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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/24 in all areas

  1. This has been a source of agony for me for the past three days, but lo and behold, Bad Apple being played on its entirety through sectors! I have no idea if it's possible to get pixel data from imported videos at runtime with GZDoom, but at least I couldn't figure out a way of doing it, which in turn means I did the only other thing that came to mind: Storing the video itself into a massive array. Oh, if only I had known... You need GZDoom or some other port that can handle ZScript. Tested with GZDoom 4.12.1. DOWNLOAD As an extra, there's a README file inside the PK3 with details on the implementation if anyone is curious about it.
    34 points
  2. Damn, y'all guys are getting AD? I still see this:
    33 points
  3. 27 points
  4. @Grungo This HAS to be your fault. You're the only one here capable of doing any kind of damage to the spacetime continuum.
    20 points
  5. No matter of what quantity new posts i compose, the last posts that show up on profile pages are those from december 1723. Is anyone else having this issue or is it just me? 'tis kind of annoying.
    18 points
  6. This has been in the making for a long time. Let the River carry you through a bizzare adventure while shooting, ducking and jumping demons to score points. Format: UDMF Requires OTEX 1.1: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/graphics/otex_1_1 DOWNLOAD Screenshots Trailer:
    18 points
  7. Expecting to finish the last unfinished map of my megawad today, hopefully in next few hours Hope this machine doesn't do anything mean
    14 points
  8. Antiquated Extraterrestrials: MAP05: Fray - Redux: Moving at a very brisk pace! This is an aesthetic re-make of my original MAP25 from Frantik DM 1! I re-drew everything bv hand, didn't copy a single sector, but it is still very much the original layout - I just took the time to clean up some slight gameplay issues, thicken certain geometry, shrink other geometry - and add a ton of detail. The original map was a hellish themed techbase thing - but I went w/ orange+teal this time through. The original level only had a total of 514 linedefs! This one has 3,203 linedefs - to give you an idea of the amount of detail that was added. NEW VERSION: ORIGINAL LEVEL: So yeah, quite an improvement, and worth putting in my newest pack, I think! :D
    13 points
  9. I'm in the process of making some kind of 'molten world' deathmatch level for my upcoming Ancient Aliens themed map pack. I'm working on some set-pieces right now. Does this look awful? Decent? Somewhere in between? Does it look believable at all? Any suggestions to improve it? It's Zandronum:UDMF. Here's the GIF in question: Ignore the animation 'skip' at the end of the GIF - I still haven't found out how to loop a GIF properly yet, haha. That little skip isn't present in the actual WAD. I'd appreciate if someone could let me know what they think! Thanks! :D
    11 points
  10. OniriA

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    Some more detailing.
    11 points
  11. Antiquated Extraterrestrials: MAP04: Hazard Havoc: Decided to call my Ancient Aliens themed DM pack: 'Antiquated Extraterrestrials'. Bit of a goofy name, but it makes me laugh for some reason - so I'll likely stick w/ it! This pack is coming along well so far, I think! Onto MAP05! Maybe some orange or red will be nice. I'll have to see what happens. :D
    10 points
  12. Honestly I think the confirmation e-mails not working is probably the biggest issue. I'm sure a lot of people probably just said screw it and gave up (I know you can contact Mordeth or something like the pinned thread says to do, but as evidenced by all of the threads OP is poking fun at, most people seem to scroll right past the pinned threads). I've gotten used to the profile page workaround so none of it actually bothers me, but it's concerning that the forum seems to be breaking down more and more.
    9 points
  13. Mine hasn't updated since March, 44 BC
    9 points
  14. It's not that I'm really "working" on something per se, but I was doing some field testing on PYDDTEX, a compilation I'm making out of as many submissions from the Post Your Doom Textures! thread as possible, and I've been on a real Plutonia kick lately. It might become a full project, might not be, but I thought these two areas I came up with looked pretty neat and definitely fits the vibe. Plus, something about taking established styles in the community and making something of my own "remix" of them tickles me in just the right spots :p
    9 points
  15. DiavoJinx

    Murder House

    Murder House A Single Player/Co-op level based in a spooky house... probably owned by cultists. It seems you were kidnapped and thrown into the dirty sub-basement of a fancy house to be ritualistically murdered. You need to escape and GTFO of here! ... before it's "curtains" for you (pun intended). (And no, of course not; you won't be leaving the obvious way.) The goal was to see if I could make a start to a Doom level that makes low level enemies feel a bit scary/dangerous before diving into pure OG Doom gameplay. I think I succeeded... restricting ammo at first and controlling the first engagements gives me more Resident Evil 1 vibes than Doom Eternal arcade-chaos combat. My DeHackEd pistol firing faster than the default, with new graphics, makes the basic Doom pistol feel more useful than the default pea shooter. This, stand-alone here, map is to be the lead-in experience to a short series of maps that I'm making based off my cousin's D&D dungeon/underground maps; a series I'm naming "The Other Side" (you'll see why early on! Side note: I have disdain for announcing projects long before completion so ignore this last paragraph, heh. It's a stand-alone map.). There are 2 early major traps. They're so early that I feel they aren't mean because you've lost nothing by resetting the map anew. One should make any Doom veteran wary on sight: a tight corridor with a flashing light when you escape your starting confines (don't get your hopes of escape up so high you forget your situational awareness). The other is a false exit, so early you haven't even seen the house yet! It even looks out of place! But it has an EXIT sign right? So I use a quote from The Crow to taunt the hopeful before triggering the map to reload. ;-) Screenshots: Video playthru, with light commenary: Folder of the requisite files Mhouse.wad, HH.wad, HH.deh and including a proper old school .txt description: This is made for GZDoom with Doom 2, and uses a couple of UDMF features. Crouching/jumping aren't necessary but aren't disabled. Map 01. Single player & co-op. (Co-op untested but has 4 starts and copious ammo, should be fine. Player 4 will need to be released, which they naturally will be when following the starting switch progression.) Just a few new graphics & sounds, nothing annoying... those I didn't draw/record myself are mostly from Heretic and properly documented & credited in the folder above. All difficulties accounted for. Pick the easier 2 if you want it actually easy; it was intended to be played on Hurt Me Plenty; UV not just has more monsters & ammo, but is made to be harder (different monsters sometimes, fewer healing items, even the red skull [key] is moved) -- UV does away with the atmosphere I think. While this uses UDMF, I didn't use much by way of modern source port features. However, I did use the Line_SetPortal in 2, logical places. First is the top of the main level staircase to the upper floor -- to create the "room over room" effect Doom can't natively do. The second is at the very end just before the exit: to create some of the spiral stairs down proper, with the final exit hall feeling like it's crossing "under" those stairs. Nothing non-Euclidean. And of course I like mirrors. Enjoy! EDIT: added my video playthru
    7 points
  16. Clearly everyone should keep making threads about this issue every week until the problem solves itself.
    7 points
  17. Guys help how do I get back to 2024 I'm stuck in 4096 the people here still make dumbass threads like these please its very urgent I beg you
    7 points
    7 points
  19. 7 points
  20. And with that... The first map is complete! A couple of notes: Out of all the mappers, only one submitted any music alongside their piece: obviously I've chosen that one for the finished product, heh. Remember that you can add some music to your map piece when you submit it! On a related note, I didn't get any additional suggestions for map names either. I chose the fairly simple name of Cold Open for my part of the submission, but if any of the other contributors want to have a different name up for consideration then they can send me a message. 👍 I did have to make some executive decisions in order to make all the map pieces accessible, particularly in the top row. I urge future contributors to make their map pieces as open and accessible as possible so this sort of thing has less of a chance to happen: as for me, I'll try and give more detailed descriptions of adjoining map pieces to help out that process. The map geometry is about sorted, but the gameplay will still need to be balanced to account for how all nine pieces play with each other. Feedback is greatly appreciated and all contributors can tweak their map pieces and make suggestions for others as needed. That's about all I have to say: considering this is the first map we've made using this process, I'm honestly quite happy with what's been produced. I'll announce the starting mappers for MAP02 and MAP03 after I've had some lunch.
    7 points
  21. yeah, ngl we're about 5 months into this issue with no word as to what is happening or when a fix is maybe on the way - I'm sympathetic to the fact moderation is working full time jobs on top of their jobs here but something needs to be done.
    6 points
  22. Unnamed AA DM Pack: MAP02: Sandy Sanctuary: Unnamed AA DM Pack: MAP03: Galaxy Base: Finished a new map, (MAP02) + I've also added an older map that I've been meaning to release for a while now, (MAP03)! I'm 3 maps into this new AA DM project so far, I'm looking to make 12 or so levels, that means I'm already a quarter of the way through! I've got a lot more ideas for more layouts! Hoping to get this done quite quickly - this will be a fun project to work on while I wait for my TITLEPIC artist to make my titlescreen for 'Dogtag DM'! :D
    6 points
  23. Work/Life has been a bit out of whack lately, but finding time to work on One Bite More for Headless Chicken has found UDMF continuing to click with me and teasing my designs out to be more vertical, while integrating features like slopes and portals tastefully. I quite like the possibilities it's inviting. MAP35: 6-2: Relic Hunter
    5 points
  24. idk what you guys are talking about, there's no bugs on doomworld on my end
    5 points
  25. It was just a reskin of another mobile game I can't even remember the name of. I'm glad it doesn't exist anymore, fuck Mighty "DOOM" and its microtransactions and bullshit arbitrary energy meters. Can't even use the excuse "It's just a mobile game" because I recall playing DOOM RPG on my iPod Touch 3 well over a decade ago, which was a cool game that actually allowed you to play it without having to pay money to restore a goddamn energy meter. All they did was take another piece of shit microntransaction-hell mobile app and slap a DOOM skin on it. You want the real "DOOM In Name Only"? Look no further than this mighty turd. Also, I respect the fact that you enjoyed the game even if I don't respect the game itself, but you gotta back up that claim of it being "a huge part of Doom" because as far as I can tell, most Doom fans either hate it or haven't heard of it!
    5 points
  26. Plutonia maps 01-14 UV speed TAS in 4:36. (I was going to finish it, but since I just saw a much better TAS came out, I can't really be bothered to do it lol.) 14plx436.zip
    5 points
  27. Mine hasn't updated since -12 BC. Now I see why they're running out of space..
    5 points
  28. Version 0.3.1, RELEASE! The "Are we really doing this? Guess we are then" Update I couldn't resist adding this in, as per discussions had here regarding the Master Levels 25th Anniversary MIDI Pack (ML25AMP), I have added an optional QoL patch in the "patches/" folder, as masterpack_ml25amp.wad. Get it here: https://elf-alchemist.itch.io/masterpack Or here: https://github.com/elf-alchemist/masterpack/releases/tag/0.3.1 My primary concern with MIDI choices in this project really comes down to decision fatigue. Analysis paralysis, if you will. We could sit here and have a long back-and-forth conversation about which MIDIs go with which maps, such as how you showed in previous posts about "choosing" the nicer MIDIs from ML25AMP. But that's not really productive at all. I have been contemplating this for a hot second now, and I have made a decision to keep things simple by "putting a line in the sand", as it were: The project will continue with it's current MIDI choices frozen as all music is unique episode-wise. And, from this new update, will provide the ML25AMP QoL patch for those who do like those sounds, however they will be used only in the maps they were built originally for, that is, no duplicates. And if, at some point in the long future, this project receives a proper MIDI pack as I talked about before, it will become the third, and last, roster for the Masterpack. Anyway here is the README from masterpack_ml25amp.wad:
    5 points
  29. Slowly getting the first level of my wad completed... or at least the design of it. Still got the monsters to layer into the level.
    5 points
  30. Waterfalls around the landing pad (very much WIP):
    5 points
  31. I made 5 levels mini-wad trying to follow modern design guidelines while using Doom 2 Vanilla format. (Limitations helps better to learn the fundamentals and keep craziness contained). LEVEL Average Time Note ------------------------------------------------------ MAP01 ~3min Introductory short easy level. MAP02 ~5min Intermediate Puzzle with fun action. MAP03 ~8min Little bit challenging, still small and fun. MAP04 ~20min The big one. A visit to the DRI (Demonic Research Institute) MAP05 ~12min In the final path to hunt your prey! (or be hunted) Here is a trailer for Map04: Or watch this quick playthrough of Map02 without spoiling secrets: ScreenShots: As you can notice each screenshot is taken from a different Doom source port. More screenshots: This shows the AutoMap for Map03, but don't worry secrets have been removed: I exhaustively tested and play-tested it using: Chocolate Doom, Crispy-Doom, GZDoom, Helion, prBoomPlus, Edge-Classic, Woof, DSDA-Doom... Freelook: Not required, but optional. Jumping: Not required, not needed, not advantageous... optional. The game design intention was to create a new episode in Doom 1,2 style in terms of visuals and gameplay, nothing too extremely far from the originals. The Doom you are familiar with, but applying a modern touch to remove some annoyances of the past and try fresh ideas. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD: FindingDeemo.v0.9.1.zip Latest update: - Added Map04 The DRI, declaring this project "complete", at least in size. - Reviewed the full playthrough and did minor adjustments. - Added music tracks. Want to know more?
    4 points
  32. Made for Doomworld Maximum '24, this map is an ode to PSX Doom's Club Doom secret map. I recommend playing this in GZDoom - some sector-based lighting effects may not work properly otherwise. LOAD THIS MAP ALONGSIDE OTEX |||| Club FIREBLU |||| <<<<IMPORTANT: REQUIRES OTEX TEXTURE PACK>>>> MAP01 replacement for Doom 2 Author: DoctorNuriel Music: "Insomnia" - Faithless (MIDI Arrangement) Tested in: GZDoom Multiplayer support: Co-op Only Jumping: No Crouching: No Freelook: Allowed Size: Small/Medium Difficulty implemented: Yes Est. playtime: 8 minutes //// The majestic Manor of the First Tear was home to the demonic warlord Baron Bay Ayron for many eons. Baron Ayron was known to harbor a deep hatred for dance and music, and forebade any such thing within his realm. Upon the Baron's (and his brother's) demise on Phobos at the hands of the Doom Slayer, the Manor fell into the hands of his fiercest rival, a Tyrant by the name of Tekcor Ecaf. To spite the late Baron, the Tyrant decided to convert the complex into what would become Hell's most popular nightclub: Club FIREBLU. In the Tyrant's office, once the Baron's throne room, a picture hangs of the musician Ayron hated most - Fifty-Fingered Bexx. Truly, the pettiness of Hell's denizens knows no limits. //// Screenshots: Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10zK--QsMK7O5O9zHouBvnsDbmH_1a0LB/view?usp=sharing
    4 points
  33. I just wanna say that I really think CRL has changed the game for vanilla. This port is absolutely excellent and makes sniffing out vanilla quirks a total breeze! I didn't really appreciate vanilla mapping until CRL, because using chocorenderlimits felt kinda clunky and not very enjoyable. It might honestly be my new favorite format and that wouldn't have happened if CRL wasn't such a joy to use :)
    4 points
  34. Kinsie

    Other Map Editors

    literally every retro fps with a still-extant mod community
    4 points
  35. More progress on Arcade Doom Pt. 1! I finally worked on the exterior and additional areas, and admittedly it was a bit difficult, but I certainly enjoy the work! Arcade Doom Pt. 1 will be finished within a week!
    4 points
  36. Thanks for feedback. Tried to double length of the legs, and slightly increased size of pincers and tail. Does it look better like this?
    4 points
  37. Map30 NM100S in 32:51-ny30s3251.zip
    4 points
  38. Version 2.0 is now available. Opening post of this thread has been edited with the new download links. Changes to visuals in most of the maps, some very slight and others more extensive. Some reworking of map mechanics and fights, again some only very minor and some a little more extensive. Tried to get rid of annoying switches where possible, and used some other methods to try and keep player amongst monsters without the tedium of multiple switch presses. Some still remain, but the worst of them are gone now hah! Also the CWILV files are now in the wad, so map names will display correctly on the screens between levels as well as in the automap. The first 4 or 5 maps don't have too much changed in them beyond some slight visuals....I wanted to keep those pretty much as they were to preserve the innocence and "naivety" of my first maps :-) The episode three maps 21 to 30 are probably my favourites...really happy how those turned out. Overall I'm much happier with this version compared to the original version....Hope you like it :-) Edit: Oh I forgot to say....there shouldn't be any major bugs as I've playtested it very intensively. But if anyone does find any bugs then I'd be very grateful if you could post on here. Cheers,
    4 points
  39. Still looking for VHS-tapes DOOM tournaments or just LAN-Parties from 1990s So what I have.. USA: -Deathmatch 95' at Judgment Day sponsored by Microsoft (Redmond, USA) on October 30, 1995. -Unknown DOOM II Tournament, USA, 1996. Russia: -Heure Cup (St. Petersburg) Qualifiers - September 22, 1996 Final - November 9, 1996. -DOOM Tournament, Yekaterinburg (semifinals and finals) 1997. -DOOM Tournament, Tula, 1997. -DOOM II Championship, Pskov, April 5-6, 1997. Some screenshots from documentary:
    4 points
  40. To be fair, you succeeded ;P Keep at it, it's looking good :) Olawd I didn't realise skewed ceiling in this kind of sloping design was a thing I needed in my life. I'll have to incorporate this sort of thing into some of my own maps at some point ^_^
    4 points
  41. map37 max in 1:03:07 hf237m10307.zip
    4 points
  42. 4 points
  43. It's so sad scrolling through this thread and seeing fifty broken images :(
    4 points
  44. I love the smell of nukage in the morning
    4 points
  45. Big trees using a sector trunk and mid-texture leaves.
    4 points
  46. Radsuit (left from freedewm)
    4 points
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