them like that is not the best look for your brand, I think. Showing things like confidence, joy, humility, having fun with the maps and chat: those are the kinds of things I am drawn to in streamers. You do all of those, but hearing the negative talk about how you are not getting the attention you would want is often in there as well and it doesn't feel nice to me. If you want: hit me up on discord and I'll have a voice conversation there with you or however you want. With you and me talking about this whole thing and me giving you direct (honest/ harsh?) feedback on how I think you could grow your channel. For whatever my experience as quite the casual streamer is worth. I hope you can find a better fit into the broader Doom community, without any negativity or entitlement and just the joy of the maps and the people. Take care dude.
    5 points
  36. My new Hovertank design - I completely re-vamped it - I thought the previous one was both too flat, and too thin! This looks better to me, and you can traverse a trench that goes directly under it - it also now bobs, but you can't tell that from the image, when I finish the map, I'll post a GIF showing it off: Some sassy futuristic shell cannons, likely a barrage was responsible for the crater image below this image - there will eventually be some golden shells sloped to a pinnacle in a stacked pile next to them. There are invisible bridge pieces, so you can zip over them, and not get hung up on anything: A big ol' dirty impact crater in the ground - this one was fun to make w/ the fissured slopes I had to do in a circle: It looks better in-game, because you can see more of the concave effect better. Anyway, I'm off to bed, but this will likely be done tomorrow. I've got the entire little blown-up town already figured out, so that's good. Goodnight everyone!! :D
    5 points
  37. Okay, wow. I didn't realize there was more backstory here and if this is the treatment Meowgi is getting, I shudder to think what would be said to or about people more popular than him. This is really sad to read and yeah, I guess my next suggestion would be to not engage in this kind of behavior. Community and collaboration is valued on Twitch and doing anti-social things like this will be a swift way to make you unpopular. There are literally rules on Twitch about self-promotion and etiquette. Please follow them.
    5 points
  38. Map29 UV Max in 5:51-upr29-551.zip
    5 points
  39. Update - The map is coming along nicely. It will be very doable with a pistol start. There will be secrets as well. The map is very straight-forward just as the original E1M1 was. When you see the map you will know that it is old school stuff, but that's just me. I will make it a little more difficult as well so it won't be a walk in the park when you explore it. Just like in E1M1 there will be no keys required to exit the map but hopefully it will be interesting enough for you to explore the entirety of the map. You will also have the same monsters as in E1M1. I pay close attention to texture alignments and I also insure there are no death traps. There will also be deathmatch starts as well with weapons setup for deathmatch play if desired. Also, this map will be a tad larger (ahem) than the original E1M1 in Ultimate Doom and it is limit removing but is to be played like original doom which means no mouse look (told you I was old school). Just keeping you updated. Thanks everyone! Cadman - Member TeamTNT / Doom2 Grandmaster DHT5 Standards
    5 points
  40. Map 02 2P co-op NM-Speed in 0:11. (player 1: me, player 2: @GarrettChan) ev02nc011.zip
    5 points
  41. I'm not quite sure what you mean by this... From what I know, your main content is Twitch live-streaming... Which let's not kid ourselves, streaming is hard gig. Not only for exposure, but you are also playing Doom, which in the whole grand scheme of things on Twitch is a small subset of the site. You could possibly make an argument that people would rather watch Doom speedrunner streams, due to those being seen by some as possibly "more entertaining", but I'm still not quite sure what it is you're feeling. One thing that I can say is that it's not just streamers that can feel like this. I think with the way Doomworld is currently set up, you kinda have to pray that your new release stays on the first page long enough to be seen. Once your release hits the second page, you are most likely not gonna get much views unless you have already made a name for yourself as a mapper. I think this is largely due to the "WAD Releases & Development" subforum also including WADs that have been released ages ago, so your new release can easily get pushed to the second page just from some comments from old projects. Personally, I think it would be nice if "New Releases" had it's own subforum where WADs could have a lifetime of around 1-2 weeks there, so that it would be easier to see actual new releases as opposed to existing releases which just end up pushing those down. Either way, @LadyMistDragon has a point regarding the WAD flavour of the week and popularity. Unfortunately I have seen quite a few WADs that I thought were pretty good get overshadowed by other project simply due to getting pushed off the first page, and the mapper being unknown. At this point, it kinda is somewhat of a popularity contest to see if people check out your WAD or not. Same could be said when it comes to Twitch and streaming. I've often noticed streaming myself, that people will more often check in to your streams if you play the more popular WADs. Whenever you play some WAD that's much older and not currently popular, less people will typically check out your stream. I'm saying this to you @TheShep, because I noticed you tend to play alot of older WADs. Again nothing wrong with that (I like many older WADs), but it's kinda just how it is.
    5 points
  42. The thing you're speaking of is just the nature of the beast I'm afraid. Some wads are a little "flavor of the week-ish" regarding their popularity and moreover, not everyone has the personality to stand out somehow in the community. There are still plenty of people that'll support you if Eevee's post is any indication at least. Find your friends and it won't matter so much how known you are to the broader community.
    5 points
  43. Dude, people like us are also the blood of the game, people do the maps, the proyects and stuff, but we also are the one that take our time to play it and enjoy it.
    5 points
  44. i'm sorry but this made me giggle a little, heh. promising that all your textures are aligned and that it's playtested is just...so 90s. i love it. aligning textures is stupidly easy nowadays (not that slip-ups don't happen ofc), and if you want some really good playtesting and criticism, there's loads of people here that would be more than willing to step up to that. hell, i myself would love to playtest the maps of an older member getting back into mapping ( @Obsidian and @Torn can vouch for me being a decent-ish playtester), especially those of a member of teamtnt!
    4 points
  45. 10/10 situation handling, would definitely hire as PR person if i was running for president and got caught in a compromising situation.
    4 points
  46. I finally had time to get to my pocket386 today (a new 386sx40 handheld laptop made by the maker of the book8088 and hand386). RealDOOM ran on it first try! .. Of course, so did FastDoom and vanilla DOOM 1.9. This is a 32-bit machine after all. So of course I ran some benchmarks, shareware demo3 with 9 screenblocks (default settings) High Detail FastDoom 2134 in 10547 (7.081 FPS) Vanilla DOOM 2134 in 15505 (4.817 FPS) RealDOOM 2134 in 28804 (2.593 FPS) Low Detail FastDoom 2134 in 6144 (12.156 FPS, 1.72x improvement) Vanilla DOOM 2134 in 9388 (7.96 FPS, 1.65x improvement) RealDOOM 2134 in 20437 (3.65 FPS, 1.40x improvement) (i think something in the realdoom low detail renderer is currently bugged - i'll have to revisit) Potato FastDoom 2134 in 3678 (20.307 FPS, 2.87x improvement) I'm starting to believe that a large screened Potato quality on a fast 286 may actually lead to some playable framerates...
    4 points
  47. Trying to create a new ghost design for my wad, and going with a death shroud aesthetic. Slowly gaining confidence in freehanding things Edit:When asked by a discord pal "Can it waifu?" Slowly making the rotations...gotta keep that booty
    4 points
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