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Did anyone ever actually use these strange joysticks?
JustHeziel and 11 others reacted to Gifty for a topic
"I'm John Romero and this is my favorite joystick on the citadel"12 points -
8 points
Doomworld Maximum Project 2024
obake and 7 others reacted to Biodegradable for a topic
@Li'l devil @Frank Harper @Vanilla+Unicorn8 points -
What are you playing Doom on these days?
Grain of Salt and 7 others reacted to yakfak for a topic
- laptop - wow! - pretty glowing keys - one jammed fan8 points -
I just realized I didn't actually make a thread for this and only posted it on twitter, oopsies!! Well for anyone who still actually plays deathmatch, here's an update to my deathmatch wad called Rott!Zone that I released a few years ago. It has 1 heavily reworked level from 32in24-10, two completely new levels, and a variety of modifications to the existing maps in the set, ranging from large additions to minor item tweaks. So it's not a huge update, but this is a nice definitive version of the mapset that feels more complete than the last one. Also some important things to note: You'll need to load otex 1.1 with this mapset now, and as a result this wad will not run properly on odamex at the moment due to odamex not being able to handle two large texture files being loaded together. This may be fixed in the future! But for now this will only be playable in Zandronum. Here's an excerpt from the text file detailing the changes: * What's new in GOLD? * Pictures! Part of Map05's new additions: Map12: 32in24-10: Tiberius Alpha Map13: Serious Set Map 14: Enron Entropy Download: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0mq4o4t8tqd7kam5fjqiq/rottzg.zip?rlkey=g4ztbusp168anzfbkg4fvnj3e&dl=08 points
7 points
Unnamed War-themed DM Pack: MAP01: Boot Camp Brawl: Image of barracks and mess hall: Active fully operational minefield - (mines spawn a rocket at your coordinates when you enter their sector, and then Z-thrust you into the air at the same time): Inside the barracks - you can use that open drawer to jump out the windows!: Inside the mess hall: Portion of obstacle course: Portion of obstacle course (2): Onto the 'trench-warfare' level, which should wrap this new little 3 map DM pack up! I've got big ideas for it - I'll have to see what happens! :D7 points
Deep in the underground regions of the UAC research mines, a demon invasion is manifesting. Brought on by the "rift" experiments during the period known as "Project DOOM" These demons have made their way from their world (Codenamed: Netherworld) into ours, causing nothing but mayhem in their wake. With the Doom Slayer dealing with The aftermath of "The Plutonia Experiment" and all inhabitants having long since evacuated, It has fallen on the heads of the corporate higher ups to send in another marine to deal with the chaos. That marine is you... Arming you in typical UAC fashion with nothing but a pistol and few clips of ammo, They have ordered you alone, to venture down into the facility and terminate the demonic threats. After being dropped by helicopter and making your way to the bottom of the elevator shaft, you hear the far off growls of inhuman anger. The demons have sensed a Earth Bound entity entering their nests of breeding. Swallowing fear and venturing further, you know what must come to pass. Rip and Tear, until it is done.... _______________________________________________________________________________ This wad is a part of the cannon of my "Tales from Graveyard" wad, set to come out later this month. While that wad was based on the DOOM 1 story, this wad takes place during "The Plutonia Experiment" and thus, fits into that timeline. These maps was mostly made in order to practice with textures I don't typically use to try and broaden my horizons. It also features new demon sprites pulled from a range of different sources (listed in the credits below) and a new a replacement Midi as well as a replacement color pallete. Also, the Spidermastermind and Lost Soul have been reduced in hit points to 1500 and 30 and the pistol fires slighter faster. I hope you all enjoy the wad! as always, feedback is greatly appreciated! NOTE: Both maps has also been set up for Co-op and deathmatch. LINK TO WAD (v1.0): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bLs7LWzi-s36vzOQvw2sGX_7B6KPLes1/view?usp=sharing LINK TO WAD (v1.1) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sD86_i2ogB_-wloYlmzEusNWe3Ru1VsG/view?usp=sharing LINK TO WAD (v2.0) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UJSbI3Ur6qCSutHe1v5wha-kXltoHM-B/view?usp=sharing CREDITS: SPRITES: Realm667 Tangerine Nightmare Horror Movie Guy Black Glove and new plasma sprites by @AshtralFiend M_DOOM by @AshtralFiend PSX FX: Aubrey Hodges COLOUR PALLETE: "Earthbound by @AshtralFiend (15% less saturation) MIDI: MENU: Doom 64: Main Theme [shortened] (from Aubrey Hodges) by CoTeCiO INTER: Doom 64: Stats Screen (from Aubrey Hodges) by CoTeCiO MAP01: Retribution Dawns (from Aubrey Hodges) by Raziel I.C.H.I. Znot Map02: The Broken Ones (from Aubrey Hodges) by Raziel I.C.H.I. Znot REVISIONS FOR v1.1: -Increased Spidermastermind hit points to 1750 -Replaced sky textures with rock detail for more of an underground feeling -Moved shootable switch for soul sphere 8 pixels down -Changed Midi for a less "arcade" type of feel ((Crucified Dream - Map01) - Marc Pullen) REVISIONS FOR v2.0: -Added map02 "DE-Purified -Changed map01 name to "The Baptism" -Changed Mastermind to Cyberdemon at the end of map01 -Reduced Cyberdemon hit points to 1750 -Increased Mastermind hit points to 4500 -Added textures of "The Plutonia Experiment" and incorporated across both maps -Added floor detail to Map01 -Added Black Glove sprites -Added new plasma bolt color -Added new color pallette -Added M_doom lump -Added new map midis -Added new menu and inter midis -Added PSX sounds _______________________________________________________________________________ Title: Exodus Filename: Exodus.zip Release Date: 7/05/2024 Completion Date" 15/5/2024 (Map02) Author: Dmh094 Email Address:Danmhill02@gmail.com _______________________________________________________________________________ * What's included * New Levels: Map01, Map02 Sounds: Yes Graphics: Yes Music: Yes _______________________________________________________________________________ * Play Information * Game: Doom II Map #: Map01, Map02 Single Player: Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player: Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player: Yes Difficulty Setting: All Other Game Styles: No ________________________________________________________________________________ * Construction * Base : From Scratch Editor(s) used : Ultimate Doom Builder Build Time : 6/5/24 - to 15/5/24 Tested With : DSDA, GZDOOM * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this PWAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, USB, etc) as long as you include this file intact. BIG THANKS TO @AshtralFiend FOR THE SPRITE WORK, M_DOOM AND PLAYTESTING6 points
Did anyone ever actually use these strange joysticks?
Maximum Matt and 5 others reacted to oneselfSelf for a topic
6 points -
Background: I spent a fair amount of time creating maps that would be of interest to more than just me. As in high school and college, due to the lack of friends and socializing, I actively drew in every spare moment and thus improved my skills. The difference is that the drawings were seen only by me, but here I can share my creativity with you, even if my creativity is not perfect. But, sooner or later, everything comes to an end. Being old enough, in my 30s, I reviewed all the volumes of my drawings and burned them the same day as if I were Gogol with vol II of the "Dead Souls". I got a strong sense of sentimentalism when I revisited all my childhood, teenage and adolescent drawings and I realized that they evoke feelings only for me, they are valuable only for me. Then what's the point of keeping them, and for what history, if it can just be thrown in the trash by any passerby, I'd rather do it myself, and with honors. Point: This is probably my last map on the forum. Even though I've only been on the forum for a short while, I've been making maps for the second if not third year. However, I no longer feel passionate about making maps. That's why this map is called "Waste", in short as all the time I spent on map making, as my maps that will also end up in the bucket. It's certainly not a magnum opus, but let it be. It's not a "run and gun" map, it's a map where you need strategy and brain. For everything else there are plenty of other interesting maps than this one. If you don't like this genre (poDOOMaty), you don't have to play the whole map or at all. PAR time: 20-40 min Features: - No wall-humping secrets - Plenty enough secrets - Armor and best guns in secrets only - No crouch - No jump - Freelook optional - Single map - Single player : (no plasma, no BFG, no boss) Screenshot: Format: BOOM. DOOM2. Tested in PrBoom+ and GZDOOM. Made with Slade3 + ZDBSP. Download (306 Kb): https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArJqO35mii2Ok8x7hmopvO8tjRCTWA?e=YzDPgP P.S.1: Maybe I'll get back to making maps someday, but something has to happen for that to happen, but it's not certain. P.S.2: It's been a pleasure reading all your reviews and watching all the walkthroughs. Love you guys!6 points
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Tango and 5 others reacted to DynamiteKaitorn for a topic
Not fully sure if this will become anything but it is nice to look at: Spoilers tag since there's multiple pictures.6 points -
6 points
What are you playing Doom on these days?
Doom-X-Machina and 5 others reacted to kalensar for a topic
Oh boy. Potato Power AMD Dual core 1.4ghz 4GB DDr3 512mb Vid RAM Linux Mint 21 Never gonna win any awards on beauty but it handles most Doom wads and GZDoom mods way better than you'd think.6 points -
What small tweaks to Doom's gameplay would you have suggested to id?
fruity lerlups and 5 others reacted to Lila Feuer for a topic
Sandy is a big part of why Doom is so good tho.6 points -
TropicHELL - A tropical island themed MBF21 Community Project (OPEN SLOTS)
Endless and 4 others reacted to Logamuffin for a topic
Summer is fast approaching and that means Doomguy needs a vacation! And where else to go but the tropics? I love tropical themed wads, some of my favorite wads are based around a tropical/island theme. So that's why I'm starting TropicHELL, which is a MBF21 Community Project based around tropical, beach, and ocean scenery. This community project is heavily inspired by Overboard, as well as various other ocean-themed wads like Ray Mohawk 2, Epic 2 and Pirate Doom. So let's dive in, shall we? Rules 1. Your map must be made in MBF21 format. We are using DOOM2 as the IWAD. 2. Use the custom resource pack available for download below. It is a resource pack I put together from various tropical-themed wads (mainly Overboard) as well as a handful of texturepacks like 32in24tex. It also has a handful of edited and original sprites/textures in it. Using vanilla textures is OK, but don't use stuff that sticks out or clearly doesn't fit with the theme. If there's anything not in the texture pack that you want, just ask and I'll see about adding it! 3. Your map should be tropical themed and set on the ocean. If you claim a slot in Episode 1 your map can be set on a larger landmass (aka not be completely surrounded by water). Otherwise your map should be an island. Also, follow the guidelines for the episode themes, and if you are unsure about anything, just ask me. 4. Your map must start and end on The Boat(tm). Doomguy needs a boat to sail to all these islands right? This is another idea shamelessly ripped from Overboard but I built a Boat(tm) for this project and you're going to start and exit on it (with the exit requiring a key), just like in that wad. That means your map has to be designed around backtracking. In terms of The Boat(tm) itself, it is contained in a template level I made available for download below. Oh, and since you asked so nicely here is a picture of The Boat(tm): 5. Difficulties, Co-op starts and a MIDI are all required. If you don’t have these, I will provide them for you. No requirements for your MIDI as long as it fits the tropical vibe… 6. Your maps' difficulty should be based on what Episode you choose. For Episode 1, it should be traditional gameplay only, with difficulty not rising above Plutonia. For Episode 2, I'm willing to accept all the way up to slaughter-lite. And for Episode 3, full on slaughter maps are allowed, since those should be larger maps anyway. However, 2000 monster behemoths where the BFG is the only relevant weapon are generally not going to be allowed. 7. (Optional) Join the Discord server. You don't have to but it sure makes communication a whole heck of a lot easier. I haven't set it up completely yet but here is a link. 8. The deadline for submissions is August 31st. Please drop your mapslot if you can't make it by that point. Downloads Download the updated resource pack (TropicHELL_Resources_v1.2) Download the demo map (TropicHELL_DemoIslands) Download the template map (TropicHELL_Template) Please use the template map when creating your level! It contains The Boat(tm), as well as a vast sea for you to start building your level upon. Also above is Demo Islands, a short level I made to show off the textures and sprites that I have in the resource pack. It won't be a part of the main map roster, but I might put it as a bonus map later. Load it alongside the resource pack and give it a play if you want, it's fun and shouldn't take you longer than 2 minutes. Here's a screenshot: Map Submission Format Map Name: Map Slot: Author: MIDI: Coop/Difficulties: Comments: Screenshots: 5 points -
TLDR: The Master Levels suck, this utility fixes that. Have you ever played the Master Levels as their original 20 WADs? Ever notice how they suck ass? How they are a not fun experiences? Well, no longer. With the Masterpack for Doom II, you can now enjoy the works of the masters as they were meant to be. For a deeper history, read the inspiration behind this project. Download it on itch, learn to install on GitHub and rate us on IGDB. ====== ====== ====== ====== Aubrey hodges was kind enough to give his blessing for the use of his music on the PSX TC add-on. Get the PSX Doom and Final Doom Extended OST from his Bandcamp: ============ Any and all feedback, issue-reporting and otherwise way to help this project is welcomed, and encouraged. More bug fixes can happen as I find out about more problems. Prefer this thread for reporting anything, but if you can only use GitHub Issues, that too is fine. Screenshots: Special thanks to these folks: @OpenRift, @THEBaratusII, @Voidette, @ethel5691, @dusk-iv and everyone from the DOSBox Deathmatch Club and discord community, for being great friends, who supported me in hard times and encouraged me to keep working on this project. @LadyMistDragon for just listening to my insane ramblings on the various maps as I played them. @Xaser for making the most important map for me, it was the most cathartic gaming experience I've had, playing through his homage to Dr Sleep. @Amaruψ for being an amazing friend. Thank you, goober. And to all the creators of the incredible additions and improvements to the Master Levels, mentioned, or not, in this post, for working hard on making a better version of my personal favorite Doom WAD.5 points
DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]
GarrettChan and 4 others reacted to Andy Johnsen for a topic
This point I do disagree with, tech made a quite significant difference I belive :) Perks such as in-game killcounter and secret trigger notification, in-game restarts, better quickstarts, high res, the ease of rehearsing certain parts quickly; just generally cutting back on the workload needed to practice runs. When you make the process easier and less taxing, that translates into better results in general. Small differences matter quite a bit in this context. Not to mention the hardware improvements have obviously been huge. Doing runs with a ps2 roller ball mouse in 1999 or shitty early optical ones was *significantly* different than doing runs on todays hardware. There's no two ways about this :) I'm not playing competitively anymore, but I kept playing the game for all these years, and it's quite the difference compared to the old days, though I doubt my skill ceiling raised much if any since about 2005. Players definitely improved with the generations, there's simply more players and better players today, but disregarding the obvious differences and advancements somewhat discredits efforts of times gone by. I'm positive an exceptional cat like Sedlo would be able to compete with the top players of today and improve on his old efforts, if he practiced up for a while with modern tools. People get better a lot quicker now than back in the 90ies and early 2ks. So the very peaks are higher for each generation. I do think Looper and Kinetic are examples of the top tire of what we've seen regardless of generational shifts and improvements in ports / hardware / tools. Simply amazing talents, those do exist. As much as I love the Karl Jobst vids on youtube, I do feel he misses out on an opportunity to explain the conditions the various runs were made under, given the time periods. For random people who do not fully understand what goes into speedrunning the game, this creates a simplified picture (which for the sake of entertainment might be the best way to go, but condition factual historical context is cool imo). As for age, I do think it matters, but 43 is not advanced enough for it to be automatically detrimental. It's probable he is a bit more refined now than in the early 2k's, but on top of that there's better tools, there's some better understanding of the game, and a lot more runs and players to look at and emulate though - and that helps :)5 points -
BBG's first release - TNT Evilution MP3 soundtrack
DeadKiitsune296 and 4 others reacted to Naked Snake for a topic
Hi, BigBadGangsta here (BBG if you prefer), I decided to throw this WAD together on a whim when I remembered I converted the TNT Evilution midis to MP3s using some soundfonts well over 10 years ago now. Somehow the Doom Depot is still up, so I snagged the tracks I needed, downloaded SLADE and slapped this together. So yeah, I joined Doomworld in 2001, now in 2024 I am releasing my first WAD. It's pointless, nobody will care, but here it is regardless. It should pair well with the OG MP3 music WADs, I assume they're still out there. I may have released an incomplete version of this some time in the past, if so I can't remember. Testing on this was approximately about 5 seconds long, I skipped to a few levels and it seems to be playing the right tracks. If that isn't the case then I am bad and dumb, sorry. Thanks to Harvey for being my long-time friend and encouraging me to finally do some damn Doom thing. Thanks to Ralphis for being a good friend and getting me up to speed on what I needed to do. Thanks to DSM and Scuba Steve for my fish avatar that I've used forever. Thanks to the Doom community for sticking together for decades now, I hope at least one person enjoys this silly thing, if so then that makes it worth it. Keep on Doomin'. Full credit for the actual soundtrack (from doomwiki.org) - Jonathan El-Bizri (Biz), Josh Martel (Null), L.A. Sieben and Tom Mustaine, with some Doom II tracks by Robert Prince being reused in a few levels. Files available from https://www.doom2.net/doomdepot/music.html https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uxf5k3xtkvswky889otbr/tntmus.wad?rlkey=lz222u1rqi53rk7wypf6bpxle&st=40opp6tz&dl=0 For the sake of posterity, this is the original "bigbadgangsta.txt" included with my MP3 conversions on Doom Depot - INFO ===== Well, I did it, I converted the TNT Evilution midis to mp3 format. I encounted some problems with some of the midis, so if they sound different, then they were converted using my SB LIVE! soundfont. STUFF I USED ============== Silverspring soundfont 8MBGMSFX soundfont from my SB LIVE! card Midisyn Razorlame MADE BY ========= bigbadgangsta CONTACT INFO ============= e-mail : foxstang1@bluefrognet.net AIM : BigBadGangsta1505 points -
Did anyone ever actually use these strange joysticks?
The Almighty Egg and 4 others reacted to Stupid Bunny for a topic
I always thought joysticks were terrible for anything that wasn't a flight sim, but maybe that was just me. Still had to get used to them with the old Atari anyway. Anyway no I've never used or actually heard about these, interesting fun stuff (especially that these are evidently at least a couple years apart from one another, based on what Romero is credited for)5 points -
Need feedback on animated water. Working some textures for my first maps! :)
Rykzeon and 4 others reacted to piXelicidio for a topic
@DoomGappy I'm using photoshop. My goal is a lighter water that (if possible) shows the "rocks" of the bottom, original water looks deep as the blue seems very dark. There is long time since I played with doom palette, but yes, with that palette I learn to draw with and old Ms-Dos program called Autodesk Animator :) This is another texture I'm working on to create from scratch a Doom door, that looks doom style, but is not the same... or at least I tried: Process: Back to the water the problem is there is no transition from blue to gray in Doom palette, that's why it looks too sharp, and can't desaturate blue. Tried this make it even lighter blue and lighter gray to bring it a bit more close one to each other. Also the animation is less chaotic now, like a calm water: Thanks for taking your time to comment!5 points -
This is Woof! 14.5.0 (Apr 30, 2024)
StoneMason and 4 others reacted to fabian for a topic
This change alone increases my FPS from 9 to 28 in the opening scene of comatose, and I can't even spot any difference. --- a/src/r_things.c +++ b/src/r_things.c @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ #include "z_zone.h" #define MINZ (FRACUNIT*4) +#define MAXZ (FRACUNIT*8192) #define BASEYCENTER 100 typedef struct { @@ -539,7 +540,7 @@ void R_ProjectSprite (mobj_t* thing) tz = gxt-gyt; // thing is behind view plane? - if (tz < MINZ) + if (tz < MINZ || tz > MAXZ) return; xscale = FixedDiv(projection, tz);5 points -
The Plutonia Experiment in under 9 minutes [TAS]
SleepyVelvet and 3 others reacted to RockyGaming4725 for a topic
After almost 500 hours of work over almost two years @almostmatt1 and I are thrilled to finally share this TAS. We worked on this collaboratively, sharing the demo file back and forth and making gradual progress until this was done. We often had to return to earlier points in the demo, scrapping old work to implement new discoveries or improvements - a very time-consuming process, but one that was worth it in the end. Plenty more comments in the text file. We hope you enjoy! This is a fully built tool-assisted demo; all inputs for each frame was entered manually in XDRE. Special thanks to: @ZeroMaster010, for his helpful ideas on maps 23 and 26. @ClumsyDoomer and @abyrvalg, for their older Plutonia TASes which paved the way and have been great sources of inspiration. @dsda-dev, for the DSDA-Doom source port and its brute forcing features which were invaluable throughout the building process. @vita, whose unfinished D2All demo set a standard that forced us to push ourselves as hard as we could. 30plx854.zip YouTube: Edit: Here I've linked an unlisted playlist to some old twitch streams of me working on the demo I did a while ago. There's not much, and they are pretty old, but in case you want to catch a glimpse of what some of the development was like, check it out! I've also put the text file on pastebin.4 points -
some old PsyDoom maps I made
Proxy-MIDI and 3 others reacted to Xeebleton for a topic
these maps were from about a year or two ago. they were on my old laptop, which couldnt boot due to windows issues, but today I was able to restore them, and now I'm putting them here. these were really just made for fun, which is why I didnt release them until now. all of them should be working and complete, except for CorruptKeep, which works, but cannot be completed due to it not having an exit. you can do whatever the hell you want with these maps as long as Im credited. psy_oldmaps.zip SCREENSHOTS4 points -
DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]
Searcher and 3 others reacted to 4shockblast for a topic
That is true, compared to really early days, I think the differences are quite significant, especially with respect to the hardware. :) I guess if someone were to set up DOS Doom today, it would not be as bad because they could still have a modern monitor, mouse, etc. but back then was a different story, and as I wasn't around, I cannot truly compare. Compared to like ten years ago, when I started, it's not that much, and mostly just convenience and ease of use, which still makes a difference of course but doesn't make anything possible that was completely impossible when I started. I also guess I missed one aspect and that's practice and understanding of the game; these 100% make things way easier now than even when I started. Having keyframes, rewinds, in-game position display, and rerecording significantly reduces the amount of time needed to practice and get better at a specific run. IMO, especially with regards to the recent past, these improvements have been one of the biggest differences from a tech standpoint in terms of making runs easier. Not being able to properly practice or see what someone else is doing would make speedrunning much harder for sure. I do agree someone like Sedlo could probably come back and compete at a very high level, would be awesome to see that. :P4 points -
Some good 32 map megawads you recommend?
bofu and 3 others reacted to june gloom for a topic
If you thought Going Down looked "too boring" then I genuinely don't know what you actually want.4 points -
Pirate Doom II (finished!)
CrocMagnum and 3 others reacted to Master O for a topic
@Darch, I assume you've seen Icarus Lives' video already, right?4 points -
Doomworld Maximum Project 2024
DoctorNuriel and 3 others reacted to Li'l devil for a topic
Heh, thanks for playing my map! Yeah, it's too short, but considering that there will be no less than 40 other maps by the end, it'll serve as a good change of pace from the longer maps. It was also made as a map for me to train against cyberdemons, cause I tend to panic a lot around them.4 points -
⬆️ Doomworld Community Top WADs of All Time (resurrected)
m8f and 3 others reacted to Monsieur E for a topic
subject to change more cool stuff I play and replay 10 - Zzul Bases 10 - Swim with the Whales 10 - Magnolia 10 - Stardate 20x7 5 - Sunlust 5 - Dimensions 3 - Doom 2 1 - Hell Revealed 1 - Eternal Doom4 points -
i have two computers i play on main one i use to run woof: windows 7 intel i7-3770 @ 3.6ghz 16gb ram nvidia gtx 1050 1tb hdd 1920x1080 monitor old one i use when i wanna run doom2.exe: windows 98 se pentium ii 400mhz 128mb ram 3dfx voodoo3 250gb hdd (8gb partition for Authenticity) integrated audiopci for win98 sound, es1868f for dos sound princeton eo710 monitor4 points
What small tweaks to Doom's gameplay would you have suggested to id?
Moustachio and 3 others reacted to zokum for a topic
Auto run can be done by setting the joystick button to run to 31 or so. It's a hack, but it works. A better pistol would mean you wouldn't want new weapons as badly, but since you still would want them, there wouldn't be much of a change I think. I have never felt that the range mattered, but your mileage may vary. I agree with there not being any enemies in the range between demon and revenant. Above that there is a nice spread of health. A monster with 200 hp would have been a nice addition. Revenants are nice at 300, but their attacks are fairly brutal compared to some of the sturdier monsters. Sandy being given slots is not a problem. The problem was a too tight deadline and him being the only one stepping up to get the job done. A lot of Sandy's maps are rush jobs / Tom Hall maps, he has said so himself. The work load was much better balanced in Quake and it shows as the quality difference is more or less gone. Sandy was the guy filling in the blanks, making sure the projects got finished. The problem is poor project management, not poor mapping skills / too many slots etc.4 points -
Okay, I've drawn the main layout, and all the pertinent geometry for MAP03! Here's a
Andromeda and 3 others reacted to Arrowhead for a status update
Okay, I've drawn the main layout, and all the pertinent geometry for MAP03! Here's a contextual map - this one gets pretty complicated: The red highlight indicates the level's main paths. Red lines indicate a deep depression or crater. Dark blue is a fence of some kind - decorative or restrictive. Green is an above-ground bunker of some kind. Yellow indicates the main central hill - it's quite large! Purple indicates a bridge of some kind - generally a few planks of wood laid across a trench, to allow you to travel over-top. Light blue indicates a completely underground area / bunker. I can't post screenshots of the geometry just yet, because its only using my placeholder textures, and it'll be hard to see things correctly when I take a screenshot aerially. I'll get texturing tomorrow, and should hopefully be done tomorrow! If I find enough time - at least the main chunk of work is out of the way! Excited to wrap this up, and then to start formal testing / wrapping everything up! I really want to get this pack released relatively expediently - I don't want it to rot on my hard-drive. I'm gonna need to find someone to help me make a TITLEPIC, but other than that, I'm most of the ways there, once I finish this map! Anyway, off to bed! :D4 points -
Heh, definitely didn't expect it to be beaten by you, but then I realized: maybe you have some history with this map, and seems like that the case. However, I disagree with the age thing. It won't slow you down in a long time. The world has changed quite a bit as far as I know due to computers and the internet. The traditional "you have to be under 25/30 yrs to be competitive" does not apply for "e-sports". There are people who are over 40, and run below 10 seconds in the 100m dash, hehe. Also, there are now digitalized tools to see one's progress. Like I know my reaction times at the age of 34 are still the same as at the age of 16. In the past, it was easier for people to use age as an excuse much more smoothly, because there were no evidence of their own record :---D And no, I am not saying the years won't slow one down ever. I've seen some 60+ years old play Playerunknown's battleground, and their reaction times seem to not slow down much, because the reaction times were at around 200 ms on 'normal reactionary stuff', not just some "reaction time test" bubble. The real problem what comes with age is that because the learning curve is exponential, it is the recent effort that dictates the 'current state'. You see these "young kids" blasting as fast, or if not even faster than you at the older age. The real strength is to throw in a lot of attempts, aka hard work (just do it), due to the exponential learning curvature, because there's actually not that much to learn. This leads to a shifted perspective, where one thinks he used to be faster/better, but now he is older, hence he must be slow(er)! The same thing tends to apply in real-life to many things, not just computer/digital games. The skill cap is the same, but the learning curve is so much faster in every field due to the advancements of technology. Even Hikaru Nakamura, the world's 2nd(?) best chess player, has changed/shifted his opinion towards a similar perspective. One thing is for certain: the learning curve is crazy fast everywhere nowadays compared to the past, and it is not slowing down. AI will help us to ramp up the learning even more.4 points
Honestly, if you're just going to post this and come across as "I'm too lazy to give a shit about posting screenshots or playtesting or even changing the default music" then I'm sorry to say that most people looking at this thread will probably be "too lazy" to even give it a download.4 points
What defines a good slaughter map?
Mr. Alexander and 3 others reacted to akolai for a topic
i've wanted to talk about this fight for a while. ode2impslayer is a shitpost megawad made almost entirely over the course of a few hours by dozens of contributors. all* maps were required to use map01 as a template, with no ability to add or remove lines - only move vertices and edit line/sector information. this is one of the most punishing set of restrictions ever devised, so it genuinely blew my mind to find such an interesting, nuanced, and dissectable fight slotted randomly in the back half. you have to start working on the cacos before they completely steal your platform space, but you can't focus on them safely while the revs are alive - so the challenge is to deal with them as efficiently as possible. there is a lot you can do to optimise this, but staying alive is already quite difficult. dodging the revs consistently necessitates that you constantly cross the gap, which means avoiding situations in which you're forced to dodge, since that's not an option while lining up the fairly tight jump. there's a fun contradiction here, moving quickly enough to outrun the revball, while spending enough time at each wing for the caco projectile spam to move away from the crossing so you can safely jump without losing half your health, or missing the jump due to knockback. something else that's not immediately obvious is that you have to move slightly towards the revs at each wing to allow enough room to dodge the revball on the way back. once the revs are dead, pick a side and go to work. finding a moment to get rid of the revball can be awkward and you risk losing control of the space if you're not careful, so i like to use it to my advantage and bait it into cacos for extra dps. space management if one of the most important aspects of a good slaughter fight, and this map pulls it off in a complex fashion. you might also notice i don't spend much time dodging individual projectiles in this run - many slaughter fights (but not all - up to preference) do this, to place focus on macro-scale strategy, making broad decisions about how to handle the situation, rather than solely on a more conventional skillset. all this is to say, you can find slaughter in unexpected places. as a rule of thumb, if you find yourself suffocating to death rather than getting pelted and losing to atrition, it's probably a slaughter fight - and if you like the way that fight feels mechanically, take it apart. see what each piece does, try to think about what would happen if you got rid of each piece, or if you added one of your own.4 points -
Megawads ruined or redeemed by 1-2 maps?
YeOldeFellerNoob and 3 others reacted to Plerb for a topic
TNT: Evilution is worth playing for the truck in MAP19 alone.4 points -
I'm working on a Doom manga. (First reveal)
taufan99 and 2 others reacted to Man of Doom for a topic
An unholy union of flesh and metal. https://www.instagram.com/p/C0qPT5oMA2Y/ Yet again, a dark future meets an ancient evil. https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDVsYMsGkc/ Inspired by both the official franchise and fanworks, this Doom manga looks to reintroduce the action-horror setting of the original game combined with a distinct cyberpunk setting. Not only is this aiming to be a darker and more mature take on the Doom franchise, this also will be a celebration of it (and the fan community which surrounds it). While the full reveal is being worked on, please go follow and support these artists who will be working on the art for this upcoming manga: (GENU) https://twitter.com/genu_uneg https://www.instagram.com/gen_u_/ (Tatsumi) https://twitter.com/tatsumimimi https://www.instagram.com/tatsumimimimimi/ (original post, archived)3 points -
Lost Wads?: Hotdeath! Revision 2 (12/30/94) and REHAB (1/7/94)
TheGreenZap and 2 others reacted to CravenCoyote for a topic
Mods: Please remove this if it's out of place As some of you might be aware, I found an old shovelware wad disc from 1995, released in Australia. I could not find any reference to this disc online. Occasionally I take a look through to see if I can find any wads that have not been archived online. Hotdeath! Revision 2 Today I found "Hotdeath! Revision 2 (12/30/94)". Now, Hotdeath version 5.0 is available on the idgames archive but version 2 is not, nor could I find it anywhere else. In the interest of digital archiving, I thought I'd bring it to the masses here. From what I can tell, Hotdeath 5 is the same as Hotdeath! Revision 2, but includes some additional maps. It's possible there are more differences but I've not had the time to study them thoroughly yet. The readme files are also different. These are Deathmatch maps, so unfortunately not designed for single player. Hotdeath! Revision 2 readme: REHAB I also found REHAB.WAD. I couldn't find any reference to this on the idgames archive, or anywhere else. This one claims to be another Deathmatch wad, however also includes a number of monsters. Date claims to be 1-7-94. REHAB readme: I'll of course continue checking this disc out to see if I can find anything that I can't find archived. Downloads: HOTDETH2.ZIP REHAB.ZIP3 points -
Catching Up - Celestin's review thread (now playing: Plutonia 2)
Moustachio and 2 others reacted to Celestin for a topic
The obvious next step after completing the three episodes of id-style map would be to play the fourth one in the form of Ultimate Doom the Way id Did, a project lead by Alfonzo. Thy Flesh Consumed is the most uneven chapter of Doom, but the info file mentions UDtWiD is a more consistent wad, so I'm curious to see how it works. E4M1: Into The Grave by Pavera E4M2: Vile Affections by RottKing E4M9: Terror by Use3D E4M3: Earth, Blood and Fire by purist E4M4: Unclean Spirits by Marcaek E4M5: Doctrines of Devils by Gifty E4M6: Molten Gods by Tarnsman E4M7: Hand of the Heathen by Alfonzo E4M8: An End to Darkness by Xaser Conclusions While I wasn't too wild about the original three episodes of Romero and Petersen emulation, I have to say, I greatly enjoyed my time with Ultimate Doom the Way id Did. It's partially because the original levels are more distinct, partially because Alfonzo's guidlines were more liberal regarding how close the maps should stick to the inspirations. While some maps feel nothing like something that would have fit into Thy Flesh Consumed (E4M4 and E4M8 specifically), it was a better experience overall. It lacks the uneven quality of the original, with every map being a solid and challenging one. Difficulty of the episode is one thing that can get contentious. It is considerably harder than E4, lacking the breather levels of the original and pushing the harder maps above likes of Hell Beneath or Against Thee Wickedly. Still, I wouldn't call it a challenge wad, if you can deal with something like Plutonia. This was definitely the best part of the DtWiD, with creative takes on the originals and much-welcomed challenge. Check it out if you find the first three episodes lacking.3 points -
DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]
Searcher and 2 others reacted to 4shockblast for a topic
TBH, I'm not that old relative to some in the community, so too early to tell, but I am probably healthier than I was back in my early 20s, so at least from a stamina perspective, I don't think I'm disadvantaged to me back then. I don't know how critical reaction time is to Doom; it can be, probably, in some specific maps, but in a lot of scenarios you can plan out a lot of your moves ahead of time for that. My hands have also managed to survive the various excruciating grinds I put myself through, so hopefully they can last awhile longer still. :^) IMO, the only things that age affected for me is having enough free time and at times, a bit less motivation for random grinds, although the latter is mostly just due to how many runs I've already done. In 2013, it was exciting to table fill some random nonsense PWADs, and a lot of that excitement is just not coming back, heh, both because of how many times I've already done that and how high my personal standards and general standards in the community have gotten. Technology definitely made a difference as well, but I don't think it's the biggest factor either, although it depends on how you qualify its benefits, I guess. I've almost exclusively run under the same constraints for the past ten years, and the big changes that I really took on that are the result of modern source ports are in-game restart (which helps a ton in making runs more bearable, but IMO doesn't make anything possible that was impossible before) and easier quickstart. The latter I think is a dumb part of the game anyway, but again, it's more of a bearability thing than anything as the same quickstarts were possible back in the day; of course, having it easier means fewer attempts overall and less time, so it's a definite improvement, but that sort of thing only really affects very specific runs, like pa01 and a lot of the random meme runs I've done that happen to be tic optimal (e.g., 1337 map 25). The vast majority of runs, even movement-heavy ones, are much less affected by that and more by your raw skill, and IMO most of the difference between me now and in 2018 or 2013 or whatever is just higher precision. Case in point, half the time, in the past couple years, I've been running on a laptop, and often on the shitty laptop keyboard, and even with that setup hardly any of my runs pre-like 2019 are that competitive. :^) Other than a solid mouse, I really don't think there's a ton that matters that much from a tech standpoint, unless of course, your computer can't handle a particular Doom map and is lagging like crazy or something.3 points -
Arcade Doom Community Project [Vanilla Limits, ALL SLOTS FILLED]
taufan99 and 2 others reacted to Walter confetti for a topic
Reminds me of 95 never dies, interesting! Too bad i'm doing too many other Doom stuff recently...3 points -
Some good 32 map megawads you recommend?
Michael Jensen and 2 others reacted to Cadman for a topic
Well, I am a little bias here...ahem. How about Icarus and Eternal from TeamTNT? Cadman - Member TeamTNT / Doom2 Grandmaster DHT5 Standards3 points -
Oh boy! My favorite topic so I can regurgitate my list. =E Most of these are 32 maps. 1. Mars War-- Vanilla Doom compat-- 32 maps. Release date 1998 2. GMP(Good Morning Phobos)-- Boom compat-- last update was in 2020 iirc 3. EDay Vanilla 2019-- GZDoom, ZDoom, Zandronum 4. HellBound-- Boom Compat-- Date 2012 5. FreeDoom Phase 1 and Phase 2-- Dont overlook these. They are very good. 6. Hell In Space-- This one gets overlooked imo, but its a solid megawad. 7. Doom 64 for Doom 2--3 points
Autophagy demos [-complevel 2}
Geniraul and 2 others reacted to Andrea Rovenski for a topic
one more for fun map15 pacifist 12.77 https://youtu.be/ZakZIp3QI7Y ap15p1277.zip3 points -
Mars Bloodbath
DaRkWeZ and 2 others reacted to Rafael Farofa for a topic
YOU WANT BLOOD!? nah, you want fun, a thing that must be in this project! well, imagine Doom 1 remade and reimagined, much bigger and challenging, being a megawad for Doom 2? so it is! I know that almost no one wants another wad that remakes classic Dooms, but I feel that this project is special, I'm trying hard to make the map look beautiful visually and have gameplay that when you complete a map, you have a feeling of achievement and joy, and that fun and challenge go hand in hand. for now there is no menu image, but there are two maps, both remake the first two maps from episode 1 of Ultimate Doom, but bigger and much more difficult, you better test it, I want to receive a lot of feedback, and if you want to participate in the project making maps together with me, my discord is this: rafaelfarofa_ Anyway, I hope you read it! marsbath.zip3 points -
Need feedback on animated water. Working some textures for my first maps! :)
Broadsword Jim and 2 others reacted to piXelicidio for a topic
3 points -
Whitemare and Whitemare 2.3 points
What are some good ice/snow themed Doom levels?
stephyesterday and 2 others reacted to 4shockblast for a topic
Quality is not guaranteed, but I have an exhaustive list of every WAD and individual maps like that I could find: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15Jrq6EZ8d6JMDE5iJfK-eO22c3diqDvZ6LfDICtB724/edit?usp=sharing. :) Personally, I like H2H-XMas, but it's definitely aged in some ways. I played/saw a couple of the punchmas WADs, and they seem pretty good. There's also Resurgence maps 24 to 29, Scythe 29 to 30, 50monstr 11-20 that I played from the sheet that are pretty good.3 points -
IronEagle Competition 66: Kmega1
SleepyVelvet and 2 others reacted to NaZa for a topic
Remember last month how I said I'll upload first attempts? Feast your eyes at this! The zipfile is 1 kb large. I think that answers every question you might have about the run. ironeagle_may24_naza.zip3 points -
Share Your Sprites!
ChopBlock223 and 2 others reacted to TommyGalano5 for a topic
3 points -
is chillax the hardest wad out there?
Yousuf Anik and 2 others reacted to roadworx for a topic
i wish people would just forget that chillax even exists, and i wish that it wasn't counted among actually well-made challenge wads whatsoever. it's a shitty wad full of plagiarized maps that adds fuckloads of monsters with little regard to balancing or encounter design. it's lazy, obnoxious, and honestly really stupid. still better than chillax, at least you yourself made the room lol3 points