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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/24 in all areas

  1. Obstacle removed with explosives FX. The switch teleports a crushed barrel into the rocks and uses the instant raise / lower floor trick to remove the big rock and create some debris. EDIT: The teleport method works in GZDoom, but doesn't work in Woof! or PrBoom+. I modified it so there is a barrel hidden INSIDE the rock, and it explodes when a crusher positioned above the barrel smashes down. The crusher is made invisible with the "create fake floor / ceiling" effect. You can't move the crusher sector after you activate it, but that doesn't matter because it's tall enough the player can just pass underneath it.
    21 points
  2. E2M8 UV-Max 0:28 e2m8m2886.zip https://youtu.be/v8Kcnt_67Xg
    18 points
  3. Hello, doomers I'm open to submissions and I'm going to play your map. Preferably submit your own creations that you feel need playtesting or that you'd really like to watch a playthrough of. YouTube channel Twitch channel Here are some rules, though: - limit of 20 submissions for the time being (not sure how many I'm going to receive, so I'm preventing an overload so that I don't feel overwhelmed); - please inform which source port and complevel I should run your map (I mostly use DSDA-Doom); - also inform the desired difficulty setting; - you can ask for a blind or a practiced run; - only one map per person for the time being, even if your wad has multiple levels; - you can ask for popular maps from the community as well, but I may reject them if they're way too grindy; - no terry wads or meme, effortless wads; - when I'm done recording your map, I'll mark it as completed, so you can queue up another submission. Happy doomin' SUBMISSIONS LIST: 01 'Monuments MAP02' by @Laocoön 02 'E3M5 Mystery' by @xScavengerWolfx 03 @ALilGrayBoi [slot reserved] 04 'Tom's Halls E1M10 Observatory' by @Plerb 05 @Sesamia [private submission] 06 'Doomworld Maximum Project 2023 MAP06 Tribulation facility' by @Melodic Spaceship 07 'Hell on world tour MAP14 Genial gennels' by @rita remton 08 '666secrets MAP04 Behind closed doors' by @RED77 09 'Doomium II MAP17 Spectropolis' by @stochastic 10 'Impscape MAP02' by @URROVA 11 'Devilbuster Dreams MAP05 Killing of a Fallen Angel' by @JackDBS 12 'Valve control' by @EPICALLL 13 'Madness in the depths' by @DRON12261 14 'E1M2 Neutron Reactor' by @The_MártonJános 15 'Extra beany canned Doom MAP28' by @Stupid Bunny 16 17 18 19 20 SUBMISSIONS COMPLETED
    16 points
  4. a small, hopefully compatible with most sourceports D64 graphics pack inspired by DBP64 - The Vast Silence. includes full and lite versions, full changes textures, music, as well as the wolfss, bossbrain, keen doll and MBFDog. lite lacks these features, as it's intended to be loaded with mapsets that have way more custom resources or clashing artstyles. both full and lite include support for the ancient sourceport Skulltag, specifically for it's monsters, weapons, most powerups and props. this also comes with two addons: EvilMarine4SS, which replaces the WolfSS sprites with Footman's old zombie marine, and his sounds with Quake 1's enforcer. MeatballCacos, which replaces the D64 Cacodemon design with a 64-styled version of the classic Doom Caco (armless, spiked) using Thief666's HD sprites as a base. !! does NOT come with custom maps, this is a graphics/sounds ONLY wad !! I've tested this with Nugget Doom, Woof! and Zandronum, I've been told it works with Crispy too, hope it works with as many ports as possible. Feel free to use this as a resource in your own projects as long as full credit is given to me AND the contributors listed below: known minor issues: - offsets are a bit bad, but it's so minor idrc enough to fix that. DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1leUVsYPkxbI4UEGIVajmWZK6KEwAg_9C/view?usp=sharing SCREENSHOTS: GENERAL CREDITS: - Midway: D64 assets - HorrorMovieRei: original D64 skinpack used as a base, made the 'live stick' sprite - DrDoctor: misc. custom assets used for textures and props - Craneo (Me): many custom graphical assets, compiling, frankenspriting the Mastermind, Chaingunner, WolfSS and player crouching + a lot of props GRAPHICAL CREDITS: - BigStronk: DeathMachine D64 fonts, D4T blood edit, polishing shotgun, supershotgun and plasmarifle sprites a bit - DBThanatos: D4T blood - NMN: Radsuit sprites - WildWeasel: I used his abandoned/incomplete Doom 64 patch as a base for Patch64 - Cage: Weapon reloads, some textures, stained glass motherdemon sprites - DrPySpy: Revenant and ArchVile sprites - Stefano: porting DOOM ETERNAL D2Guy (used for mugshot), D64Guy, Daisy (used for menu) models to Gmod - Freedoom: some similar-yet-different textures used to replace base Doom ones - Ittrav: Icon of Sin texture base - Scalliano, Gez, fenderc01: PSX Doom fireskies - Ceeb: Quake 1 textures rip - Formgen: Wolfenstein Lost Episodes textures - Nash Muhandes: Dog sprites - OSJCLatchford: new TNT/AV DOBWIRE texture base - BLASPHEMER: new flag/banner base - DrDoctor: new SP_FACE texture, bald shotgunguy base - Immorpher: Morph64 Bald Shotgunguy edit - AtomicFrog, Immorpher, Nevander, Molecicco: skybox texture pieces - BLASPHEMER: new flag/banner base - ItsNatureToDie: stained glass base - Zrrion the Insect: stained glass demon key texture - Mark Quinn: fists Marine used on the D64 marine stained glass - Amuscaria: hanging tyrant, used for the hanged cyberdemon in AV - DooMAD: StalungCraeft Knight Sentinel mural texture SOUND CREDITS: - GEC Team: Icon of Sin sounds - ZioMcCall: BDv22 Brutal Wolf SS sounds - Snaxolotl: Absicion OST - Jay Reinchard: Title, Intermission and D_E1M1 themes - Marty Kirra, DrPyspy: ArchVile sounds - Secret found sound from Quake 1 FRANKENSPRITE SPECIFICS: Commando Credits: Midway, DrDoctor, Immorpher, Footman, Atomic Frog, Vader, Xim, Korp Mastermind Credits: Midway, 3DRealms, Immorpher, Sgt_Mark_IV, DrPyspy WolfSS Credits: Id Software, Midway, UnTrustable, Captain J, Revenant100, DoomJedi, ItsNatureToDie, PSTrooper, Immorpher, ringman, clubey Crouching player credits: Id Software, Midway, TommyGalano5/TG5 SKULLTAG-SPECIFIC CREDITS: - DrDoctor: blind pinky, nubaron, imp with mouth, many prop bits, railgun, timesphere - DrPyspy: skull on haste sphere, archvile statue sprites - AtomicFrog: Invisibilitysphere sprites BFG10k credits: Midway, TypicalSF, Amuscaria, JuninhoRPG, Craneo GrenadeLauncher credits: Midway, Amuscaria, OSJCLatchford, Yukiherz, Craneo Minigun credits: Craneo, Midway CREDITS MAY BE INCOMPLETE OR INNACURATE, PLEASE NOTIFY ME FOR ANY MISSING NAMES. ADDON CREDITS: Classic Caco Credits: Thief666, Charles Heathman, Midway, Craneo, Immorpher D64 Evil Marine made by Footman/SteelPH, sounds from Quake 1's Enforcer. CREDITS MAY BE INCOMPLETE OR INNACURATE, PLEASE NOTIFY ME FOR ANY MISSING NAMES.
    16 points
  5. Radsuit (left from freedewm)
    15 points
  6. Waterfalls around the landing pad (very much WIP):
    13 points
  7. Freedewm plasma rifle (wip but free to use)
    13 points
  8. Plutonia Map23 UVSpeed in 1:23 pl23-123.zip Plutonia Map23 Pacifist in 1:30 pl23p130.zip Plutonia Map23 Respawn in 3:14 pl23r314.zip Plutonia Map23 UVMax in 4:47 Zip: pl23m447.zip Video: https://youtu.be/cfhUYkcUz-4?si=FM1hJfu9UT3gRI_j
    13 points
  9. i return with enigmatic worlds stuffs
    12 points
  10. Sesamia

    Hot Dogs

    Does this count?
    10 points
  11. Unnamed FoxTex DM Pack: MAP01: Fragbase Omicron: Encountered a major issue w/ the textures rendering correctly in Zandronum, so these shots were taken using the newest GZ! Basically, it causes a significant portion of the textures to render completely black - hoping I can figure out what the issue is!
    9 points
  12. A "scorpion queen", one of the bosses from my WIP TC project... Design still not finished, here just posting 16 rotations of a single frame:
    9 points
  13. Bunch of guns I had worked on some years ago. The AR-10 is relatively recent though (about a month ago maybe?)
    9 points
  14. Hey guys hey. Hope you are all doing well. I just have to put it out there that I can no longer take requests. Even though I don't solicit requests people always find me and throw maps at me and I have an insurmountable pile that is just too overwhelming to attempt to take on When I started this I always wanted to help other mappers and show their work and do the best I could but it's just become too much these days and I don't want to ruin this past time that I enjoy It's touching that people want to see me play their stuff and I wish I could help everybody but it's just not feasible for me to keep up without feeling stressed and if I add stress to my escapist past time then what the hell am I doing Going forward I'm going to have to regretfully decline requests and just try to take on whatever I have time to take on and actually play things I decide to play for the sake of fun and sanity I hope everybody understands and I hate to say no to people but I'm almost at a Breaking Point with this haha So I'm going to try my best to keep things light and easy breezy so I still have fun and can focus on other things as well Sorry for all the words and sorry for anybody I let down and thanks for understanding I'm just one guy and I'm tired fat Tiger for life
    9 points
  15. Clippy

    Offering playtesting

    If you're bored check out some crate expectations or don't it's all good Good luck these always become taxing once you let the floodgates open Edit : one map is it. We'll map 21 if you fancy. Any other metrics your choice. It's multi port compatible etc Or don't it's all good I'm pretty tired myself
    7 points
  16. Amaruψ

    Cursed Doom Images

    Doom 64's pistol's recoil sprites look really, really bad to my eyes. This is how I see them.
    7 points
  17. BluePineapple72

    Hot Dogs

    This is a premium genuine artisanal hotish dogaroni. And I will not hear otherwise.
    7 points
  18. Decay

    Hot Dogs

    Jesus that's sad.
    7 points
  19. BluePineapple72

    Hot Dogs

    If you got em. Post em! Here’s tonight’s dinner:
    6 points
  20. Jizzwardo

    [-cl9] Orca

    Hi, Orca is a very short, single map-long WAD visually influenced by rd's Eden, and otherwise inspired by the song scp2.mid. All difficulties are implemented, with UV being moderately challenging. The wad is tested with dsda-doom in mind for complevel 9 (Boom) (tested in 0.27.5), but I also tested in GZDoom 4.10.0 and Eternity 4.02.00 (Eternity however has a bug where one of the exits doesn't seem to work for some reason.. I'm still looking into it). Jumping, mouselook, crouching etc were not considered in the making of the map, so keep that in mind! All feedback is greatly appreciated! Download: here Screenshots: Credits: Special thanks to: @baja blast rd. for being the primary source of inspiration and also her amazing music (one of which was especially updated for this wad :O), @Ravendesk and @Maribo for playtesting, advice, other inspiration and encouragment, and my friend Acute Angle for music suggestions. OLD DOWNLOAD (RC1)
    6 points
  21. Doomkid

    Hot Dogs

    Look, this is REALLY starting to get out of hand. Some things need to be clarified: A hot dog is a dish consisting of a grilled, steamed, or boiled sausage served in the slit of a partially sliced bun. The term 'hot dog' can refer to the sausage itself. The sausage used is a wiener (Vienna sausage) or a frankfurter (Frankfurter Würstchen, also just called frank). The names of these sausages commonly refer to their assembled dish. Hot dog preparation and condiments vary worldwide. Typical condiments include mustard, ketchup, relish, onions in tomato sauce, and cheese sauce. Other toppings include sauerkraut, diced onions, jalapeños, chili, grated cheese, coleslaw, bacon and olives. Hot dog variants include the corn dog and pigs in a blanket. The hot dog's cultural traditions include the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest and the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile. These types of sausages were culturally imported from Germany and became popular in the United States. It became a working-class street food in the U.S., sold at stands and carts. The hot dog became closely associated with baseball and American culture. Although particularly connected with New York City and its cuisine, the hot dog eventually became ubiquitous throughout the US during the 20th century. Its preparation varies regionally in the country, emerging as an important part of other regional cuisines, including Chicago street cuisine. The word frankfurter comes from Frankfurt, Germany, where pork sausages similar to hot dogs originated. These sausages, Frankfurter Würstchen, were known since the 13th century and given to the people on the event of imperial coronations, starting with the coronation of Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor, as King. "Wiener" refers to Vienna, Austria (German: Wien), home to a sausage made of a mixture of pork and beef. Johann Georg Lahner, an 18th/19th century butcher from the Franconian city of Coburg, is said to have brought the Frankfurter Würstchen to Vienna, where he added beef to the mixture and simply called it Frankfurter. Nowadays, in German-speaking countries, except Austria, hot dog sausages are called Wiener or Wiener Würstchen (Würstchen means "little sausage"), to differentiate them from the original pork-only mixture from Frankfurt. In Swiss German, it is called Wienerli, while in Austria the terms Frankfurter or Frankfurter Würstel are used. The term dog has been used as a synonym for sausage since the 1800s, possibly from accusations that sausage makers used dog meat in their sausages. In Germany the consumption of dog meat was common in Saxony, Silesia, Anhalt, and Bavaria during the 19th and 20th centuries. Hot dogs occasionally contained it. So yeah, anyone claiming otherwise will be banned on the spot. This is NOT up for debate!!!
    6 points
  22. If you're targeting MBF21, then UMAPINFO is also available, so you'll be able to split the project into proper episodes of whatever length you want, move the secret maps/exits, expand/shrink the available map slots based on interest, and so forth -- there's no need to stick to Doom 2's 32-map format. Relatedly, it's generally a good idea to have folks reserve an episode (for theme's sake) but not a specific map slot, then figure out the optimal order based on the submissions that come in. If map slots are pre-reserved and there isn't a directed effort to have folks coordinate with their neighbors, you'll end up with super-wonky difficulty curves and pacing issues (e.g. 3 people making huge maps in a row). Or at least reserve the right to rearrange stuff afterward, so folks know to expect it.
    6 points
  23. lil break from the hydra. Orc Hunter - walk, javelin throw, and dodge:
    6 points
  24. that one joe-ilya map where there's a single zombieman and the map crushes you if either of you shoot:
    6 points
  25. Working on a doom mega wad. I’ve been experimenting with fog and lightning effects.
    6 points
  26. The starting room was originally where the empty room is at. But they weirdly moved it for some reason and I guess they just didn't have any ideas on what to do with the empty space so they just made a big empty room. It even still has the two doors, the unpegged textures in them, and has the two clip pickups from the original version.
    5 points
  27. Small update for RC2: map 06 received a tiny fix (demos still sync ofc) and we also added DEMO lumps with the runs of the first 3 maps. New download link is in the OP. This version goes straight to idgames now, I will update when it lands there :)
    5 points
  28. Liberation

    Hot Dogs

    I've just had to hide a few posts. Don't post random shit please.
    5 points
  29. It's been a while ladies and gents, but I've finally gotten around to releasing the completed map pack. I've had to endure a few setbacks by losing files and lack of overall organization, but I was finally able get this project off the back burning and finish it. I even included a new map as well! A new file link is here:https://www.mediafire.com/file/gdz2yz933x5e6d4/UACTakeOver2_0.zip/file and in my first post as well.
    5 points
  30. It had been ages since I took a picture of myself :)
    5 points
  31. looking forward to more :D map08 max 2:24 https://youtu.be/baakph5P6jw z408-224.zip
    5 points
  32. map06 max 1:39 https://youtu.be/laOKtXHCm3U z406-139.zip
    5 points
  33. "I got the axe!! Time to chop!"
    5 points
  34. Summer is fast approaching and that means Doomguy needs a vacation! And where else to go but the tropics? I love tropical themed wads, some of my favorite wads are based around a tropical/island theme. So that's why I'm starting TropicHELL, which is a MBF21 Community Project based around tropical, beach, and ocean scenery. This community project is heavily inspired by Overboard, as well as various other ocean-themed wads like Ray Mohawk 2, Epic 2 and Pirate Doom. So let's dive in, shall we? Rules 1. Your map must be made in MBF21 format. We are using DOOM2 as the IWAD. 2. Use the custom resource pack available for download below. It is a resource pack I put together from various tropical-themed wads (mainly Overboard) as well as a handful of texturepacks like 32in24tex. It also has a handful of edited and original sprites/textures in it. Using vanilla textures is OK, but don't use stuff that sticks out or clearly doesn't fit with the theme. If there's anything not in the texture pack that you want, just ask and I'll see about adding it! 3. Your map should be tropical themed and set on the ocean. If you claim a slot in Episode 1 your map can be set on a larger landmass (aka not be completely surrounded by water). Otherwise your map should be an island. Also, follow the guidelines for the episode themes, and if you are unsure about anything, just ask me. 4. Your map must start and end on The Boat(tm). Doomguy needs a boat to sail to all these islands right? This is another idea shamelessly ripped from Overboard but I built a Boat(tm) for this project and you're going to start and exit on it (with the exit requiring a key), just like in that wad. That means your map has to be designed around backtracking. In terms of The Boat(tm) itself, it is contained in a template level I made available for download below. Oh, and since you asked so nicely here is a picture of The Boat(tm): 5. Difficulties, Co-op starts and a MIDI are all required. If you don’t have these, I will provide them for you. No requirements for your MIDI as long as it fits the tropical vibe… 6. Your maps' difficulty should be based on what Episode you choose. For Episode 1, it should be traditional gameplay only, with difficulty not rising above Plutonia. For Episode 2, I'm willing to accept all the way up to slaughter-lite. And for Episode 3, full on slaughter maps are allowed, since those should be larger maps anyway. However, 2000 monster behemoths where the BFG is the only relevant weapon are generally not going to be allowed. 7. (Optional) Join the Discord server. You don't have to but it sure makes communication a whole heck of a lot easier. I haven't set it up completely yet but here is a link. 8. The deadline for submissions is August 31st. Please drop your mapslot if you can't make it by that point. Downloads Download the updated resource pack (TropicHELL_Resources_v1.2) Download the demo map (TropicHELL_DemoIslands) Download the template map (TropicHELL_Template) Please use the template map when creating your level! It contains The Boat(tm), as well as a vast sea for you to start building your level upon. Also above is Demo Islands, a short level I made to show off the textures and sprites that I have in the resource pack. It won't be a part of the main map roster, but I might put it as a bonus map later. Load it alongside the resource pack and give it a play if you want, it's fun and shouldn't take you longer than 2 minutes. Here's a screenshot: Map Submission Format Map Name: Map Slot: Author: MIDI: Coop/Difficulties: Comments: Screenshots: 
    4 points
  35. already made a pr for this: https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/pull/1368#issuecomment-2101849335 this is a palette that i and ugljesa11ugi made (i did the bulk of the work, ugljesa11ugi did the blue and red ranges before me) the main things i wanted to do making this were to implement hueshifting (tints yellow in light and blue in dark, common principle of pixel art) and minimize the amount of tones taken directly from the id palette
    4 points
  36. Work in progress wad that I will try to finish. The wad will have 10 maps and I'll constantly update it but since i build extemely slowly it might take me more than a month or two. It is for BooM Complevel 9 and works in gzdoom (tested with boom strict) The wad is meant to be played single segment but pistol start is also taken into account and the wad is inconsistent sometimes so yeah and thats all. I recommend you treat this as an early version. The Zip file also contains a demo which is me playing the wad on Ultra Medium finding all secrets and complvl 9 and if it desyncs that ok I guess. Only Playerstarts 1 2 3 4 are added. No extra enemies or guns. Iwad is doom2 Map format is Boom Doom2 Boom is needed Difficulty level is mid THANK YOU TO Baron T. Mueriach FOR MAKING MAP01 LOOK MUCH BETTER. Assault.wad Asslt.zip
    4 points
  37. Very interesting discussion happening here! I do think it is a little bit a of shame that I had added Boot Assault, in hindsight. Having 5 episodes of 45 sounds better for branding, it rolls off a little better, than 5 episodes of 46 maps. But gameplay and progression-wise, I do think the Lost Levels are better for it. firstly, I do like it when all of an authors maps are together in series, so having all 4 Mustaine maps together was a must for me, when deciding the map order, secondly, Canyon is generally considered inferior to it's sibling Attack and I didn't want to leave a decent to good episode hanging on it's arguably weakest map, so as I had come across Devalaous' work, I though to include Boot Assault in, as a bonus to round off the end a little better than Canyon, while keeping the "Theresa Chasar and Tim Willits" authorship for the second half of the episode. While Kick Attack did come out later than the Master Levels, and wasn't solely the work of Willits, I believed that in a vacuum, if a player with lesser knowledge of history and where things came from in general, they could at least appreciate the ending better with it than without it. That is to say, much like stripping KA of it's assets created BA, it is true that stripping it of it's context also allows it to stand together with it's newly adopted siblings, as a proper trio working as one to favor the episode, and indirectly, make each map feel more cohesive, like they are a part of something a-bigger than the sum of it's individual parts. No matter where or from when these parts come from. KA was just lucky to have a Master Levels contributor as it's project leader and a close time of release. Other maps become a little more complicated, and less sound to include, while John's work is undeniably magnificent in it's own, it has less involvement in being a part of the Master Levels creators. It also doesn't fit very well with the thought above, of each map contributing to the whole episode thematically and consistency-wise (although once I have actual time for Dooming instead of just developing, I'll definitely checkout Raven and TIZ for potential inclusion). Not that I'm opposed to the idea of a "Modern" Master Levels, taking clues from the Masterpack of course, where the greatest Doom mappers of this generation get in a team, and each make a whole single episode, following a single cohesive theme each, a single dedicated sky texture for it's totality, picking out the individual MIDIs themselves, etc. Less a single megawad of multiple episode and more so a bunch of various distinct episode-WADs glued in one megawad, if that makes any sense. And if it doesn't make any sense, that's fine, just putting my thoughts out on the information superhighway. And I'm excited about people giving the Masters a shot, it is very satisfying to build this and see fellow Doomers enjoy it. Thank you.
    4 points
  38. I am excited to see the finished product after everything gets straightened out and finalized. Like it will be THE difinitive way to enjoy these maps. 😀
    4 points
  39. E3M4 UV Max Co-op in 2:29 with BFGandorf c3m4g-229.zip https://youtu.be/2LCxBybI_Uw
    4 points
  40. The post above is not true, and is heavily misinformed. In reality, heavy metal changed once Andrew Carnegie made the Carnegie Steel Company in 1892, which he would sell to J.P. Morgan in 1901, helping J.P. Morgan found U.S. Steel. This makes both J.P. Morgan and Andrew Carnegie the richest people during the Gilded Age of America, and revolutionizing the heavy metals industry.
    4 points
  41. MAP05 UV Max in 1:57.97 z405-15797.zip https://youtu.be/4qoN-_bhzuE
    4 points
  42. nice run, i knew i didn't completely seal the gap from the first fight to the platforming, and I believe I had tested it and was able to find the seam you did for the skip, but left it in figuring probably nobody would try it or think to do it ^_^
    4 points
  43. Two Boom compatible (cl9) levels for Doom 2. Quite challenging maps on UV (harder then Plutonia maps on skill 4), more manageable on lower skill settings. It features the low life Cybers Ribbiks created, which have 700 hp in this wad (a full credit list of the resources used is present in the text file). Cooperative gameplay is implemented. Screenshots: idgames: Silver Edge
    4 points
  44. 4 points
  45. Here's an updated version of my map. cesspit_v2.zip -Added more detail, realigned textures in certain places, fixed the missing texture that Raith138 pointed out -Made a couple areas visually clearer and generally more intuitive (I hope!) based on Lina's feedback -Simplified the BFG secret and removed those harmless spectres/demons lol -Other minor gameplay changes
    4 points
  46. BeachThunder

    Hot Dogs

    4 points
  47. Giving the 0.4 version of E2M7 the justice it deserved. It looks so butchered in the retail version to me. Adding the chairs later.
    4 points
  48. DOOM3 The Court ( CLASSIC EDITION ) — Fire Overlord
    4 points
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